Strategy Rules

You are a voice for the Drogari race, humanoids on a planet in a different universe with ~early 2000's tech level, more information will be provided in game. Attributes: [6] Construction & engineering [6] Research & development [5] Economy & trade [3] Diplomacy [5] Espionage & counter-intelligence [5] Space/Naval Warfare [3] Ground/Infantry Warfare What the scores roughly mean: 0 – Your people have no clue of what they are doing. How did you manage to reach industrial revolution? 3 – Inefficient and inept, but not entirely hopeless. Compared to the output, your people spend more time on these tasks then they rightly should. With work they get results, and a true genius appears every few centuries to revolutionalize the field. 5 – Fairly average. While your people have no real instinctive understanding of this, it cannot be seen as a weakness either. 8 – Inherent aptitude. Your people have a real knack for these tasks, producing more for less effort than one might predict. Your geniuses in this topic are born quite a bit more often than just one or two in a century. 10 – Natural mastery. From the dawn of time, even without modern tools your civilization has made continuous great strides in this subject and created marvels scarcely believeable. Your people keep coming up with concepts and methods other races find difficult to replicate with similar technology or at times even properly comprehend. Rolls: 100 Divine Intervention critical success. You get goodies. 95 - 99 Critical success. You get some goodies. Maybe you unlocked a new tech, maybe you stumble on a friendly alien in need of a little help. 90 - 94 Really good normal success. A chance for extra goodies. 60 - 89 sliding scale of good mundane success. 40 - 59 sliding scale of neutral results/normal progress 10 - 39 sliding scale of bad results / very little progress / difficult problems 06 - 09 Really bad mundane result. Very probably zero progress, decent change for damages. 02 - 05 Critical failure. Zero progress, something blows up for sure, roll for damages. 01 Universe Hates You. Critical failure. Zero progress, something blows up for sure for massive damage, chance to loose something irredeemably. (Note - certain expenses/perks/bonuses/etc are fixed and do not need to be rolled for)


Sample rules for a PbP RP system.

Transcript of Strategy Rules

You are a voice for the Drogari race, humanoids on a planet in a different universe with ~early 2000's tech level, more information will be provided in game.


[6] Construction & engineering[6] Research & development[5] Economy & trade[3] Diplomacy[5] Espionage & counter-intelligence[5] Space/Naval Warfare[3] Ground/Infantry Warfare

What the scores roughly mean:

0 – Your people have no clue of what they are doing. How did you manage to reach industrial revolution?3 – Inefficient and inept, but not entirely hopeless. Compared to the output, your people spend more time on these tasks then they rightly should. With work they get results, and a true genius appears every few centuries to revolutionalize the field.5 – Fairly average. While your people have no real instinctive understanding of this, it cannot be seen as a weakness either.8 – Inherent aptitude. Your people have a real knack for these tasks, producing more for less effort than one might predict. Your geniuses in this topic are born quite a bit more often than just one or two in a century.10 – Natural mastery. From the dawn of time, even without modern tools your civilization has made continuous great strides in this subject and created marvels scarcely believeable. Your people keep coming up with concepts and methods other races find difficult to replicate with similar technology or at times even properly comprehend.


100 Divine Intervention critical success. You get goodies.95 - 99 Critical success. You get some goodies. Maybe you unlocked a new tech, maybe you stumble on a friendly alien in need of a little help.90 - 94 Really good normal success. A chance for extra goodies.60 - 89 sliding scale of good mundane success.40 - 59 sliding scale of neutral results/normal progress10 - 39 sliding scale of bad results / very little progress / difficult problems06 - 09 Really bad mundane result. Very probably zero progress, decent change for damages.02 - 05 Critical failure. Zero progress, something blows up for sure, roll for damages.01 Universe Hates You.  Critical failure. Zero progress, something blows up for sure for massive damage, chance to loose something irredeemably.

(Note - certain expenses/perks/bonuses/etc are fixed and do not need to be rolled for)

You as the players of this game represent collective council leaders of this civilization. You have no in-game avatars or characters. Decisions you make simply become the result of the in-universe people deciding on their own as the best course. As such you have perfect control over the leadership of the race, but notice this does not include the citizen element. Revolutions or even outright civil war may become possibilities if you start down a path of self-destructive or IC controversial policies; in which case you'd simply take over as the leaders of the victors of the diminished species, once the conflict has been resolved.

There are no action-slots, only the budget to be divided among topics you decide as important. The budget represents everything from resources to factory runtime to man-hours of politicians/entertainers/scientists etc, in equal measure. As your population grows or shrinks, gain or loose colonies, the people become happy/unhappy and work more/less etc, your budget is

modified accordingly. However, this does not represent the absolute sum total of your civilization's capability: rather only the 'free overflow' available for prime subjects after the expenses for your civilization's standard levels of lifestyle, education, healthcare etc have been paid. Independent research might result in breakthroughs you did not pay for, or intend. Civilians might cause problems with their thoughtless behavior. Corporations might exploit resources or craft sticky situations for their own benefit.

Bonuses and penalties might be applied at certain times, or be gained via various means. These bonuses and penalties will either grant a budget increase/decrease to specific topics, act as multipliers to budget figures or give a greater chance at success or failure. These will be handled primarily on a case-by-case basis.

Most resources will be abstracted into the budget figure: Gaining a planet with plenty of rare resources and dedicating it to mining the stuff simply increases your budget more than a mining colony on some other world would. Some resources of strategic importance might be tracked separately. Some projects might be impossible without a corresponding fluff element: such as constructing an outpost on a neighboring star-system when you have no interstellar-capable vessels. Use your common sense on these. If in doubt, ask.

You can research topics I have not specifically listed, and are in fact encouraged to do so.

Feel free to give a little description of what you want. This will not only help me judge if what you want done is actually feasible for your technology level, but also what kind of cost I should give it. In addition, it will help create a more vibrant universe, with a feeling of it being alive. Keeping everyone interested benefits both you and me.

***** *** *****

Turn 0 (Pre-game)

System InformationStar: Hanna (Yellow, spectral class G, ~5 billion years old)I Lava planet, 1 moon, uninhabitable due to high temperatures, not yet surveyedII Asteroid belt, thin, not yet surveyedIII Rock planet, 3 moons, barren desert lands, not yet surveyedIV Drogari homeworld, 3 moons (not yet surveyed), cool temperatures, 37% ocean, estimated maximum population of 10 billion peopleV Aquatic planet, 3 moons, cool temperatures, 70% ocean, not yet surveyedVI Asteroid belt, thick, not yet surveyedVII (Hidden)

Military Assets5x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satelite Coverage

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[3] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness


Turn 0 (Pre-game)Available Strategic Resources- NoneAvailable BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5 billion, economic modifier x1.1): 2,200,000,000 CreditsExpenses- NoneTotal Available Budget2.2 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%)

Issues/Events60, 41, 61

1. Scientific Investment Opportunity.  One of the Drogari private research labs has asked you to fund their research.  They are credited with having some of the top minds in your entire civilization at their disposal and would like you to invest 150 million credits to help fund their current research (it's top secret, don't ask).  In return they will give you 50% of the rights to the intellectual property of the project as well as share all spare resources available to help with your own research.  Should you accept this offer you will receive a +10 to any one roll in your own research as well.

2. Moral Dilemma.  Your markets have recently allowed the sale of Geelvis, a delicious fish found in the depths of the ocean.  This fish is currently selling well and producing large amounts of income (some of which you collect in taxes) but has a small chance of causing blood clots, some of which have turned out to be fatal.  While the chance of this happening is very low you are tasked with addressing the issue.  The markets want to continue selling the fish while some activists are beginning to protest as the death toll slowly rises.

3. Extraterrestrial Life?  A member of the Drogari Astronomical Society (DAS) has been hearing strange feedback on his extra long range scanner but as of yet has not been able to identify what it is.  He has, however, calculated that the feedback is coming from outside your system and that even FTL travel wouldn't allow anything to reach your system for at least another 10 years.  He has brought this to your attention as he believes you are not alone in the universe.  He will keep you updated as he continues to monitor the situation but has asked you to fund the DAS 50 million credits so that he can upgrade his equipment and hire additional staff.

Please note each turn represents 5 years unless otherwise stated

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[6] Construction & engineering - 23.8% of budget (525 million credits)

87- 200 million for Telecomunication Infrastructure- With the recent development of high-speed internet, it is time for the government to provide the infrastructure for it to the entire world, increasing entertainment, scientific discoveries, the economy, and more information for the CIA.Fiber optic cables are produced and used to upgrade the outdated infrastructure already in place.  One of the engineers has a contact who is able to provide materials at a discount price saving the team valuable money.  Work is completed swiftly and budget rebates are in order.+50 million for next turns budgetHappiness +1Improved infrastructure (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)

7- 200 million for Upgrading Satelite Coverage - Full upgrade of satelite coverage for greater broadcasting capabilities, increasing entertainment and communications networks as well as greater observatory functions increasing CIA effectivenessThe Drogari build new satellites with no trouble at all, prepare new software for the satellites already in orbit and set up orbital trajectories.  Everything goes well until the launch when the new satellites start colliding with those already in space.  Apparently someone copy-pasted the orbital trajectory from the new satellites into the updated software for the old ones.Satellite coverage lost - 200 million to repair

99- 125 million for Infrastructure Developement (Spaceship research and construction labs) - Contruction of facilities to improve research of spaceship technologies as well as allow for improved construction of spaceshipsThe engineers and scientists assigned to these Research and Construction labs have worked with incredible efficiency and have produced outstanding results.  The new labs are state-of-the-art and with the completion of the Basic Fusion research they have already produced a small spaceship prototype.  They inform you that with minor adjustments you could create transport, exploration and possibly even other types of spacecraft from this prototype.Small scout ship availableSmall transport ship availableLong-range life support availableSRC labs complete (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)10 million credits expense per turn

[10] Research & development - 39.7% of budget (875 million credits)

38- 500 Million for Basic Fusion Power +10 Investment, +10 HistoryResearch progresses slowly at first as the Drogari seem overconfident in their abilities to complete it in the time allotted.  However, they soon realise that fusion power is no basic concept even for minds as brilliant as theirs and although a few problems are encountered they persevere.  With the additional resources spared by the private sector and the large budget assigned to the project they eventually manage to succeed in producing fusion power days before the deadline.  The last few days are spent ensuring that all calculations are correct and that nothing has been overlooked.Basic Fusion Power completeAdvanced Fusion Power availableNew feasibility study - Fusion reactor miniaturization

46- 300 Million for Advanced ElectronicsWorking with circuits isn't easy but the Drogari are quick learners and soon find ways of enhancing them.  Making computers and other devices more power efficient soon becomes their main goal and work progresses at a steady rate.  They also begin working on numerous small gadgets and gizmos that would enhance everyday life for the average Drogari.Advanced Electronics completeElectronic Miniaturization availableNew feasibility study - Recreational Electronics10 million saved per turn from lower costs

42- 25 Million for Feasibility Study: Psychic Power TheoryPolls indicate that only 21% of Drogari believe psychic power to be real, 76% believe it to nothing more than hocus-pocus while 3% of the population just don't care.  Scientists believe it could be possible but the lack of precedence in Drogari history doesn't seem to suggest it is very common.

93- 50 Million for Extra-Terrestrial Life - Issue #3After hiring new staff and continuing to monitor the feedback the DAS has been able to provide you with much information.  They have determined that the feedback is coming from a large trade vessel accompanied by a small entourage of fighter class ships.  They believe the civilization to be peaceful and have managed to understand small amounts of their language.  Tracking the source of the feedback over the 5 years has given them a rough indication of where

these ships will travel and they estimate they will pass through your system in approximately 5 years.

[5] Economy & trade - 31.8% of budget (700 million credits)

6- 150 million for the Bank of Drogari - State Bank that has the purpose of wisely investing money so the economy would further flourish, have some market control, and as a safe investment for retiring Drogari.Funding the Bank of Drogari may have seemed like a good idea at first, unfortunately those in charge are corrupt to the core.  It took nearly 3 years for the government to realise what was going on and by then it was too late.  Millions had been lost and embezzled; and by the time they were able to replace the Bank's management it had become clear that the economy had suffered, not to mention the cost of investigating and replacing those who were corrupt.  Interest rates needed to be raised and pensions cut in order to restore balance.Happiness -1Economic modifier - (2 turns)200 million expense for management overhaul

18- 400 million for Advanced EconomicsDue to the fiasco involving the Bank of Drogari most top economists were unable to devote time to advancing the understanding of economics.  As a result the research team was made up mainly of students and burnt out former economists.  Very little progress is made and most of the funds put into advancing economics are ironically wasted.Advanced Economics 10% complete

79- 150 million for Scientific Investment Opportunity -Issue #2Your investment in the private sector was kept secret for most of the past 5 years but a member from the Drogari Laser Institute has submitted their results to you.  It appears they have been working on weaponising lasers and with your funding have managed to do so.  So far they have created hand held laser weapons and provided you with enough to equip 3 of your Drogari Peacekeeper Forces with these advanced weapons.  They have also submitted the blueprints for such devices so that you can manufacture your own should you desire.3/5 Drogari Peacekeeper Forces upgraded to Drogari Laser InfantryDrogari Laser Infantry available

[3] Diplomacy - 0% of budget (0 credits)

[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - 4.5% of budget (100 million credits)

89- 100 million for Central Intelligence Agency - Monitor citizens for unusual behaviour detaining and questioning those who could pose a threat to societyDespite losing satellite coverage the CIA works around the clock to find and detain any citizens causing problems.  They also monitor online activity through the upgraded Telecommunications and have added names to a watch-list of potential threats.  No problems have arisen and the CIA feel confident in keeping it that way for the foreseeable future.+10 for next turns Espionage and Counter-Intelligence budget

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 0% of budget (0 million credits)

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 0% of budget (0 million credits)

19- Moral Dilemma - Warning LabelsYour people are not too impressed by the governments minimal intervention for this potentially deadly food.  Minor riots have broken out in some of the coastal cities in which the fish is more readily available but no damages have been incurred.  Some of the more radical citizens have taken it upon themselves to prevent the sale of Geelvis and have harassed local vendors to the point where they no longer sell it.Economic modifier - (1 turn)

Happiness -1

System InformationStar: Hanna (Yellow, spectral class G, ~5 billion years old)I Lava planet, 1 moon, uninhabitable due to high temperatures, not yet surveyedII Asteroid belt, thin, not yet surveyedIII Rock planet, 3 moons, barren desert lands, not yet surveyedIV Drogari homeworld, 3 moons (not yet surveyed), cool temperatures, 37% ocean, estimated maximum population of 10 billion peopleV Aquatic planet, 3 moons, cool temperatures, 70% ocean, not yet surveyedVI Asteroid belt, thick, not yet surveyedVII (Hidden)

Military Assets2x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces3x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite Coverage - Broken (200 million to repair)

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[3] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness8

TurnAvailable Strategic Resources- NoneBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.06 billion, economic modifier x1.08): 2,190,000,000 Credits- 50 million Credits - Budget rebate- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usageExpenses- 200 million Credits - Bank of Drogari management overhaul- 10 million Credits - SRC labsTotal Available Budget2.04 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 1.19%

Issues/Events67, 99, 69

1.  A new company has been founded in your society by a wealthy mine owner.  He plans to enhance the dense metals found in his mines but has not been able to attract enough top quality engineers and scientists to join this venture.  He asks if you could spare some of your top minds to help him get started.  He says that should he succeed the enhanced materials could be used as better armor plating on spaceships.  You can choose to ignore him, spare a few top minds (100 million credits) or offer him the best you have available (200 million credits).

2.  During training, one of your recruits for the CIA has shown exceptional promise.  He seems to be naturally gifted to such an extent he may soon surpass your most seasoned operatives.  The head of the CIA Youth Recruitment Center has asked you to spend 50 million credits to ensure that this young man receives the very best equipment, study materials, mentorship and training that is possible.

3.  After the news that alien lifeforms exist there has been an influx of recruits wanting to join the military.  Due to the large number of people available, all recruitment programs have been placed on hold.  With these reduced costs it will allow you to train Ground/Infantry Warfare units at a 50% discount for the next 5 years.

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[6] Construction & engineering - 18% of budget (380 million credits)

61- 200 million expense for repair of satellite coverageBefore repairs on the satellites can start debris needs to be cleared.  This proves fairly simple as most of it was either burnt up in the planets atmosphere or flung out into the depths of space.  The small amount that is still in orbit is quickly cleared and repairs begin.  Before the final reprogramming of the satellites the orbital trajectories are checked an astounding 8 times to make sure the same mistake does not occur again.Satellite Coverage repaired

41- 180 million on interstellar trade facility and supporting infrastructure for the space stationSupporting infrastructure for the space station including a large scale launch site is set up in a remote part of the planet to keep possible malfunctions contained without causing civilian casualties.  It takes a fair amount of time to start the project but once underway it progresses smoothly for the first 3 years.  At some stage it is discovered that a few corners were cut and in order to keep the facilities safety compliant work is stopped for 6 months while all aspects are double checked.  In the end everything checks out and the facilities are ready for use.Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)Space Station Trade Module available10 million credits expense per turn

[10] Research & development - 15% of budget (300 million credits)

98- 25 million feasability study into recreational electronicsWhen polled about recreational electronic products the Drogari people are awestruck by the idea.  A local newspaper has already started a competition with a prize of 1000 credits to the person who can imagine the best possible product while virtual reality gaming consoles have been deemed the next big thing.Recreational Electronics availableVirtual Reality available

87- 25 million feasability study into advanced educationTop minds tasked with advancing Drogari educational standards have submitted a few proposals to the government and most of the ideas are sound.  After much debate on the matter it is decided that in order to reap the highest gains these plans should be implemented at the youngest age groups first and slowly phased into all levels of education.Educational Reform available

48- 100 million on long-range life support with a +5 bonus from improved telecommunications and +5 bonus from SRC LabsAlthough the budget for long-range life support is small it seems to be a fairly easy concept.  Ensuring ships have a way of producing and recycling oxygen, water and food is seen as relatively simple compared to the physics of getting ships into space.  Progress is made steadily over the years and your scientists believe that with a little more time they can perfect the process.Long-range Life Support 60% complete

73- 150 million on Space Defence TheoryWith the imminent arrival of aliens the Drogari work around the clock to find ways of defending themselves.  Ideas are thrown around and research is done to determine the best method of defending the planet but as of yet nothing concrete has been established.Space Defense Theory 80% complete

[5] Economy & trade - 25% of budget (500 million credits)

60- 200 million investment in industry-led research into denser plating, with a +5 bonus from SRC LabsThe metals from the mine are plentiful and experimentation on enhancing their durability proves successful after a few failed attempts.  The SRC facilities are able to offer up a small unused lab for testing which helps make the final adjustments to the bonding structure of the elements.  The final product is known as DESP (durable enhanced ship plating) and 5 units are given to the government as a "thank you" for your help.DESP available

95- 200 million to continue progress on Advanced Economics with a +5 bonus from improved telecommunicationsAfter the economic scandals involving the Bank of Drogari have passed, work on advancing economic theories and models progresses much faster.  A completely new macroeconomic model is produced which promises to enhance GDP and reduce unemployment.Advanced Economics completeEconomic modifier ++ (permanent)

82- 100 million investment into manufacturing efficiencies to enable us to respond to potential trade opportunitiesManufacturing efficiencies are designed to produce more in a quicker time allowing the Drogari to mass produce items should the need arise.  While these are not terribly useful for everyday Drogari life they should prove useful for trade.+1 trade modifier (3 turns)

[3] Diplomacy - 8% of budget (160 million credits)

59- 160 million on first contact protocols and communications analysisIf you throw enough money at a problem it can be solved.  That is the basis for the first contact protocols.  Despite their history of diplomatic failures there are enough funds and resources available for language analysis and the Drogari believe they are adequately equipped to interact with the aliens without the situation deteriorating into war.First Contact Protocols completeYorkon Language understood

[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - 9% of budget (200 million credits)

13- 50 million on star CIA candidate with a +5 bonus from improved telecommunicationsSome government buffoon supplied Michael Weston with outdated textbook, a lackluster tutor and below average training.  However, due to his brilliant aptitude for Espionage, Michael Weston is still able to surpass the rest of your spies and graduates with the highest score in Drogari history.

Michael Weston Super Spy available

71- 100 million on encryption countermeasures infrastructure to reduce what extraterrestrials may perceive easily, with a +10 bonus from CIA foundationHardware and software is upgraded to defend against extraterrestrial threats and protect sensitive data.  It is not yet known how effective this will be as the aliens have yet to be encountered.

92- 50 million on expanded domestic monitoring as per Golden Age's recommendationThe CIA continue to monitor civilian activity concentrating on people spreading fear about the upcoming alien arrival.  Those pushing their freedom of speech to the limits are temporarily detained and "asked" to refrain from such behavior.+1 happiness

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 15% of budget (300 million credits)

76- 200 million to begin work on Small Space Station with +5 bonus from SRC LabsThe Drogari have never built anything so large before, let alone one that needs to be launched into space.  After nearly a year of planning work begins on building this machine that many claim will launch the Drogari into a new era.  Building such a contraption takes time but progress is evident.Small Space Station 30% complete

52- 100 million to commission one Small Transport Ship with +5 bonus from SRC LabsUsing the prototype as a blueprint engineers quickly start making modifications for the transport ship.  Unnecessary additions are removed to increase the size of the cargo hold and ship is completed being able to carry a few hundred tons of cargoSmall Transport Ship built

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 9% of budget (200 million credits)

17- 50 million to train one unit of Drogari Peacekeepers at 50% discount from citizen responseThe high number of recruit are more interested in becoming Drogari Laser Infantry but those who fail the initial physical training and still wish to enlist are trained as Peacekeepers.Drogari Peacekeeping Forces trained

84- 150 million to train two units of Drogari Laser Infantry at 50% discount from citizen responseThe potential threat of aliens sees tens of thousands of hopefuls arrive for the first day of training yet it soon becomes clear that not everyone is cut out for the life of a soldier.  About 10 000 make it through the 5 year training period and are ready for battle should the aliens be less than friendly.2x Drogari Laser Infantry trained

Military Assets3x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces5x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite CoverageSmall Transport Ship

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[3] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness9

TurnAvailable Strategic Resources- 5x DESPBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)- Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.22 billion, economic modifier 1.11): 2,340,000,000 Credits- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usageExpenses- 10 million Credits - SRC labs- 10 million Credits - Space Station Infrastructure- 10 million Credits - Unit Maintenance- 100 million Credits - Training Program UpdateTotal Available Budget2.22 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 1.31

Issues/Events53, 2, 51

1.  New Lab Equipment.  The SRC lab has recently received new equipment from the government to ensure they are able to provide the very best help with all spaceship construction and research projects.  As a result all SRC bonuses are +10 instead of +5 for the next turn.

2.  Training Program Update.  Due to rapidly advancing technology it seems that the military training programs have begun to fall behind.  No longer can the old training techniques be used and as such new methods will need to be devised and implemented.  The implications of this are that you will need to pay 100 million credits per turn for the next 3 turns and you will not be able to recruit new military units in that time.

3.  Minor Economic Growth.  The negative effects suffered during the previous 5 years have subsided and the Economy has slowly recovered. Economic modifier + (1 turn)

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[6] Construction & engineering - 20.7% of budget (460 million credits)

98 - 200 million to continue fund Construction of Space Station, +10 Space Station Bonus, +10 SRCConstruction continues on the space station with the Drogari slowly starting to better understand what it is they are trying to construct.  One of the construction managers notices a mistake in the design plans and when brought to the attention of his superiors and rectified it is discovered that with the same number of resources they can actually construct the space station with additional functionality.  Spirits are buoyed by the discovery and work progresses faster than initially expected.Small Space Station 70% complete

Max modules increased by 2

84 - 200 million to fund laboratories and university infrastructure to improve R&D capabilities, +5 TelecomNew labs are quickly constructed and furnished with the best available equipment for research.  2 of these labs are constructed and are ready to employ new staff.  They have sent you a list of the current applicants so that you may choose who to staff the labs with.20 million credits per turn maintenance2 <name pending labs> (+10% effective budget to specific R+D projects)

44 - 60 million to fund Engineering and Construction infrastructureWith such a small budget it is difficult for the Drogari to design and build efficient infrastructure but they do their best to keep costs down while constructing additional machinery.  In the end they're able to cut a few corners and a multipurpose construction vehicle is built although it turns out to be quite expensive to operate.MPCV (+10 to any C+E project per turn)MPCV operating costs 20 million per turn

[10] Research & development - 34.2% of budget (760 million credits)

70 -  60 million to fully fund Space Defense Theory, +10 SRCWith the previous years' research already nearly completed it doesn't take long for scientists to finish up the theories behind defensive systems in space.Space Defense Theory completePlanetary Defenses (Orbital) availableFeasibility Study: Space Station Defense Module

26 - 250 million to fully fund Space Weaponry Theory, +10 SRCThe problem with space weapons is that they need to function in a zero gravity environment with no oxygen.  This complicates certain types of weaponry such as missiles and the top minds are stumped by this conundrum.  Eventually they devise a way to fire such weapons and adjust their trajectories to account for the lack of gravity although it takes a few years during which time they don't theorize much about other weaponry.Space Weaponry 80% complete

87 - 150 million to fully fund Advance Weapon TheoryFollowing on from laser weapons previously developed the Drogari are keen to discover new forms of weapons which could be used to defend themselves or destroy their enemies.  New ideas are discussed and eventually they decide they have a few potentially viable weapons which would require further study.Advanced Weaponry Theory completedFeasibility Study: EMP WeaponryFeasibility Study: Green Laser WeaponryFeasibility Study: Blue Laser Weaponry

65 - 100 million to fully fund Long Range Life Support, +10 SRCLong-range life support systems are perfected before the budget is depleted and your scientists have used the remaining funds to start on a new project.  With the information given to them by the Yorkon about uninhabited systems they have started working on a means of air purification for planets with a different atmosphere from yours.Long-Range Life Support completeAir Purification 5% complete

84 -  25 million to fully fund Feasability Study: Fusion Reactor MiniturizationMaking things smaller is generally pretty simple for the Drogari, they've done it before and should be able to apply the same principles in theory.  Looking at their current fusion reactors it quickly becomes apparent that the design isn't perfect and can definitely be improved upon.Fusion Reactor Miniaturization available

02 -  25 million to fully fund Feasability Study: Psychic Power TheoryThe Drogari government's continued research into the field of psychic abilities is not well received by the people.  Despite this the research continues for a few weeks until an uprising occurs in which citizens take to the streets protesting the misuse of taxpayer credits.  It dies down fairly quickly after extremists bomb local research labs and the majority of protesters no longer wish to associate themselves with the radicals.-25 to the highest R+D roll next turnHappiness -3 (3 turns, slowly returning to normal)Psychic Power Theory no longer available

79 -  25 million to fully fund Feasability Study: Yorkon EnginesYorkon engine designs are studied and although your fusion reactors are not as powerful as the ones in the design your scientists reckon that with advanced fusion power you can easily build these engines.  These would allow your ships to travel as much as 4 times as fast as they can currently travel which would make system-to-system travel possible.

03 -  25 million to fully fund Feasability Study: Yorkon FightersBefore work can begin studying the Yorkon fighter blueprints a fire breaks out due to the negligence of a research assistant.  Unfortunately the lab that burnt down happened to be the one housing the blueprints and they are forever lost.  The research assistant is immediately arrested and sentenced to a life in prison after a somewhat bias trial (the government isn't too pleased about the wasted 200 million credits).Yorkon Fighter Blueprints destroyed-5 to all R+D projects next turn

100 - 100 million to fully fund Educational Reform, +5 TelecomThe academics among the Drogari are pleased that educational reforms are being implemented and organize a fundraising campaign to help you achieve your goal.  One wealthy businessman donates a substantial amount which allows the government to exceed expectations and fund additional smaller projects to increase education among diplomats.Economic Modifier ++ (permanent)Diplomacy Attribute +1

[5] Economy & trade - 36.0% of budget (800 million credits)

16 - 50 million to produce x5 DESPTroubles with production of the DESP arises after some of the workers are protesting with the anti-psychics.  As a result the work is incomplete come due date and they cannot provide you with as many as you ordered.4x DESP

X - 100 million to purchase Technology from Yorkon (300 million left)X - 250 million for Trade VesselX - 200 million for Engine BlueprintsX - 200 million for Fighter BlueprintsAs promised the Yorkon provide you with all the items in the contract while the trade vessel arrives later in good condition and ready for use.  They have also given you a brief instruction manual for the ship as they are unaware of your design systems.  They inform you that you can send the next 2 installments of cash to them on the trade vessel while it's bound by the contract to only trade with them and the final installment can either be sent the same way or they can come collect it from you.Large Trade VesselSpace MiningSpace Station Mining Module availableSmall Mining Ship availableAdvanced Mining available

[3] Diplomacy - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - 6.7% of budget (150 million credits)

95 -  50 million to continue funding of the CIA for Domestic PurposesCIA operatives detain and arrest the extremists that bombed the research labs but unfortunately due to a lack of funding were unable to do so sooner.  Nevertheless, the population is happy that these extremists have been detained and are no longer a threat to public safety.Happiness +1Economic Modifier - (2 turns)

66 - 100 million to fund CIA in order to study and examin Yorkon communiques and information provided to further intelligence88 - Assign Michael weston to study of Yorkon informationA special CIA team lead by Michael Weston are tasked with examining Yorkon communiques and information to see what they can uncover.  With Michael Weston's advanced training the Yorkon decryption methods are quickly discovered and sensitive information transmitted from the recent visitors' ship back to the Yorkon homeworld is intercepted.  It appears the Yorkon have no intention of attacking you despite their vastly superior military (at least 200 fighter class ships) and are also planning a trading mission to the Zuriri to acquire 400 million credits worth of ship building materials.  Michael Weston and co have calculated the course the trade ship and entourage of 5-10 fighters will take and reckon a well coordinated attack could see you capture the ship and cargo without allowing the Yorkon to transmit a signal home to tell their comrades who attacked them.

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 2.2% of budget (50 million credits)

X - 50 million for Space MapsUpdated Space Maps

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

Military Assets3x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces5x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite CoverageSmall Transport ShipLarge Transport Ship

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[4] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness6

Available Strategic Resources- 9x DESPBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)- Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)- MPCV (+10 to any C+E roll per turn)- MSS Labs (+10% effective budget for 1 XXX and XXX research projects)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.31 billion, economic modifier 1.02): 2,170,000,000 Credits- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usageExpenses- 10 million Credits - SRC labs- 10 million Credits - Space Station Infrastructure- 10 million Credits - Unit Maintenance- 100 million Credits - Training Program Update- 20 million Credits - MPCV- 20 million Credits - <name pending labs>Total Available Budget2.01 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 1.73

Issues/Events34, 12, 11

1.  Peacekeeper Casualties.  During the anti-psychic protests a few Drogari Peacekeepers were badly injured and forced to retire while many more died at the hands of extremists.  Due to the loss of numbers the remaining Peacekeepers have had to regroup and as a result can now only form 2 divisions.

2 & 3.  Recession.  After years of a prosperous economy the business cycle rears it's ugly head and a recession is predicted.  It will take affect over the next 10 years, stay in affect for another 10 years and slowly return to normal during the following 10 years.  Your economists forecast that this will have drastic effects on the economy and urge you to spend money wisely over the next 30 years.

----- --- -----

[6] Construction & engineering - 39.1% of budget (850 million credits)

100 - 300m to Complete construction of Small Space Station, with +15 from Space Station, SRCThe space station is completed and launched into orbit around your planet successfully.  Your people gaze in awe at your construction and demand the government declare a national holiday to commemorate the achievement.  While in orbit it was able to scan the nearby asteroid field and has determined that it contains an incredibly rare and dense metal.Small Space Station completeAsteroid Belt surveyedHappiness +3

42 - 300m to create Labs for research focused on maximizing results and eliminating error, +10 MPCVPoor planning but sufficient funding is the story of the new research labs.  Enough money is thrown at the construction of them to overcome the inadequacies of the people in charge.  The labs are by no means perfect but they are good enough for a small to medium size team of

scientists to play around with whatever it is they do.Sci Labs completed (1 R&D project per turn benefits from a +10 roll and +10% effective budget)20 million maintenance per turn

30 - 250m to create Economics Analysis System to improve Economy and Trade performance bylowering fault chance, increasing bonus, and lower recession effects, +5 TelecomWith the recession taking it's toll on the livelihood of your people it seems part of the budget to build the EAS has vanished.  Most suspect the construction manager although no one can prove anything so no actions are taken against him.  Construction begins with the lower budget and as a result the building is not as large as planned but still useful enough for what the Drogari need it to do.EAS completed (+10 to one random E&T roll per turn) Economic modifier + (permanent)10 million expense per turn

[10] Research & development - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

[5] Economy & trade - 18.4% of budget (400 million credits)

32 - 250m  Trade to Yorkon homeworld on Large Tradeship, +5 TelecomWith the Drogari products still relatively alien to the Yorkon you aren't able to receive the best prices from their merchants but your trade vessel does return home with some healthy profits.+300 million credits for next budget

X - 100m  Next payment to Yorkon for technologyPaid

25 - 100m Recession mitigation.Unfortunately, due to mismanagement and a lack of funds not much is accomplished.  Your economists are able to slow the recession down slightly although it's effect is expected to be minimal and short term.Economic modifier + (1 turn)

[4] Diplomacy - 9.2% of budget (200 million credits)

64 - 200 mil to build Embassy on Yorkon Homeworld, with Focus on Espionage and Anit-EspionageCapabilitiesThe embassy is successfully built on the Yorkon homeworld and staffed with the appropriate members of government.  The Yorkon welcomed them with a small feast including delicacies such as "Boshintang", although they remained mum on the exact ingredients after a Drogari delegate mentioned he had 3 dogs as pets.Embassy established

[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - 21.6% of budget (470 million credits)

18 - 100m Continued funding for Domestic IntelligenceThe CIA was too busy celebrating the launch of the space station with the rest of the population to actually monitor unusual activity.  Luckily it seems nothing untoward took place as all suspicious groups were enjoying the parties as well.

37 - 100m Creation of intelligence capability within embassy on Yorkon homeworldIt's hard to establish something on a different planet without sufficient funding while also trying to keep it undercover.  Your people eventually scrap the project when they fear the Yorkon are suspicious of their activities.  They have sent the remaining funds back to you while waiting for further instructions.+50 million credits

42 - 270m investing in Espionage & Counter-Intelligence capabilities (infrastructure) focusing on bonuses to prevent mishaps and maximize results, +5 TelecomWith the Yorkon embassy having been built on the Drogari homeworld the government decided that it would be best to keep an eye on them for the safety of the people.  A strategic location overlooking the Yorkon embassy is selected and an elite division of counter intelligence is created.  Their offices are small but the training they have undergone is some of the best available.ECI Offices complete (+5 to the highest and lowest E&CI rolls each turn)10 million expense per turn

83 - Deploy our beloved Michael Weston to Yorkon homeworldMichael Weston is quick to assimilate himself into the Yorkon population by speaking their language, wearing their clothes and mimicking their cultural idiosyncrasies.  He was unable to report back to your embassy before the trade ship return for the Drogari homeworld so currently the knowledge he possesses is unknown to you.  Embassy staff did report that they had caught glimpses of him following certain Yorkon members in the streets and that it is likely he has much information to share.

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 11.5% of budget (250 million credits)

82 - 250 mil Small Mining Ship, +5 SRCConstruction of the small mining ship occurs as expected.Small Mining Ship available

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

System InformationStar: Hanna (Yellow, spectral class G, ~5 billion years old)I Lava planet, 1 moon, uninhabitable due to high temperatures, not yet surveyedII Asteroid belt, thin, ~1 billion credits worth of rare metals, ~1 billion worth of normal metalsIII Rock planet, 3 moons, barren desert lands, not yet surveyedIV Drogari homeworld, 3 moons (not yet surveyed), cool temperatures, 37% ocean, estimated maximum population of 10 billion peopleV Aquatic planet, 3 moons, cool temperatures, 70% ocean, not yet surveyedVI Asteroid belt, thick, not yet surveyedVII (Hidden)

Military Assets3x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces5x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite CoverageSmall Transport ShipLarge Transport ShipSmall Mining Ship

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[4] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness9

Available Strategic Resources- 9x DESPBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)- Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)- MSS Labs (+10% effective budget for 1 Miniaturization and Sensor/Survey research projects)- EAS (+10 to one random E&T roll per turn)- Sci Labs (+10 roll and +10% effective budget for 1 R&D project)- ECI Offices (+5 to the highest and lowest ECI rolls each turn)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.41 billion, economic modifier 1.03): 2,230,000,000 Credits- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usage- 300 million Credits - Yorkon Trade- 50 million Credits - Unused fundsExpenses- 10 million Credits - SRC labs- 10 million Credits - Space Station Infrastructure- 20 million Credits - Unit Maintenance- 100 million Credits - Training Program Update- 20 million Credits - MSS Labs- 10 million Credits - EAS- 20 million Credits - Sci Labs- 10 million Credits - ECI OfficesTotal Available Budget2.39 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 1.83%

Issues/Events57, 47, 14

1.  Privately funded space station module.  A group of investors believe that the small space station is key for the development of the Drogari race and have offered to help fund a module for it.  An investment of 100 million credits will see them have it completed in 2 turns, while a larger investment of 150 million credits will see them have it completed in 1.  Due to the nature of this investment they will allow you to choose which module they produce should you fund the larger amount while they will choose the module if you fund the smaller amount.

2.  Espionage interest.  With the new embassy established on the Yorkon homeworld it seems that a large number of citizens are keen to take interstellar holidays.  By questioning these individuals upon return you could find out a little bit more about your new neighbors and their tendencies.  +5 to any 1 roll involving the Yorkon for next turn.

3.  MPCV destroyed.  An unqualified engineer attempting to improve your MPCV ran into some problems with the wiring of the vehicle.  Instead of requesting help he tried to fix it himself to avoid the embarrassment of seeming incompetent, however, this has backfired and a spark from the faulty wiring has ignited the fuel tank.  The machine is burnt beyond repair and those in the Construction and Engineering department are not too happy.

The Yorkon have provided you with new blueprints although are not impressed by your lack of care shown for the original blueprints.

----- --- -----

[6] Construction & engineering - 14.6% of budget (350 million credits)

52 - 100m to fund Space Station Module               [+10 SS]The private investors deliver on their promise and have funded a mining module for your space station.  It is launched and quickly attached to your space station to ensure it's immediate usage.Mining Module complete

66 - 250m to fund MPCV recreation, expansion program [+5 Telecom]After digging up plans for the previous project and starting on a new one it soon appears that the previous MPCV had a few faults that were not known to the Drogari engineers who designed it.  They rectify the previous design flaws and change a few minor details but it appears to be mostly the same machine at the end of the day.  The major improvement they have been able to make is that it is much, much cheaper to run.MPCV complete (same +10 bonus, no maintenance)

[10] Research & development - 36.7% of budget (878 million credits)

63 - 728m to fully fund Advanced Fusion Power     [+10/+10% Sci Labs]Using the new Sci Labs and a large budget the Drogari are quick to master the theories behind enhancing their fusion power.  Working together with the team assigned to the Yorkon Fighter blueprints they also manage to design a prototype.  As an added bonus they have also sent very simple instructions to the engineers on-board all current Drogari vessels on how to easily upgrade their engines.Advanced Fusion Power completeYorkon Fighter availableEngines upgraded

52 -  50m to 100% Space Weaponry Theory           [+5 SRC]Space weapons are important and the Drogari are well aware of this.  They complete their research and have distributed documents on how to work different weapons types in space to all the major shipyards.Space Weapon Theory complete

60 -  25m Feasibility: Yorkon Fighter            [+5 SRC]The labs are meticulously checked to ensure no fires break out and destroy the blueprints this time.  They are fairly easy to understand and after a few attempts can be replicated with ease

66 -  50m Feasibility: Advanced Research Methods  [+5 Telecom] (Enhance Results)With their natural affinity towards research it's easy for the Drogari to realize that advanced research methods can be achieved to maximize results.Advanced Research available

92 -  25m Feasibility: Intra-System Colonization  [+5 SRC]An astounding 95% of polls show that the Drogari people are interested in settling on new planets and most would volunteer for such a project should it become available.

[5] Economy & trade - 20.9% of budget (500 million credits)

100 - 500m Econ/Trade infrastructure focusing on performance bonus and Econ Mod Bonus [+15 Telecom, EAS]Using the best economists available the Drogari looked into new economic theories proposed by a professor at one of the local universities.  It turns out his new models are groundbreaking and by utilizing them you will be able to minimize risk involved in the normal business cycle.  His

theory, which has now been implemented across the land, is also able to stabilize growth while avoiding adverse effects on inflation.  A special academy is set up to further help his research and to aid in your economy and trade.Economic Center (+100m to any one E+T project per turn)1 crit fail roll per turn in E+T will receive a +20 to prevent failureRecession shortened by 10 yearsEconomic Modifier +++++

- Human Biology Lite: Maximize Birth Rate

[4] Diplomacy - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - 16.7% of budget (400 million credits)[+5 High and Low]

11 - 100m Domestic OperationsAn information leak has allowed your citizens to realize that the CIA has been spying on them, often illegally.  They are not pleased by this and have called for resignations from top officials.  While you have been able to distract them and focus their attention to other endeavors the afterthought of the illegal operations remains in their memory.-4 Happiness

61 - 100m Counter-Intelligence Operations [+5 Telecom]Operations at home go smoothly for the most part, eyes are kept on top ranking Yorkon officials and while not much suspicious activity takes place a few minor idiosyncrasies in their behavior are noticed which can be used in future for better relations due to cultural understanding.Yorkon relations +1

36 - 200m Intelligence against Yorkon focusing on raising Espionage Level [Michael Weston, +5 Yorkon]Michael Weston has submitted a report detailing his experiences so far on the Yorkon homeworld.  He has provided detailed information on them as well as training techniques and weapons used for a division of infantry that they control.Yorkon Espionage Level 2Yorkon MM available

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 10.4% of budget (250 million credits)

29 - 150m build Small Scout Ship for future system survey [+5 SRC]Small Scout Ship complete

84 - Assign Small Transport Ship to assist in Asteroid mining, mainly transporting goods back to our world rather than letting the mining ship waste it's time.97 - Assign Small Mining Ship to mine II Asteroid BeltWorking in tandem the mining and transport ship are able to remove large amounts of metals from the asteroid belt and return them to your planet for future use.  They have focused mainly on the rarer metals as these have a greater value than the others for the amount of time it takes to mine them.600m worth of metals returned to Drogari homeworld for use

X - 100m Large Tradeship providing Yorkon Technology Payment and anything Private Industry Wants [100m left]Paid

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 0.0% of budget (0 million credits)

System InformationStar: Hanna (Yellow, spectral class G, ~5 billion years old)

I Lava planet, 1 moon, uninhabitable due to high temperatures, not yet surveyedII Asteroid belt, thin, ~1 billion credits worth of rare metals, ~1 billion worth of normal metalsIII Rock planet, 3 moons, barren desert lands, not yet surveyedIV Drogari homeworld, 3 moons (not yet surveyed), cool temperatures, 37% ocean, estimated maximum population of 10 billion peopleV Aquatic planet, 3 moons, cool temperatures, 70% ocean, not yet surveyedVI Asteroid belt, thick, not yet surveyedVII (Hidden)

Military Assets3x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces5x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite CoverageSmall Transport ShipLarge Transport ShipSmall Mining ShipScout Ship

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[4] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness6

Available Strategic Resources- 9x DESPBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)- Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)- MSS Labs (+10% effective budget for 1 Miniaturization and Sensor/Survey research projects)- EAS (+10 to one random E&T roll per turn)- Sci Labs (+10 roll and +10% effective budget for 1 R&D project)- ECI Offices (+5 to the highest and lowest ECI rolls each turn)- MPCV (+10 to 1 C+E roll per turn)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.57 billion, economic modifier 1.08): 2,410,000,000 Credits- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usage- 600 million Credits - MiningExpenses- 10 million Credits - SRC labs- 10 million Credits - Space Station Infrastructure- 20 million Credits - Unit Maintenance- 20 million Credits - MSS Labs- 10 million Credits - EAS- 20 million Credits - Sci Labs- 10 million Credits - ECI Offices

Total Available Budget2.92 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 2.93%

Issues/Events25, 1, 66

1.  Lab malfunction.  One of your research labs has had problems with it's equipment recently and your people are unable to pinpoint the source of the problem.  While they work on finding what is causing the malfunctions all research done in this lab will be hindered.  -10 to one random R+D project this turn.

2.  Korra!  A small spacecraft is seen entering your system.  After circling your planet a few times it has transmitted a message to you before returning from whence it came.  After a few days of decoding your analysts are able to understand the message.  It reads: Irrelevant race of beings you are hereby regarded as a feeder race for the mighty Korra.  We will return to collect your people for work on our planets.  Refusal to accept this will result in your annihilation.  Any militaristic resistance will result in your annihilation.  Do not attempt anything stupid, we have destroyed races 100 times as advanced as you for defying us.

3.  Diplomatic Immunity.  A Yorkon diplomat has been caught performing illegal sexual acts on a local prostitute.  While he is technically under diplomatic immunity he has requested that you do not inform anyone else about his indiscretions.  He has promised to repay you by increasing diplomatic ties between your people and his.  Your move.

----- --- -----

[6] Construction & engineering - 20.5% of budget (600 million credits)58 - 600m - Construct two Yorkon Fighters, +10 SSI (invalid) and +5 SRC (invalid) and +10 MPCVAlthough it was originally planned to utilize the Space Station Infrastructure, Spaceship & Research Construction Labs as well as the Multi Purpose Construction Vehicle in aiding with construction of fighters it soon turned out this was not possible.  The 4 SRC labs were already occupied with research and the SSI was not suitable to aid in construction of spaceships.  Despite these setbacks the 2 fighters were built on time.2x Fighter completed

[10] Research & development - 35.2% of budget (1028 million credits)

33 - 728m - Fully fund research on Planetary Defenses (Orbital), with +10 and +10% budget from Labs, +5 telecomms, +5 from SRCMany problems have arisen during the research process which seems to have reduced the number of ways in which you can utilize your orbital planetary defenses.  After the initial brainstorming it seemed that you would have 3 options.  Defensive modules for your space station, tiny orbital bombs akin to landmines and defensive weaponry which could be piggybacked on your satellite system.  Unfortunately, the final option is no longer available as the budget was poorly utilized by those now infamous Drogari bureaucrats.Space Station Defensive Module availableSpace Mines available

48 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Deathwish PillEven with the threat of slavery the Drogari people seem uninterested in developing a Deathwish Pill and have urged scientists not to pursue it.  Your scientists have done a little bit of research unknown to the public and tell you that such a pill is possible to create, in fact, it can be created quite easily.  They have suggested that you hold off on the development of such a pill until the people have warmed up to the idea.

Deathwish Pill available

12 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Stealth ShieldingIt seems that even with all of your advanced space travelling abilities you are unable to cloak your ships.  The problem lies in how light can act as both a particle and a wave which your scientists seem unable to exploit.

40 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Enhanced ArmourBuilding on the work of the DESP, theories are quickly thought up on how to improve armor further.  While they are still only theories at this point the general consensus among your scientists is that you will have the ability to enhance the current armor if you invest in the research.Enhanced Armor available

54 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Defensive ShieldsShields are a fairly new idea to the Drogari as their current ships use only armor plating as protection.  The top scientific minds are keen to develop shield technology as they believe it can be used in numerous other areas apart from war.Defensive Shields available

90 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Defensive Decoys, +5 SRCThe theories behind defensive decoys are pretty simple.  Build a small remotely controlled drone and construct a frame around it so that it appears to be a normal fighter ship.  In fact these ideas are so simple that they are immediately able to be constructed.Decoy drones available

82 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Sensor Impedance, +5 SRCAfter many years of dealing with satellites and all the troubles you have endured it seems to only strengthen the resolve of your people.  Using the current satellite system it is predicted that you will be able to broadcast false information to enemy ships in range which could prevent their sensors from functioning fully.Sensor Impedance available

54 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Magnetic Accelerator CannonPropelling large projectiles at ones enemies is seen as a good way to attack them.  Getting these projectiles to gain enough momentum through magnetic acceleration is pretty basic (in theory at least) and your top military minds are keen to pursue it.Magnetic Accelerator Weaponry available

39 -  25m - Feasibility Study: EMP Weaponry6 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Green Laser Weaponry40 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Blue Laser WeaponryJoint efforts in the field of laser and EMP weaponry have not gone well for the Drogari in the previous few years.  Staff shortages due to the large number of research projects have hampered their progress and in the end these new types of weapons have yet to been deemed feasible or not.

41 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Non-Lethal WeaponryDesigning weapons isn't too hard and designing weapons that don't kill seems to be a little bit easier.  Although none of these have been properly tested it is easy to imagine they can be produced without much trouble.Non-Lethal Weaponry available

45 -  25m - Feasibility Study: Ark Ships, +5 SRCThe thought of packing up and leaving the Drogari homeworld is not popular among the masses but with the current level of technology you possess it shouldn't be too difficult to design an ark ship though it might prove to be expensive.Ark Ship available

[5] Economy & trade - 3.4% of budget (100 million credits)81 - 100m - Goods to trade with the Yorkon, +10 from random EASThe products on your transport ship seem to catch the eye of rich Yorkon housewives.  Before they are able to buy the products your ship is approached by a local merchant who recognizes the potential these goods have.  He quickly buys them all from you and the ship leaves with a healthy profit.+140m for next turns budget

[4] Diplomacy - 6.8% of budget (200 million credits)- Deploy our Large Transport Ship to the Yorkon, fulfilling our final payment- Request 10 Fighters and 5 Ground Divisions from the Yorkon to be stationed on Drogari Homeworld- 100m - Next payment for technology, completed- Initiate Diplomatic Protocols: Requesting a Defensive Pact, purchase of further Fighters, information on KorraThe Yorkon remain true to their word and the fighters and ground infantry accompany your large transport ship home.  They remind you that this deal is currently temporary but have accepted your request to initiate diplomatic protocols.Payment completed

- Deploy our Small Transport Ship to the Venelleass, to initiate contact13 - 100m - Gifts for the Venelleass or payment for troops- Initiate Diplomatic Protocols: First contact, requesting purchase of mercenaries, information on KorraYour small transport ship travels through the galaxy using the maps provided to you by the Yorkon and arrives at a planet that seems almost entirely covered in ocean.  The crew are unable to make contact with any lifeforms at first but after a while a few spacecraft shoot out of the ocean and fly towards the transport ship.  Although the crew struggles to communicate with them they are able to give the gifts to the Venelleas and a small number of diplomats board your vessel.  The small transport ship returns home where you can discuss diplomatic matters with the Venelleas on the Drogari homeworld.

[6] Espionage & Counter-intelligence - 18.8% of budget (550 million credits)84 - 200m - Propaganda to increase patriotism and efforts into counter-Korra measuresWith the impending Korran return it doesn't take much effort to rally the people together.  From the information you received previously from the Yorkon your people are already predisposed to hating the Korra.Happiness +2

44 - 100m - Domestic IntelligenceNo major problems have arisen at home but some small groups of protesters have been spotted claiming that your government is not doing enough to counteract the threat posed by the Korra.Happiness -1

76 - 250m - Creation of the DCKI, the Drogari Counter Korra Institute, +5 telecommsAfter the propaganda campaign to rally the Drogari people together against the Korra work begins on the creation of the Drogari Counter Korra Institute.  The construction proceeds normally and the building is completed on time.  During the recruitment process there are an abundance of applicants and as a result you are able to choose the very best candidates instead of settling for mediocre ones.  The DCKI informs you that their main goal will be to prevent the Korra acquiring information about your people and will also try to find out as much as they can about the Korra.DCKI completed (increased counter-intelligence vs Korra, +5 to all espionage rolls against Korra)20 million credits upkeep

57 - Deploy the Blessed Michael to studying everything we can obtain on the Korra

Michael Weston has yet to report back to the embassy on the Yorkon homeworld.  No one has seen him for quite some time although the embassy staff have noticed no change in Yorkon behavior.  They reassure you that this means he has not been discovered.

[5] Space/Naval Warfare - 8.2% of budget (240 million credits)31 - 200m - Construct Naval Aviators AcademyCombined with Groundpounders Academy

35 -  40m - Equip newly constructed fighters with DESPBefore the newly constructed fighters can even be shown off to the public to ease their worries about the possible Korran invasion they are shipped off to another facility where they are outfitted with the durable enhanced ship plating to reduce the risk of being destroyed should war prove unavoidable.Fighters equipped with DESP

[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - 6.8% of budget (200 million credits)38 - 200m - Construct Groundpounders AcademyAfter poor planning it seems the Groundpounders and the Naval Aviators academies were both supposed to occupy the same piece of land.  Your construction teams eventually ended up working together to construct a single building called the NAGA (Naval Aviator Groundpounder Academy).  Due to the shared training facilities for both sets of units it's likely a lot of money will be saved but their training might not be as enhanced as previously estimated.NAGA completed (+5 to all unit production/training rolls in SNW and GIW, any unit production/training that rolls a crit success will provide you with 50% of the production/training costs back for your next turn)20 million credits upkeep

System InformationStar: Hanna (Yellow, spectral class G, ~5 billion years old)I Lava planet, 1 moon, uninhabitable due to high temperatures, not yet surveyedII Asteroid belt, thin, ~0.4 billion credits worth of rare metals, ~1 billion worth of normal metalsIII Rock planet, 3 moons, barren desert lands, not yet surveyedIV Drogari homeworld, 3 moons (not yet surveyed), cool temperatures, 37% ocean, estimated maximum population of 10 billion peopleV Aquatic planet, 3 moons, cool temperatures, 70% ocean, not yet surveyedVI Asteroid belt, thick, not yet surveyedVII (Hidden)

Military Assets3x Drogari Peacekeeper Forces5x Drogari Laser Infantry1x Troop Transport Shuttle

Space AssetsBasic Satellite CoverageSmall Transport ShipLarge Transport ShipSmall Mining ShipScout Ship2x Fighter

Budget[6] Construction & engineering - Maximum 40% of budget[10] Research & development - Maximum 40% of budget

[5] Economy & trade - Maximum 40% of budget[4] Diplomacy - Maximum 30% of budget[6] Espionage & counter-intelligence - Maximum 30% of budget[5] Space/Naval Warfare - Maximum 20% of budget[5] Ground/Infantry Warfare - Maximum 10% of budget

Population Happiness7

Available Strategic Resources- 7x DESPBonuses- SRC lab (+5 to any 4 spaceship research or construction projects each turn)- Telecommunications Network (+5 for 1 roll from each of R+D, E+T and E+CT budgets)- Space Station Infrastructure (+10 to any one space station or space station module roll per turn)- MSS Labs (+10% effective budget for 1 Miniaturization and Sensor/Survey research projects)- EAS (+10 to one random E&T roll per turn)- Sci Labs (+10 roll and +10% effective budget for 1 R&D project)- ECI Offices (+5 to the highest and lowest ECI rolls each turn)- MPCV (+10 to 1 C+E roll per turn)- Economic Center (+100m to any one E+T project per turn)- DCKI (+5 to all espionage rolls against Korra)- NAGA (+5 to all SNW/GIW unit production/training)Available BudgetIncome- Homeworld (Population 5.72 billion, economic modifier 1.08): 2,470,000,000 Credits- 10 million Credits - Efficient power usage- 140 million Credits - TradeExpenses- 10 million Credits - SRC labs- 10 million Credits - Space Station Infrastructure- 20 million Credits - Unit Maintenance- 20 million Credits - MSS Labs- 10 million Credits - EAS- 20 million Credits - Sci Labs- 10 million Credits - ECI Offices- 20 million Credits - DCKI- 20 million Credits - NAGATotal Available Budget2.48 Billion Credits

Growth Rate1-2% (you can increase or decrease this by up to 1%) Previous 5 years - 2.73%

Issues/Events34, 36, 65

1.  Food Poisoning.  At a feast held to celebrate their accomplishments one of the dishes was poorly cooked.  All of your diplomats seem to have eaten it and they are suffering the effects.  They are all a little under the weather and will not be as good at negotiating as they usually would for this turn.  -5 to one diplomatic interaction roll.

2.  More MPCV problems.  Yet again your MPCV has broken down.  Although it will not cost anything to repair it will however take much time to figure out what the underlying problems are and take measures to ensure it doesn't happen again.  It will be unavailable for this turn.

3. Counter-Intelligence Task Force.  A small task force of counter-intelligence agents have been

trained in secret with the main goal of discovering enemy agents on your homeworld.  While it's not apparent how immediate the results will be they have assured you that they have had extensive training and are capable of doing a good job.