Status of LHC b - the “beauty” experiment

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LHCC open session 17 February 2010. Status of LHC b - the “beauty” experiment. 730 members 15 countries 54 institutes. Collaboration. Andreas Schopper on behalf of the. Member countries of the LHCb Collaboration. s. b. Atlas. LHC( b ) physics goals. Motivation of LHC experiments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Status of LHC b - the “beauty” experiment

LHCb Status Report February 2010

Andreas Schopper on behalf of theCollaborationLHCC open session17 February 2010Status of LHCb - the beauty experiment

730 members15 countries54 institutes

Member countries of the LHCb Collaboration Andreas SchopperLHC(b) physics goals 17 December 2010Council open session1Motivation of LHC experimentssearch for New Physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) !Direct search by general purpose detectors: Atlas & CMS search for new heavy non-SM particles produced at LHC energyIndirect search by specialised detector: LHCbsearch for deviations from Standard Model predictions due to virtual contributions of new heavy particles in loop processesdiscovery potential for New Physics extends to mass scales far in excess of the LHC centre-of-mass energyperform precision measurements of CP violating phases and rare heavy-quark decays that are very precisely predicted by the theory of the Standard Model

bsthese precision measurements can be best performed by studying Beauty-decays

AtlasCMS Andreas Schopper

B-decays in the Standard ModelBonn, 16 March 2010DPG Fruehjahrstagung 20102Tree diagram


D, Ds

??New Physicsvirtual particles appear in loop mediated processesand beyondBox diagramPenguin diagram

loop diagrams

Bs +- s-channel penguin?meson := (qq) B-meson: (qb)baryon := (qqq) B-baryon: (qqb) Andreas Schopper

1973: M. Kobayashi, T. Maskawa,theoretical mechanism for CP-violation in the Standard Model requires b- and t-quark2001: experimental proof of CP violation in B-system by B-factories (BELLE & BaBar) 2008: Nobel prize in physics

for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetrywhich predicts the existence of at least three familiesof quarks in nature Historical example of indirect discoveries 3CP violation (matter-antimatter asymmetry) in the kaon-system prediction of third quark family M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 49, 652 (1973).B. Aubert et al. (BaBar Collab.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 091801 (2001).K. Abe et al. (Belle Collab.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 091802 (2001). Andreas SchopperLHC as a b-factory17 December 2010Council open session4btagBsKKK+DsB-production at pp-collision primary vertexB-decay displaced vertexB~1 cmbBqBqbbb-pairs produced with high cross-section at LHC energy (1012 bb produced in 2 years at L=21032 cm-2s-1 )all species of particles containing a b-quark are produced(Bu+, Bu-, Bd0, Bd0, Bc+, Bc-, Bs0, Bs0, b , etc.)bb-pair production is strongly correlated and sharply peaked forward-backward detector with forward geometry (unique 2 < < 6 coverage)B decays have long flight-distance ~1 cm (important to distinguish B-decays from other background decays, and essential for time-dependent CP violation measurements)

Big challenge to select events of interest:bb is less than 1% of total inelastic cross section B decays of interest typically have BR < 10-5Need high statistics and high selectivity! Andreas Schopper

0 10 m 20 m

h5The LHCb Detector A forward spectrometer Bonn, 16 March 2010DPG Fruehjahrstagung 2010Interaction PointVertex LocatorVELOTracking SystemRICH DetectorsMuon SystemCalorimeter Systemmovable device 7 mm from beam!Specific to LHCb!B~1 cmproton beamproton beam

Event display (view from top) Andreas SchopperDetector efficiencies17 December 2010Council open session6

all detector components ~ 99 % efficient ! Andreas SchopperLHC(b) operation in 201017 December 2010Council open session7Outstanding machine performance many thanks to our LHC colleagues!!!Peak luminosity evolution with time:peak luminosity increased within ~1 month by factor 100! (L~1030 to 1032 cm-2s-1)for LHCb reached almost nominal L (L=1.61032 cm-2s-1, nominal 21032 cm-2s-1!)

~1 monthLmax=1.651032 cm-2s-1 Andreas SchopperLHC(b) operation in 201017 December 2010Council open session8Evolution of average number of visible pp-collisions per bunch crossing: L = nb Lb nb

LHCb design: L = 2 1032 ; nb ~ 2600 ~ 0.4maximizes fraction of single interaction bunch crossings

Lbnbbeam 1btagBsKKKDspp-collision primary vertexB-decay displaced vertexBbeam 2 = 1 Andreas SchopperLHC(b) operation in 201017 December 2010Council open session9Evolution of average number of visible pp-collisions per bunch crossing: L = nb Lb nb

LHCb design: L = 2 1032 ; nb ~ 2600 ~ 0.4maximizes fraction of single interaction bunch crossings

2010 run: L=1.6 1032 ; nb = 344 max = 2.7 > 6 times nominal!

design2010pp interactions/crossing=2.7=0.4 Andreas Schopper17 December 2010Council open session10btagBsKKKDspp-collision primary vertexB-decay displaced vertexB

Lbnb = 1 = 2 = 3 big challenge for detector operation, trigger, reconstruction and analysis

typical event at ~2.5High multiplicity eventshigh track multiplicity and many vertices in each collision event Andreas Schopper

LHCb performance in 201017 December 2010Council open session11LHCb fully operational on first day of proton run!overall data taking efficiency of ~90% over the yearmajor part of data accumulated in the last month of running with very efficient triggerat nominal L ~ 21032 cm-2s-1 LHCb expects to collect ~1000 pb-1 in 2011Can we do B-physics already with the 2010 data sample?

~37 pb-1 integrated luminosity recorded with all sub-detectors fully operational!very high selection efficiencies Andreas SchopperDetector performance: mass resolutionimportant to separate signal from background17 December 2010Council open session12

Bu+ J/ K+Bd0 J/ K*Bs0 J/

Evolution of mass resolution over time: for J/ ; ideal resolution MC=12 MeVMay: ~18 MeVAugust: ~16 MeVNovember: ~13 MeVDetection of different B species: for B J/ X with 34 pb-1 ~ full statistics~11 MeV~8 MeV~7 MeV Andreas Schopper

Measurement of bb-cross section at s = 7 TeV17 December 2010Council open session13

(J/ from b) = 1.16 0.01 0.17 b

total bb cross-section in 4: From B J/ X

single- trigger+ averageerroron theoryx un-triggered

From B0 D0 X+ - with Do K- +total bb cross-section in 4: [Physics Letters B 694 (2010) 209]measured also charm cross-section ~20 bb cross-section( Andreas SchopperDetector performance: Particle Identification on Bhh17 December 2010Council open session14

B0 h+ h- No particle identification any 2 hadrons!Bd0 + -Bs0 K+ K-Bd0 K & Bs0 K particle identification of 2 particle identification of 2 Kaonsparticle identification of 1 and 1 KBR(B+-) = 5 x 10-6 !(35 pb-1)Expectations 2011:LHCb: 6500 ev./fb-1 (CDF: 1100 ev./fb-1)22923 events in 35 pb-1 (will get as many K in