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Transcript of Storyboard

Page 1: Storyboard

By using rule of third, the shot will be in a church. The blue is the hand which is out of focus. The coin will be thrown into

main focus of the shot and shown in slow motion falling.

Leading lines which show the women

walking away. The camera will start at the back of the shoes and will stay low to

the ground as she walks forward.

The shot is taken from behind with a main

focus on the backs of the people however

the shot is focused slightly to the left. The

female is closely seated with her feet up so her emotions can be seen from this


Close-up/mid-shot of the couple

to show body language. I.e. as

they are dancing together they appear in love and intimate.


Wide-shot, focus pull on the

female character. Deep focus shows her on the phone also

tracking may follow her out of the

room to the positioning on the

rule of third.

Focus pull as a long-shot so can

still see other people dancing in the background. Both main

characters placed on the rule of third.

The rule of third is used mainly on the

male because it shows how he is most affected in this scene. It creates tension

as he is angry at Emma for leaving. The road is used as a leading line down the

road signifying how they may take

different paths.

A light focus is put on the male character,

showing how the female is walking away in the distance. The shot type is a wide-

mid shot which creates tension because they appear so far apart.

Close-mid shot to show how the male

has his hands on his face and is gutted because Emma has left him and their

relationship is over. He is placed accurately on the rule of third.

Wide-shot using shallow focus to show

the mess in her room. The character is not so much of a main focus it is the

state of her room and how she is alone. Panning may be used to show

the state of the room.

Page 2: Storyboard

The long/wide shot is used from a high angle to see how James is fitting back

into his bachelor lifestyle. Zoom may be used to show James and how he is

fitting in. Placed on the bottom of the rule of third.

The shot will be filmed from an angle from the left mainly focused on a long shot of the

lift from a low angle showing how Emma is

leaving. It may cut to a mid-shot during a scene of dialogue between Emma and

another lady. Also a focus pull.

The yellow shape shows where the camera

would be positioned in order to film the shot. As if from the perspective of those at

the table. It shows Emma in a professional environment and creates an atmosphere of


Wide-shot showing the scene which will cut to an over the

shoulder shot as she places the

drink down onto James’s desk.

Composition shows James and Emma in a bar

and in a home. The shots will be wide shots.

In Emma’s shot the camera will pan from the

left onto Emma to show how she is relaxed in contrast to James’s environment where a

handheld camera will be used moving from a wide shot to tracking James reflecting how he

is drunk and disorderly.

Mid-shot showing James

near the toilet. High angle shot showing Emma is bed.

Placed on the rule of third. Camera positioned slightly from the right to

see the females’ facial expressions in the mid-close up as the male

character kisses her forehead.

Point of view shot/eyeline match for the

first time James ever see’s Emma. The

composition of the shot shows Emma

slightly to the left of the shot and shows

how he has noticed her and immediately

has feelings towards her signifying the romance of how they first met.

Tracking from a slight angle at the side following the couple out of the building.

Only the door of the building is mainly

seen as it closely follows the movement and laughter of the two characters.

Deep focus on the wine glasses suggesting a

relaxed, intimate atmosphere.

The coin is followed using pan as it falls on to the door step. The door step is to

the right of the shot giving a sense of

where the coin is going too. I.e. that the door step is of someone significant.

Focus onto the hand which blurs the background out. The

background is the person

whom was in the house having

picked up the coin.