Stormwater Program Overview


Transcript of Stormwater Program Overview

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Regulatory Structure

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Local Stormwater Program

Promulgated by Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits

Activities required by these permits include………..

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Inventory, Inspect, and Maintain Stormwater Structural ControlsInlets (~12,011)

Detention Ponds (887)

Pipes (~556 miles)

Ditches (~731 miles)

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Illicit Discharge Detection and EliminationStream Sampling (9 Watersheds)Sample AnalysisOutfall Monitoring (954 Outfalls)Sewer Inspection and Separation

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Industrial and Municipal Facility Runoff ControlInspection of Large-Scale Facilities

Municipal – 4

Industrial - 64


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Potential Pollutant Source Inspection and ControlInspection of Small-Scale Businesses (~300) Automotive Shops Automotive Dealers Car Washes Laboratories Waste Management Dry Cleaners Livestock Machine Shops

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Public Outreach and Education Website Postings Mail Flyers Contractor Instruction Industrial Facility Guidance Homeowner’s Association Presentations

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Regulatory Enforcement Courtesy Letter or e-mail Notice of Violation Citation Court Violation Fees

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Accomplishments Since 2006…. Staff members have been trained and certified in

soil erosion and water quality management Inter-Departmental lines of communication and

project teams have been established to address stormwater issues

Stormwater monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting have increased in both quantity and quality

The list of monitored contaminants in 3 local impaired streams was reduced from 16 to just 1

Significant progress has been made to get one of the impaired streams de-listed

Stormwater detention and retention ponds have been inventoried, inspected, and brought into compliance

Some remaining combined sewer systems have been identified and work is underway to locate the remainder

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Challenges Ever Increasing federal and state regulatory requirements Lack of accurate, comprehensive inventory Aging Infrastructure

Pond maintenancePipe ReplacementSanitary/storm system interflow

Limited resourcesLack of dedicated fundingLittle to no survey dataMaintenance staff and equipmentSampling/inspection staff and equipment