Student Awards 2016

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Transcript of Student Awards 2016

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COMPERE: Alun Owen – Director of Curriculum (Young People)

WELCOME: Jim Brown – Chair of Governors

INTRODUCTION: Yana Williams – Principal and Chief Executive


Stephen was born in the heart of Liverpool One and has lived and worked in Liverpool for most of his life. He founded KIND, the children’s charity in 1975 as a result of his experiences as a schoolboy volunteer with the NSPCC. Stephen is married with 3 children and has been guiding KIND for 41 years. One of the highlights of Stephen’s career was being the first person from an ethnic minority to be granted the Freedom of the City of Liverpool. The next highlight would be Everton winning the Premier League!

AWARDS PRESENTATIONS:Janet Trigg – Assistant Principal for Foundation and Vocational: Creative Arts Health, Social and Childcare Performing Arts and Music Travel and Tourism Sport, Public Services and Outdoor Education Business L20 Hotel School Connect and Prince’s TrustChristine Snape – Acting Head of Thornton College and SLDD: Learning for Life and Thornton College

Colette Mawdsley – Interim Dean of Higher Education Higher Education

Paula Rowland – Assistant Principal for Technologies and Apprenticeships: Construction and the Built Environment Engineering and Building Services Motor Vehicle Technology Science and Information Technology Hair and Beauty

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Paul Smith – Director of Work Place Learning Apprentice of the Year

Natalie Blackmore – Curriculum Director (Languages, Maths and Adult Studies) English for Speakers of Other Languages 16-18 Maths and English 19+ Maths and English Access to Higher Education

Owen Jones – Community Manager Community Learner of the Year

Alun Owen – Director of Curriculum (Young People) 14-16 College

Yana Williams – Principal and Chief Executive:

Outstanding Achievement Awarded to a student who has overcome hardship or difficult personal circumstances to achieve success on their course.

Personal Development Awarded to a student who has excelled both inside and outside of college.

Taylor Prize This award is sponsored by the Taylor Fund which was set up in recognition of the contributions made by both Arthur and Joyce Taylor to the communities of Bootle and Sefton. Each year, the prize is awarded to a student from Hugh Baird College who has shown special effort and achievement, and who is continuing on to higher education.

Colin Appleton Award for Excellence This award is sponsored by the College’s former Chair of Governors and is given to a student who has shown excellence in their performance.

VOTE OF THANKS: Yana Williams – Principal and Chief Executive

ATTENTION AWARD WINNERSPlease note that, at the end of the presentations, you are all required to return to the stage for a group photograph with our Guest Speaker, Principal and Chair of Governors. Please then go to the welcome desk to collect your prize.

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Nicola has continually produced an excellent standard of work that has never fallen below distinction level. She works independently and always with an infectious and mischievous sense of humour. Her final project, a marketing campaign for a young singer/songwriter, has gained international recognition via social networking. She has passion, commitment and a true talent.

Nicola RichardsCreative Arts

Feedback from Adam’s work placement said he was one of the best placements they have had. His great feedback earned him further work experience at the centre. Good at using his own initiative, he is a very chatty and outgoing person who has a lot of potential in Health and Social care settings. His tutors say he is a lovely character, always upbeat and full of determination and positivity.

Adam CatonHealth, Social and Childcare

Adam joined the Music Technology course with little self-confidence, often shying away from taking a lead role in performance activities. Over the past two years, his confidence has grown in all areas. He sets himself high targets and high aspirations for his future. He has worked relentlessly to improve his performance skills and his confidence on stage and is always keen to offer his help at events. He has secured a place at the University of Liverpool continuing his Popular Music studies.

Adam RenshallPerforming Arts and Music

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Chloe has been an exceptional student with 100% attendance and punctuality in spite of holding down a part time job for the duration of her time on the course. She has regularly been chosen to represent the College at various internal and external events, where she has displayed complete professionalism and motivation at all times. Her can do attitude and positive personality is infectious amongst students and tutors.

Chloe Lybert Travel and Tourism

Che is a quiet but confident young man who has worked very hard on the Public Services course. He has been proactive in working with staff to develop his learning skills. He works independently on his assignments; submitting many of them before submission date and all to a high standard. He also often volunteers to help any of his peers who are experiencing problems with their course work.As a result of his hard work, he is expected to surpass his predicted grade, earning overall distinctions.

Che Savas HeardSport, Public Services and Outdoor Education

Leah has demonstrated what can be achieved through personal commitment and extra effort. Keen to improve her employability prospects in preparation for progressing from College, she secured herself two work placements. As well as passing her Law exam and achieving an overall distinction in the level 3 Legal Secretarial diploma, she has recently been offered a job as a Transcriber of Medical Negligence. Her efforts, work ethic and commitment to her study programme make this news fully deserved.

Leah SolomonBusiness

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Matthew has gone from having no confidence to being the first student to volunteer for anything over and above his normal timetable, even working bank holiday weekend. He has done particularly well on the guest chef nights and was a star at the Chester Food Festival. He leads by example and is viewed as a mentor to our younger learners. His work placements were at prestigious establishments, where his work ethic and professional skills were commended.

Matthew YatesL20 Hotel School

Alex was nominated in recognition of the constant effort and contribution he made on the Prince’s Trust Course. He was truly inspirational and his willingness and determination was fantastic. He has a mature, calm and unassuming manner and was a reliable and popular team member. On work placement he was a credit to both himselft and the College and his tutors were very proud of the feedback he received.

Alexander Jones Connect and Prince’s Trust

Jessica has developed into a confident young woman, who is a very positive role model and a great student ambassador. She has successfully completed three diplomas within Learning for Life and has been offered a place on the Childcare course. She is reliable and hardworking and will never let anyone down. Particularly supportive of her peers and friends, she is a calming influence with charm and an excellent sense of humour.

Jessica Allen Learning for Life and Thornton College

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Charlie has creative flair and talent which is reflected in her outstanding grades. She strives for creative excellence in all she does. Written assignments were her personal challenge but with sheer determination and hard work, her honours dissertation was one of the best the team has seen for many years. Even recent health setbacks did not dampen her determination, drive and commitment to her studies. She is always positive and is an inspirational role model to those around her.

Charlie WhartonHigher Education

Ahmed has excelled in both practical and theory on the Wall and Floor Tiling course and is always on task. This year, he took 2nd place in his category at the UK’s largest multi-trade competition, SkillBuild. Feedback from his work experience provider has been excellent. The Chief Executive of the company said that his enthusiasm and work ethic was a joy to see, he was 100% reliable and tiled bathrooms to a high standard.

Ahmed Kassim Construction and the Built Environment

Daniel is a proactive member of the class and provides brilliant input in lectures, asking lots of relevant questions. He is a dedicated and keen student who works hard both at College and at home which reflects in his outstanding exam results. He is showing progress above and beyond expectation and has become a great role model for his peers and for the College.

Daniel Foster Engineering and Building Services

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Conor has transformed from a quiet student wary of college life, into an extremely well valued member of the class. His confidence has grown both personally and vocationally. He always produces work to a very high standard and goes above and beyond. He is a team player and a well-liked and valued member of the group. He deserves this award for the effort and commitment he has displayed; he truly is a joy to teach.

Conor SmithMotor Vehicle Technology

Liam is a very hard working student and is always first to finish tasks in his class. He has shown a great deal of enthusiasm, determination and motivation. He is a confident and popular student who mixes very well with the rest of the class. His contributions to class discussions are thoughtful and intelligent and he is a proactive and conscientious student. He has proved himself to be the highest achieving student across both Level 2 classes this year.

Liam Vaughan Science and Information Technology

Ashley is always well prepared and has shown outstanding commitment to the courses she has studied. She gained her hairdressing qualification with distinctions and is now set to achieve level 2 Media Make Up. She supports her fellow peers and has an infectious, positive energy, demonstrating a real passion for her subject. She always strives to be a good role model to her children, never gives up and works hard to achieve her goals and aspirations.

Ashley CowperthwaiteHair and Beauty

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Will came to the College aged sixteen with no catering experience. He was accepted for an apprenticeship within L20 Hotel School and went on to complete work experience in the Michelin starred Northcote Manor in Blackburn with Nigel Haworth. Following a trial at Malmaison Hotel, he was offered an apprentice position there. Now in his second year, he is running his own section and producing some excellent food. He has become confident in his ability and is a credit to his tutors and all young apprentices.

Will WilsonApprentice of the Year

Belal is an outstanding student who has excelled in all areas of his course. He came to class after completing a night shift at his full time job. An excellent role model for other students, he always made new students feel welcome and regularly helped other classmates. He even gave up his own time to act as a volunteer in level 2 speaking and listening exams. His ambition is combined with humility and he was the natural choice for this award.

Belal Eldek English for Speakers of Other Languages

Sean has excelled in maths all year with consistently outstanding marks and effort. He is a friendly learner and always willing to help others. He always asks for extra work to stretch and challenge himself and will actively choose tasks with as little guidance as possible in order to problem-solve himself. He never complains about workload and shows a genuine interest in the subject.

Sean Worswick 16 – 18 Maths and English

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Nicola has a positive and enthusiastic determination to succeed with her course, no matter what obstacles are thrown in her path. She exemplifies what we look for in a near perfect student – she is motivated, enthusiastic and relentlessly cheerful. She is generous with her time and shows a patience and maturity that will bode well in her future career in the social care sector.

Nicola Wright 19+ Maths and English

Jane’s confidence has grown enormously this year. She has been an excellent student and a pleasure to teach. She has gone from strength to strength, balancing the demands of the course alongside her family and work commitments. Her tutors were delighted when she secured a place on a highly competitive social work degree at Liverpool Hope University.

Jane WoodAccess to Higher Education

Claire is always extremely motivated and attentive in class. She made sure she was fully prepared for the examination by completing Level 2 papers independently, in her own time, enhancing both her knowledge and examination technique. The hard work paid off when she passed the Mathematics examination in March. She is a dedicated, conscientious student who appreciates any opportunities that present themselves and acts positively on them.

Claire BryanCommunity Learner of the Year

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Rebecca focused on making her transition from school to College a success and has made major leaps in progress in all of her subjects. She works extremely hard to stretch and push herself and has finished year 11 as a more confident and able student. She demonstrates great empathy with her colleagues and gives time to help others in the class to also understand and complete work projects. We expect her results will reflect her commitment and hard work.

Rebecca Cree14-16 College

Cristina has shown exceptional commitment and motivation throughout the course. She is determined to do well and this has reflected in all of her assignments and in the excellent grades she’s achieved. A quiet, reserved young woman, she is a shining example of maturity, dedication and commitment. She is a very polite and respectful student who sets herself high standards and strives to achieve distinction grades on all her work.

During her course, she has undertaken work placement in a variety of health and social care settings and reports from her supervisors are always complimentary and positive. Overcoming numerous barriers, she has shown that she is a determined young woman, turning every barrier into a challenge that she strives to conquer. She is respected by staff and her peers and has been a positive inspiration to all.

Cristina FabianOutstanding Achievement Award

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Paul began his course as a rather quiet student but soon developed his confidence enough to seek help from tutors. He reacted very positively to all advice provided in an effort to improve his work. He has completely embraced the opportunity to further his education and has developed a love of learning.

On a personal level, he has become more confident as the year has progressed and has endeavoured to share his enthusiasm with his peers. He has become an excellent role model who will readily support others, encouraging and motivating them. In his spare time he helps at a local food bank - an example of his desire to help and support others. His tutors say it has been an absolute pleasure to teach him and to witness the academic and personal progress he has made.

Paul IansonPersonal Development Award

Eric has been an outstanding student throughout the year. He represented the College at the North West Regional Finals of the AHT Competitions with full commitment, winning 1st place in his category. His work experience placement provider was so impressed with his professionalism that they offered him a part time job, which he has maintained alongside his commitments at College and at home.

In spite of a busy work and home life, and travel from Southport to come to college, he has still maintained 100% attendance and punctuality, overcoming all of his challenges to succeed. He shows support to his peers and is a great member of his group. He is a truly hard working student.

Eric JonesColin Appleton Award for Excellence

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Jane is almost unrecognisable from when she first came to College. At first, her learning curve was steep but she worked closely with tutors to plan her progression. She attended weekly skills focus sessions to support her studies, as well as coming into college on her days off to ensure she was up to date, always meeting her deadlines and producing an excellent standard of work.

Along with the pressures of completing two courses, she faces personal challenges on a daily basis but comes to college in full uniform with the same determined attitude she always displays, getting herself back on track to achieve her goal of progressing onto the Foundation Degree in Festival Management at the Hugh Baird University Centre.

Jane KeeganTaylor Prize

ATTENTION AWARD WINNERSPlease note that at the end of the presentations, all winners are required to return to the stage with their trophy for a group photograph with our Guest Speaker, the Principal and the Chair of Governors.

Please then go to the welcome desk to collect your certificate before enjoying the refreshments.

This year’s Awards Evening is supported by the Hugh Baird College Scholarship Fund and sponsored by Gov Radio.

Refreshments were prepared and served by our L20 Hotel School students and staff.

Assistance was provided throughout the evening by our Cabin Crew students.

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College achieves prestigious

Dyslexia Quality MarkCarers pampered by students and staff

Student earns work placement at

Michelin starred London restaurant

Student named Apprentice of the Year

College awarded Platinum Partner status by RAF

More top chefs inspire L20 Hotel School students

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College hosts Lord Baker

and Prue Leith

Success at Skillbuild 2016

Success for Hugh Baird’s first Prince’s Trust students

Creative Make up students help out at Very Big Catwalk event

Student crowned North WestYoung Painter of the Year

University Centre earns

two commendations in QAA Higher

Education Review

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Hugh Baird CollegeBalliol Road

BootleLiverpoolL20 7EW

tel: 0151 353 4444email: [email protected]


Photos of the event are available to download fromthe College’s website at

Hugh Baird College is committed to Equal Opportunities

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