Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Stellenbosch University Library Access A snapshot guide for off-campus students in the Faculty of Military Science

Transcript of Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Page 1: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Stellenbosch University

Library Access

A snapshot guide for off-campus

students in the Faculty of Military


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You have just landed on the

University home page

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Scroll down…..Now click on


Page 4: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

If you’re searching for articles - then

choose databases…

Page 5: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Academic Search Premier is always a good starting point

so choose “A”

Page 6: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Now click on Academic Search


Page 7: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

You’re about to access the gateway…

This is exciting…

Use your student number and

password (exactly as you do for SUNLEARN)

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Choose ASP

Page 9: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

Search for key words, journals

or authors

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Choose and enter your search term

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Click on PDF full text

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Download and save the PDF

Page 13: Stellenbosch university library access for off-campus students

How to align Google Scholar

with the Stellenbosch

Library Services

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On the Google Scholar home page click on settings……

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First - choose the tab on the side

which reads “Library links”

Second type in :Stellenbosch


Finally click on save

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Now when you search on Google Scholar –

the search results will indicate whether this article is available for free from the library

Of course some titles are also freely

available as PDFs directly thanks to

Open Access –happiness…

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Congratulations… you have

just completed another step on

the journey to becoming a

research guru….

Noëlle Cowling

Educational Technology