Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach

Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach your network

Transcript of Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach

Page 1: Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach

Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach your network

Page 2: Stop DDoS cyber-attacks before they reach

Four things you need to know about DDoS1. What is a DDoS attack?

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a common type of cyber-attack which aims to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with lots of traffic from different sources. Common targets include payment gateways, ecommerce sites and email servers.

2. How are victims impacted? These attacks result in downtime, lost revenue and unhappy customers – all of which impacts the bottom line. In a typical DDoS attack, organisations lose more than €10,000 a hour.1

3. Should you be worried? The short answer is yes. DDoS attacks are becoming more and more common.2 Criminals no longer have to be skilled to arrange them. They can simply purchase and schedule it online. And targets aren’t limited to websites and online businesses. Any organisation which uses cloud services or a corporate internet gateway is vulnerable.

4. What’s the best defence? Because of the complicated nature of the server requests that flood in during a DDoS attack, firewalls aren’t enough. A far better option is mitigating the attack before it even reaches your network. That’s something we can do for you.

We can protect you from these concerted and malicious attacksDistributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are designed bring down servers and applications.

The results can be devastating – downtime, lost revenue, a tarnished reputation. But you don’t have to live in fear.

We can automatically detect rogue traffic and snuff out the danger before it hits your network.

1 Cost of Cybercrime study. Accenture and Ponemon Institute, 2017.

2 Catching the virus: cybercrime, disinformation and the COVID-19 pandemic. Europol, 2020.


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Ask us about Managed DDoS SecurityThis is our fixed-cost subscription service. It mitigates DDoS attacks at any time of the day or night, typically within nine minutes.

Here’s how it worksTraffic flows as normal, until we detect an unusual quantity or type of traffic. When this happens, we investigate and clean the traffic by removing any requests which are part of a DDoS attack. Innocent requests are returned to you, so you can continue with business as usual.

Subscription level

Features Bronze Silver Gold

Automatic detection and mitigation

Weekly reports

Self-service monitoring

Option of changing the monitoring configurations 16 times per year

as many times as you like

Assistance from security experts

Combined cloud and CPE protection

24/7 proactive support from our security analysts

Learn more about the bronze, silver and gold options by emailing [email protected]


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Why choose us?Simply put, we’re in the right place to act. Because we own and manage so much of the telecommunications infrastructure, we can see the warning signs of DDoS attacks before they can wreak havoc on your organisation.

We’re in the right place in a different sense as well: our head offices are in Dublin and Belfast. No one can rival the breadth of our networks and services in Ireland. We employ many of the certified IT professionals on the island.

We can also draw on the support of our global business where needed. This gives us access to more than 300 security professionals in 16 Security Operations Centres.

With this kind of presence, it’s no surprise we have relationships with a number of intelligence agencies, such as Interpol and NCSC, or that we’re trusted to protect over 50 national governments.

Take the first step towards protecting yourself today. Email us at [email protected]


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© BT Communications Ireland Ltd 2020. Grand Canal Plaza, Upper Grand Canal Street, Dublin 4. Registered in Ireland No. 141524.

May 2021