States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    1/42June 2010

    Bringing AmericAUP TO SPeeD

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    2/42i Pw Ctr th Statsi

    Th Pw Ctr th Stats is a divisi Th Pw Charitabl Trsts that idtis ad advacs

    ctiv sltis t critical isss acig stats. Pw is a prt rgaizati that applis a rigrs,

    aalytical apprach t iprv pblic plicy, ir th pblic ad stilat civic li.


    Ssa K. urah, aagig dirctr

    PRoJeCT TeAm


    mlissa mayard, ta ladr

    A Clk

    Dail C. Vck

    Will Wils

    This rprt bitd r th isights ad xprtis tw xtral rviwrs: Jd Klk, assciat

    dirctr rsarch at th Pblic Plicy Istitt Caliria ad athr a PPIC rprt bradbad

    rlasd i Jaary 2010, ad L Raii, dirctr th Pw Itrt & Arica Li Prjct at th

    Pw Rsarch Ctr. Whil ths xprts hav scrd th rprt r accracy, ithr thy r thir

    rgaizatis cssarily drs its idigs r cclsis.


    W thak r Pw cllagsnacy Agsti, Ja Brakll, Kil Hh ad Barbara Rswiczr

    hlpig act chck th rprt, ad Ja Brakll, nicl Drt, Sarah Hlt, Adrw mcDald adGay Willias r assistig with cicatis ad dissiati. W als thak michll Harris ad

    Kathy Litzbrg r thir ditrial wrk. Fially, w thak th ay dral, stat ad lcal fcials ad

    thr xprts i th ld wh wr s grs with thir ti, kwldg ad xprtis.

    Fr additial irati Pw ad th Ctr th Stats, plas visit .

    This rprt is itdd r dcatial ad iratial prpss. Rrcs t spcic plicy

    akrs r cpais hav b icldd slly t advac ths prpss ad d t cstitt a

    drst, spsrship r rcdati by th Pw Ctr th Stats.

    2010 Th Pw Charitabl Trsts. All Rights Rsrvd.

    901 e Strt nW, 10th Flr 2005 markt Strt, Sit 1700

    Washigt, DC 20004 Philadlphia, PA 19103


    Dia Fachr

    Lri Grag

    michl mariai Vagh

    Publications and Web

    Day Dghrty

    Jlia Hppck

    Jir Pltak

    eva Ptlr

    Carla uria
  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010


    June 2010

    Dear Reader:

    Broadband has earned the term game changer, and it is easy to see why. Once considered a

    convenience, access to broadband Internet service has crossed the threshold to necessity. As

    increasing numbers o business, government and personal interactions move online, Americans

    who lack reliable, aordable, high-speed Internet connections may be let behind.

    States recognize the potential o broadband to drive their economies and to help their residents and

    businesses compete in an increasingly global marketplace. Some states have been working or years

    to expand the publics access to and adoption o broadband, and many more expect the technology

    to play an important role in delivering a range o servicesrom education and health care to

    public saety and air and accurate electionsmore efciently and eectively.

    Universal, high-speed broadband access is a national goal, but to achieve it, states will need to ramp

    up their eorts. To propel them orward, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is providing

    states and their partners with $7.2 billion in stimulus unds. And a new National Broadband Plan,

    released in March 2010 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has set ambitious

    goals that rely heavily on states, in partnership with ederal and local governments, private-sector

    providers and nonproft organizations.

    This report, Bringing America Up to Speed: States Role in Expanding Broadband, looks at the

    national push to ensure high-quality, high-speed broadband access or all Americans. The report

    highlights innovative state programs that served as models or the FCCs planand examines the

    myriad challenges all states will ace i they are to play a key role in expanding this technology inunprecedented ways.

    Bringing America Up to Speed builds on the Pew Center on the States growing portolio o research

    analyzing states fscal health and economic competitiveness. Our goal is to help policy leaders

    chart a path toward recovery today and sustainability tomorrow. We hope this report will inorm

    and guide states as they seek to capitalize on broadbands promise.


    Susan K. Urahn

    Managing Director, Pew Center on the States
  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    4/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    ovrviw: Stats Rl i Drivig Aricas

    Bradbad Ftr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    exhibit 2. Bradbad i Arica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7natial Prpss:

    Why Bradbad mattrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Disparity i Bradbad Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    exhibit 3. Itrt us i nrth Carlia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Bradbad Adpti:

    Brigig Arica oli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    C c l s i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3

    edts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35



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  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    5/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    I th digitally driv scity th twty-irst

    ctry, stats rcgiz that bradbad is a

    pwrl tchlgy that cld hlp th cpt

    r ctivly i a glbal arktplac. Icrasigly,

    thy ar lkig t bradbad as a pttial vhicl

    r dlivrig qality dcati, pblic saty, halth

    car ad gvrt srvics ad r prtig

    cic grwth by givig bsisss th tls thy

    d t thriv.

    I dt thik y ca vrstat th ipact that

    [bradbad dplyt] is gig t hav r

    cic dvlpt a wid varity lvls,

    said Klly Gs, scrtary crc i Wst

    Virgiia. Bcas th tchlgy vtally will b

    biqits, cic grwth i rral aras witht

    bradbad will b alst ipssibl, Gs said.1

    Yt Arica lags bhid ch th rst th

    wrld i adpti high-spd bradbad.

    Accrdig t th orgaisati r ecic C-

    oprati ad Dvlpt (oeCD), th uitd

    Stats slippd r th tp ctry i th wrld r

    bradbad accss i 2000 t 15th last yar.2

    Tday, bradbad is availabl t abt 95 prct

    Aricas. Bt that igr asks wid ggraphic,

    cic ad dgraphic disparitis, ad ay

    xprts say bth th qality ad spd srvic i

    th uitd Stats d t b iprvd t kp pac

    with thr atis. Ad ly 65 prct Aricas

    actally hav bradbad at h. Th raidr

    apprxiatly 100 illi Aricassay thy

    cat ard it, d t kw hw t s it r bliv

    it is irrlvat t thir livs, ag thr actrs.3

    Th availability bradbad is a spciic

    challg r abt 14 illi idividals i this

    ctry: Th irastrctr is t i plac r th

    t sbscrib t bradbad i th prdiatly

    rral aras whr thy liv. Th dirct cst clsig

    this gap is $23.5 billi, accrdig t th Fdral

    Cicatis Cissi (FCC).4 Bt Arica

    will pay a ch highr pric i it ds t sr

    ivrsal accss t high-spd bradbad, accrdig

    t a march 2010 stdy by th Digital Ipact Grp, a

    Philadlphia-basd prit rgaizati ddicatdt icrasig bradbad adpti, ad ecslt

    Crprati, a Philadlphia-basd cic

    csltig ir. Th stdy stiats th ttal aal

    cst digital xclsi at r tha $55 billi pr

    yar i lst cic activity, ad it stiats gais

    that wld b ad i aras sch as -gvrt,

    rgy, halth car ad trasprtati i bradbad

    wr biqits. Icrasig th s bradbad

    i halth car wld b wrth $15 billi al, th

    grps d.5

    Whil bradbad is trasrig ay aspcts

    Aricas livsr hw citizs apply r

    jbs t hw thy rgistr t vtths chags

    ar rlativly w, s t ch is kw abt

    thir ltiat ipact. Fr xapl, as 2005,

    77 prct Frt 500 cpais pstd jb

    pigs ad accptd applicatis ly li,

    bt th vrall rlatiship btw bradbad

    accss ad plyt is clar.6 Ad qstis

    rai abt what th apprpriat rls ar r

    gvrticldig statsi xpadig ad

    prtig bradbad.

    Still, a grwig br stats ar dvtig r

    ti, attti ad, i s cass, y t captr

    what thy viw as a pwrl vhicl r grwth. Wst

    Virgiia is ay tryig t catch p.

    ovrviw: Stats Rl i DrivigAricas Bradbad Ftr

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    6/422 Pw Ctr th Stats2

    Histrically dpdt aactrig,

    Wst Virgiia has lg b ag th last-

    cctd stats i trs bradbad accss,

    spd srvic rd ad th rat at which

    rsidts hav adptd it.7 Stat ladrs bliv

    that bradbad has th pttial t slv ay

    Wst Virgiias prbls by ablig rsidts

    t liv ad wrk whr thy wat witht ar

    big lt bhid by th rst th wrld. Bt t

    dat, th stats tpgraphic, dgraphic ad

    cic challgs hav ad it ipractical

    r privat prvidrs t r srvics t ay

    aras at ardabl rats, which i tr has liitd

    accss ag rsidts ad bsisss t th

    ggraphically bdlss cy gds adsrvics blssig li.

    Wst Virgiia xpliis th challgs that stats

    with larg rral pplatis ac i srig that

    thir rsidts hav ardabl accss t high-spd,

    rliabl bradbad. Apprxiatly 80 prct

    Wst Virgiias rsidts liv i aras that ar

    classiid as rral by th uitd Stats Dpartt


    All that, hwvr, ay b chagig. Th Arica

    Rcvry ad Rivstt Act 2009 is ppig

    $7.2 billi i stils y it rts t

    achiv ivrsal bradbad ad tap it its

    pttial applicatis. Th ds ar lwig t

    bradbad prvidrs, stat ad lcal agcis,

    prit rgaizatis ad varis pblic-privat

    partrships acrss th 50 stats t hlp xpad

    bradbad accss thrgh th physical bild-t

    irastrctr ad t spprt prgras that sprr csrs t adpt it. Th y als is

    bstig th capacity stats t cllct bttr data

    ad ap xistig bradbad accss ad spds

    withi thir brdrs.

    Th stils prgra als sprrd th crati

    a natial Bradbad Pla, dvlpd by th

    FCC, which sts t gals r ivrsally accssibl,

    ardabl bradbad ad stratgis r achivig

    th. Rlasd i march 2010, th pla aks

    hdrds rcdatis t Cgrss, th

    xctiv brach, dral rglatrs ad stat ad

    lcal gvrts.

    I Wst Virgiia, a $126 illi stils award t

    th gvrrs ic t dply bradbad r

    xtsivly acrss th stat ay hlp ak th

    visi r widsprad bradbad availability a

    rality i a shrtr tira tha ay wld

    hav dard t hp. What it ds r Wst

    Virgiia is it givs s a chac t trly b abl t

    cicat with vry ara r stat ad with

    th rst th wrld, said Gvrr J machi,

    wh i 2007 prpsd a gal havig high-spd

    Itrt i vry cty. That was a tall rdr, bt I

    kw that w dd t hav that srt visi r

    s t v start dw th path.8

    Stats ot i Frt

    Stat ad lcal gvrts icrasigly ar

    lkig t bradbad as a way t gai a cptitiv

    advatag i a tgh cy ad as a as

    t dlivr srvics r icitly ad ctivly

    as bdgts tight. Thir rts als ar critical

    t achivig th abitis gals th natial

    Bradbad Pla.

    Th pla calls r swpig plicy rrs; icrasd

    dig; acti by dral, stat, lcal ad tribal

    gvrts; ad partrships with privat-sctr

    prvidrs. Ag thr gals, it sks t icras

    availability, adpti ad th s bradbad r

    atial prpsssch as cic dvlpt,

    halth car, dcati, pblic saty ad gvrt

    trasparcyall which will rqir stats t play a

    sigiicat rl (s sidbar, Th natial Bradbad

    Pla: Lg-Tr Gals). Th pla stats9:

    [B]roadband in America is not all it needs to be...

    Broadband-enabled health information technology (IT)

    can improve care and lower costs by hundreds of billions

    S T AT e S R o L e
  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    7/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    S T AT e S R o L e

    of dollars in the coming decades, yet the United States is

    behind many advanced countries in the adoption of such

    technology. Broadband can provide teachers with tools

    that allow students to learn the same course material

    in half the time, but there is a dearth of easily accessible

    digital educational content required for such opportunities.

    A broadband-enabled Smart Grid could increase energy

    independence and efficiency, but much of the data required

    to capture these benefits are inaccessible to consumers,

    businesses and entrepreneurs. And nearly a decade after

    9/11, our first responders still lack a nationwide public safety

    mobile broadband communications network, even though

    such a network could improve emergency response and

    homeland security.

    may stat ladrs agr. Bradbad is as iprtat

    t cic dvlpt tday as lctricity was at

    th tr th twtith ctryvital t r qality

    li ad sstial r bsiss, gvrt ad r

    citis, said mista Gvrr Ti Pawlty i

    a 2006 statt.10

    I Arica wats t cpt i a icrasigly glbal

    cy, it will d t lly lvrag bradbads

    pttial. W ca iagi that th tr thItrt i larg part is gig t b vid, ad

    particlarly 3-D vid, said Richard Whitt, Washigt,

    D.C., tlc ad dia csl r Ggl. Its gig

    t b vry itractiv ad ivlv ay disis

    dirt kids platrs. Th thigs w thik

    as scrs ay lgr b th cas; it ay b

    that yr tir hs sstially bcs Itrt-

    abld.12 Thrgh its Fibr r Citis iitiativ,

    Ggl challgd gvrts, bsisss ad

    idividals i arly 2010 t prps ivativ ss

    r its xprital, ltra-high-spd twrk that is

    xpctd t b r tha 100 tis astr tha typical

    Itrt spds. Th cpay is plaig t bild

    ad tst th srvic with as ay as 500,000 srs i

    slctd citis.13

    Svral ajr dvlptsth stils packag,

    th natial Bradbad Pla ad th Ggl gigabit

    iitiativ, ag thrsar cvrgig t crat

    a virt that cld vlv i ay psitiv

    ways, said Ji Ballr, a Washigt, D.C.-basd

    bradbad xprt ad lawyr whs ir, th Ballr

    ad Hrbst Law Grp, adviss svral stat ad lcal

    gvrts bradbad ad is wrkig with

    Ggl its iitiativ. W ar sig sigiicat

    prgrss at all lvls gvrt. may stat ad

    lcal gvrts hav ad a lt prgrss ith last tw yars, ad wr likly t s a lt r

    prgrss i th xt tw yars.14

    The NaTioNal BroadBaNd PlaN: loNg-Term goals

    The National Broadband Plan sets forth the following six long-term goals 11:

    1. At least 100 million U.S. homes should have affordable access to actual download speeds of at least 100 megabits

    per second and actual upload speeds of at least 50 megabits per second.

    2. The United States should lead the world in mobile innovation, with the fastest and most extensive wireless

    networks of any nation.

    3. Every American should have affordable access to robust broadband service and the means and skills to subscribe

    if they so choose.

    4. Every American community should have affordable access to at least one gigabit per second broadband service

    to anchor institutions such as schools, hospitals and government buildings.

    5. To ensure the safety of the American people, every first responder should have access to a nationwide, wireless,

    interoperable broadband public safety network.

    6. To ensure that America leads in the clean energy economy, every American should be able to use broadband to

    track and manage their real-time energy consumption.

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    8/424 Pw Ctr th Stats4

    S T AT e S R o L e

    Bradbad prgras i a hadl ivativ

    stats wr dls r th dral gvrt.

    Caliria, r xapl, was a arly ladr ag

    stats i icrasig bradbad adpti ad s,

    particlarly i trs appig whr bradbad

    was availabl statwid ad plaig r xpasi.

    I act, Blair Lvi, xctiv dirctr th oibs

    Bradbad Iitiativ, which vrsaw dvlpt

    th atial pla, ackwldgd that th

    FCC clld idas r th wrk Calirias

    Bradbad Task Frc, whs ial rprt, Th

    Stat Cctivity, rlasd i 2008, icldd

    cprhsiv rcdatis basd ipt

    r a varity pblic ad privat-sctr partrs.20Th task rc als dvlpd a sphisticatd ap

    rsidts ad thir bradbad accss.

    Ths rts sic hav abld th stat t bttr

    targt rsrcs t drsrvd pplatis. Th

    stat tility cissi bilt th task rcs

    wrk wh it cratd th Caliria Advacd

    Srvics Fd, which prts bradbad i

    srvd ad drsrvd aras thrgh iacial

    awards t prvidrs.21 W wr abl t cs

    th y ths particlar aras that wr

    idtiid as drsrvd, said Rachll Chg,

    spcial csl advacd irati ad

    cicatis tchlgis r Calirias oic

    th Stat Chi Irati oicr ad a rr

    Caliria pblic tility cissir.22

    mistas lti-prgd apprach t

    bradbad adpti ad xpasi als dats

    back a w yars. I 2007, th stat cratd th

    mista ultra High-Spd Bradbad Task

    Frc, rprstig bth rba ad rral aras.

    Th grps ial rprt, rlasd i nvbr

    2009, rcdd bradbad accss r all

    th stats hs ad bsisss by 2015,

    tax ictivs r idividals, bsisss ad

    rgaizatis t icras digital litracy, ad

    The Need for sPeed

    The federal agencies that set the rules for qualifying

    for broadband stimulus money confronted a

    daunting question: How fast, exactly, should anInternet connection be to qualify as broadband?

    They settled on a relatively low threshold of 768

    kilobits per second for downloads and 200 kilobits

    per second for uploads. This is about the speed

    you would get from the cheapest plan from most

    providers of high-speed hookups that use existing

    phone lines, as opposed to cable.15 The low bar

    presumably focuses the stimulus efforts on areas

    with almost no service at all. But broadband

    experts argue that the country soon must push

    for even faster speeds across the board for the

    United States to remain competitive with other

    industrialized countries.

    Were flat-out not competitive, said Jane Smith

    Patterson, executive director of North Carolinas

    e-NC Authority, an agency that promotes broadband

    in the Tar Heel State. Faster broadband is very

    important to this country. This is the transport of

    knowledge and opportunity.16

    Advocates are especially concerned that the United

    States is falling behind other developed countries in

    rolling out ultrafast Internet connections. They point

    out that Japan offers connections of one gigabit per

    second, which is fast enough to download a full-

    length movie in just 12 seconds. Google is launching

    an effort to bring similar speeds100 times faster

    than typical connections in the United Statesto as

    many as 500,000 Americans.17

    Googles initiative may be innovative, but it will do

    little in the near term to change the fact that the

    United States is falling behind. In fact, the United

    States ranked 24th among developed countries in an

    OECD survey of 2009 advertised broadband speeds.

    The average U.S. speed of 14 megabits per second

    is roughly half the typical speed in Hungary and the

    Netherlands and well behind Japan, Portugal, France

    and South Korea. According to the OECD, Japanand Portugal boasted average advertised download

    speeds of more than 100 megabits per second.18 A

    more comprehensive assessment by the FCC of just

    the United States showed that only 11.4 percent of

    all connections in the country were 10 megabits per

    second or faster. Across the states, broadband speeds

    vary considerably. As the availability gap narrows,

    improving the speed of the service will become

    increasingly more important (see Exhibit 1).19
  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    9/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    S T AT e S R o L e

    iacial assistac t hlp lw-ic ppl

    pay r srvics.23 Th lgislatr vd qickly t

    accpt s th rcdatis, ad i April

    2010, Gvrr Pawlty sigd it law a bill that

    sts stat bradbad gals r dplyt adspd, icldig biqits accss by 2015.24

    Additially, mista is ag a br

    stats that r prvidrs r lxibl altrativ

    rglati arragts i xchag r thir

    citts t xpad bradbad dplyt.25

    Als calld ictiv rglatis, ths arragts

    typically allw rglatd prvidrs t ar

    largr prits; thy als rlax gvrt rviw

    prpsd rat icrass, i prvidrs tprrac targts.

    nrth Carlia, awhil, has wrkd r alst

    a dcad t brig r ppl li. I 2000,

    it cratd -nC Athrity, th atis irst stat

    bradbad agcy. Th grp has sd partrships

    with rral ad rba citis ad prvidrs t

    xpad bradbad s. Th stat has cpltd

    ths rts with tchical dcati ad traiig

    r lcal bsisss. Btw 2001 ad 2007, its-nC Bsiss ad Tchlgy Tlctrs prvidd

    r Itrt accss t 158,000 rsidts ad

    hlpd crat arly 1,500 jbs i s th st

    cically distrssd, rral aras th stat.26

    Th ctrs sk t icras cic dvlpt

    thrgh tchlgyassistig bth idividals

    ad bsisss by prvidig srvics sch as -

    - cslig, siars ad traiig, tchical

    spprt, ic spac ad rsrcs r sall, start-p

    cpais, ad pblic accss t th Itrt.27

    Stats hav lg histrically viwd crrctly that

    bradbad is t jst a ablr cic

    dvlpt bt rally has th pttial t b

    trasrativ r citis, whthr it is

    dcati, halth car r thr ways that th

    Itrt is sd, said eg Hag, wh srvd

    as dirctr gvrt pratis r th FCCs

    Stats vary i th prctag bradbad cctisat varis spds. Th scd cl raks th stats hw cls thy ar t th Arica Rcvry adRivstt Acts gal (th stils stadard) prvidig cctis at last 768 kilbits pr scd.

    Data as Dcbr 31, 2008; *Data availabl.

    SouRCe: Fdral Cicatis Cissi.

    Hawaii 92.5 88.3 * *

    oklaha 90.2 84.8 28.0 3.0

    nvada 88.8 83.0 30.4 6.6

    mai 86.0 82.9 57.6 4.0

    Flrida 86.0 82.2 40.3 8.6

    Lisiaa 85.3 81.7 * *

    Wiscsi 87.8 81.2 27.8 6.4

    Rhd Islad 85.5 80.9 * *

    Cctict 87.9 80.8 37.5 0.0Illiis 87.9 79.6 31.9 7.5

    org 87.3 79.4 39.2 5.3

    nw Yrk 83.1 79.1 56.4 55.6

    michiga 85.6 78.8 32.6 *

    utah 88.6 78.5 33.2 2.9

    Washigt 85.7 78.5 40.6 4.8

    Caliria 86.2 78.3 19.7 3.9

    Txas 86.3 78.1 24.3 5.2

    Clrad 87.8 77.5 39.0 1.5

    missri 85.4 77.4 16.8 5.2

    mista 85.9 77.3 31.1 3.9

    Kasas 83.3 77.0 33.7 3.8

    Grgia 81.8 76.7 23.7 1.8

    Ktcky 88.5 76.7 31.2 26.2

    Arkasas 82.7 76.6 * *

    nrth Carlia 81.0 76.6 38.0 4.1

    massachstts 81.5 76.4 46.9 11.0

    Ariza 85.3 76.3 37.6 13.5

    Idiaa 84.3 76.2 32.6 13.9

    mississippi 85.4 76.2 * *

    Alabaa 82.3 76.1 17.9 4.3

    Sth Carlia 80.2 75.9 33.1 3.5

    Wst Virgiia 83.5 75.8 * *

    nw Hapshir 81.1 75.7 54.6 3.7

    Dlawar 82.5 75.6 * *

    nw Jrsy 80.9 75.6 53.4 35.1

    nrth Dakta 85.0 75.3 * *

    Iwa 87.0 74.6 * *

    ohi 80.7 74.0 37.2 4.5

    Psylvaia 79.9 73.5 37.5 8.9

    Tss 81.2 73.5 29 2.9

    Sth Dakta 81.0 72.6 * *

    Idah 81.6 72.4 * *

    marylad 78.3 72.1 40.2 11.7

    nbraska 81.5 71.1 * *

    nw mxic 81.1 70.3 * *

    Virgiia 78.8 69.5 38.0 21.5

    Vrt 74.0 68.9 * *

    Wyig 82.9 68.2 * *

    Alaska 76.0 58.9 * *

    mtaa 72.9 57.9 * *

    200 kbps + 768 kbps + 6 mbps + 10 mbps +




    Exhibit 1

    hoW fasT is YoUr sTaTes iNTerNeT?

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    10/426 Pw Ctr th Stats6

    S T AT e S R o L e

    natial Bradbad Task Frc br vig

    t th Whit Hs t b a spcial advisr t

    th chi tchlgy icr i march 2010.28

    Bt, by s asrs, ay stats lack

    capacity t dvlp ad iplt bradbad

    plicis ad appig. oly a stiatd 15

    stats hav bradbad agcis r athritis,

    accrdig t nrth Carlias Pattrs.29 (may,

    lik -nC Athrity, ar strctrd as qasi-stat

    athritis, which givs th gratr latitd

    t partr with th privat sctr appig

    ad data cllcti ad grat applicatis.)

    Ad br th stils, ly abt a dz

    stats had cratd bradbad aps that

    allwd th t kw whr th srvic was

    availabl withi thir brdrs. Jst a hadl

    had dratd dtaild plas r xpadig

    accss r had lachd rts t xplrbradbad ad its applicatis.30 I y dt

    hav a grp that is lkig at [bradbad]

    ad kpig thir y thir targt, yr stat

    will ls t i trs its ability t hav what

    I csidr th tchlgy kwldg ad

    irati ad light, sggstd Pattrs. It

    is dspratly iprtat that stats hav this

    capacity ad capability.31

    I Ariza, Gal updik, tlcicatis

    dvlpt aagr at th stats Gvrt

    Irati Tchlgy Agcy, td that

    thr ar hdrds plys withi Ariza

    stat gvrt dvlpig ad xctigplicy i aras sch as trasprtati ad

    rgybt ly a w wrkig bradbad

    plicy. Giv th iprtac bradbad t

    stats cic cptitivss, updik said,

    stats shld priritiz dvlpig r itral

    capacity ad xprtis.32

    nw mxic, awhil, is rlyig sigiicatly

    tsid csltats ad titis sch as

    th 1st mil Istitt, a prit rgaizaticsd rral tlcicatis, cic

    dvlpt ad bradbad csltig, t hlp

    dvlp ad xct its bradbad stratgy.

    Richard Lwbrg, prsidt 1st mil

    Istitt, is ccrd abt th lack itral

    capacity i nw mxics stat gvrt. I

    ly prs, h said. What is th stat gig

    t d i I hit by a bs?33

    oicials als rcgiz that thy d tcrdiat rts r ctivly ad shar

    r irati acrss stat lis. Accrdig

    t Jh Cly, xctiv dirctr Clrads

    Statwid Itrt Prtal Athrity, crdiati

    acrss stats has b wak. Stats ar

    dplicatig rts bcas w dt kw what

    thr stats ar dig, Cly said. Part that

    is w dt, as stats, td t lk tsid r

    w brdrs, ad w thik thy cat hav a

    prgra that wld wrk r Clrad i nrth

    Carlia. Btthat i act is w th cas.34

    A Isi Spprt

    Th Arica Rcvry ad Rivstt Act

    2009ad its $7.2 billi r bradbad

    xpasiprstd a iq pprtity

    r stats t ak a sbstatial lap by

    States have long historically

    viewed correctly that broadbandis not just an enabler o

    economic development but

    really has the potential to be

    transormative or communities.

    Eugene Huang, special advisor to

    the chie technology oicer at the White

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    11/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    S T AT e S R o L e

    xpadig availability, accss ad th s th

    tchlgy t rthr dcati, halth car

    dlivry ad thr critical srvics. This dral

    y ay jpstart a br bradbad

    appig, plaig ad xpasi iitiativs withsigiicat pttial r stats as thy grappl

    with th rl that bradbad will play i thir

    cis, accrdig t svral xprts.35

    Thrgh th Bradbad Tchlgy opprtitis

    Prgra (BToP), th u.S. Dpartt Crcs

    natial Tlcicatis ad Irati

    Adiistrati (nTIA) is distribtig $4.7 billi t a

    ix prvidrs, stat agcis, lcalitis, prit

    rgaizatis ad varis rs pblic-privat

    partrships. Th y is big sd t xpad

    accss t ad adpti bradbad, r layig

    ibr i th grd t cvrtig libraris adcllgs it pblic cptig ctrs, rts

    that hlp itrdc w srs t bradbad ad

    dstrat its rlvac t thir livs. Th u.S.

    Dpartt Agricltrs Rral utilitis Srvic

    is sig th raiig $2.5 billi t achiv

    siilar ds i rral aras thrgh its Bradbad

    Iprvt Prgra.

    Exhibit 2


    Most connected Least connected

    Source: Pew Center on the States, 2010, based on data from the Federal Communications Commission, December 2008

    About 100 million Americans lack access to broadband at home. The reasons include cost, limited availability and userslack of knowledge about how it works or how it is relevant to their lives. Urban households are much more likely to havebroadband connections than are households in rural areas.

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    12/428 Pw Ctr th Stats8

    S T AT e S R o L e

    Thrgh th stils packag, th dral

    gvrt ipltd th Bradbad Data

    Iprvt Act, which is ablig st stats

    t dvlp thir w plas r hw t xpad

    accss t ad adpti bradbad ad tcrat dtaild aps tliig th crrt stat

    availability, tchlgy ad spd. nTIA has $350

    illi at its dispsal r appig ad plaig,

    rts that ar ixtricably likd. It has awardd

    appig gratsrqirig a 20 prct atch

    t all stats ad $500,000 ach t st stats r

    plaig. All th rsltig data will d it th

    natial Bradbad map that will b ad pblic

    i Fbrary 2011. nTIA acd i may 2010

    that it will accpt applicatis r gig stat

    appig rts, with dig r a additial

    thr yars data cllcti.

    Th data that stats ar big rqird t sbit

    t nTIA ar r sphisticatd ad cprhsiv

    tha th data drpiig st th arlir

    stat appig rts. Th atial ap will

    cpris a br layrs: th ggraphic

    availability, typs tchlgy ad spd

    bradbad srvicaddrss by addrssas

    wll as pblic accss pits ad a wid rag

    cic ad dgraphic data.36

    Icldig this lvl gralarity taks stats ar

    byd siply appig whr bradbad is

    availabl ad whr it ist. natially cparabl

    data abt tchlgy ad spd will b

    particlarly iprtat as stats sk t iprv

    bradbad rliability ad spd i aras whr

    s lvl cctivity is alrady i plac.

    nTIA awardd its plaig grats dirctly t stats

    with a gal hlpig th bild lg-tr

    itral capacity. nTIA acd i may 2010 that

    it will allw stats t sk additial dig r a

    rag plaig-rlatd activitis, icldig stat

    bradbad task rcs r advisry bards, tchical

    assistac prgras ad iitiativs t prt

    icrasd cptr wrship ad Itrt sag.

    What y s tday is th lad i ach stat

    big hsd i a br dirt placs, said

    A nvill, dirctr th Bradbad mappig

    Prgra at nTIA ad a rr assistat scrtary

    r cic dvlpt ad tchlgy

    r Caliria. Y crtaily s a cic

    dvlpt ritati, t that it didt

    xist r r iv yars ag, bt ppl wr still

    strgglig t b abl t xplai why bradbad

    was rally iprtat.37

    Th r th stats s th plaig grats t

    hlp th dvlp thir lg-rag visis r

    bradbad dplyt ad sag, th bttr

    psitid thy will b t achiv thir gals. I

    y dt hav a hlistic apprach ady dt

    hav th statwid visi, yr icrasig yr

    chacs ailr, said Charls Ghii, dirctr

    th Divisi Tlcicatis i Flridas

    Dpartt maagt Srvics. Thats th

    way wv b gig at it, th wrg way. W

    wr t ragtd i Flrida. I 2001, th statcratd a Digital Divid Ccil, bt its dig ad

    spprt disappard s atr its crati.38

    missris plaig grat is ablig th stat t

    tak a lg-tr prspctiv ad dvlp a bttr

    crdiatd, statwid apprach, accrdig t

    Rbrt Dlly, bsiss dvlpt aagr

    r th missri Dpartt ecic

    Dvlpt. This is critical wh akig

    dcisis abt ay typ pblic asst that will

    rqir ctid ivstts vr svral yars,

    Dlly td, addig that it is particlarly tr

    with a tchlgical asst sch as bradbad that

    vlvs qickly. As with trasprtati, Dlly

    said, y dt wat t raliz a w yars dw

    th rad that y dd a r-la highway

    wh y ly pt i a tw-la rad.39
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    13/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    S T AT e S R o L e

    early, wll-stablishd plaig rts hav ad

    a dirc i stats sch as Caliria, mista

    ad nrth Carlia, whr crdiati ag

    a varity stakhldrs has hlpd acilitat

    statwid apprachs t xpadig accss tad th s bradbad. oc th stils was

    acd, this wrk hlpd avid a r-r-all

    grab r th dral ds ag cptig

    privat, prit ad pblic-sctr playrs. Bttr

    yt, th stats wr wll psitid t s th

    ds t bild thir t. Bt r ay

    thr stats, th lack i-hs capacity ad

    xprtis bradbad ad it challgig t

    btai r dirct th stils ds.

    nTIA askd gvrrs r thir ipt all BToP

    dig applicatis rigiatig withi thir

    brdrs, rgardlss whthr thy ca r

    th pblic, privat r prit sctr. S stats

    prvidd a list prrrd prjcts bt rd

    xplaati r jstiicati; s icldd

    a cprhsiv list prjcts, bt rvd

    applicatis by t--stat titis bcas thy

    lackd a stablishd, -th-grd prsc

    i thir stat ad appard t b targtig

    ltipl stats with thir tris. othrs, sch

    as nrth Carlia, wr abl t prvid a walth

    irati t nTIA, cplt with a rakd

    list prjcts ad a idpdt aalysis ad

    xplaati ach. Ths wr crtaily r

    cpllig tstiials r th stats tha th

    s that siply said, Hr ar th s w lik,

    said nTIA Chi Sta T Pwr. Applicatis

    that dstratd thy had by-i r th pblicad privat sctrs ad sicit capacity ad

    kw-hw t cplt cplx prjcts hav had

    a lg p i th dig prcss, Pwr said.40

    Wst Virgiia prvids a cas i pit. At th ti

    th stils was acd, th stat had jst

    cpltd a plaig prcss that gratd

    ipt r a varity pblic ad privat-sctr

    stakhldrs, ad it had dvlpd a lg list

    prjcts t accplish i th yars t c.41

    Th isi dral dllars will tr th stats

    plasad i act st its wish listit a

    rality i a attr ly 24 t 36 ths, th tirqird by th lgislati r stats t cplt

    prjcts dd by th is.42

    I additi t a $1.4 illi appig ad plaig

    grat ad svral sallr BToP grats awardd t

    privat-sctr ad prit partrs,43 Gvrr

    machis ic rcivd $126 illi t add

    2,400 ils ibr t th stats xistig pblic

    saty twrk, which iclds th stats plic

    ad ir dpartts ad thr irst rspdrs,t cct r tha 1,000 achr istittis

    sch as schls, libraris ad gvrt ics

    at a spd p t 45 gabits pr scd. This

    i tr will hlp spr ardabl bradbad accss

    by allwig lcal Itrt srvic prvidrs t lik

    t th stats p twrk. ultiatly, th rt is

    xpctd t cct 700,000 hshlds, 110,000

    bsisss ad 1,500 achr istittis acrss

    Wst Virgiia t high-spd, rliabl bradbad

    that cld draatically blstr th cic

    cptitivss ay rral ad largly wird

    aras th stat.44

    Cpltig ths prjcts i thr yars

    ay b challgig, spcially r stats

    with th highst lvls d. evry stat

    is apprachig this dirtly partly bcas

    thir dgraphics ad partly bcas

    th spply [tlcicatis

    cpais] i thir stat, said J. Stph

    Fltchr, prsidt th natial Assciati

    Stat Chi Irati oicrs (nASCIo)

    ad utahs chi irati icr. I utah,

    r xapl, gvrt titis ad largr

    tlc prvidrs hav b listd t

    play a rl bcas ay th sall, rral

    tlcicatis prvidrs lackd th

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    14/420 Pw Ctr th Stats0

    S T AT e S R o L e

    capacity v t pt tgthr applicatis.

    Wh w wt t t r rral tlcs, thy wr

    itrstd bt thy rally didt hav th sta t

    writ grat prpsals, Fltchr said. Thy tld

    s, W rally cat participat. I th stat didtprvid s th capability, th thy wrt

    gig t b abl t g rward with it.45

    It als has b tgh t gt th y i

    had t gt prjcts dr way. Applicatis

    r st bradbad-rlatd stils dig

    hav clsd, bt as April 2010, ly $1.2

    billi th $4.7 billi allcatd r BToP ad

    ly $1.1 billi th $2.5 billi allcatd

    thrgh th u.S. Dpartt Agricltr hadb rlasd i grats.46 nTIA acd i

    may 2010 that it wld rp th applicati

    widw r stat ad lcal gvrts t

    bild pblic saty bradbad systs with

    700 mHz spctr ad availabl t th by

    a rct FCC dcisi. Th dral gvrt

    is rqird t bligat all th ds by

    Sptbr 30, 2010.47

    Stats Crcial Rl

    Th stils-dd prjcts c with high

    staks. Stats sccsssr ailrswill act

    hw thy dcat stdts, prvid halth

    car ad prtct th pblic, ag thr

    iprtat tcs. Th FCC rcgizd

    bradbads rl i th prvisi srvics,

    ddicatig a scti th natial Bradbad

    Pla t sch atial prpss.

    Th FCC wats stats t tak a ladig rl i

    iprvig that srvic dlivry. Th pla aks

    hdrds rcdatis, ay which

    wld draatically act stats i ipltd.

    S ar rlativly arrw, bt tgthr thy

    add p t pttially sigiicat chags r

    gvrts ad th pblic.

    may th st rlvat rcdatis

    r stats sk t liiat plicy barrirs t th

    physical bild-t bradbad irastrctr

    sch as accss t th lad dd t bry ibr

    ad tility pls dd t hag itad sk t

    localiTies geTTiNg iN The game

    Some municipalities, such as Lafayette, Louisiana, and Bristol, Virginia, have moved aggressively to expand

    broadband on their own. The two cities sought to fill the availability gap by investing in their own municipal

    networks and serving citizens directly, as they do with other public utilities, such as water and sewer systems.

    In some cases, a similar approach has had a major impact on economic development in rural communities. For

    example, after constructing a municipal fiber-to-the-home broadband system, Powell, Wyoming, was able to lure

    significant foreign investment. A South Korean venture capital firm has agreed to pay as much as $5.5 million to

    engage 150 certified teachers to teach English to South Korean students using high-speed video teleconferencing

    that will enable them to work from home.48

    With the help of $9 million in state and federal grants, Bristol extended its fiber network to eight counties in

    Virginias Coalfield region. That investment has helped bring new jobs to the area; for example, international ITconsulting firm CGI and defense contractor Northrop Grumman cited the network in their decision to hire 700

    additional technicians, consultants and call operators in nearby Lebanon, Virginia.49

    Several years ago, a number of cities launched programs to provide wireless access to high-speed Internet to their

    residents for free or a reduced rate. That movement has died down significantly. But while high-profile projects

    were canceled in cities such as Chicago, Houston and San Francisco, some municipalities are continuing to

    experiment with this approach. Philadelphia revived its push for municipal Wi-Fi in December 2009, more than a

    year after a deal with EarthLink, a private provider, fell through. Corpus Christi, Texas, purchased back its network

    from EarthLink after the company backed out of a similar arrangement and has since saved money by using the

    network for electronic meter-reading.50
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    15/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    S T AT e S R o L e

    iprv crdiati ag varis pblic ad

    privat-sctr titis. Lvi said h ss a lack

    cscisss abt hw sigly rlatd

    pblic plicis ad rglatis ca hav a ajr

    ipact bradbad. Fr istac, whvr arad is dg p r a twr is bilt r ay ras,

    stat ad lcal gvrts shld b thikig

    abt whthr additial bradbad accss ca

    b icrpratd it th cstrcti.51

    S th plas thr rcdatis ar

    aid at akig li asir ad r cst-icit

    r stat ad lcal gvrts whil spprtig

    thir bradbad iitiativs. Fr xapl, th

    pla rcds that th FCC strali th

    applicati prcss r e-Rat, a grat prgra

    thrgh which ay schls hav b cctd

    t th Itrt, ad th pla als rcds that

    th FCC prvid stats with gratr lxibility abt

    hw t s th ds. I y g ad talk t s

    th stat ad lcal gvrt lks wh dal

    with dcati, th prcss r gttig ds

    is icrdibly trts, said th Whit Hss

    Hag, wh srvd as Virgiias chi tchlgy

    icr dr rr Gvrr mark Warr. W

    hav listd t ths ccrs.52

    Th FCC alrady has ipltd at last

    ths rcdatis: Schl cptig

    ctrs rcivig e-Rat dig w ca b ad

    availabl r city s ad digital litracy

    traiig tsid ral schl hrs.53

    Additially, th pla rcds that th

    dral gvrt p its ctracts r

    tlcicatis srvics r s by stat

    ad lcal gvrts, ablig th t

    bit r th assiv prchasig pwr

    th dral gvrt ad t rdc

    trasacti csts icrrd thrgh thir w

    cplx ctractig prcsss.54 Th dral

    gvrt rcivs a disct 20 prct

    t 50 prct th gig arkt rat r

    Itrt cctivity ad thr cicatis

    srvics. Stat ad lcal gvrts cld

    xpct t rciv a siilar disct i th chag

    is ada pttially sigiicat savigs r

    cash-strappd agcis.55

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    16/42Brigig Arica up t Spd: Stats Rl i expadig Bradbad

    natial Prpss:Why Bradbad mattrs

    Th pttial rach ad ipact applicatis r

    bradbad srvic dwar th vlty chckig

    -ail at a rstarat r btaiig drivig

    dirctis a bil ph. Fastr Itrt

    accss cld abl w ways dcatig

    stdts ad ivlvig parts i hwrk.

    It cld allw halth car practitirs t hav

    virtal visits withad disps dicati t

    patits i rt aras. It cld allw bsissst xpad thir arkts ad rdc vrhad

    csts. It cld abl gvrt t prvid

    srvics r icitly, ad allw citizs t

    itract with gvrt r rqtly ad

    r asily. Althgh ay applicatis th

    tchlgy ar t w t valat thir ltiat

    ctivss, jst abt vry plicy ara that

    stats aag cld b actd by xpadig

    bradbad accss ad adpti. At th d th

    day th st iprtat thig abt bradbad is

    t th spd th twrks r th clss

    th dvics, bt its hw ppl s it, said Lvi.

    Y cat s it witht grat twrks ad grat

    dvics, bt its that s that ltiatly dtris

    its val t idividals ad t scity.56

    Th natial Bradbad Pla idtiis a wid rag

    vital aras it calls atial prpssbsiss,

    dcati, rgy csrvati, gvrt

    accss, plitical prcss ad pblic satythat

    cld b wll srvd by gvrt prti

    bradbad accss ad s. Th w atial

    bradbad stratgy lks at, r xapl, hw

    xpadig bradbad cld ak it asir t tak a

    class, cslt with a dctr r wrk r h r a

    cpay lcatd acrss th ctit.

    Th FCC is cragig stats, which hav a hg

    stak i ach ths aras, t play a prit

    rl i advacig th plas gals. Fr istac,

    c bradbad availability is xpadd, dralicials xpct stats t strali prssial

    licsr rls t acilitat wrkig acrss stat

    lis, spcially r dctrs ad tachrs, ad t

    rvap tax cds s li wrkrs ar t payig

    priary taxs i r tha stat. Th FCC als

    rcds that gvrts, icldig stats,

    bild r rbst li srvics that wld

    abl citizs t rgistr t vt, lar abt

    pblic spdig r sig p r saty t prgras

    witht rpatd trips t varis ics. Ad th

    FCC is cragig stats t s thir lvragr

    xapl, as tility rglatrs that ca adat

    th istallati sart trs ad as ajr

    halth car prchasrs that ca isist th s

    lctric halth rcrdst rg privat idstry

    t spd p its dvlpt ad adpti

    Itrt-basd tchlgis.

    At the end o the day the

    most important thing about

    broadband is not the speedo the networks or the coolness

    o the devices, but its how

    people use it.

    Blair Levin, executive director o the

    Omnibus Broadband Initiative

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    17/424 Pw Ctr th Stats4

    n AT I o n A L P u R P o S e S

    Svral stats alrady ar xtrly activ i ths

    atial prps aras. S stat gvrts,

    r xapl, ar lkig at a varity ways t

    dlivr dical srvics t rral aras. Th FCCs

    atial pla addrsss hw bradbad cld

    blstr ths rts by allwig patits t visit

    dctrs vid r by iprvig rgcy

    rsps tis r paradics. Th llwig is a

    clsr lk at th plas atial prps gals ad a

    saplig stat rts i ths aras. may th

    rts ar i thir arly stags, s th jry still is t

    thir ctivss.

    Halth Car

    Bttr s bradbad cld iprv th halth

    car syst by drivig dw csts ad iprvig

    rslts r patits, th FCC says i its pla. Th

    cissi citd a 2007 stdy by th Ctr r

    Irati Tchlgy Ladrship that said sig

    vid csltati istad i-prs dctr visits

    r prisrs, rsig h rsidts ad hspital

    patits wh d tsid xprts cld sav $1.2

    billi aally.57 Th FCC als ttd th pttial

    bits t patits r sig rt itrigdvics t kp tabs ppl wh lav th

    hspital atr a ajr dical crisis, sch as a hart

    attack. Rt systs ca allw dctrs t s

    i a patit is pttig wight r shwig thr

    warigs that r hart prbls ar iit,

    v br th patit cplais w sypts.

    Th cissi pitd t stdis that say jst

    trackig patits wh hav r sparat chric

    cditis cld sav $197 billi vr 25 yars.58

    Th FCC als is prssig stats t ct th rd tap

    that cld hapr th widr s Itrt-basd

    dici. I its v t prt lg-distac

    halth tratt, th cissi wats stats

    t ls rstrictis licss r t--stat

    dctrs ad t prt th s lctric

    prscriptis. Stats alrady hav bg t act. A

    grp r tha 20 statsr Alabaa t

    Alaskais tryig t ak it asir r a dctr with

    a lics i stat t practic i athr, a ky

    rqirt i tldici, whr th patit

    ad dctr ay b i dirt stats. oicials r

    ths stats, cvd by th natial Gvrrs

    Assciatis Ctr r Bst Practics, hav b

    wrkig straliig th prcss. Stats hav

    siilar licsig rqirts, r th st part,

    bt ir dircs ak it brds r

    physicias t btai ltipl licss, th grp,

    which is calld th Stat Alliac r -Halth, wrt

    i 2009. Ths dircs als crat iicicis

    ad xpsiv rddacis i th licsr prcss

    r idividal bards ad th syst as a whl.59

    Th alliac sggstd sig a li tl that

    wld allw physicias t kp thir prssial

    histris p-t-dat. mdical schls, hspitals

    ad stat rglatrs als cld dit r vriy

    rcrds. That way, wh a dctr wats t apply

    t practic i a w stat, ch th paprwrk

    chas wld b liiatd.60

    Althgh stralid licsig is a gal that had

    stat icials scrablig v br th FCC ttd

    it, t vry is cvicd that th prcss

    applyig r t--stat licss is gh a

    bstacl t prvt dctrs r sig patits

    rtly. Da Hdk, xctiv scrtary r

    th nrth Dakta Bard mdical exairs, was

    ivlvd i th alliacs rts. W wat all th

    dctrs w ca gt, h said.61 Bt Hdk addd

    that h has s littl vidc that th dical

    lics prcss is haprig tldici i nrth

    Dakta, whr v dctrs r Astralia prvidrt car. oc all th paprwrk is cllctd,

    nrth Dakta typically isss a prvisial lics

    withi a wk, Hdk said.

    I th v t brig pharacis li, utah this

    sprig passd lgislati akig it th ly stat t

    allw dctrs t prscrib dici t patits thy

    xai li.62 Bt th practic is liitd t lcal
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    n AT I o n A L P u R P o S e S

    participats. T prvt rad ad sr prdct

    saty, utah lawakrs spciid that th dctr

    writig th prscripti, th drg str illig it ad

    th li cpay cctig th tw st hav

    a physical prsc i utah.

    Th FCC als calld stats t hlp dvlp th

    s lctric halth rcrds, spcially thrgh

    mdicaid, th dral-stat halth israc prgra

    r th pr. I Caliria, th wrk th bradbad

    task rc hlpd th stat cpt r ad wi a

    varity dral ds rlatd t -halth bcas

    it was abl t dstrat d with slid data,

    accrdig t Chg Calirias oic th Stat

    Chi Irati oicr. I additi t stils

    ds gard tward spdig th adpti

    lctric halth rcrds, th stat rcivd $22

    illi thrgh a FCC pilt prjct that will hlp

    crat th Caliria Tlhalth ntwrk. Th

    twrk will cct r tha 800 Caliria

    halth car prvidrs i drsrvd aras t a stat

    ad atiwid bradbad twrk ddicatd t

    halth car. Th gal is r th patit t t hav

    t g back it th city as t, said Chg, tig

    that th ability t trasit diagstic irati,

    sch as X-rays, lctrically ad t prvid spcialty

    spprt t rt aras via tldici has th

    pttial t draatically rdc halth car csts.63

    As the National Broadband Plan notes, broadband can

    improve lives by removing barriers of time and space.

    The ability to use instant information from around the

    world can improve even the most routine activities.

    The more crucial the activity, the bigger the benefits of


    In emergency medicine, for example, high-speed

    Internet access can mean the difference between life

    and death. In northern Iowa, a young mother of tworecently was rushed to a small community hospital with

    injuries sustained in a car crash, recalled Dave Lingren,

    interim executive director of the Iowa Communications


    The mothers injuries, including a fractured skull, were

    severe. The hospital performed a CAT scan, but the staff

    had to send the images to specialists in Mason City

    because the hospital did not have its own radiologist.

    Unfortunately, the hospitals Internet connection was

    slow, and it took nearly half an hour for the CAT scans

    to download in Mason City. As soon as the specialists

    saw the images, they called the hospital and told thedoctors there to drill into her skull. Without relieving

    the pressure, they said, the mothers brain would not

    function. But the call came too late. The mother had died

    15 minutes before the radiologists called. That, Lingren

    said, is the state of broadband in rural Iowa.

    The FCC and the Iowa Hospital Association are now

    building an online network for 89 rural providers to

    ensure that the same thing does not happen again.

    When the $10 million project is completed at the end

    of 2011, the network will be 30 to 300 times faster than

    current connections.

    The National Association of State Emergency Medical

    Services Officials envisions a far more advanced scenario.

    After a car crash on a stretch of highway far from the

    nearest hospital, paramedics could start learning

    information about the accident before the ambulance

    even arrives, the group said in testimony to the FCC.65

    Onboard crash assistance equipment, such as OnStar,can help first responders prepare for the crash scene

    by providing data about the severity of damage, speed

    of the vehicle and roll-over information, said Kevin

    McGinnis, an advisor to the group.66 Such systems may

    eventually provide photos and audio, too.

    Paramedics also could find out, while still en route,

    whether a medical helicopter is available, whether

    there are beds available at nearby hospitals and

    whether specialists are on duty. Once a patient is in

    the ambulance, video feeds could allow doctors to

    monitor the crash victims and start ordering treatment,

    technology that already is being used in Baton Rouge,Louisiana, and Tucson, Arizona. Wireless sensors could

    monitor the patients vital signs, and that data could be

    sent to the hospital instantly. An electronic health record

    could give doctors, nurses and paramedics their patients

    medical history instantly.

    It is a far-off vision, though, as most emergency

    departments today still employ the radio

    communications they used 35 years ago, McGinnis said.

    You just cant do that on [todays] narrowband systems.67

    sPeed caN save lives

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    n AT I o n A L P u R P o S e S

    Pblic Saty

    Accrdig t th natial Bradbad Pla, th

    FCC itds t dvlp a cprhsiv li

    twrk r pblic saty wrkrs, which wld

    lik plic, ir ightrs, ati-trrris tas ad

    critical irastrctr its, icldig pwr plat

    wrkrs. Siilar plas hav lagishd i th past,

    bt th FCC hps its w apprach wld giv

    irst rspdrs th ability t s data. Dvlpig

    sch a twrk wld c with a sbstatial pric

    tag: ovr th xt 10 yars, it wld cst $12 billi

    t $16 billi t bild ad aitai th prpsd

    twrk.68 Th cissi als wats t rvap

    th atis tdatd 911 call ctrs t b abl talrt th pblic drig rgcis.69

    o part th FCCs pla r th pblic saty

    twrk st alars with stat icials. Th

    cissi wats t acti a blck spctr

    t crcial carrirs, bt ly th cditi

    that ths carrirs wld shar it with pblic

    saty agcis. Stat ad lcal icials arg

    that ly pblic saty agcis shld b abl

    t s th blck. Sv atial rgaizatis,icldig th natial Gvrrs Assciati ad

    th natial Crc Stat Lgislatrs, said

    th cissis prpsal rlis tstd

    tchlgis ad w rglatis that cat

    sr rliabl ad rsilit cicatis

    capabilitis t t strigt pblic saty ds.70

    At th stat lvl, org is bildig a $414

    illi cicatis twrk t abl its

    irst rspdrs t itract with ach thr, vi rt parts th stat. Th prjct was

    prptd i part by FCC rglatis rqirig

    rgcy radis t switch rqcis ad s

    arrwr chals by 2013 i a rt t s radi

    rqcis r icitly. orgs pla ivlvs

    bildig r pgradig radi twrs at 265 sits ad

    is dsigd t wrk with rspdrs r r stat

    dpartts as wll as lcal agcis.71


    Th natial Bradbad Pla is cragig

    stats t icld digital litracy stadards i thir

    crricla s stdts lar t s li tls. Th

    FCC als wats stats t ak it asir r K-12

    stdts t tak li crss, v i th tachrs

    ths crss ar i thr stats.72 A sris

    prpsals at th dral lvl, s icldd i th

    bradbad pla ad s that ar alrady dr

    way, wld ak cptr labs at lcal schls

    ad city cllgs availabl t th largr

    city r Itrt accss. Alaska was th irst

    stat giv prissi t lt schls that rciv

    dral e-Rat sbsidis r bradbad cctist p thir cptr labs r lcal rsidts t

    s atr schl hrs.

    I a rt t brig tchlgy it th classr,

    Psylvaia icials ar wrkig with th atial

    prit Pblic Bradcastig Srvic (PBS) t

    crat ad aitai digital larig libraris. Th

    cllctis giv stdts i th classr accss

    t ctt prdcd by PBS r tha 300 pblic

    tlvisi statis, bth lcally ad atially,that is rlvat t thir crswrk. Th libraris

    icld vid, adi, iags, gas ad thr

    itractiv atrs.73

    Caliria Gvrr Arld Schwarzggr

    has b a vcal prpt vig schls

    tward sig r lctric txtbks. I 2009,

    th stat dtrid that r digital txtbks

    cvrig ath ad chistryt all th

    stats crricl stadards, ad athr 10t 90 prct its stadards. Th stat w

    is valatig sbissis r pblishrs r

    r lctric txtbks cvrig histry, scial

    scics ad highr-lvl ath. Lcal schl

    districts ltiatly will dtri whthr t s

    th r atrials. Schwarzggr has strssd

    that th digital txtbks ca b sd i a varity

    ways, ad t all th wld rqir a
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    n AT I o n A L P u R P o S e S

    Itrt ccti. Fr xapl, stdts cld

    rad th a cptr r pritd pags

    distribtd by th schls.74

    ergy ad th evirtTh natial Bradbad Pla istrcts stats t

    pav th way r dvlpig a sart grid that

    abls cstrs t s th Itrt t s thir

    crrt ad histrical rgy sag ad th pric

    pwr. That irati cld hlp cstrs

    ak bttr chics abt hw thy s lctricity

    ad cld spr a lrry ivatis r third

    partisr iPh applicatis that itr a

    hs pwr sag t spcializd rzrs that

    ak ic ly at ight. I stats d t act ths

    chags s, th FCC says, Cgrss shld stp

    i ad gt it d.

    Txas is stat alrady vig rward

    aggrssivly i this ara. Its tilitis hav istalld

    r tha illi sart trs that trasit

    irati abt lctricity s wirlssly t th

    tility, liiatig th d r tr radrs.

    Sart trs als ca allw cstrs t s

    thir lctric sag br th bill cs, alrt

    tilitis t pwr tags ad cicat

    wirlssly with hshld appliacs, icldig

    itrs that istatly ca shw cstrs hw

    ch y thy ar spdig lctricity.

    Th Txas Pblic utility Cissi has vrs

    th trasiti, icldig sttig rats ad tstig

    sart trs.75 Csrs will pay r th w

    qipt vr a lg ti. I th Dallas ara, r

    xapl, th tility will bill th a xtra $2.19 ath r th xt 11 yars.

    othr stats hav b activ i ways t itgrat

    Itrt tchlgy with th pwr grid as wll. I

    th wak rllig blackts that hbbld th stat

    i 2000 ad 2001, Caliria rglatrs ar pshig

    a sris wid-rachig chags, ivlvig,

    ag thr thigs, hw pwr is gratd ad

    hw ch pllti is prdcd as a rslt. millis

    cstrs i th Ls Agls ara ar slatd

    t cplt th v t sart trs by 2012.76

    mawhil, i a rgy csrvati packag

    passd i 2008, Psylvaia lawakrs icldd arqirt t rll t sart trs vr 15 yars.77

    Ths qstis rgy cspti ad

    rgy data accss ar gig t b hadld at th

    stat lvl lss Cgrss stps i, said nick Siai,

    th FCCs rgy ad virt dirctr r

    th bradbad pla. As rclly as w ca, wr

    tryig t rg stats t llw th lad Caliria,

    Txas ad Psylvaia.78

    ecic opprtity

    T prt th grwth sall bsisss,

    th FCC is callig th u.S. Dpartt

    Crc t ak it asy r rgial aagrs

    t dcid whr t lcat acilitis by sig

    itgratd dral, stat, trib ad lcal data

    li. Th natial Bradbad Pla pshs r

    xpadd trach rts t trprrs,

    spcially thrgh trship prgras w

    r by stats ad prit rgaizatis, ad it

    als calls r stats, th dral gvrt ad

    lcal gvrts t bar part th cst

    sch trach. As a dl, th FCC highlightd

    a prgra calld JpStart i ohi, a Clvlad-

    basd iitiativ lachd i 2004 that pairs

    xpricd trprrs with bddig bsiss

    ladrs, spcially w ad iritis.79

    Accrdig t aalysis, i 2009 JpStart ad

    th r dz cpais it wrks with addd $90illi t th lcal cy ad acctd r

    664 jbs.80

    Athr gal th bradbad pla is t liiat

    sitatis that cld sbjct li wrkrs t taxs

    r tw r r stats. Th FCC rcdd

    that Cgrss sipliy th stat tax rls r bil

    wrkrs; lgislati is crrtly stalld.81

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    n AT I o n A L P u R P o S e S

    Gvrt Prracad Civic egagt

    Th bradbad pla rcds that Cgrss

    allw stats ad lcal gvrts t participat i

    dral cicatis ctracts t sav y.

    Bt it als crags all gvrts t b r

    rspsiv li t thir cstitcis. Th pla

    td that th csig array stat rglatis

    r th 11 largst ic-dpdt saty t

    prgras rqirs a typical aily t ill t six t

    ight applicatis ad visit six dirt gvrt

    ics.82 I utah, hwvr, a sigl stat wrkr ca

    prcss applicatis r mdicaid, d staps ad

    wlar bits. oli accss aks that pssibl,said Fltchr, nASCIo prsidt ad utahs CIo. Th

    stat has 1,200 wrkrs wh dtri ligibility r

    th saty-t prgras; ths, abt 400 t 500

    wrk rtly all th ti, sig phs ad th

    Itrt, h said.

    Th atial pla crags all lvls

    gvrt t s bradbad t icras

    trasparcy by allwig citizs t participat

    i gvrig via th Itrt. Th FCC spciically

    rcds that stats allw vtrs t rgistr

    li ad t pdat r trasr thir rgistratis

    wh thy v. Th cissi als prts

    xpasi prgras that allw ths i th

    ilitary srvig vrsas t vt li r lctis

    at h.83

    Ariza bca th irst stat t rll t a li

    vtr rgistrati syst i 2002. Th prgra,

    calld eZ Vtr, ccts th stats drivrs lics

    databas with vtr rgistrati rlls, which hlps

    rdc rad. By 2008, abt -ith all

    Arizas vtrs had rgistrd li, ad th

    scrtary stats ic says 60 prct t 70prct all w rgistratis wr prcssd

    lctrically. A stdy cissid by th Pw

    Ctr th Stats d that th arragt

    savd y, t. I maricpa Cty, whr 60

    prct Arizas liv, a li applicati

    cst 3 cts t prcss, cpard with 83 cts r

    a papr r. Ad Ariza vtrs wh rgistrd

    li als had slightly highr trt rats

    tha ths wh rgistrd i prs i th 2008

    prsidtial lcti.84

    othr stats hav llwd Arizas lad.

    Washigt sd a siilar syst i th 2008

    prsidtial lcti; Clrad, Kasas ad

    org all hav sic startd sig li vtr


    o prjct t ir citizs that attractd ch

    attti is KaViw, th irst ay li

    tls t hlp rsidts drstad hw thirstat tax dllars ar spt.86 Th Wb sit allws

    visitrs t s ctracts, ply salaris ad

    agcy xpditrs. oicials itd t iprv

    th sit t ak it asir t avigat ad sarch.

    or apprach has b t pt vrythig t

    thr, vry acctig trasacti, said Kasas

    Scrtary Adiistrati Da Gss. Its t

    cplicatd i that ss. evrythig is thr.87
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    Bradbad is availabl t 95 prct Aricas,

    aig that th irastrctr is i plac r thvast ajrity t sbscrib t bradbad whr

    thy liv. Bt that igr asks larg disparitis

    ag stats ad lcalitis, rba ad rral aras,

    ic lvls, ad racial ad thic backgrds.

    Fr istac, r tha hal th stats still hav

    lcal jrisdictis whr lss tha 50 prct

    hshlds hav accss t bradbad spds that

    t th FCCs gals.88

    Th statistic als disgiss thr crcial gaps ispd ad qality. Lw spds, pr ccti

    qality, high prics ad lack cptiti ag

    prvidrs ay t distrss srs wh hav ial

    accss t bradbad, spcially i rral aras. mr

    tha 50 prct tachrs say slw r rliabl

    Itrt accss prsts bstacls t thir s

    tchlgy i classrs, accrdig t th FCCs

    atial pla. Frthr, ay bsiss lcatis,

    schls ad hspitals t hav cctivity

    rqirts that cat b t by ass-arkt

    DSL, cabl ds, satllit r wirlss rs, ad

    st by ddicatd high-capacity circits sch as

    T-1 r Gigabit ethrt srvic that ca b diiclt t

    acqir r prhibitivly xpsiv, th pla statd.89

    esrig bradbad availability r th stiatd

    14 illi Aricas r wh sbscribig t

    bradbad is t a ptiad iprvig

    th qality ad spd xistig srvicstarts

    with irastrctr. Bildig t irastrctr

    r ay w tchlgyr tlgraph i

    th itth ctry t digital tlvisi

    tdayis always diiclt. Th prcss is raght

    with dispts vr lad, laws ad y. Fr

    bradbad, th battl has alrady bg. Whil

    ivrsal bradbad accss is a atial gal,

    achivig it will dpd th stats. Fr

    th, srig that all rsidcs, bsisss,

    gvrt ics ad city istittislik libraris hav accss t high-qality, high-

    spd bradbad as addrssig a passl

    tchical, lgal, cic ad physical bstacls.

    midig th Gap

    Th irst stp t xpadig bradbad whr it is

    st dd is appig crrt accss t high-

    spd Itrt cctiswh has th ad

    at what spds. Th dral nTIA, rspsibl rdvlpig a natial Bradbad map by Fbrary

    2011, has bstd stats appig rts by givig

    vry stat a grat thrgh th dral stils

    packag t d ths iitiativs.90

    Prvisly, abt a dz stats had cratd

    bradbad aps that shwd th whr th

    srvic was availabl withi thir brdrs.91

    Bt v r stats that wr arly ladrs

    bradbad appig, sch as Caliria adKtcky, th stils dig is iprvig th

    rslts, ablig ch-dd pdats ad

    stadardizig data cllcti acrss stats. Th

    natial Bradbad mappig prgra rlis

    stats t cpil ad sbit data hal a dz

    idicatrs: 92

    1. Availability bradbad srvic at th

    rsidc r bsiss addrss lvl

    2. Advrtisd ad actal spds srvic

    3. Tchlgy sd (.g., cabl, DSL, Wimax)

    4. Avrag rv pr sr

    5. Lcati ad capability critical bradbad-

    rlatd irastrctr

    6. Spctr sd by wirlss bradbad srvic


    Disparity I Bradbad Availability

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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    This wrk is tchically cplx ad pss

    practical challgs bcas it rqirs th

    cprati all a stats Itrt prvidrs. Th

    rsltig natial Bradbad map ad databas

    will b sarchabl by lcati ad will ak pblicst th irati sbittd by stats.

    Svral stats hav b sccssl at appig

    xistig bradbad cvrag ad spds dspit

    th addd diiclty that thy cat rc privat-

    sctr prvidrs t divlg prpritary dtails

    abt thir cvrag. massachstts, r xapl,

    has gtiatd -disclsr agrts with

    prvidrs, which is spcially tricky bcas stats

    ar sbjct t pblic rcrds laws. Bt th stat

    has b abl t tic th prvidrs ad r

    th sicit assracs, i part by pitig t

    th bits t th prvidrs thslvs, sch as

    idtiyig pttial w cstr pplatis,

    ad th risks t spprtig th appig

    rt. [Th prvidrs] ralizd that thy dd

    t b s as part th slti ad t part th prbl, said Jdith Dt, dirctr th

    massachstts Bradbad Istitt.93

    Bt stats ladig i bradbad dplyt

    ar dig ch r tha siply idtiyig

    whr bradbad is ad whr it is t.

    Washigt stat, r xapl, is ag svral

    stats cbiig irati abt bradbad

    availability with cic ad dgraphic data

    i thir appig wrk t hlp citis bttr

    s th irastrctr c it rachs th.94 By

    vrlayig dcati ad cic data with

    whr bradbad is w ad whr it is pladr, stat agcis ad privat titis r asily

    ca idtiy aras whr, r istac, ppl

    ight d Itrt-rlatd jb skills traiig r

    whr th stats Dpartt Crc ca

    targt bsiss dvlpt rts.

    Jst th bradbad ap is t gh, said

    Agla W, Washigts Bradbad Plicy ad

    Prgras aagr. Y hav t pt i th thr

    data that aks it r rbst.95

    navigatig th Physical Challgs

    oc stats dtri whr w r bttr

    bradbad accss is dd withi thir brdrs,

    th array bstacls t illig i th gaps is

    datig. It is t as sipl as rig wir t a

    hs. oicials ad privat-sctr prvidrs st

    jggl rlatiships ad jrisdictial isss acrss

    dral, stat, cty ad icipal agcis ad

    dpartts. As th natial Bradbad Pla

    idicats, th cst btaiig prits, lasig

    tility pl accss ad btaiig rights--way

    dd r bradbad irastrctr acrss

    ltipl jrisdictis ca add p t as ch as

    -ith th cst dplyig ibr ptic cabl.96

    Ad st stat ad lcal gvrts agr that

    crdiati acrss jrisdictis irastrctr

    isss cld ad shld b iprvd.97

    Acqirig rights--way acrss ltipl

    jrisdictis ca b ag th st ti-

    csig, cstly ad rstratig rqirts.

    I stats witht crdiatd ad csistt

    rights--way arragts, cratig a rbst

    twrk ca drag r svral yars r bc

    prhibitivly xpsiv.98

    Ensuring broadband availability

    or the estimated 14 million

    Americans or whom subscribing

    to broadband is not an option

    and improving the quality and

    speed o existing servicestarts

    with inrastructure.
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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    S stats hav hadld th prbl by

    crdiatig at th stat lvl th rights--way

    that prvidrs d. Fr istac, i a iitiativ t

    lik bradbad acrss th stat, michigas meTRo

    Athrity tk th ris t crdiat pblic rights--way acrss rs citis ad twships.99

    each prvidr is rqird t rprt t th athrity

    hw ch bradbad li it rs ad whr th

    lis ar lcatd. Th stat bills ths prvidrs r

    th cst th rights--way ad rallcats th

    y t th citis ad tws. Ths icipalitis,

    i tr, st rprt t th athrity hw thy spt

    th ds (which st b spt pblic rights--

    way aitac ad pkp).100

    Th arragt garats th bradbad

    prvidrs accss t pblic aras ad savs th

    th hadach crdiatig with svral

    jrisdictis. It als hlps th icipalitis,

    ay which d t hav th sta r xprtis

    t wrk thrgh th tchical isss assciatd

    with scrig bradbad rights--way.101 Th

    athritys rl als abls it t act as a pit

    ctact r vry, s prvidrs, icipalitis,

    citizs ad bsisss ca id t r

    icitly wh has ad wh ds bradbad

    acrss th stat.

    As with rights--way isss, th pl attacht

    prcssstrigig tlph r cabl wir r

    wirlss attachts t s typ xistig

    irastrctr, typically a tility plrqirs

    that rs titis act i twrk t

    crdiat tiig ad cst, ch lik pblic

    ad privat-sctr titis had t d wh

    bildig ad sig th ctrys railrad syst.

    Cplicatig th attr is that th 134 illi

    tility pls atiwid hav dirt wrs

    ad dirt rglatis, dpdig th

    stat.102 Th FCC rglats ly abt 37 prct

    th pls, whil 19 stats ad th District

    Clbia hav chs t xrcis jrisdicti

    vr s th raiig qipt.

    Additially, ths wd by cprativs,

    icipalitis ad -tilitis ar xpt r

    FCC rglati.103 Dispts vr accss t pls

    ca drag t r yarsv i stats with thsgvrd by th FCCdlayig dplyt

    bradbad v lgr.

    I may 2010, t addrss s ths isss,

    th FCC adptd a rdr gratig tily accss

    t pls ad clariyig th cst-, ti- ad

    spac-savig tchiqs that cicatis

    prvidrs ay s wh attachig t pls. At

    th sa ti, th FCC als sght ct

    r prpsd rlakig t rdc th disparitybtw tlc ad cabl prvidr attacht

    rats, t dvlp a spciic tili r th pl

    attacht prcss ad t rslv dispts

    btw stakhldrs.

    Th natial Bradbad Pla calls r Cgrss

    t act a chrt ad ir plicy that

    wld hariz accss rights ad csts

    acrss th ati witht ipigig stat

    rglatis that d t clict with sch aatial plicy.104 Abst that atial stadard,

    s stats hav sd thir athrity t tak

    th lad i straliig ad clariyig th tility

    pl attacht prcss (ch as th FCCs

    rct rdr ds). Rspdig t a prtractd

    dispt ag stakhldrs, nw Yrks Pblic

    Srvic Cissi issd a rdr i 2004

    that sstially prscribs a tili ad path

    rcrs r pl wrs ad th titis skig

    accss.105 Th rdr sttld th dispt at had

    ad als stablishd a statwid prcdr r

    attachig bradbad irastrctr t xistig

    tility pls, cvrig isss icldig accss,

    tilis, csts ad diati. It ca strali

    th prcss, ca lwr th cst ad ca iprv

    th icicis all th way ard, said Jsph

    Baiak, a tilitis spcialist with th stat Pblic

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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    Srvic Cissi. Fr ths stats that hav

    crtiid t th FCC that thy rglat tility

    pls, it is sthig thy shld lk it i thy

    havt alrady.106

    Still, Baiak ward that stats shld b carl

    abt sig rigid rls i thir apprachs,

    giv ast-pacd chags i tchlgy. Fr

    xapl, prvidrs s dirt typs wirlss

    attachts, which ay rqir icials t rviw

    accss rqsts a cas-by-cas basis.107

    othr tchlgical challgs rai as

    wll. As th natial Bradbad Pla ts,

    dvlpig plicis that ar tchlgy

    tralaig plicis that ar t basd

    ay particlar tchlgy as it xists

    at that t ad that rglatis shld

    icld all dirt tchlgis that r

    sstially th sa srvicshld b a tp

    pririty r dral, stat ad lcal icials acrss

    th ctry t sr that gvrt is t

    rstrictig lxibility as tchlgis vlv.108

    Bt tchlgical trality ca b r

    challgig tha it ay s bcas plicist addrss sitatis tday ca hav rs

    ipacts that wid p actig th bradbad

    playig ild.

    I th pl attacht ara, r xapl,

    th stis patchwrk histry

    tlcicatis rglati as that

    s bradbad prvidrsicldig

    ladli, clllar ad cabl prvidrsay

    hav lss accss rights tha thrs (r accss at all), ad accss chargs ca b

    siilarly ibalacd. Jsha Sida, vic

    prsidt rglatry aairs at Idpdt

    Tlph ad Tlcicatis Alliac, a

    grp that rprsts id-siz prvidrs, says

    r rglatry parity cld lad t gratr

    bradbad availability i ay srvd ad

    drsrvd aras.109

    Addrssig ths lgal ad rglatry barrirs t

    accss ad rights--way will t cls th atis

    bradbad gaps vright, bt wld pav th

    way t dig s.110

    Payig th Bill

    Athr challg t bradbad dplyt

    is cst. Th FCC stiats th dirct cst

    clsig th gap at $23.5 billi, ad a br

    stats ar idig ways t hlp prvidrs

    vrc that bstacl.111 I ay drsrvd

    citis, spcially i pr ad rral aras,

    bradbad ptrati by privat prvidrs

    rais cically asibl bcas th

    cst dplyt ay b gratr tha th

    pttial r rv r csrs i ths

    aras. Th challg rachig 250,000 hsig

    its i xtrly rral aras acrss th ctry is

    particlarly datig, ad accts r r tha

    hal th vrall pric tag. Th cst rachig

    ths its is $13.4 billi, r a avrag

    $53,600 pr it.112

    S stats hav hlpd cct r thir

    rsidts by bildig t th twrk thslvs

    t spplt xistig ad privat irastrctr.

    Fr xapl, svral yars ag, Lisiaa bilt

    a statwid twrk cctig its highr

    dcati istittis, icldig its city

    ad tchical cllgs, ad r ivrsitis i

    mississippi. Th stats citt t ivst

    The Federal Communications

    Commission estimates it will

    cost $23.5 billion to make

    broadband available to the 14

    million people who cannot

    subscribe to the service.
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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    abt $40 illi vr 10 yars hlpd lad t $75

    illi i grats t rsarchrs wh wr abl t

    lvrag th twrk r thir wrk, said Dald

    Vadal, xctiv dirctr th Lisiaa optical

    ntwrk Iitiativ (LonI).113

    That twrk ard Lisiaa i-kid crdit wh

    a csrti stat agcis ad dcatial

    istittis applid r ad rcivd $80 illi i

    dral stils y t bild t a iddl il

    twrkwhich liks th cr twrk t lcal

    accss pitsr drsrvd citis i rral

    Lisiaa. Th prjct will cct th xistig LonI

    twrk t 17 ipvrishd parishs i th stat,

    which icld r nativ Arica tribal aras.114

    Th stat als will b ctractig t last il

    prvidrs (wh ak th ccti r th

    iddl il accss pit t ach d-sr cstr)

    t dlivr high-spd Itrt t achr istittis

    sch as schls, libraris, hspitals ad ilitary

    istallatis, ad will b lasig xcss ibr twrks

    as wll. or ajr bjctiv is gttig ths achr

    istittis cctd, Vadal xplaid, bt w

    hp that athr priary bit is th cicdvlpt spis that rslt.115

    Vadal, lik ay stat icials, phasizs th

    iprtac pblic ad privat titis wrkig

    tgthr t addrss bradbad availability

    challgs. ot, gvrt ladrship is

    dd t clar th datal cic r

    tpgraphic hrdls t cctig srvd aras,

    bt privat prvidrs still ar cssary t actally

    istall ad s that ibr, ad t bild that iitial

    istallati t rach xtdd sr citis.

    Sstaiabl bradbad plicy sltis dpd

    ths kids csidratis, said Ray Ba,

    chaira th org Pblic utility Cissi.

    At a Sptbr 2009 FCC wrkshp csd

    bst practics r stat ad lcal gvrts,

    Ba said, [W ] dt wat th taxpayr

    sbsidizig rat payrs bcas w gt it this

    with pblic y ad w d t w cldt

    ak it g. Thats why th cs has t b

    privat-pblic partrships with th pblic pti

    as th last pti.116

    nrth Carlias -nC Athrity sprs th srt

    pblic-privat partrship that Ba drss,

    ad it has ad th Tar Hl Stat a ladr i

    prtig bradbad dplyt ad availability.

    Sic 1999, th stat has awardd r tha

    500 grats, st which wr ad t pblic-

    privat (ad als prit) partrships. I 2007

    ad 2008 al, th athrity hadd t r

    tha $2 illi t privat prvidrs wh wr

    rqird t atch th y ad s it t dlivr

    bradbad irastrctr ad its applicatis t

    srvd ad drsrvd citis. Thrgh

    pblic-privat ad pblic-prit partrships,

    prjcts dd by -nC Athrity hav cctd

    15 schl systs i th stat t bradbad,

    icrasd th ccti spd r 10 rgialhspitals ad dplyd bradbad i 10 th

    st drsrvd ctis i th stat, ag

    thr tcs.117

    Bsids sharig r bildig xistig twrks,

    as i Lisiaa, s stats ar idtiyig

    pprtitis t lvrag xistig irastrctr

    i partrships with privat prvidrs. With a

    The challenge o reaching

    250,000 housing units in

    extremely rural areas across the

    country is particularly daunting.

    The cost o reaching these units

    is $13.4 billion, or an averageo $53,600 per unit.

  • 8/9/2019 States' Role in Expanding Broadband - Pew Center - June 2010

    27/424 Pew Ceer he Saes4

    D i S PA R i t y i n B R o A D B A n D A vA i l A B i l i t y

    $28.8 m smuus gra, Pesaa

    expaded he badwdh a pubc safe

    mcrwae ewrka wreess bradbad

    ssem prmar used b he sae pce

    ceced b wers, ad w re sme f

    ha capac prae prders.118

    ifrasrucure eds be he ms expese

    par f prdg bradbad, sad nam Wa,

    Pesaas secrear f admsra. if

    he sae cud make ha frasrucure ess

    expese prders, he cud g where here

    are ecessar eugh cusmers jusf

    arge esmes [f her w].We make

    ur ewrk bgger ad aw pepe use ha

    ewrk. the ca bud ff ha ad prde ha

    as me cusmers.119 Maxmzg he exsg

    mcrwae aera wers as saed me ad

    me, Wa sad, because he erra sme

    pars f he sae s cduce ag wre

    he grud.

    Wh gra prgrams smar nrh Caras,

    sme saes hae subsdzed prders fr he

    cs f depg bradbad. the Cafra

    Adaced Serces Fud prmes bradbad

    usered ad udersered areas hrugh

    awards iere prders.120 Smar, Maes

    CecME Auhr has prded 18 gras

    prders brg bradbad usered

    areas acrss he sae he mre ha w ears

    sce was frmed, wh he pea reach

    27,000 husehds.121 the auhr has 31 mreappcas pedg s furh gra-makg

    rud. Gras cer abu haf f he cs f a

    prjec ad rage frm $50,000 $150,000,

    ahugh sme hae bee as arge as $500,000.

    the prgram s pad fr b a sma surcharge

    -sae rea cmmucas serces ha

    brgs abu $1.2 m aua.122

    the ms arace prpsas, sad Php lde,

    CecMEs execue drecr, shwcase

    ad spre creae parershps bewee

    cmmues ad prders. Fr sace, f a

    cmpa ges free access c prper, such

    as he c ha rf, mgh ge he c free

    access he iere, lde sad. tha kd

    f ge ad ake shws eere s wrkg

    geher. 123the gras fcus budg up

    access where curre des exs, bu

    lde as ackwedged ha he sae hassme udersered rura areas where bradbad

    cecs exs bu are as rbus as users

    wud hpe.

    Saes ca suppr he depme ad

    aaab f bradbad udersered areas

    umerus her was. Pesaas Ac 183,

    fr exampe, requres eephe cmpaes

    Exhibit 3


    North Carolina has worked for more than a decade tobring more people online, especially through the states

    e-NC Authority, the first state broadband agency.




























    $100,000or more

    Source: Pew Center on the States 2010, based on data from North Carolinians Onlineby Kenneth Wilson, East Carolina University, November 2008
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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    r bradbad t thir cstrs. As part

    th 2004 law, th stat als cratd ds, via

    assssts agaist prvidrs that ar cappd at

    $5 illi pr yar, t str bradbad dad

    i citis, t spprt trach prgrasttig th bits ad s bradbad

    ad t hlp schls gai accss t bradbad

    srvic.124 Psylvaia als lvragd its

    prchasig vic ad data systs thrgh

    a statwid ctract with prvidrs ad thr

    tchlgy sllrs that allws lcal gvrts,

    schls, libraris ad city cllgs t tak

    advatag as wll.125

    Hag, spcial advisr t th chi tchlgyicr at th Whit Hs, xplaid a tactic

    that Virgiia ipltd wh h was th

    stats chi tchlgy icr: W sd dig

    r th tbacc sttlt t hlp sr

    that citis that wld b ipactd by

    th v away r tbacc agricltr wld

    actally hav accss t bradbad s that thy

    cld ivst i thir w tr.126

    mawhil, stats icldig ohi ad Washigthav cragd prvidrs t r r

    bradbad i xchag r th stats apprval

    rgrs tlcicatis cpais.127

    Ad mista, ohi ad Vrt ar ag

    th stats rig prvidrs r lxibl

    altrativ rglati arragts i xchag

    r bradbad dplyt citts.128 Als

    calld ictiv rglatis, ths arragts

    typically allw rglatd prvidrs t ar largr

    prits r rlax th hrdls prvidrs st clar

    wh prpsig rat icrass, prvidd thy

    t prrac targts.129

    Gig arial with cablsthat is, attachig th

    t s typ xistig physical irastrctr,

    sch as a tility pl, a ir twr r v th

    rtp a gvrt bildigis sally

    chapr tha layig th i th grd, bt dig

    c plicis als ct csts. A massachstts

    Bradbad Istitt (mBI) prjct alg I-91

    i th wstr part th stat, r istac,

    ca abt wh th istitt lard that thstat trasprtati dpartt was istallig

    a cdit r a IT-basd traic aagt

    syst. Th grp wrkd t a cllabrati

    t istall s its w ibr at th sa ti,

    ad has sic dvlpd dig c plicy s

    with th trasprtati agcy t tak advatag

    siilar sitatis wh rights--way alrady

    ar acqird ad shvls ar gig t b i th

    grd. Ayti th grd is pd r ay

    prps, stats d t b thikig abt layig

    that cdit, said mBIs Jdith Dt. Th

    agcy als has a siilar agrt with th

    Dpartt Csrvati ad Rcrati t

    hag wirlss qipt attachts th

    stats ir twrs.130

    Fir twrs ar jst pic th irastrctr

    pzzl; stat ad lcal gvrts hav

    rs tappd rsrcs i xistig

    irastrctr. Virgiia law w rqirs statplic t csidr allwig wirlss Itrt

    srvic prvidrs t s thir twrs.131 Ad

    Flrida is attptig t ap bth pblic ad

    privat irastrctr t bttr s it whvr

    pssibl.132 As orgs Ba td at th FCCs

    stat ad lcal wrkshp i 2009, [W ] hav a lt

    irastrctr t thr wd by tilitis bth

    pblic ad privat thats sittig thr that cld

    b bttr tilizd tha it is tday i w gt pblic

    cprati, lt al privat cprati.133

    T rdc th barrirs ad bttr lvrag th

    drsd rsrcs at th lcal lvl, Virgiia

    dvlpd a city tlkit that, accrdig

    t Kar Jacks, Virgiias dpty scrtary

    tchlgy, hlps icipal ad cty

    gvrts avigat th prcss r sccssl

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    D I S PA R I T Y I n B R o A D B A n D A VA I L A B I L I T Y

    bradbad dplyt. Th tlkit xplais

    th varis tchlgis availabl, cvrs lgal

    csidratis, prvids sapl ctracts, adviss

    citis bradbad-ridly zig,

    sch as rqirts r twrs, ad rs thrrlvat advic.

    I shrt, said Jacks, it is a chat sht r lcal

    gvrts that wat bradbad. Ad thr

    is vidc that it wrks.134 Frakli Cty i

    sthr Virgiia, r xapl, was csidrig

    prchasig a wirlss syst r $500,000. usig

    th tlkit s by-dw wrkshtstps r

    lvragig what alrady is i plac t rdc

    th cstth cty ralizd that xistigtwrs ad lad r twr sits cld rdc

    dplyt xpss. Th cty dd p

    spdig $83,000. Jacks crdits th tlkit

    with hlpig icials dtri th assts thy

    had availabl, th applicatis thy wr tryig

    t r ad whthr thy had th right kid

    plicis t ak th pla wrk.135

    I its atial pla, th FCC td that 18 stats

    still hav plicis i placr tright bas

    t prcdral rqirtsthat cstrai lcal

    rts t bild pblic bradbad twrks.136

    Th itt sch plicis grally has b t

    crag ad tic privat-sctr prvidrs

    t ill th d. Bt i s lw-ic ad

    rt aras, prvidrs hav t stppd i

    ladig th FCC t rcd that citis ghtt hav th lxibility t dvlp pblic twrks

    i cssary.137

    The fUTUre of Wireless BroadBaNd

    As technologies evolve and new broadband platforms develop, some states face the danger of falling further

    behind. Nowhere is that more evident than with wireless broadband. While 3G wireless service, or third-generation

    mobile telecommunications, is available in areas where 98 percent of Americans live, 40 percent of the countrys

    land mass remains without 3G coverage.138 Getting service to those dead spots is crucial because 3G infrastructure

    will be integral in the rollout of 4G networks, the next generation of wireless standards.139

    For this reason, the FCCs National Broadband Plan recommends creating a Mobility Fund using money that

    currently supports high-cost legacy telephone networks to support the deployment of 3G networks in all states,

    bringing them up to a level of coverage on which future wireless platforms can be built. 140

    Concerns about speed, cost and reliability make unclear the degree to which wireless broadband will be able to

    compete with wireline broadband in the future. The National Broadband Plan calls for making 500 megahertz of

    spectrumthe scarce airwaves over which wireless signals travelnewly available for broadband within the next

    decade, enough to ensure spectrum for growing demand and developing technologies. By freeing up spectrum for

    broadband, the FCC hopes to spur wireless-wireline competition to satisfy the speed, cost and reliability needs of

    high-speed broadband users.

    Greater wireless coverage could have an especially beneficial impact on closing the digital divide for minorities.141

    On a typical day, Hispanics and African-Americans are 50 percent more likely than Caucasians to access the Internet

    via handheld devices. In the case of African-Americans, handheld devices have helped significantly reduce theoverall broadband access gap.142
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    Bradbad Adpti:Brigig Arica oliJst 65 prct Aricas sbscrib t

    bradbad at h, ad that br varis

    draatically r stat t stat. Stats raliz

    th risk a prsistt digital divid: Icrasigly,

    ths wh s bradbad ay b scity s

    wirs, ad ths wh d t ay pay a

    high prici ti, y, cvic,

    irati ad issd pprtitis.

    Bradbad accss r all is sstial t tigth irati ds citis i a

    dcracy, Albrt Ibarg, prsidt ad

    chi xctiv icr th Jh S. ad Jas

    L. Kight Fdati, said at a Kight-spsrd

    bradbad r i march 2010. Witht it,

    wll d p with a w catgry scd-

    class citizs. With it, vry will b abl t

    harss th scial ad cic pprtitis

    th digital ag.143

    Th grp ppl witht bradbad at

    ha stiatd 100 illi Aricas

    tds t b lss dcatd, lwr wag-arig

    ad ldr tha ths wh s th srvic.144

    o adlts wh ar high schl gradats, 46

    prct s bradbad at h, cpard

    with 82 prct ths wh attdd r

    gradatd r cllg.145 usag alls alg

    siilar ic lis: Apprxiatly 40

    prct hshlds with arigs lss

    tha $20,000 aally ar bradbad srs,

    whil 87 prct hshlds with ics

    xcdig $50,000 s bradbad at h.146

    n-adptrs als r rqtly blg t

    irity r disabld pplatis r liv i rral

    aras. I act, idividals with disabilitis ak

    p 39 prct -adptrs atially.147

    Bradbad hlds trds pttial t

    abl ppl with disabilitis t cicat

    ad cct with thrs; t gag as part

    r atial civic discssi, as li rs

    ar bcig th tw halls th twty-irst

    ctry, FCC Chaira Jlis Gachwski said i

    a spch i march 2010.148

    Ths wh lack bradbad accss at h

    cit cst, digital illitracy ad th bli that

    bradbad wld t datally iprv

    thir livs as rass r ailig t sbscrib.149

    mr tha -third idividal bradbad

    6% use dial-up Internet at home

    6% do not have Internet service at home

    22% do not use the Internet

    Another 1% do not use the Internet but could not be placed in the above categories