Stress Management (Sixtus Nnamdi)

Managing Stress in the Work Place Sixtus Nnamdi

Transcript of Stress Management (Sixtus Nnamdi)

Managing Stress in the Work Place Sixtus Nnamdi


Stress is the adverse reaction people have

to excessive pressure or other types of

demand placed on them.

It is a feeling and reaction to some


Causes of Stress

Effects of Stress.

How to manage Stress.

How to Manage Stress

Learn to Say No!

Don't over-commit yourself.

Live a Healthy Life Style

Sleep Early, Wake Early, have a healthy eating habit and exercise regularly.

Create a balanced schedule:

Analyze/prepare your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks.

Plan Work breaks:

Relax, play music, and try other things that you enjoy doing during your breaks.


There are a variety of steps you can take to reduce both your overall stress

levels and the stress you find on the job and in the workplace. These


Taking responsibility for improving your physical and emotional well-being.

Avoiding pitfalls by identifying knee jerk habits and negative attitudes that

add to the stress you experience at work.

Learning better communication skills to ease and improve your relationships

with management and coworkers.

The End