Stop Trying To Be Perfect with your Internet Marketing

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Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Ive got news for you youre not perfect. Nor are the things you do in business.

Sorry to be the one whos being honest with you.

But the truth is, no-one is perfect.

And no product (not even that brand new, shiny, $700 phone) is perfect either.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

And not everything you create will get the same results.

Even web pages on near-identical subjects will get different results.

Because there are lots of factors at play.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Things are unpredictable.

I remember reading an interview with a band I follow (They Might Be Giants if youre interested) and they talked about a time when they ran a dial-a-song phone line.

People would dial in to listen to the latest song.

They said they soon got used to people hanging up without listening to the whole song.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

And they said that was OK.

Because they learned the lesson that they shouldnt get too attached to the songs they created they shouldnt get precious about them.

And Ive remembered that in relation to the products I create and the web pages, videos and all the other stuff I do.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Youll never please everyone.

And youll never have exactly the same conditions the next time you create something, even if its on the exact same topic.

My product sales stats are all over the place according to the publicly available stats in Warrior Plus, anything from 1 sale to well over 100.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

None of the products are anywhere close to being perfect.

But that doesnt matter.

For a start, if I waited until they were perfect, theyd never get released.

That applies in all sectors the closest we get are probably prescription drugs which are tested rigourously. But they still have side effects, so theyre not perfect.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

The latest cars and phones are mostly a lot better than their predecessors.

But that doesnt mean that next years version wont be an improvement.

Because it probably will be.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

You should be aiming for a good enough is good enough approach to your business.

Obviously dont use that as an excuse to churn out utter junk.

But dont use it as an excuse to not launch a new product or press publish on your blog post or hit the record button on your video recorder.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

The free market will judge what you create.

You might get zero views on a new blog post thats unlikely and there are things you can do to help get real people to find your post such as Tweeting and posting to places like Facebook and Google+

Everyone has to start at zero even the most popular sites have zero views on a new page immediately after they publish it.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

But after a few days youll get an indication of how your new content is faring.

Keep in mind that theres bias involved.

If youre using WordPress, chances are your most recent posts will show highest on the lists on site.

But anyone using a search engine wont see the post in the results for some time it takes a while for search engines to show pages because of all the processing involved.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

The thing is, you wont know ahead of time which posts or products or videos will perform best.

It may be your best ones.

Or it could be that youve touched a nerve somewhere and something you dont rate as your best work touches a nerve with your readers and takes off.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Or you might get mentioned somewhere and get a blip of traffic from that source.

Theyre all factors outside your control.

One other thing to remember is that whilst the slogan practice makes perfect isnt completely true (because youll never be perfect), its certainly a pointer in the right direction.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Keep working at your internet business and youll get better at it.

For me, that means less stumbling when I talk through my videos, less editing on posts I make, putting out products that I think will be appreciated and finding out whether the market agrees with me.

I think you should be doing something similar.

Rather than using the excuse of perfecting your work as the reason to procrastinate.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Try it for the next month.

Banish your perfectionism and just do it.

So long as whatever youre publishing isnt utter junk, put it out to the world and let your site visitors decide how useful it is.

Then move on to the next part of your project.

And the next. And the next

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

And if youd like more help doing that, click this link and join my list.

Ill regularly send you real world internet marketing help that works even if you dont do it totally perfectly.

Acting on what you know is almost always better than striving to make everything completely perfect.

Click this link to join me and get more real world internet marketing help.