Staying on Balance with Social Media

Staying connected to social media without losing your soul 3 Ways to Stay Connected with iPhone - Own one - Learn how to use it - Stay on balance Own One - Expert advice - Custom setup - Personalized experience When it comes to the iPhone, Iʼve seen a unique marriage occur between emerging technologies, social media and the human heart. So today, what I want to speak to you about is the iPhone, and staying connected with social media without losing your soul. There are 3 ways. Own One, Learn how to use it and Keep a balance. The fastest and easiest way to begin the ownership adventure for most people is in an Apple Store. Of course this may seem biased, but Iʼm not speaking today from a biased perspective. Rather, from a standpoint of this is the one place where all the technologies we will embrace in our near future are already at play. Some emerging technologies like multitouch interface, proximity sensor, accellerometer, use of applications and the door being open to thousands of developers, is quite literally at our finger tips. Not just for Apple, but several smart phone manufacturers. Three reasons to start there. Expert advice, custom setup, personalized experience. Beginning ownership outside of an Apple Store is a little like going to the Prom with someone elseʼs date. Itʼll be cordial and youʼre probably already familiar with the person a little bit, but chances are youʼll spend the rest of the evening wishing you could talk to your real date, pin on a corsage or, take the picture, dance the dance. This is my advice. Interacting with the experts is worth the time you spend and of course itʼs a huge investment. Donʼt start out 5 feet deep. Wade in at your own pace with an expert.



Transcript of Staying on Balance with Social Media

Page 1: Staying on Balance with Social Media

Stayingconnected to social media



3 Ways to Stay Connectedwith iPhone

- Own one

- Learn how to use it

- Stay on balance

Own One

- Expert advice

- Custom setup

- Personalized experience

When it comes to the iPhone, Iʼve seen a unique marriage occur between emerging technologies, social media and the human heart. So today, what I want to speak to you about is the iPhone, and staying connected with social media without losing your soul. There are 3 ways.

Own One, Learn how to use it and Keep a balance. The fastest and easiest way to begin the ownership adventure for most people is in an Apple Store. Of course this may seem biased, but Iʼm not speaking today from a biased perspective. Rather, from a standpoint of this is the one place where all the technologies we will embrace in our near future are already at play. Some emerging technologies like multitouch interface, proximity sensor, accellerometer, use of applications and the door being open to thousands of developers, is quite literally at our finger tips. Not just for Apple, but several smart phone manufacturers.

Three reasons to start there. Expert advice, custom setup, personalized experience. Beginning ownership outside of an Apple Store is a little like going to the Prom with someone elseʼs date. Itʼll be cordial and youʼre probably already familiar with the person a little bit, but chances are youʼll spend the rest of the evening wishing you could talk to your real date, pin on a corsage or, take the picture, dance the dance. This is my advice. Interacting with the experts is worth the time you spend and of course itʼs a huge investment. Donʼt start out 5 feet deep. Wade in at your own pace with an expert.

Page 2: Staying on Balance with Social Media

Learn How to Use it

- One to One Personal Training

- Free workshops


- MobileMe - Wireless syncing & GPStracking if you loose it.




Hereʼs a real tweet from a friend of mine. Former employee actually. Itʼs telling how quickly things can get off track.That is almost not as revealing as Dawnʼs...Akkkk, fireants! LOL.Emilyjoʼs is priceless. Hereʼs some imbalance for you. I just dropped an F-bomb in front of my kids due to ridiculous city drivers. Started a great conversation about profanity though.

Hereʼs a real tweet from a friend of mine. Former employee actually. Itʼs telling how quickly things can get off track.That is almost not as revealing as Dawnʼs...Akkkk, fireants! LOL.Emilyjoʼs is priceless. Hereʼs some imbalance for you. I just dropped an F-bomb in front of my kids due to ridiculous city drivers. Started a great conversation about profanity though.

Page 3: Staying on Balance with Social Media

100,000 apps

If we don’t strike

a balance between

what is inspiration and

what is distraction,

we forfeit our souls

to exasperation.

How to stay connectedwithout losing your soul

- Win the family battle 140 minutes at a time

- Trim the fat with a “30 day return policy”

When weʼre on 24 hours, fully accessible itʼs very difficult to stay on balance. There are apps to compliment your every interest, hobby, career, talent, or aspiration. As the joke goes, there really is an app for that, but is there a balance for that is the big question? Hereʼs an example of how you can get carried away. For less than $5 you can learn french, cook Italian, edit a 3 megapixel photo, share it with anyone in the world, listen to streaming music and call mom...then tweet about your conversation in French and have an app translate it if you wish (so it works nicely ;)

Thatʼs just the tip of the iceberg. If we donʼt strike a balance between what is inspiration and what is distraction, we forfeit our souls to exasperation. Nobody wants to live in that picture, so how do you get the most out of such an amazing piece of technology, stay connected to social media without losing your soul. Hereʼs 3 ways...

Win the family battle 140 minutes at a time. A tweet is 140 characters...140 MINUTES is the same as 2 hours and 20 minutes. If you will reserve AT LEAST 140 minutes a day for when you are in the presence of your spouse, loved one, mom, dad, friends, whomever, just to be human for a while, youʼll begin to achieve a balance. Key word is AT LEAST. 140 minutes is an expectation itʼs not the goal. The goal is to spend more time with your family, maybe find a common ground in including them in your social media world if appropriate, but 140 minutes is the starting point.

Second thing...Trim the fat. Some of you have way too many followers, and for possibly no reason than the number might be higher than what you have in your checking account and it helps you feel better LOL! I have a secret 30 day return policy on my new followers. If it doesnʼt add value for me in some way, Iʼll unfollow more than likely. Unless itʼs a friend or family member, a follower has 30 days to make a small but valuable impact - nothing huge - just something value-add in me and Iʼll keep the follower in my list or Tweetdeck column.

Page 4: Staying on Balance with Social Media

How to stay connectedwithout losing your soul

- Win the family battle 140 minutes at a time

- Trim the fat with a “30 day return policy”

- Have fun


1PasswordTweetie 2



Something I also do is push DMʼs to my phone as a text and I use device updates to get information from the people that add the greatest value to me, and that way, I donʼt feel like Iʼve missed anything because all I have to do is read a text and type a reply.

Third thing and final thing...We have a saying at our store in La Cantera. “if itʼs not fun to work here then itʼs not fun to shop here.” Meaning, we want our employees experience to be as rich and as full as our customerʼs and that will in turn make the customerʼs experience better. The iPhone is a central figure for that and for the many of you that use it and for the many who are interested, please know that a balance can be achieved if you have fun and enjoy yourself.

(Quick Slide) My personal Top 5 I canʼt live without.

Page 5: Staying on Balance with Social Media




Memory Free



Phone Flicks

Memory Sweep

AP Stylebook



Crazy Mouth



3 Apps I just plain love. TED, AirMouse!, BylineRSS Feeder

AirMe: Itʼs free. Send pics to FB, Flickr, Photobucket, Picassa & Twitter.MobileFotos: is $5 but itʼs Flickr in your hand. PhotoCalc: Professional photog? Do all your calculations for Fstop, DOF, focal length, exposure, flash. $3MemoryFree: Increase battery life & switch apps quickly .99 MemorySweep is free!Keynote Remote: .99 the app Iʼm using now.Wikitude: A POI radar lays over your camera like you would see in Minority Report. Itʼs free!PhoneFlicks: Organize all your Netflicks accounts. Change your queue on the go. Itʼs free!

(Quick Slide)Documents To-Go: If youʼre a biz, this is a must have. 9.99 and 14.99 version. Create & Edit all PDF, Word & Excel docs. View any file type. Send/receive Exchange files.Crazy Mouth: Want to entertain the kids for a few hours? itʼs free and the mouth moves!Adobe Photoshop Mobile: Itʼs free!Interview Pro: Going into an interview or facilitating one. This app does everything. 2 bucks.AP Stylebook: PR or Journalism? If youʼre always on the go, get IM+: Push, SMS, text, IM, Yahoo, Gtalk, AIM, Jabbar, Twitter. All for free!

Page 6: Staying on Balance with Social Media

Tilt Shift Gen


connected to

social media





Q & A

Wow factor. Tilt Shift Generator photo editing is .99