SteepleTalk st.pdf · involve as many SS classes, circles, small groups and individuals as possible...

SteepleTalk A Newsletter for the Members and Friends of John Knox Presbyterian Church SteepleTalk April 2015 Edition SPORTS MISSIONS BUSINESS FINANCES FELLOWSHIP MESSAGES VIEWPOINTS MUSIC WORSHIP April is a busy month for the life of any church, and John Knox is no excep- tion. Most years Easter comes in April, and, along with all the celebrations that day entails, there are end-of-the-year events to plan or attend, summer trips to finalize, Vacation Bible School to plan, and so on. For John Knox, April this year also means saying good-bye to Carol Ken- dall, as she enters retirement. Within this newsletter you will see announce- ments about how we will be celebrating her ministry. The last day of the month will be Carol’s last day with us on staff. April is also the end of Wednesday Night Live until the fall. You will see more detailed information about this month’s programs in just a few pages. In addi- tion to the children’s program on the last WNL, we will have a number of special events. The program on April 8 will be in the sanctuary, as we hold a service of remembrance of baptism. I do not remember my own baptism; I was an in- fant when it happened. The same is true for many of you. We do not actually remember our baptisms, but rather, our families (whether it be our immediate family or our church family) do remember, though, and hopefully have shared with us what that day was like. It can be hard to understand something that you didn’t experience. On April 8 we will take time to worship and talk about our baptism, why it is important, why we should remember it, and why our bap- tism as an infant is just as valid as a believer’s baptism. Please plan to join us. The following two Wednesday nights will provide times of fellowship, as well as time to hear updates on the church finances, the interim process, the pastor search process, and the latest news from our presbytery and our denomination. By now most, if not all, of us, have heard that a majority of presbyteries have ratified the change to the Book of Order to define marriage to now be “between two people, traditionally a man and a woman.” The amendment gives individual sessions the ability to use their discretion to permit or deny the use of the church facilities for any marriage service. It also allows ministers discretion in determining whether or not to preside at any wedding. Some of us are celebrat- ing such changes to our church’s constitution, others are grieving. I continue to encourage you to maintain mutual forbearance towards one another on this and other controversial issues. As I have said before, those who have sought this change to our polity have done so not despite what the Bible says, but because they believe they are being faithful to it. For many people, this under- standing came after years of reflection and biblical study. Indeed, I have found that to be the case in my own life, as over the last few years I have not only come to see the strong biblical case for same-gender relationships, but in the last few months have come to feel compelled to affirm my support for them. As we move forward in this interim period together, may we continue to strive as one body to serve the resurrected Christ, who in our baptisms has not only called us part of his family, but equipped us to carry on his work in the world. Chris 35 Shannon Drive Greenville, SC 29615 P 864.244.0453 F 864.244.0461

Transcript of SteepleTalk st.pdf · involve as many SS classes, circles, small groups and individuals as possible...

Page 1: SteepleTalk st.pdf · involve as many SS classes, circles, small groups and individuals as possible to raise as much money as possible to supplement the mission program that was cut


A Newsletter for the Members and Friends of John Knox Presbyterian Church

SteepleTalkApril 2015 Edition










April is a busy month for the life of any church, and John Knox is no excep-tion. Most years Easter comes in April, and, along with all the celebrations that day entails, there are end-of-the-year events to plan or attend, summer trips to finalize, Vacation Bible School to plan, and so on. For John Knox, April this year also means saying good-bye to Carol Ken-dall, as she enters retirement. Within this newsletter you will see announce-ments about how we will be celebrating her ministry. The last day of the month will be Carol’s last day with us on staff. April is also the end of Wednesday Night Live until the fall. You will see more detailed information about this month’s programs in just a few pages. In addi-tion to the children’s program on the last WNL, we will have a number of special events. The program on April 8 will be in the sanctuary, as we hold a service of remembrance of baptism. I do not remember my own baptism; I was an in-fant when it happened. The same is true for many of you. We do not actually remember our baptisms, but rather, our families (whether it be our immediate family or our church family) do remember, though, and hopefully have shared with us what that day was like. It can be hard to understand something that you didn’t experience. On April 8 we will take time to worship and talk about our baptism, why it is important, why we should remember it, and why our bap-tism as an infant is just as valid as a believer’s baptism. Please plan to join us. The following two Wednesday nights will provide times of fellowship, as well as time to hear updates on the church finances, the interim process, the pastor search process, and the latest news from our presbytery and our denomination. By now most, if not all, of us, have heard that a majority of presbyteries have ratified the change to the Book of Order to define marriage to now be “between two people, traditionally a man and a woman.” The amendment gives individual sessions the ability to use their discretion to permit or deny the use of the church facilities for any marriage service. It also allows ministers discretion in determining whether or not to preside at any wedding. Some of us are celebrat-ing such changes to our church’s constitution, others are grieving. I continue to encourage you to maintain mutual forbearance towards one another on this and other controversial issues. As I have said before, those who have sought this change to our polity have done so not despite what the Bible says, but because they believe they are being faithful to it. For many people, this under-standing came after years of reflection and biblical study. Indeed, I have found that to be the case in my own life, as over the last few years I have not only come to see the strong biblical case for same-gender relationships, but in the last few months have come to feel compelled to affirm my support for them. As we move forward in this interim period together, may we continue to strive as one body to serve the resurrected Christ, who in our baptisms has not only called us part of his family, but equipped us to carry on his work in the world.

Chris 35 Shannon Drive Greenville, SC 29615 P 864.244.0453 F 864.244.0461

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For Kids & Parents

Kids’ Club Teachers for April Jenna Livingston, Caroline Robertson, Leslie Weikle, Margaret Lanahan


Nursery and Children’s Church Schedule

Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 Infants / Toddler Katy Sides Sara Jackson K3 / K4 Barbara Pringle Laura Sims Leslie Weikle Jacci Campbell K5 Sue Auld Rob Wright Shannon Aldrich Patricia Gailey

Carol’s Corner

It’s hard to believe that it is time for Easter! There are many things going on this month that I want to remind our families about.

Wednesday Night programs will be coming to a close this month. Our children’s choir will present our Wednesday Night program on Wednesday, April 29. Our new Children’s Choir Director, Elizabeth Martin, has been working with our children with drums and doing some exciting things. We hope you will bring your children and let them join in the musical fun.

Kids Club, a special Sunday School program for grades 1-5, will be studying “Pentecost”, the “Birthday of the Church”, this month. The scripture is taken from Acts 2:1-11. The memory verse is “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Our theme is that from now on, God’s spirit, the Holy Spirit, will be with everyone who believes in Jesus. He will be alive in our hearts. We will use the following workshops: Thou Art,, Temple, and Acts.

Vacation Bible School, for those who have completed 4K through Grade 5, will be held the week of June 15-19. Our 4th & 5th graders will again this year be going on mini mission trips. See separate article for more details and registration information.

Attention 5th Graders! We will be having a special Sunday School class for our 5th Graders begin-ning in May and going until Rally Day (August 23). This will be a transition time when these children can prepare for being a part of the Youth Group of John Knox. We will have special curriculum and teachers (Merry Beth Smallridge, Penny Rogers, Stevie Greene, Jennifer Whatley and Caroline Robertson) The class will meet in the classroom at the bottom of the steps from the Kindergarten Hallway. We are very excited about this class and hope that all our 5th graders will be able to join us.

Basketball Camp will be held July 27-30 from 9 am – noon each of those days. Sandy Garrett will again be leading it and the cost will be $30. All proceeds from the week will go towards purchasing new basketballs and other supplies for the basketball program. Sandy will need some adults to help her each day, so please call and let her know if you will be available some or all of the days. Save the date and be watching for more details.

Camp Buc brochures are in. You may get them on line or pick up a shortened version at the church. See article on page 3.

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For Kids & Parents

For All Members and Visitors

It is time again to register for Camp Buc in Sapphire, NC. Returning campers should have received your brochures in the mail. If not, we have a bulletin board set up on the Adult Sunday School hallway with extras for you. Included is information on each session. Camp Buc is a safe place where campers can explore their faith through Bible study, worship, fun and fellow-ship with the supportive guidance of caring staff. Camp staff strives to create this safe place by building healthy relationships. Each camper becomes part of a family group (usually two cabins form a family unit – one girl and one boy cabin, with their cabin counselors). In these family groups, campers grow together, play together, and learn new skills as they work and play, worship and pray, and live together in Christian community. Check it all out at HTTP://

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “G-FORCE: GOD’S LOVE IN ACTION” Join us this summer for VBS as we put God’s love in action with our exciting G-Force theme! VBS will be held June 15-19 (9am–12pm) with a parent lunch and slide-show on Friday. Registration has begun – forms are available in the Narthex, on the Kindergarten Hall bulletin board, and on the church website. The registration fee is $5 per child until May 17 and $10 after May 17. A limited number of interactive VBS CDs are available from Carol for $5. Many volunteers will be needed to make VBS a success! Even if you don’t have a child attending VBS, we’d love to have your help, so please consider volun-teering! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Tina Whitlock (864-787-8033 [email protected]).

ALL IN: Bazaar 2015--The date of the Bazaar 2015 is September 19. The proceeds of the bazaar have always benefited JKPC Missions and Outreach, but this year we really want to involve as many SS classes, circles, small groups and individuals as possible to raise as much money as possible to supplement the mission program that was cut heavily during the budget crunch. Craft booths, casserole booth, plant booths, and light lunch fare are all invited. Though retail businesses are not the focus of this bazaar, if you are a church member and run a small retail business, we will accept you. What can your class do to help raise money at the bazaar? What can your circle do? What can your small group do? Talk about it and decide. Women In Christ have already spoken up for a bake sale booth. Bald Hawg BBQ is having a booth with vacuum packed BBQ. Several crafters are already lined up. Call Anna Keenan at 281-0628 or email her at She can get you registered. Call or email Jane Brannon at 292-0515 ( [email protected]) or Georgia Cloer at 244-0306 ( [email protected]) to ask questions and get more information. How much do you have to pay to register? On the day of the bazaar we ask for $15 per space and 10% or more of your sales to go directly to missions. The “or more” would help a lot. Several people give 100% of their sales to specific missions of the church or to the mission program itself. Let’s be ALL IN for our church missions!

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For All Members and VisitorsThe Christian Education Committee and staff of John Knox would like to cordially invite everyone to celebrate the hard work and ministry of Carol Kendall on Sunday, April 26, following the 11am service. As you know, Carol will be retiring effec-tive April 30. Please join us in recognizing her many years of service which have included edu-cating the congregation of John Knox from child-hood through adulthood, and all of the additional immeasurable contributions she has made to our lives! If you would like to contribute to a love offering and gift for Carol, you can bring cash or write a check to John Knox and write “Carol’s gift” in the memo line and bring it to the church office before Tuesday, April 21.

Save the date for, Sunday, May 3! You have heard JKPC is having a church wide picnic gala right after the 11:00 service. It is going to be at Butler Springs Park which will be reserved just for us. Lunch will be provided by a food truck. I understand that BBQ is their specialty. I will clarify that by the next Steepletalk. Menu will be set with one price. Dress "nicely casually" for church, stick some chairs or blankets in your trunk, and what-ever else you may need like sports equipment or snacks. Maybe include some sunscreen--hopefully. More precise info will follow with exact menu and price per person, payable at the food truck. Let's make a point to have a great big turn out for this May Picnic!

HELP WANTED: Substitutes are needed for Sanctuary Guild (Sanctu-ary setup). If you are interested, please call Lucy Sewell at 505-8805 or email at [email protected].

Hello friends,

I am writing to thank you for your contin-ued generous support of the Presbyterian campus ministry at Furman, aka Ukirk. Because of a few key congregations, John Knox being one of them, Ukirk is able to serve a group of dedicated students that attend Furman. In the past 20 years, Ukirk has sent over 15 students to seminary, and developed countless leaders that are active throughout the PC(USA). Through weekly bible studies, lunches and various special events throughout the year, we have formed our own special mini-congregation.

In the recent climate of the PC(USA), I am so en-couraged by the discussions that we have. The rest of the church could learn from them as they talk about issues, passionately disagree, and then break bread together over the communion table.

You bless our program in so many ways. Not only do you provide monetary support, but you also provide snacks for our weekly gatherings and we know that there so many of you praying for us. All of these methods of support are crucial for the contin-ued success of Ukirk, and we are blessed that this congregation is willing to continue its support.

Blessings to all of you! I miss you!Reverend Justin Cazel Furman Ukirk Campus Pastor

2015 Relay for Life Event – “Super Stars” John Knox is off and running and we need your participation in the 2015 Relay For Life. Friday May 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM at CONESTEE PARK, 840 Mauldin Rd., Greenville

Sign up online at - or see Georgia Cloer for more informa-tion. Our JKPC team now has 10 members and has raised $2,130 (as of March 17, 2015) to-wards our $15,000 goal. Please register for this important fund raising event!

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For All Members and Visitors

Those to remember in prayer...† Mary K Davis † Danny Atkinson† Dan Drew † Phil Brandon† Edna Heicher † Gene Spence† Maury Purcell’s mother, Thelma† Bill Burgin, brother of Jim Burgin† Allison Broadway’s brother, Clarence† Charles Robinson, Mary K Davis’ brother-in-law† Jeannie Butler, Patricia Gailey’s mom† Ron Whiten, Sara Kellar’s brother-in-law† Addison May, great-granddaughter of Peggy Lasley

Sympathy to...† Ralph Waddell and family in the death of his wife, Dorothy, on 2/25. † Ron Shepherd and family in the death of his fa-ther, Howard, on 2/22.† The family of Lou Brummer, former JK member, who died on 3/3.† The family of Mary Stuart Taylor who died on 3/18. Services at JK on 3/28.

Please remember our military...Emily Grigsby Erick Sewell Graham Ward Matt Wright

WNS - April MenuDinner begins at 5:30 and is served until 6:15. (Anyone who would like to make reservations and cannot be here by then, can just let the kitchen know and their meal will be packed up for them)

April 8 - BBQ, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Chips, DessertApril 15 - Baked Potato Salad Bar, DessertApril 22 - Chicken Casserole, Salad, DessertApril 29 - Baked Chicken, Hash Brown Casserole, Veggies, Rolls, Dessert

Everyone planning to attend needs to make a res-ervation by calling the church office by 4pm on Tuesday or filling out a blue reservation card lo-cated in the church pew and placing it in the of-fering plate.

April8:45 ServiceAnna Cain

11:00 Service Head Usher: Dan DrewLeaders: Maury Purcell Care Group and Bill Mathews Care Group

Join us on Wednesday Nights in April as we end the season with some special programs. The programs this month for adults will be the following:April 8 - following dinner, we will have a service of Remembrance of Baptism. During this time we will gather together around the baptismal font in the sanctuary, and recall the vows we made, or that were made for us, at our baptism. Join us for this special worship opportunity.April 15 and 22 - We will spend time in fellowship with one another, and also hear updates on the interim period, our search process for our new senior pastor, and learn more about some of the work and ministry being done in our presbytery and in the denomination.April 29 – Program presented by our Children’s Choir. We will hear as they share the drums and other exciting musical experiences they have been having with our new Children’s Choir Direc-tor, Elizabeth Martin.

Congratulations to....Joe & Mary Stall on the birth of their grandson, William (Will) Joseph Clark, born to Susan and Mark on March 4

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For All Members and Visitors


Inviting Men of all Ages to "THE KNIGHT'S CODE- Guest Speaker will be Robert Noland!

Friday, 4/24, 7:00pm – 9:30pmSaturday, 4/25, 9:00am - 11:30am at JKPC Fellowship Hall

We are requesting a $25 per person donation. Any donation above $25 will be used to sponsor those who cannot afford to attend. Donation includes admission to Friday night's session and Saturday morn-ing. A copy of The Knight's Code book will be given to each registrant. As a conference leader, Robert has that unique countenance of humble strength that reaches into men's lives and pierces their hearts. He has a giftedness to take difficult topics and bring them into the light in a non-threatening way so that men are able to address them in an encouraging environment. Rob-ert also has the ability to relate deep profound spiritual Truths in a way that is clear, understandable, challenging and inspiring. - Kyle Petteway, Men's Ministry Servant-Leader, First Baptist Church High Springs, FL

MAKE RESERVATIONS:Online - - Maury Purcell at [email protected] or Joseph Gaston at [email protected]. Text or Call - Maury Purcell at 616-9699 OR Joseph Gaston at 423-1094

You may also fill out the below form and turn into the church office.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ I’ll be attending

__ I’ll also be joining you for cookout Friday (Serving begins 6 PM)

__I’ll also be joining you for biscuits Saturday (Serving begins 8 AM)

Name______________________________________ Ph#__________________________________

Email ______________________________________

You help is needed for JK Habitat Lead Weekend April 10-11

We are so excited for Genelle Owens and her family, the future homeowners of our 2015 Faith/GSCC Build! Help kickoff the Faith Build with JK’s lead weekend on April 10-11. To sign-up:• Contact Robert McGrath, JK Team Leader, ([email protected]) or Joseph Gaston ([email protected], text or call 423.1094). • Sheets are also available after each worship service • For online registration go to and go to 2015 Faith/GSCC Build Dates for April 10-11. You are invited to volunteer for other dates also!

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For All Members and Visitors


Dear John Knox Family:Once again we were devastated with the news that Jimmy’ s cancer had returned and once again, we have been overwhelmed and humbled by your endless love and support over the past months. Thank you hardly seems adequate to express our appreciation for the visits, calls, texts, cards, delicious meals, and most of all, the endless prayers for healing, courage, and peace during another difficult surgery and recovery. Church pol-ity and procedures are important but what matters most to us are the people in this group and what happens in this place. Our lives will never be the same because of cancer - likewise, they will never be the same because of each of you.With unceasing love and gratitude,Annalynn and Jimmy Barnett

Dear John Knox,Thanks to all of you that sent cards and expressed sympathy on the passing of my mother. Also to the Men’s Prayer Breakfast and the Women’s Prayer Group and all of you that have kept the prayers and cards coming. Thanks so much to all of you. Lots of love,Mary K

Dear John Knox friends,Words can’t begin to express how much your prayers, cards, visits, calls and flowers have meant to me during my recovery. Special thanks to Jo-seph and David for their visits and prayers. I have missed you all and am looking forward to getting back real soon.Love,Georgia Kill

I would like to thank the John Knox congregation for the beautiful alter flowers that were delivered to my door during my recent illness. The cards, prayers, and phone calls were very much appreci-ated and went a long way to help with my recovery. God bless all of you.June Grinnell

I would like to thank John Knox for letting me be part of your congregation. Since I joined, my life has changed. I am closer to God everyday. Thanks to a great congregation. You are the best!Love,Lucero To all my John Knox family and friends who sent cards of condolence, called on the phone, or sent e-mails of comfort during the recent pass-ing of my brother, Robert, I wish to thank all you for your compassion and concern. How wonder-ful it is to have such a large extended family.Rex Redmon

Dear Friends,Thank you for the kindnesses shown to me and my family during my sister’s illness and death. Your prayers, calls and cards were appreciated more than I can say. Maggie was a kind, gentle soul and is missed tremendously. Even though I moved to Anderson, I still feel the strong love of my John Knox Family.With Much Love,Billie Sims

UNITED MINISTRIES:Thank you to everyone who donated food on Food Sunday in March. We collected a total of $500.00.Kathy Hopkins

The Pastor Nominating Committee is continuing to accept, review candi-dates, and narrow the interview pool. Please continue to pray for us during this process.

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New Members

Eleanor Hazle1904 Dunlin Court Taylors, SC 29687C: 864-320-5165Eleanor has been worshipping at JKPC for some time but officially comes to JKPC by transfer of let-ter from Aldersgate Methodist. She is a Greenville native but has lived other places such as Atlanta, Columbia, and Puerto Rico because of her hus-band’s career. She was primarily a stay at home mom and community volunteer while raising her family. Her son and his family now live in Wilm-ington, NC, and her daughter and her family are in Greenville. Eleanor and her husband have a total of 3 grandchildren. She enjoys gardening, walk-ing, shagging and beach music, and cardio line dance. She is already involved in JKPC activities such as WNL. She is also related to JT Greene by marriage - his mother is her husband’s cousin.

Rhonda Rusch13 King George Road Greenville, SC 29615C: 864-334-8351Rhonda is originally from central Wisconsin but has lived all over the country. She is married to Tom Kaiser. Greenville had been on their radar for years as a potential retirement location. By the time they decided to retire, their daughter also lived in Green-ville so that clinched their decision. They now have a 9 month old grandson here also. She loves all kinds of outdoor activities including swimming, gar-dening and golf. She is the president of the Upstate chapter of the Executive Women’s Golf Associa-tion. Rhonda comes to JKPC by transfer of letter from St. Barnabas Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

Carolyn Williams303 Limerick Court Simpsonville, SC 29681P: 864-288-0864Carolyn is returning to John Knox by Transfer of Letter from First Presbyterian Church, Greenville. She and her family were members here for many years. Her children grew up here, and she has many friends in the congregation. She is already involved in different church programs including PW through the Sarah Circle. Her son and his family live in Greenville and her daughter and her family live in Dallas - Carolyn has a total of six grandchil-dren. She enjoys exercising, used to play a lot of tennis, enjoys doing things with friends, and loves to travel - especially to Dallas to see her family.

Ginny Wylie107 Latour WayGreer, SC 29650P: 864-270-1305Ginny is originally from Charlotte but has lived in Greenville longer. She is returning to JKPC by Transfer of Letter from First Presbyterian Church, Greenville. Her family were members here in the late 1960’s and 1970’s. Her daughter and her family live in Florence, and her two sons and their families both live in the Myrtle Beach area. Ginny is currently with the Senior Service Division of C. Dan Joyner. When she is not busy with work, she loves to read, garden, visit with friends, and at one time played a lot of golf.

Rhonda, Eleanor, Carolyn and Ginny


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For All Members and Visitors



The Session met in the Kirk Room on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 6:30 pm for their regular monthly meeting. Some of the key actions of the Session were:

• Doug Kroske has agreed to serve as the Treasurer of John Knox for 2015. The Session gratefully ap-proved. • Approved a motion to reschedule all committee meetings so that a report of the business of each commit-tee can be shared via email with all Session members, prior to the next Stated Meeting.• Bill Fuller and Anna Cain were approved as Commissioners to the April 28th Foothills Presbytery Meeting at 1st Presbyterian Church of Anderson.• Appointed four elders as the examination committee for the 2015 Confirmation Class. They will meet with the class on April 12th during the Sunday School hour and report their recommendation at the April Stated Meeting.• Kara Foster-Lee explained that CE will provide resources for the Sunday School classes so that they can do parallel studies along with the sermon series on “Acts”, which will begin after Easter.• Approved Jim Burgin and Jim Barnett as the two church representatives overseeing the HVAC renova-tion. In addition, they directed the committee to include the cost of a performance and payment bond in the final contract and gave Admin. Committee permission to proceed with restructuring the existing mortgage and the allocation of funds from the Capital Campaign to make the progress payments as the work is com-pleted. • Approved the request for transfer of membership for Scott and Shella Columbia to Covenant United Meth-odist of Greer.• Approved the request from Pam and PJ Gray for the Baptism of their son, Jackson Carter, on March 29th at the 11 AM Service.• Approved the offer from our Scout Troop for a scout, Will Kenan, to clean the inner Courtyard and for the Troop to help spread bales of pine straw in the beds around the Church.• Bill Mathews gave a report from the Denominational Concerns Committee which included information on the Foothills Presbytery working group for reforming the process of General Assembly. There was general agreement that the information should be posted on the website and there should be an informational meet-ing in April, probably as one Wednesday Night program.• Maury Purcell reminded folks of the Men’s Ministry event April 24th and 25th with Robert Noland as the guest speaker. • Chris explained the planned Service for Remembrance of Baptism which will be on April 8th. Other WN programs in April will include financial updates and a report on the Senior Pastor search.

Respectfully submitted,Dick Powers - Clerk of Session

Mission Moment

One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering occurs in April at Easter. This offering supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger program, and Self-Development people.John Knox is supportive of this offering which will help provide relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed. Please give generously in support of this very special offering.

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For All Members and Visitors


John Knox Youth Group Rox!!!!!

Thank you all for an outstanding March! The Chili Cook Off and Silent Auction raised over $3,200 for our Mission Trips!!! The Sr. Highs had a blast at mini Montreat!!! We had an awe-some Youth/YAH Luncheon and Silent Movie Night as well!!!! With Confirmation Sunday, Graduation Sunday, and our summer trips on the horizon, see below for all the key dates and details!!!

Dates to remember:• Senior High Mission Trip To Ocala, FL June 14-20. Sign-ups are closed, so get your payments in by April 15! When our work projects are confirmed, I will get the forms to everyone to sign and return.• Senior High Fun in the Son at Hilton Head – July 12-18 – sign-ups are closed! Please have all mon-ey and forms to me no later than April 29! • Youth Group Sundays – April 19 (set up at 2:30 for Interfaith – all ages, no meal!!)and 26 - check our weekly newsletter for details! • WNL April 8 – Baptism Focus for all ages!!! Other WNL events April 15, 22, and 29. • Sunday school each week!!!• Confirmation Class April 12 (mandatory – session examination – all Confirmands must be there un-less you have made other plans) • Confirmation Retreat – details to come!!! We will have a lock in just for our wonderful class!!!• Confirmation Sunday – May 10- make sure your Confirmand sends me their Statement of Faith to review by mid April! • Jr. High Mission Trip to Thornwell Home for Children – sign-ups begin this month!!! Costs = $150. • Lock ins for youth in May – stay tuned for dates!!!• Urgent!!! Graduation Sunday - May 17 – Parents, if your young adult is graduating from High School, Seminary, Grad School, or College - please provide the following info for May’s Steepletalk no later than April 15: 1. Full Name, 2. School, 3. College plans or graduation plans, 4. Awards, honors, school activities, 5. Youth Group activitiesYou can reach me at 414-8491 or via e-mail at [email protected]. If you have not done so, join the John Knox Youth Group is where it’s at! Facebook group for all notifications. If you are not re-ceiving our weekly newsletter, please e-mail me and I will get you on the list!!!!! This is how we get the word out!!!! You all rock!!!!!! Rev. David(o)

For Youth & Parents

Join Opportunities for Men’s Ministry! * The Band of Brothers for Monday Morning Prayer Breakfast at 7:00 AM in the Kirk Room.* Tuesday, April 14, for Monthly Men’s Lunch at Lieu’s Chinese Bistro, 2nd Tuesdays, @11:45 for fellowship and food (near I-385 & Woodruff, 1149 Woodruff Road). * Pizza & Prayer Men’s 3 X 5 Monthly Prayer Group @ 12 Noon Fourth Tuesdays in the Youth Center, facilitated by Charlie Pratt & Jack Hansen.

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Sundays - 8:45 am - Early Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship


April Birthdays1 - Amelia Wright2 - Jane Brannon2 - Barbara Sparrow2 - Sue Renault2 - Drew Baird3 - Jean Kemmerling3 - Brianna Keeler4 - Janet Sadler4 - Carole Henderson4 - Mark Lee4 - Den Harvey5 - Slate Dennis5 - Alaina Rogers6 - Josh Ballard7 - Ben Stokes7 - Grayson Ward7 - Jonathan Read8 - Phil Brandon8 - Drake Ambrose9 - Roger Colville9 - Emily Grigsby10 - Jay Ferguson10 - Daniel Drew11 - Virginia Dennis11 - Anna Kate Weekes12 - Barbara Toothman12 - Natalie Heidrich12 - Trisha Zoha13 - Steve Doughty13 - David Smallridge13 - Rex Redmon13 - Christina Zoha14 - David Howell14 - Josh Vickery14 - Carter Schaaf14 - Lacey Rhodes14 - Dylan Sims15 - Morgan Aldrich15 - Isabel Limroth16 - Miller McClintock16 - Jenny Reilly18 - Lily Smith19 - Mike Ward19 - Elena Limroth19 - Madeline Whitlock19 - Bryce Williams20 - Charlie Kreidler

20 - Ben Jackson20 - Noah Harvey20 - Sophie deMaine23 - Ann Grayson23 - Karen Young25 - LaRue Wait25 - Melinda Zietz25 - Austin Graham26 - Scott Keeler26 - Chris Garrett26 - Amelia Pelletier27 - Shannon Pratt27 - Martha Wright28 - Sarah Margaret Pratt29 - Jacob deMaine30 - Mark Britt30 - Jack Greiner

**Please contact the church office with any additions or corrections: [email protected]


Please turn in all information and ar-ticles for our May edition of Steepletalk by Noon on Tuesday, April 21. Please understand that any entry may require editing for space.

Email to: [email protected] to: 864-244-0461

SESSION MEMBERS AND COMMITTEESAdministrative *Bill Fuller, *Nancy Atkinson, Jack Hansen, Danny Schaaf Property & Operations Mike Starnes, *Joe Stall, Jim Barnett Christian Mission & Outreach Ann Rowland, *Jen Campbell, Bill MathewsEvangelism *Ann Brumley, Jenna Livingston, Maury Purcell, Patrick Kress Nurture Jerry Gravett, *Amy Leidheiser, Anna Cain Fellowship *Charles Robertson, Jim BarnettMusic and Worship Jack Walter, Tom Jackson, Jeanne Peak Christian Education Amy Leidheiser, Ryan O’Sullivan, *Kara Foster-LeeClerk of Session - Dick Powers*Chair

CMO would like to remind everyone of upcoming events to mark early on your calendar:

April 15 - Blood drive support life.. be a donor!April 19-26 - Interfaith host week..... be a volun-teer and give back to homeless families!



February 16, 2016With

Beth TempletonBe alert for more


Page 12: SteepleTalk st.pdf · involve as many SS classes, circles, small groups and individuals as possible to raise as much money as possible to supplement the mission program that was cut

The Rev. Chris Berardi - Interim Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Joseph Gaston - Assoc. Pastor [email protected] Rev. David Howell- Assoc. Pastor [email protected] Kendall - Church Educator [email protected] Simmons- Financial Assistant [email protected] Scott -Administrator [email protected] Davis- Kindergarten Director [email protected] Ward - Pianist [email protected] Moore - Chancel Choir/Handbell Director [email protected] Grant - Organist [email protected]

Greta Williams - Nursery Director [email protected] Stephens - Facility Manager [email protected]





Return Service Requested

35 Shannon DriveGreenville, SC 29615


Elizabeth Guest Martin - Chalice/Children’s Choir [email protected]