Staying motivated over the holidays


Transcript of Staying motivated over the holidays

Page 1: Staying motivated over the holidays



Page 2: Staying motivated over the holidays

I get asked all of the time, especially with the holidays just

passed, how I stay motivated through all of the social

gatherings, dinners, homemade desserts and deliciously

tempting gifts. I have learned through trial and error what

works best for me when it comes to staying on track during

the holiday season. In past years I have made it through

without so much as a second glance at temptations, and

others I have indulged in everything I could get my hands

on, welcoming in the New Year with the feeling of guilt and

a larger dress size! Here is what I've learned.

Page 3: Staying motivated over the holidays


If you set your expectations for yourself too high, more often than not, you will

fail. Expect to slip-up. Allow yourself to indulge every once in a while, accept it

when you do and move on. No one is perfect, no one eats 100% healthy all of

the time, and if they do I'd like to meet them! When we set unrealistic goals for

ourselves we tend to beat ourselves up, and become discouraged and

disappointed when we do have the occasional slip-up. This usually leads to

giving up altogether and turning that one slip-up into days, or even weeks, of

unhealthy choices. This was the case for me, the hardest thing over all else has

been learning to give up the "all or nothing' attitude I carried with me for so

long. Eating healthy isn't about punishing your body, but respecting it. Don't

deprive yourself, enjoy your favorite treat every so often, and get right back on

the horse when you're done!

Page 4: Staying motivated over the holidays


It is easy for us to become distracted by all of our holiday duties and

forget about going to the gym or finding the time to always prepare

healthy meals. During these busy times it is important to stay

consistent in your exercising and eating clean. If you can find half an

hour out of your day to go to the gym, go. If you can't leave the house,

have a quick 15 minute at-home workout while dinner is in the oven!

Any bit of exercise you can fit in will keep you on track until you have

more free time. Again, when it comes to food it is okay to have the

occasional cheat but be consistent and continue to eat the way your

body deserves at your next meal.

Page 5: Staying motivated over the holidays


This could be a celebrity, fitness personality, friend, acquaintance or

personal trainer. Whoever you decide to be your role model, it should be

someone whose choices you respect. This person should live an all-around

healthy lifestyle; the same kind that you strive for. I use Tosca Reno. When I

am tempted at a dinner event I think of what she would do in a similar

situation, or I imagine her there watching my choices, and that is enough to

make any temptation quickly disappear! I have seen some people even carry

around a picture in their wallet of their healthy role model or have a poster

of them on their kitchen wall. It reminds you of what you are working

towards, even when others around you are making negative choices without

a second thought. Find out what works for you and use your role model as a

guide to making the right choices for your body!

Page 6: Staying motivated over the holidays


Make mini, short-term goals for yourself over the holidays or

when you know ahead of time that there is going to be

temptation. Instead of making the goal "I will not gain any extra

weight this holiday season", break it into more specific goals

such as: “When faced with my favorite chocolate desserts, I will

have just one instead of the usual five", "I will make it to the gym

at least three times per week", or "I will have a salad before

every dinner instead of going for seconds". When we make

smaller, reachable goals, we gain the feeling of achievement and

are less likely to continue on with bad habits.