Stopandstart Hyp11113 Services

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Stop and start hyperion services

Transcript of Stopandstart Hyp11113 Services

start@echo offset LOGFILE=C:\Hyperion\logs\startHyperionServices.logecho starting Hyperion apache %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9Apache2"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion rmi registry %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "Hyperion RMI Registry"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion Foundation open ldap and shared services . %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%rem sc \\localhost start "OpenLDAP-slapd"rem waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion shared Services. %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9SharedServices"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion essbase service %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9ESBAgent11.1.1_hypservice_1"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion eis %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "Hyperion Integration Services"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion Administration and Provider Services. %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9eas" waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15 sc \\localhost start "HyS9aps"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion workspace agent and web %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9Core1"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15sc \\localhost start "HyS9Workspace"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion annotation %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9Annotation"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15echo starting Hyperion planning %date% %time% > %LOGFILE%echo starting Planning. %date% %time% >> %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost start "HyS9Planning"stop@echo offset LOGFILE=D:\Hyperion\logs\Stop HyperionServices.logecho stoping Planning. %date% %time% >> %LOGFILE%sc \\localhost stop "HyS9Planning"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9Annotation"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9Workspace"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9Core1"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9aps"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9eas" waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "Hyperion Integration Services"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9ESBAgent11.1.1_hypservice_1"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9SharedServices"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 15sc \\localhost stop "OpenLDAP-slapd"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "Hyperion RMI Registry"waitfor NONEXISTINGSIGNAL /T 5sc \\localhost stop "HyS9Apache2"