Stories of Wonders

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Transcript of Stories of Wonders

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


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    Stories Of

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    Chapter: 1

    Mr. Parker and the new


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    Once there lived a British family.

    They lived in the city of London.

    The kid Lollana was asleep,

    suddenly their mother

    Lily waked up and then she

    awaked her husband Parker. And

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    she said him Honey Lollana is

    growing up, so we should buy a

    new house right. Mr. Parker

    said I know honey, but we dont

    have money right Mrs. Lily said

    Thats right but Mr. Parker

    interrupted I will see what I

    can do okay now lets go back to

    sleep we will talk about this

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    tomorrow lets go, come Next

    morning, Mrs. Lily was making

    bed. Lollana cried

    Mom where is my bag Honey

    it is inside the cupboard said

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    Mrs. Lily. Got it Mom, bye.

    Bye Lollana said Mrs. Lily.

    Lollana went to her school by a

    bus. And so Lollana

    asked a person Hi my name is

    Lollana can you tell where is

    grade 10th I am Razoon, you

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    just go straight and then left and

    there it is Thanks, Razoon

    said Lollana. Youre welcome

    said Razoon. And so Lollana was

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    going & going and at

    last she found her class. And so

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    the class was going on.

    Suddenly the bell ringed


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    When Lollana opened her locker,

    she met Razoon

    Hey said Razoon Hi said

    Lollana So it was your first day

    of school? asked Razoon. Yeah

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    probably. What about you?

    asked Lollana Yeah mine too?

    So I will see you tomorrow. Bye.

    said Razoon and gave a goodbye

    wave to Lollana. And then

    Lollana went to her home.

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    Mr. Parker was still

    in his office. Lollana went to her

    bed and her mother asked How

    was your first day of school

    honey? It was so great Mom. It

    was really great. Why? What

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    happened? asked Mrs. Lily.

    Nothing Mom, now could you

    give me some lunch please.

    Said Lollana Yeah, sure said

    Mrs. Lily. And so Mr. Parker

    came with good news and said

    happily Honey, honey today I

    went to a person that makes old

    house to new big huge house.

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    Really said Mrs. Lily and

    Lollana. Yes, I said him said

    Mr. Parker. Sorry to

    interrupted but are you kidding.

    Lollana do you think that he is

    telling the truth? I

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    dont think so Mom said

    Lollana. No, I am not kidding

    okay if you guys dont trust me

    so hes going to come at sharp 4

    oclock. And his name is Carl. Its

    3:45 just 15 minutes left said

    Mr. Parker. And so the 15

    minutes were over then Mr.

    Parker shouted Its 4:00 hes

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    here Where? said Mrs.

    Lily and Lollana. Then suddenly

    the bell ringed. I hope its him

    said Mr. Parker and opening the

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    door. Hi Mr. Parker

    this is my wife Lola said Mr.

    Carl. Hi so nice to meet said

    Mr. Parker. Oh my god Dad was

    really telling us the truth

    whispered Lollana to her mother.

    Yeah lets go and see what they

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    are talking about come said

    Mrs. Lily. Then Lollana and Mrs.

    Lily went to see what they are

    talking about. Yeah so you guys

    have to go to Hawaii said Mr.

    Carl. Really, oh thank you. Oh

    please well come in and have

    some meal with us said Mr.

    Parker. No thanks but you take

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    this ticket and today you have to

    go to Hawaii at 5:30 said Mr.

    Carl giving the ticket to Mr.

    Parker. You must go now

    fast Yes, honey pack up your

    things and you too Lollana I will

    also come said Mr. Parker. The

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    whole family went up- stairs to

    pack up the baggage and

    suitcase. Mrs. Lola said Oh my

    god how do they live here? In

    such a little house? Then

    suddenly the family came

    downstairs. We are ready said

    Mr. Parker. Okay so go and

    then put your things in that car

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    said Mr. Carl pointing at the car.

    Thank you so much for your

    help said Mr. Parker Dont

    mention it, now go said Mr.

    Carl. Now see how I will make

    this house to big new house

    We are go to Hawaii ya, We are

    going to Hawaii ya singing Mr.

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    and Mrs. Parker. Lollana

    was talking to Razoon You know

    that we are going to Hawaii

    said Lollana Whoa so when you

    are going to come back said

    Razoon. I dont know. Okay I

    will call you back later the

    airport is here. Bye said Lollana

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    Okay bye take care And so

    they reached Hawaii. Whoa

    said one of them.

    Its so gorgeous isnt it said

    Mrs. Lily. Living there for one or

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    two weeks, Mr. Parker family

    returned back to London. They

    were waiting out for their car,

    and then suddenly someone said

    Is this Mr. Parker family? Mr.

    Parker said Yes So please get

    in the limo said the driver.

    This is so great said

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    Lollana. And so they were

    traveling, and reached their big

    huge beautiful house.

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    Cool said

    Lollana This is so amazing said

    Mrs. Lily Lets check it out said

    Mr. Parker. Lollana went up and

    opened her rooms door she saw

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    her big pink bed, a cupboard, a

    toilet. And she saw a beautiful

    fishbowl. Oh hey little

    fishy okay so what I will call you?

    Hum Morro said Lollana.

    Mrs. Lily saw her beautiful room

    and she was shocked Oh my

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    god what a beautiful room, I like

    it Me too said Mr. Parker.



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    5 Years


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    Lollana got married with Razoon.

    And they went to America for

    their honeymoon. Mrs. Lily and

    Mr. Parker now lived happily

    ever after.

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    Answer the following questions.

    1. Where does the British

    family live?

    2. What happened at night

    when their kid Lollana was


    3. Who did Lollana asked her

    class? And why was she

    asking this to him?

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    4. What happened when the

    bell rang?

    5. Mr. Parker was very excited,

    and he also brought good

    news. What type of news it

    was? And why he was so


    6. What did Lollana named the


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    7. Were they all happy to see

    their new house? Explain in

    your own answer.

    8. What happened after 5 years


    Chapter: 2

    The Trouble Trip Part 1.

    Once upon a time there lived

    a boy named Adam. Adam

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    lived with his parents. His

    dads name was Jack and his

    moms name was Jill. Adam

    studied in College. When

    Adam got his diploma his

    parents were so happy.

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    When Adam went to

    his room then suddenly his

    dad called Adam, look me

    and your mom are going to

    Paris today and we are going

    now. And we are going to

    leave you here alone so be

    safe and sound okay, bye

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    Yeah sure it would be fun to

    live here alone, bye said

    Adam. Soon they went Adam

    thought that he will call over

    all of his friends and so he

    did. And the party began.

    Then someone called

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    Adam Hi my name is Eve I

    am Adam Could I talk to

    you in your room said Eve

    Sure said Adam. When Eve

    went to Adams room she

    said something to him.

    Adam my parents are dead,

    so will you go with me

    Adam inturruped where

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    Eve? With me to Las

    Vegas said Eve What?

    said Adam Please, please

    begged Eve Okay, alright

    said Adam Thanks, bye

    said Eve Bye said Adam


    Next morning, Eve came to

    Adams house and said Hi!

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    Tomorrow we have to leave

    at 7:30 okay Adam said

    So, when we are ganna

    come back here Eve? Eve

    said 25. Let me check yeah

    25. 25 shouted Adam.

    Yeah, Why? asked Eve At

    25 my parents will also come

    at 9:30 PM wait a minute

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    and so was Eve.

    Next morning a car came to

    pick up them. Eve come on.

    The car is here. said Adam.

    Yeah coming wait a minute

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    said Eve Okay I am ready.

    And soon they were

    travelling, Adam and

    Eve started talking. So

    How did the day go last

    night? said Adam Fine

    replyed Eve faster. Hey

    Adam who is this? Oh

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    thisthis is my friend

    Samsaid Adam. While, they

    were talking and talking the

    airport came Hey look the

    airport is here said Eve

    Yeah lets go bye my

    friendsaid Adam.

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    Flight no 7

    heading through

    Las Vegas.

    Thats ours lets go Eve

    said Adam Yeah lets go

    said Eve. Soon, the

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    airplane was flying; Eve said

    to Adam that have you ever

    visited Las Vegas. In reply of

    that answer was no. At last

    Las Vegas came. Are you

    going to open the door

    Adam? asked Eve. Well,

    yes said Adam. When he

    opened the door it was like

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    whoa. TAXI

    shouted Adam. Adam said

    him to take them to a brand

    new hotel. Then the

    driver said These are the

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    only brand new hotels in Las

    Vegas. Okay, thanks said

    Adam. When

    Adam and Eve went to one

    of the hotel, they asked to

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    the receptionist and said to

    give a key. Then the

    receptionist, she was talking

    on the phone. Adam said to

    the receptionist Excuse me,

    can I have a key please Oh

    take said the receptionist.

    And she gave Adam the key

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    . And still she was

    talking on the phone.

    Adam and Eve now get into

    the elevator. Eve was so

    exicted that she cant wait.

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    Eve saw a bedroom and said

    This is my room okay

    Adam said Eve.

    Adam went to see his

    bedroom. And this is mine

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    said Adam. At

    night Eve asked Hey I am

    going to bathroom so do you

    want to go? Nop I am fine

    said Adam. Okay so where

    are my clothes? asked Eve.

    In that room said Adam

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    Thanks said Eve. Eve went

    to take her clothes,

    somebody called Adam and

    said Hello Adam, I am

    waiting for you downstairs

    come fast Hello, Hello

    said Adam. Adam went

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    downstairs, it was too dark

    and Adam cant see any

    thing. Adam said Hello, Is

    anybody here. Then

    suddenly lights were

    switched on. Ahhh Who

    are you? And what do you

    want from me? said Adam

    Hello, my name is

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    Harry.Adam you are in

    trouble now. said Harry.

    Waitwait you are saying

    me that I am in trouble now,

    how could you say that

    huh? said Adam.

    When Eve came out of the

    bathroom, and said Adam I

    want to say you something

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    that Huh Adam where

    are you? Adam no jokes

    okay, Adam. Eve went

    downstairs to look Adam.

    And so she saw Adam. Adam

    said Eve go upstairs But I

    was so scared said Eve

    Ohh Hey wait said Eve

    Now what? said Adam I

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    have seen him somewhere

    said Eve What are

    Harry took his gun and

    shot Adam and ran away.

    BaannggAhh screamed Adam.

    Adam, Adam are you

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    alright? I will call for help

    said Eve Eve please take

    me to the hospital said

    Adam. Eve took Adam to the

    hospital and

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    informed the doctor about

    the accident and the doctors

    were doing the opreation.

    When the operation was

    finished, doctor said to Eve

    He is okay but you have to

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    take care of him and one

    more thing you can take him

    on Tuesday Tuseday

    shouted Eve Can you make

    it Sunday? Monday? Sorry

    we cant, if you want to meet

    him you can said the doctor

    Thanks docter said Eve


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    Then Eve went to see Adam

    Hey buddy How are

    you feeling right now?

    asked Eve I amgreat said

    Adam When I am ganna

    get out of here Its to hard

    to saybut I have to say you

    isnt ityou are ganna get

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    out of here on Tuesday said

    Eve Tuesday shouted

    Adam You know that we are

    going on Tuesdaythen

    why? Why? Ahhh Adam

    clam down, clam down said

    Eve. Then suddenly doctors

    came and said You have to

    leave now. Then Eve sat on

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    a bench and crying for

    Adam. Eve saying to herself

    Its all my fault, I brought

    Adam here uhhuh

    Tringg Tringg

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    Uh Adams cell phone, oh

    no said Eve. Its

    Adams moms call. Adams

    Mom oh no now I am

    busted. What if she asks me

    that where is Adam so what

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    will I say? I should not

    brought Adam here.

    To Be Continued.

    Answer the following questions.

    1. What happened when Adam

    got his diploma?

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    2. Whom did Adam meet at his

    party? And what did she


    3. Why was Adam too anxious?

    4. Where were Adam and Eve


    5. What happened at first night

    of Las Vegas?

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    6. How Adam got the shot of

    the bullet?

    7. What did doctor told to Eve

    after the operation?

    8. Why Adam screamed? And

    why he was anxious?

    9. Whose call it was? And why

    was Eve crying?

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    10. What do you understand

    from this story? Explain in

    your own words?

    Chapter: 3

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    The trouble trip Part 2.

    Uh Adams cell phone, oh

    no said Eve. Its

    Adams moms call. Adams

    Mom oh no now I am

    busted. What if she asks me

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    that where is Adam so what

    will I say? I should not

    brought Adam here.Then

    suddenly Adam shouted

    Eve I want you, Eve Adam

    is calling me I better go. And

    Ill give his cell phone and

    tell him that its his moms

    call said Eve to herself.

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    Suddenly a doctor came

    running. Maam the

    patient is calling you

    Alright, Ill be there said

    Eve. When Eve came inside

    the room the doctor was

    talking to the patient.

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    Oh Miss Eve well please

    come in. Adam is okay now

    and he wants to talk to you.

    said the doctor. Hey how

    are you felling? asked Eve

    I am better than before. You

    know doctor said that I am

    going to get out of here

    tomorrow. Isnt that great?

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    said Adam Yeah it is great

    by the way your mom called

    you said Eve Mom?

    When? asked Adam Now

    I thought that I would be

    busted. Here have your cell

    phone said Eve giving his

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    cell phone. Adam called

    her mom back TRINGG,

    TRINGG Mrs. Jill pick

    up her phone. Hello, Adam

    how are you dear I called

    you but you didnt pick up

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    why? Mom I was washing

    dishes and I am okay said

    Adam Mom Ill call you later

    okay bye Bye, honey said

    Mrs. Jill.

    Eve said to Adam Adam I

    just want to text a message

    to someone Ill be back later,

    okay Okay, but whom?

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    asked Adam Hum I said

    someone said Eve. Eve

    went outside and took her

    cell phone and called


    Trig, Trig

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    Carl picked up hisphone and asked Hello Eve,

    is he dead? No, you fool

    you shot him in his arm said

    Eve What are you saying?

    asked Carl Look you have to

    shoot him again, okay.

    Someone is coming Ill call

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    you later said Eve and went

    to the room. Back so soon

    huh Eve said Adam Yeah, I

    said you that I just want to

    text a message said Eve.

    Later next morning, Eve

    went to the hospital to

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    take Adam. She went into

    the room then suddenly a

    doctor said to Eve Eve

    you must take a good care of

    him okay and you can take

    him bye Okay, bye said

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    Eve to doctor. Hey I think

    its time to go said Eve

    Yeah lets go said Adam.

    Soon Adam and Eve went to

    the hotel and Eve said to

    Adam Adam you go and

    must rest Yeah I think I

    better go said Adam. Adam

    went to his room and went

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    to sleep. Eve looked

    Adam and saw that he was

    asleep or not. Then she went

    to the telephone to call Carl.

    Look Carl, Adam is

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    asleep can we meet

    somewhere? asked Eve

    Yeah, sure come along at

    St. Jonas Park said Carl

    Okay Ill be there said Eve.

    Eve went to the park and

    there she met Carl. She said

    Hi Carl, can we talk sitting a

    bench huh Okay lets go

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    said Carl. They both sat in a

    bench and were discussing a

    plan about Adam. I

    think I better kill him while

    you guys go back to London

    said Carl Hurry up just one

    week is left mentioned Eve

    Hum I have an idea said

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    Carl. Carl and Eve were

    discussing the plan of killing

    Adam. The Adam called Eve

    Hello Eve, where are you?

    asked Adam Hum I am in

    a market and buying some

    food and things for you said

    Eve Okay so you should

    have told me before you go

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    said Adam Yeah but I

    thought that you will

    disturb said Eve Well so,

    come soon said Adam Ill

    try okay bye said Eve Bye

    said Adam. So, Eve told

    everything to Carl and then

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    they went to a shop.

    Eve said to Carl Hey I am

    buying these clothes for

    Adam so can I Sure

    said Carl. Their shopping cart

    was filled with a variety of

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    groceries. Now they

    went to a bakery. So,

    they went to their cars

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    together. Eve went to

    Adam and said Here I

    brought some food and

    clothes Eve Why you

    thank you said Adam Its

    okay said Eve. At night, Eve

    went to the balcony and was

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    talking to herself about

    Adam. I think that

    Adam is nice and not bad at

    anything but Carl told that

    he is going to kill him on the

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    day when we are going. So, I

    should tell Adam that he is

    going to die at the day when

    we are going so you must be

    beware but if I tell him I am

    going to die because Carl

    told not to tell anyone. I

    think I must tell him. Eve

    went to his room but he

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    wasnt there she checked

    everywhere at last she found

    him at the nearer beach.

    Adam what are you doing

    here? asked Eve I was just

    thinking about my parents

    said Adam. So, they were

    talking and talking.

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    Adam I want to tell you

    something said Eve What

    Eve? asked Adam Hum

    You know that man who

    killed you? asked Eve Of

    course Ill never forget him

    said Adam He is going to

    kill you again said Eve

    When? Where? asked

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    Adam He is going to kill you

    at airport when we are

    going said Eve How do you

    know all this? asked Adam

    I met him and he is my

    friend too his name is Carl

    said Eve Oh so you

    joined with him huh said

    Adam No, No, No, it is not

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    what you are thinking. Let

    me explain you

    everything said Eve I

    dont need your explanation

    and I am going tomorrow

    interrupted Adam Adam

    Adam shouted Eve. Adam

    went to his room and packed

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    his bags and leaved.

    Eve suddenly opened the

    door and said Adam, Adam

    Where are you? Eve was

    so anxious she looked

    everywhere but she couldnt

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    find him. She even went to


    Early that day, Adam was in

    the airport.

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    Flight no 3

    heading through


    Its mine, I better go said

    Adam to himself. But I must

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    not leave Eve here, shell be

    alone. So what I better go

    she is so uhnever mind

    And so the plane flew high

    up in the sky.

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    Eve went to the airport and

    she asked one person

    Excuse me, can you tell

    that is London flight gone or

    not? He answered Yes

    maam Thanks said Eve

    slowly. Adam is gone huh

    huhhe left me here alone

    huh, huh, huh Eve what

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    are you going here? asked

    Adam. Eve then suddenly

    hugged him. I am

    so glad that you are not

    gone said Eve Eve well

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    talk about this at the hotel

    said Adam But, Carl is

    about to come said Eve No

    problem I have an idea said


    Soon Carl was waiting for

    Adam then suddenly Eve

    opened the door. EveEve

    where is Adam huh where is

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    he? asked Carl He is

    coming take down your gun

    said Eve. Then Carl took his

    gun and then the cops came

    and said him to put down his

    gun Hands up. This is the

    police Huh Eve where is

    Adam huh where is he?

    asked Carl to Eve I told he

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    is there look said Eve Take

    him away cops said Adam.

    Then the police took Carl to

    the jeep.

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    You did it Adam you did it

    said Eve excitedly Thank

    you Eve this is all because of

    you said Adam Its okay

    now there are two days left

    to go to London so go and

    pack your things said Eve I

    have packed you are left

    said Adam.

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    ~ 105 ~

    And so two days were

    passed; Adam and Eve were

    back to London. Its good to

    be back at London isnt it?

    asked Eve Yeah look at it

    said Adam. Okay

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    ~ 106 ~

    now lets go we have to go

    come on Yeah said Eve.

    Adam went to his house and

    so do Eve. Adam cleaned

    everything. At night there

    parents came and checked

    each and everything. Okay

    Adam you didnt call over

    your friends and anybody

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 107 ~

    else? asked Mr. Jack No

    dad I didnt said Adam

    Very well then I better go to

    my room said Mr. Jack Hey

    dad I want to say you

    something said Adam

    What? asked his dad Dad

    I want to marry a girl and her

    name is Eve so said Adam

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 108 ~

    What? You like a girl and

    her name Eve. My son like a

    girl ha, ha said Mr. Jack.

    And so Adam and Eve were

    married so Eve said to Adam

    Adam can we have own

    house please? asked Eve

    Sure said Adam. Next day,

    Adam and Eve went to an

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 109 ~

    African British and asked to

    give this sold house.

    Adam you are

    worlds greatest husband

    said Eve Thank you Eve

    said Adam.

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    ~ 110 ~

    Two years laterEve got a baby girl. Here

    you have maam said the

    nurse Thanks said Eve. So

    Eve hold the baby and said

    Hey you little one how

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 111 ~

    are you? Hum what I

    should call you what about

    Pinky Then Adam came and

    said Hey Eve how who is

    this? asked Adam This is

    your daughter and her name

    is Pinky said Eve Hey there

    Pinky look I am your dad

    said Adam and he informed

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 112 ~

    to his parents. And so Adam,

    Eve and their little daughter

    Pinky were happy in their

    lives. This was a true story,

    may be some of you know it.

    Answer the following


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 113 ~

    1. Why the doctor was

    rushing and running? And

    what she said to Eve?

    2. When Eve went outside of

    the room whom did she

    call and what she said?

    3. Where did Carl and Eve

    meet? And what were

    they discussing?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 114 ~

    4. What happened at the

    balcony scene? Explain.

    5. Why was Adam angry and

    why he left Eve?

    6. Did Adam go to London? If

    not why?

    7. Why Eve hugged Adam?

    8. I have an idea said

    Adam. What type of idea?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 115 ~

    9. Why the police come to

    the hotel?

    10.What did Adam said to

    his dad and what his dad


    11.What did Eve said to

    Adam while the wedding

    was on?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 116 ~

    12.What happened after two


    13.What did Eve named her


    Chapter: 4.

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    ~ 117 ~


    Sarah was a teen aged girl.

    She was so beautiful and

    intelligent. She was

    16 and her mom told her to

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 118 ~

    be in college but she

    refused. When her dad came

    he scolded her and

    said Have you lost your

    mind? You have to go to

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 119 ~

    college tomorrow Sarah

    went to her room and was

    crying. Dad is so

    rude to me. I dont know

    why? said Sarah to herself.

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    ~ 120 ~

    Next morning, they ate their

    breakfast and

    Sarahs dad said Come fast

    Sarah Coming dad said

    Sarah not very surprised.

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    ~ 121 ~

    Sarah and her dad sat in the

    car and were going to the

    college. Ah here it

    is said Sarahs dad Oh my

    god its ganna be so boring

    said Sarah.

    Sarahs dad said Go now Ill

    pick you up at 3:00. Bye,

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 122 ~

    have fun Sure, bye said

    Sarah. Sarah then went to

    her class. Hi, I am Jav

    Phantom Hi, Sarah

    Asbond And the the teacher

    came. Hello class I am your

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    ~ 123 ~

    new Math teacher said the



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    ~ 124 ~

    Hey, Sarah said Jav

    Hey said Sarah like really

    bored. I want to ask that

    what your age is? asked Jav

    Why? First you have to tell

    it and then me Okay I

    am 17 said Jav Oh I am

    16 said Sarah You know

    every girl in this college is

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 125 ~

    younger than me. Some are

    15 and some 16 said Jav.

    Here comes Elena, she is

    the colleges first girl Hi

    Jav said Elena Who is

    she? Hum she is the new

    girl said Jav Hi I am Sarah

    said Sarah Hi Sarah nice to

    meet you. Oh its lab time

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    ~ 126 ~

    come Jav said Elena

    Hey wait, whats lab? asked

    Sarah Science lab, oh my

    god today teacher is goanna

    choose the lab partner said

    Jav You will be with me Jav

    said Elena. So, everyone

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    ~ 127 ~

    went to the lab

    and so maam said to pick

    up one slip. Adam got Sarah

    and Elena got Tung. Elena

    got jealous and was so

    angry. Hi Sarah said Jav

    Hi said Sarah. And so, they

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    ~ 128 ~

    were working and working.

    And the bell rang.

    Everyone went to their buses

    and some of them went with

    their parents. Hi honey how

    was first day of school?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 129 ~

    asked Sarahs dad Great

    said Sarah So, how many

    friends? asked Sarahs dad

    2 said Sarah Nice said

    her dad. Everyone went to

    their houses. Sarah and her

    dad also went to their house.

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    ~ 130 ~


    honey said her mom

    no questions said Sarah.

    Then Sarah went to her room

    and slept. And so days were

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    ~ 131 ~

    passing and passing, but one

    day they wrote

    Prom next


    What? said Sarah

    shockingly What am I

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 132 ~

    goanna do? Then on that

    day Elena was absent so Jav

    approached to Sarah and

    said Hey Sarah want be

    with me in prom? asked Jav.

    Sarah thought that hell

    choose Elena but no. Sure

    said Sarah Okay, so Ill see

    ya there, bye said Jav Bye

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 133 ~

    said Sarah waving at Jav.

    Later that night, Sarah told

    this to her parents and they

    were so happy to listen it.

    Next day, Elena saw the

    poster and asked Whom did

    you choosed Jav? Hum

    dont freak out, Sarah said

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    ~ 134 ~

    Jav What? asked Elena

    Then what about me?

    Harry is so cool choose

    him said Jav Him said

    Elena Ya, go said Jav

    Okay, if he ignores I am

    ganna kill you said Elena.

    Elena goes to Harry and says

    Hey do you wanna be

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 135 ~

    with me at pro mm?

    Dont be so scared, okay Ill

    see ya there says Harry.

    And then she goes with him.

    After a week later, everyone

    went to the prom. Sarah was

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 136 ~

    being ready.

    Wow so much fun it would

    be said Sarah to herself. Jav

    was waiting for Sarah and

    says to himself When shell

    come Hey Jav where is

    Sarah? asked Elena

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 138 ~

    now, start dancing said

    Sarah. Sarah and Jav were

    dancing too. When

    the prom was over the

    teacher decided the prom

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    ~ 139 ~

    king and queen. And the

    winner is Sarah and Jav.

    They both were crowned.

    And so this is how

    it happened.

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 141 ~

    1. What did Sarahs mom

    told? And why she


    2. Why did Sarah dad

    scolded her?

    3. On the first day of college

    whom did Sarah met?

    4. And so days were

    passing and passing, but

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 142 ~

    one day What

    happened on that day?

    And why was Sarah


    5. Why were Sarahs parents

    so happy?

    6. What happened on Prom

    day? Explain.

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 143 ~

    7. Who won the Prom queen

    and king crown?

    Chapter: 5.


    Ella is a one beautiful singing

    bird. She used to sing on

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    ~ 144 ~

    branches or flowers.

    One day she was

    singing, La, La, La, La. La,

    La, La, La. Oh this beautiful

    morning, has come to shine.

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    ~ 145 ~

    I know this day is going to be

    fine. Lets make this day

    bright. La, La, La, La. La, La,

    La, La. I know this

    day makes me feel bad. But

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 146 ~

    what should I do it makes

    me feels so sad. But anyhow

    Ill take care of it. Lets just

    make this day bright. Wow

    Ella, you sing pretty well

    said Ellen Pretty? said Ella

    Means great mentioned

    Ellen Oh, thank you said

    Ella. Ellen was Ellas cousin.

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    ~ 147 ~

    In this day, Ellas father had

    died. So, he said Ellen to

    take care of her. Well this

    day, I am going to have fun

    said Ella Me too said Ellen.

    Ella then saw a poor person

    begging for money. Oh!

    Would you look at that?

    said Ella Yeah, in many

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    ~ 148 ~

    reigns there are some poor

    said Ellen Its so bad said

    Ella slowly to herself. Hey,

    look there is a tree. Lets go

    said Ellen You stay here Ill

    be back Sure said Ella.

    Then Ella sat in that tree and

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 150 ~

    go and check. Ella went to

    look where Ellen is. She saw

    two birds. Ellen I love you

    said the she-bird Me too

    said Ellen and was about to

    kiss her but Ella

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    ~ 151 ~

    saw and stopped them.

    Stop shouted Ella Ella? I

    said you said Ellen to

    stay in the tree interrupted

    Ella Hey look you cant say

    that to my BF said the she-

    bird BF? What is that?

    asked Ella Boyfriend Who

    are you exactly? asked Ella

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    ~ 152 ~

    I am Erie said the she-bird

    So Erie, get your hands out

    my cousin said Ella No

    said Erie Ellen said Ella in

    angry mood Okay ladies no

    need to fight. Ella come well

    go said Ellen What about

    me Ellen? asked Erie Okay,

    you come too said Ellen

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    ~ 153 ~

    Yea shout out of joy Wait

    said Ella I am not going to

    go with her But Ella said

    Ellen if you want me to

    come with you so its okay, if

    her I dont know

    mentioned Ella Ella said

    Ellen choose shouted

    Ella. Ellen was totally

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 154 ~

    confused whom to choose.

    Ellen please said Erie

    Erie said it means

    Erie said Ella No

    shouted Ellen What? asked

    Erie It means her said Erie

    No, No, No I chose it

    its E E Erie Yea

    again shouting of joy. Okay

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 155 ~

    Ellen, I think I have to stay

    here said Ella and then

    flew. Come Ellen well go

    said Erie. She hold his hands

    and flew. Ella was flying and

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    ~ 156 ~

    crying. Why?


    choose greatgreat. Ella

    was sleepy and she fell

    down. An old woman saw

    Ella and took her home.

    When Ella woke up, she saw

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    ~ 157 ~

    an old lady holding her.

    Here have some

    food. You must be hungry.

    Oh I am Elezia. I will call

    you Ella Chuuu.chuuu

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    ~ 158 ~

    said Ella Oh you like that

    name said Elezia Oh the

    humans wont understand

    me. How could I tell them?

    Ella talking to herself. Lets

    put you in the cage said

    Elezia Cage? Everybody

    knows thatI hate cage

    No shouting Ella Mommy,

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    ~ 159 ~

    Mommy I want to put that

    bird in cage said Eleizas

    daughter Okay honey, oh

    Ella this is my daughter

    Lala. Said Eleiza Now give

    me that shouted Lala and

    snaching the bird. Hey birdy

    we have decorated your

    room said Lala My room?

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    ~ 160 ~

    Humans are so kinnnn..d

    said Ella. Here we are

    said Lala. Ella was seeing

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    ~ 161 ~

    from right to left.

    Oh my said Ella The

    pinkish side said Lala

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    ~ 162 ~

    You dont

    belong here. Hahahaha

    You belong with him

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    ~ 163 ~

    Randy Then Lala

    said Have fun and closed

    the door and went. Hi! I am

    Randy said Randy I know

    that. How long you have

    been here? asked Ella 22

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 164 ~

    years. And may I ask you,

    who are you? asked Randy

    I I am Ella said Ella I

    want to go to bed. Can

    you oh sure said

    Randy Thanks said Ella

    Welcome. I better go said

    Randy. The background is

    great. And may be the bed is

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 165 ~

    mine. And I wont allow

    anyone to step on my bed.

    Huh. said Ella to herself

    sitting on the nest.

    Then suddenly

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    ~ 166 ~

    Randy came and said

    Theres a meeting. Get

    ready. Wait, what

    meeting? asked Ella Queen

    Cloras meeting in we

    discuss latest events or

    some news or your

    problems. said Randy And

    today Queens son will also

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 167 ~

    come. Get ready. Oh so Ill

    ask her how do we get out of

    here? Great idea. said Ella

    to herself. Come on said

    Randy. All the birds were

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 168 ~

    flying and

    penguins were walking.

    Hurry up Ella said Randy

    Okay, Okay, I am coming.

    Dont shout at me. said Ella.

    The meeting began.

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    ~ 169 ~

    Hello, birds, pengiuns,

    swans & piegons. I am your

    Queen Clora. And this is my

    daughter Jonah. We look so

    same isnt it? said Queen

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 170 ~


    Everybody shouted Yes.

    Okay, as you know my son

    Asbond is going to come. So,

    ask me any nice

    questions said Queen

    Clora. Then suddenly the

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 171 ~

    trumpets started.



    Poopoopoopoo Poopoopopo.

    Hello my dear friends. I am

    your prince and my name

    is said Prince Asbond

    sorry to interrupt but I just

    want to ask how to get out of

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 172 ~

    here? asked Ella. Then

    everybody discussed What

    is she saying?. I know, I

    know, you guys dont want

    to go but for me I have to go.

    Please. said Ella Look,

    what ever your name is

    said Prince Asbond Ella

    said Ella Yes, Ella, you cant

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    ~ 173 ~

    get out of here said Prince

    Asbond Why? asked Ella I

    dont know. Ask them, who

    kidnapped you and us? said

    Prince Asbond. Then Ella was

    like emotional. No need to

    cry, okay. We all want

    freedom Ill give you

    freedom said Ella What

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 174 ~

    asked Prince Asbond I have

    two ways. 1. If someone

    means a human opens that

    door we could pass and 2.

    That window. said Ella Just

    trust me please Okay,

    we trust you said Prince

    Asbond. Then everybody

    went and were arguring.

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    ~ 175 ~

    Then Randy said to Ella Ella

    what have you done?

    Look Randy, I

    have said each and

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    ~ 176 ~

    everything right and if you

    dont trust me so its okay.

    said Ella. Then Ella went to

    eat some grains. But Ella

    Ella said Randy. Then

    suddenly Lala opened the

    door and said Oh! New

    birdy, where are you? I have

    brought you some healthy

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 177 ~

    grains better than those

    grains. Come out. Then Ella

    was flying. There you are

    said Lala Oh no, she is

    going to get me said Ella I

    wish I were a swan. Then

    God turns Ella into swan.

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 178 ~



    Oh my said Queen Clora.

    Then Lala catched Ella and

    squeezed her. Ella then

    fainted. Then Prince Asbond

    holded Ella and was flying.

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    ~ 179 ~

    You come back here.

    Otherwise I am going to

    said Lala. The all the birds

    were snaching Lala. Are you

    okay, Ella? asked Prince

    Asbond Am I am swan?

    asked Ella Yes you are

    and you look beautiful said

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 180 ~

    Prince Asbond Thanks said

    Ella I want to go But you

    cant said Prince How? Am

    I fat? asked Ella No I mean

    you have to stay with me in

    my palace said Prince

    Asbond But said Ella No

    Buts said Prince Asbond.

    Then Ella went with Prince

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 181 ~

    Asbond to the palace. He

    said You rest in here in

    garden Ill be back within

    seconds Okay said Ella

    looking back and fourth. Ella

    then sat in the nest type of

    thing. His palace is

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 182 ~

    so great said Ella to herself.

    Humm why did these

    people made this palace for

    them? Why not us?. Then

    suddenly Prince Asbond

    came. Hey! I brought you

    some food. May be you like

    it. Thanks! Prince Asbond

    said Ella Please dont call

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 183 ~

    me Prince Asbond call me

    Asbond said Prince

    Asbond Okay, is this palace

    yours? asked Ella Well yes.

    My mother was send here 12

    years ago. My father he was

    asleep, then my mom she

    was pregnant. My dad was

    so scared. He thought a

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 184 ~

    baby-girl would born. But it

    was me said Prince

    Asbond continuing the story

    he was so

    angry because he wanted a

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    ~ 185 ~

    girl not a boy. When I was 5,

    my dad tought me like I am

    not his son. When I was 8 he

    got heart-attack. My mom

    she was so emotional and

    me too. Before in this room

    their were many animals too.

    Then my mom ordered the

    things to the frog or turtle or

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    ~ 186 ~

    toucan and anyother animal.

    Before the

    room was like the forest.

    Everything was change when

    I was born. Then they killed

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    ~ 187 ~

    the animals and bought

    birds. Why? asked Ella

    Because they became too

    weak said Prince Asbond I

    better go, bye said Ella

    Bye said Prince Asbond.

    Next morning, the birds were

    planning to escape. Ella was

    telling the rules. So now

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 188 ~

    you got my point? asked

    Ella to everyone. They

    shouted and said Yes.

    Okay, lets do this said Ella.

    When Lala opened the door

    she saw the birds were

    asleep. Then suddenly the

    birds woke up and they get

    out of the door. Oh no, no

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 189 ~

    shouted Lala. Mrs. Elezia

    opened the main door and

    all the birds flew. Lala came

    and said Oh, their gone. I

    am sorry mom No, you

    have done a good job.

    Actually, the birds need

    freedom. You have done a

    great job said Mrs. Elezia

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    ~ 190 ~

    closing the door. Ella looked

    back and saw Mrs. Elezia and

    thought she have done a

    right thing. A few weeks

    later, Asbond said some few

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 191 ~

    words about love and they

    both fell in love.

    Five years later.

    Everyone were busy in their

    own life. Ellen met Ella and

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    ~ 192 ~

    asked whole story. Ella said

    Ill tell you later. Now you

    must go look after your

    childerns while I look mine.

    Ella then had five swan

    toldders. Ella and Asbond

    and their swan toldders lived

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    ~ 193 ~

    happily ever after.

    Answer the following


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 194 ~

    1. Where do Ella used to


    2. Why was she sad at this


    3. Who was Ellen? What did

    Ellas dad said to Ellen

    when he died?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 195 ~

    4. What did Ella saw when

    she was hiding near the


    5. Who was holding and

    feeding Ella?

    6. What is Mrs. Elizas

    daughters name? What

    she told about Ella?

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 196 ~

    7. When Ella entered the

    room, whom she met?

    8. Why did Randy shouted

    and came? What did he


    9. What were the two ways

    of the escape that Ella


  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 197 ~

    10.What did Ella wish for?

    Did her wish come true?

    11.How did all escape?


    12.What did Mrs. Eliza said

    to Lala?

    13.What happened after 5

    years? Explain.

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 198 ~

    14.How many toddlers did

    Ella and Asbond has?

    About the Author.

    My name is Fariza Farid. I am the author

    of this book. I really like to make stories.

    Everybody says its wonderful. Thats why

    I name it Stories of Wonders. I also like

    to make songs by myself. The name of

  • 8/3/2019 Stories of Wonders


    ~ 199 ~

    my songs book is My song my lyrics. As

    I have said you about me, so now read

    about About the book.

    About the book.

    This book is full of fun, friends, action and

    romance. I hope you liked this book. The

    book contains very beautiful stories. It

    has 5 stories. Ill try to write more stories

    now. So, that all for now. Thank you for

    reading my stories.

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    ~ 200 ~