Storyboard - 2

Storyboard Part 2 - Broken

Transcript of Storyboard - 2

Page 1: Storyboard - 2

Storyboard Part 2 - Broken

Page 2: Storyboard - 2

29. Scene – Same as previous

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

32. Scene – same as previous

Shot Type – Over the shoulder

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

30. Scene – Daniel stops the wheelchairShot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:04:00

Sound - Voiceover

31. Scene – Daniel staring at someone

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:02:00Sound - Voiceover

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33. Scene – Amber is sitting on the wall on her phone

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:07:02

Sound - Voiceover

36. Scene – Daniel realizes she isn't waving at him

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:04:00

Sound - Voiceover

34. Scene – Daniel is watching Amber sitting on the wall

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

35. Scene – Amber waving at jake

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

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37. Scene – Jake walks towards Amber

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

40. Scene – Display of the train times

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

38. Scene – Jake hugs amber

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

39. Scene – Daniel wheels away as he watches them

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:07:00

Sound - Voiceover

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41. Scene – Daniel is wheeling down the platform

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:07:020Sound - Voiceover

44. Scene – Daniel sitting on a metal box (flashback)

Shot Type – long shot

Duration - 00:04:00

Sound - Voiceover

42. Scene – Daniel wheels up to the platform edge

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:06:00

Sound - Voiceover

43. Scene – Daniel staring at the floor

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:09:00

Sound - Voiceover

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45. Scene – Daniels cigarette in his hand (flashback)

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:06:00

Sound - Voiceover

48. Scene – Daniel walking down the pavement in to the shop (flashback)

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:09:00

Sound - Voiceover

46. Scene – Daniel gets off and throws away his cigarette (flashback)

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:04:00

Sound - Voiceover

47. Scene – cigarette being thrown on the floor (flashback)

Shot Type – medium close up

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

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49. Scene – Daniel steals from the shop and runs (flashback)

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

51. Scene – Daniel is remembering is past

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

52. Scene – Car is driving down the road (flashback)

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

50. Scene – Daniel runs down the road (flashback)

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

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53. Scene – car driving down the road (flashback)

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

55. Scene – Daniel running on to the road (flashback)

Shot Type – POV

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

56. Scene – Daniel comes into the cars path (flashback)

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

54. Scene – Car is turning the corner (flashback)

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

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57. Scene – Daniel notices the car and stops without thinking (flashback)

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

59. Scene – Daniel is staring at the blank wall

Shot Type – Extreme Close up

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

60. Scene – Daniel looking at the train

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:05:00

Sound - Voiceover

58. Scene – Daniel screws his eyes at the memory

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:02:00

Sound - Voiceover

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61. Scene – Daniel watches the train as it arrives

Shot Type – Mid shot

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

63. Scene – Daniel has a tear down his cheek.

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:05:00

Sound - Voiceover

64. Scene – Train gets near to Daniel as he stares at the tracks

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

62. Scene – train is speeding up

Shot Type – Close up

Duration - 00:01:00

Sound - Voiceover

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65. Scene – Blackout

Shot Type – none

Duration - 00:03:00

Sound - Voiceover

66. Scene – Train slows down past the now empty wheelchair

Shot Type – Wide shot

Duration - 00:08:00

Sound - Voiceover