Storyline adapted ecucation Upper Secondary School Daily life in the rally restaurant

Farmville is a town in Finnmark, Norway You can not find it on the map, but it has the same laws, rules and regulations as other Norwegian cities. If you go there, you must first "start" your imagination.

Transcript of Storyline adapted ecucation Upper Secondary School Daily life in the rally restaurant

Page 1: Storyline adapted ecucation Upper Secondary School Daily life in the rally restaurant

Farmville is a town inFinnmark, Norway

You can not find it on the map, but it has the same laws, rules and regulations as other

Norwegian cities.If you go there, you must first "start" your


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Curriculum objectivesNorwegian language

The Norwegian subject curriculum is based on an expanded text concept that includes many text forms. The training will provide space for

experience and reflection. Norwegian language subject shall arrange for developing

the individual student's language and understanding of concepts based on their

abilities and aptitudes. Skills such as speech, reading, writing has priority here….

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The subject Social Studies should be designed to strengthen students'

understanding of space, time, quality, quantity and

contexts, and create confidence in familiar environment and situations.

Curriculum objectivesSocial Studies

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Here is what we did last winter –with Storyline method…

in adapted education Upper Secondary School(small groups)

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Farmville Post newspaper is published in Farmville

Vi støtter lokalmiljøet tirsdag 07.02.2011

Våre lesere mener:

For dårlig sikkerhet i bilen

– Tom Saaby.

Jeg synes at det er veldig

teit at Tom Saaby ble diska

på grunn av sikkerhetsbelte.

Han sier jo selv at det ikke

innebar noe sikkerhetsrisiko,

og det skjedde jo ikke noe

alvorlige ulykker uten om.

Men likevel ble han disket

på grunn av sikkerhetsbelte.

De burde ha undersøkt alle

bilene og sjåfører før dette arrangementet

starta. Burde sjekke om alt var i orden eller

ikke, men gjorde de det? NEI!

Jeg syntes de er helt kokko, når de disker

en mann, på grunn av sikkerhetsbelte.

Det er jo på en måte alvorlig, hvis det skjer

noen ulykker eller noe, men like vell,

syntes det er bare for teit.


Stilling ledig:

Rallyrestauranten trenger folk! Restauranten skal utvide og trenger flere servitører og folk på kjøkkenet. Vi vil legge vekt på at de som søker er samarbeidsvillige, liker mennesker og at de har vilje til å jobbe i et team. Flere opplysninger kan fås fra Ove Hætta, mobil-nr: 95993781 Søknad sendes til Rallyrestauranten v/Ove Hætta, Boks 45, 7999 Farmville Søknadsfrist: 21.februar 2012

Vi støtter lokalmiljøet fredag 23.sept 2011

Vi støtter lokalmiljøet

fredag 23.sept 2011

The newspapers logo

One of the

letters to the


This is an


”Do you want a


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From the Competance Aims:

..give the student basic knowledge of geography and social studies…stimulate the student to self-activity and provide an opportunity to experiment in the community to develop understanding of cause and effect

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In Farmville there is a restaurant:


All tables

is standing

on small

rally cars.

The chairs

is safety

seats from

the cars

This is

made with

collage, pa

per and


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The Owners of the restaurant is

Hege og Ove Hætta

Hege is a writer, too. She is very fond of reading litterature

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Ove and Hege need more people to wook in the restaurant

Janne apply for the job.

Here is her application:

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Ove and Hege need more people to wook in the restaurant

Sara apply for the job, too.

Here is her application:

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Ove and Hege need more people to wook in the restaurant

…and Louisi

.. and Petra

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From the Competance Aims:

•give the student the opportunity to experiment with quantities and numbers, and thereby lay the basis for the amount of view

•contribute to the development of language and conceptual understanding of the pupil.

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All applicants are telling a bit about themselves…


Loisi Ferrari 40 years

Born in Japan

Are cohabiting with


The House costs


The house is large. 70

bedroom and a big living

room.about 40 m2

He has 18 kids it's just

guys who are about 13

or 9 years or 1 year

Louisi: This information

we have to

discuss with the


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All applicants are telling a bit about themselves…

Min person

Jobbe på kjøkken.


27 år.

Janne Somby.

Født i Sverige.

Hun har to barn og Mann og er


Hun har kjøpt hus.

Hun har kjøpt hus i nye byggefeltet.

Hun har en jente og en gutt.


My person


Janne Somby.

Working in the kitchen.

27 years.

Born in Sweden.

She has two children and

husband and is engaged.

She has bought a house.

She has bought a house in the

new construction field.

She has a girl and a boy.

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From the Competance Aims:

• give the student the opportunity to interact with others through play, dramatization, discussion, and practice what to speak in turn

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Hege called in to interview all four applicants

The interview was conducted as a role-play in the group. The teacher was acting Hege

- This was ”funny and a little scary”, the students responded afterwards

- We learned a lot about how to behave when talking with others and who to give a good impression of ourselves.

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How is an ordinary day in your person’s family?

Min person Dame på 30 år oppover Hun heter Sara Jenssen

Hun har en familie og forlover og fire barn to gutter og to jenter.Kjøpt hus som ligger nede med stranda på 800.000kr.

Mannen heter Pelle Jenssen Barna heter Celine og Nora.

Osker og Linus. Celine og Nora Går i barnehagen. Osker og Linus går på skolen. Den bgynner 8.30. de går i første klasse de er 6 og 7 år. Celine og Nora er 3 og 4 år. Sara og pelle må på jobb etter at de har kjørt står opp på vanlig tid. Barnehagen begynner tilig.

Sitter på husken. De leker med andre i barnehagen. Sara har jobbet i kantina på skolen. Pelle jobbe med biler. Han både mekke de og selge de. Hun var kokk på skolen. De er

ferdig på jobb tilig. Så de kan hente barna i barnehagen og på skolen. Pelle henter de i barnehagen. Og sara henter guttene på skolen. Da spiser de middag når de kommer

hjem igjen. Sara laget maten selv. Husarbeid. Vaske klær. Samle inn penger til turen til syden.

. Celine and Nora is going to kindergarten. Oskar and

Linus go to school. The bgynner 8.30. they go in first

grade they are 6 and 7 years. Celine and Nora are 3 and 4

years. Sara and Pelle have to work after they have

brought the Children in Kindergarten and School. They get

up in the usual time. Kindergarten begins early.

They play with others in kindergarten. Sitting on the

swing. Sara has worked in the cafeteria at school. She

was a cook at the schoolPelle works with cars. He both

tinkering and sell them.. They are finishing their work

early. So they can bring their children home from school.

Pelle is driving to kindergarten. And sara is bringing the

boys from school. Then they eat dinner when they come

home. Sara made the food yourself. Housework. Washing

clothes. Collect money for the trip to the south.

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All applicants got a job. Here are two of the stories about

their person’s first day at work:

Den første dagen på jobb

Loisi kjørte til jobb så kommer sjef Ove hættaHan var nervøs for han viste ikke hvordan jobben skulle går om det suklle vært hadrtjobb.

Ove Hætta mottta Loisi og han vise rundt på Rallyrestauranten og etter på gi servitørklær av ove hætta til Loisi syns at det hva fint å se ting på Rallyrestauranten

Loisi beynner å lage middag på Rallyrestauranten

Han var litt sliten men kjempe fornøyd

Den første dagen på jobb

Petra var litt spent. Blir kjørt til jobben så kommer kjæresten

og henter bilen går in og møter noen andre der. Hun møter

Ove og Hege Hætta som hilser på dem Ove viser dem rundt.

fik set der di oppbevarte av varan så fik dem får arbeidsklær

av Ove hætta første dagen skal hun lage en kake

Ho likte seg på jobb de var greit ho måte gå et stykke før og

koma til bussen

Hu likte veldig gott jobb en sin

Petra was a little excited. Was brought to the jobb by

her boyfriend. She got out of the car, went in and met

someone there. She met Ove and Hege Hætta who

greet her. Ove show them around. They could see

where the groosery was and they got some work

clothing by Ove Hætta. The first day she was to make

a cake. She liked being on the job. And she was okay

with have to go a little distance to get to the bus

home. She liked the new job very much.

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Hege hadn’t so much knowledge about making good food. She

asked all her employées to participate in making menyes. Louisi

was ill that day. He couldn’t not participate, too bad for him!

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«How to meet other people an comunicate with them»?

«What are we doing when we discover that something

wrong has happen»?

One day a special guest came to the restaurant ... Louisi had to serve him .. and the guest was not pleasant. He would have Norwegian waiters in Norwegian restaurants. ..

One day when Sara arrived early

at work she was very frightened.

Somebody had broken into the

restaurant and destroyed the

dining room .. She hastened to f

Ove and Hege .....

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From the Competance Aims:

…..give the student the opportunity to get to know and experience texts through picture books, comics, newspapers, advertising,

websites, song lyrics, movies and


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• The whole staff at the restaurant agree to go to cinema together…


Tirsdag 15.mai vises

følgende to filmer på

Farmville kino: 1. Eventyret om den

fantastiske poteten

2. Lillesøster Kanin

Gratis inngang!

Tuesday May 15th Farmville theater is

showing the following two films:

1. The story of the amazing potato

2. Little Sister Rabbit

Free Admission!

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The Staff at the Rallyrestaurant «discovered» a new town

south in Norway – in Lister Aerea

• This was another small group of students working with storyline in “Art and Crafts”.

• They were designing a brain new town in Lister:

“Wishing Well Town”

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From the Competance Aims:

• give the student the opportunity to explore and get to know their communities, gain experience with the room conditions and concepts, direction and distance …

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In meantime life is going on in Farmville. The

restaurant is closed for repairing and

rehabilitation after the burglery (Student are

working with other matters) for some weeks..

But so one day…..

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Referat fra personalmøte på personalrommet .

Tid: 11.mai 2012

Til stede: Hege, Janne, Sara, Louisi, Petra.


1. Tur. Når skal vi reise.

Vedtak: I juli, men alle må hjem og diskutere med familien sin.

2. Hvor ligger byen Ønskebrønnbyen?

Alle unntatt Hege gikk for å spørre:

Byen lå i Lister.

3. Hvordan kommer vi oss dit.

Mange gode forslag kom fram: Gå, sykle, båt, bil, drosje, buss, fly. Vi så på kartet og ble

enige om at vi måtte ta fly når vi ikke skulle være mer enn en uke.

4. Hva må vi vite om byen? Hvordan kan vi finne ut ting.

Vedtak: Janne og Sara sendte mail for å spørre, Petra og Louisi har skrevet brev. Vi

venter på svar.

Møtet slutt kl.12.15

Referat skrevet av Hege.

Innehaver: Ove og Hege Hætta

Boks 45, 7999 Farmville

Til alle våre trofaste ansatte.

Restauranten er nå klar for å starte opp igjen etter

utbedringer og oppussing.

Vi vil gjerne gi dere en oppmuntring siden dere har

vært gjennom en slitsom tid.

Via en venn av oss, har vi bestemt oss for å ta dere

med på en tur til Ønskebyen. Se vedlagte brosjyre.

Hilsen Hege og Ove

To our faithfull staff.

The Restaurant is now

ready to open after the


Vi want to give our an


Minutes of staff meeting in the staff


Time: 11 May 2012 at 10.00 PM


Hege, Jane, Sarah, Louisi, Petra.


1. Our excursion. When do we

travel? Decision: In July, but all

must go home and discuss with

his family.

2. Where can we find Wishing Well


All employees went around to

“investigate”: The city is placed

in Lister.

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