STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing!...

STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash away sin and evil Himalay a Mountai n Range

Transcript of STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing!...

Page 1: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on

earth and is still growing!

GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash away sin and evil

Himalaya Mountain


Page 2: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

STOP: The Ganges is extremely polluted with human and industrial waste along with materials from religious events.

GO: This religion is the oldest living religion and the belief in reincarnation is a characteristic of it.

Ganges River

Page 3: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Hinduism STOP: The cow is

also sacred in Hinduism. Hindus believe in karma.

Hindus also believe in many gods that represent different

aspects of Brahman.

GO: a social structure

in India which classes are

determined by birth.

Page 4: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Caste System

STOP: Correct! The caste system is illegal but

still exists especially in rural India

GO: the extension of very

small loans to impoverished


Page 5: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: Microcredit began in Bangladesh and has helped raise the standard of living for many people, especially for women.

GO: the development and widespread adoption of high-yielding varieties of food crops in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Page 6: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Green Revolution

STOP: The Green Revolution started in Mexico and quickly transferred to India where it was given much of the credit for averting a famine.

GO: to the word that describes the division of India into predominately Hindu India and mainly Muslim Pakistan.

Page 7: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

PartitionSTOP: This led to large amounts of violence and the eventual creation of Bangladesh.

GO: Find the monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by the guru Nanak.

Page 8: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

SikhismSTOP: Sikhism rejects caste

distinctions and idolatry. They do not cut their hair.

GO: India and Pakistan have fought to control this only Muslim territory in India.

Page 9: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

KashmirSTOP: Religion is not the only dispute in Kashmir. The Indus River runs through there and is a critical source of water for Pakistan.

GO: Seasonal winds that bring rain in the

summer and little moisture in the


Page 10: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: While monsoons provide water for crops, they also cause flooding. Hundreds o f people died in India in

203 as the result of monsoon flooding.

GO: When companies hire other companies to do some


Page 11: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

OutsourcingSTOP: Did you know that 2,637,239 American jobs were

outsourced in 2013?

GO: find the religion where followers believe that selfish desires are the source of all human suffering. They also believe

in reincarnation and following the Eightfold Path.

Page 12: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

BuddhismSTOP: Wow! There are 350–550 million Buddhists worldwide.

GO: find the word that means the creation of a common global culture

Page 13: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

GlobalizationSTOP: Global transportation, trade and technology has made it easier

to exchange products and ideas with other countries.

GO: This is a philosophy based on the teachings of Lao-Tzu. He believed in preserving and restoring harmony with little

interference from the government.

Page 14: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: The yin and yang represent the duality of

opposing manifestations of the same principle and not to be viewed as independent.

GO: What is the longest river in all of Asia?

Page 15: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

YangtzeSTOP: It is a major trade

route for China

GO: What is the indigenous religion of Japan that worship spirits establish a connection between present-day Japan and its ancient past?

Page 16: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: Shintoism is animistic since they believe that non-human entities (animals, plants, and inanimate objects or phenomena) possess a spiritual essence

GO: This is nicknamed “China’s Sorrow”

because of the terrible floods it caused

Page 17: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Yellow River

STOP: It gets its name from the yellow silt it carries. It is also called the Huang He.

GO: What is a large, relatively self-contained

landmass forming a subdivision of a continent


Page 18: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: What river flows west and then south through Pakistan to

the Arabian Sea?

GO: You found it. Did you know the Indian

subcontinent is surrounded by mountains and seas?

Page 19: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Indus RiverSTOP:

Remember this river since you will learn

about the Harappan

Civilization that lived

there in World History next


GO: this philosophy stresses the

importance of order,

education, and hierarchy in a well-ordered


Page 20: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Confucianism STOP: One quote from the analects of Confucius is “To study and not think is a waste. To think

and not study is dangerous.”

GO: This was built on the Yangtze River to supply hydroelectric


Page 21: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Three Gorges DamSTOP: To build the dam at least 1.24 million people had to be relocated, Over 100 towns and settlements and 1,000 archaeological and historic sites were submerged and lost. GO: What is a nation that has rapid

economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology and aggressive exports called?

Page 22: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Economic TigerSTOP: The term was

initially used for South

Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan as tigers are

important in East Asian symbolism.

GO: Find the chain of volcanoes that lines the Pacific Rim.

Page 23: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Ring of FireSTOP: It is really not shaped like a ring but a horseshoe! It is also

the name of a Johnny Cash song.

GO: a factory or workshop, especially in the clothing industry, where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long

hours and under poor conditions.

Page 24: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

SweatshopSTOP: Besides the

garment industry, common sweatshop goods include tires, auto parts, shoes, toys, computer parts,

electronics, and nearly every other kind of manufactured good

GO: Find the highest point on earth.

Page 25: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Mt. Everest

STOP: Time for a cool fact - The Nepalese call Mt. Everest “Samgarmatha” which can be translated as “Goddess of the

Universe” or “Forehead of the Sky.”

GO: a condition in which the population of a country does not grow but remains stable.

Page 26: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Zero Population Growth

STOP: China is expected to witness a zero population growth rate by 2030

GO: a geographical region that has economic and other laws that are more free-market-oriented than a country's typical or national laws.

Page 27: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Special Economic Zones

STOP: Good job! In China, SEZs have

created millions of jobs but also

increased the gap between the rich

and poor.

GO: find the most expansive arid region

on the Asian continent.

Page 28: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Gobi Desert

STOP: Did you know that the Gobi gets about 7 inches of

rainfall each year.

GO: find the creation of flat areas on mountain slopes for

the purpose of farming.

Page 29: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: While terraced paddy fields in Asia are used widely in rice, wheat and barley farming, terracing is used in many places

around the world.

GO: What is the name of the Chinese law that was made

to control population growth?

Page 30: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

One Child PolicySTOP: You found it! Did you know that there are many conditions which will allow families to have more than one child? For instance couples are allowed to have two children if either parent is an only child.

GO: countries rely on one another for resources, technology and trade.

Page 31: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Economic Interdependence

STOP: Changes in one region of the world now affect all others, sometimes with devastating results.

GO: What is a large company that has operations in more than one country?

Page 32: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Multinational Corporation

STOP: Did you know that Subway now has more stores than McDonalds ?

GO: The Chinese nationalists lost to Communists and established their government here.

Page 33: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.


STOP: Twice during the Nationalist rule in Taiwan, China made attempts to


GO: What term is used when different cultures become


Page 34: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Cultural Convergence

STOP: English has become the

international second language throughout

the world

GO: sometimes called "the Roof of

the World" and is the world's highest and

largest plateau,

Page 35: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Tibetan Plateau

STOP: Did you know it is about four times the size of France?

GO: Who is the leader of North


Page 36: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Kim Jong-unSTOP: Since he took office in 2011, he has threatened the US with nuclear weapons, had many people killed including his uncle, and made friends with Dennis Rodman.

GO: What is a group or chain of islands called?

Page 37: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Archipelago STOP: Archipelagos are often volcanic,

forming along island arcs generated by subduction zones or hotspots

GO: a large percent of Mongolians still engage in this for a living.

Page 38: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Nomadic Herding STOP: Mongolian pastoral herders way of life is changing and many are moving to the cities.

GO: East Pakistan fought for their own state.

Page 39: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Bangladesh STOP: Even though they

shared a religious bond, East and West Pakistan were ethnically

different and were separated by 1,000 miles.

GO: this is the average number of people in a unit of area. It measures how crowded an

area is.

Page 40: STOP: Good job! Did you know it is also the highest mountain range on earth and is still growing! GO: This is sacred to Hindus and is believed to wash.

Population Density

STOP: Population density affects the different aspects of life such as the way people live or how they travel.

GO: find the highest mountain range in the world.