Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Step by Step Vote Booster By Ali Rashid

Transcript of Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Page 1: Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Step by Step Vote Booster

By Ali Rashid

Page 2: Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Final Product

I’m firstly going to show you my final copy to show you, how each text, logo, and colour changes throughout. I think it took a little while for me to come to a conclusion to end my advert like this. Most of my changes where impacted by my thoughts, none of my changes where impacted by any other adverts. I wanted it to be different, unique and never seen before. Adding different layers took a while to get use to, but over time I learnt the colour differences. By adding and taking away layers, and then spot the what changes.

Page 3: Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Step 1

As you can see this was my first step. I was a little confused what to do, and at that time my mind was blank. I took the photo using college facilities (black screen). This allowed me to make my picture look as professional as possible. I had to decide between a few pictures as it was captured a few times. I then put the ‘vote booster’ logo on the top left. I then thought twice, because the ‘vote booster’ logo seemed too big.

Page 4: Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Step 2 and 3- Using Adobe Illustrator

I then wanted to think about putting a little comment at the bottom of the advert. I made the size not too big, but not too small it was between 30-40. I thought of “The United Kingdom give us the right to vote. Use your vote its your right.

I, then wanted to be more creative. So I created a little design on the side trying to create the colours of the GB flag. This was my first idea, but after testing it out and putting the logo on the Photoshop picture. I then thought it didn’t work so I came to decision to make a few changes.

Page 5: Step by step for My Advert (Vote Booster)

Step 3 And 4- Adobe Illustrator

Using adobe Illustrator I had to play around with the designs, colours and text sizes. Throughout playing around with what will look the best. I still bared in mind what the text font will be. ‘Adobe Caslon pro’ I thought this font is really effective. It doesn’t seem too cheesy or too simple.

So I came up with the design of the tick, because it represented “right” and I thought the audience will passively understand this message of the tick. I decided I will use the colours of GB ( Great Britain) because I mention United Kingdom, so I wanted to portray the colours using the tick.

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Step 5- Photoshop

‘Vote Booster’ logo, I played around with what colour would match my advert, and red seemed too bright. Therefor I came to conclusion it would be blue, because it seemed perfect matching the effect on the whole image layer.

I also changed the size of it, I made it a little smaller because it was too big. It took up too much space so I kept it nice and simple.

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Step 6

It took me a long time to come up with a main Tittle/slogan. I came up with “ Make a difference” , I didn’t want to be to straight to the point and make it “your voice”, connoting the mic. I want to make the audience think. So by making it make a difference the audience will feel they want to know more about the vote booster. I made all the texts on adobe illustrator. I came up with the idea of lines to make a strict border and its visually attractive.

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Step 7There was a lot of empty space, so I thought to use the space wisely and put a rhetorical question. The “why not vote today?” was also made with adobe illustrator.

I lined up the text level with the eye level to show that the text is important and it looks better than placing it anywhere. I believe I used the space wisely.

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