string lesson sampler - Alfred Music · Expressions saves teachers vast amounts of time and money....

string lesson sampler

Transcript of string lesson sampler - Alfred Music · Expressions saves teachers vast amounts of time and money....

string lesson sampler

Orchestra Expressions features

3 Key Components:

Performance MusicTeacher’s Curriculum Package1 2 3

Student Books

Teacher Curriculum Package1The Teacher Curriculum Package includes everything you need:

Book One includes: Book Two includes:

Teacher Edition Volumes 1– IV

9 Teacher Edition CDs





This groundbreaking instrumental curriculum is much more than a method.

It is designed to meet the everyday challenges of today’s orchestra director,

Expressions Music Curriculum™ is the only K-8 classroom and correlated instrumental curriculum that builds music skills from class to class and year to year with consistent instructional strategies and spiral content. Orchestra Expressions is the only orchestra curriculum of its kind that provides music educators at all levels easy-to-use, exciting tools to meet daily classroom challenges and bring new vibrancy and depth to teaching music. Orchestra Expressions and the entire Expressions Music Curriculum were conceived and created to help give you the time and freedom to do what you do best…TEACH.

Orchestra Expressions is built from the National Standards for Arts in Music Education—not retrofitted to the Standards. The lessons in the curriculum were structured to build on students’ prior knowledge. The program is music literacy-based, starting with the fundamentals of playing an instrument and continuing through comprehensive musicianship, and meets reading and writing mandates for classroom learning.

Unique Features of Orchestra Expressions

and to provide students with a solid education in music.

• Built from the National Standards for Music Education

• Embedded assessments for easy, consistent evaluation of student progress

• Full-color student lessons and scripted teacher lesson plans throughout

• Preparation for other musical ensembles and experiences

• “Four-fingers-down” start for every instrument

• Separate but simultaneous development of both hands

• String bass begins in III position developing early shifting

• Twelve string orchestra pieces—5 in Book One and 7 in Book Two—arranged by Sandra Dackow

• Full orchestra arrangements at the end of Book One and Book Two can be used in conjunction with Band Expressions™

• Useable as part of Expressions Music Curriculum or as a stand-alone orchestra curriculum

Kathleen DeBerry Brungard

Michael L. Alexander

Gerald E. Anderson

Sandra Dackow

Anne C. Witt, Contributor

Jack Bullock, Contributing Arranger

Victor Lopez, Contributing Arranger

To receive a FREE copy, visit !







� �

Additional contributers include: Robert W. SmithSusan L. SmithTom Roed

Teacher Resource Guide Teacher Resource Guide

Teacher Edition Volumes 1– IV

Teacher Support Pack Teacher Support Pack

6 Teacher Edition CDs

Teacher Support Pack The Teacher Support Pack includes reproducible materials for classroom use and student assessment. This helpful component of Orchestra Expressions saves teachers vast amounts of time and money.

Book One

• 61 reproducible transparencies for visual learning

• 54 reproducible worksheets for assessment, notation, and composing activities

• Orchestra Progress Record— a reproducible, lesson-by-lesson chart for tracking student development and needs

Book Two

• 49 reproducible transparencies for visual learning

• 88 reproducible worksheets for assessment, notation, and composing activities

• Orchestra Progress Record —a reproducible, lesson-by- lesson chart for tracking student development and needs

“My students found the material delightful and engaging.”

Patty BrennanPortsmouth, VA

Composer Portraits are in-depth studies of composers through their music, photographs, and biographies.

Book One includes: • Georges Bizet• Ludwig van Beethoven• Aaron Copland• Johann Sebastian Bach• Johann Strauss II• Igor Stravinsky• Antonio Vivaldi• Johannes Brahms

Book Two includes: • Gustav Holst• Antonín Dvorák• Johann Pachelbel• Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky• George Frideric Handel• Gioacchino Rossini• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart• Alberto Ginastera• John Williams

• Four volumes are spiral-bound—one for each quarter. Each contains a table of contents and index.

• Book One and Two Teacher Editions include over 960 pages.

• A plastic sleeve inside the front cover of each volume holds worksheets, transparencies, and CDs for the day’s lesson.

• Prescriptive, systematic lessons include music scores for immediate reference.

• Lesson Plans provide all the necessary information for busy teachers, and substitute teacher and enrichment lessons are included for added flexibility and learning.

• Lessons include a logical introduction of key concepts for musical development, including intonation, warm-ups, sight-reading, performance evaluation, critical listening, ensemble skills, and solo playing.

• Students develop a foundation of music knowledge with music theory, improvisation and composition exercises.

• Reading and writing is encouraged through composer portraits, worksheet activities and research projects.

• Listening activities begin and end each lesson, and relate to the concepts or music covered in

each lesson.











� Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information. �


Teacher Edition VolumesThe four easy-to-use volumes are designed so you can take full advantage of your classroom time.

“It’s so teacher-friendly… this is going to be an awesome curriculum.”

Cheryl G. BlackCamden, SC

“The students were so eager to sing songs from the previous week that they’d start singing as soon as they got to my door.”

Keisha PendergrassChester, SC

Preview the entire Expressions Music Curriculum™ at!


a division of Alfred

Teacher Resource GuideThe Teacher Resource Guide (TRG) is the ultimate resource for every orchestra director. It includes articles on curriculum organization, assessment, advocacy, classroom management and organization, conducting, professional involvement, scheduling, and many other topics.

The TRG includes information on:

• Classroom management• Scheduling• Instrument maintenance and repair• Ensemble set-up

Book One

Book Two

Book One

Book Two

Includes 6 CDs

Teacher CDs“Punch-and-go” teacher CDs are in lesson sequence and were recorded live in the studio with authentic instruments.

“I love the recordings!”Jennifer D. Hartman

Shawnee, KS







• Fingerings• Unit Focus Map• Scope and Sequence• Reference copies of all worksheets,

transparencies, and forms

Performance Music 2

Book OneAmerica: Sweet Land of Liberty

(arr. Story) (1) (00-BSOM05018) ...$40.00

Apollo Fanfare (Smith) (1½) (00-26617) ............................................$40.00

Bohemian Stomp! (arr. Dackow) (½) (00-BSOM04003) ................................$40.00

Celebration Gala (Bullock) (½) (00-BSOM04001) ................................$40.00

Cielito Lindo (arr. Bullock) (1½) (00-24994) ........................................................................................... $45.00

Encore (An Overture for Strings) (Story) (½) (00-BSOM04002) ............................................................................... $40.00

Episode, K. 216 (arr. Dackow) (1) (00-26616) ............................. $40.00

Finale (from Symphony No. 1) (arr. Bullock) (1) (00-BSOM05010) ............................................................................... $40.00

I Got Rhythm (arr. Story) (1) (00-SOM04010) .............................. $40.00

Rockin’ Strings (Lopez) (1) (00-BSOM05019) .............................. $40.00

There Stands a Little Man (arr. Dackow) (1½) (00-24993) ...... $40.00

Book TwoAuld Lang Syne (arr. Dackow) (1½)

(00-29653) ................................................$TBA

Batman Theme (arr. Dackow) (2) (00-26626) ............................................$45.00

Castle Lore (arr. Smith) (2) (00-25004) ............................................$40.00

The Cherry Tree Carol (arr. Smith) (1½) (00-BSOM04019) .....................$45.00

Fiesta de Mayo (arr. Story) (1½) (00-BSOM04018) ............................................................................... $45.00

Gamelan (from “O”) (arr. Story) (2) (00-29657) ......................... $50.00

Goondiwindi (arr. Smith) (1) (00-BSOM04004) .......................... $40.00

Happy Holidays! (arr. Story) (2) (00-BSOM05017) ..................... $45.00

(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (arr. Story) (2) (00-26627)........... $45.00

Wipe Out (arr. Dackow) (2) (00-25003) ......................................... $45.00

Orchestra Expressions includes four full performance pieces in Book One and seven pieces in Book Two, written and arranged by various authors of the series.

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W.A. MozartArr. by Sandra Dackow

Episode, K. 216

© 2007 BELWIN MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. (ASCAP), a division of ALFRED PUBLISHING CO., INC.All Rights Reserved including Public Performance


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Off the string at the frog



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Words and Music by Neal HeftiArr. by Sandra Dackow

Batman Theme

© 1966 (Renewed) EMI MILLER CATALOG INC.All Rights Controlled by EMI MILLER CATALOG INC. (Publishing)

and ALFRED PUBLISHING CO., INC. (Print)This Arrangement © 2007 EMI MILLER CATALOG INC.

All Rights Reserved including Public Performance


Orchestra Expressions Performance Music SeriesOrchestra Expressions also offers additional selections as stand-alone performance pieces in a separate performance music series.

Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information.





Student Book One• Unit 22, p. 39: On the Beautiful Blue

Danube (Strauss / arr. Dackow)• Unit 28, p. 49: Spring (from the Four

Seasons) (Vivaldi / arr. Dackow)• Unit 31, p. 53: Gaudeamus Igitur

(Brahms / arr. Dackow)• Unit 33, p. 55: Music for the Royal

Fireworks (string orchestra or optional full orchestra in conjunction with Band Expressions™) (Handel / arr. Dackow)

Student Book Two• Unit 7, p. 13: America, the Beautiful (Ward / arr. Dackow)• Unit 10, p. 19: Canon (Pachelbel / arr. Dackow)• Unit 12, p. 23: “Finale” from Serenade for Strings (Tchaikovsky / arr. Dackow)• Unit 15, p. 27: “Hornpipe” from Water Music (Handel / arr. Dackow)• Unit 22, p. 33: William Tell (Theme from the Overture) (Rossini / arr. Dackow)• Unit 26, p. 39: “Allegro” from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart / arr. Dackow)• Unit 27, p. 41: The Star-Spangled Banner (Smith / arr. Dackow)• Unit 33, p. 51: Star Wars® (Main Title) (string orchestra or optional full

orchestra in conjunction with Band Expressions) (Williams / arr. Story)

Includes 9 CDs

Student Editions contain attractive full-color interior text, easy-to-read notes, enlarged staves for easier writing in Creative Expressions, and a Glossary in the back of each book.

Book One Book Two

Violin Book & CD ............................................. (00-EMCO1002CD) / $8.95 .....................(00-EMCO2002CD) / $10.95 Viola Book & CD ............................................... (00-EMCO1003CD) / $8.95 .....................(00-EMCO2003CD) / $10.95Cello Book & CD ............................................... (00-EMCO1004CD) / $8.95 .....................(00-EMCO2004CD) / $10.95 Bass Book & CD ............................................... (00-EMCO1005CD) / $8.95 .....................(00-EMCO2005CD) / $10.95

Student Books

To receive a FREE review copy, visit !

Book One music includes:We Will Rock You!, Over the Rainbow, Wipe Out, Happy Birthday to You!, and the music of Aaron Copland, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Georges Bizet, Johann Sebastian Bach, Igor Stravinsky, and more.

Book Two music includes:Batman, This Land Is Your Land, Star Wars® (Main Title), America, the Beautiful, You’re a Grand Old Flag, William Tell, Can Can, Meet the Flintstones, When the Saints Go Marching In, and the music of Antonín Dvorák, Johann Pachelbel, Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky, George Frideric Handel, Gioacchino Rossini, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giacomo Puccini, John Williams, and more.

Two Student Edition CDs contain tracks recorded with real instruments. CD 1 is included in the student book and covers Units 1–15. CD 2 is available separately and covers units 19–33.

Creative Expression Activities—indicated by a light bulb in the Teacher and Student Editions—involve notating, composing, arranging, and improvising, many of which are worksheet activities.

New pitches, rhythms, symbols, and terms are easily identified with color highlights—blue for pitches, yellow for rhythms, and red for symbols and terms.

Connections between fine art and music are presented through full-color fine art in the student books and/or transparencies.

Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information.

Student Books 3The full-color Student Edition is designed to expose students to a wide variety of composers

and styles of music, while teaching the details of fine musicianship. Songs in the Student Edition, including a variety of popular music, will highly motivate students to practice.

Book One

Book Two











String Explorer!

String Explorer!Treat your students to an unforgettable journey

through string playing with


ng e



Student BooksBegin with colorful, easy to follow set-up photos and continue through rote, aural and reading skills, ensembles, solos, and activity pages which include theory, history, composition, world music and more. Designed to work well in private studio or class settings.

Book 1 & CD Book 2 & CD

Violin .................................. (00-20601) $7.95 ................... (00-20505) $7.95Viola ................................... (00-20602) $7.95 ................... (00-20506) $7.95Cello ................................... (00-20603) $7.95 ................... (00-20507) $7.95Bass .................................... (00-20604) $7.95 ................... (00-20508) $7.95

Enhanced Interactive CDsThis exciting CD includes the first 68 tracks from the 2-CD set of accompaniment recordings. It also has bonus multimedia content that can be accessed on virtually any home computer. This innovative practice program, the Interactive Explorer,

has MIDI arrangements of all the music in the book and allows students to choose violin, viola, cello or bass as the solo instrument, adjust tempo, change the volume of various accompaniment parts, and record themselves playing along (requires a microphone). Each background arrangement was created with care to reflect the style, period, and character of the piece.


string explo


Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information. 11

Piano AccompanimentsJust what it says! Well written accompaniments that may be used in teaching situations or at home to accompany students.

Book 1 (00-20624) ................................................................................$11.95Book 2 (00-20502) ................................................................................$11.95

Accompaniment Recording CDsA 2-CD set with recordings of every tune in Book 1 featuring wonderful acoustic recordings with a MIDI background. Each unit includes violin, viola, cello and bass as the solo instrument.Book 1 (2 CDs) (00-20607) ................................................................$14.95Book 2 (2 CDs) (00-20509) ................................................................$14.95

Teacher’s ManualThis textbook-style manual includes teaching tips, lesson plans, interdisciplinary units, and a full score of all the music in the student books. A copy of the

Interactive Explorer practice CD is included with every manual.Book 1 with CD (00-20605) ...............................................................$34.95Book 2 with CD (00-20503) ...............................................................$34.95

Teacher’s Resource KitThe Teacher Resource Kits include reproducible materials for assessment and classroom work in note reading, music history, rhythm and theory. The kits also include

80 rhythm flashcards that are correlated to specific units in the student books and cross-referenced in the Teacher’s Manual. A listening CD with samples of professional orchestras playing the original literature of each composer in each book is also included. Also included are five sample letters to parents, in both English and Spanish, which allow directors to communicate important information about their beginning string program. All resources are notated with the corresponding unit numbers.Book 1 Reproducible Kit (00-20606) ......................................$29.95Book 2 Reproducible Kit (00-20500).......................................$29.95

With a unique, full-color look and approach, String Explorer is sure to motivate both students and teachers in any group or individual setting. Join adventurers and tour guides Arco Dakota and Rosalyn Le Bow as they guide your students along the path to successful string playing.

String Explorer is a synthesis of the best pedagogy of the past aimed at the future and forged from the authors’ combined total of over 75 years in the classroom. Designed with the teacher in mind, the series includes all materials needed for the classroom with cross-references between them so they are easy to access. Designed with the student in mind, String Explorer has the fun and information-packed look of a website. Characters lead the way through the book and point out all the information that a teacher or student will need to know for each unit! Skills are presented sequentially and never more than one at a time.

Andrew Dabczynski

Richard Meyer

Bob Phillips

Featured Composers in String Explorer• Bach• Beethoven• Bilings• Dvořák• Elbel• Foster• Handel• Haydn• Mozart• Offenbach• Pierpont• Purcell• Rossini• Tchaikovsky• Wagner

World Music includes:• African-American• Argentinean• Chinese• Dutch• English• English-Australian• French• Irish• Israeli• Korean• Mexican• Mexican-American• Native American• Norwegian• Polish• U.S. American

string explo






Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information.1� 1�

An optional, eight-page rote section at the beginning allows students to focus on proper bowing and fingering first, before learning to read.

Visual and aural reinforcement facilitate learning the open strings

Adventure Maps chart out and define terms and symbols to be introduced.

A complete glossary is provided on page 47, and included terms are clearly indicated throughout the book.

New Notes are demonstrated with a photograph as well as a fingerboard diagram.

Line numbers refer to the corresponding String Explorer CD.

“Echo Exercises” help develop ear training.

All key concepts are grouped into units.

Full-color photographs of students taken from a variety of angles.

Student Book Features

A marker shows where the piece fits in on a music history timeline.

Arco Dakota offers “Arco’s History Highlights,” insights into the history of strings and music, selected composers and folk songs.

Rosalyn Le Bow explains and defines various elements and regularly encourages

students to perform a “Hot Shot Challenge.”

Five Activity Pages of playing and written exercises focus on music theory, ear training, composition, improvisation and world music.

Right- and left-hand concepts are combined in culminating exercises.

Right-hand bowing techniques are practiced alone first. Left-hand fingering techniques are focused on second.

A melody part and an accompaniment part

are provided for each performance piece.

Full performance pieces represent the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and

Contemporary eras.

Each performance piece begins with a synopsis of the period and how it related to world history, and the most popular composers of the time.

All pieces are arranged by renowned composer, Richard Meyer.

has been thoroughly field-tested and represents the best of contemporary

and traditional teaching practices.

String Explorer

String Explorer

“Superb! I love the colorful and informative pictures as well as the layout. History and theory are expertly presented.”

—Kelly Burgess, Hyattsville, MD

orchestra performance music series


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orchestra performance music seriesString Explorer

String Explorerstring e



Titles Correlated to Book 1 Item # Grade Price CorrelationAndantino and March (arr. Dabczynski) ..............................................(00-26564) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 14Anvil Chorus (from Il Trovatore) (arr. Dabczynski) .........................(00-20716) .................. (2) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 13Bach Country Fiddles (Meyer) ................................................................(00-20572) .................. (1) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 10Cabbage Countdown (Phillips) ...............................................................(00-22303) .................. (1) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 11Dance of the Brewster Bears (Phillips) ...............................................(00-23334) .................(1.5) ............... $44.00 ..............Unit 13December Fanfare (Dabczynski) .............................................................(00-23337) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 13Dragonhunter (Meyer) ...............................................................................(00-20797) .................. (1) ................. $40.00 ...............Unit 9Fiddles Down Under (arr. Dabczynski) ..................................................(00-24942) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 12Finale (from Symphony No. 5) (arr. Meyer) .......................................(00-20715) .................. (2) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 12Hey, Shepherds! (Meyer) ...........................................................................(00-26563) .................. (1) ................. $42.00 ...............Unit 9Hopak Dance (arr. Dabczynski) ................................................................(00-26565) .................(1.5) ............... $42.00 ..............Unit 13In Good Old Colony Times (arr. Phillips) .............................................(00-23338) .................. (1) ................. $44.00 ..............Unit 12Joust (Meyer) ..................................................................................................(00-26562) .................(1.5) ............... $42.00 ..............Unit 12Kabuki Dance (Meyer) ................................................................................(00-22304) .................. (1) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 12Musik of Shakespeare’s Daye (arr. Dabczynski) ..............................(00-24943) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 13Nightrider (Meyer) .......................................................................................(00-23339) .................. (1) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 12Rigaudon (arr. Meyer)..................................................................................(00-22306) .................(1.5) ............... $50.00 ..............Unit 11Starfleet (Meyer) ...........................................................................................(00-24939) .................(1.5) ............... $42.00 ..............Unit 12Sword Dance (arr. Phillips) ........................................................................(00-20570) .................. (1) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 12‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (arr. Phillips) .............................(00-26561) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ..............Unit 14Two French Dances (arr. Phillips) ............................................................(00-20719) .................. (2) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 13Whispering Winter Pines (Dabczynski) ...............................................(00-20571) .................. (2) ................. $40.00 ..............Unit 12William Tell Overture (arr. Meyer) .........................................................(00-23335) .................. (1) ................. $44.00 ..............Unit 12

Titles Correlated to Book 2 Item # Grade Price Correlation1812 Overture (arr. Dabczynski) ..............................................................(00-20717) .................(2.5) ............... $52.00 ...............Unit 5Concerto in D (arr. Phillips) .......................................................................(00-24944) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ...............Unit 3Little Russian March (from Symphony No. 2) (arr. Meyer) .........(00-24941) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ...............Unit 3A Merry-achi Christmas (arr. Nieto & Phillips) ..................................(00-26560) .................. (2) ................. $42.00 ...............Unit 1Pirates! (arr. Dabczynski) ............................................................................(00-22305) .................(2.5) ............... $50.00 ...............Unit 6Rockin’ Up the Housetop (Phillips) .......................................................(00-20718) .................(2.5) ............... $40.00 ...............Unit 4The Stars and Stripes Forever (arr. Dabczynski) ..............................(00-22307) .................(2.5) ............... $45.00 ...............Unit 7Subterranean Dance (Phillips) ................................................................(00-24940) .................(1.5) ............... $42.00 ...............Unit 3Symphony No. 3—Eroica (Mvt. 4) (arr. Dabczynski) .........................(00-23336) .................(2.5) ............... $44.00 ...............Unit 2Toucan Tango (Phillips) ..............................................................................(00-22302) .................. (2) ................. $40.00 ...............Unit 3

Visit for new titles as they are added to the series.


Correlated to specific pages in String Explorer, Books 1 & 2, this string performance music series provide a variety of teaching opportunities to implement and fortify the skills learned by first- and second-year string players. Each composition and arrangement is suitable for a young orchestra’s first concert performance, with parts that are clearly bowed and fingered to make teaching simple and enjoyable. Selections include a Violin III (Viola, treble clef) part as well as optional piano accompaniment.

String Explorer is available through SmartMusic®! Visit for more information on this amazing technology.

Also available… Exploring EnsemblesExplore the calendar with your students with this new ensemble book of accessible, fun tunes for many of the major holidays! Exploring Ensembles contains 12 concert-appropriate Grade One Ensembles that feature music celebrating holidays from the U.S. and around the world, providing a wonderful collection of multi-cultural music for small ensemble or string orchestras.

1� Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Visit for current information.

Features Unique to the

Cello Book• Sequential instruction separately

addresses right- and left-hand challenges unique to cello.

• Special emphasis on lower string issues.

• Basic introduction to fourth-finger extensions near the end of Book 1.

• Culminating “grand solo” specifically for cellists.

Features Unique to the

Bass Book• Clearly presented color photographs

illustrate proper position for both French and German bow, as well as for both standing and sitting posture.

• Sequential instruction that separately addresses right and left-hand challenges unique to bass.

• Early, non-intimidating presentation of shifting process eliminates unnecessary octave displacements and other awkward musical issues.

• Special emphasis on upper-string tone production before introduction of lower strings.

• Culminating “grand solo” and jazz “walking bass” solo specifically for bassists.

Violin (00-23176)......$7.95Viola (00-23177) .......$7.95Cello (00-23178) .......$7.95Bass (00-23179) ........$7.95Piano (00-23180) .....$7.95Score (00-23181) ...$29.95

For a complete listing of supplemental string resources,

visit today!

Jacquelyn Dillon  /  James Kjelland   /  John O’Reilly

The tried & true method with an easy-to-teach, straight forward approach from three renowned pedagogues. A unique letter-note style of music notation is utilized which ensures a smooth transition from rote-to-note reading. Students are quickly introduced to ensemble playing and play a wide variety of fun-to-play melodies, keys and modes. Strictly Strings features a carefully prepared lesson sequence which develops all players’ abilities equally.

Book 1 Book 2 Book 3

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Also available:

Strictly Classics, Books 1 & 2Perfectly correlated with the Strictly Strings Series, this flexible collection of string ensembles will inspire chamber music performances while introducing beginners to some of the greatest classic themes ever written.

Strictly Strings Christmas & Chanukah EnsemblesThis collection of 23 holiday favorites will not only motivate beginning string students in the classroom, but will also encourage home chamber music sessions. The flexible format allows the book to be used with any combination of instruments, from a solo player with piano accompaniment to a full string ensemble. Correlated with specific pages in the Strictly Strings method.

Strictly Strings Pop-Style SolosThis enjoyable collection features 15 solos with piano accompaniment or play-along CD. The pre-recorded accompaniments feature orchestrations which provide a sparkling showcase for the young performer while they help solidify rhythmic accuracy and improve intonation. Correlated with Strictly Strings, Book 1.

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