Stewart solution 6ed

1 FUNCTIONS AND MODELS 1.1 Four Ways to Represent a Function In exercises requiring estimations or approximations, your answers may vary slightly from the answers given here. 1. (a) The point (1, 2) is on the graph of f , so f (1) = 2. (b) When x =2, y is about 2.8, so f (2) 2.8. (c) f (x)=2 is equivalent to y =2. When y =2, we have x = 3 and x =1. (d) Reasonable estimates for x when y =0 are x = 2.5 and x =0.3. (e) The domain of f consists of all x-values on the graph of f . For this function, the domain is 3 x 3, or [3, 3]. The range of f consists of all y-values on the graph of f . For this function, the range is 2 y 3, or [2, 3]. (f ) As x increases from 1 to 3, y increases from 2 to 3. Thus, f is increasing on the interval [1, 3]. 3. From Figure 1 in the text, the lowest point occurs at about (t, a) = (12, 85). The highest point occurs at about (17, 115). Thus, the range of the vertical ground acceleration is 85 a 115. Written in interval notation, we get [85, 115]. 5. No, the curve is not the graph of a function because a vertical line intersects the curve more than once. Hence, the curve fails the Vertical Line Test. 7. Yes, the curve is the graph of a function because it passes the Vertical Line Test. The domain is [3, 2] and the range is [3, 2) [1, 3]. 9. The person’s weight increased to about 160 pounds at age 20 and stayed fairly steady for 10 years. The person’s weight dropped to about 120 pounds for the next 5 years, then increased rapidly to about 170 pounds. The next 30 years saw a gradual increase to 190 pounds. Possible reasons for the drop in weight at 30 years of age: diet, exercise, health problems. 11. The water will cool down almost to freezing as the ice melts. Then, when the ice has melted, the water will slowly warm up to room temperature. 13. Of course, this graph depends strongly on the geographical location! 15. As the price increases, the amount sold decreases. 17. 9

Transcript of Stewart solution 6ed

  • 1 FUNCTIONS AND MODELS1.1 Four Ways to Represent a Function

    In exercises requiring estimations or approximations, your answers may vary slightly from the answers given here.

    1. (a) The point (1,2) is on the graph of f , so f(1) = 2.(b) When x = 2, y is about 2.8, so f(2) 2.8.(c) f(x) = 2 is equivalent to y = 2. When y = 2, we have x = 3 and x = 1.(d) Reasonable estimates for x when y = 0 are x = 2.5 and x = 0.3.(e) The domain of f consists of all x-values on the graph of f . For this function, the domain is 3 x 3, or [3, 3].

    The range of f consists of all y-values on the graph of f . For this function, the range is2 y 3, or [2, 3].(f ) As x increases from 1 to 3, y increases from 2 to 3. Thus, f is increasing on the interval [1, 3].

    3. From Figure 1 in the text, the lowest point occurs at about (t, a) = (12,85). The highest point occurs at about (17, 115).Thus, the range of the vertical ground acceleration is85 a 115. Written in interval notation, we get [85, 115].

    5. No, the curve is not the graph of a function because a vertical line intersects the curve more than once. Hence, the curve failsthe Vertical Line Test.

    7. Yes, the curve is the graph of a function because it passes the Vertical Line Test. The domain is [3, 2] and the rangeis [3,2) [1, 3].

    9. The persons weight increased to about 160 pounds at age 20 and stayed fairly steady for 10 years. The persons weightdropped to about 120 pounds for the next 5 years, then increased rapidly to about 170 pounds. The next 30 years saw a gradual

    increase to 190 pounds. Possible reasons for the drop in weight at 30 years of age: diet, exercise, health problems.

    11. The water will cool down almost to freezing as the ice

    melts. Then, when the ice has melted, the water will

    slowly warm up to room temperature.

    13. Of course, this graph depends strongly on the

    geographical location!

    15. As the price increases, the amount sold decreases.




    19. (a) (b) From the graph, we estimate the number of

    cell-phone subscribers worldwide to be about

    92 million in 1995 and 485 million in 1999.

    21. f(x) = 3x2 x+ 2.f(2) = 3(2)2 2 + 2 = 12 2 + 2 = 12.f(2) = 3(2)2 (2) + 2 = 12 + 2 + 2 = 16.f(a) = 3a2 a+ 2.f(a) = 3(a)2 (a) + 2 = 3a2 + a+ 2.f(a+ 1) = 3(a+ 1)2 (a+ 1) + 2 = 3(a2 + 2a+ 1) a 1 + 2 = 3a2 + 6a+ 3 a+ 1 = 3a2 + 5a+ 4.2f(a) = 2 f(a) = 2(3a2 a+ 2) = 6a2 2a+ 4.f(2a) = 3(2a)2 (2a) + 2 = 3(4a2) 2a+ 2 = 12a2 2a+ 2.f(a2) = 3(a2)2 (a2) + 2 = 3(a4) a2 + 2 = 3a4 a2 + 2.

    [f(a)]2 = 3a2 a+ 2 2 = 3a2 a+ 2 3a2 a+ 2= 9a4 3a3 + 6a2 3a3 + a2 2a+ 6a2 2a+ 4 = 9a4 6a3 + 13a2 4a+ 4.

    f(a+ h) = 3(a+ h)2 (a+ h) + 2 = 3(a2 + 2ah+ h2) a h+ 2 = 3a2 + 6ah+ 3h2 a h+ 2.

    23. f(x) = 4 + 3x x2, so f(3 + h) = 4 + 3(3 + h) (3 + h)2 = 4 + 9 + 3h (9 + 6h+ h2) = 4 3h h2,

    and f(3 + h) f(3)h

    =(4 3h h2) 4


    h(3 h)h

    = 3 h.

    25. f(x) f(a)x a =


    x 1a

    x a =a xxa

    x a =a x

    xa(x a) =1(x a)xa(x a) =



    27. f(x) = x/(3x 1) is defined for all x except when 0 = 3x 1 x = 13

    , so the domain

    is x R | x 6= 13= , 1

    3 1

    3 , .

    29. f(t) =t+ 3

    t is defined when t 0. These values of t give real number results fort, whereas any value of t gives a real

    number result for 3t. The domain is [0,).

    31. h(x) = 1 4x2 5x is defined when x2 5x > 0 x(x 5) > 0. Note that x2 5x 6= 0 since that would result in

    division by zero. The expression x(x 5) is positive if x < 0 or x > 5. (See Appendix A for methods for solvinginequalities.) Thus, the domain is (, 0) (5,).


    33. f(x) = 5 is defined for all real numbers, so the domain is R, or (,).The graph of f is a horizontal line with y-intercept 5.

    35. f(t) = t2 6t is defined for all real numbers, so the domain is R, or(,). The graph of f is a parabola opening upward since the coefficientof t2 is positive. To find the t-intercepts, let y = 0 and solve for t.

    0 = t2 6t = t(t 6) t = 0 and t = 6. The t-coordinate of thevertex is halfway between the t-intercepts, that is, at t = 3. Since

    f(3) = 32 6 3 = 9, the vertex is (3,9).

    37. g(x) =x 5 is defined when x 5 0 or x 5, so the domain is [5,).

    Since y =x 5 y2 = x 5 x = y2 +5, we see that g is the

    top half of a parabola.

    39. G(x) = 3x+ |x|x

    . Since |x| =x if x 0x if x < 0 , we have

    G(x) =

    3x+ x

    xif x > 0

    3x xx

    if x < 0=


    xif x > 0


    xif x < 0

    =4 if x > 0

    2 if x < 0

    Note that G is not defined for x = 0. The domain is (, 0) (0,).

    41. f(x) =x+ 2 if x < 0

    1 x if x 0The domain is R.

    43. f(x) =x+ 2 if x 1x2 if x > 1

    Note that for x = 1, both x+ 2 and x2 are equal to 1.The domain is R.

    45. Recall that the slope m of a line between the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is m =y2 y1x2 x1 and an equation of the line

    connecting those two points is y y1 = m(x x1). The slope of this line segment is 7 (3)5 1 =


    2, so an equation is

    y (3) = 52(x 1). The function is f(x) = 5

    2x 11

    2, 1 x 5.


    47. We need to solve the given equation for y. x+ (y 1)2 = 0 (y 1)2 = x y 1 = x y = 1x. The expression with the positive radical represents the top half of the parabola, and the one with the negativeradical represents the bottom half. Hence, we want f(x) = 1x. Note that the domain is x 0.

    49. For 0 x 3, the graph is the line with slope 1 and y-intercept 3, that is, y = x+ 3. For 3 < x 5, the graph is the linewith slope 2 passing through (3, 0); that is, y 0 = 2(x 3), or y = 2x 6. So the function is

    f(x) =x+ 3 if 0 x 32x 6 if 3 < x 5

    51. Let the length and width of the rectangle be L and W . Then the perimeter is 2L+ 2W = 20 and the area is A = LW .

    Solving the first equation for W in terms of L gives W = 20 2L2

    = 10L. Thus, A(L) = L(10L) = 10LL2. Since

    lengths are positive, the domain of A is 0 < L < 10. If we further restrict L to be larger than W , then 5 < L < 10 would be

    the domain.

    53. Let the length of a side of the equilateral triangle be x. Then by the Pythagorean Theorem, the height y of the triangle satisfies

    y2 + 12x2= x2, so that y2 = x2 14x2 = 34x2 and y =

    32 x. Using the formula for the area A of a triangle,

    A = 12(base)(height), we obtain A(x) = 1


    32x =

    34x2, with domain x > 0.

    55. Let each side of the base of the box have length x, and let the height of the box be h. Since the volume is 2, we know that

    2 = hx2, so that h = 2/x2, and the surface area is S = x2 + 4xh. Thus, S(x) = x2 + 4x(2/x2) = x2 + (8/x), with

    domain x > 0.

    57. The height of the box is x and the length and width are L = 20 2x, W = 12 2x. Then V = LWx and soV (x) = (20 2x)(12 2x)(x) = 4(10 x)(6 x)(x) = 4x(60 16x+ x2) = 4x3 64x2 + 240x.The sides L, W , and x must be positive. Thus, L > 0 20 2x > 0 x < 10;W > 0 12 2x > 0 x < 6; and x > 0. Combining these restrictions gives us the domain 0 < x < 6.

    59. (a) (b) On $14,000, tax is assessed on $4000, and 10%($4000) = $400.

    On $26,000, tax is assessed on $16,000, and

    10%($10,000) + 15%($6000) = $1000 + $900 = $1900.

    (c) As in part (b), there is $1000 tax assessed on $20,000 of income, so

    the graph of T is a line segment from (10,000, 0) to (20,000, 1000).

    The tax on $30,000 is $2500, so the graph of T for x > 20,000 is

    the ray with initial point (20,000, 1000) that passes through

    (30,000, 2500).


    61. f is an odd function because its graph is symmetric about the origin. g is an even function because its graph is symmetric with

    respect to the y-axis.

    63. (a) Because an even function is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, and the point (5, 3) is on the graph of this even function,

    the point (5, 3) must also be on its graph.

    (b) Because an odd function is symmetric with respect to the origin, and the point (5, 3) is on the graph of this odd function,

    the point (5,3) must also be on its graph.

    65. f(x) = xx2 + 1


    f(x) = x(x)2 + 1 =

    xx2 + 1

    = xx2 + 1

    = f(x).

    So f is an odd function.

    67. f(x) = xx+ 1

    , so f(x) = xx+ 1 =x

    x 1 .

    Since this is neither f(x) nor f(x), the function f isneither even nor odd.

    69. f(x) = 1 + 3x2 x4.f(x) = 1 + 3(x)2 (x)4 = 1 + 3x2 x4 = f(x).So f is an even function.

    1.2 Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions

    1. (a) f(x) = 5x is a root function with n = 5.

    (b) g(x) =1 x2 is an algebraic function because it is a root of a polynomial.

    (c) h(x) = x9 + x4 is a polynomial of degree 9.

    (d) r(x) = x2 + 1

    x3 + xis a rational function because it is a ratio of polynomials.

    (e) s(x) = tan 2x is a trigonometric function.

    (f ) t(x) = log10 x is a logarithmic function.

    3. We notice from the figure that g and h are even functions (symmetric with respect to the y-axis) and that f is an odd function

    (symmetric with respect to the origin). So (b) y = x5 must be f . Since g is flatter than h near the origin, we must have

    (c) y = x8 matched with g and (a) y = x2 matched with h.


    5. (a) An equation for the family of linear functions with slope 2

    is y = f(x) = 2x+ b, where b is the y-intercept.

    (b) f(2) = 1 means that the point (2, 1) is on the graph of f . We can use the

    point-slope form of a line to obtain an equation for the family of linear

    functions through the point (2, 1). y 1 = m(x 2), which is equivalentto y = mx+ (1 2m) in slope-intercept form.

    (c) To belong to both families, an equation must have slope m = 2, so the equation in part (b), y = mx+ (1 2m),

    becomes y = 2x 3. It is the only function that belongs to both families.

    7. All members of the family of linear functions f(x) = c x have graphsthat are lines with slope 1. The y-intercept is c.

    9. Since f(1) = f(0) = f(2) = 0, f has zeros of 1, 0, and 2, so an equation for f is f(x) = a[x (1)](x 0)(x 2),or f(x) = ax(x+ 1)(x 2). Because f(1) = 6, well substitute 1 for x and 6 for f(x).6 = a(1)(2)(1) 2a = 6 a = 3, so an equation for f is f(x) = 3x(x+ 1)(x 2).

    11. (a) D = 200, so c = 0.0417D(a+ 1) = 0.0417(200)(a+ 1) = 8.34a+ 8.34. The slope is 8.34, which represents the

    change in mg of the dosage for a child for each change of 1 year in age.

    (b) For a newborn, a = 0, so c = 8.34 mg.

    13. (a) (b) The slope of 95

    means that F increases 95

    degrees for each increase

    of 1C. (Equivalently, F increases by 9 when C increases by 5

    and F decreases by 9 when C decreases by 5.) The F -intercept of

    32 is the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to a Celsius

    temperature of 0.


    15. (a) Using N in place of x and T in place of y, we find the slope to be T2 T1N2 N1 =

    80 70173 113 =



    6. So a linear

    equation is T 80 = 16(N 173) T 80 = 1

    6N 173

    6 T = 1

    6N + 307

    63076= 51.16 .

    (b) The slope of 16

    means that the temperature in Fahrenheit degrees increases one-sixth as rapidly as the number of cricket

    chirps per minute. Said differently, each increase of 6 cricket chirps per minute corresponds to an increase of 1F.

    (c) When N = 150, the temperature is given approximately by T = 16(150) + 307

    6= 76.16 F 76 F.

    17. (a) We are given change in pressure10 feet change in depth


    10= 0.434. Using P for pressure and d for depth with the point

    (d, P ) = (0, 15), we have the slope-intercept form of the line, P = 0.434d+ 15.

    (b) When P = 100, then 100 = 0.434d+ 15 0.434d = 85 d = 850.434 195.85 feet. Thus, the pressure is

    100 lb/in2 at a depth of approximately 196 feet.

    19. (a) The data appear to be periodic and a sine or cosine function would make the best model. A model of the form

    f(x) = a cos(bx) + c seems appropriate.

    (b) The data appear to be decreasing in a linear fashion. A model of the form f(x) = mx+ b seems appropriate.

    Some values are given to many decimal places. These are the results given by several computer algebra systems rounding is left to the reader.

    21. (a)

    A linear model does seem appropriate.

    (b) Using the points (4000, 14.1) and (60,000, 8.2), we obtain

    y 14.1 = 8.2 14.160,000 4000 (x 4000) or, equivalently,

    y 0.000105357x+ 14.521429.

    (c) Using a computing device, we obtain the least squares regression line y = 0.0000997855x+ 13.950764.The following commands and screens illustrate how to find the least squares regression line on a TI-83 Plus.

    Enter the data into list one (L1) and list two (L2). Press to enter the editor.

    Find the regession line and store it in Y1. Press .


    Note from the last figure that the regression line has been stored in Y1 and that Plot1 has been turned on (Plot1 is

    highlighted). You can turn on Plot1 from the Y= menu by placing the cursor on Plot1 and pressing or by

    pressing .

    Now press to produce a graph of the data and the regression

    line. Note that choice 9 of the ZOOM menu automatically selects a window

    that displays all of the data.

    (d) When x = 25,000, y 11.456; or about 11.5 per 100 population.

    (e) When x = 80,000, y 5.968; or about a 6% chance.(f ) When x = 200,000, y is negative, so the model does not apply.

    23. (a)

    A linear model does seem appropriate.


    Using a computing device, we obtain the least squaresregression line y = 0.089119747x 158.2403249,where x is the year and y is the height in feet.

    (c) When x = 2000, the model gives y 20.00 ft. Note that the actual winning height for the 2000 Olympics is less than thewinning height for 1996so much for that prediction.

    (d) When x = 2100, y 28.91 ft. This would be an increase of 9.49 ft from 1996 to 2100. Even though there was an increaseof 8.59 ft from 1900 to 1996, it is unlikely that a similar increase will occur over the next 100 years.

    25. Using a computing device, we obtain the cubic

    function y = ax3 + bx2 + cx+ d witha = 0.0012937, b = 7.06142, c = 12,823,and d = 7,743,770. When x = 1925,y 1914 (million).


    1.3 New Functions from Old Functions

    1. (a) If the graph of f is shifted 3 units upward, its equation becomes y = f(x) + 3.

    (b) If the graph of f is shifted 3 units downward, its equation becomes y = f(x) 3.

    (c) If the graph of f is shifted 3 units to the right, its equation becomes y = f(x 3).

    (d) If the graph of f is shifted 3 units to the left, its equation becomes y = f(x+ 3).

    (e) If the graph of f is reflected about the x-axis, its equation becomes y = f(x).

    (f ) If the graph of f is reflected about the y-axis, its equation becomes y = f(x).

    (g) If the graph of f is stretched vertically by a factor of 3, its equation becomes y = 3f(x).

    (h) If the graph of f is shrunk vertically by a factor of 3, its equation becomes y = 13f(x).

    3. (a) (graph 3) The graph of f is shifted 4 units to the right and has equation y = f(x 4).

    (b) (graph 1) The graph of f is shifted 3 units upward and has equation y = f(x) + 3.

    (c) (graph 4) The graph of f is shrunk vertically by a factor of 3 and has equation y = 13f(x).

    (d) (graph 5) The graph of f is shifted 4 units to the left and reflected about the x-axis. Its equation is y = f(x+ 4).

    (e) (graph 2) The graph of f is shifted 6 units to the left and stretched vertically by a factor of 2. Its equation is

    y = 2f(x+ 6).

    5. (a) To graph y = f(2x) we shrink the graph of fhorizontally by a factor of 2.

    The point (4,1) on the graph of f corresponds to thepoint 1

    2 4,1 = (2,1).

    (b) To graph y = f 12x we stretch the graph of f

    horizontally by a factor of 2.

    The point (4,1) on the graph of f corresponds to thepoint (2 4,1) = (8,1).

    (c) To graph y = f(x) we reflect the graph of f aboutthe y-axis.

    The point (4,1) on the graph of f corresponds to thepoint (1 4,1) = (4,1).

    (d) To graph y = f(x) we reflect the graph of f aboutthe y-axis, then about the x-axis.

    The point (4,1) on the graph of f corresponds to thepoint (1 4,1 1) = (4, 1).


    7. The graph of y = f(x) =3x x2 has been shifted 4 units to the left, reflected about the x-axis, and shifted downward

    1 unit. Thus, a function describing the graph is

    y = 1 reflect

    about x-axis

    f (x+ 4)

    shift4 units left


    1 unit left

    This function can be written as

    y = f(x+ 4) 1 = 3(x+ 4) (x+ 4)2 1 = 3x+ 12 (x2 + 8x+ 16) 1 = x2 5x 4 1

    9. y = x3: Start with the graph of y = x3 and reflectabout the x-axis. Note: Reflecting about the y-axis

    gives the same result since substitutingx for x givesus y = (x)3 = x3.

    11. y = (x+ 1)2: Start with the graph of y = x2

    and shift 1 unit to the left.

    13. y = 1 + 2 cosx: Start with the graph of y = cosx, stretch vertically by a factor of 2, and then shift 1 unit upward.

    15. y = sin(x/2): Start with the graph of y = sinx and stretch horizontally by a factor of 2.


    17. y =x+ 3 : Start with the graph of

    y =x and shift 3 units to the left.

    19. y = 12 (x2 + 8x) = 12 (x

    2 + 8x+ 16) 8 = 12 (x+ 4)2 8: Start with the graph of y = x2, compress vertically by a

    factor of 2, shift 4 units to the left, and then shift 8 units downward.

    0 0 0 0

    21. y = 2/(x+ 1): Start with the graph of y = 1/x, shift 1 unit to the left, and then stretch vertically by a factor of 2.

    23. y = |sinx|: Start with the graph of y = sinx and reflect all the parts of the graph below the x-axis about the x-axis.

    25. This is just like the solution to Example 4 except the amplitude of the curve (the 30N curve in Figure 9 on June 21) is

    14 12 = 2. So the function is L(t) = 12 + 2 sin 2365 (t 80) . March 31 is the 90th day of the year, so the model gives

    L(90) 12.34 h. The daylight time (5:51 AM to 6:18 PM) is 12 hours and 27 minutes, or 12.45 h. The model value differs

    from the actual value by 12.4512.3412.45 0.009, less than 1%.27. (a) To obtain y = f(|x|), the portion of the graph of y = f(x) to the right of the y-axis is reflected about the y-axis.

    (b) y = sin |x| (c) y = |x|


    29. f(x) = x3 + 2x2; g(x) = 3x2 1. D = R for both f and g.

    (f + g)(x) = (x3 + 2x2) + (3x2 1) = x3 + 5x2 1, D = R.

    (f g)(x) = (x3 + 2x2) (3x2 1) = x3 x2 + 1, D = R.

    (fg)(x) = (x3 + 2x2)(3x2 1) = 3x5 + 6x4 x3 2x2, D = R.


    g(x) =

    x3 + 2x2

    3x2 1 , D = x | x 6= 13

    since 3x2 1 6= 0.

    31. f(x) = x2 1, D = R; g(x) = 2x+ 1, D = R.(a) (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(2x+ 1) = (2x+ 1)2 1 = (4x2 + 4x+ 1) 1 = 4x2 + 4x, D = R.(b) (g f)(x) = g(f(x)) = g(x2 1) = 2(x2 1) + 1 = (2x2 2) + 1 = 2x2 1, D = R.

    (c) (f f)(x) = f(f(x)) = f(x2 1) = (x2 1)2 1 = (x4 2x2 + 1) 1 = x4 2x2, D = R.

    (d) (g g)(x) = g(g(x)) = g(2x+ 1) = 2(2x+ 1) + 1 = (4x+ 2) + 1 = 4x+ 3, D = R.33. f(x) = 1 3x; g(x) = cosx. D = R for both f and g, and hence for their composites.

    (a) (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(cosx) = 1 3 cosx.(b) (g f)(x) = g(f(x)) = g(1 3x) = cos(1 3x).

    (c) (f f)(x) = f(f(x)) = f(1 3x) = 1 3(1 3x) = 1 3 + 9x = 9x 2.

    (d) (g g)(x) = g(g(x)) = g(cosx) = cos(cosx) [Note that this is not cosx cosx.]

    35. f(x) = x+ 1x

    , D = {x | x 6= 0}; g(x) = x+ 1x+ 2

    , D = {x | x 6= 2}

    (a) (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f x+ 1x+ 2

    =x+ 1

    x+ 2+

    1x+ 1

    x+ 2

    =x+ 1

    x+ 2+x+ 2

    x+ 1

    =(x+ 1)(x+ 1) + (x+ 2)(x+ 2)

    (x+ 2)(x+ 1)=

    x2 + 2x+ 1 + x2 + 4x+ 4

    (x+ 2)(x+ 1)=

    2x2 + 6x+ 5

    (x+ 2)(x+ 1)

    Since g(x) is not defined for x = 2 and f(g(x)) is not defined for x = 2 and x = 1,the domain of (f g)(x) is D = {x | x 6= 2,1}.

    (b) (g f)(x) = g(f(x)) = g x+ 1x



    x+ 1


    x+ 2


    x2 + 1 + x

    xx2 + 1 + 2x


    =x2 + x+ 1

    x2 + 2x+ 1=

    x2 + x+ 1

    (x+ 1)2

    Since f(x) is not defined for x = 0 and g(f(x)) is not defined for x = 1,the domain of (g f)(x) is D = {x | x 6= 1, 0}.

    (c) (f f)(x) = f(f(x)) = f x+ 1x

    = x+1



    x+ 1x

    = x+1



    = x+1



    x2 + 1

    =x(x) x2 + 1 + 1 x2 + 1 + x(x)

    x(x2 + 1)=

    x4 + x2 + x2 + 1 + x2

    x(x2 + 1)

    =x4 + 3x2 + 1

    x(x2 + 1), D = {x | x 6= 0}


    (d) (g g)(x) = g(g(x)) = g x+ 1x+ 2


    x+ 1

    x+ 2+ 1

    x+ 1

    x+ 2+ 2


    x+ 1 + 1(x+ 2)

    x+ 2x+ 1 + 2(x+ 2)

    x+ 2

    =x+ 1 + x+ 2

    x+ 1 + 2x+ 4=2x+ 3

    3x+ 5

    Since g(x) is not defined for x = 2 and g(g(x)) is not defined for x = 53 ,

    the domain of (g g)(x) is D = x | x 6= 2, 53 .

    37. (f g h)(x) = f(g(h(x))) = f(g(x 1)) = f(2(x 1)) = 2(x 1) + 1 = 2x 1

    39. (f g h)(x) = f(g(h(x))) = f(g(x3 + 2)) = f [(x3 + 2)2]= f(x6 + 4x3 + 4) = (x6 + 4x3 + 4) 3 = x6 + 4x3 + 1

    41. Let g(x) = x2 + 1 and f(x) = x10. Then (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(x2 + 1) = (x2 + 1)10 = F (x).

    43. Let g(x) = 3x and f(x) = x

    1 + x. Then (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f( 3x ) =


    1 + 3x= F (x).

    45. Let g(t) = cos t and f(t) =t. Then (f g)(t) = f(g(t)) = f(cos t) = cos t = u(t).

    47. Let h(x) = x2, g(x) = 3x, and f(x) = 1 x. Then

    (f g h)(x) = f(g(h(x))) = f(g(x2)) = f 3x2 = 1 3x2 = H(x).

    49. Let h(x) =x, g(x) = secx, and f(x) = x4. Then

    (f g h)(x) = f(g(h(x))) = f(g(x )) = f(secx ) = (secx )4 = sec4 (x ) = H(x).51. (a) g(2) = 5, because the point (2, 5) is on the graph of g. Thus, f(g(2)) = f(5) = 4, because the point (5, 4) is on the

    graph of f .

    (b) g(f(0)) = g(0) = 3

    (c) (f g)(0) = f(g(0)) = f(3) = 0(d) (g f)(6) = g(f(6)) = g(6). This value is not defined, because there is no point on the graph of g that has

    x-coordinate 6.

    (e) (g g)(2) = g(g(2)) = g(1) = 4(f ) (f f)(4) = f(f(4)) = f(2) = 2

    53. (a) Using the relationship distance = rate time with the radius r as the distance, we have r(t) = 60t.(b) A = r2 (A r)(t) = A(r(t)) = (60t)2 = 3600t2. This formula gives us the extent of the rippled area

    (in cm2) at any time t.

    55. (a) From the figure, we have a right triangle with legs 6 and d, and hypotenuse s.

    By the Pythagorean Theorem, d2 + 62 = s2 s = f(d) = d 2 + 36.

    (b) Using d = rt, we get d = (30 km/hr)(t hr) = 30t (in km). Thus,

    d = g(t) = 30t.

    (c) (f g)(t) = f(g(t)) = f(30t) = (30t)2 + 36 = 900t2 + 36. This function represents the distance between thelighthouse and the ship as a function of the time elapsed since noon.


    57. (a)

    H(t) =0 if t < 0

    1 if t 0


    V (t) =0 if t < 0

    120 if t 0 so V (t) = 120H(t).

    (c) Starting with the formula in part (b), we replace 120 with 240 to reflect the

    different voltage. Also, because we are starting 5 units to the right of t = 0,

    we replace t with t 5. Thus, the formula is V (t) = 240H(t 5).

    59. If f(x) = m1x + b1 and g(x) = m2x + b2, then

    (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(m2x+ b2) = m1(m2x+ b2) + b1 = m1m2x+m1b2 + b1.So f g is a linear function with slope m1m2.

    61. (a) By examining the variable terms in g and h, we deduce that we must square g to get the terms 4x2 and 4x in h. If we let

    f(x) = x2 + c, then (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(2x+ 1) = (2x+ 1)2 + c = 4x2 + 4x+ (1 + c). Since

    h(x) = 4x2 + 4x+ 7, we must have 1 + c = 7. So c = 6 and f(x) = x2 + 6.

    (b) We need a function g so that f(g(x)) = 3(g(x)) + 5 = h(x). But

    h(x) = 3x2 + 3x+ 2 = 3(x2 + x) + 2 = 3(x2 + x 1) + 5, so we see that g(x) = x2 + x 1.

    63. (a) If f and g are even functions, then f(x) = f(x) and g(x) = g(x).(i) (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) = f(x) + g(x) = (f + g)(x), so f + g is an even function.

    (ii) (fg)(x) = f(x) g(x) = f(x) g(x) = (fg)(x), so fg is an even function.

    (b) If f and g are odd functions, then f(x) = f(x) and g(x) = g(x).(i) (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) = f(x) + [g(x)] = [f(x) + g(x)] = (f + g)(x),

    so f + g is an odd function.(ii) (fg)(x) = f(x) g(x) = f(x) [g(x)] = f(x) g(x) = (fg)(x), so fg is an even function.

    65. We need to examine h(x).h(x) = (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(g(x)) [because g is even] = h(x)

    Because h(x) = h(x), h is an even function.


    1.4 Graphing Calculators and Computers

    1. f(x) =x3 5x2

    (a) [5, 5] by [5, 5](There is no graph shown.)

    (b) [0, 10] by [0, 2] (c) [0, 10] by [0, 10]

    The most appropriate graph is produced in viewing rectangle (c).

    3. Since the graph of f(x) = 5 + 20x x2 is aparabola opening downward, an appropriate viewing

    rectangle should include the maximum point.

    5. f(x) = 481 x4 is defined when 81 x4 0

    x4 81 |x| 3, so the domain of f is [3, 3]. Also0 481 x4 481 = 3, so the range is [0, 3].

    7. The graph of f(x) = x3 225x is symmetric with respect to the origin.Since f(x) = x3 225x = x(x2 225) = x(x+ 15)(x 15), thereare x-intercepts at 0, 15, and 15. f(20) = 3500.

    9. The period of g(x) = sin(1000x) is 21000

    0.0063 and its range is[1, 1]. Since f(x) = sin2(1000x) is the square of g, its range is[0, 1] and a viewing rectangle of [0.01, 0.01] by [0, 1.1] seemsappropriate.

    11. The domain of y =x is x 0, so the domain of f(x) = sinx is [0,)

    and the range is [1, 1]. With a little trial-and-error experimentation, we findthat an Xmax of 100 illustrates the general shape of f , so an appropriate

    viewing rectangle is [0, 100] by [1.5, 1.5].


    13. The first term, 10 sinx, has period 2 and range [10, 10]. It will be the dominant term in any large graph of

    y = 10 sinx+ sin 100x, as shown in the first figure. The second term, sin 100x, has period 2100

    = 50

    and range [1, 1].

    It causes the bumps in the first figure and will be the dominant term in any small graph, as shown in the view near the

    origin in the second figure.

    15. We must solve the given equation for y to obtain equations for the upper andlower halves of the ellipse.

    4x2 + 2y2 = 1 2y2 = 1 4x2 y2 = 1 4x2


    y = 1 4x2


    17. From the graph of y = 3x2 6x+ 1and y = 0.23x 2.25 in the viewingrectangle [1, 3] by [2.5, 1.5], it isdifficult to see if the graphs intersect.

    If we zoom in on the fourth quadrant,

    we see the graphs do not intersect.

    19. From the graph of f(x) = x3 9x2 4, we see that there is one solutionof the equation f(x) = 0 and it is slightly larger than 9. By zooming in or

    using a root or zero feature, we obtain x 9.05.

    21. We see that the graphs of f(x) = x2 and g(x) = sinx intersect twice. One

    solution is x = 0. The other solution of f = g is the x-coordinate of thepoint of intersection in the first quadrant. Using an intersect feature or

    zooming in, we find this value to be approximately 0.88. Alternatively, we

    could find that value by finding the positive zero of h(x) = x2 sinx.

    Note: After producing the graph on a TI-83 Plus, we can find the approximate value 0.88 by using the following keystrokes:

    . The 1 is just a guess for 0.88.


    23. g(x) = x3/10 is larger than f(x) = 10x2 whenever x > 100.

    25. We see from the graphs of y = |sinx x| and y = 0.1 that there aretwo solutions to the equation |sinx x| = 0.1: x 0.85 andx 0.85. The condition |sinx x| < 0.1 holds for any x lyingbetween these two values, that is, 0.85 < x < 0.85.

    27. (a) The root functions y =x,

    y = 4x and y = 6


    (b) The root functions y = x,

    y = 3x and y = 5


    (c) The root functions y =x, y = 3


    y = 4x and y = 5


    (d) For any n, the nth root of 0 is 0 and the nth root of 1 is 1; that is, all nth root functions pass through the points (0, 0)and (1, 1).

    For odd n, the domain of the nth root function is R, while for even n, it is {x R | x 0}. Graphs of even root functions look similar to that ofx, while those of odd root functions resemble that of 3x. As n increases, the graph of nx becomes steeper near 0 and flatter for x > 1.

    29. f(x) = x4 + cx2 + x. If c < 1.5, there are three humps: two minimum pointsand a maximum point. These humps get flatter as c increases, until at c = 1.5two of the humps disappear and there is only one minimum point. This single

    hump then moves to the right and approaches the origin as c increases.

    31. y = xn2x. As n increases, the maximum of the

    function moves further from the origin, and gets

    larger. Note, however, that regardless of n, the

    function approaches 0 as x.


    33. y2 = cx3 + x2. If c < 0, the loop is to the right of the origin, and if c is positive,

    it is to the left. In both cases, the closer c is to 0, the larger the loop is. (In the

    limiting case, c = 0, the loop is infinite, that is, it doesnt close.) Also, the

    larger |c| is, the steeper the slope is on the loopless side of the origin.

    35. The graphing window is 95 pixels wide and we want to start with x = 0 and end with x = 2. Since there are 94 gaps

    between pixels, the distance between pixels is 2094 . Thus, the x-values that the calculator actually plots are x = 0 +294 n,

    where n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 93, 94. For y = sin 2x, the actual points plotted by the calculator are 294 n, sin 2 2

    94 n for

    n = 0, 1, . . . , 94. For y = sin 96x, the points plotted are 294 n, sin 96 2

    94 n for n = 0, 1, . . . , 94. But

    sin 96 294 n = sin 94 2

    94 n+ 2 2

    94 n = sin 2n+ 2 2

    94 n

    = sin 2 294 n [by periodicity of sine], n = 0, 1, . . . , 94

    So the y-values, and hence the points, plotted for y = sin 96x are identical to those plotted for y = sin 2x.Note: Try graphing y = sin 94x. Can you see why all the y-values are zero?

    1.5 Exponential Functions

    1. (a) f(x) = ax, a > 0 (b) R (c) (0,) (d) See Figures 4(c), 4(b), and 4(a), respectively.3. All of these graphs approach 0 as x, all of them pass through the point(0, 1), and all of them are increasing and approach as x. The larger thebase, the faster the function increases for x > 0, and the faster it approaches 0 as

    x.Note: The notation x can be thought of as x becomes large at this point.More details on this notation are given in Chapter 2.

    5. The functions with bases greater than 1 (3x and 10x) are increasing, while those

    with bases less than 1 13

    x and 110

    x are decreasing. The graph of 13

    x is the

    reflection of that of 3x about the y-axis, and the graph of 110

    x is the reflection of

    that of 10x about the y-axis. The graph of 10x increases more quickly than that of

    3x for x > 0, and approaches 0 faster as x.

    7. We start with the graph of y = 4x (Figure 3) and then

    shift 3 units downward. This shift doesnt affect the

    domain, but the range of y = 4x 3 is (3,) .There is a horizontal asymptote of y = 3.

    y = 4x y = 4x 3


    9. We start with the graph of y = 2x (Figure 3),

    reflect it about the y-axis, and then about the

    x-axis (or just rotate 180 to handle both

    reflections) to obtain the graph of y = 2x.In each graph, y = 0 is the horizontal

    asymptote.y = 2x y = 2x y = 2x

    11. We start with the graph of y = ex (Figure 13) and reflect about the y-axis to get the graph of y = ex. Then we compress the

    graph vertically by a factor of 2 to obtain the graph of y = 12ex and then reflect about the x-axis to get the graph of

    y = 12ex. Finally, we shift the graph upward one unit to get the graph of y = 1 1


    13. (a) To find the equation of the graph that results from shifting the graph of y = ex 2 units downward, we subtract 2 from the

    original function to get y = ex 2.

    (b) To find the equation of the graph that results from shifting the graph of y = ex 2 units to the right, we replace x with x 2in the original function to get y = e(x2).

    (c) To find the equation of the graph that results from reflecting the graph of y = ex about the x-axis, we multiply the original

    function by 1 to get y = ex.

    (d) To find the equation of the graph that results from reflecting the graph of y = ex about the y-axis, we replace x with x inthe original function to get y = ex.

    (e) To find the equation of the graph that results from reflecting the graph of y = ex about the x-axis and then about the

    y-axis, we first multiply the original function by 1 (to get y = ex) and then replace x with x in this equation toget y = ex.

    15. (a) The denominator 1 + ex is never equal to zero because ex > 0, so the domain of f(x) = 1/(1 + ex) is R.

    (b) 1 ex = 0 ex = 1 x = 0, so the domain of f(x) = 1/(1 ex) is (, 0) (0,).

    17. Use y = Cax with the points (1, 6) and (3, 24). 6 = Ca1 C = 6a

    and 24 = Ca3 24 = 6a


    4 = a2 a = 2 [since a > 0] and C = 62= 3. The function is f(x) = 3 2x.

    19. If f(x) = 5x, then f(x+ h) f(x)h

    =5x+h 5x

    h=5x5h 5x

    h=5x 5h 1

    h= 5x

    5h 1h



    21. 2 ft = 24 in, f(24) = 242 in = 576 in = 48 ft. g(24) = 224 in = 224/(12 5280) mi 265 mi

    23. The graph of g finally surpasses that of f at x 35.8.

    25. (a) Fifteen hours represents 5 doubling periods (one doubling period is three hours). 100 25 = 3200

    (b) In t hours, there will be t/3 doubling periods. The initial population is 100,

    so the population y at time t is y = 100 2t/3.

    (c) t = 20 y = 100 220/3 10,159

    (d) We graph y1 = 100 2x/3 and y2 = 50,000. The two curves intersect atx 26.9, so the population reaches 50,000 in about 26.9 hours.

    27. An exponential model is y = abt, where a = 3.154832569 1012

    and b = 1.017764706. This model gives y(1993) 5498 million andy(2010) 7417 million.

    29. From the graph, it appears that f is an odd function (f is undefined for x = 0).

    To prove this, we must show that f(x) = f(x).

    f(x) = 1 e1/(x)

    1 + e1/(x)=1 e(1/x)1 + e(1/x)

    =1 1


    1 +1




    e1/x 1e1/x + 1

    = 1 e1/x

    1 + e1/x= f(x)

    so f is an odd function.

    1.6 Inverse Functions and Logarithms

    1. (a) See Definition 1.

    (b) It must pass the Horizontal Line Test.

    3. f is not one-to-one because 2 6= 6, but f(2) = 2.0 = f(6).

    5. No horizontal line intersects the graph of f more than once. Thus, by the Horizontal Line Test, f is one-to-one.


    7. The horizontal line y = 0 (the x-axis) intersects the graph of f in more than one point. Thus, by the Horizontal Line Test,

    f is not one-to-one.

    9. The graph of f(x) = x2 2x is a parabola with axis of symmetry x = b2a= 2

    2(1)= 1. Pick any x-values equidistant

    from 1 to find two equal function values. For example, f(0) = 0 and f(2) = 0, so f is not one-to-one.

    11. g(x) = 1/x. x1 6= x2 1/x1 6= 1/x2 g (x1) 6= g (x2), so g is one-to-one.Geometric solution: The graph of g is the hyperbola shown in Figure 14 in Section 1.2. It passes the Horizontal Line Test,

    so g is one-to-one.

    13. A football will attain every height h up to its maximum height twice: once on the way up, and again on the way down. Thus,

    even if t1 does not equal t2, f(t1) may equal f(t2), so f is not 1-1.

    15. Since f(2) = 9 and f is 1-1, we know that f1(9) = 2. Remember, if the point (2, 9) is on the graph of f , then the point

    (9, 2) is on the graph of f1.

    17. First, we must determine x such that g(x) = 4. By inspection, we see that if x = 0, then g(x) = 4. Since g is 1-1 (g is an

    increasing function), it has an inverse, and g1(4) = 0.

    19. We solve C = 59 (F 32) for F : 95C = F 32 F = 95C + 32. This gives us a formula for the inverse function, thatis, the Fahrenheit temperature F as a function of the Celsius temperature C. F 459.67 9

    5C + 32 459.67 95C 491.67 C 273.15, the domain of the inverse function.

    21. f(x) =10 3x y = 10 3x (y 0) y2 = 10 3x 3x = 10 y2 x = 1

    3y2 + 10


    Interchange x and y: y = 13x

    2 + 103 . So f1(x) = 13x2 + 103 . Note that the domain of f1 is x 0.

    23. y = f(x) = ex3 ln y = x3 x = 3ln y. Interchange x and y: y = 3lnx. So f1(x) = 3lnx.

    25. y = f(x) = ln (x+ 3) x+ 3 = ey x = ey 3. Interchange x and y: y = ex 3. So f1(x) = ex 3.

    27. y = f(x) = x4 + 1 y 1 = x4 x = 4y 1 (not since

    x 0). Interchange x and y : y = 4x 1. So f1(x) = 4x 1. The

    graph of y = 4x 1 is just the graph of y = 4x shifted right one unit.

    From the graph, we see that f and f1 are reflections about the line y = x.

    29. Reflect the graph of f about the line y = x. The points (1,2), (1,1),(2, 2), and (3, 3) on f are reflected to (2,1), (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3)on f1.


    31. (a) It is defined as the inverse of the exponential function with base a, that is, loga x = y ay = x.(b) (0,) (c) R (d) See Figure 11.

    33. (a) log5 125 = 3 since 53 = 125. (b) log31

    27= 3 since 33 = 1



    35. (a) log2 6 log2 15 + log2 20 = log2( 615 ) + log2 20 [by Law 2]= log2(

    615 20) [by Law 1]

    = log2 8, and log2 8 = 3 since 23 = 8.

    (b) log3 100 log3 18 log3 50 = log3 10018 log3 50 = log3 1001850= log3(

    19), and log3 19 = 2 since 32 = 19 .

    37. ln 5 + 5 ln 3 = ln 5 + ln 35 [by Law 3]

    = ln(5 35) [by Law 1]= ln1215

    39. ln(1 + x2) + 12 lnx ln sinx = ln(1 + x2) + lnx1/2 ln sinx = ln[(1 + x2)x ] ln sinx = ln (1 + x



    41. To graph these functions, we use log1.5 x =lnx

    ln 1.5and log50 x =


    ln 50.

    These graphs all approach as x 0+, and they all pass through thepoint (1, 0). Also, they are all increasing, and all approach as x.The functions with larger bases increase extremely slowly, and the ones with

    smaller bases do so somewhat more quickly. The functions with large bases

    approach the y-axis more closely as x 0+.43. 3 ft = 36 in, so we need x such that log2 x = 36 x = 236 = 68,719,476,736. In miles, this is

    68,719,476,736 in 1 ft12 in

    1 mi5280 ft

    1,084,587.7 mi.

    45. (a) Shift the graph of y = log10 x five units to the left to

    obtain the graph of y = log10(x+5). Note the vertical

    asymptote of x = 5.

    y = log10 x y = log10(x+ 5)

    (b) Reflect the graph of y = lnx about the x-axis to obtain

    the graph of y = lnx.

    y = lnx y = lnx

    47. (a) 2 lnx = 1 lnx = 12 x = e1/2 = e

    (b) ex = 5 x = ln 5 x = ln 549. (a) 2x5 = 3 log2 3 = x 5 x = 5 + log2 3.

    Or: 2x5 = 3 ln 2x5 = ln3 (x 5) ln 2 = ln 3 x 5 = ln 3ln 2

    x = 5 + ln 3ln 2


    (b) lnx+ ln(x 1) = ln(x(x 1)) = 1 x(x 1) = e1 x2 x e = 0. The quadratic formula (with a = 1,

    b = 1, and c = e) gives x = 1211 + 4e , but we reject the negative root since the natural logarithm is not

    defined for x < 0. So x = 121 +

    1 + 4e .

    51. (a) ex < 10 ln ex < ln 10 x < ln 10 x (, ln 10)(b) lnx > 1 elnx > e1 x > e1 x (1/e,)

    53. (a) For f(x) =3 e2x, we must have 3 e2x 0 e2x 3 2x ln 3 x 12 ln 3. Thus, the domain

    of f is (, 12 ln 3].

    (b) y = f(x) =3 e2x [note that y 0] y2 = 3 e2x e2x = 3 y2 2x = ln(3 y2)

    x = 12ln(3 y2). Interchange x and y: y = 1

    2ln(3 x2). So f1(x) = 1

    2ln(3 x2). For the domain of f1, we must

    have 3 x2 > 0 x2 < 3 |x| < 3 3 < x < 3 0 x < 3 since x 0. Note that the

    domain of f1, [0,3 ), equals the range of f .

    55. We see that the graph of y = f(x) =x3 + x2 + x+ 1 is increasing, so f is 1-1.

    Enter x = y3 + y2 + y + 1 and use your CAS to solve the equation for y.

    Using Derive, we get two (irrelevant) solutions involving imaginary expressions,

    as well as one which can be simplified to the following:

    y = f1(x) = 346

    3D 27x2 + 20 3D + 27x2 20 + 32

    where D = 3327x4 40x2 + 16.

    Maple and Mathematica each give two complex expressions and one real expression, and the real expression is equivalent

    to that given by Derive. For example, Maples expression simplifies to 16

    M2/3 8 2M1/32M1/3

    , where

    M = 108x2 + 1248 120x2 + 81x4 80.

    57. (a) n = 100 2t/3 n100

    = 2t/3 log2n



    3 t = 3 log2


    100. Using formula (10), we can write

    this as t = f1(n) = 3 ln(n/100)ln 2

    . This function tells us how long it will take to obtain n bacteria (given the number n).

    (b) n = 50,000 t = f1(50,000) = 3 ln50,000100

    ln 2= 3

    ln 500

    ln 2 26.9 hours

    59. (a) sin132

    = 3 since sin

    3 =

    32 and

    3 is in 2 , 2 .

    (b) cos1(1) = since cos = 1 and is in [0, ].

    61. (a) arctan 1 = 4 since tan4 = 1 and

    4 is in 2 , 2 .

    (b) sin1 12= 4 since sin

    4 =


    and 4 is in 2 , 2 .


    63. (a) In general, tan(arctanx) = x for any real number x. Thus, tan(arctan 10) = 10.

    (b) sin1 sin 73

    = sin1 sin 3= sin1


    3since sin


    and 3

    is in 2, 2


    [Recall that 73 =

    3 + 2 and the sine function is periodic with period 2.]

    65. Let y = sin1 x. Then 2 y

    2 cos y 0, so cos(sin1 x) = cos y = 1 sin2 y = 1 x2.

    67. Let y = tan1 x. Then tan y = x, so from the triangle we see that

    sin(tan1 x) = sin y =x1 + x2


    69. The graph of sin1 x is the reflection of the graph of

    sinx about the line y = x.

    71. g(x) = sin1(3x+ 1).

    Domain (g) = {x | 1 3x+ 1 1} = {x | 2 3x 0} = x | 23 x 0 = 2

    3, 0 .

    Range (g) = y | 2 y


    2, 2


    73. (a) If the point (x, y) is on the graph of y = f(x), then the point (x c, y) is that point shifted c units to the left. Since f is

    1-1, the point (y, x) is on the graph of y = f1(x) and the point corresponding to (x c, y) on the graph of f is

    (y, x c) on the graph of f1. Thus, the curves reflection is shifted down the same number of units as the curve itself is

    shifted to the left. So an expression for the inverse function is g1(x) = f1(x) c.

    (b) If we compress (or stretch) a curve horizontally, the curves reflection in the line y = x is compressed (or stretched)

    vertically by the same factor. Using this geometric principle, we see that the inverse of h(x) = f(cx) can be expressed as

    h1(x) = (1/c) f1(x).


    1 Review

    1. (a) A function f is a rule that assigns to each element x in a set A exactly one element, called f(x), in a set B. The set A is

    called the domain of the function. The range of f is the set of all possible values of f(x) as x varies throughout the


    (b) If f is a function with domain A, then its graph is the set of ordered pairs {(x, f(x)) | x A}.(c) Use the Vertical Line Test on page 16.

    2. The four ways to represent a function are: verbally, numerically, visually, and algebraically. An example of each is given

    below.Verbally: An assignment of students to chairs in a classroom (a description in words)

    Numerically: A tax table that assigns an amount of tax to an income (a table of values)

    Visually: A graphical history of the Dow Jones average (a graph)

    Algebraically: A relationship between distance, rate, and time: d = rt (an explicit formula)

    3. (a) An even function f satisfies f(x) = f(x) for every number x in its domain. It is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.

    (b) An odd function g satisfies g(x) = g(x) for every number x in its domain. It is symmetric with respect to the origin.

    4. A function f is called increasing on an interval I if f(x1) < f(x2) whenever x1 < x2 in I.

    5. Amathematical model is a mathematical description (often by means of a function or an equation) of a real-world


    6. (a) Linear function: f(x) = 2x+ 1, f(x) = ax+ b 7.

    (b) Power function: f(x) = x2, f(x) = xa

    (c) Exponential function: f(x) = 2x, f(x) = ax

    (d) Quadratic function: f(x) = x2 + x+ 1, f(x) = ax2 + bx+ c

    (e) Polynomial of degree 5: f(x) = x5 + 2

    (f ) Rational function: f(x) = xx+ 2

    , f(x) = P (x)Q(x)

    where P (x) and

    Q(x) are polynomials

    8. (a) (b)


    (c) (d) (e)

    (f ) (g) (h)

    9. (a) The domain of f + g is the intersection of the domain of f and the domain of g; that is, A B.(b) The domain of fg is also A B.(c) The domain of f/g must exclude values of x that make g equal to 0; that is, {x A B | g(x) 6= 0}.

    10. Given two functions f and g, the composite function f g is defined by (f g) (x) = f(g (x)). The domain of f g is theset of all x in the domain of g such that g(x) is in the domain of f .

    11. (a) If the graph of f is shifted 2 units upward, its equation becomes y = f(x) + 2.

    (b) If the graph of f is shifted 2 units downward, its equation becomes y = f(x) 2.

    (c) If the graph of f is shifted 2 units to the right, its equation becomes y = f(x 2).

    (d) If the graph of f is shifted 2 units to the left, its equation becomes y = f(x+ 2).

    (e) If the graph of f is reflected about the x-axis, its equation becomes y = f(x).

    (f ) If the graph of f is reflected about the y-axis, its equation becomes y = f(x).

    (g) If the graph of f is stretched vertically by a factor of 2, its equation becomes y = 2f(x).

    (h) If the graph of f is shrunk vertically by a factor of 2, its equation becomes y = 12f(x).

    (i) If the graph of f is stretched horizontally by a factor of 2, its equation becomes y = f 12x .

    (j) If the graph of f is shrunk horizontally by a factor of 2, its equation becomes y = f(2x).

    12. (a) A function f is called a one-to-one function if it never takes on the same value twice; that is, if f(x1) 6= f(x2) wheneverx1 6= x2. (Or, f is 1-1 if each output corresponds to only one input.)

    Use the Horizontal Line Test: A function is one-to-one if and only if no horizontal line intersects its graph more thanonce.

    (b) If f is a one-to-one function with domain A and range B, then its inverse function f1 has domain B and range A and is

    defined by

    f1(y) = x f(x) = y

    for any y in B. The graph of f1 is obtained by reflecting the graph of f about the line y = x.


    13. (a) The inverse sine function f(x) = sin1 x is defined as follows:

    sin1 x = y sin y = x and 2 y


    Its domain is 1 x 1 and its range is 2 y


    (b) The inverse cosine function f(x) = cos1 x is defined as follows:

    cos1 x = y cos y = x and 0 y Its domain is 1 x 1 and its range is 0 y .

    (c) The inverse tangent function f(x) = tan1 x is defined as follows:

    tan1 x = y tan y = x and 2< y 6. D = (6,)Range: x+ 6 > 0, so ln(x+ 6) takes on all real numbers and, hence, the range is R.

    R = (,)

    9. (a) To obtain the graph of y = f(x) + 8, we shift the graph of y = f(x) up 8 units.

    (b) To obtain the graph of y = f(x+ 8), we shift the graph of y = f(x) left 8 units.

    (c) To obtain the graph of y = 1 + 2f(x), we stretch the graph of y = f(x) vertically by a factor of 2, and then shift the

    resulting graph 1 unit upward.

    (d) To obtain the graph of y = f(x 2) 2, we shift the graph of y = f(x) right 2 units (for the 2 inside theparentheses), and then shift the resulting graph 2 units downward.

    (e) To obtain the graph of y = f(x), we reflect the graph of y = f(x) about the x-axis.

    (f ) To obtain the graph of y = f1(x), we reflect the graph of y = f(x) about the line y = x (assuming f is oneto-one).

    11. y = sin 2x: Start with the graph of y = sinx, compress horizontally by a factor of 2, and reflect about the x-axis.

    13. y = 12(1 + ex):

    Start with the graph of y = ex,

    shift 1 unit upward, and compress

    vertically by a factor of 2.

    15. f(x) = 1x+ 2


    Start with the graph of f(x) = 1/x

    and shift 2 units to the left.


    17. (a) The terms of f are a mixture of odd and even powers of x, so f is neither even nor odd.

    (b) The terms of f are all odd powers of x, so f is odd.

    (c) f(x) = e(x)2 = ex2 = f(x), so f is even.

    (d) f(x) = 1 + sin(x) = 1 sinx. Now f(x) 6= f(x) and f(x) 6= f(x), so f is neither even nor odd.

    19. f(x) = lnx, D = (0,); g(x) = x2 9, D = R.

    (a) (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(x2 9) = ln(x2 9).Domain: x2 9 > 0 x2 > 9 |x| > 3 x (,3) (3,)

    (b) (g f)(x) = g(f(x)) = g(lnx) = (lnx)2 9. Domain: x > 0, or (0,)

    (c) (f f)(x) = f(f(x)) = f(lnx) = ln(lnx). Domain: lnx > 0 x > e0 = 1, or (1,)

    (d) (g g)(x) = g(g(x)) = g(x2 9) = (x2 9)2 9. Domain: x R, or (,)

    21. Many models appear to be plausible. Your choice depends on whether you

    think medical advances will keep increasing life expectancy, or if there is

    bound to be a natural leveling-off of life expectancy. A linear model,

    y = 0.2493x 423.4818, gives us an estimate of 77.6 years for theyear 2010.

    23. We need to know the value of x such that f(x) = 2x+ lnx = 2. Since x = 1 gives us y = 2, f1(2) = 1.

    25. (a) e2 ln 3 = eln 3 2 = 32 = 9

    (b) log10 25 + log10 4 = log10(25 4) = log10 100 = log10 102 = 2

    (c) tan arcsin 12= tan

    6= 1


    (d) Let = cos1 45 , so cos =45 . Then sin cos

    1 45= sin =

    1 cos2 = 1 45

    2= 925 =

    35 .

    27. (a) The population would reach 900 in about 4.4 years.

    (b) P = 100,000100 + 900et

    100P + 900Pet = 100,000 900Pet = 100,000 100P

    et =100,000 100P

    900P t = ln 1000 P

    9P t = ln 1000 P

    9P, or ln 9P

    1000 P ; this is the time

    required for the population to reach a given number P .

    (c) P = 900 t = ln 9 9001000 900 = ln 81 4.4 years, as in part (a).

  • PRINCIPLES OF PROBLEM SOLVING1. By using the area formula for a triangle, 1

    2(base) (height), in two ways, we see that

    12(4) (y) = 1

    2(h) (a), so a = 4y

    h. Since 42 + y2 = h2, y =

    h2 16, and

    a =4h2 16h


    3. |2x 1| =2x 1 if x 1


    1 2x if x < 12

    and |x+ 5| =x+ 5 if x 5x 5 if x < 5

    Therefore, we consider the three cases x < 5, 5 x < 12

    , and x 12


    If x < 5, we must have 1 2x (x 5) = 3 x = 3, which is false, since we are considering x < 5.If 5 x < 1

    2 , we must have 1 2x (x+ 5) = 3 x = 73 .If x 1

    2 , we must have 2x 1 (x+ 5) = 3 x = 9.So the two solutions of the equation are x = 7

    3 and x = 9.

    5. f(x) = x2 4 |x|+ 3 . If x 0, then f(x) = x2 4x+ 3 = |(x 1)(x 3)|.Case (i): If 0 < x 1, then f(x) = x2 4x+ 3.Case (ii): If 1 < x 3, then f(x) = (x2 4x+ 3) = x2 + 4x 3.Case (iii): If x > 3, then f(x) = x2 4x+ 3.

    This enables us to sketch the graph for x 0. Then we use the fact that f is an evenfunction to reflect this part of the graph about the y-axis to obtain the entire graph. Or, we

    could consider also the cases x < 3, 3 x < 1, and 1 x < 0.

    7. Remember that |a| = a if a 0 and that |a| = a if a < 0. Thus,

    x+ |x| =2x if x 00 if x < 0

    and y + |y| =2y if y 00 if y < 0

    We will consider the equation x+ |x| = y + |y| in four cases.

    (1) x 0, y 02x = 2y

    x = y

    (2) x 0, y < 02x = 0

    x = 0

    (3) x < 0, y 00 = 2y

    0 = y

    (4) x < 0, y < 00 = 0

    Case 1 gives us the line y = x with nonnegative x and y.

    Case 2 gives us the portion of the y-axis with y negative.

    Case 3 gives us the portion of the x-axis with x negative.

    Case 4 gives us the entire third quadrant.



    9. |x|+ |y| 1. The boundary of the region has equation |x|+ |y| = 1. In quadrantsI, II, III, and IV, this becomes the lines x+ y = 1, x+ y = 1, x y = 1, andx y = 1 respectively.

    11. (log2 3)(log3 4)(log4 5) (log31 32) =ln 3

    ln 2

    ln 4

    ln 3

    ln 5

    ln 4 ln 32

    ln 31=ln 32

    ln 2=ln 25

    ln 2=5 ln 2

    ln 2= 5

    13. ln x2 2x 2 0 x2 2x 2 e0 = 1 x2 2x 3 0 (x 3)(x+ 1) 0 x [1, 3].

    Since the argument must be positive, x2 2x 2 > 0 x 13 x 1 +3 > 0

    x , 13 1 +3, . The intersection of these intervals is 1, 13 1 +3, 3 .

    15. Let d be the distance traveled on each half of the trip. Let t1 and t2 be the times taken for the first and second halves of the trip.

    For the first half of the trip we have t1 = d/30 and for the second half we have t2 = d/60. Thus, the average speed for the

    entire trip is total distancetotal time


    t1 + t2=







    2d+ d=120d

    3d= 40. The average speed for the entire trip

    is 40 mi/h.

    17. Let Sn be the statement that 7n 1 is divisible by 6. S1 is true because 71 1 = 6 is divisible by 6. Assume Sk is true, that is, 7k 1 is divisible by 6. In other words, 7k 1 = 6m for some positive integer m. Then7k+1 1 = 7k 7 1 = (6m+ 1) 7 1 = 42m+ 6 = 6(7m+ 1), which is divisible by 6, so Sk+1 is true.

    Therefore, by mathematical induction, 7n 1 is divisible by 6 for every positive integer n.

    19. f0(x) = x2 and fn+1(x) = f0(fn(x)) for n = 0, 1, 2, . . ..

    f1(x) = f0(f0(x)) = f0 x2 = x2

    2= x4, f2(x) = f0(f1(x)) = f0(x4) = (x4)2 = x8,

    f3(x) = f0(f2(x)) = f0(x8) = (x8)2 = x16, . . .. Thus, a general formula is fn(x) = x2



  • 2 LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES2.1 The Tangent and Velocity Problems

    1. (a) Using P (15, 250), we construct the following table:

    t Q slope = mPQ

    5 (5, 694) 694250515 = 44410 = 44.4

    10 (10, 444) 4442501015 = 1945 = 38.8

    20 (20, 111) 1112502015 = 1395 = 27.8

    25 (25, 28) 282502515 = 22210 = 22.2

    30 (30, 0) 02503015 = 25015 = 16.6

    (b) Using the values of t that correspond to the points

    closest to P (t = 10 and t = 20), we have

    38.8 + (27.8)2

    = 33.3

    (c) From the graph, we can estimate the slope of the

    tangent line at P to be 3009

    = 33.3.

    3. (a)x Q mPQ

    (i) 0.5 (0.5, 0.333333) 0.333333

    (ii) 0.9 (0.9, 0.473684) 0.263158

    (iii) 0.99 (0.99, 0.497487) 0.251256

    (iv) 0.999 (0.999, 0.499750) 0.250125

    (v) 1.5 (1.5, 0.6) 0.2

    (vi) 1.1 (1.1, 0.523810) 0.238095

    (vii) 1.01 (1.01, 0.502488) 0.248756

    (viii) 1.001 (1.001, 0.500250) 0.249875

    (b) The slope appears to be 14 .

    (c) y 12= 1

    4(x 1) or y = 1

    4x+ 1


    5. (a) y = y(t) = 40t 16t2. At t = 2, y = 40(2) 16(2)2 = 16. The average velocity between times 2 and 2 + h is

    vave =y(2 + h) y(2)(2 + h) 2 =

    40(2 + h) 16(2 + h)2 16h

    =24h 16h2

    h= 24 16h, if h 6= 0.

    (i) [2, 2.5]: h = 0.5, vave = 32 ft/s (ii) [2, 2.1]: h = 0.1, vave = 25.6 ft/s(iii) [2, 2.05]: h = 0.05, vave = 24.8 ft/s (iv) [2, 2.01]: h = 0.01, vave = 24.16 ft/s

    (b) The instantaneous velocity when t = 2 (h approaches 0) is 24 ft/s.41


    7. (a) (i) On the interval [1, 3], vave =s(3) s(1)3 1 =

    10.7 1.42


    2= 4.65 m/s.

    (ii) On the interval [2, 3], vave =s(3) s(2)3 2 =

    10.7 5.11

    = 5.6 m/s.

    (iii) On the interval [3, 5], vave =s(5) s(3)5 3 =

    25.8 10.72


    2= 7.55 m/s.

    (iv) On the interval [3, 4], vave =s(4) s(3)4 3 =

    17.7 10.71

    = 7 m/s.

    (b) Using the points (2, 4) and (5, 23) from the approximate tangent

    line, the instantaneous velocity at t = 3 is about 23 45 2 6.3 m/s.

    9. (a) For the curve y = sin(10/x) and the point P (1, 0):

    x Q mPQ

    2 (2, 0) 0

    1.5 (1.5, 0.8660) 1.7321

    1.4 (1.4,0.4339) 1.08471.3 (1.3,0.8230) 2.74331.2 (1.2, 0.8660) 4.3301

    1.1 (1.1,0.2817) 2.8173

    x Q mPQ

    0.5 (0.5, 0) 0

    0.6 (0.6, 0.8660) 2.16510.7 (0.7, 0.7818) 2.60610.8 (0.8, 1) 50.9 (0.9,0.3420) 3.4202

    As x approaches 1, the slopes do not appear to be approaching any particular value.

    (b) We see that problems with estimation are caused by the frequent

    oscillations of the graph. The tangent is so steep at P that we need to

    take x-values much closer to 1 in order to get accurate estimates of

    its slope.

    (c) If we choose x = 1.001, then the point Q is (1.001,0.0314) and mPQ 31.3794. If x = 0.999, then Q is(0.999, 0.0314) and mPQ = 31.4422. The average of these slopes is 31.4108. So we estimate that the slope of thetangent line at P is about 31.4.


    2.2 The Limit of a Function

    1. As x approaches 2, f(x) approaches 5. [Or, the values of f(x) can be made as close to 5 as we like by taking x sufficiently

    close to 2 (but x 6= 2).] Yes, the graph could have a hole at (2, 5) and be defined such that f(2) = 3.

    3. (a) limx3

    f(x) = means that the values of f(x) can be made arbitrarily large (as large as we please) by taking x

    sufficiently close to 3 (but not equal to3).(b) lim

    x4+f(x) = means that the values of f(x) can be made arbitrarily large negative by taking x sufficiently close to 4

    through values larger than 4.

    5. (a) f(x) approaches 2 as x approaches 1 from the left, so limx1

    f(x) = 2.

    (b) f(x) approaches 3 as x approaches 1 from the right, so limx1+

    f(x) = 3.

    (c) limx1

    f(x) does not exist because the limits in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.

    (d) f(x) approaches 4 as x approaches 5 from the left and from the right, so limx5

    f(x) = 4.

    (e) f(5) is not defined, so it doesnt exist.

    7. (a) limt0

    g(t) = 1 (b) limt0+

    g(t) = 2

    (c) limt0

    g(t) does not exist because the limits in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.

    (d) limt2

    g(t) = 2 (e) limt2+

    g(t) = 0

    (f ) limt2

    g(t) does not exist because the limits in part (d) and part (e) are not equal.

    (g) g(2) = 1 (h) limt4

    g(t) = 3

    9. (a) limx7

    f(x) = (b) limx3

    f(x) = (c) limx0

    f(x) =

    (d) limx6

    f(x) = (e) limx6+

    f(x) =

    (f ) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = 7, x = 3, x = 0, and x = 6.11. (a) lim

    x0f(x) = 1

    (b) limx0+

    f(x) = 0

    (c) limx0

    f(x) does not exist because the limits

    in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.

    13. limx1

    f(x) = 2, limx1+

    f(x) = 2, f(1) = 2 15. limx3+

    f(x) = 4, limx3

    f(x) = 2, limx2

    f(x) = 2,

    f(3) = 3, f(2) = 1


    17. For f(x) = x2 2x

    x2 x 2 :

    x f(x)

    2.5 0.714286

    2.1 0.677419

    2.05 0.672131

    2.01 0.667774

    2.005 0.667221

    2.001 0.666778

    x f(x)

    1.9 0.655172

    1.95 0.661017

    1.99 0.665552

    1.995 0.666110

    1.999 0.666556

    It appears that limx2

    x2 2xx2 x 2 = 0.6 =



    19. For f(x) = ex 1 x


    x f(x)

    1 0.718282

    0.5 0.594885

    0.1 0.517092

    0.05 0.508439

    0.01 0.501671

    x f(x)

    1 0.3678790.5 0.4261230.1 0.4837420.05 0.4917700.01 0.498337

    It appears that limx0

    ex 1 xx2

    = 0.5 = 12 .

    21. For f(x) =x+ 4 2


    x f(x)

    1 0.236068

    0.5 0.242641

    0.1 0.248457

    0.05 0.249224

    0.01 0.249844

    x f(x)

    1 0.2679490.5 0.2583430.1 0.2515820.05 0.2507860.01 0.250156

    It appears that limx0

    x+ 4 2

    x= 0.25 = 1

    4 .

    23. For f(x) = x6 1

    x10 1 :

    x f(x)

    0.5 0.985337

    0.9 0.719397

    0.95 0.660186

    0.99 0.612018

    0.999 0.601200

    x f(x)

    1.5 0.183369

    1.1 0.484119

    1.05 0.540783

    1.01 0.588022

    1.001 0.598800

    It appears that limx1

    x6 1x10 1 = 0.6 =

    35 .

    25. limx3+

    x+ 2

    x+ 3= since the numerator is negative and the denominator approaches 0 from the positive side as x 3+.

    27. limx1

    2 x(x 1)2 = since the numerator is positive and the denominator approaches 0 through positive values as x 1.

    29. Let t = x2 9. Then as x 3+, t 0+, and limx3+

    ln(x2 9) = limt0+

    ln t = by (3).

    31. limx2

    x cscx = limx2


    sinx= since the numerator is positive and the denominator approaches 0 through negative

    values as x 2.

    33. (a) f(x) = 1x3 1 .

    From these calculations, it seems that


    f(x) = and limx1+

    f(x) =.

    x f(x)

    0.5 1.140.9 3.690.99 33.70.999 333.70.9999 3333.70.99999 33,333.7

    x f(x)

    1.5 0.42

    1.1 3.02

    1.01 33.0

    1.001 333.0

    1.0001 3333.0

    1.00001 33,333.3


    (b) If x is slightly smaller than 1, then x3 1 will be a negative number close to 0, and the reciprocal of x3 1, that is, f(x),will be a negative number with large absolute value. So lim

    x1f(x) = .

    If x is slightly larger than 1, then x3 1 will be a small positive number, and its reciprocal, f(x), will be a large positivenumber. So lim

    x1+f(x) =.

    (c) It appears from the graph of f that


    f(x) = and limx1+

    f(x) =.

    35. (a) Let h(x) = (1 + x)1/x.

    x h(x)

    0.001 2.719640.0001 2.718420.00001 2.718300.000001 2.718280.000001 2.71828

    0.00001 2.71827

    0.0001 2.71815

    0.001 2.71692

    It appears that limx0

    (1 + x)1/x 2.71828, which is approximately e.In Section 3.6 we will see that the value of the limit is exactly e.


    37. For f(x) = x2 (2x/1000):(a)

    x f(x)

    1 0.998000

    0.8 0.638259

    0.6 0.358484

    0.4 0.158680

    0.2 0.038851

    0.1 0.008928

    0.05 0.001465

    It appears that limx0

    f(x) = 0.

    (b)x f(x)

    0.04 0.000572

    0.02 0.0006140.01 0.0009070.005 0.0009780.003 0.0009930.001 0.001000

    It appears that limx0

    f(x) = 0.001.


    39. No matter how many times we zoom in toward the origin, the graphs of f(x) = sin(/x) appear to consist of almost-vertical

    lines. This indicates more and more frequent oscillations as x 0.

    41. There appear to be vertical asymptotes of the curve y = tan(2 sinx) at x 0.90and x 2.24. To find the exact equations of these asymptotes, we note that thegraph of the tangent function has vertical asymptotes at x =

    2+ n. Thus, we

    must have 2 sinx = 2+ n, or equivalently, sinx =


    2n. Since

    1 sinx 1, we must have sinx = 4

    and so x = sin1 4


    to x 0.90). Just as 150 is the reference angle for 30, sin1 4 is the

    reference angle for sin1 4 . So x = sin1 4 are also equations of

    vertical asymptotes (corresponding to x 2.24).

    2.3 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws

    1. (a) limx2

    [f(x) + 5g(x)] = limx2

    f(x) + limx2

    [5g(x)] [Limit Law 1]

    = limx2

    f(x) + 5 limx2

    g(x) [Limit Law 3]

    = 4 + 5(2) = 6

    (b) limx2

    [g(x)]3 = limx2


    [Limit Law 6]

    = (2)3 = 8

    (c) limx2

    f(x) = limx2

    f(x) [Limit Law 11]

    =4 = 2


    (d) limx2





    g(x)[Limit Law 5]

    =3 limx2



    g(x)[Limit Law 3]


    2 = 6

    (e) Because the limit of the denominator is 0, we cant use Limit Law 5. The given limit, limx2


    h(x), does not exist because the

    denominator approaches 0 while the numerator approaches a nonzero number.

    (f ) limx2





    f(x)[Limit Law 5]


    g(x) limx2



    f(x)[Limit Law 4]

    =2 04

    = 0

    3. limx2

    (3x4 + 2x2 x+ 1) = limx2

    3x4 + limx2

    2x2 limx2

    x+ limx2

    1 [Limit Laws 1 and 2]

    = 3 limx2

    x4 + 2 limx2

    x2 limx2

    x+ limx2

    1 [3]

    = 3(2)4 + 2(2)2 (2) + (1) [9, 8, and 7]= 48 + 8 + 2 + 1 = 59

    5. limx8

    (1 + 3x ) (2 6x2 + x3) = lim

    x8(1 + 3

    x ) lim

    x8(2 6x2 + x3) [Limit Law 4]

    = limx8

    1 + limx8

    3x lim

    x82 6 lim

    x8x2 + lim

    x8x3 [1, 2, and 3]

    = 1 + 38 2 6 82 + 83 [7, 10, 9]

    = (3)(130) = 390

    7. limx1

    1 + 3x

    1 + 4x2 + 3x4


    = limx1

    1 + 3x

    1 + 4x2 + 3x4




    (1 + 3x)


    (1 + 4x2 + 3x4)




    1 + 3 limx1



    1 + 4 limx1

    x2 + 3 limx1



    [2, 1, and 3]

    =1 + 3(1)

    1 + 4(1)2 + 3(1)4









    8[7, 8, and 9]

    9. limx4

    16 x2= lim

    x4(16 x2) [11]

    = limx4

    16 limx4

    x2 [2]

    = 16 (4)2 = 0 [7 and 9]


    11. limx2

    x2 + x 6x 2 = limx2

    (x+ 3)(x 2)x 2 = limx2(x+ 3) = 2 + 3 = 5

    13. limx2

    x2 x+ 6x 2 does not exist since x 2 0 but x

    2 x+ 6 8 as x 2.

    15. limt3

    t2 92t2 + 7t+ 3

    = limt3

    (t+ 3)(t 3)(2t+ 1)(t+ 3)

    = limt3

    t 32t+ 1

    =3 32(3) + 1 =

    65 =



    17. limh0

    (4 + h)2 16h

    = limh0

    (16 + 8h+ h2) 16h

    = limh0

    8h+ h2

    h= lim

    h0h(8 + h)

    h= lim

    h0(8 + h) = 8 + 0 = 8

    19. By the formula for the sum of cubes, we have


    x+ 2

    x3 + 8= lim

    x2x+ 2

    (x+ 2)(x2 2x+ 4) = limx21

    x2 2x+ 4 =1

    4 + 4 + 4=1


    21. limt9

    9 t3t = limt9

    3 +t 3t3t = limt9 3 +

    t = 3 +

    9 = 6

    23. limx7

    x+ 2 3x 7 = limx7

    x+ 2 3x 7

    x+ 2 + 3x+ 2 + 3

    = limx7

    (x+ 2) 9(x 7) x+ 2 + 3

    = limx7

    x 7(x 7) x+ 2 + 3 = limx7

    1x+ 2+ 3

    =19 + 3



    25. limx4



    x4 + x

    = limx4

    x+ 4

    4x4 + x

    = limx4

    x+ 4

    4x(4 + x)= lim




    4(4) = 1


    27. limx16

    4x16x x2 = limx16

    (4x )(4 +x )(16x x2)(4 +x ) = limx16

    16 xx(16 x)(4 +x )

    = limx16


    x(4 +x )


    16 4 +16





    29. limt0


    t1 + t


    = limt0

    11 + tt1 + t

    = limt0

    11 + t 1 +1 + ttt+ 1 1 +

    1 + t

    = limt0

    tt1 + t 1 +

    1 + t

    = limt0

    11 + t 1 +

    1 + t


    1 + 0 1 +1 + 0

    = 12

    31. (a)


    x1 + 3x 1



    (b)x f(x)

    0.001 0.66616630.0001 0.66661670.00001 0.66666170.000001 0.66666620.000001 0.66666720.00001 0.66667170.0001 0.66671670.001 0.6671663

    The limit appears to be 23



    (c) limx0

    x1 + 3x 1

    1 + 3x+ 11 + 3x+ 1

    = limx0

    x1 + 3x+ 1

    (1 + 3x) 1 = limx0x1 + 3x+ 1




    1 + 3x+ 1 [Limit Law 3]



    (1 + 3x) + limx0

    1 [1 and 11]



    1 + 3 limx0

    x+ 1 [1, 3, and 7]



    1 + 3 0 + 1 [7 and 8]


    3(1 + 1) =



    33. Let f(x) = x2, g(x) = x2 cos 20x and h(x) = x2. Then1 cos 20x 1 x2 x2 cos 20x x2 f(x) g(x) h(x).So since lim

    x0f(x) = lim

    x0h(x) = 0, by the Squeeze Theorem we have


    g(x) = 0.

    35. We have limx4

    (4x 9) = 4(4) 9 = 7 and limx4

    x2 4x+ 7 = 42 4(4) + 7 = 7. Since 4x 9 f(x) x2 4x+ 7

    for x 0, limx4

    f(x) = 7 by the Squeeze Theorem.

    37. 1 cos(2/x) 1 x4 x4 cos(2/x) x4. Since limx0

    x4 = 0 and limx0

    x4 = 0, we have


    x4 cos(2/x) = 0 by the Squeeze Theorem.

    39. |x 3| =x 3 if x 3 0(x 3) if x 3 < 0 =

    x 3 if x 33 x if x < 3

    Thus, limx3+

    (2x+ |x 3|) = limx3+

    (2x+ x 3) = limx3+

    (3x 3) = 3(3) 3 = 6 and


    (2x+ |x 3|) = limx3

    (2x+ 3 x) = limx3

    (x+ 3) = 3 + 3 = 6. Since the left and right limits are equal,


    (2x+ |x 3|) = 6.

    41. 2x3 x2 = x2(2x 1) = x2 |2x 1| = x2 |2x 1|

    |2x 1| =2x 1 if 2x 1 0(2x 1) if 2x 1 < 0 =

    2x 1 if x 0.5(2x 1) if x < 0.5

    So 2x3 x2 = x2[(2x 1)] for x < 0.5.

    Thus, limx0.5

    2x 1|2x3 x2| = limx0.5

    2x 1x2[(2x 1)] = limx0.5




    = 4.


    43. Since |x| = x for x < 0, we have limx0


    x 1|x| = limx0


    x 1x = limx0


    x, which does not exist since the

    denominator approaches 0 and the numerator does not.

    45. (a) (b) (i) Since sgnx = 1 for x > 0, limx0+

    sgnx = limx0+

    1 = 1.

    (ii) Since sgnx = 1 for x < 0, limx0

    sgn x = limx0

    1 = 1.

    (iii) Since limx0

    sgnx 6= limx0+

    sgnx, limx0

    sgnx does not exist.

    (iv) Since |sgnx| = 1 for x 6= 0, limx0

    |sgnx| = limx0

    1 = 1.

    47. (a) (i) limx1+

    F (x) = limx1+

    x2 1|x 1| = limx1+

    x2 1x 1 = limx1+ (x+ 1) = 2 (c)

    (ii) limx1

    F (x) = limx1

    x2 1|x 1| = limx1

    x2 1 (x 1) = limx1 (x+ 1) = 2

    (b) No, limx1

    F (x) does not exist since limx1+

    F (x) 6= limx1

    F (x).

    49. (a) (i) [[x]] = 2 for 2 x < 1, so limx2+

    [[x]] = limx2+

    (2) = 2

    (ii) [[x]] = 3 for 3 x < 2, so limx2

    [[x]] = limx2

    (3) = 3.

    The right and left limits are different, so limx2

    [[x]] does not exist.

    (iii) [[x]] = 3 for 3 x < 2, so limx2.4

    [[x]] = limx2.4

    (3) = 3.

    (b) (i) [[x]] = n 1 for n 1 x < n, so limxn

    [[x]] = limxn

    (n 1) = n 1.

    (ii) [[x]] = n for n x < n+ 1, so limxn+

    [[x]] = limxn+

    n = n.

    (c) limxa

    [[x]] exists a is not an integer.

    51. The graph of f(x) = [[x]] + [[x]] is the same as the graph of g(x) = 1 with holes at each integer, since f(a) = 0 for anyinteger a. Thus, lim

    x2f(x) = 1 and lim

    x2+f (x) = 1, so lim

    x2f(x) = 1. However,

    f(2) = [[2]] + [[2]] = 2 + (2) = 0, so limx2

    f(x) 6= f(2).

    53. Since p(x) is a polynomial, p(x) = a0 + a1x+ a2x2 + + anxn. Thus, by the Limit Laws,


    p(x) = limxa

    a0 + a1x+ a2x2 + + anxn = a0 + a1 lim

    xax+ a2 lim

    xax2 + + an lim


    = a0 + a1a+ a2a2 + + anan = p(a)

    Thus, for any polynomial p, limxa

    p(x) = p(a).


    55. limx1

    [f(x) 8] = limx1

    f(x) 8x 1 (x 1) = limx1

    f(x) 8x 1 limx1(x 1) = 10 0 = 0.

    Thus, limx1

    f(x) = limx1

    {[f(x) 8] + 8} = limx1

    [f(x) 8] + limx1

    8 = 0 + 8 = 8.

    Note: The value of limx1

    f(x) 8x 1 does not affect the answer since its multiplied by 0. Whats important is that limx1

    f(x) 8x 1


    57. Observe that 0 f(x) x2 for all x, and limx0

    0 = 0 = limx0

    x2. So, by the Squeeze Theorem, limx0

    f(x) = 0.

    59. Let f(x) = H(x) and g(x) = 1H(x), where H is the Heaviside function defined in Exercise 1.3.57.

    Thus, either f or g is 0 for any value of x. Then limx0

    f(x) and limx0

    g(x) do not exist, but limx0

    [f(x)g(x)] = limx0

    0 = 0.

    61. Since the denominator approaches 0 as x 2, the limit will exist only if the numerator also approaches

    0 as x 2. In order for this to happen, we need limx2

    3x2 + ax+ a+ 3 = 0

    3(2)2 + a(2) + a+ 3 = 0 12 2a+ a+ 3 = 0 a = 15. With a = 15, the limit becomes


    3x2 + 15x+ 18

    x2 + x 2 = limx23(x+ 2)(x+ 3)

    (x 1)(x+ 2) = limx23(x+ 3)

    x 1 =3(2 + 3)2 1 =


    3 = 1.

    2.4 The Precise Definition of a Limit

    1. On the left side of x = 2, we need |x 2| < 107 2 = 4

    7. On the right side, we need |x 2| < 10

    3 2 = 4

    3. For both of

    these conditions to be satisfied at once, we need the more restrictive of the two to hold, that is, |x 2| < 47

    . So we can choose

    = 47 , or any smaller positive number.

    3. The leftmost question mark is the solution ofx = 1.6 and the rightmost,

    x = 2.4. So the values are 1.62 = 2.56 and

    2.42 = 5.76. On the left side, we need |x 4| < |2.56 4| = 1.44. On the right side, we need |x 4| < |5.76 4| = 1.76.

    To satisfy both conditions, we need the more restrictive condition to hold namely, |x 4| < 1.44. Thus, we can choose

    = 1.44, or any smaller positive number.

    5. From the graph, we find that tanx = 0.8 when x 0.675, so4 1 0.675 1 4 0.675 0.1106. Also, tanx = 1.2when x 0.876, so

    4+ 2 0.876 2 = 0.876 4 0.0906.

    Thus, we choose = 0.0906 (or any smaller positive number) since this is

    the smaller of 1 and 2.


    7. For = 1, the definition of a limit requires that we find such that 4 + x 3x3 2 < 1 1 < 4 + x 3x3 < 3

    whenever 0 < |x 1| < . If we plot the graphs of y = 1, y = 4 + x 3x3 and y = 3 on the same screen, we see that weneed 0.86 x 1.11. So since |1 0.86| = 0.14 and |1 1.11| = 0.11, we choose = 0.11 (or any smaller positive

    number). For = 0.1, we must find such that 4 + x 3x3 2 < 0.1 1.9 < 4 + x 3x3 < 2.1 whenever

    0 < |x 1| < . From the graph, we see that we need 0.988 x 1.012. So since |1 0.988| = 0.012 and|1 1.012| = 0.012, we choose = 0.012 (or any smaller positive number) for the inequality to hold.

    9. (a) From the graph, we find that y = tan2 x = 1000 when x 1.539 andx 1.602 for x near

    2. Thus, we get 1.602

    2 0.031 for

    M = 1000.

    (b) From the graph, we find that y = tan2 x = 10,000 when x 1.561 andx 1.581 for x near

    2. Thus, we get 1.581

    2 0.010 for

    M = 10,000.

    11. (a) A = r2 and A = 1000 cm2 r2 = 1000 r2 = 1000

    r = 1000

    (r > 0) 17.8412 cm.

    (b) |A 1000| 5 5 r2 1000 5 1000 5 r2 1000 + 5

    995 r 1005

    17.7966 r 17.8858. 1000


    0.04466 and 1005


    0.04455. So

    if the machinist gets the radius within 0.0445 cm of 17.8412, the area will be within 5 cm2 of 1000.

    (c) x is the radius, f(x) is the area, a is the target radius given in part (a), L is the target area (1000), is the tolerance in the

    area (5), and is the tolerance in the radius given in part (b).

    13. (a) |4x 8| = 4 |x 2| < 0.1 |x 2| < 0.14

    , so = 0.14= 0.025.

    (b) |4x 8| = 4 |x 2| < 0.01 |x 2| < 0.014

    , so = 0.014

    = 0.0025.


    15. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 1| < , then

    |(2x+ 3) 5| < . But |(2x+ 3) 5| <

    |2x 2| < 2 |x 1| < |x 1| < /2.

    So if we choose = /2, then 0 < |x 1| <

    |(2x+ 3) 5| < . Thus, limx1

    (2x+ 3) = 5 by the definition of a limit.

    17. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x (3)| < , then

    |(1 4x) 13| < . But |(1 4x) 13| <

    |4x 12| < |4| |x+ 3| < |x (3)| < /4.

    So if we choose = /4, then 0 < |x (3)| <

    |(1 4x) 13| < . Thus, limx3

    (1 4x) = 13 by the definition of

    a limit.x

    19. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 3| < , then x5 35

    < 15|x 3| < |x 3| < 5.

    So choose = 5. Then 0 < |x 3| < |x 3| < 5 |x 3|5

    < x5 35

    < . By the definition

    of a limit, limx3




    21. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 2| < , then x2 + x 6x 2 5 <

    (x+ 3)(x 2)x 2 5 < |x+ 3 5| < [x 6= 2] |x 2| < . So choose = .

    Then 0 < |x 2| < |x 2| < |x+ 3 5| < (x+ 3)(x 2)x 2 5 < [x 6= 2]

    x2 + x 6x 2 5 < . By the definition of a limit, limx2

    x2 + x 6x 2 = 5.

    23. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x a| < , then |x a| < . So = will work.

    25. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 0| < , then x2 0 < x2 < |x| < . Take = .

    Then 0 < |x 0| < x2 0 < . Thus, limx0

    x2 = 0 by the definition of a limit.

    27. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 0| < , then |x| 0 < . But |x| = |x|. So this is true if we pick = .

    Thus, limx0

    |x| = 0 by the definition of a limit.


    29. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x 2| < , then x2 4x+ 5 1 < x2 4x+ 4 <

    (x 2)2 < . So take = . Then 0 < |x 2| < |x 2| < (x 2)2 < . Thus,


    x2 4x+ 5 = 1 by the definition of a limit.

    31. Given > 0, we need > 0 such that if 0 < |x (2)| < , then x2 1 3 < or upon simplifying we need

    x2 4 < whenever 0 < |x+ 2| < . Notice that if |x+ 2| < 1, then 1 < x+ 2 < 1 5 < x 2 < 3

    |x 2| < 5. So take = min {/5, 1}. Then 0 < |x+ 2| < |x 2| < 5 and |x+ 2| < /5, so

    x2 1 3 = |(x+ 2)(x 2)| = |x+ 2| |x 2| < (/5)(5) = . Thus, by the definition of a limit, limx2

    (x2 1) = 3.

    33. Given > 0, we let = min 2, 8

    . If 0 < |x 3| < , then |x 3| < 2 2 < x 3 < 2

    4 < x+ 3 < 8 |x+ 3| < 8. Also |x 3| < 8

    , so x2 9 = |x+ 3| |x 3| < 8 8= . Thus, lim

    x3x2 = 9.

    35. (a) The points of intersection in the graph are (x1, 2.6) and (x2, 3.4)

    with x1 0.891 and x2 1.093. Thus, we can take to be thesmaller of 1 x1 and x2 1. So = x2 1 0.093.

    (b) Solving x3 + x+ 1 = 3 + gives us two nonreal complex roots and one real root, which is

    x() =216 + 108+ 12

    336 + 324+ 812

    2/3 126 216 + 108+ 12

    336 + 324+ 812

    1/3. Thus, = x() 1.

    (c) If = 0.4, then x() 1.093 272 342 and = x() 1 0.093, which agrees with our answer in part (a).

    37. 1. Guessing a value for Given > 0, we must find > 0 such that |xa| < whenever 0 < |x a| < . But

    |xa| = |x a|x+

    a< (from the hint). Now if we can find a positive constant C such that


    a > C then

    |x a|x+

    a 12a+

    a, and so

    C = 12a+a is a suitable choice for the constant. So |x a| < 12a+

    a . This suggests that we let

    = min 12a, 1


    a .

    2. Showing that works Given > 0, we let = min 12a, 1


    a . If 0 < |x a| < , then

    |x a| < 12a x+a > 1


    a (as in part 1). Also |x a| < 1


    a , so

    |xa | = |x a|x+

    a 0 such that 0 < |x| < |f(x) L| < 12 . Take any rational

    number r with 0 < |r| < . Then f(r) = 0, so |0 L| < 12

    , so L |L| < 12

    . Now take any irrational number s with

    0 < |s| < . Then f(s) = 1, so |1 L| < 12

    . Hence, 1 L < 12

    , so L > 12

    . This contradicts L < 12

    , so limx0

    f(x) does not


    41. 1(x+ 3)4

    > 10,000 (x+ 3)4 < 110,000

    |x+ 3| < 1410,000

    |x (3)| < 110

    43. Given M < 0 we need > 0 so that lnx < M whenever 0 < x < ; that is, x = eln x < eM whenever 0 < x < . This

    suggests that we take = eM . If 0 < x < eM , then lnx < ln eM =M . By the definition of a limit, limx0+

    lnx = .

    2.5 Continuity

    1. From Definition 1, limx4

    f(x) = f(4).

    3. (a) The following are the numbers at which f is discontinuous and the type of discontinuity at that number: 4 (removable),2 ( jump), 2 ( jump), 4 (infinite).

    (b) f is continuous from the left at 2 since limx2

    f(x) = f(2). f is continuous from the right at 2 and 4 since


    f(x) = f(2) and limx4+

    f(x) = f(4). It is continuous from neither side at 4 since f(4) is undefined.

    5. The graph of y = f(x) must have a discontinuity at x = 3 and must show that limx3

    f(x) = f(3).

    7. (a) (b) There are discontinuities at times t = 1, 2, 3, and 4. A person

    parking in the lot would want to keep in mind that the charge will

    jump at the beginning of each hour.

    9. Since f and g are continuous functions,


    [2f(x) g(x)] = 2 limx3

    f(x) limx3

    g(x) [by Limit Laws 2 and 3]

    = 2f(3) g(3) [by continuity of f and g at x = 3]= 2 5 g(3) = 10 g(3)

    Since it is given that limx3

    [2f(x) g(x)] = 4, we have 10 g(3) = 4, so g(3) = 6.


    11. limx1

    f(x) = limx1

    x+ 2x34= lim

    x1x+ 2 lim



    = 1 + 2(1)3 4 = (3)4 = 81 = f(1).

    By the definition of continuity, f is continuous at a = 1.

    13. For a > 2, we have


    f(x) = limxa

    2x+ 3

    x 2 =limxa

    (2x+ 3)


    (x 2) [Limit Law 5]

    =2 limxa

    x+ limxa



    x limxa

    2[1, 2, and 3]

    =2a+ 3

    a 2 [7 and 8]

    = f(a)

    Thus, f is continuous atx = a for every a in (2,); that is, f is continuous on (2,).

    15. f(x) = ln |x 2| is discontinuous at 2 since f(2) = ln 0 is not defined.

    17. f(x) =ex if x < 0

    x2 if x 0The left-hand limit of f at a = 0 is lim

    x0f(x) = lim

    x0ex = 1. The

    right-hand limit of f at a = 0 is limx0+

    f(x) = limx0+

    x2 = 0. Since these

    limits are not equal, limx0

    f(x) does not exist and f is discontinuous at 0.

    19. f(x) =

    cosx if x < 0

    0 if x = 0

    1 x2 if x > 0


    f(x) = 1, but f(0) = 0 6= 1, so f is discontinuous at 0.

    21. F (x) = xx2 + 5x+ 6

    is a rational function. So by Theorem 5 (or Theorem 7), F is continuous at every number in its domain,

    x | x2 + 5x+ 6 6= 0 = {x | (x+ 3)(x+ 2) 6= 0} = {x | x 6= 3, 2} or (,3) (3,2) (2,).

    23. By Theorem 5, the polynomials x2 and 2x 1 are continuous on (,). By Theorem 7, the root functionx iscontinuous on [0,). By Theorem 9, the composite function2x 1 is continuous on its domain, [ 1


    By part 1 of Theorem 4, the sum R(x) = x2 +2x 1 is continuous on [ 1



    25. By Theorem 7, the exponential function e5t and the trigonometric function cos 2t are continuous on (,).

    By part 4 of Theorem 4, L(t) = e5t cos 2t is continuous on (,).

    27. By Theorem 5, the polynomial t4 1 is continuous on (,). By Theorem 7, lnx is continuous on its domain, (0,).

    By Theorem 9, ln t4 1 is continuous on its domain, which is

    t | t4 1 > 0 = t | t4 > 1 = {t | |t| > 1} = (,1) (1,)

    29. The function y = 11 + e1/x

    is discontinuous at x = 0 because the

    left- and right-hand limits at x = 0 are different.

    31. Because we are dealing with root functions, 5 +x is continuous on [0,),x+ 5 is continuous on [5,), so the

    quotient f(x) = 5 +x

    5 + xis continuous on [0,). Since f is continuous at x = 4, lim

    x4f(x) = f(4) = 7


    33. Because x2 x is continuous on R, the composite function f(x) = ex2x is continuous on R, so


    f(x) = f(1) = e1 1 = e0 = 1.

    35. f(x) =x2 if x < 1x if x 1

    By Theorem 5, since f(x) equals the polynomial x2 on (, 1), f is continuous on (, 1). By Theorem 7, since f(x)equals the root function

    x on (1,), f is continuous on (1,). At x = 1, lim

    x1f(x) = lim

    x1x2 = 1 and


    f(x) = limx1+

    x = 1. Thus, lim

    x1f(x) exists and equals 1. Also, f(1) =

    1 = 1. Thus, f is continuous at x = 1.

    We conclude that f is continuous on (,).

    37. f(x) =

    1 + x2 if x 02 x if 0 < x 2(x 2)2 if x > 2

    f is continuous on (, 0), (0, 2), and (2,) since it is a polynomial oneach of these intervals. Now lim

    x0f(x) = lim

    x0(1 + x2) = 1 and lim

    x0+f(x) = lim

    x0+(2 x) = 2, so f is

    discontinuous at 0. Since f(0) = 1, f is continuous from the left at 0. Also, limx2

    f(x) = limx2

    (2 x) = 0,


    f(x) = limx2+

    (x 2)2 = 0, and f(2) = 0, so f is continuous at 2. The only number at which f is discontinuous is 0.


    39. f(x) =

    x+ 2 if x < 0

    ex if 0 x 12 x if x > 1

    f is continuous on (, 0) and (1,) since on each of these intervals

    it is a polynomial; it is continuous on (0, 1) since it is an exponential.

    Now limx0

    f(x) = limx0

    (x+ 2) = 2 and limx0+

    f(x) = limx0+

    ex = 1, so f is discontinuous at 0. Since f(0) = 1, f is

    continuous from the right at 0. Also limx1

    f(x) = limx1

    ex = e and limx1+

    f(x) = limx1+

    (2 x) = 1, so f is discontinuous

    at 1. Since f(1) = e, f is continuous from the left at 1.

    41. f(x) =cx2 + 2x if x < 2

    x3 cx if x 2f is continuous on (, 2) and (2,). Now lim

    x2f(x) = lim

    x2cx2 + 2x = 4c+ 4 and


    f(x) = limx2+

    x3 cx = 8 2c. So f is continuous 4c+4 = 8 2c 6c = 4 c = 23

    . Thus, for f

    to be continuous on (,), c = 23 .

    43. (a) f(x) = x4 1x 1 =

    (x2 + 1)(x2 1)x 1 =

    (x2 + 1)(x+ 1)(x 1)x 1 = (x

    2 + 1)(x+ 1) [or x3 + x2 + x+ 1]

    for x 6= 1. The discontinuity is removable and g(x) = x3 + x2 + x+ 1 agrees with f for x 6= 1 and is continuous on R.

    (b) f(x) = x3 x2 2xx 2 =

    x(x2 x 2)x 2 =

    x(x 2)(x+ 1)x 2 = x(x+ 1) [or x

    2 + x] for x 6= 2. The discontinuity

    is removable and g(x) = x2 + x agrees with f for x 6= 2 and is continuous on R.

    (c) limx

    f(x) = limx

    [[sinx]] = limx

    0 = 0 and limx+

    f(x) = limx+

    [[sinx]] = limx+

    (1) = 1, so limx

    f(x) does not

    exist. The discontinuity at x = is a jump discontinuity.

    45. f(x) = x2 + 10 sinx is continuous on the interval [31, 32], f(31) 957, and f(32) 1030. Since 957 < 1000 < 1030,there is a number c in (31, 32) such that f(c) = 1000 by the Intermediate Value Theorem. Note: There is also a number c in

    (32,31) such that f(c) = 1000.

    47. f(x) = x4 + x 3 is continuous on the interval [1, 2], f(1) = 1, and f(2) = 15. Since 1 < 0 < 15, there is a number c

    in (1, 2) such that f(c) = 0 by the Intermediate Value Theorem. Thus, there is a root of the equation x4 + x 3 = 0 in theinterval (1, 2).

    49. f(x) = cosx x is continuous on the interval [0, 1], f(0) = 1, and f(1) = cos 1 1 0.46. Since 0.46 < 0 < 1, thereis a number c in (0, 1) such that f(c) = 0 by the Intermediate Value Theorem. Thus, there is a root of the equation

    cosx x = 0, or cosx = x, in the interval (0, 1).


    51. (a) f(x) = cosx x3 is continuo