Strange Laws

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Weird laws in the world

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READING The top 10 strangest laws from around the world

When travelling around the world, it's not always a bad idea to do your research on local laws and traditions. Not only could this keep you out of trouble, but it can also help you get the most out of your holiday. However, there are some weird and wonderful rules that surely nobody is expected to follow. Erica Chang, regional director of HomeAway UK who conducted the research, said: 'Travel really does open the mind so it's curious to see what odd rules and regulations can be found on the law books around the world. 'Some might be seen as crazy, but others are just funny I'm sure most Brits abroad would never think they could be breaking the law if they changed a light bulb in Victoria or flushed the toilet at night while in Geneva so it's always best to know before you go!' 1. Only a qualified electrician is allowed to change a light bulb in Victoria, Australia How many mechanics does it take to change a light bulb? None, in Victoria. Australia's second most populated state says it's illegal to change a light bulb unless you're a licensed electrician. Apparently, rebels who defy this law could receive a fine of AU$10 (5.50). 2. Milan requires that citizens must smile at all times, or they will pay a fine. Milan in Italy states that it is a legal requirement to smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits. 3. In Florida, it is illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays. 5.59pm is fine. You would be accused to have been causing a public nuisance, so you best run home first to do it in a little bit of privacy. 4. In England, it is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. This was voted the most ludicrous law in the UK in 2007. A spokesman for the House of Commons said: 'The people who know about these things here say there is no basis for such a law, not to say it does not exist somewhere in writing.' 5. In Oklahoma, it is against the law to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7pm. Great if your donkey is awake and just enjoying a bit of relaxation time. Not so good if it fallen asleep in a lava of bubbles. 6. In Canada, by law, one out of every five songs on the radio must be sung by a Canadian. Great for Justin Bieber fans, not so great for the sane. Part of the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Television Commission) that for both types of programming there has to be at least a fifth by Canadian performers. 7. It is forbidden to be fat in Japan In the country that brought us sumo wrestling It is illegal to be fat. In 2009, lawmakers set a maximum waistline, meaning every man aged over 40 must not have a waistline measuring over 31ins, and every woman cannot measure over 35ins. 8. Flushing the toilet after 10pm is illegal in Switzerland. Flushing the loo after 10pm in an apartment building is illegal in the country of Switzerland. The Government consider it noise pollution. 9. In Chicago, it is against the law to eat in a place that's on fire. No matter how good the pizza tastes, if the restaurant sets on fire you can't stick around! 10. Running out of petrol is illegal on Germany's autobahn, and so is walking along it. So those who do break down must pull over and use their horn to attraction attention. The penalty is 80 (65) for endangering other drivers. Source: The Daily Mail 1. Find the right description for the words in bold: a. The distance around the narrowest part of your waist. b. Change from a waking to a sleeping state. c. Absurd. d. A light-emitting device that consists of a gas-filled glass tube or bulb and is used inside electric lights. e. Careful study of a given subject, field, or problem, undertaken to discover facts or principles. f. To make something appear as good as possible. g. Its a fee you pay when you break the rules. h. Flatulence. i. A superhighway. j. To be emptied or cleaned by a rapid flow of water, as a toilet. k. to avoid becoming involved in something, or to stop someone or something becoming involved in something. l. noise, such as that from traffic, which upsets people where they live or work and is considered to be unhealthy for them. m. to dare (someone to act); to challenge. n. not mad. o. to put in danger. p. to go against, or not act according to (the law etc). q. in or to another country. 2. Which laws do you think are the craziest? 3. Do you know any other crazy law? Is there any law like these ones in your country?