Strawberry Singh Photographer Spotlight Interview



Opulent Magazine Dec 2010 Words by Sixx Page Design by Aceius

Transcript of Strawberry Singh Photographer Spotlight Interview

One of my favorite photographers, who I’ve come to love and hate, Strawberry Singh. Okay, let me get the

hate part out of the way before she freaks out. Not really hate, it’s more jealousy. She won that coveted Belleza contest and I didn’t! Now that’s out of the way, I have to admit that I love Berry’s works! I first noticed her because of the Belleza contest and started keeping an eye on her releases ever since. Soon after, I noticed that she had a website as well. On top of that, she gives pointers and tips on how she do her magics! I love people like Berry who are grounded, don’t put themselves above others and tries to help people. I love her tutorials and she recently started doing video tutorials on youtube, so be sure to check them out. I’ll let her talk about that though. Without further ado, here is Berry.

Words by Sixx Yangtz

Strawberry Singh

What got you started in SL photography?

Well I was pretty much a newbie when Roosevelt Dagger took an amazing picture of me, then he took a few more after that; he has a whole picture set of me that he has done, on his Flickr page and I was just blown away and amazed at what he had done. He is actually the one who taught me that there is a snapshot button and I can take a picture of my avatar. I was only a month old and I was completely in awe. Roosevelt Dagger is definitely the biggest inf luence in my SL photography. I also got introduced to the SL Flickr community through him.

Roosevelt Dagger, Gabrielle Sinatra, Melodious Source, Colin Savon, Stephen Venkman and so many more. There are so many SL Flickr artists I have discovered in the past three years that have left me completely speechless. It’s amazing what magic people can create.

Which SL photographers have inspired you when you first started? Or continue to inspire you today?

PhotograPher SPotlight

Yes actually, invest in the best video card you can afford. Starting with a very high quality image is the most important part of my photography.

It’s one of the reasons, yes. I enjoy it a lot. But there are many things that keep me logging back into SL.

Not at all. Well, maybe the tutorials that I have done on my blog might. But other than that, no.

I don’t think I do. A lot of people seem to like my portrait shots, but I love my ethnic inspired shots the most. They carries a deeper meaning than just what you see on the screen.

Do you have any suggestions or tips for those of us who are just starting out as a SL photographer and those who want to become one?

Is photography the primary reason that keep bringing you back to SL?

Does what you do in RL relate to what you do here?

Do you specialize in a certain type of SL photography, for example, sceneries, builds, avatar profiles, weddings, et cetera?

I’m not very good at showing off, but I guess one award that I won that I was totally not expecting and came as a huge shock to me was the Belleza contest. I summed up my feelings in my blog post.

Tips and tricks I picked up from my friends and also online video tutorials and such. I have never had any sort of classes or training for it.

Have you had any SL Photography achievements you are particularly proud of?

How did you learn to use Photoshop so well to the degree that you do?

www.f blog and my Flickr page.

Where can we go to view some of your works?

Where would you direct anyone who would be interested in having you to do some work for them? Do you have a business card or a notecard that they can get? If so, how?

I would direct people to the “About” page on my blog. That is the only place I keep updated with current employment status and prices, et cetera. It’s easier to have all the information in one place which I can change anytime the need arises.

I wish that my clients would knew it is kind of difficult to recreate a picture I have previously done, which they might have seen on my Flickr page. A lot of the times, I get people sending me links to my pictures, saying that they want a picture just like those. It’s kind of hard to always get the same exact image every time, especially since the avatar being shot is completely different. I also wish

that my clients would chose to wore more quality skins and clothes for the shoots because that is an important part to getting a quality image.

What are some of the things you wish your clients would prepare ahead of time before a photo shoot with you?

I think I’ve been plugging in websites in almost every response! Well here it is again. It’s My blog has been such a positive inf luence in my life and I really really enjoy it.

Anything else you would like to add or share with our readers, about your work, business, links, slurls, websites?

Words by Sixx Yangtz | Editing and Page design by Aceius Hax