Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I...

Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI Time:10:57:19 Page: 1 of 5 2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For STATE, All Counters, All Races TURNOUT Reg. Cards % Voters Cast Turnout Jurisdiction Wide City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I 762 66 8.660,{ C'ity of St. Ignace, Precinct I 2124 263 12.J8o/, Bois lllanc Township, Precinct I 107 30 28.04o/. Brevort Tov.'flship, Precinct I 525 85 16.19o/. Clark Township, Precinct 1 1818 391 21.51 o/, Garfield To\\1lship, Precinct I 571 121 21.19o/. Garfield Township, Precinct 2 402 143 35.57o/. llendricks Township, Precinct I 122 24 19.67% Hudson Township, Precinct I 180 41 22.78% Marquette TO\mship, Precinct I 429 91 21.21o/. Moran Tov.mship, Precinct I 926 152 16.41°1. NC\\1on T ovmship, Precinct I 355 74 20.85°/t Portage Township, Precinct I 792 229 28.9lo/, St. hmace TO\mship, Precinct I 691 92 JJ.Jlo/. Total 9804 1802 18.38o/.

Transcript of Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I...

Page 1: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12

Mackinac County, MI Time:10:57:19

Page: 1 of 5 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For STATE, All Counters, All Races TURNOUT

Reg. Cards % Voters Cast Turnout

Jurisdiction Wide City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I 762 66 8.660,{ C'ity of St. Ignace, Precinct I 2124 263 12.J8o/, Bois lllanc Township, Precinct I 107 30 28.04o/. Brevort Tov.'flship, Precinct I 525 85 16.19o/. Clark Township, Precinct 1 1818 391 21.51 o/,

Garfield To\\1lship, Precinct I 571 121 21.19o/. Garfield Township, Precinct 2 402 143 35.57o/. llendricks Township, Precinct I 122 24 19.67% Hudson Township, Precinct I 180 41 22.78% Marquette TO\mship, Precinct I 429 91 21.21o/. Moran Tov.mship, Precinct I 926 152 16.41°1. NC\\1on T ovmship, Precinct I 355 74 20.85°/t Portage Township, Precinct I 792 229 28.9lo/, St. hmace TO\mship, Precinct I 691 92 JJ.Jlo/. Total 9804 1802 18.38o/.

Page 2: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I City of St. Ignace, Precinct 1 Bois Blanc Township, Precinct 1 Brevort Township, Precinct 1 Clark Township, Precinct I Garfield To\\1lship, Precinct I Garfield Township, Precinct 2 Hendricks Township, Precinct 1 Hudson Township, Precinct I Marquette Township, Precinct 1 Moran Township, Precinct I Ne,,1on Township, Precinct I Portage i Precinct I

Statement of Votes Cast Mackinac County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC ForST All All Races

Reg. Times Total Voters Counted Votes

762 59 59 2124 244 244

107 21 21 525 74 74

1818 366 366 571 112 112 402 122 121 122 21 21 180 41 41 429 91 91 926 130 130 355 61 61 792 206 206

Michele Bachmann (REP)

0 0.00% I 0.41% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.83% 0 0.00% 0 0.000/o 0 0.00% I 0.77% 0 I

0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0

Ne\\1 Gingrich

0.00% 2 3.39% 0.00% 18 7.38%., 0.00% 3 14.29% 0.00% 5 6.76% 0.27% 30 8.20% 0.00% 7 6.25% 0.00% 7 5. 790/o 4.76% 0 0.00% 0.000/(1 2 4.88% 0.00% 6 6.59% 0.77% 14 10.77%

6 9.84% 22

Date:03/0IIl Time:l0:57:l

Page:2 of

0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.27% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.000/o 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0

Page 3: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

; City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I City of St. Ignace, Precinct I Bois Blanc Township, Precinct I Brevort Tmmship, Precinct 1 Clark Township, Precinct I Garfield Township, Precinct I Garfield Township, Precinct 2 Hendricks Township, Precinct 1 Hudson Township, Precinct 1 Marquette Township, Precinct I Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I

Statement of Votes Cast Mackinac County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC ForST All All Races

Date:03/0III Time: 10:57: I

Page:3 of

Fred Karger Ron Paul (REP) Rick Perry (REP) Buddy Roemer (REP)

0 0.00% 0 0.00% 10 16.95% 0 0.00% I 1.69% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 15 6.15% I 0.41% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 5 23.81% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 5 6.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 44 12.02% I 0.27% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% II 9.82%. 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.83% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 4.76% I 4.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 17.07% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 6.59% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 8 6.15% I 0.77% I 0.77% I 1.64% 0 0.00% 6 9.84% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 13 6.31% 0 0.00% 2 0.97%

Page 4: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Date:03/0l/12

Mackinac County, MI Time: 10:57:19

Page:4 of 5 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For STATE, All Counters, All Races REP President

Mitt Romney Rick Santon~m Uncommitted Write-In Votes (REP) (REP)

Jurisdiction Wide City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I 27 45.76% 19 32.20% 0 0.00% 0;, City of St. Ignace, Precinct 1 104 42.62% 101 41.39% 4 1.64% 0 0.00°/, Bois Blanc Township, Precinct 1 7 33.33% 6 28.57% 0 0.00% 0 O.OOo/. Brevort T 0\\1lship, Precinct I 25 33.78% 39 52.70% 0 0.00%. 0 O.OOo/. Clark Township, Precinct I 166 45.36% 120 32.79% 3 0.82% 0 O.OO"ll Garfield Township, Precinct 1 39 34.82% 52 46.43% 3 2.68% 0 0.00'¥1 Garfield Township, Precinct 2 69 57.02% 42 34.71% I 0.83% 0 O.OOo/. Hendricks Tovmship, Precinct I 9 42.86% 9 42.86% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Hudson Township, Precinct I 14 34.15% 18 43.90% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Marquette Township, Precinct I 40 43.96% 38 41.76% I 1.10% 0 0.00% Moran To\\1lship, Precinct 1 46 35.38% 53 40.77% 4 3.08% I 0.77o/r. NC\\1on Tmmship, Precinct 1 18 29.51% 29 47.54% I 1.64% 0 0.00% Portage Township, Precinct 1 75 36.41% 90 43.69% J 1.46% 0 0.00°!. St. hmace Tm\1lshin. Precinct I 28 32.18% 50 57.47% 0 0.00% 0 O.OOo/r. Total 667 40.82% 666 40.76% 20 1.22% I 0.06°1.

Page 5: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

City of Mackinac Island, Precinct I City of St. Ignace, Precinct I Bois Blanc Township, Pre~inct I Brevort ToYmship, Precinct I Clark Township, Precinct 1 Garfield Township, Precinct I Garfield To\\1lship, Precinct 2 Hendricks Tmvnship, Precinct I Hudson Township, Precinct I Marquette Township, Precinct 1 Moran To\\11ship, Precinct I Ne\\1on To\\11ship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct 1

Statement of Votes Cast Mackinac County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC ForST All All Races

Reg. Times Voters Counted Votes

762 7 7 2124 19 19

107 9 9 525 II II

1818 25 25 571 9 9 402 21 20 122 3 3 180 0 0 429 0 0 926 22 22 355 13 13 792 23 23

Barack Obama (DEM)

7 100.00% 17 89.47% 8 88.89%

II 100.00%, 18 72.00% 8 88.89%

19 95.00% I 33.33% 0 0

18 81.82% 12 92.31.% 22

Uncommitted Write-In Votes

0 0.00% 0 2 10.53% 0 I 11.11% 0 0 0.00% 0 7 28.00% 0 I 11.11% 0 I 5.00% 0 2 66.67% 0 0 0 0 0 4 18.18% 0 I 0 I 0

Page 6: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Buddy Roemer (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

Gary Johnson (REP)

Page_ 1 of11

Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 7: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

February 28, 2012 Election President of theUnited States (1 of 3)

>·-· •. -, '~-;_ '-~ .-.

POLL Buddy Roemer Fred Karger - ··• : -- Gary: Johnson Herman Cain Jon Huntsman BOOK (REP) (REP) . (REP) (REP) (REP)

~ ,.:?JII-ifi, 1 331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 127 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 257 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 435 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 349 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 17 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 352 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 20 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 21 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 442 0 0 0 0 0 0 ··-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 24 286 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 432 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 . " . ; 0.: ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 30 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 32 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 374 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 663 1 o 1 o o o - a· o o o o o o o o 36 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 441 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - Q 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 38 295 o o o o o o o· o o o o o o o o

' . ·-- --- --

Pag_~ 2 _ _ofJ j .. .,

Page 8: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Buddy Roemer (REP)

February ?§,2012 Election President of the United .States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)


· · Gary Johnson .. __ _ (REP)

Page 3 of11

Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 9: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Buddy Roemer (REP)

' February28; 2012 Election

President of the United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

Gary Johnson (REP)


Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 10: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Buddy Roemer (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the 1,./nited States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

.7"'- .. ·--·,-·

v- . .. { , __ _


Gary Johnson (REP)

p:age 5 of 11

Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 11: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Buddy Roemer (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

.~;..,.-, __ _

Gary Johnson (REP)

Rag~5,ol1.1 -; -· ---~~ -;--· -- -

Hennan Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 12: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast



~ 9 179 10 291 11 317 12 392 13 268 14 429 15 265 16 588 17 517 18 310 19 314 20 221 21 134 22 645 23 564 24 725 25 485 26 417 27 411 28 662 29 217


1 789 2 386 3 405 4 310 5 430 6 412 7 236 8 416 9 322 10 535 11 222 12 550 13 733 14 216

Buddy Roemer

February 28, -2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger . ··-· - Gary Johnson Herman Cain Jon Huntsman (REP) (REP) . . (REP) (REP) (REP)

o o o o o o -o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·-· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ..... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --,_0.- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 ··-·· 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----- 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 11 1 1 2 2· 0 2 5 2 7 4 6 10

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 - a 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0· 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 7 of 11

Page 13: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

s ~ I -

470 ~ 15 0 0 0 0 16 526 0 0 0 0 17 546 0 0 0 0 18 413 0 0 0 0 19 351 0 0 0 0 20 253 0 1 1 0 21 331 0 0 0 0 22 322 0 0 0 0 23 450 0 0 0 1 24 609 0 0 0 0


1 269 0 0 0 0 2 382 0 0 0 0 3 382 0 0 0 0 4 468 0 1 1 0 5 408 0 1 1 0 6 469 1 1 2 0 8 166 0 0 0 0 9 363 0 0 0 0 10 330 0 0 0 0 11 443 1 1 2 0 12 263 0 0 0 0 13 132 0 0 0 0 14 137 0 0 0 0 15 270 1 0 1 0 16 220 0 0 0 0 17 278 0 0 0 0 18 286 0 0 0 0 19 293 0 0 0 0 20 420 0 0 0 0 21 206 0 0 0 0 22 197 0 0 0 0 23 200 0 0 0 0 24 216 1 0 1 0 25 303 0 0 0 0 26 332 0 0 0 0 27 258 0 0 0 0

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

_] • 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ...... o ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 . . 1 1 2 0 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 ... .1 . 2 3

1 1 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 .o 0 0 1 1 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0- 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PageS of 11

I I • 0

I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 9 9 5 14

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 14: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Buddy Roemer (REP)

February ?13, 2012 Election President of the-United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

Gary Johnson (REP)

P:age 9 of 11

Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 15: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

~ 1!11

4 206 1 0 1 0 5 184 0 0 0 0 6 251 0 1 1 0 7 117 0 1 1 0 8 49 0 0 0 0 9 85 0 0 0 0 10 117 0 0 0 0 11 89 0 0 0 0 12 82 0 0 0 0 13 123 0 0 0 0 14 197 0 0 0 0 15 117 0 0 0 0 16 105 0 0 0 0 17 196 0 0 0 0 18 65 0 0 0 0 19 370 0 0 0 0 20 450 0 0 0 0 21 37 0 0 0 0 22 547 0 0 0 0 23 483 0 0 0 0 24 123 0 0 0 0 25 212 0 0 0 0 26 81 0 0 0 0 27 438 0 0 0 0 28 227 0 1 1 0 29 251 1 0 1 0 30 167 0 0 0 0 31 502 0 1 1 0 32 363 0 0 0 0 33 424 0 0 0 0 34 179 0 0 0 0 35 358 0 0 0 0 36 183 0 0 0 0 37 333 0 0 0 0 38 146 0 0 0 0 39 57 0 0 0 0 40 223 0 0 0 0 41 238 0 0 0 0

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 ,,_.·. o···· 0 0 0 0 . ' .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Page 10 of 11

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 16: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Buddy Roemer (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (1 of 3)

Fred Karger (REP)

· · Gary Johnson (REP)

* N/A indicates AV (Absentee) results are included in Elec Day results

Page 11 of 11

Herman Cain (REP)

Jon Huntsman (REP)

Page 17: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of th~ United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

Page 1 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 18: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

12 151

4 166 5 79 6 257 7 1

0 11 1 1: 1:

1· 1:

16 349 17 207 18 290 19 352 20 12: 21 22 2:

28 221 432

27 324 28 50 29 446 30 254 31 1! 32 2!

13 14

441 295


February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Michele Bachmann Rick Santorum

0 0 0 28 28 I _5s I 2 · I 3 5 0 0 0 6 24 0 0 0 9 19 I 28 I 8 I 2 10 0 0 0 8 32 0 0 19 18 I 37 I 10 I 1 11 0 1: 3i

0 1 4 I o 0 0 1: 47 46 I 93 15 1: 4!

52 10 0 17 38 82 14 0 0 15 46 40 9 0 0 19 36 180 37 1 1 29 57 64 13 0 0 14 38

34 I 45 8 1 2 8 24 34 I 46 4 0 0 4 55

0 t6 I ~ 13 0 0 8 27 1 1 2 34 46]80131 2 5 0 0 0 20 57 0 1 1 62 52 I 114___1__1_8 I 7 25 0 0 0 31 60 0 0 21 s I w I 7 I 8 0 13 0 0 45 49 I 94 I 12 I 7 0 !1 1 1

14 61 17 1 11

1 77 I 164 I 20 I 10 30 1 1 41 74 0 61 I 94 26 0 0 18 43 0 1 1 38 ~j_a1 I 8 I 5 13 0 0 0 19 28 0 1 1 92 77 I 1ss J 12 .. I 16 28 1 0 1 25 79 0 0 0 64 44 I 1o8 I 17 I 7 24 0 0 0 38 48 0 0 0 3 2 I s __ 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 11 0 1 1 70 135 I 2os I 18 I 19 0 0 l1 74 1 1 2! 68 I 17 5•

49 I 6 6· 101 I 1· 4 135 I 18 31 64

4 17 I 21 5 0 15 136 95 I 231 I 31 I · 1 o 41 0 0 46 97

1 0 1 34 67 I 101 I 10 I 4 14 0 0 27 51 1 0 1 93 56 I 149 I · · 31 I 12 43 0 0 0 18 68 0 0 0 43 93 I 13s I 8 I 1 15 0 0 0 15 66

P·age 2 of 11

30 40 50 12 61 55 61 55 86 52 32 59 35 77 91 52 72 11

114 i1 47

104 86 13 105 81 75 71 73 !1

13 '8

86 81

Page 19: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of til~ Un-ited States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

P,age 3 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 20: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of th~ .United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

NeWt Gingrich (REP)

Page 4 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 21: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

PageS of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 22: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

Page6 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santo rum (REP)

Page 23: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

February 28, 2012 Election President of th~ United States (2 of 3)

POLL Rick Santorum

10 I 291 I I o I o I 57 I 64 I --121 1 s I 5 I 13 l __ _g I o I o I 17 I 6 11 I 317 I o-- -1 o I o I 34 I 58 I 92 1 4 1 9 L 13 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 30 1 7~ 12 -I -392 T -o -I ---6 I o I 68 I s3 I 151-T-To----1-fi I 22 I o 1 1 1 1 1 42 _L__l_Q§_ 13 I 268 I o I o I o I 5o I 53 I 1o3 I 12 I 6 I 1s I 1 I o I 1 I 25 I 57 I s2 14 125 15 76 16 588 0 0 0 122 168 290 26 14 40 0 0 0 56 114 170 17 517 0 0 0 62 161 223 16 8 24 0 0 0 25 145 170 18 310 0 0 0 49 74 123 11 11 22 1 0 1 26 45 71 19 94 m = 21 I 134 I o I o I o I 14 I 31 I 45 I 4 I 2 I 6 I o I o I o I 3 I 34 22 I 645 I o l o I o I 133 I 196 I 329 I _32 I 11 I 43 I o I o I o I 45 I 11 23 I 564 I 2 I o I 2 I 98 I 191 I 289 I 6 I 17 I 23 I o I o I o I 53 I 1m 24 I 725 I 1 I o I 1 I 162 I 198 I 360 I 31 I 27 I 58 I o I 1 I 1 I 59 I _1_1_ 25 I 485 I o I o I o I 82 I 144 I 226 I 28 I 12 I 40 I 1 I o I 1 I 58 I 70

26 I 417 I 1 I o I 1 I 88 I 50 I 138 I 10 I 7 I 11 I 1 I o I 1 I 55 I _ 41 27 411 0 2 2 74 105 179 13 0 13 1 0 1 22 85 107 28 662 0 0 0 135 110 245 29 11 40 0 0 0 72 78 150 29 217 0 0 0 13 85 98 1 14 15 0 0 0 10 62 72

3 I 405 I o I 1 I 1 I 59 I 99 I -158 1· · 13 I 12 I 25 I o I o I o I 27 I 75 I 102 4 I 310 I o I o I o I 51 I 56 I 107 I -· 3 I 1 I 4 I o I o I o I 15 I 62 I 77

430 I o I 1 I 1 I 56 I 86 I 142 I s I 1s I 26 I o I o I o I 14 I 11s I 132 412 I o I o I o I 61 I 85 I 146 I 12 I 7 I 19 I o I _2_ I o I 22 I 58 I so 236 I o I o I o I 20 I 48 I 68 I 6 I 3 I 9 I o I o I o I 14 I __ _g_ I 67 416 I o I o I o I 61 I 60 I 121 I 16 I 10 I 26 I o I o I o I 27 I 79_ I 1o6

o I 46 I 47 I 93 I s I 6 I 14 I o I o I o I 26 I 46 I n 1 I 64 I 100 I 164 J 13 I 10 I 23 I o I o I o I 32 I 1o4 I 136 o I 47 I 4o I s1 I 6 I 6 I 12 I o I o I o I 10 I 23 I 33 o I 99 I 115 I 214 I 1s I 11 l_ 29 J o - I 2 I 2 I 33 I s6 I 119 ------ -------- --- --

13 178 14 70

Page ?of 11

Page 24: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

Pages of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 25: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Michele Bachmann (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

Page 9 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 26: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 1!

2: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 l4 l5 l6 l7 38 39 40 41

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

POLL Michele Bachmann Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Rick Perry Rick Santo rum (REP) (REP) (REP) (REP) (REP)

184 1 0 1 11 24 34 5 5 10 0 0 0 11 37 48 .. "'~ .... ... .. "" .... .. ... ... ' ,.. ... ... ... .... ... ... .. .. ,.....,. ..... 251 0 1 0 4( 70 11 0 0 11 44 62 117 0 11 8 27 32 49 1 1' 3 5 8 85 0 1 1: 2 0 4 1!

117 0 1 1 2 29 31 7 7 0 5 89 0 0 0 7 5 12 3 7 10 0 5 24 82 0 0 6 15 21 1 3 4 0 3 32 123 0 13 24 37 2 4 6 0 1 1 10 37 197 0 0 19 !7 56 0 3 3 0 0 0 18 42 60 117 0 0 10 5 35 1 3 4 0 0 0 4 33 37 11 1 1 13 0 7 7 0 0 0 6 25 31 1! 0 0 18 49 0 5 5 0 0 0 13 52 65 E 0 3 1 13 0 1 1 0 0 1 13 14 3' 2 17 5 72 11 14 0 1 1 12 58 70 451 1 30 5 8 14 18 0 2 2 47 75 122 3i 0 1 4 0 4 8 12

547 0 1 1 41 8! 130 14 14 125 1:

483 0 0 0 47 5: s 13 30 123 0 0 0 7 23 30 4 5 9 1 1 9 212 0 17 41 58 3 8 11 0 0 15 81 1 1 3 7 10 4 1 5 0 0 4 21 24

438 0 0 53 71 124 18 15 33 0 0 53 6: 116 227 0 0 29 32 61 3 5 8 0 0 32 51 90 251 0 0 31 50 81 4 4 8 0 0 _15 41 63 167 0 0 24 36 60 1 2 3 0 0 19 35 54 502 0 0 !7 15: .fO 10 0 0 44 76 120 363 1 1 11: 68 103 424 1 3 11! 0 0 75 130 179 0 0 55 9 0 44 61 358 1 0 1 54 60 114 2 6 8 0 0 0 34 57 91 183 0 1 18 36 54 4 1 0 0 55 61 333 1 1 45 64 109 1: 20 31 5; 82 146 1 1 12 11 2! 45 57 0 0 4 2 0 2 1( 12 223 0 0 24 0 4 4 6 0 0 22 45 67 238 0 0 36 0 76 2 4 0 0 29 48 77

Page 10 of 11

Page 27: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Michele Bachmann (REP)

February ~8, 2012 Election President of the United States (2 of 3)

Mitt Romney (REP)

Newt Gingrich (REP)

• N/A indicates AV (Absentee) results are included in Elec Day results

Page 11 of 11

Rick Perry (REP)

Rick Santorum (REP)

Page 28: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Ron Paul (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP)

Page 1 of 11

Barack Obama (DEM)

Uncommitted (DEM)

Page 29: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

2 I 1z7 3 7 10 3 I 151 2 1: 20 4 I 11 4 9 13

1· 17 2 11 .2 1' 1' 0

21 16( 1 14

10 I 435 5 12 17 11 -.- 192 0 17 17

-12 I 124 0 9 13 I 187 7 37 44 14 I 1o9 0 1 15 I 2: 1 19 11 1' 1: H 19 I 352 15 23 20 I 128 13 16 21 I 2o6 2 8 10 22 I 229 2 9 11 23-, 442 4 34 38 24-f-286 5 23 28 25 I 221 6 16 22 26 I 432 10 22 32 21 I 324 4 13 17

-28 ---.-50 0 7 7 29-.446 5 29 34 -36 ---.---254 3 1: 16

31 I 198 !1 l2 I 290 26

36 81 14 14

66: 15 20 35 279 7 14 21 441 3 13 16

3§ I 295 7 22 29

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Barack Obama Uncommitted (OEM)

o I o 19 0 19 I 4 2 o I 2 34 6 40 I 9 5 o I s 34 6 4o I 6

o I o 27 18 45 I o 4 4 4: 7 49 I 8

31 4: 31

10 1 I 11 6! 1s I 2 1 3 o T 3- 28 6 34 I 6 1 1 1 1··· 2- 23 1 24 I 1 1 0 o T- o- 19 7 26 T 5 0 5

_o_T_T 22 3 25 12 0 7 7 26 10 36 r 11 1

. 6 l7 3 70~if 1 13 47 5 46 I 21

5 3 42 I 9 2 32_1 __±_ 8 1 I 9 53 62 I <1 0 4 1 · I · s 68 11 79 I 6 0 13 1 I 14 57 5 62 I 14 0 8 o T a 53 5 58 -1 9 2 7 o-r-r 31 5 36 18- 0 6 o:----r-s 74 4 1s I 9 0 6 1 · 1· 1 57 5 62119- 0 3 o. 9 -lf 17.--:f 4 2 41 7 47 I 8

44 I 12 24 I 10

5 4< 6 6 6! 9 78 2 0 o I o 15 8 23 I i 27 1 -1 28 139 6 -14s T 3: 1 6 0 -, 6 38 4 42~ 9 -1 --r-10 95 10 10s I 21 2 o--r-2 25 6 31

Page 2 af 11

4 11 6 0

23 7 2 5 2

12 17 10 24 9 6 4 6

14 11 8 9 19 3 10 12 0

8 11 2 33 15 27 0

Page 30: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Ron Paul (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP)

Page 3 of 11

Barack Obama (OEM)

Uncommitted (OEM)

Page 31: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Ron Paul (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of th·e United States (3 of 3)

Uncomm.itted .. (REP)

Page 4 of 11

Barack Obama (DEM)

Uncommitted (DEM)

Page 32: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Ron Paul (REP)

February 28; 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP)

Page 5 of 11

Barack Obama (OEM)

Uncommitted (OEM)

Page 33: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Ron Paul (REP)

February ;28, · 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP).

Page 6 of 11

Barack Obama (OEM)

Uncommitted (OEM)

Page 34: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

February 28, 2012 Election President of th§_ United States (3 of 3)

Ron Paul Uncommitted Barack Obama Uncommitted (REP) (REP) (OEM) (OEM)

10 I 291 I 1 I 21 I 34 I 1 I 1 I 8 I 21 I 3 I 30 I s I o I 5 11 I 317 I 6 I 36 I 42 I 2 I o _ I 2 I 35 I 6 I 41 I 13 I 3 I 16 12 1 392 1 1 I 19 I 26 I 6 I 2 J 8 ===:I 30 I s I 35 I 1 I o I 1 13 I 268 I 6 I 16 I 22 I s I 2 - I 1 I 21 l 3 l 3o 1 3 1 o 1 _3_ 14 I 429 I T!,--1 36 I 52 I 10 I 2 I 12 1 40 1 1 1 47 1 3 1 1 1 4 15126514128132131 o I 3122141261511 I 6

29141014 48 I 6 I o I 6 I 31 I 9 I 40 I 2 I 2 I 4

l1 o I 6 I 21 I 21 I 1 I o I 1 I 44 I 8 I 52 I 6 I o I 6 19 I 314 I 6 I 24 I 3o I 1 I 1 I 8 I 14 I 1 I 15 I 3 I 2 I 5 2o I 221 I 2 I 14 _l__1_6 __ l 1 l o 1 1 1 38 1 4 1 42 1 1 1 o 1 1 21 I 134 I 1 I 18 I 19 ~--1 I o I 1 I 14 I 1o I 24 I 2 I o I 2 22 I 645 - I 9 I 44 I 53 - I s I _1_ _ L 6 I 36 I s I 41 I 9 I o I 9 23 1- 564 ] 8 I 40 I 48 I e 1 1 1 1 1 29 1 1 1 30 1 4 1 o 1 4 24 I n5 -r 13 I - 48-T--6f===:I_1_3 I 1 I 14 I 39 L 3_ L 42 1 1 1 1 2s r 485 -I 14 I 28 I 42 I 5 I o I 5 I 3o I 3 I 33 _1 _ __3_ 26 I 417 -~ 8 I 11 I 25 I 19 I e - I 19 I 92 -~ 6 J 98 1 12

----------- ----- -27 411 4 18 22 6 2 8 51 13 64 10 2 12 28 662 28 16 1 17 136 7 143 26 0 26

1 9 3 12 3 0 3

4os I 4 I 22 I 26 I s I a - - I 5 I 68 I 1 I 75 I 1 o I 1 I 11 4 I 310 I 4 I 39 I 43 I ~- l O' - t : 4 I 49 I 8 I 57 I 12 I 1 I 1 5 I 430 I _-4 __ L 44 I 48 I 8 I o I 8 I 48 __ l 12 1 6o 1 2 6 I 412 I 1 I 38 1 45 --- J-14 I 1 I 15 I 69 1 21 1 9o 1 _1 1 I - 236- I ---3 I 22 I 25 I 1 1 2 1 9 1 31 1 14 1 45 1 ~ 8---1 416 I 11 I 34 I 45 I 6 1 2 I 8 I 78 1 s 1 83 I 1 9 I 322 I 9 I 21 I 30 I 6 I o I 6 I 12 I 9 I 81 I 1s I 4 I 19 10 I 535 I 9 I 46 I 55 I 9 I o. I 9 I 99 I 11 I 110 I 29 I 2 I 31

13 1 21 1 11 1 2 I 13 I 32 I 6 I 38 I 11 I o I 11 8 I 43 I 61 L 13 I o I 13 I 84 l 8 I 92 I 16 ]_ __ _1 __ _1 11

9 I 41 I 5o L 20 I 1 I 21 I 103 J 12 1 115 1 20 L s 1 25 14 I 216 I 7 I 32 l ___ :39 I 4 I 1 I 5 L 23 I 6 1 :!L_l __ 1Q I 1 I 11

Page 7 of 11

Page 35: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

- . I 15 470 11 29 i 16 526 10 42 I 17 546 17 43

18 413 7 32 19 351 6 19 20 253 3 18 21 331 2 30 22 322 5 27 23 450 8 36 24 609 8 30


1 269 4 15 2 382 2 28 3 382 2 23 4 468 5 34 5 408 3 13 6 469 4 16 8 166 0 11 9 363 11 27 10 330 4 21 11 443 8 26 12 263 4 22 13 132 5 7 14 137 1 11 15 270 4 29 16 220 7 17 17 278 5 18 18 286 5 29 19 293 6 23 20 420 11 33 21 206 8 17 22 197 7 6 23 200 2 14 24 216 3 17 25 303 10 16 26 332 11 35 27 258 8 30

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

40 ill 15 0 15 78 52 7 0 . 7 107 60 8 3 11 86 39 5 2 7 78 25 0 1 1 63 21 6 0 6 41 32 11 0 11 42 32 7 1 8 44 44 12 0 12 67 38 21 0 21 128 961 221 20 241 1,658

19 6 1 7 38 30 3 0 3 46 25 13 0 13 78 39 7 1 8 80 16 9 0 9 68 20 7 0 7 65 11 7 0-- ... 7 26 38 6 1 7 50 25 5 1 6 52 34 6 5 11 64 26 5 1 . 6 33 12 7 0 7 22 12 6 0 6 25 33 5 1 - 6 35 24 5 0 5 33 23 2 1 3 37 34 1 1 2 46 29 5 0 5 53 44 7 1 8 58 25 5 0 5 39 13 1 0 1 33 16 2 0 2 24 20 4 0 4 24 26 5 0 5 29 46 . 4 2 6 30 38 2 1 3 23

Page 8 of 11

86 ill • I 8 20 3 23 16 123 24 3 27 15 101 28 3 31 9 87 10 2 12 10 73 23 6 29 6 47 8 0 8 8 50 20 2 22 12 56 9 3 12 11 78 16 1 17 15 143 39 6 45

248 1,906 409 57 466

9 47 12 2 14 10 56 16 1 17 17 95 16 0 16 20 100 12 1 13 7 75 12 0 12 11 76 15 2 17 4 30 4 2 6 3 53 5 0 5 4 56 8 1 9 6 70 12 3 15 1 34 6 0 6 1 23 7 1 8 1 26 1 0 1 5 40 7 2 9 5 38 6 1 7 4 41 4 1 5 3 49 0 0 0 6 59 14 1 15 8 66 11 3 14 9 48 7 0 7 4 37 3 0 3 0 24 7 2 9 7 31 6 0 6 5 34 8 0 8 7 37 13 1 14 1 24 4 0 4

Page 36: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Ron Paul (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP)

Page 9 of 11

Barack Obama (OEM)

Uncommitted (OEM)

Page 37: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

POLL Ron Paul

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted Barack Obama Uncommitted BOOK (REP) (REP) (DEM) (DEM)

4 206 3 23 26 2 1 . 3 28 11 39 4 1 5 5 184 0 23 23 5 1 6 39 9 48 10 1 11 6 251 4 19 23 9 2 11 52 6 58 10 2 12 7 117 2 12 14 1 1 2 16 17 33 5 3 8 8 49 1 3 4 0 0 0 8 4 12 2 0 2 9 85 2 13 15 1 0 1 13 9 22 2 1 3 10 117 0 15 15 3 0 3 20 11 31 1 2 3 11 89 1 11 12 1 0 1 22 6 28 1 0 1 12 82 1 12 13 0 0 0 7 3 10 2 0 2 13 123 1 9 10 1 0 1 18 7 25 6 0 6 14 197 0 22 22 2 1 3 25 14 39 9 4 13 15 117 0 10 10 1 1 2 18 9 27 2 0 2 16 105 2 12 14 0 0 0 21 8 29 7 1 8 17 196 3 24 27 2 1 3 28 3 31 13 2 15 18 65 0 7 7 0 1 . 1 6 7 13 5 2 7 19 370 4 46 50 2 1 3 36 37 73 11 4 15 20 450 3 36 39 9 1 10 69 35 104 17 3 20 21 37 1 3 4 0 0 0 3 5 8 2 0 2 22 547 9 31 40 5 5 10 59 46 105 18 10 28 23 483 2 34 36 8 5 13 83 45 128 16 8 24 24 123 2 11 13 2 0 2 24 3 27 9 1 10 25 212 3 26 29 5 0 5 28 5 33 6 0 6 26 81 2 7 9 2 0 2 12 10 22 5 2 7 27 438 12 40 52 10 1 11 76 7 83 14 4 18 28 227 1 8 9 3 0 3 32 8 40 15 0 15 29 251 5 17 22 4 0 .. 4 61 3 64 5 1 6 30 167 2 15 17 0 0 -· ... 0 24 1 25 8 0 8 31 502 5 34 39 11 o. 11 109 20 129 25 2 27 32 363 5 23 28 5 2 7 62 9 71 19 4 23 33 424 6 34 40 7 1 8 82 7 89 13 0 13 34 179 2 7 9 6 0 6 23 9 32 4 1 5 35 358 4 31 35 5 1 6 76 8 84 16 2 18 36 183 1 6 7 4 1 5 28 11 39 5 0 5 37 333 7 20 27 4 1 5 72 9 81 6 1 7 38 146 1 17 18 1 0 1 14 2 16 4 0 4 39 57 1 6 7 1 0 1 17 8 25 0 1 1 40 223 10 13 23 1 2

.. 3 37 6 43 5 1 6

41 238 0 21 21 5 1 6 34 8 42 8 3 11

Page 10 of 11


Page 38: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


Ron Paul (REP)

February 28, 2012 Election President of the United States (3 of 3)

Uncommitted (REP)

Barack Obama (OEM)

* N/A indicates AV (Absentee) results are included in Elec Day results

Page 11 of 11

Uncommitted (OEM)

Page 39: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


PAGE 1 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLICAN PARTY CANDIDATES ----------------------------------------MICHELLE BACHMANN

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 1 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 1 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 0 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 1 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 0 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19-91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 2 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 0 960 151 15-72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 2 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 1 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 8 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== HERMAN CAIN

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 0 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 0 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 1 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 0 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55%

----------------------FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33

Page 40: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


PAGE 2 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 0 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 0 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 2 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 '10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 3 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== NEWT GINGRICH

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 14 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 17 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 14 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 7 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 7 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 19 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 43 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 6 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 3 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 15 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 22 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 8 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 4 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 6 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 6 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 16 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 4 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 6 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 4 648 76 11.72%

----------------------FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33

Page 41: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


PAGE 3 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== MANISTEE CITY #6 MANISTEE CITY #7


7 3


627 498


83 37


13.23% 7.42%


====================================================================================================================== JON HUNTSMAN

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 1 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 0 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 1 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 0 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 1 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21. 04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 1 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 0 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 4 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== GARY JOHNSON

FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33


0 0 0

571 1360


144 285 132

25.21% 20.95% 22.99%

Page 42: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


PAGE 4 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 0 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 1 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 0 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 1 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 . 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 0 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 0 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 2 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== FRED KARGER

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 0 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 1 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 0 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 0 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 0 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62%

----------------------FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33

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PAGE 5 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== MANISTEE CITY #1 0 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 0 960 151 15-72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 1 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== RON PAUL

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 5 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 15 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 16 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 9 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 18 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 11 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 37 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 16 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 11 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 16 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 18 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 20 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 11 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 9 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 16 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 18 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 17 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 6 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 10 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 7 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 9 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 295 19411 3392 17.47%


FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33

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PAGE 6 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== RICK PERRY

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 0 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 1 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 1 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 0 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 0 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 1 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 0 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 1 960 151 15-72% MANISTEE CITY #3 1 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 1 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 6 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== BUDDY ROEMER

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 0 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 2 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 0 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 0 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 0 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 0 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 2 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 1 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 0 1400 200 14.28%

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====================================================================================================================== ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 0 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 1 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 0 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 0 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 0 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 0 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 0 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 0 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 6 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== MITT ROMNEY

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 59 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 99 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 43 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 29 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 37 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 120 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 187 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 51 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 23 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 63 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 109 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 57 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 37 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 44 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 65 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 47 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 63 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 12 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 28 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 18 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 1 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 1192 19411 3392 17.47%


FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33

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PAGE 8 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== RICK SANTORUM

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 57 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 108 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 48 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 38 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 49 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 112 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 139 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 50 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 19 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 75 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 82 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 50 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 41 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 49 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 27 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 36 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 44 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 20 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 22 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 32 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 16 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 1114 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== UNCOMMITTED

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 1 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 2 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 1 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 1 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 3 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 2 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 20 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 1 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21. 01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 4 1400 200 14.28%

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====================================================================================================================== ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 3 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 2 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 1 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 2 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 4 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 3 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 1 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 3 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 1 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 2 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 57 19411 3392 17.47%

====================================================================================================================== PRESIDENTIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY CANDIDATES ----------------------------------------BARACK OBAMA

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 7 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 29 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 6 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 6 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 25 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 19 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 95 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 21 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 2 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 19 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 13 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 3 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 9 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 8 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 22 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 23 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 34 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 13 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 7 648 76 11.72%

----------------------FEB 29, 2012 17:29:33 '

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PAGE 10 ====================================================================================================================== CANDIDATE PRECINCT POLL BOOK #





====================================================================================================================== MANISTEE CITY #6 MANISTEE CITY #7


15 4


627 498


83 37


13.23% 7.42%


====================================================================================================================== UNCOMMITTED

ARCADIA TOWNSHIP 1 571 144 25.21% BEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP 8 1360 285 20.95% BROWN TOWNSHIP 4 574 132 22.99% CLEON TOWNSHIP 3 727 103 14.16% DICKSON TOWNSHIP 3 762 146 19.16% FILER TOWNSHIP 2 1999 291 14.55% MANISTEE TOWNSHIP 13 2517 538 21.37% MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP 2 1024 149 14.55% MARILLA TOWNSHIP 0 276 58 21.01% NORMAN TOWNSHIP 5 1400 200 14.28% ONEKAMA TOWNSHIP 2 1188 250 21.04% PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0 698 139 19.91% SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP 5 675 122 18.07% STRONACH TOWNSHIP 2 716 119 16.62% MANISTEE CITY #1 2 751 143 19.04% MANISTEE CITY #2 3 960 151 15.72% MANISTEE CITY #3 1 872 168 19.26% MANISTEE CITY #4 0 568 58 10.21% MANISTEE CITY #5 0 648 76 11.72% MANISTEE CITY #6 3 627 83 13.23% MANISTEE CITY #7 0 498 37 7.42%

-------TOTAL: 59 19411 3392 17.47%

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====================================================================================================================== STATE OF MICHIGAN


WE DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That the foregoing is a correct statement of the votes given in Manistee County for the offices named in such statement and for the persons designated therein, and other matters submitted, at the Primary Election held on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.


.· (\;,.!/ {Vt ~~ D ~ ~ Clerk~f the Board of County Canvassers

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our be affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for State of Michigan, on February ...) g+<-

hands and caused to the County of Manistee,

' 2012.

Lt, o UJSW< ~)Qj)." Q:J "' _ . ~

====================================================================================================================== STATE OF MICHIGAN


WE DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That the foregoing is a correct transcript of the statement of the Board of County Canvassers of the County of Manistee of the votes given in such County for the offices named in said statement and for the persons designated therein, and other matters submitted, at the Primary Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012, so far as it relates to the votes cast for said office, as appears from the original statement on file in the office of the County Clerk.

~ ""'- II o.Ndt.

.• . . :·

Clerk of th1 Board of County Canvassers

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our be affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for State of Michigan, on February .;> 'I+'--

hands and caused to the County of Manistee,

' 2012.

~~~; Board of County Canvassers

Page 50: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Date:03/0 1/ 12

Marquette County, MI Time: 15:32:1 5

Page : 1 of 6 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races TURN OUT

I ,. ..... ( . ~

0 - :;:) ...... ,. , I rn ~ .... . -o ::_, ~

c ~ - I ; .. I:)

u n I 0 '" . '1 u -,, 'E "' io1 u (./) ,-

JurisJiction Wide ~ -· 1 J> rrr City of Ishpeming, Preci nct I "l

... .. 1:-)

City of Ishpeming, Prec inct 2 191 - , --:9 _,

rq City of Mnrquette, Precinct I IS - 0 City of Marquette, Precinct 2 23 I co . City of Marquette, Precinct 3 206

( ,.,

City of 1VIarquette, Precinct 4 1831 City of 1VIarquette, Precinct 5 1s8! City of tvtarquette, Precinct 6 1141 City of Marquette, Precinct 7 2241 City of Negaunee, Precinct I 13~ City of Negaunee, Precinct 2 128· Champion Township, Precinct I lc:,l Chocolay Charter Township, Precinct I 3741 Chocolay Charter Township, Precinct 2 4361 Ely Townsh ip, Precinct I 1521 Ewing Township, l'recinct I .n, Forsyth Township, Precinct I 30')1 Forsyth Township, Precinct 2 1231 Forsyth Township, Precinct 3 96 Humboldt Township, Precinct I 711 Ishpeming Township, Precinct I 11 3 Ishpeming Township, Precinct 2 ud i\larquelte Charter Township, Precinct I 268! :VIarquette Charter Township, Precinct 2 1931 i\l ichigammc Township, Precinct I 541 Negaunee Townshi p, Precinct I 2531 Powell Township, Precinct I 831

I Powell Township, Precinct 2 25; Republic Township, Precinct I 125' Richmond Township, Precinct I 561 Sands Township, Pn.:cinct I 252! Skandia Township, Prec inct I 113


I Tilden Township, Precinct I (,'),

Turin Township, Precinct I JO Wells Township, Precinct I 39


\Vest l:.lmnch Township, Precinct l uJ Total 54<JCJ,

Page 51: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Date:03/0l/12

Marquette County, MI Time: 15:32:15

Page:2 of6 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races REP President

0:: g 0:: 0:: 0:: 0::

c 0:: g "' 0:: g c g "' g 0:: e ~ g 0:: g 8 ~ c ·fi c c g 0 " E '" " ·;; E s. t 0

"' "' u c "' c

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0 0 c 6 c ~ '3 "' > " " " 0

" ~

il ~ ~ § ~ '" ~'[

"-0 c c "' ~

0 0 0 c2 .- . .C .. -- '" z 0 ·~· ____ 0:: - ---- ---- ----- -----

Jurisdiction Wide City of Ishpeming, Precinct I 169 I 0 II 0 0 I 15 0 0 City of Ishpeming, Precinct 2 171 I 0 II 0 0 0 29 0 0 City of rvlnrquettc, Precinct I 172 0 I 12 I 0 0 17 0 I City of Marquette, Precinct 2 209 0 0 8 0 0 0 18 0 0 City of Marquette, Precinct 3 186 0 0 9 0 0 0 17 I I City of rvlarqucttc, Precinct 4 165 0 0 8 0 0 0 23 I I City oflvtarqucttc, Precinct 5 143 0 I 4 0 0 0 33 I 0 City of l'vtarqucttc, Precinct() 101 0 0 I I 0 I 32 0 0 City of !\·1arquette, Precinct 7 195 0 0 12 0 I 0 34 0 0 City of Negaunee, Precinct I 128 0 0 7 0 0 0 20 I 0 City of Negaunee, Precinct 2 114 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 0 0 Champion Township, Precinct I 12 0 0 2 () 0 0 I 0 0 Chocolay Charter Township, Precinct I 328 I I 28 0 0 0 33 I 4 Chocolay Charter Township, Prl!cinct 2 383 I () 26 0 0 0 34 I 0 Ely Township, Precinct I 144 0 0 12 0 0 0 19 I I Ewing Township, Precinct I 28 0 0 I 0 0 0 9 0 0 Fnrsyth Tmmship, Precinct I 268 I () 19 0 0 0 24 I 2 Forsyth Township, Precinct 2 Ill () I 9 () 0 () 13 0 0 Fnrsyth Township, Precinct 3 92 0 0 10 0 0 0 II 0 0 Humboldt Township, Precinct I 60 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 Ishpeming Township, Precinct I 112 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 0 ()

Ishpeming Township, Precinct 2 122 0 0 7 0 () 0 6 0 ()

r.olarquette Charter Township, Precinct I 232 0 () 17 0 0 0 28 I ()

Marquette Charter Township, Precinct 2 153 0 0 9 I 0 0 13 0 I t'dichigamme Township, Precinct I 48 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 () 0 Negaunee Township, Precinct I 232 0 0 13 0 0 0 40 0 0 Powell Township, Precinct I 73 I 0 7 0 I 0 II 0 0 Powell Township, Precinct 2 19 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 () I Republic Township, Precinct I 107 0 0 10 () 2 0 7 () ()

Richmond Township, Precinct I 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 Sands Township, Precinct I 244 I () 15 0 0 0 30 2 I Skandia Township, Precinct I 107 2 2 12 0 0 I 16 0 ()

Tilden Township, Precinct I 64 () () J () 0 0 14 0 ()

Turin Township, Precinct I 26 0 0 I 0 I 0 7 0 0 Wells Township, Precinct I 31 0 () 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 West Uranch Townshi ), Precinct I 127 0 0 6 0 0 0 31 0 0 Total 4911 9 8 303 J 5 3 639 II 13

Page 52: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Marquette County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

.-1 u-ri sd i cti-mc-1 "1 Icc' i'de ___ -- --- -

City of Ishpeming, Precinct I City of Ishpeming, Precinct 2 City of Marquette, Precinct I City of Marquette, Precinct 2 City of Marquette, Precinct 3 City of ivlarqucttc, Precinct 4 City of /•vtarqucttc, Precinct 5 City of rvlarqucttc, Precinct 6 Cit)' of Marquette, Precinct 7 City of Negaunee, Precinct I City of Negaunee, Precinct 2 Champion Township, Precinct I Chocolay Charter Township, Precinct I Chocolay Charter Township, Precinct 2 Ely Township, Precinct I Ewing Township, Precinct I Forsyth Township, Precinct I Forsyth Township, Precinct 2 Forsyth Township, Precinct J llumboldt Township, Precinct I Ishpeming Township, Precinct I Ishpeming Township, Precinct 2 J'\'larquettc Charter Township, Precinct 1 r..·larquette Charter Township, Precinct 2 J\lichigammc Township, Precinct 1 Negaunee Township, Precinct 1 Powell Township, Precinct I Powell Township, Precinct 2 Rqmblic Township, Precinct I Richmond Township, Precinct I Sands Township, Precinct l Skandia Township, Precinct I Tilden Township, Precinct ! Turin Township, Precinct 1 Wells Township, Precinct I West I3ranch Township, Precinct I 1 ota!

48 44 54 85 65 57 39 33 65 39 37

2 110 175 18 II 74 2!> 22 14 41 42 85 51 14 55 18 6

27 ,, 78 23 19 2

II 43


REP President

90 85 85 97 90 72 64 32 so 60 56

6 144 139 93 6

147 61 47 36 53 66

100 77 25

123 33

6 60 21

116 51 28 14 15 46


3 I I I I 2 I I 3 I 2 I 6 5 0 I 0 I 2 2 I 0 I I ()

I 2 I I I I ()

0 I I I

4S 6,

15 20 12 28 20 17 15 13 29

7 14 4

46 53

8 5

41 12 4 6 I 8

Jf> 40

6 21 10 6

18 21

8 6 5 4 8 8


OEM President

12 12 II 27 18 14 14 12 26 6

13 4

40 48

7 5

32 12 2 5 I 6

27 37

3 18 8 5

14 18 8 4 3 3 7 8



i ~ § --~ 8

_d:S _ ____,._~,I 3 ()

'; z! I 0


2 tl 3 o1

1 o1

I oi 3 o1

1 o1

I J 0 o1

6 d 5 o1

I oi o o1

9 d o o1

2 d I o' () d 2 d 7 21

3 ~ 3 0 J o1

2 o1

1 rl 2 21 3 o1

o o1

2 01 2 rl I d I ci 0 o1

79 6,

Datc:03/0 1/12 Timc:l5:32:15

Page:3 of6

Negaunee City Council



19 19,

Page 53: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Marquette County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races


Michele Bachmann (REP) Herman Cain (REP) Newt Gingrich (REP) Jon Huntsman (REP) Gary Johnson (REP) Fred Karger (REP) Ron Paul (REP) Rick Perry (REP) Buddy Roemer (REP) Mitt Romney (REP) Rick Santorum (REP) Uncommitted Write-In Votes


9 8 303 3 5 3 639 11 13 1539 2324 48 6


Barack Obama (OEM) Uncommitted Write-In Votes


490 79 6


Write-In Votes RECEIVED 19



State of Michigan County of Marquette


45 24

Date:03/0 1112 Time: 15:32:15

Page:5 of6

We Hereby Certify, That the foregoing is a correct transcript of the Statement of the Board of County Canvassers, of the County of Marquette, of the votes given in such County for the indicated candidates

Page 54: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Statement of Votes Cast Marquette County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

Date:03/0l/12 Timc:l5:32:15

Page:6 of6

and proposals at the Presidential Primary Election held on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, as appears from the original statement on file in the office of the County Clerk.

Peter J. Dish now, Marquette County Clerk

Page 55: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast






01 02 03

905 172 19.01 1109 17515.78

952 140 14.71 842 98 11.64

1141 195 17.09 922 121 13 .12 479 63 13.15 437 54 12.36

1935 314 16.23 955 133 l3. 93 975 184 18.87 417 57 13.67 675 93 13.78 767 85 11.08

1150 217 18.87 1753 303 17.28 263 47 17.87 111 24 21.62 541 116 21.44

1291 261 20.22 891 163 18.29 759 111 14.62 853 120 14.07 826 162 19.61

1074 174 16.20



Page 56: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast



VOTE FOR 1 01 = flichele Bachmann 9 .27 02 = Herman Cain 4 .12 08 = Rick Perry 10 .30 03 = Newt Gingrich 268 8.02 09 = Buddy.Roemer 18 .54 04 = Jon Huntsman 7 .21 10 = Mitt Romney 1,208 36.16 05 = Gary Johnson 2 .06 11 = Rick Santorum 1,486 44.48 06 = Fred Karger 3 .09 12 = UNCOI1MITIED 33 .99 07 = Ron Paul 291 8.71 13 = WRITE· IN 2 .06

... ····························--···· ········································· 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

----·---·····----·--······························· ··················---······ 0001 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 10 0 5 55 68 3 0 0002 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 11 0 0 81 60 3 0 0003 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 3 0 0 14 1 0 0 7 0 0 63 50 0 0 0004 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 0 0 27 44 2 0 0005 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 5 1 0 18 1 0 0 13 1 0 55 81 4 1 0006 CITY OF LUDINGTON PRECINCT 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 17 0 1 38 45 1 0 0007 CITY OF SCOmiLLE PRECINCT 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 6 1 0 23 18 3 0 0008 CITY OF SCOTIVILLE PRECINCT 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 2 1 15 25 0 0 0009 AMBER TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 1 25 2 0 0 26 1 2 117 122 1 0 0010 BRANCH T0\1NSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 o· 13 1 0 0 10 0 0 33 68 0 0 0011 CUSTER TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 20 1 0 48 95 0 0 0012 EDEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 1 7 0 0 0 4 0 1 15 23 1 0 0013 FREE SOIL TOViliSHIP PRECINCT 1 2 0 5 0 0 0 16 0 1 26 32 1 0 0014 GRANT TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 5 2 0 0 7 0 0 29 37 1 0 0015 HANLIN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 20 0 0 3 17 1 0 79 86 2 0 0016 HM1LIN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 2 2 0 28 0 0 0 20 0 4 124 111 1 .o 0017 LOG4N TOHNSHIP PRECINCT 1 1 0 9 0 0 0 3 0 1 14 14 1 0 0018 MEADE TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 11 0 0 0019 PM TOHNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 41 57 0 0 0020 PM TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 2 0 0 19 0 2 0 16 0 0 92 106 3 0 0021 RIVERTON TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 60 81 2 1 0022 SHERIDAN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 14 2 1 32 46 1 0 0023 SHERMAN TOviNSHIP PRECINCT 1 1 0 9 0 0 0 16 0 0 38 47 1 0 0024 SUI·IMIT TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 1 1 12 0 0 0 17 0 0 60 63 0 0 0025 VICTORY TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 1 0 0 21 0 0 0 9 1 1 37 96 2 0

Page 57: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast




VOTE FOR 1 01 = Barack Obama 207 88.09 02 = UNCOHMITIED 27 11.49 03 = WRITE· IN 1 .43

.................. 01 02 03


Page 58: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Registration & Turnout

Election Day Turnout

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout

AV Voting Location Turnout

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout

Election Day Turnout

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout

AV Voting Location Turnout

Republican Registration & Turnout

Election Day Turnout

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout

AV Voting Location Turnout

Democratic Registration & Turnout

Election Day Turnout

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout

AV Voting Location Turnout

Rep - President of the United States

Michele Bachmann

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Jon Huntsman

Gary Johnson

Fred Karger

Ron Paul

Rick Perry

Buddy Roemer

Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum


Dem - President of the United States

Barack Obama


Wheatland Road Repair Millage



March 01, 2012 3:08 PM

Total ...

Total ...

Total ...

Total ...


Total ...


Total ...


Total ...

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Summary Report


27,694 Voters Wheatland Fire Protection Services Milia (1)

4,160 15.02% YES

179 0.65% NO

361 1.30% Total ...

4,700 16.97%

0 Voters

17 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

17 0.00%

0 Voters

3,840 0.00%

171 0.00%

309 0.00%

4,320 0.00%

0 Voters

303 0.00%

8 0.00%

52 0.00%

363 0.00%,

23/23 100.00%

6 0.14%

7 0.16%

317 7.36%

7 0.16%

2 0.05%

3 0.07%

395 9.18%

5 0.12%

7 0.16%

1,727 40.12%

1,749 40.63%

80 1.86%



306 85.47%

52 14.53%



76 41.99%

105 58.01%


1/1 100.00%

120 65.22%

64 34.78%


Page 1 of 1

Page 59: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


City of Big Rapids Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 779

Election Day Turnout 70 8.99%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 70 8.99%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 61 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 61 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 9 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 9 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Ne'vvt Gingrich 4 6.67%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 11 18.33%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 27 45.00% Rick Santorum 15 25.00%

Uncommitted 3 5.00%

Total ... 60 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 4 44.44%

Uncommitted 5 55.56%

Total... 9 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:41 AM Page 1 of 1

Page 60: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


City of Big Rapids Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,264

Election Day Turnout 122 9.65%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 122 9.65%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%1

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 107 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 107 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 15 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 15 0.00%

Rep- President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0.94%

Herman Cain 0.94%

Newt Gingrich 4 3.77%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 1 0.94%

Ron Paul 16 15.09%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 47 44.34% Rick Santorum 34 32.08%

Uncommitted 2 1.89%

Total ... 106 100.00%

Dem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 12 80.00%

Uncommitted 3 20.00%

Total... 15 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 61: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


City of Big Rapids Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 839

Election Day Turnout 128 15.26%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 128 15.26%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 116 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 116 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 12 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 12 0.00%

Rep M President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 7 6.09%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 22 19.13%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 47 40.87%

Rick Santorum 35 30.43%

Uncommitted 4 3.48%

Total ... 115 100.00%

Dem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 8 66.67%

Uncommitted 4 33.33%

Total ... 12 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 62: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


City of Big Rapids Precinct 4 Registration & Turnout 1 ,401

Election Day Turnout 111 7.92%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 111 7.92%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 91 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 91 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 20 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 20 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 2 2.20%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 8 8.79%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 31 34.07% Rick Santorum 50 54.95%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total ... 91 0.00%

Dem ~ President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 17 89.47%

Uncommitted 2 10.53%

Total... 19 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 63: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


City of Big Rapids Precinct 5 Registration & Turnout 632

Election Day Turnout 85 13.45%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 85 13.45%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 77 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 77 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 8 0.00°/o Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 8 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%,

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 5 6.49%

Jon Huntsman 1 1.30% Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 5 6.49%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 43 55.84% Rick Santorum 21 27.27% Uncommitted 2 2.60%

Total... 77 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 8 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total... 8 0.00%

February 29. 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 64: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Aetna Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,459

Election Day Turnout 225 15.42%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 225 15.42%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 204 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 204 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 21 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

TotaL 21 0.00%

Rep • President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 3 1.48%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 16 7.88%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0.49% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 23 11.33%

Rick Perry 1 0.49% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 55 27.09%

Rick Santorum 101 49.75% Uncommitted 3 1.48%

Total... 203 100.00%

Dem -President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 18 90.00% Uncommitted 2 10.00%

Total... 20 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 65: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Austin Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 947

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 179 18.90% AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 179 18.90%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 171 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 171 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 8 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 8 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 13 7.65%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 7 4.12% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 77 45.29%

Rick Santorum 70 41.18% Uncommitted 3 1.76%

Total ... 170 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 6 75.00%

Uncommitted 2 25.00%

TotaL.. B 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:42AM Page 1 of 1

Page 66: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Big Rapids Charter Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 2,239

Election Day Turnout 406 18.13%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 406 18.13%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 381 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 381 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 25 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 25 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 1 0.26%

Newt Gingrich 39 10.24% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 34 8.92% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 159 41.73% Rick Santorum 139 36.48%

Uncommitted 9 2.36%

Total... 381 100.00%

Dem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 23 92.00%

Uncommitted 2 8.00%

Total. .. 25 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:43AM Page 1 of 1

Page 67: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Big Rapids Charter Township Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 298

Election Day Turnout 61 20.47%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 61 20.47%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 59 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 59 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 2 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 2 0.00%

Rep ~ President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 5 8.47%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 7 11.86%

Rick Perry 0 0.00°/o

Buddy Roemer 2 3.39%

Mitt Romney 25 42.37% Rick Santorum 20 33.90%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total ... 59 0.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 2 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total... 2 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:43AM Page 1 of 1

Page 68: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Chippewa Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 964

Election Day Turnout 133 13.80%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 133 13.80%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 123 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 123 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 10 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 10 0.00%

Rep- President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 8 6.50%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 9 7.32%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 61 49.59%

Rick Santorum 45 36.59%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total... 123 0.00%

Oem ~ President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 9 90.00%

Uncommitted 10.00%

Total ... 10 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:43 AM Page 1 of 1

Page 69: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Colfax Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,587

Election Day Turnout 293 18.46%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 293 18.46%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 278 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 278 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 15 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 15 0.00%

Rep -President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0.36%

Newt Gingrich 27 9.71%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 33 11.87% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 107 38.49%

Rick Santorum 105 37.77% Uncommitted 5 1.80%

Total ... 278 100.00%

Dem ~ President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 13 86.67% Uncommitted 2 13.33%

Total ... 15 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:50AM Page 1 of 1

Page 70: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Deerfield Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,085

Election Day Turnout 147 13.55%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 147 13.55%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 147 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%~

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 147 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 0 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 4 2.72%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 1 0.68%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 19 12.93%

Rick Perry 2 1.36%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 43 29.25%

Rick Santorum 76 51.70%

Uncommitted 2 1.36%

Total ... 147 100.00%

Oem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 0 0.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total. .. 0 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:50AM Page 1 of 1

Page 71: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Fork Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,259

Election Day Turnout 190 15.09%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 190 15.09%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 176 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 176 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 14 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 14 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 13 7.39%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 17 9.66%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 55 31.25%

Rick Santo rum 91 51.70%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total. .. 176 0.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 14 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total. .. 14 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:50AM Page 1 of 1

Page 72: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Grant Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 533

Election Day Turnout 119 22.33%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 119 22.33%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 118 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 118 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 1 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 1 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 9 7.63% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 13 11.02%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 3 2.54% Mitt Romney 46 38.98% Rick Santo rum 47 39.83%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total... 118 0.00%

Dem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total ... 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:51 AM Page 1 of 1

Page 73: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Green Charter Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 2,355

Election Day Turnout 499 21.19%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 499 21.19%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 456 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 456 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 43 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 43 0.00%

Rep- President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 1 0.22%

Newt Gingrich 34 7.46%

Jon Huntsman 4 0.88%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 43 9.43%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0.22%

Mitt Romney 180 39.47%

Rick Santorum 180 39.47%

Uncommitted 13 2.85%

Total. .. 456 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 35 81.40%

Uncommitted 8 18.60%

Total... 43 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:51AM Page 1 of 1

Page 74: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Hinton Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 749

Election Day Turnout 155 20.69%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 155 20.69%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%,

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 149 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 149 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 6 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 6 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0.68%

Herman Cain 0.68%

Newt Gingrich 8 5.44%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 11 7.48%

Rick Perry 1 0.68%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 37 25.17%

Rick Santo rum 86 58.50%

Uncommitted 2 1.36%

Total ... 147 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 6 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:51AM Page 1 of 1

Page 75: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Martiny Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,292

Election Day Turnout 160 12.38%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 160 12.38%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

" Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 150 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 150 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 10 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 10 0.00%

Rep • President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 10 6.71%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 14 9.40%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.67%

Mitt Romney 61 40.94%

Rick Santorum 58 38.93%

Uncommitted 5 3.36%

TotaL 149 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 9 90.00% Uncommitted 1 10.00%

Total... 10 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:51 AM Page 1 of 1

Page 76: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Mecosta Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,884

Election Day Turnout 387 20.54%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 387 20.54%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 341 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 341 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 46 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 46 0.00%,

Rep ~ President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 30 8.80% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 27 7.92%

Rick Perry 1 0.29%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 124 36.36%

Rick Santorum 154 45.16%

Uncommitted 5 1.47%

Total... 341 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 41 91.11%

Uncommitted 4 8.89%

Total ... 45 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:52AM Page 1 of 1

Page 77: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Millbrook Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 708

Election Day Turnout 94 13.28%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 94 13.28%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 90 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 90 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 4 0.00% Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 4 0.00%

Rep - President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 1 1.12% Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 3 3.37%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 8 8.99% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 39 43.82%,

Rick Santorum 38 42.70% Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total ... 89 0.00%

Dem M President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 4 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Total... 4 0.00%

February 29, 2012 8:52 AM Page 1 of 1

Page 78: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_022812_Primary _E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Morton Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,873

Election Day Turnout 209 11.16%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 187 9.98%

Total... 396 21.14%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 201 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 159 0.00%

Total. .. 360 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 8 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 28 0.00%

Total... 36 0.00%

Rep w President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0.28% Newt Gingrich 33 9.19%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.28%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 1 0.28%

Ron Paul 26 7.24%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 167 46.52% Rick Santorum 119 33.15% Uncommitted 11 3.06%

Total. .. 359 100.00%

Dem M President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 28 77.78%

Uncommitted 8 22.22%

Total... 36 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:52AM Page 1 of 1

Page 79: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Morton Township Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,532

Election Day Turnout 255 16.64%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 174 11.36%

Total ... 429 28.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 249 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 150 0.00%

Total ... 399 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 6 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 24 0.00%

Total. .. 30 0.00%

Rep M President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 26 6.55%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 26 6.55%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 212 53.40%

Rick Santorum 127 31.99%

Uncommitted 6 1.51%

Total ... 397 100.00%

Dern - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 25 83.33%

Uncommitted 5 16.67%

Total... 30 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:52AM Page 1 of 1

Page 80: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Sheridan Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,023

Election Day Turnout 124 12.12%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 124 12.12%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 110 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 110 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 14 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 14 0.00%

Rep~ President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0.91%

Newt Gingrich 10 9.09%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.91%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 3 2.73%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 35 31.82% Rick Santo rum 58 52.73%

Uncommitted 2 1.82%

Total ... 110 100.00%

Dem • President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 12 85.71%

Uncommitted 2 14.29%

Total ... 14 100.00%

February 29, 2012 8:53AM Page 1 of 1

Page 81: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mecosta_ 022812_Primary _ E

February 28, 2012

Precinct Report


Wheatland Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 992

Election Day Turnout 187 18.85%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 187 18.85%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 17 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00%

AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 17 0.00%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 156 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 156 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day Turnout 14 0.00%

Election Day Manual Entry Turnout 0 0.00% AV Voting Location Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 14 0.00%,

Rep K President of the United States (Final)

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 7 4.58% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 1 0.65% Ron Paul 13 8.50% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 49 32.03% Rick Santo rum 80 52.29% Uncommitted 3 1.96%

Total... 153 100.00%

Dem - President of the United States (Final)

Barack Obama 11 91.67% Uncommitted 8.33%

Total. .. 12 100.00%

Wheatland Road Repair Millage (Final)

YES 76 41.99% NO 105 58.01%

Total... 181 100.00%

Wheatland Fire Protection Services Millage (Final)

YES 120 65.22% NO 64 34.78%

Total... 184 100.00%

March 01, 2012 3:07PM Page 1 of 1

Page 82: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


r OF VOTES, ,., I '"' orTOnM '28, 2012



.... ;o ~ :;; ~ :1: z 0:

@ :'! :1: z ()

~ "' w ::> ()

"' w :;; it 0:

!l "' "' 5 (!) 1< w 0 MENOMINEE 55 0 "' (!) I'! 0: -' 0 z ....


~ ; z ;:! ::> 0:

i :;; z

11 ' :~ i UJ ; " "' ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I I 0

CITY OF 5400001 610 100 0 0 3 0 0 0 2' 0 2 3' 25 1 87

0200001 207 41 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 17 12 0 0 39

I 0400001 521 117 0 0 8 0 0 0 10 0 23 59 0 102

I 193 30 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 15 8 0 0 26

301 50 0 0 0 0 _0_ _0 7 0 0 15

1: 0 55

1400001 848 115 0 0 13 0 0 1 0 33 55 2 0 113

LAKE I 1600001 461 69 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 22 39 0 0 64

1800001 884 113 2 0 3 0 0 0 20 0 0 24 50 1 0 100

1 2000001 920 101 2 0 8 0 0 0 6 0 0 37 42 0 95 2 2000002 2240 205 2 1 12 0 0 18 0 0 44 115 2 194

772 107 0 11 0 0 0 26 0 0 18

I 112

0 9 0 0 0 0 39 60 1 0 126

2800001 474 76 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 14 41 1 1 69

TOTAL 18679 2322 10 2 141 4 2 3 238 2 9 555 983 22 2 191

Page 83: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast








I 1000001 1447 165 25 9 0 34

11 2 _0 13

2000001 _920 101 6 0 0 6

881 0

I 2600001 _1155 14i 19 2 0 21




I, 2012



79 79

Page 84: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Registration & Turnout

Election Day MPR Turnout

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout

County Clerk Turnout

Republican Registration & Turnout

Election Day MPR Turnout

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout

County Clerk Turnout

Democratic Registration & Turnout

Election Day MPR Turnout

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout

County Clerk Turnout

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout

Election Day MPR Turnout

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout

County Clerk Turnout

REP - Presldental Primary

Under Votes: 3 Over Votes: 2

Michele Bachmann

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Jon Huntsman

Gary Johnson

Fred Karger

Ron Paul

Rick Perry

Buddy Roemer

Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum



OEM - Presidental Primary

Under Votes: 3 OVer Votes: 0

Sa rack Obama


February 28. 2012 10:38 PM

Total ...

Total ...

Total ...

Total ••.

Total ..•


February 28, 2012

Summary Report

Midland County


65,958 Voters OEM- Presldental Primary (cont'd ... )

10,677 16.19%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

10,677 16.19%

0 Voters

10,267 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

10,267 0.00%

0 Voters

410 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

410 0,00%

0 Voters

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

49/50 98.00%

16 0.16%

13 0.13%

496 4.83%

10 0.10%

4 O.Q4%

6 0.06%

1,130 11.01%

19 0.19%

9 0.09%

4,433 ·43.20%

4,017 39.14%

104 1.01%

5 0.05%


49/50 98.00%

332 81.67%

70 17.20%


~~t ~~ /;d

49/50 98.00%

5 1.23%

Total ••• 407100.00%


Page 1 of 1

Page 85: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,950

Election Day MPR Turnout 279 14.31%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County CleJk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 279 14.31%

Reeubllcan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 252 0.00%

Martual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County CleJk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 252 0.00%

Democratic Realstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 27 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 27 0.00%

Non Partisan Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County CleJk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.40%

Herman Cain 0.40%

Newt Gingrich 17 6.75%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.40%

Gary Johnson 0.40%

Fred Karger 0.40%

Ron Paul 30 11.90%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 108 42.86%

Rick Santorum 83 32.94%

Uncommitted 9 3.57%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 252 0.00%

DEM - Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 24 88.89%

Uncommitted 2 7.41%

Write-In 3.70%

Total ... 27 100.00%

February 28, 2012 9:02PM Page 1 of 1

Page 86: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report Midland County

City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,484

Election Day MPR Turnout 215 14.49%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 215 14.49%

Re~ubllcan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 196 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 196 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 19 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 19 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Prima!>: {Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 12 6.12%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 27 13.78%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0.51%

Mitt Romney 96 48.47%

Rick Santorum 59 30.10%

Uncommitted 2 1.02%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 196 0.00%

OEM • Prestdental Prima!>: {Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 17 89.47% Uncommitted 2 10.53%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 19 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:37PM Page 1 of 1

Page 87: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 430

Election Day MPR Turnout 31 7.21% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 31 7.21%

Republican ReQistratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 31 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ..• 31 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Non Partisan ReQistratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

6v Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Pres I dental Primal}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 ~ Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 2 6.45%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 4 12.90%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 5 16.13%

Rick Santorum 18 58.06%

Uncommitted 2 6.45% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 31 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 0 0.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

February 28, 2012 10:00 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 88: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 4 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,280

Election Day MPR Turnout 172 13.44%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total •.• 172 13.44%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Elecllon Day MPR Turnout 160 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 160 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 12 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 12 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP- Pres I dental Primal}: (FinaO

Under Votes: 1 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.63%

Herman Cain 0.63%

Newt Gingrich 10 6.29%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0

~::~A2 Fred Karger

Ron Paul 20 12.58%

Rick Perry 1 0.63%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 70 44.03%

Rick Santorum 53 33.33%

Uncommitted 2 1.26%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 159 0.00%

DEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 12 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:51 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 89: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 5 Registration & Turnout 1,126

Election Day MPR Turnout 118 10.48%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00°/o County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 118 10.48%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 111 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 111 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 O.QO%

Total... 7 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%>

Manual Entry Election Day T umout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 5 4.50%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

(Y ~ Ron Paul 25 22.52%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitl Romney 30 27.03%

Rick Santorum 50 45.05%

Uncommitted 1 0.90%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 111 0.00%

OEM- Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: o

Barack Obama 5 71.43%

Uncommitted 2 28.57%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

February 28, 2012 8:46PM Page 1 of 1

Page 90: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 2 Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,591

Election Day MPR Turnout 285 17.91% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 285 17.91%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 278 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 278 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00% ;/L_ Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 13 4.68%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 41 14.75% Rick Perry 1 0.36%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 114 41.01%

Rick Santorum 108 38.85%

Uncommitted 1 0.36%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 278 0.00%

DEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 7 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:39PM Page 1 of 1

Page 91: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 2 Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,561

Election Day MPR Turnout 245 15.70%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 245 15,70%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 229 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 229 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnoul 16 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 16 0.00%

Non Partisan Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Prfmary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.44%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 15 6.55%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0.44%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 28 12.23%

Rick Peny 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.44%

Mitt Romney 86 37.55%

Rick Santorum 92 40.17%

Uncommitted 5 2.18%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 229 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 13 81.25%

Uncommitted 3 18.75%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 16 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:58PM Page 1 of 1

Page 92: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 2 Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 1,320

Election Day MPR Turnout 106 8.03%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 106 8.03%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 99 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 99 0.00%

/fr--(0 Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 .0.00%

REP- Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 1.01%

Newt Gingrich 8 8.08%

Jon Huntsman 1 1.01%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 27 27.27%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 27 27.27%

Rick Santorum 33 33.33%

Uncommitted 2 2.02%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 99 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 6 85.71%

Uncommitted 1 14.29%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:40PM Page 1 of 1

Page 93: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 2 Precinct 4 Registration & Turnout 1,613

Election Day MPR Turnout 252 15.62%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total,.. 252 15.62%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 230 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 230 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0 r Election Day MPR Turnout 22 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 22 0.00% ~ Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.43%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 12 5.22%

Jon Huntsman 0.43%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 20 8.70%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 116 60-43%

Rick Santorum 76 33.91%

Uncommitted 2 0.87%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 230 0.00%

DEM - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 18 81.82%

Uncommitted 4 18.18%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 22 0.00%

February 28, 2012 8:48PM Page1 of 1

Page 94: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 3 Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,294

Election Day MPR Turnout 294 22.72%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

~ Total ... 294 22.72%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 286 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 286 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

~ Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Elaction Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

Non Partisan Re~lstration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 OVer Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 17 5.94%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.35%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ran Paul 23 8.04%

Rick Perry 1 0.35%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.35%

Mitt Romney 147 51.40%

Rick Santorum 93 32.52%

Uncommitted 3 1.05%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 286 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 6 75.00%

Uncommitted 2 25.00%

Write·ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:36 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 95: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 3 Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,398

Election Day MPR Turnout 213 15.24%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 213 15.24%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 210 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 210 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP , Presldental Primary {Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Harman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 9 4.29%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 30 14.29%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.48%

?-Mitt Romney 104 49.52%

Rick Santorum 65 30.95%

Uncommitted 0.48%

Write.Jn 0 0.00%

Total. .. 210 0.00%

OEM~ Presidental Primary {Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 66.67% Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write-In 33.33%

Total ... 3 100.00%

February 28, 2012 9:03PM Page 1 of 1

Page 96: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 3 Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 1,376

Election Day MPR Turnout 296 21.51%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 296 21.51%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 285 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 285 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 11 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County CJerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 11 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 0 0.00%

REP· Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 1

Michele Bachmann 2 0.70%

~ Herman Cain 0.35%

Newt Gingrich 21 7.39%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.35%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 15 5.28%

cY~ Rick Perl'f 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 191 67.25%

Rick Santorum 51 17.96%

Uncommitted 2 0.70%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ..• 284 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 10 90.91%

Uncommitted 1 9.09%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 11 0.00%

Februal'f 28, 2012 9:32PM Page 1 of 1

Page 97: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 3 Precinct 4 Registration & Turnout 1,705

Election Day MPR Turnout 414 24.28%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 414 24.28%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

~ Election Day MPR Turnout 402 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 402 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 12 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

~ Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primary {Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 20 4.98%

Jon Huntsman 2 0.50%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 35 8.71%

Rick Perry 1 0.25%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 187 46.52%

Rick Santorum 154 38.31%

Uncommitted 3 0.75%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 402 0.00%

OEM ·Pres! dental Primal}' {Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 11 91.67%

Uncommitted 8.33%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:56PM Page 1 of 1

Page 98: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 4 Precinct 1 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,000

Election Day MPR Turnout 263 26.30%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

TotaL 263 26.30%

Republican Reglstrallon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 255 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 255 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

TotaL. 8 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Cfr--Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP· Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.39%

Herman Cain 0.39%

Newt Gingrich 10 3.92%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

~ Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 22 8.63%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 129 50.59%

Rick Santorum 91 35.69%

Uncommitted 1 0.39%

Wr~e-ln 0 0.00%

TotaL 255 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 87.50%

Uncommitted 1 12.50%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total,. 8 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:22PM Page 1 of 1

Page 99: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 4 Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,252

Election Day MPR Turnout 242 19.33% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 242 19.33%

Reeublican Registration & Turnout 0 Election Day MPR Turnout 230 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 230 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 12 0.00%

~ Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP. Presidental Prima'}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 2 0.87%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 9 3.91% Jon Huntsman 1 0.43%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 25 10.87% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 112 48.70% Rick Santorum 78 33.91% Uncommitted 3 1.30% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 230 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 11 91.67% Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 8.33%

Total ... 12 100.00%

Februal'j 28, 2012 9:41 PM Page1 of 1

Page 100: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 4 Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 1,443

Election Day MPR Turnout 304 21.07%

Manual Enhy Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Counly Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 304 21.07%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 290 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 290 0.00%

Democratic Res_lstratlon & Turnout 0

Eleclion Day MPR Turnout 14 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

Counly Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 14 0.00%

Non Partisan Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Prlma!X (Final)

Under Votes: 1

~ Over Votes: 1

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 9 3.13%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 24 8.33%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 159 55.21%

Rick Santorum 95 32.99%

Uncommitted 1 0.35%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 288 0.00%

OEM -Pres I dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 13 92.85%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 7.14%

Total ... 14 100.00%

February 28, 2012 9:52PM Page 1 of 1

Page 101: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 4 Precinct 4 Registration & Turnout 1,321

Election Day MPR Turnout 308 23.32%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 308 23.32%

Reeubllcan ReQistratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 298 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 298 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 10 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 10 0.00%

Non Partisan Ro~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 8 2.68%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0.34%

Ron Paul 24 8.05%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 168 56.38%

Rick Santorum 94 31.54%

Uncommitted 2 0.67%

Write-In 1 0.34%

Total ... 298 100.00%

DEM - Presldontal Prlma!X (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 10 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 10 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:53PM Page 1 of 1

Page 102: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 4 Precinct 5 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,811

Election Day MPR Turnout 356 19.66%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total •.. 356 19.66%

Re~ubllcan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 345 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 345 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 11 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

ct: County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 11 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout.- 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

~ Under Votes: 1

Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 10 2.91%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0.29%

Ron Paul 22 6.40% Rick Perry 2 0.58%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.29%

Mill Romney 187 54.36%

Rick Santorum 118 34.30%

Uncommitted 3 0.87%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 344 0.00%

OEM -Pres I dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 1 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 9 90.00%

Uncommitted 1 10.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 10 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:20PM Page 1 of 1

Page 103: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 5 Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,319

Election Day MPR Turnout 242 18.35%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 242 18.36%

Republican Registration ~ Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 225 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 225 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 17 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 17 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total .•. 0 0.00%

REP - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 ., Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachm~nn 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0.44% Newt Gingrich 10 4.44%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 1 0.44%

Ron Paul 13 5.78%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0.44%

Mitt Romney 119 52.89%

Rick Santorum 77 34.22% Uncommitted 3 1.33%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 226 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes; 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 11 64.71%

Uncommitted 6 35.29%

Wrlte 4 1n 0 0.00%

Total ... 17 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:04PM Page 1 of 1

Page 104: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 5 Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,184

Election Day MPR Turnout 195 16.47%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 196 16.47%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 189 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 189 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

cf~ Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00%

Manual Entry Eleclion Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .• 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Pay Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

RI'P - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 6 3.17% Jon Huntsman 1 0.53°/o Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 12 6.35%

Rick Perry 1 0.53% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 96 50.79% Rick Santorum 72 38.10% Uncommitted 1 0.53% Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total... 189 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 5 63.33% Uncommitted 16.67% Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

February 28. 2012 8:49PM Page 1 of 1

Page 105: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 5 Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 1,351

Election Day MPR Turnout 272 20.13%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 272 20.13%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 264 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 264 0,00%

Democratic ReQistratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00°/o

*-Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP· Pres I dental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 11 4.17%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 31 11.74%

Rick Perry 1 0.38% f: Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mit! Romney 127 48.11%

Rick Santorum 91 34.47%

Uncommitted 2 0.76%

Write·ln 0.38%

Total ... 264 100.00%

OEM -Prest dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 6 76.00%

Uncommitted 2 25.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:59 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 106: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 5 Precinct 4 Registration & Turnout 1,360

Election Day MPR Turnout 294 21.62% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 294 21.62%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 287 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ..• 287 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total .•. 7 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Primary (Final)

~ Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.35% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

~ Newt Gingrich 10 3.46%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 24 8.36% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 155 64.01%

Rick Santorum 94 32.75% Uncommitted 3 1.05%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 287 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 1 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 5 83.33% Uncommitted 16.67% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total. .. 6 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:57PM Page 1 of 1

Page 107: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Midland Ward 5 Precinct 5 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,376

Election Day MPR Turnout 306 22.24%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 306 22.24%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 297 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 297 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 9 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 9 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 2 0.67%

Newt Gingrich 9 3.03%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 23 7.74%

Rick Perry 1 0.34%

Buddy Roemer 0.34%

Mitt Romney 158 53.20% Rick Santorum 103 34.68%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 297 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 1 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 87.50%

Uncommitted 12.50% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

f=ebruary 28 . .?01? n .......... . n ... nA 1 of 1

Page 108: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County


City of Midland Ward 1 Precinct 6 Registration & Turnout 121

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 6.79%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 6.79%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 7 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

Non Partisan Re91stratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

~ Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 0 0.00%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 14.29%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 2 28.57%

Rick Santorum 4 57.14%

UncommiHed 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

OEM· Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 0 0.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

February 28, 2012 10:46 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 109: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Edenville Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 2,067

Election Day MPR Turnout 278 13.45%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 278 13.45%

Republican ReDistrallon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 273 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 273 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0 J?-Election Day MPR Turnout 5 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

~ Total ... 5 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Primary (Final}

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 17 6.23%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 38 13.92%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 105 38.46%

Rick Santorum 113 41.39%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 273 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final}

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 4 80.00%

Uncommitted 1 20.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 5 0.00%

Paae 1 of 1

Page 110: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Geneva Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 816

Election Day MPR Turnout 123 15.07%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 123 15.07%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 120 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 120 0.00%

Democratic ReQistration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 4 3.33%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 13 10.83%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 39 32.50%

Rick Santorum 62 61.67%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 2 1.67%

Total ... 120 100.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 33.33%

Uncommitted 2 66.67%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

February 28, 2012 10:37 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 111: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Greendale Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,357

Eleclion Day MPR Turnout 170 12.53%

Manual Entry Eleclion Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 170 12.53%

Republican Re~lstration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 167 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 167 0.00%

~ Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Eleclion Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

~ Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrtch 6 3.59%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 21 12.57% Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 39 23.35%

Rick Santorum 99 69.28%

Uncommitted 2 1.20% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 167 0.00%

DEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 66.67%

Uncommitted 33.33%

Wrtte-ln 0 0.00%

Total. .. 3 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:25PM Page 1 of 1

Page 112: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Homer Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,019

Election Day MPR Turnout 197 19.33%

Manual Enlfy Election Day Turnout 0 0.00°/o County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ..• 197 19.33%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 191 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 191 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00%

~ Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% ~ County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total .. , 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 1 0.52%

Newt Gingrich 10 5.24%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 25 13.09%

Rick Perry 2 1.05%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney ea 35.60%

Rick Santorum 84 43.98%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write-In 0.52%

Total .•. 191 100.00%

OEM - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 OverVotes: 0

Barack Obama 4 66.67%

Uncommitted 2 33.33%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total .•. 6 0.00%

February 28,2012 9:15PM Page 1 of 1

Page 113: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Homer Township Precinct 2 ReQistration & Turnout 1,027

Election Day MPR Turnout 189 18.40%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 189 18.40%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 181 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 181 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total .•. 8 0.00%

Non Partisan ReQistrallon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presldental Primal}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 9 4.97%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 17 9.39%

Rick Perry 0.55%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 59 32.60%

Rick Santorum 91 50.28%

Uncommitted 4 2.21%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ..• 181 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primal}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 8 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:19PM Page 1 of 1

Page 114: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Homer Township Precinct 3 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,242

Election Day MPR Turnout 188 15.14%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 188 15.14%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 179 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 179 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 9 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 9 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldefltal Prima~ (Final)

Under VotE!'$: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 2 1.12%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 10 5.59%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 15 8.38%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 1 0.56%

do; Mitt Romney 69 38.55%

Rick Santorum 78 43.58%

Uncommitted 4 2.23%

Write-In 0 0.00%

~ Total.,. 179 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 77.78%

Uncommitted 2 22.22%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 9 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:07PM Page 1 of 1

Page 115: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Hope Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,105

Election Day MPR Turnout 179 16.20%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 179 16.20%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 170 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 170 0.00%

Democratic Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 9 0.00%

Manuel Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 9 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primary (Final)

~ Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 7 4.12%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 22 12.94%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 60 35.29%

Rick Santorum 80 47.06%

Uncommitted 0.59%

Write·ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 170 0.00%

~ OEM • Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 77.78%

Uncommitted 2 22.22%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 9 0,00%

February 28, 2012 9:14PM Paga 1 of 1

Page 116: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Ingersoll Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,264

Election Day MPR Turnoul 186 14.72%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 O.Op%

Total ... 186 14.72%

Republican Re9istration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 184 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 184 0.00%

Democratic Realstration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 2 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 2 O.QO%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0 d?--Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Prima~ (Final) IV Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 8 4.35%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 27 14.67%

Rick Perry 0.54%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 56 30.43%

Rick Santorum 91 49.46%

Uncommitted 0.54%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 184 0.00%

OEM ¥ Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes; 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 2 0.00%

February 28, 2012 8:54PM Page 1 of 1

Page 117: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Ingersoll Township Precinct 2

Registration & Turnout 839

Election Oay MPR Turnout 154 18.36% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 154 18.3G%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

~ Election Day MPR Turnout 148 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 148 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP· Prestdental Primary (Final)

Under Votes; 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 3 2.03% Newt Gingrich 12 8.11%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 24 16.22% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 35 23.65%

Rick Santorum 72 48.65%

Uncommitted 2 1.35% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 148 0.00%

OEM - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: o

Barack Obama 4 66.67% Uncommitted 16.67% Write-In 16.67%

Total ... 6 100.00%

February 28, 2012 8:57PM Page 1 of 1

Page 118: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Jasper Township Precinct 1 ReHistratlon & Turnout 806

Election Day MPR Turnout 76 9.43%

Manual Entty Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 76 9.43%

Reeubllcan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 70 0.00%

Manual Entty Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clelk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 70 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00%

Manual Enlty Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Enlty Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Primal)' (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Voles: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Hannan Cain 0 0.00%

~ Newt Gingrich 3 4.29%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gaty Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 12 17.14%

Rick Party 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

~~ Milt Romney 13 18.57%

Rick Santorum 41 58.57%

Uncommitted 1.43%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 70 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primaty (Final)

Under Voles: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 5 83.33%

Uncommitted 16.67%

WrHe-ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

Februaty 28, 2012 9:43PM Page 1 of 1

Page 119: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Jerome Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 698

Election Day MPR Turnout 129 18.48%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 129 18.48%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 127 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 127 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 2 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 2 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presldental Prlma!1 (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 5 3.94%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 20 15.75%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 54 42.52%

Rick Santorum 48 37.80%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total. .. 127 0.00%

OEM - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Wrne-ln 0 0.00%

Total .•• 2 0.00%

February 28. 2012 9:48PM Page 1 of 1

Page 120: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Jerome Township Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,173

Election Day MPR Turnout 194 16.54%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total .•. 194 16.54%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 182 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

a~--Total ... 182 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 12 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

Non Partisan Refllstratlon & Turnout 0

Elecllon Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Prima!}! (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Hannan Cain 0 0.00% Newt GingriCh 6 3.30%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0.55% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 25 13.74%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 103 56.59%

Rick Santorum 43 23.63% Uncommitted 4 2.20%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 182 0.00%

OEM • Prosidontal Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 10 83.33%

Uncommitted 2 16.67%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 12 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:45PM Page 1 of 1

Page 121: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Jerome Township Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 568

Election Day MPR Turnout 78 13.73%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 78 13.73%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 72 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 72 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP • Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 1 1.39% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 14 19.44%

Rick Perry 1 1.39%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 23 31.94%

Rick Santorum 33 45.83%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total .•. 72 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 3 50.00%

Uncommitted 3 50.00% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

February 28, 2012 10:02 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 122: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Jerome Township Precinct 4 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 1,282

Election Day MPR Turnout 150 11.70%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .• 150 11.70%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 147 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 147 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP· Pres I dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

~ Hennan Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 11 7.48%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

~ Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 12 8.16%

Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 53 36.05%

Rick Santorum 71 48.30%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 147 0.00%

OEM· Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 66.67%

Uncommitted 33.33%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

February 28, 201210:03 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 123: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 26, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Larkin Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,489

Election Day MPR Turnout 285 19.14%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 285 19.14%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 279 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 279 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 6 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldentat Prlmarx (Final)

Under Votes: 0

~ Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.36%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 16 5.73%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 26 9.32%

Rick Perry 3 1.08% Buddy Roemer 0.36% Mitt Romney 110 39.43% Rick Santorum 119 42.65% Uncommitted 3 1.08%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 279 0.00%

DEM • Presidantal Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 4 66.67%

Uncommitted 2 33.33% Write~ In 0 0.00%

Total ... 6 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:16PM Page 1 of 1

Page 124: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Larkin Township Precinct 2 ReDistratlon & Turnout 1,395

Election Day MPR Turnout 315 22.58%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 315 22.68%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Elecllon Day MPR Turnout 312 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 312 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Elecllon Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00% ?j(-Total ... 0 0.00%

REP- Presidantal Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 17 5.45%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 30 9.62%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 141 46.19%

Rick Santorum 119 38.14%

Uncommitted 5 1.60%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total. .. 312 0.00%

OEM - Presldentat Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 3 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total. .. 3 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:05PM Page 1 of 1

Page 125: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Larkin Township Precinct 3 Registration & Turnout 1,107

Election Day MPR Turnout 272 24.57%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 272 24.57%

Republican Rel!lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 264 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 264 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

~ Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Enlry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primal}' (Final)

Under Votes: o

Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 12 4.55%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 17 6.44%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 138 52.27%

Rick Santorum 95 35.98%

Uncommitted 2 0.76%

Wrtte-ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 264 0.00%

~ DEM - Presldental Primal}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Voles: 0

Barack Obama 7 67.50%

Uncommitted 12.50%

Wrtte-ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

Februa 28,2012 9:18PM Page 1 of 1

Page 126: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Lee Township Precinct 1 Re~lstratlon & Turnout 2,184

Election Day MPR Turnout 175 8.01%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ..• 175 8.01%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 167 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 167 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 8 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Tumour 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP· Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 1 0.60%

Herman Cain 1 0.60%

Newt Gingrich 7 4.19%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 23 13.77%

Riel< Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

MIH Romney 51 30.54%

Rick Santorum 83 49.70%

Uncommitted 1 0.60%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 167 0.00%

DEM • Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Baracl< Obama 3 37.50%

Uncommitted 5 62.50%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 8 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:29PM Page 1 of 1

Page 127: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Lee Township Precinct 2 Registration & Turnout 1,718

Election Day MPR Turnout 200 11.64%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 200 11.64%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 189 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 189 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 11 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 11 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 0 0.00%

REP ·Pres/dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0.53%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Ging riel) 5 2.65% Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 27 14.29%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 55 29.10%

Rick Santorum 101 53.44%

Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total. .. 189 0.00%

OEM ·Pres/dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 7 63.64%

Uncommitted 4 36.36%

Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 11 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9;27 PM Page 1 of 1

Page 128: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Porter Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 951

Election Day MPR Turnout 138 14.5H'o

Manual E:ntry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clark Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 138 14.61%

Republican Registration & T~rnout 0 Election Day MPR Turnout 136 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 136 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

cf?-Election Day MPR Turnout 2 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 2 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00°/o Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

~ REP - Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Hannan Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 5 3.68%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00% Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 16 11.76% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 47 34.56%

Rick Santorum 67 49.26%

Uncommitted 1 0.74% Write·ln 0 0.00%

Total... 136 0.00%

OEM - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 100.00%

Uncommitted 0 0.00% Write~ln 0 0.00%

Total ... 2 0.00%

February 28, 2012 8:55PM Page 1 of 1

Page 129: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Lincoln Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,993

Election Day MPR Turnout 302 15.15% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 302 15.15%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 293 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

-[ Total.., 293 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 9 0.00%

r,~ Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 9 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: o

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00% Herman Cain 0 0.00% Newt Gingrich 13 4.44%

Jon Huntsman 1 0.34% Gary Johnson 0 0.00% Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 34 11.60% Rick Perry 0 0.00% Buddy Roemer 0 0.00% Mitt Romney 117 39.93% Rick Santorum 126 43.00% Uncommitted 2 0.66% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 293 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 5 55.56% Uncommitted 4 44.44% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 9 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:26PM Page 1 of 1

Page 130: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Mt. Haley Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,297

Election Day MPR Turnout 205 15.81% Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 205 15.81%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

EJection Day MPR Turnout 188 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 188 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 17 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 17 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0

/(D Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 14 7.45%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00% Ron Paul 20 10.64%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 72 38.30%

Rick Santorum 78 41.49%

Uncommitted 4 2.13%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 188 0.00%

OEM - Presidental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 14 82.35%

Uncommitted 3 17.65% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 17 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:12PM Page 1 of 1

Page 131: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Midland Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,853

Election Day MPR Turnout 305 16.46%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 305 16.46%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 302 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 302 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 3 0.00"/o

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Pres I dental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 21 6.95%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 1 0.33%

Ron Paul 42 13.91%

*~ Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 114 37.75%

Rick Santorum 122 40.40%

Uncommitted 2 0.66%

Write-In 0 0.00"/o

Total ... 302 0.00%

OEM. Presidental Prima!}' (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 3 100.00%

UncommiHed 0 0.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 3 0.00%

February 28, 2012 8:59PM Page1 of 1

Page 132: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Mills Township Precinct 1 ReQistratlon & Turnout 1,415

Election Day MPR Turnout 203 14.35%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 203 14.35%

Republican Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 196 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 196 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 7 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

Non Partisan Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP· Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes; 0 over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 1 0.51%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 8 4.08%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

~ Gary Johnson 0.61%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 28 14.29%

Rick Perry 2 1.02%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mill Romney 47 23.98%

Rick Sa ntorum 106 64.08%

Uncommitted 3 1.53%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 196 0.00%

OEM • Presldental Prima~ (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 6 85.71% Uncommitted 1 14.29%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 7 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:55 PM Paoe t of 1

Page 133: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

Warren Township Precinct 1 Registration & Turnout 1,577

Election Day MPR Turnout 208 13.19%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 208 13.19%

Republican Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 206 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total... 206 0.00%

Democratic Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 2 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total. .. 2 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP - Prestdentat Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Herman Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 10 4.85%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 26 12.62%

Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 53 25.73%

Rick Santorum 111 63.88% Uncommitted 6 2.91% Write-In 0 0.00%

Total... 206 0.00%

OEM - Presldentat Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Barack Obama 2 100.00% Uncommitted 0 0.00%

Write·ln 0 0.00%

Total... 2 0.00%

February 28, 2012 9:23PM Page 1 of 1

Page 134: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


February 28, 2012

Precinct Report

Midland County

City of Coleman Registration & Turnout 950

Elecllon Day MPR Turnoul 76 8.00%

Manual Enlry Election Day Turnoul 0 0.00% County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 76 8.00%

Reeubllcan Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnoul 75 0.00%

Manual Entry Election Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ..• 75 0.00%

Democratic Re~lstratlon & Turnout 0

Eleollon Day MPR Turnout 1 0.00%

Manual Entry Elecllon Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ••• 1 0.00%

Non Partisan Registration & Turnout 0

Election Day MPR Turnout 0 0.00%

Manual Entry Elecllon Day Turnout 0 0.00%

County Clerk Turnout 0 0.00%

Total ... 0 0.00%

REP • Presldental Primary (Final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

Michele Bachmann 0 0.00%

Hannan Cain 0 0.00%

Newt Gingrich 6 8.00%

Jon Huntsman 0 0.00%

Gary Johnson 0 0.00%

Fred Karger 0 0.00%

Ron Paul 11 14.67% A? Rick Perry 0 0.00%

Buddy Roemer 0 0.00%

Mitt Romney 22 29.33%

Rick Santorum 34 45.33%

Uncommitted 2 2.67%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 75 0.00%

DEM • Presldental Primal}: (final)

Under Votes: 0 Over Votes: 0

8arack Obama 0 0.00%

Uncommitted 1 100.00%

Write-In 0 0.00%

Total ... 1 0.00%

February 28. 2012 9:09PM Page 1 of 1

Page 135: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


- I - - - -- --

1-i j -

I Registered %of !Poll !Township or


I Gingrich Voters Voters Book ,City Bachmann : Cain Huntsman

27.25%1 91 JAetna I '

sj I 334 1 1


851 Bloomfield


391 21.74% 0 0 2 !

:t 394 22.84% 90 r Butterfield 0 1 3 --t- - - - --


915 19.02% 174 Caldwell 1 . 2 23 o' 1- - -1l -~ I

658 27.51 % 181 iclam Union 0 7 0 - - J -- -

150 24.00% 1-- 36 J Enterprise 0 0 0 0 - .


ol 827 18.26% 1 1511Forest 2 0 2

! .., - -

163: 17.18% 1 28 : _tlo~and 0: 0 0 01 - -- --- --I I : I I

2168 20.30%! 440 !Lake_ 11 0 27 o: 23.~0% 1

- -

483 113 ] Norwich _j 0 8 oi t- - - I

19.30%1 __ 6§:Pioneer I

342 2 1 0 7 Oj - 1- -

773 22.64%; 175.Reeder 0 1i 8 o' --, -- -I

2231 Richland '

1011 22 .06~ 1 o i 0 16 0 , - - : I I 715 23.78% 170 . Riverside 04 0 2 o:

I -'

,_-:r866%; 64 West Branch o r 0 2 0 __':'j - - i I


. - j -

588 21.77%! 128: Lake City ol 1 6 0 .

- 43712563% - - i I

11 2 'McBain Oi 1 5 11 - I --+

i I

Total i ' I ! 1-- - ' - -- - - I I

1231 10692 21.76% ; 2327 [ 9 7: 1i

Presidential Primary Election Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Missaukee County, Michigan


·-Republican - --

Johnson Karger

I Paul I Perry Roemer Romney I Santorum

0 0 7 1 0 18 ~ 47

0 01 4 0 0 25 i 47 - -- - ,_

~ I

0 0 21 1 0 26 37 -- --I

0 0 6 0 0 67 42 - --

0 0 5 1 0 37 126 --- - - - - -- - -

0 ol 4 1r 0 17 9 --

0 0 5 ! 0 O' 56 70 --,----- ------

0 0 3 0 0 8 16 -

0 0 22 0 0 176 1 153 I o! o, 12 2 0 35 37 t-- I· --1-- -


0 0 161 0 0 15 22


!------- - - -0 0 3 0 51 77 -

_2 j 0 9 0 0 49 146 - - - - -

' 0 ' 0 15 01 0 49 100 -

0 ol 8 0 0 18 27 1-

I - -

1 0 14 0 0 43 50 -- I----I

0· 0 2 o, 0 29 65 -

I I i I

~- ol----

ol I

167i 8 719 1071

101l , ... , ,. ! C'· 3 L "· , " - :J \ t· 8

OEP . I .:.· ;:··! 1\T'; - I '- 1 '1 ·d r [. -


Uncommitted Write-In Obama Uncommitted Write-In I

1 8 11

0 6 1 - - -

0 0 0 - -- -

10 15 7 ! - ,_ -I

2 2 ol -- -0 1 3 - -

3 9 4 - -

0 1 o' - -- I

' 12 40 81 .

___ _ 1~-- --5 11

1 2 11 -- - I -

3 17 Or - -

0 3 01 -- I -

3 1 0 - - - - -- - -

1 7 1 - - -

- - --. - -

1 9 1, --- - -I

4 4 1f --


-- -

46 0 136 0

Page 136: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:44AM No. 7038 P. 13

Statement of Votes Cast Datc:02128/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49 l'age:l2 of 15

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

DEM Prosidcnl

Reg. Voters Times Total Votes B•rock Obama (DEI\1) Uncommiued Counted

Monroe Township, Precinct 3 1019 $ s 4 80.00% I 20.00% Monroe Township, Precinct4 2179 7 7 5 71.43% 2 28.57% Monroe Township, Precinct 5 2228 6 6 6 100.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Precinct 6 1664 $ 5 3 60.00'A. 2 40.00% MontOe Township, A VCB 7 I 252 251 182 72.51% 69 27.49% Raisinville Township, Prccim:l J 2117 II II 8 72.73% 3 27.27% Raisinville Township, Ptcc:inct 2 2407 9 9 5 55.56% 4 44.44% Raisinville Township, A VCB 3 I 122 122 90 73.77% 32 26.23% Summerfield Township, Precinct I 2406 27 27 23 85.19% 4 14.81% Whiteford Township, Precinct I :~40 43 43 35 81.40% 8 18.60%

• I Townshio. P«oinCI 2 I 76 II II 8 72.7)% 3 27.27% Total IIIllS 3133 Jill 2463 79.17% 632 20.32%

Page 137: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2 0 12 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 5

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49

Page:4 of IS 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races REP President

Reg. Voters Tim~s Counted Tolal Voles Michele Bachmann Hennon C•in (REP) (REP)

Monro.c Town~hip, Precii'ICt3 1019 124 124 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Prccincl4 2179 142 142 0 0.00% I 0.70% Monroe: TOWfl$hip, Prceinot S 2228 191 191 0 0.00% I 0.52% Monroe ToWJ\ship, Precincl6 1664 162 162 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, AVCB 7 I 393 l92 I 0.26% 0 0.00% Raisinvillc Township, Precinct I 2117 271 271 I 0.37% 0 0.00% RAI!:iinville Township, Precinct 2 2407 221 221 I 0.45% 0 0.00% R>islnville Township, 1\VCB l I 282 282 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Summerfield Township, Precir.ct t 2406 329 329 0 0.00% I Q_jQ%

Whiteford Township, Precinct I 1940 255 2SS ~ ~·~~~ 0 0.00% Whheford TownshiP. Precinct 2 1576 221 221 0 0.00% Total II ISIS 14730 14723 3S 0.24% II 0.07%

Page 138: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 7

Statement of Votes Cast Dale:02128/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:S2:49 r~se:6 of IS

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

RE.P f'rcsidc:nl

Newt Gingrich (REP) Jon Hunl5man {REP} Osry Johnson Fred Ka'Sor (REP) (REP)

Monroe Township, Precinct3 5 4,0)% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Precincl 4 6 4.2)% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe iown!lhip, Prccimn S 2 ),05% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'1. Monroe Township, Precincl 6 7 4.)2% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, AVCB 7 51 13.01% I 0.26% I 0.26% 0 0.00% Rsi!linvillc Township, Precinct I 22 8.12% 0 0.00% 0 0.000/4 0 0.00% Raisinville Township, Precinct 2 ) l.J6% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.45% Raisinvilh:: Township, AVCB 3 43 15.25% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Summerfield Township, Preeincl I 24 7.29% 0 0.00% 0 0,00% 0 0.00% Whiteiord Township, Prtcinct I 27 10.59% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'/o 0 0.00% Whiteford Township, Precinct 2 '" R.l4o/. 0 0.00% I 0.45% I 0.45% Total 1075 7.30% 12 0.08% 5 0.03% 14 0.10%

Page 139: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 9

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28/12

Monroe County, MI Timc:22:S2:49

Poge:8 of IS 20 12 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races REP Prcs.idenl

Ron Paul (REP) Rick Perry (REP) · Buddy Rotmc:r Mill Romney (REP) (REP)

Monroe T6wnship1 Precinct J II 8.87% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 49 39.52% Monroe Township, Precinct 4 16 11.27% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 61 42.96% Monroe TDwnship, Precinct 5 2S 13.09% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 90 47.12% Monroe Township, Precinct 6 19 11.73% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 76 46.91% Monroe Township, A VCB 7 16 4.08% 2 O.SI% I 0.26% 208 53.06% Raisinville Township, rrecincc I 36 13.28% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 73 26.94% Raisinvillc 'fowm:hip, Pn:oinc1 2 17 7.69% 0 0.00% I 0.45% 8S 38.46% Rsisinville Township, AVCB J IS 6.38% 0 0.00% I 0.35% 123 43.62% Summerliold T owmhip, Ptecinct I 34 10.33% I 0.30% 0 0.00% 112 34.04%

Whitcfotd T~::~!:~ ~~ecinct I 32 12.55% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% ~~ ~~.12% Whiteford TO\ · recinct 2 25 11.31% 0 0.00% I 0.45% l 94% Total 1623 11.02% 19 0.13% 19 0.13% 5338 36.26%

Page 140: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM

Statement of Votes Cast Monroe County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary sovc For Jurisdiction All mtPrQ

Mn<>rneTo''"'h,io~ PrecinCI4 Mo.•M•Tm•m•h.i~, Precinct 5 Mn,,M.'rnumohln Precinct 6

AVCB7 Prcc::inc! I Precinct 2


Rick Sanlorum (REP)

40.85% 38.22% .37.04% 20.92% >0.18% 50.68%

0 0 0

29 3 I

21 0 6

Wrilc·ln Voles

All Races

No. 7038 P. 11

Dale:OV28/12 Time:22:52:49 Page: 10 of 15

Page 141: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:42AM No. 7038 P. 3

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/281!2

Monroe County, MI Th:ne:22:52:49

Page:2 of 15 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races TURN OU'r

Reg. Voters Cards Cast % Turnout

Monroe Township, Precinct3 1019 129 J2.66o/. Monroe Township, Precincl 4 2179 149 6.84'11 Monroe Township, Precinct 5 2228 197 8.84'11 Monroe Township, Precinot6 1664 167 10.04'11 Monroe Township, A YCB 7 I 6454500.00'11 Raitinvillc Township, Pre<:"inot I 2117 282 13.32'11 Raisinville Township, Precinct 2 2407 230 9.56'11 Raisinville Township, AVCB 3 I 4~00.00'11 Summerfield Townsbip, Precincl I 2406 356 14.8~~ While ford Township, Precinct I :~~~ 298 15.36'1. Whitcrord Town!.hiP. Preoinct2 m 14.72'11 Total II ISIS 17863 16.02%

Page 142: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 6

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49 Page:S of IS

20 12 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

k.EP President

Newt Gingrich (REP) Jon Huntsman (I<EP) Gary Johnson Fred Karger (REP) (REP)

Jurisdiclion Wide City oflunn Pier, Precinct I 7 5.38% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 O.OOo/11 City of Milar~, Precinct I 13 7,34% 0 0.00% I 0.56% 0 0.00% Chy of Monroe. Precinct I 4 2.25% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.56% City of Monroe, Precinct 2 3 1.7}% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 O.OCfAI City of Monroe. Precinct .lN I 1.23% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% City of Men roc. Precinct JS I 2.6J% 0 0.00% 0;.. 0 O.{)()'Y. City of Monroe, Prcc:incl 4 $ 2.09% 0 O.Wib 0 O.oor'A. I 0.42% City of Monroe. P1ecinct 5 g ).21% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.000/, Cily of Monroe, Precinct 6 16 8.21% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% CityofMonroc,AVCB 7 43 8.40% 0 0.00% I 0.20% 0 0.00% City otPc:tcT!iburs, Precinct I 7 8.05% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ash Township, Precinct l IS S.9S% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ash Township, Precinct 2 24 7.64% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ash Township, Prc:cincl 3 19 7.69% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.40% Bedford Township, PreoinCI I 7 S.74% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bodford Town'lhip, Pr~inct 2 21 8.24% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 3 II S.31% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 O.OOOk Bedford Township, Prooinol4 17 S.88% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.69% Bedford Town&hip, ·PrecinctS 21 8.24% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 6 29 8.43% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Towm1hip, Precinct 7 27 9.82% I 0.36% 0 0.00% 0 O.OO'A Bedford Township, PrecinctS 3S 10.29% I 029% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 9 IS 9.73% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 10 8 4.49% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct II 3S 10.48% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% B«<ford To\mship, Precinct 12 22 8.66% 2 0.79% 0 ·0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precincl13 IS 6.91% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, f:Jrcclnct 14 g 6.84% I 0.85% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% B<:rlin Townlihip, Precinct 1 7 4.93% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.1)0% Berlin Township, P~clnct 2 2S 7.76% I 0.31% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Berlin Township, Prt:einct.l 23 9.79% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Berlin Township, Precinct 4 17 6.85% 0 O.OOo/1) 0 0.00% I 0.40% Ound~ Town.!ihip, ~cccincl I II 5.19% 0 0.00'/o 0 0.00% I 0.47% Dundee Town,hip, Precincl 2 14 6.80% 0 0.00% 0 O.llO%, 0 0.00% Dundee TownJhip, Precinct 3 5 2.59% 0 O.OO'A. 0 O.OOo/q 0 0.00% !!ric Township. Prccincl I 22 9.05% 0 O.OW.t, 0 0.00% 0 O.OOo/. Brie Towm:hip, Precincl 2 17 10.56% 0 0.00% I 0.62% 0 0.00% Bxc1er Township, Precinct I 13 5.75% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'/, 0 0.00% Exc:lcr Township, Ptceinct 2 7 2.95% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.84% Frenchtown Township, Pr«inc:t I 2 3..51% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 2 2 1.96% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Precincl 3 10 7.7S% 0 O.OO'A. 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Procinct4 14 8.24% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 O.OO'A Frenchtown Towtl!lhip, Precinct 5 5 5.05% 0 O.OO'A 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frcnehtown Township, Precinct 6 10 7.94% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.79% Frenchtown Township, Prc:cinct 7 12 5.48% I 0.46% 0 0.00% 0 O.OO'A. Fronchtown Town&hip, PrecinctS 10 7,2;% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.72% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 9 5 S.l6% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, AVCB 1 27 12.44% 0 0.000.4 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, AVCB 2 49 16.44% 0 0.000/o 0 0.00'1, 0 0.00% Ida Township, Precim:l 1 23 6.91% 2 0.60% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ida Township, Precinct2 19 ·6.27% I 0.)3% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% LaSalle Township, Precinct I 16 6.50% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% LaSalle Township, Precinct2 24 7.19% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Lllndon Township, Precinct I 1 2.98% 0 0.00'1, 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Milan Township, Precinct I 17 7.S2% I 0.44% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% M~mroe Township, Precinct I II 12.22% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 1.1,1% Monroe Township, Prccinc~ 2 3 6.67% 0 O.OOo/• 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Page 143: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 12

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28fl2

Monroe County, Ml Time:22:52:49 Page: II of IS

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

OEM Prc:sidcnl

Reg. VoJers Times Total Votes Barack Obama (DEM) Uncornmined Counted

Jurisdiction Wide City of Luna Pier, Prccim:l I 11~2 27 27 19 70.)7% 8 29.63% City o(Mil:m, Precinct I 1412 27 27 21 77.78% 6 22.22% CilyofMonroc, Precinct I 2544 19 19 17 89.47% 2 10.53% Cily of Monroe, Precinct 2 2417 7 7 s 71.43% I 14.29% Ci1y of Monroe, Precinct JN 1179 3 3 I )3.)3% 2 66.67% City of Monroe, Precinct3S 1348 10 10 10 100.00% 0 0.00% City of Monroe, Precinct 4 2700 IS IS 13 86.67% 2 llJ3% City .of Monroe, Precinct 5 2789 13 IJ 12 92.31% I 7.69% City of Monroe, Precinct 6 2400 15 15 14 93.33% I 6.67% Chy of Monro<>, AVCB 7 I 431 426 360 84.51% 65 15.26% City of P~teflburg, P~lnct I 791 8 8 7 87.50"/o I 12.SO"/o Ash Township, Precinct I 2177 42 41 26 63,41% IS 36.59% Ash Township, Precinct 2 1999 36 36 31 86.11% 5 13.89% Ash Township, Preoinct 3 1755 39 38 27 71.05% II 28.95% Bedford Township, Precincl I 106) 29 29 20 68.97% 9 31.03% Bt:dford Township, Precinct 2 1772 49 48 39 81.25% 9 18.75% Bedford Township, Precinct 3 1575 45 45 30 66.67% IS 33.33% Bcdfonl Township, Procinct4 2129 73 73 55 75.34% 18 24.66% Bedford Township, Precincl.S 1829 68 68 54 79.41% 14 20.59% Bedford Township, Pr<eincl 6 2020 55 54 45 83.33% 7 12.96% Bedford Town&hip, Preeinct 7 1720 72 68 57 83.82% II 16.18% Bedrord Township, Precinct 8 1744 43 43 34 79.07% 9 20.93% Bedford Township, Pr<:cincl 9 1146 42 42 35 83.33% 6 14.29% Bedford Township, Precinct 10 1238 28 26 25 96.1S% I 3.85% Bedford Township, Precinct II 217S 67 67 56 83.58% II 16.42% Bedford Township, Precinct 12 140 Jl 31 26 83.87% 5 16.13% Bedford Township, Precinct lJ 1639 67 67 49 73.13% 16 2-3.88% Bedford Township, Precinct l-4 1776 S9 S9 49 83.05% 10 16.95% Berlin Township, Precinct I 1593 25 25 19 76.00% 6 24.()0% Berlin Township, Precinct 2 2434 7S 7S ss 7J.JJ% 20 26.67% Berlin Township, Precinct 3 1191 50 49 41 83.67% 8 16.33% Berlin Township, Prccinc14 1798 57 $7 47 82.46% 10 17.54% Dundee Township. Prto.::inct I 1786 27 27 21 77.78% 6 22.22%

. Dundee Township, Precinct 2 20$0 34 34 26 76.47% 8 23.53% Pund<:e: Township, Precinct 3 1291 13 13 10 76.92% 3 23.08% Erie Township, Precinct I 1762 66 66 47 71.21% 19 28.79% Erie Township, Precinct 2 IS66 39 39 27 69.23% 12 30.77% Ex<:tcr Towm:hip, Pnx:inct I 1404 52 52 43 82.69% 9 17.31% Exeter Township, Precinct 2 1521 40 40 33 82.50% 7 17.50% Frenchtown Township, Precincl 1 649 8 8 4 50.00% 4 50.00% Frenchtown Township, Pm:ino:t 2 1253 2 ·2 2 100.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown T~wn&hip, Precinct3 1278 3 3 I 33.33% 2 66.67% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 4 1866 4 4 4 I 00.00"/o 0 0.00% Frenchtown Town!.hip, Precinct .S 2495 7 7 s 71.43% 2 28.57% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 6 1974 9 9 5 55.56% 3 33.33% ~renchtown Township, Precinct 7 2348 II II 8 72.73% 2 18.18% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 8 1576 6 6 3 50.00% I 16.67% Frenchtown Township, Prc::cino:t 9 1463 II II 6 54.55% 4 36.36% Frenehtowtl To\1/Nihip, AVCB I I 187 186 152 81.12% 33 17.74% Fronohlown Township, A VCB 2 I 254 252 207 82.14% 44 17.46% Ida Township, Precinct I 2030 21 21 12 S7.14% 9 42.86% Ida Township, Precinct 2 1876 24 24 21 87.SO"A. 3 12.50% LaSalle Township, Precinct I 1681 44 44 34 77.27% 9 20.45% LaSalle Township, Precinct 2 2027 47. 46 38 82.61% 8 17.39% London Township, Precinct I 2295 59 58 51 87.93% 6 10.34% Milan Town!ihip, Precinct I 1380 29 29 24 82.76% 5 17.24% Monroe Township, Precinct I 1)06 4 4 4 100.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Pretinct 2 1425 7 7 7 100.00% 0 0.00"/o

Page 144: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:42AM No. 7038 P. 4

Statement of Votes Cast Da1e:02128/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49 Page:3 of IS

20 12 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

REP l"residenl

Reg. Votcn Times: Counted Total Votes Michele Bachmann Herman Cain (REP) (REP)

Jurisdiction Wide City of Luna Pier, Prccincl I 1182 130 llO 3 2.31% 0 0.00% Cily of Milan, Precincl I 1412 17? 177 I 0.$6% 0 0.00% Cily of Monroe, Precinct I 2544 178 178 2 !.12% 0 0.00% Cily of Monroe, Precinct 2 2417 115 115 0 0.00% 0 0.00% City or Munroe, Pwcinct JN 1179 Nl ~I 0 0.00% 0 0.00% City or Monrcx. rl\.'\!inct JS D4~ 3~ )S 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Cily of Mun~. Prccint:l 4 2700 2J9 JJ9 I 0.42% 0 0.00% City of Monroe. Precinct S 2189 249 249 0 0.00"/o 0 0.00% City of Monroe, Prccinat 6 2400 195 195 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Cily of Monroe, A VCB 7 I 513 512 2 0.39% I 0.20% City ofPe:tcf!iburs, Precinct I 791 87 87 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ash Township, Precincl I 2177 252 252 I 0.40% 0 0.00% Ash Township, Pr«:incl 2 1999 )14 314 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ath TownJhip, Pr~inct3 1755 247 247 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Town~hip, Precinct I 1063 122 122 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 2 1772 255 255 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Town$hip, Prccinot .3 1575 207 201 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 4 2129 289 289 2 0.69% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, PrecinctS 1829 255 255 2 0.78% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precincl6 2020 344 344 0 0.00% I 0.29% Bedford Township, Prctlmll 7 1720 275 215 0 0.00% I 0.36% Bedford 'rowm.hip, Prccinot 8 1744 340 340 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 9 1146 185 185 0 0.000/o 0 0.00% Bf;dford rown$hip, Prccinet 10 1238 178 178 2 1.12% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct II 2175 334 334 0 0.00% ·o 0.00% Bedford Township, Prwinct 12 140 256 254 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bodford Township, Precinctl3 1639 217 217 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bedford Township, Precinct 14 1776 117 117 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Bertin Township, Prwin(lt I 1593 142 142 0 0.00% 0 0,00% B~lin Township, Precinct 2 2434 322 322 I 0.31% I 0.31% Berlin Township, Precinct 3 1191 235 23S 0 0.00% 1 0.43% Perlin Township, Prtcinct 4 1798 248 248 I 0.40% 0 0.00% Dundee Township, Precinct I 1786 212 212 3 1.42% 0 0.00% Dundee Township, Precinct 2 2050 )06 206 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Dundee Township, Ptc.'Cinct) 1291 194 193 0 0.00"/o 0 0.00"/o l:irio Township, Precinct I 1762 245 243 0 0.00% 0 0.00% l!rie Township, Precinct 2 1566 161 161 I 0.62% 0 0.00"/o Exeter Township, Prwinct I 1404 226 226 I 0.44% 0 0.00% E:~~ctcrTownship, Precinct2 1521 237 237 0 OJXl% 0 0.00% Fren¢htown Township, Precinct 1 649 57 57 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Pret::inct 2 1253 102 10~ 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, PJ'e()int.:l3 1278 129 129 0 0.00% I 0.78% Fnmchtown Township, Precinct 4 1866 170 170 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Precinct S 2495 99 99 0 0.00% 0 0.()0% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 6 1974 126 126 I 0.79% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 7 2348 219 219 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township. Precinct 8 1576 138 138 I 0.72% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Towru;hip, Precin<:l 9 1463 95 95 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown Township, A VCB I I 217 217 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Frenchtown ToWJ\ship, A VCB 2 I 298 298 0 0.00% I 0.34% Tda Township, Precinct 1 2030 m 333 I 0.30% 0 0.00% Ida Towns.hip, Precinct 2 1876 303 303 I 0.33% 0 0.00% LaSalle ToWl'l&hip, Precinct I 1681 246 246 0 0.00% 0 0.00% LaSalle Township, Precinct 2 2027 334 334 2 0.60% I 0.30% London Township, Precinct 1 2295 235 m 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Milan Township, P.winct 1 1380 226 226 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Precinct I 1306 90 90 0 0,00% 0 0.00% Monroe Township, Precinct 2 1425 45 45 I 2.22% 0 0.00%

Page 145: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. 8

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02128/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:S2:49

Page:7 of 15 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races REP President

Ron Paut (REP) Rick Peny (REP) Buddy Roemer Mill Romney (REP) (REP)

Jurisdiction Wide Chy of luna Pier, Precinct I ll 11.54% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% )) 2S.)8% City or Milan, P~Win..:t I IJ 7.J4% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 79 44.63% Cily o( Monroe, Prccim:l I n IK.54% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 54 30.34% Cily or Munroe, Pr~c:in~:tl 2M 16.00% 2 1.14% I 0.57% 70 40.00% Chy of Monroe, Precinct )N 10 12.3$% I i.l3% 0 0.00% 24 29.6)% City of Monroe, Precinct 3S 10 26.)2% 0 0.00% 0 0.()()% 8 21.05% Chy or Monroe. Prwinct 4 )4 14.23% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 89 )7.24% Chy of Monroe, PrecinctS 24 9.64% I 0.40% 0 0.00% 98 )9.)6% City of Monroe, Prc:cincl 6 21 10.77% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 77 )9.49% Chy o!Monroc, AVCB 1 28 5.47% 0 0.00% I 0.20% 247 48.24% City ofPelc:~burs, Pre:cinct I I) 14.94% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 32 36.78% Ash Township~ Precirn:l l 40 15.87% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 86 34.!3% Ash Township, Procin<l 2 49 15.61% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ill 3S.3S% Ash Township, Precinct 3 23 9.31% 2 0.81% I 0.40% 73 29.55% Bedford Township, Precinct I IS 12.30% 0 0.00% 2 1.64% 34 27.87% Bedford Township, Prccinct2 28 10.98% I 0.39% 0 0.00% too 39.22% Bedford Township, Precinct 3 26 12.56% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 60 28.99% Bedford Town~hip, Precinct 4 45 !5.57% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 85 29.41% Bc::dford Township. PrecinctS 33 12.94% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 88 34.51% Bedford Township, Prec:incl 6 n 9.30% I 0.29% -I 0.29% 118 34.30% Bedford Town:;hip, Precinct 7 26 9.45% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 94 34.!8% Bedford Township, Precinct 8 37 10.88% 2 0.59% 0 0.00',\ 124 36.47% Bedfonl Township, Pn;cincl9 18 9.73% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 64 34.59% fledford Township, PrteinctiO 27 15.17% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 66 37.08% Bedford Township, Precinct II 37 11.08% 0 0.00% I 0.30% 97 29.04% Bedford Township, Precinct 12 27 10.63% 0 0.00% I 0.39% 91 3$.83% Bedford Township, Precinct13 26 11.98% I 0.46% 0 0.00% 76 )5.02% Bedford Township, Precinct 14 10 8.SS% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 42 35.90% Berlin Township, Precinct I IS 10.56% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 52 36.62% Berlin Township, Prc;cinct 2 45 13.98% 2 0.62% I 0.31% 96 29:81% f3crlin Township, Prccincl .3 19 8.09% 0 0.00% I 0,43% 83 35.32% Berlin Township, rrecincl 4 l7 10.89% 2 0.81,, 0 0.00% 94 37.90% Dundee Town!'hip, !Jrcdncl I 25 11.79% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 77 36.32% Dundee Township, Precinct 2 20 9.71% 0 0.00',\ 0 O.OO'A. 89 43.20% Dundee Township, Prccincol 3 20 10.36% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 82 42.49',\ Eric Township, P~incl I 20 8.23% 0 0.00% I 0.41% 73 J0.04% Erie To~Hnship, Preclncl 2 20 12.42% 0 0.00% I 0.62% )7 22.98% Exeter Township, PrCQincl I 24 10.62% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 65 28.76% Exeter Town&hip1 Precinct 2 36 15.19% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 77 32.49% Frenchtown Township, Pre<:incl I s 8.71% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 30 S2.63% frenchtown Township, Precinct 2 8 7.&4% I 0.98% 0 0.00% 30 29.41% Frnnchlown Township, rrecinct 3 25 19.38% 0 0.00',\ 0 0.00% 29 22.48% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 4 14 8.24% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 79 46.47% Frenchtown Township, Precinct S 20 20.20% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 29 29.29% Frenchtown Township, PrecinCI 6 21 16.67% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 31 24.60% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 7 32 14.61% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 75 34.25% Frenchtown Towtlship1 Precinct 8 15 10.87% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 39 28.26% Frenchtown To\lfflship, Precinct 9 12 !2.63% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 35 36.&4% Fr;nchtown T~;nvnship, A VCB I !2 5.53% 0 0.00% I 0.46% 96 44.24% Frenchtown Township, AVCB 2 IS S.03% 0 0.00% 0 0.00',\ 142 47.6S% Ida Township, Precinct I 32 9.61% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 114 34.23% Ida Township, Precinct 2 26 8.58% 0 0.00% 2 0.66% 118 38.94% LaSalle Township, Precinct I 21 8.54% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 101 41.06% LaS111Ie: Township, Ptecinot 2 JS 10.48% 0 0.00',\ 0 0.00%" 110 32.93% London Township, Precinct I 40 17.02% 0 0.00'/, 0 0.00% 72 30.64% Mill'ln Township, Precinct I 22 9.73% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 92 40.71% Montoe Township, Precinct I 9 10.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 21 23.33% Monroe Township, Prednct 2 II 24.44% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% II 24.44%

Page 146: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:43AM No. 7038 P. I 0

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49

Page:9 of IS 2012 Presidential Primary

SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races REP Pr~;:!Oid~nl

Rick Sanlorum (REP) Uncommin~d Wrhc~ln Votes

Jurisdiction Wide City o( Luna Pier, Prccincl I 66 50.77% 5 3.85% I 0.77'1. Cily ofMilnn, Prccincl I 6~ )~A2% ) 1.1)% 0 0.00'1. Cily of Monroe, rredn!!t I !J 46.63% I 0.56% 0 0.00'1. City or Monroc,l'rccinctl 69 39.43% 2 }.14% 0 0.00'¥. City ofMonroo, Precin~1 JN 4S 55.56% 0 O.OCW.~~o 0 0.00'1. Chy of Monroe, Prccincl JS 19 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'¥. City of Monroe, Precinct 4 108 45.19% I 0.42% 0 O.OO'A Chy of Monroe, PrecinctS 116 46.59% 2 0.800/o 0 0.00'1. City of Monroe, Precinct 6 81 41.54% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'1. City or Monro>, A VCB 7 152 29.69% )6 7,03% I 0.20'Y. Chy of Pc1crsburg, Precinct 1 35 40.23% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'¥. Ash To'Wtl&hip, Precinct I 106 42.06% 4 1.59% 0 0.00'!. Ash Township, Precinct 2 123 39.17% 7 2.23% 0 0.00'!. A•h 'l'ownohip, Preoinct 3 122 49.39% 5 2.02% I 0.40'!. Bedford ToWI'I~hip, Pteeirict I 58 47.54% 6 4.92% 0 0.00'!. Bedford Township, Precinct 2 97 38.1)4% g 3.14% 0 O.OO'Y. Bedford Township, Prccinel 3 lOS 50.72% 4 1.93% I 0.48'!. Bedford Township, Precinct4 133 46.02% 5 1.73% 0 0.00'1. Bedford Township, Precinct S 107 41.96% 4 I.S1% 0 0.00'1< Bedford Township, Precinct 6 156 45.35% 6 1.74% 0 0.00'!. Bedford Township, Precincl 7 116 42.18% 10 3.64% 0 0.00~

Bedford Township, P~incl 8 129 37-94% 12 3.53% 0 0.00'!. Bedford Township, Precinct 9 76 41.08% 9 4.86% 0 0.00~

Bedford Township, Procinel 10 72 40.45% 3 1.69% 0 O.OO'A Bedford Township, Precinct 11 159 47.60% 5 1.50'!. 0 0.00'1. Bedford Township, Precinct 12 107 42.13% 4 1.57% 0 0.0~ Pedford Township, Precinct I) 94 43.32% 5 2.30% 0 0.00'!. Bedford Township, Precinct 14 49 41.88% 7 5.98% 0 0.00'1. Berlin Township, Precinct l 68 47.89% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'!. Berlin Township, Precinct 2 142 44.10'/o 8 2.48% 0 0.00'1. Berlin Township, Precinct J 11)4 44.26% 4 1.70% 0 0.00'1. Berlin Township, Pr«"incl 4 102 4).1)% 4 1.61% 0 O.OO'A Dundee Township, Pr~inct I 85 40.09% 10 4.72% 0 0.00'¥. Dundee Township, Precinct 2 80 3U3% 3 1.46% 0 0.00'11 Dundee Township. Prccincll 83 43.01% 3 1.55% 0 0.00'1. Erie Township, Precinct I 116 47.74% 10 4.12% I 0.41'¥. Eric: Township, P~oinot 2 80 49.69% 4 2.48% 0 0.00'!. Exeter Township, Precinct I 120 53.10% l 1.33% 0 0.00% Exeter Township, Pr~inct 2 111 46.84% 4 !,69'A. 0 0.00'1. Fr;nchlowtl Township, Precinct I 20 35.09'/o 0 0.00% 0 0.00'1. Frenchtown Township, Precincl 2 58 56.86% J 2.94% 0 0.00'1. Frenchtown Township, Precinct 3 64 49.61% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'!. Frenchtown Township, Precinet 4 63 37.06% 0 O.CXl% 0 0.00'¥. Frenohtown Township, Precinct S 45 45.45% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'¥. FrenchtOwn Township, Prroinct 6 61 48,41% I 0.79',1, 0 0,00'!. Frenchtown Township, P~inct 7 99 45.21% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'¥. Ftenchtown. Township, Precincl 8 71 SI.4S% I 0.72% 0 o.~~ Frenchtown Township, Pm~inct 9 43 45.26% 0 0.00% 0 0.00'1. Frenchtown Township, A VCB I 6S 29.95% 16 7.37% 0 O.OOji Frenchtown Town5hip, A VCB 2 73 24.50% 18 6.04% 0 0.00'¥. I& Township, Precinct I 160 48.05% I 0.30% 0 0.00'1. Ida Township, Precinct 2 132 43.56% 4 1.32% 0 0.~ Walle Township, Precinct I !OJ 41.87% s 2.03% 0 ~::1 LaSalle Township, Prtcincl2 152 45.51% 10 2.99% 0 o. London Town5hip, Precinct 1 109 46.38% 6 2.55% I 0.43'¥. Mil11n Towt~ship, Precinct I 89 39.38% 5 2.21% 0 O.OOj.l Monroe Township, Precinct I 48 53.33% 0 0.00"/a 0 0.00'!. Monroe Township, Preeinet 2 19 42.22% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Page 147: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:42AM No. 7038 P. 2

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02128/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49 Page: I of 15

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races


Reg, Votcrn Cards Cast % Twnout

Jurisdiction Wide City of Luna Pier, Precinct I 1182 157 13.28% Chy of Milan, Precinct I 1412 204 14.4S% City of Monroe, Pretincl l 2544 197 7.74% City of Monroe, Precinct 2 2417 182 7.S3% City of Monroe, Precinct 3N 1179 84 7.1211, Cily of Monro~. Precinct JS 1348 48 3.56'!. Cily of Monroe, Precinct"' 2700 254 ':)AJ"A City of Monroe, Precinct 5 2789 l62 9.39o/i City of MOnroe, PrecinCl6 2400 210 8.75'!. City of Monroe, A VCB 7 I 9444400.0011, City of Petersburg, Precinct I 791 9S 12.01% A'h Town!'lhip, Precinct 1 2177 294 13.50% Ash Township, Precinct 2 1999 J50 17.51'11 Ash Township, ProcinctJ 175S 286 16.)0% Bedford Township, Precinct l 1063 lSI 14.2!~ Bedford Townshipf Precinct 2 1772 304 17.16 Bedford Township, Precinct 3 1$75 m 16.00% Bedford Township, P~inct 4 2129 362 17.0011, Bedford Township, PrecinctS 1829 323 17.66% Bcd(ord Township, Precinct 6 2020 399 19.7511, Bedford Township, Precinct 7 1120 347 20.17% Bedford Township, Precinct 8 1744 383 21.96% Bedford Township, Precinct 9 1146 227 19.81% Bedford Township, Precinct 10 1238 206 16.64% Bod(ord Town•hip, Precinct II 2115 401 18.44% Bedford Township, Precinct 12 140 287 205.00% Bedford Township, Prccincll3 1639 284 17.33% Bcdrard Township, Precinct 14 1776 176 9.91% Berlin Township, Prwinct I 1593 167 10.48% Serlin Township, Pr(Xlinc::t 2 2434 397 16.31% Berlin Township, Precinct 3 1191 285 23.9311, Berlin Township, Precinct 4 1198 lOS 16.96% Dundee: Township, Precinct I 1786 239 IJ.J8o/. Dundee Township, Pre<:inct 2 2050 240 11.71% Dundee Township, Precinct 3 1291 201 16.03% !Jric Township, Precinct I 1762 311 17.65% Brie Township, Precinct 2 1566 200 12.77'!. El(clcr Township. Precinct I 1404 278 19.8W. Exeter Township, Precinct 2 1521 277 18.21% frenchtown Township, Precinct I 649 65 10.02% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 2 1253 104 8.30'Y< frenchtown Township, Precinct 3 1278 132 10.33% Frcnchtllwn Towns.hip, Preeinot4 1866 174 9.32o/. Frenchtown Township1 Precinct S 2495 106 4.25% Frenchtown Township, Pn:cinct 6 1974 135 6.84% Frenchtown Town,hip, Precinet 7 2348 230 9.80% Frenchtown Township, Precinct 8 IS76 144 9.14% Frenchtown Township, ~inct 9 14~3 106 7.25% Frenchtown Township, AVCB I I 4040400.00% Frenchtown Township, A VCB 2 I 5525200.0011 lda Township, PJt;cinct 1 2030 354 17.44% Ida. Tllwnship, Precinct 2 1876 327 17.43% "· LaSalle Township, Prc:cinot I 1681 290 17.25% La.Sallc Towt~ship, PrecinCl 2 2027 381 18.8011 London Township, Precinct I 229S ' 294 12.81% Milan Town~hip, Precinct I 1380 2SS 18.48% Monroe Township, P~itx:t J 1306 94 7.2W. Monro; Township, Prcoinet 2 1425 52 3.6So/,

Page 148: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:44AM

Monroe Precinct 4 Monroe Precinct S Monroe Precinct 6 Monroe AVCB 7

Statement of Votes Cast Monroe County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary . w· All rmmtPr<

No. 7038 P. 15

All Races

Page 149: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:44AM No. 7038 P. 14

Statement of Votes Cast Date:02/28/12

Monroe County, MI Time:22:52:49 Page:l3 of 15

2M2 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races

DEM President

Write· In Votes

Jurisdiction Whl\t Cily of Lpna Pior, Precinct I 0 O.()Oo/c

City of Milan, Precinct I 0 O.OOo/o Cily of MonrOoC, Precinct l 0 O.OO'Y. Cily of Monroe, Prccinc1 2 I 14.29'Y< City of Monroe, Precinct 3N 0 O.OO'Y< City of MonrO<:, Precinct 3S 0 0.001'< City of Monroe, Precinct 4 0 o.oo'Y< City of Monroe, Precinct 5 0 0.00"/( City of Monroe, Prccinct6 0 0.001'< City of Monroe, A VCB 7 I 0.23'Y< CilyofPetersburg, Precinct! 0 O.OO'Y< Ash Township, PJWinc:t I 0 Ash Township, Precinct 2 0 0.00"-' Ash Township, Prc<:inct3 0 o.oo~'<

Bedford Township, Precinel I 0 0.001'< Bedford Township, Precincl 2 0 0.001'< Bedford Township, Precinct 3 0 0.~; Bedford Township, Precinct 4 0 0.0 Bedford Township, PrecinctS 0 o.oo'Y< Bedford Township, Precinet6 2 3.70% !le<lford Township, Precinct 7 0 o.oo~'< Bedford Township, PTC'Cincl 8 0 o.oo'Y< Bedford Township, Ptetinot 9 I ~:~ Bedford Township, Precin~t 10 0 0. Bedfotd Town.5hip, Precin~t II 0 o.oo'Y<

' Bedford Township, Precincl 12 0 O.oo'Y< Bedford Township, flr~inct I J 2 2.99'Y< Bedford Township, Ptecinct 14 0 0.001'< Bcrlin Tuwn~;hip, Prc:liirt~l 1 0 O.OOo/. Berlin Town~hip, Prm:incl 2 0 0.00"~

Berlin Township, Precinct 3 0 0.00% Berlin Township. Pr~inct4 0 o.oo'Y< Oundco Township, Precinct I 0 0.00"1< Dundee Township, Prwincl 2 0 O.OO'Y< Dundee Township, Pretinct 3 0 O.OO'Y< Erie Township, Precinct I 0 o.oo'Y< Erie Town$hip, Prwinct 2 0 0.00, Exeter Township, Prt:olnct I 0

~:= Exeter Township, Precinct 2 0 0. Frenchtown Township, Precinct I 0 0.00~ Prench1own Township, Ptecinet 2 0 Frenchtown Township, Precinct 3 0 0.00~

Frenchtown Township, Precin~t4 0 0:~~ Frenchtown lownship, Precinct 5 0 0.0 Frenchtown Towt~ship, Precinct 6 I I 1.11% Frenchtown Township1 Precinct 7 I 9.091'< Frenchtown Township, Precinct 8 2 J3.3~p Frenchtown To\.V'Oship, Preoinc:l 9 I 9.09 Frenchtown Township, A VCB I I O.S4'Y< Frenchtown Town&hip, AVCB 2 I 0.40o/o rda Township, Precinct l 0 Ida Town,hip, Precinct 2 0 LaSalle Township, Prec:incl I I 2.27Y. LaSalle Township, Precinct 2 0 O.OO'Y< London Township, Precinct I I 1.721'< Milan Township, Precinct I 0 O.OO'Y< Mlln~ Township. Precinct I 0 0.00% Monroe Township, r~inct 2 0 O.OO'Y<

Page 150: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Mar. 12. 2012 8:44AM

Statement ofVotes Cast Monroe County, MI

2012 Presidential Primary SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races



No. 7038 P. 16

Date:02/28/12 Time:22:S2:49 Page: IS of IS


·rz~ jln.-4' ~ A REPUBLICA~







"-----~~'$i)-~~ . ---sHAAOND. LEMASTERS . • :-&-- -- --.


Page 151: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

DISTRICT CANVASS February 28, 2012 OFFICIAL RESULTS Presidential Primary Election Montcalm County, MI Republican

PRINTED 02/29/12, 05:06 PM PAGE 001.001.01

0 R V T p o PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (more to follow) 0 E 0 U E 0

0 G T R R 0 M B N G J H 0 I E 8 c N C 0 i a e i 0 u G J 0 S R A A 0 E 0 c c H C wn n n a o F K B R 0 T S L S U N 0 h h e a t g t r h r a R p u 0 0 E L T T T 0 em r i r s Y n e r R p i e de 0 R 0 A 0 l a m n i m s d g o a c r d m 0 E T G 0 e n a c a 0 e n u k r Y e

30 PRECINCTS 0 D s E 0 n n h n n r l y r aaaaaaaaaaaaa 0 aaaaa Maaa aaaaa o aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa 0001 Belvidere Township o 1524 243 15.94 ° 2 0 6 0 0 0 36 1 0 0002 Bloomer Township 0 848 176 20.75 ° 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 0 0 0003 Bushnell Township 0 1056 166 15.72 ° 0 0 15 0 0 1 22 0 1 0004 Cato Township 0 2001 333 16.64 ° 1 0 27 1 1 0 39 0 2 0005 Crystal Township 0 1835 280 15.26 ° 1 0 11 1 0 0 54 0 1 0006 Day Township 0 795 157 19.75 ° 0 0 9 1 0 0 30 0 0 0007 Douglass Township 0 1733 322 18.58 ° 1 1 17 0 0 0 37 2 1 0008 Eureka Charter Towno 1941 370 19.06 ° 2 2 26 0 0 0 36 2 1 0009 Eureka Charter Town° 897 163 18.17 ° 0 0 5 1 0 0 22 0 2 0010 Evergreen Township o 1630 237 14.54 ° 0 0 11 0 0 0 28 0 2 0011 Evergreen Township o 514 82 15.95 ° 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0012 Fairplain Township o 1268 235 18.53 ° 0 1 13 1 0 0 40 0 0 0013 Ferris Township 0 945 142 15.03 ° 0 0 16 1 0 0 14 0 0 0014 Home Township 0 1780 256 14.38 ° 1 0 16 0 0 2 40 0 0 0015 Maple Valley Townsh 0 630 137 21.75 ° 2 0 3 0 0 0 16 1 0 0016 Maple Valley Townsh 0 667 139 20.84 ° 1 0 11 0 0 0 17 0 0 0017 Montcalm Township 0 2463 408 16.57 ° 4 1 29 1 1 1 54 2 0 0018 Pierson Township 0 2210 370 16.74 ° 0 0 7 0 0 0 43 2 0 0019 Pine Township 0 1206 234 19.40 ° 0 0 8 0 0 1 26 0 0 0020 Reynolds Township 1° 1906 256 13.43 ° 0 0 15 1 0 0 29 0 0 0021 Reynolds Township 2° 1429 178 12.46 ° 2 1 10 0 0 0 29 0 1 0022 Richland Township 0 1899 303 15.96 ° 0 0 9 0 0 0 53 0 0 0023 Sidney Township 0 1904 374 19.64 ° 0 1 26 1 0 1 38 0 3 0024 Winfield Township 0 1480 242 16.35 ° 0 1 14 0 0 0 32 1 1 0025 City of Carson Cityo 791 97 12.26 ° 0 0 4 0 0 0 15 0 0 0026 City of Greenville o 805 157 19.50 ° 0 0 8 0 1 0 18 1 1 0027 City of Greenville o 1368 178 13.01 ° 1 0 8 0 0 0 25 1 3 0028 City of Greenville o 1468 255 17.37 ° 1 0 18 0 0 1 27 3 0 0029 City of Greenville o 1481 86 5.81 ° 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 1 0 0030 City of Stanton 0 1088 128 11.76 ° 0 0 9 0 0 2 13 0 0

0 0

GRAND TOTALS 0 41562 6704 16.13 ° 20 8 359 9 3 9 867 17 20

Page 152: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

DISTRICT CANVASS February 28. 2012 OFFICIAL RESULTS Presidential Primary Election Montcalm County, fii Republican

PRINTED 02/29/12, 05:06 PM PAGE 001.001. 02

0 ' PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (continuation) 0 0

0 0 u 0 R V T p 0 N 0 E 0 U E 0 c 0 G T R R 0 R S 0 0 I E B C N C 0 i a M 0 S R AA 0 E 0 fl R c n M 0 T S L S U N 0 i 0 k t I 0 E L T T T 0 t m 0 T 0 R 0 A 0 t n r T 0 E T G 0 e u E

30 PRECINCTS 0 0 s E 0 y m 0 aaaaaaaaaaaaa 0 aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa ' aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa 0001 Belvidere Township ' 1524 243 15.94 ° 98 95 5 0002 Bloomer Township 0 84B 176 20.75 ° 43 110 3 0003 Bushnell Township 0 1056 166 15.72 ° 50 68 9 0004 Cato Township 0 2001 333 16.64 ° 124 113 21 0005 Crystal Township 0 1835 280 15.26 ° 95 109 7 0006 Day Township 0 795 !57 19.75 ° 44 72 0 0007 Douglass Township 0 1733 322 18.58 ° 105 148 9 0008 Eureka Charter Town' 1941 370 19.06 ° 119 160 22 0009 Eureka Charter Town' 897 163 18.17 ° 63 62 8 0010 Evergreen Township ' 1630 237 14.54 ° 68 118 7 0011 Evergreen Township ' 514 82 15.95 ° 23 45 1 0012 Fairplain Township ' 1268 235 18.53 ° 75 99 6 0013 Ferris Township 0 945 142 15.03 ° 41 63 7 0014 Home Township 0 1780 256 14.38 ° 106 81 9 0015 Maple Valley Townsh' 630 137 21.75 ° 27 85 3 0016 Maple Valley Townsh' 667 139 20.84 ° 46 56 7 0017 Montcalm Township 0 2463 408 16.57 ° 116 193 4 0018 Pierson Township 0 2210 370 16.74 ° 117 199 2 0019 Pine Township 0 1206 234 19.40 ° 68 126 4 0020 Reynolds Township 1' 1906 256 13.43 ° 82 129 0 0021 Reynolds Township 2' 1429 178 12.46 ° 48 84 3 0022 Richland Township 0 1899 303 15.96 ° 97 129 13 0023 Sidney Township 0 1904 374 19.64 ° 122 176 5 0024 Winfield Township 0 1480 242 16.35 ° 70 118 5 0025 City of Carson City' 791 97 12.26 ° 35 42 1 0026 City of Greenville o 805 !57 19.50 ° 52 71 5 0027 City of Greenville o 1368 178 13.01 ° 86 48 6 0028 City of G1•eenvi 11 e ' 1468 255 17.37 ° 109 89 7 0029 City of Greenville ' 1481 86 5.81 ° 29 44 0 0030 City of Stanton 0 1088 128 11.76 ° 51 49 3

0 0

GRAND TOTALS 0 41562 6704 16.13 ° 2209 2981 182

Page 153: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

DISTRICT CANVASS February 28. 2012 OFFICIAL RESULTS Presidential Primary Election Montcalm county, MI Democratic

PRINTED 02/29/12. 05:06 PM PAGE 002.002.01


0 u 0 R V T p 0 N 0 E 0 U E 0 c 0 G T R R 0 0 0 I E B C N C 0 M 0 S R AA 0 E 0 B 0 M 0 T S L S U N 0 a b I 0 E L T T T 0 r a T 0 R 0 A 0 a m T 0 E T G 0 c a E

30 PRECINCTS 0 D s E 0 k D aaaaaaaaaaaaa 0 aaaaa aaaaa Maaao aaaaa aMM 0001 Belvidere To>mship o 1524 28 1.84 ° 21 7 0002 Bloomer Township 0 848 15 1. 77 0 10 4 0003 Bushnell Township 0 1056 29 2.75 ° 24 4 0004 Cato Township 0 2001 68 3.40 ° 57 8 0005 Crystal Township 0 1835 32 1. 74 ° 22 6 0006 Day Township 0 795 10 1.26 ° 8 1 0007 Douglass Township 0 1733 34 1.96 ° 30 4 0008 Eureka Charter Towno 1941 68 3.50 ° 60 8 0009 Eureka Charter Towno 897 32 3.57 ° 32 0 0010 Evergreen Township o 1630 25 1.53 ° 19 6 0011 Evergreen Township o 514 4 .78 ° 2 1 0012 Fairplain Township o 1268 18 1.42 ° 15 0 0013 Ferris Township 0 945 41 4.34 ° 34 7 0014 Home Township 0 1780 37 2.08 ° 33 4 0015 Maple Valley Townsh 0 630 19 3.02 ° 16 3 0016 l·laple Valley Townsh 0 667 19 2.85 ° 17 1 0017 Montcalm Township 0 2463 39 1.58 ° 29 8 0018 Pierson Township 0 2210 15 .68 ° 12 2 0019 Pine Township 0 1206 24 1.99 ° 21 3 0020 Reynolds Township 1° 1906 28 1.47 ° 24 4 0021 Reynolds Township 2° 1429 14 .98 ° 8 4 0022 Richland Township 0 1899 50 2.63 ° 37 7 0023 Sidney Township 0 1904 68 3.57 ° 62 3 0024 Winfield Township 0 1480 15 1. 01 ° 13 2 0025 City of Carson Cityo 791 24 3.03 ° 23 1 0026 City of Greenville o 805 24 2.98 ° 19 5 0027 City of Greenville o 1368 60 4.39 ° 54 5 0028 City of Greenville o 1468 55 3.75 ° 47 7 0029 City of Greenville o 1481 14 .95 ° 12 2 0030 City of Stanton 0 1088 20 1.84 ° 17 2

0 0

GRAND TOTALS 0 41562 929 2.24 ° 778 119

Page 154: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan

Cheryl A. Neilson County Clerk


Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on

February 28, 2012

Canvassed by the Montmorency County Board of Canvassers

Montmorency County, Michigan


Page 155: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Statement of Votes Cast

February 28, 2012

Ballots Cast

Ballots Counted

Blank Ballots

Over Voted Ballots

Under Voted Ballots

Total Write In Votes

Voter Turnout

Total Registered Voters

Turnout Percentage








Page 156: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Briley ToWnship, Precinct1 Vienna Township, Precinct 1


Avery Township, Precinct 1


Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township; Precinct 1

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

REP President

Michele Bachmann

Two Olle One

Total number of votes cast for:

Michele Bachmann

Herman Cain


Total number of votes cast for:

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Forty-Nine Six Twenty-Seven Thirteen

Loud Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Rust Township, Precinct 1

Five Two Nine Five

Vienna Township, Precinct 1 Two

Total number of votes cast for:

Newt Gingrich

One Hundred Eighteen

Avery Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1


Page 2 of9

Fred Karger

One Two

Total number of votes cast for:

Fred Karger

REP President





2 1 1

49 6

27 13 5 2 9 5 2

1 2


Page 157: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Rust Township, Precinct 1 Vienna Township, Precinct 1

REP President

Ron Paul

Thirty-Seven Six Forty-Six Thirty-Three Four Eight Seven Nine Six

Total number of votes cast for:

Ron Paul

One Hundred Fifty-Six

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1

Rick Perry

One Two One Two One

Total number of votes cast for:


Hillman Township, Precinct 1


Page 3 of 9

Rick Perry

Buddy Roemer


Total number of votes cast for:

Buddy Roemer

REP President




37 6

46 33 4 8 7 9 6

1 2 1 2 1


1""""'~-r-s·s-1 ~\.J GOVERNMENTAL

Page 158: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Rust Township, Precinct 1 Vienna Township, Precinct 1

REP President

Mitt Romney

One Hundred Ninety-One Forty-Six One Hundred Seventeen Orie Hundred One Twenty-Three Thirty-One Fifty-Nine Nineteen Forty-Two

Total number of votes cast for:

Mitt Romney

Six Hundred Twenty-Nine

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Rust Township, Precinct 1 Vienna Township, Precinct 1

Rick Santorum

One Hundred One Thirty-Nine

· One Hundred Twenty-Two Eighty-Seven Nineteen Twenty-Eight Twenty-Three Twenty-Eight Twenty-Five

Total number of votes cast for:

Rick Santorum

Four Hundred Seventy-Two

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Loud Townstlip, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Vienna Township, Precinct 1


Nineteen Eight Five Three One Two Five

Total number of votes cast for:



Page 4 of 9 REP President




191 46

117 101 23 31 59 19 42

101 39

122 87 19 28 23 28 25

19 8 5 3 1 2 5


Page 159: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 1 Montmorency Township, Precinct 2 Rust Township, Precinct 1 Vienna Township, Precinct 1

OEM President

Barack Obama

Seventy.Six Five Thirty·Nine Twenty·Nine Five Four Three One Five

Total number of votes cast for:

Barack Obama

One Hundred Sixty-Seven

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Briley Township, Precinct 1 Hillman Township, Precinct 1 Rust Township, Precinct 1


Hillman Township, Precinct 1


Page 5 of 9


Eleven Five Fourteen Seven Three

Total number of votes cast for:




Total number of votes cast for:


OEM President




76 5

39 29

5 4 3 1 5

11 5

14 7 3



Page 160: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

05 County Commissioner

Stacy Carroll

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Rust Township, Precinct 1

Eighty-One Eighty-One Fifty Fifty-Seven

Total number of votes cast for:

Stacy Carroll

Two Hundred Sixty-Nine

Albert Township, Precinct 1 Avery Township, Precinct 1 Loud Township, Precinct 1 Rust Township, PreCinct 1


Page 6 of 9


Six Two One Two

Total number of votes cast for:


05 County Commissioner



81 81 50 57

6 2 1 2


Page 161: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

Albert Twp Road Prop

YES Albert Township, Precinct 1 Three Hundred Fifty-One

Total number of votes cast for:


Three Hundred Fifty-One


Albert Township, Precinct 1 One Hundred Seventy-Six

Total number of votes cast for:


One Hundred Seventy-Six

Page 7 of 9 Albert Twp Road Prop





~~(;1351 GOVERNMENTAL <>IIC:!!>,H<:(; <;Y<.:TFM<;.

Page 162: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast



This proposal renews the Yz mills for road construction and maintenance previously approved by the electors that expired after the December, 2011levy.

Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the Township of Albe1t, Montmorency County, Michigan, against taxable property in the Township be increased by up to one-half (1/2) mills ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of four (4) years, 2012 through 2015, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for road construction and maintenance within the township, and shall the Township levy such millage for these purposes? If approved and levied in its entirety, this millage would raise an estimated $77,000 for the Township in 2012.

Page 163: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

Briley Twp Prop

YES Briley Township, Precinct 1 Two Hundred Thirty-One

Total number of votes cast for:


Two Hundred Thirty-One


Briley Township, Precinct 1 One Hundred Ninety-Six

Total number of votes cast for:


One Hundred Ninety-Six

Page 8 of9 Briley Twp Prop






Page 164: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast


This proposal would permit the Township of Briley to levy .50 mill, (1/2) mill, for the purpose of

providing funds for the improvement and development of the Briley Township park, park facilities and land acquisition of adjacent properties.

Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the Township of Briley, County of Montmorency, Michigan, against taxable property in the township by one half Y, mill $0.50 (fifty cents per $1000 of taxable value) in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution and levy it for five years, 2012 through 2016, inclusive, for improvement and development of the Briley Township park and park facilities to include land acquisitions of adjacent properties, which a .50 mills (fifty cents per one thousand taxable value) increase will raise an estimated $35,417.31 in the first year the millage is levied?

Page 165: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

State of Michigan } }

County of Montmorency }

Montmorency County Michigan Canvass of Votes Cast

at the Election held on February 28, 2012

We Do Hereby Certify, that the foregoing is a correct transcript of the statement of the Board of County Canvassers of the County of Montmorency of the votes given in said County and/or Township for the offices named and for the persons designated therein, and other matters submitted, at the Election held on February 28, 2012, so far as it relates to the votes cast, as appears from the original statement on file in the office of the County Clerk.

In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of Montmorency on February ~.2012.


~tie;4~~ ftcrrn~ r!. Canvasser: Thomas Elert

canvasser: Adelia McElroy ,( Canvasser: Ken Ploe

In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Montmorency on February tj__, 2012.

Cheryl A Neilsen, Montmorency County Clerk Clerk, Board of County Canvassers


Page 166: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

I STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Names oflownships and



Election Districts !

" "' -<

MUSKEGON 61 g ~ &. "' " 0 0 <ri I ' ' 0 !

Section 1 ~ ' ' -< i 0

! );! ' r i j I

' '


BLUE lAKE TOWNSHIP ~r~nctl 212: I .. I !······ ' .,21

' Total 212: I I 21

C(I.SJ:-IQY!.f>._IQWNSHIP Precinct l_ "' I .. ....... j . .. I····· .16 Tolal 384, I " ~EDARG.RJ;J;:KIQWNSHIP Precinct 1 291 I I ... ...... I f-- I··············· - _2i1 Total 2911 I '" QALT_()N TOW.NSHI~ PrecU,~;U 300' I ! ... .........

I ~:. Precinct 2 ... 1691 .... ..... .... ...... Prednct3

I I I .. !J 1131 ---- f- j ' -~jnct4 - I·· ..... 203, ' ... -----' --~' -- ~_Q_

Total 794: I I I I . 19 I E_t;;_EJ~JQN_TQWNSHIP Precin_o;t_1___ m: I ..... I I

I I ! 21 Precinct 2 32\l~ i T 32

2so' - r-- --

I ! ' -------- Precinct3 •········ ! i

2 Total -aii)

' I " FRUITlAND TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 ·~ ... ' .....

I Prednct2 2n i I I

21 Total 697j ' " FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP Pr~i~!__

..,, ...... ! ---.. -- ..... + .. 44

Precinct 2 3261

···············. I I 321 Pr~J 514

1 I

Precinct4 ........... __ ...swj ___ I !

I I " I ' Total 17871 I ! ' 118

H.QUOOJPWNSHIP Pr!!(:inct 1 m I - -+ i 22 Total 228; I

' 22

lAKETON _ _T_OWNSHIP Pr~!:I.J 2~ +· 1 '

Precinct 2 441 + .44 erecim;t~ 307'

:---· j. I I I --


Total 1042: .,

i I I 104

MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP __ Pr~!ocl 1 __ -- _ _!64: I ' I I I I I-:!' 1~4: I I ' I I Total I MOORLAND TOWNSHW_ fl:rec!f!d l 1&5~ I I + I - ~________) '' Total 185, I i I "


MlJ~j(EGQNJOWNSHIP Pre<:illCII 75 ' I ' -~ - ------~

Pre<:if!d 2 ... • 1,15i

l • I ...... --- ·- t1

__ Predi!CtJ _ ____ ?_llj ----+----J ___ .... ....... ..... ... !1 Pt~inct4 "' ' I I -" Pretinct 5 1071 L--T-

. ;: Pre~ 102· ! I



i='f~inct7 I····· I··············· Total 861[ I I I '" MUSKEGON TOWNSHIP AV P,rednct 1 652: ... I I - I !

Total "' I 65

I:IQ_LQN_GER A PRECINCT Pre<:lnciJ o: f-+ t- I I j-~ Total '

"'1 r '

RAVENNA TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 l94 I I .... Total 394'

' I ' 39



I i 21 Total 274

' i



WHITE BJVE_R_TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 226' I I I 22 Tolal m: I i I I 22



I I " Total 187; ' " I I i

Townships Totals 9231), I ! I I I I 923


*****u Official Results *U*U*

Page 167: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast



STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Names of To·,.,·nships and Election Districts


Section 2




' MQNI.l\®_1; CJIY Pre<:inct I 2-1-i 1 ' l I ~~

-==---======-=-;-~=~ i! ~~~ ---::=-=-r· ---:-r: -------r-----~f-_:_-;j=-__ __j _ _:_-=----_-li_ 1_---_--- --·-_r---------+.,,._--.. :::·"1: ____ p;~~~it3 ____ 276' ___ -[---------1- + J-- _ _____ : _2z

-~--~:;~~~4 ----,;;f--,-+- - --+-----j·--1 __ +---+- I ---i-' ____ --11].!_7"1:

Pre<:incl 3 94 i : __

i 12

' -----------"'::::: £ ' ! ~--~--i-' _---__ j --t--1

----''"'"ct7 " ' --j. '''' ' ' - --=± ' ' ----------'""',·.~~~-- -===I=~"~·==+==:::;· ==~=+= ' i --------;T;co!;-'OI';"~~uo~ ~ - 2:~:: -=-~- -~--- --~~;=~~-J~- -1~ "··----~==~::2:-,0~6 MUSKEGON HEIGHTS CITY -· . ---

Pre<:inct3 4-S

1 ::::=~::::=-t==f==t==±::::::::t=::::='t==::::i ~;:i~~:~:t:::~====~~:~l- -1------- ---- --- t--- --- ___j __ ;:~-~ __ -:_:::_--._----m,,.,,,., '011 --r---~-----=~-::-::-::t' :::=--J_,-- i-----1 I ----~-- -,~:

__ J'I~incl 7 - ------ e.s I ' Total 36s~ 1 i I --- --r

NORTH MUSKEGON CITY ''"'"" I ~:. I I '" 70

! !

' L-.-·- -- ''''

i - - - ''''

I I Precinct 9 100

Total 1836: -I ' i I I I "' I I I I

NOB.TONS!:iPRE.S_C.ITY AV Precind 1 --· l7~_1L Total 1781)

I : i I l 1_18_1 I I i Hal

l_ -i + I

' '

ROO_SEVEL T PARK CITY Precin.;t_! 2-:.i ----;:c"P;"recinct2 2:26

Total 466:

-----------i- --+ ------ _24 I i 22

' I "


I I i

WtJil:Eit:\ll CITY__ Precinct 1 m' Total 293~ I I ! ! _19

I 29

Cities Totals 1154' ! I I I I 77

' I I I I Townslllps To!als I I I ' I I I 923

Grand Totals 16984 I I I I I I 1698

uwu Official Results uuu*

Page 168: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

' ' ' ' STATEMENT OF VOTES February Election Tuesday February 28 2012


~ ' ! I i


Names ofTownships and Election Districts


" )<D I ~

0 -~ ~ MUSKEGON 61 •r a> ·r "-

0 >0 m

:1- -~

'"' Section 1 t~

"l ' .,


" c ' tD

I c !

BLUE lAKE TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 _ ___1&_ __ ! - -· I-t I

_19J Total 1911 I I

I i 191 C_AS_I:-!OVIA TOWUS.BIP PreciOO..L_ 325; I ! ' I

_,, Total 325 i I I ...

32 CEDAR CREEK TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 "' +- .... - i I i

_:______u; Total 237t : 23

DAL :roN TOWNSHIP f?recing 1 ····· 26:31-- ~ I~H--;: _Precinct2_ .. 1--- 13_2i -+--Pr~ 97i i .... - I I

' 1*- ~ Precinct 4 177 T I I --! --A Total 669' ' I EGEJ~TON TOWNSHIP._ _J:'r~ _,_, .1~9;_ I i I '

_Precinct 2 -- --- ...... ----2251 --I ' " Precincl3 "' - ---- ·········· .. - 161

Total 583; I I I 58

~RUHhN~Q J9.1Y .. ~ .. S.!:l!f' ______ f'_red ctl 389: ·-f-·· ! - I I I I

11 Precincl2 235


I I -- 23 Total 625


I I I 62

FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP Preci11_ct _1_ 3691


I I Pr~ 2~), _j_ ' + i j I .24

____ frecJ!Jg J --- . .......... _4f0,_ .. ~~ _j __ ____A2 Precincl4 "' '

! ! I . ·-- I I

__ , __ ;_ I __ 41 Total 1461t I

' 1461


I " Total m, I " LAKf'.TQN TQWN_!l:I:IIP Preci 1 _2§3~ j ..... --r- l 1 :~ Pr~1nc12. ___ 34S . ___J__ ... I···· Precinct 3 252: i i

I I " Total 8&-3: i I I " MONTAGUE TO'N_NSH!P _ _ fr_e<:indl J6r); ····-t- L ! i ! J I I I .ti Total 161): I I i I I I i I 16

MP_QJ3J.,AND_ TO\VN~HJP ________ Preci ct I ~~ +- -----I I t I I I ___ Hi

Total 158; I i 15

MUSKEGON TOWNSHIP Pr~_i(lct 1 69' ... I ... .. Pr~ 101 _l t--- I _JOJ l_"r~inct.J ___ 208. I

I ' 20 !- ........ . ..... ----- ' i Pre<:i ct4 "'

-~ 1----+- -" Prerind.L 103 ___ [___ ! - ! ' I ':, Pre<:~nct6 -- M:

I ! ! I 71~-- ' I I Pre<:uKt7 ______ . ---- .l

Total mi I I I I I 79 MU_SKE_GON TQWNSHie_AV Precinct I 3{)1 +- I I I ' ! }I)

Total 31)71 '

I I i JO NO LONGER A PRECINCT Precinct 1 n' I I I ·-j--

Total 0,

RAVENNA TOWNSHIP Precinct I __ ,,,

I .. ' ____,_

Total -3s;- I i I I 35 SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP Pre<:inct 1 219: I I

'i ' I I

Total 219' I I

i i I I i " ' Wrl/TE RIVER TOWNSHIP __ f'_[e<:i~ _ _\_ . . I 1171 .... I I

i ---: Total 2171 I I " WH!TEHA_ll TQWNSHIP Plecincl1 179'

I I '

I --+-

I I 11

Total 179 i 11

Town1hlps Totals me; I I I I I I 753

uuu* Official Results *******

Page 169: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, Election, , •••••y, , 28,2012


ill ' i


Names of Townships and Elecfun Districts


;r ?'I! ~ MUSKEGON 61 •r 8' -. •o 0

.__, ' >w

Section 2 !§; "1 ' " m ~ c

"' c ....

'"' "': I ! I 23 j_ I··········· ' !

"":~:: '"' I :: "'' -- - - -----,---

i ... I - .....

" p'""" ,, 1!~· f

-------'~ I···· .. --i ,:: .... 1-- ...

Pre<inct2 I 10 Precinct 3

~I - - ---- i

' + -- I --- I Prednct4 .. -,, . :;;;- : ..

------ I PrecinctS ?i -- --

I I -Preci!lct 7 .... -~

I 3 P•"ioct8

, __ - I .

Predoct9 181 : - I -

To!•l 13911 I ........ I

i ""' I '


::~ ' - 1- - ·- i ~---


··"'"'' HI Pre<:inct_§ _ ... -


I : - -. -" Precinct 7 1- -

I 1-f-- ToO•I 8

: 11 ... .. -······· -I I !::

ToO•I ..........

'" I !-

~ 1 - I -1---Precinct 10 _ ~ I ----


- ··········· I ;:: :::=tL_ ....

.~ ' I ...... ,,; I ' I _Ill

""';~: 111

. : .. i I -I I --

i ::: --- '···

. ~~ I ...... ......... .........

-···-·· ..... I 28:

· P;oooct7 I

1-•-•------ 1 ~ p'"'"" 9 IS:




Toul "'' I "'' I . 1- -::~ Toul "" ! . lY

_ __ _.Precinct 2 ...

;:; I ~--···· .... I i ·--~ Total


I I i

:;; I I

~~ Toul - I

! I

' I "": I I I I I I I "" Towoohl" Toulo "''' I ! I I I I I I ""

G"odToO•I• "'"' I I ! I I I '""

***uu Official Results uuut:

Page 170: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28,2012


Names ollownships and E!ocf<ln Districts


Section 1







Preci ct 1 _21, Total 211

Precinct I_ 39 Total 39,

Precinct 1 54 Total 54:

___ Pr~ t -~~~:~~~ .... -- __!_I:--------+-----_--·--+--+ f'_re:Q_~--- --

Total m: I i I '



I I I I ·f--


'· .




3 3

' ··~-.I -~-

12 Prec· ct 1 eJ' j

I I -'~ ~ -- ,' ' Pre<:inct3 ·--t-:0;"'0'--+--- -------t--- _

1_____ 1 11•

Total 239; ! ! i 23

:::l ... .. .. ~· I·· I I _L_ I .. I li Ill I' :

Total 72: I 7

FRUITPORTTOWNSHIP Precin!;U 51! I +- .! I +--+- ! -~-1

________ _r:.,.:":~""""':-+---11- ::, ----- !--·- - __j=::·::t::=~'=--·' --]_::_:·_-__ J====~" ---------=r,"t.c"~recinct4 ---1-·-,:C:-~"'6~---j --- i ---r--1-1 .-+-- ! I ----- +----+-- 3~




Precincll Precinct 2 Precinct 3 __

Total PredOO..L_ -­

Total Precin(,1:_1

Total 19'


I : I i ! : L :

·-f---1 ·I i I '


1 _Precirwl. 1 _ __Ij__ I I 1 .. . ... 1

MUSKEGON_IOWN_Sf:I_!P_I\V ______ l;lrecinct 1 Total






TowMhlps Totals

Total Precinct I

Total Pre<:inct I

Total PreclncLJ _

Total Precinct 1




3451 . .. . --[--- I . II ' I I 345, i I

0 i ! -1 i o: i



uwu Official Results >~uuu

• 34

I ' 4

! 167

Page 171: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

RAil n" CAS -DE

Names ofTownships and Q

I I m

Election Districts 3 '

~ HD


-~ MUSKEGON 61 ;,

rn >5 0

'1- ~0

Section 2 ~~ i

... '

I Q m

" I

' 8 I

P11x:inct 1 w: 1_

1 Total 10: MUSKEGON Cll)'


f•'""''- 1 -4---- I H-= ~~ ...1


Pre.illctJ l _ Pr~inct 12 Prec· ct13 Preci ct 14

__ PL~ii'Jct2. Predi'Jct3 Precinct 4 Pr~inct5


J _L i I


_ _t•recmcts_ 1 _____ __

_________ .1F.'!~inct7 - - ~-~ I I - I 1 ________ ______f!._ecincl __ 8 30r I ____ , ___ .[_ ---t-- r I ~ 3

Precirn;t9 33 : I ------ j Total - -~ 1 67

MUSKEGON HEIGHTS CITY Preci!l(t __ Z Precinct 3 Prec' ct4

41! I , '-----! -1---


I --'"'"'": I Precinct 6 "' ______ _____ Precinct? -- __ §91 Total 284_

NORTH Ml.1$_KEJOQ_~ .CITY __ Pred[l.ct__t ___ I ____ 34 Precinct2 ___ --1-~i"'ts·_--_

Total 72: NO TON SHORES CITY Precinct 1 •I


r I


i - .,, -+-

' I

' i ____[__ i i ' i I

Preti00.11_ __ _ -


1---=tl =t1 =· ±1 =-~: =+-] ------------- f=JreQngl__ -

___ .!1_ecinct3 E_!_ednct4 Precinct 5

.... ··········!-- I I --1---"r--- 1-+-' --+------ --.. - I +--:-·

-----4----- --- ---!- --Pre~


T I --- .! I :

j I I

' Prec_irn;U __ _

!'reci1Jct8 Precinct 9

:, -=·--t ···___:t, =t==t=.l ··.-..... r --~--~- ~~~~ --!~·- -T~ j==t

,; --~--1--+--t------r--:-


I ' Total



WH!TE!:IA_~l_ CrTY

ClUes Totals

Townships Totals

Grand Totals

Pretinct 2 Total

_p_re<:_inct 1 Total


558; --- ______ 6~

1---- 57j 126'

37t------­,, 1831


' I



' '




I I I '


uutu Official Results uum


I I ' i I



I __ __l_




Page 172: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Names of Townships and E~tionDistricts


Section 1


' I i I I

' I I I


Total i ----t-1 I I

CEDAR CRE_EK TOWNSHIP To;recinct 1 j 1- + 1

__ ____j

-- I I _L i

DA~JQN: TOWNSHIP - ::~::;- _j_ ___ ~! -------1. l.=t ----~

Preci!KI_l_ 1--:::::=tl ::___ ' - --- ____ ____j__ I ---__!'[_"ioctj_ll--l----"t jl - ---- ___L_I -: --------'


EGELSJQNTOWNSHIP Pt "ell 0 ·-··om,.o,,.,_. I ~-

====:-::-------:j~~;:;:~ r---- _.,., .. _ -~~:-_-------- --+---+--+----1 --- i:- -Total o: - I -~ ---·----

-F-RU_IllAN __ o_r_o_w_N_SH-JP ___ --cTc-ou"-~1!;:.,·"~'-'-J'--+--J----1- -f--+----t--+ t=t _ j + r: FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP



~;:::! _ ~; _ ~- - _I l_l ! -----+-----_-_i_'----1+-- I --+---- 1

I +-+ -i ---L I - - ~-- --~--- 1--------! ·_-_~ ___ _ -ro3~::~!-r----t---'l; ~~-i- i ' . 1 1

Precinct 1 Total I I+- ! ! ! !

Precinct _I o0' \-- _ __ _ 1 I ~I _

====----=======jp~,"~''":'"~'~t===~~~~= ---t--+---+------~-==t=--==t--=---!--= -------- p~'""' _ ,': ----+--+ ______ 1 _ 1 +--+1 1

: -----c - I I



p, Total


''"' :t . I· I I I ! I I I

:__Mu:__s:__~:__oo:__N:__ro:__w:__Ns:__":__"=~L::~~:i~t=l-=-~ _ ·if-J·~~~=·· i ~-+1---+i•·-······-.·-···-··.··.··.·+-(_1 -······-J_. ··~~~-··-·~-+·~~;~_.=:i_~+-'==~!l~==,ti=·-··--·.··-!1 --,1· m ,

Pre.dnrt.§- -- -- ~ ··- -:::.-----+-- - j----

Tot~rec' ct7 o: '-----t- ~--- -- ~- ------~ --1-- -~- --.--'







Townthlps To!als

Tot~r~if\Ct_1____ ----- ~: -i-- t--+-- I 1 -~~ Ptecinct1

0o1' I ______ I

Total Precinct 1_ _ 4' I___ _ -----+-----

Total { I

Pred!Ktl_ s' i I

Total s1 ~~-I

Pr~inct 1 _ o; __ I Total 0, I

Precinct 1 ---


uum Official Results *******

i .__J_


. ------c

Page 173: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BAl Names of Townships aM Election Districts


Section 2

MONTAGUE CITY Pred ct 1 . J__j_ __J__, Total I I

MUSt;!OGON CITY Precinct 1 o' j ····--·-·· _l'c"""" t--+-cct_·_· --+ -c- --,-------·· __ f'r~ ------ o,__ ·-f--+---+--1----i

j:'fe<:ind__12 --1----·-- -+---:_t::::::::j::::::::::t:::::i=-r-=.1--~=~'= ~ P1e<:L11ct13 o __ !------ _ ·-----f--····...:~····==+===~ Precinct 14 l·-~-·-~~t:.::.:::::j::::::::::;-t::::::-~- ...

-------.-~~:~:[~~'! ±;~ - -~~ I 1:_ ! ~ •• -t· =· ::::t1' ==··=·-~, ----'"":::;;~:-+==1~::-:::::~~-t- ~~ .. · r ! -L .: =i=-t-··------co,,c',:'",'""" 9 i I --::r --t=f


~;::~-~!- _] -j li -- -- -.·.·. ---~~.-: :: ~ .. --~ p,,gootz , =r I _· ____ _p_w;inct5 ___ "_ - : 1 __ -------.:

-:-======:::~~~;--l==t=~=-t-t--=+=::::t··=· -t-- I' + . . i I .......... • Total 1 I : I '






Cities Totals

Townships Totals

Grand Totals

Precinct I --~ f - -------- -~--


Total Precinct I Precinct 2

Total P_recincl 1


··!············ _ _A_ o: ();

o' -1------- o;

'· o;



i I

r l f---1-.


*******Official Results uuu*

I -+ I ul

! --+- !



Page 174: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, '"'""' 1 uesaay, February 28,2012

"'" Names of Townships and !

! I

I Election Districts I

)D I I

~ ~ <m


~ MUSKEGON 61 0 !@

"' 0 "l ~ m



i Sect·on 1 m


0 I <

' ! Sl m

l 6l ' ~

i I' :·· - I ~ ,,,.,

~· I

I T;l:,"''"" I

.... - r--- ::~ :]ij. I 'I

' '"I I ... I


i I ~~ 2411

I ' :, I -- I ·---f- "' ,, i ' r- I -::i: \- - -

Precinci 3 :: ··I·-r- I = - ' \------ Precin!;!4 _ -

' 1-1- ' "' ,,,,, "" I I

I I "'' I i I~ -- __ ____E[_ecinct2 _ t--. :~ .-- - -

-- -~iDeiJ -- ..... -····· ..- f-- ' "" Total 716< I 716· i ' I ! :~ P<ocmci2 "'


~ .... - -

"" I ::~:,~: .. - - !· - '

2801 ,,;;;;;;-,

... ,, I ''" : _m

. '"'""' _1S< ' 1UJ ,,,,, 10451 I ' ,, .. ill

I I - f- .. ' I

- f-I

I ::: "" I ,,,,, I '

I --- f· 1·- .. I

'""' 245 ' ~ p,.,,.;ctJ _1\81 ..... ,,,,,

"" I I '"' I .. -- ..... !-

Tol•l ,,, i I I "" I i I t'fi: '---- . .. ... -~ ,,,,,


::~~~: 1~1

. ·-·· . ········ r- ..... , . :..::;:: .. -----:; oct4 , ..

' Pr~ ~:: ' .... l__llij

- - ~--- t-Pr~l6_ - 1- ""I

- I m, Precinctl ~

I ! --··· :

''"I 321!, ' I I 1321! I ' I ,-- -~

Tol•l 1-

i .. 11 -

Tol•l ' 1-- . '

,',~;. ' ! i

! Tol•l ! I I "" ou'"'"" ouomonw ,,:,•"""-' I"' - ' ... ,- - - -! :: ""· I I I 1 I i Ill!! I

...• .... I :::: Tol•l I .. i i

' '11 I - '- I ---t I ~ To!• I "' ; i

I I "'"· i I I I __..,._,

HUUt Official Results uum

Page 175: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, '"'••linn 1 uo•uoy, <oh r 28, 2012

Names ofT own ships and Eledion Dts!rkts



~:~~~ ---- _ Poocioct1

Precinct 3 . . .. Precincl4 1-P7ocioct5

Poocmct 1 I

'" ,,~ Tot•l


' Precinct 2 Tolal


Tow"htpo Tout•

l VOTFR<. T )TAl

' I

i I



:~~· 10"'


.... . ....

:~: :::: 1348



' i I

' ........ .. .. . . --

. ,ii:: ,'.iii i

""'· I

"'"· I I I I i I I I

"""' I

*******Official Results -uutu




' 2630~


i 20611

I ""~

I ,.,,,

1 1 12828

Page 176: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

' ' ' ' STATEMENT OF VOTES February Election Tuesday February 28 2012

a<' T"C "'""n <H TES

Names of Townships and 1.1 I il'i " " 1.1 " I " ! " ill I

" 1.1 g! w • w • • • Election Districts

u I u u u u u u u u u I !

~ ~ I z L G> ~ " "' "' ~ "' c i ~

'l • 0 ru • 0 c 0

~ 0 0

"' " "' MUSKEGON 61 iii ~ " " ~ 0 !l: 0

• I " 0

8 .- ru ~ c L iJ ;>' ~ ~ 0

J 3 0 0

~ 0 ~ i3 "- " 3 ~. - "' 0 0 " " 0 0 ru •. ~- 3 ~ • • " Section 1 'l 0 3 ~ 0

0 ru ~ 3 ~ 0 0 ~ 3 ru 0 0



BLUE lAI<E "(OWNSHIP -- -- f'recintt.L_ o: o: .?f. ' 0 o' 18' o' o: "' 101 1' -- - 191 Total o: o: 1 2 o: 0, 18,' { o' 621 1011 •I "' CASNOVIA TOWNSHIP Preci ct I o' 11 j;' -- gt_ ---}- o: 2s' 1 o' g~! lin· ' Total o: I " o, 0 o' 23, I ol ------u- -1821 s! " CEDAR CREEK TOWNSHIP Preci!lcll 1' 0 "' o; ___ o' 1'

"I 0 2 73 !OS"-,,

- ---~_l Total •I 0 11 o' ·t il " 0, 2 13 109' 4 23

OAUQNT_QWN_S.Hlfl _ Pr~io.ctJ I 't 't 2J ' 0 0 11 2. o' 97j '' \171 71 ' P1ecincl 2 0 0, 91 0 11 - ~~ "· . _o._ -0~ " 75 :I ~ PreJ;jll(:tJ_ 2 o;__ .J?t--

:1 2: • ---~~~: _ _i 34! " Precllw!~- ol 0 _0~--- *


;,I 5 "'·· " 100 ___ ll Total 2: 6~ 49! •I 3 64: 2· 2 203 328! " EGf'.~_S_ION TOWNSHIP f'_r~ o' -9t·· • 21 0 o' 12 0 0 ----"t- JQ9~ - 1 i -- -~ o:~---


Pre<:incl2 I····· 01 "I 0 0

li " 'I _o, sz, \271

fJ " Precinct 3 2. 0 11 0 o, . "I '· 2 "I 80 Je 5s1

-------:r- 21 ml Total 2: 0, 34 2 0, 0, 1571 " FRUITlAND TOWNSHIP Prednct 1 .... ..... '1--- 2. ~i 1 ,. o· " o' o' tsi ~~~t- ~~~ P1eci ct 2 '· d 131 +-t -~t. 2l 01 't . 931 10111 4 23 Total ti 2 39, 0 60~ 0, 0, 255' 255 9, 62

FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 o: o, 2? .. •I 01 o' 42:

:1 ,, 1171 1ee;_ ___ 13i . ~!,

Pr~ o' :1

s' 0 111 ,I 20' 111 1& m' B I

I 15' - ~:-- :::Jj: ...• ••I 1s{ "' . - J:_reci ctJ

~~ 2, 2, o,_ 187 13

Pre<:inct_4 _ :1

~!f II o'

:1 ;s' ,. o' 144' 193 "I !1

Total 3 88; 2, 2: 128~ 3~ •I 496: ss9;- 45, 145

HOLTON TOWNSHIP Pre<:incll 0 0 17j o' ,. o' 23 0 - o; 4i 1031 I " Total 0 0~ 111 0 •I 0~ 23 0~ o: 42! 103, II " lAKETON TOWNSHIP Precinct l. n. ......... - I' o;_ 18t 0 0 _0~ 2' o' 1i 103 105' H; ;:; --+--Prec" ct 2 0 0 13 I 0 1 31 0 0 135 161! 5'

Precinct 3 ' 11 19 o: 11 o' - -~~~ -- 91 ' ~· 'iO/ '' Total •I 0, so: tl 0 tl " 0 •I --- '33't-313 22; ..

MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP Pr~inctJ _ ---- ... ( .. o' 3' ~ -- -~i -gt 01 25: o; o' ~I+ "' 3 I

Total o' -o;--r- 0, 0, 25: o' o: "' " 3' " M.PPRI,AN_Q T_QWNS.HJP Precinct 1 I • 5 o' o' 0 17 11 o' 35' 91 4_1 15 Total •I 0, 9 0 0 0, 11, •I o: 35, 91 4 15

MUSKEG_ON TQWNSHIP Precinct 1 II o; _ o o' 0 o' 9 0 0 22 37' 0! .: Precin_ct ~ _____ ----- '· 1. \--- ---- 9t _ot_ 9~-- -- _13; I o;- ~i-·- 51; 1 i

Precinct_3 ... ·--{ 1!1 't

:1 0 261 __ I 0 " 123 ', -!~ --------~-- ot---- ) o' P~ct_4_ 0 0. 24 I I -- ~3~---- .. " 0 5

2' ~ ol ,, ---;-Pr~incl_~_ 'I 11 o, ot·n 11 281_ 58 I

Preclo(<tj ____ ---- - 'I 111 ', o' d ---ot ___ la, o. ol 19 41 111--~

Precinct 7 _ ·- ---~'-- o, 2:1

0 o' 't _20~ o' 0 II 3£, ~ - ____ Il Total 4: 2; 0 tl 0, "' J! t! 187[ 445; ( 19

MUSKEGON TOWNSHIP AV P_recinct_l_ •I ' 30 't _ot- 0. n: o' 0 m: 100' 33 !

Total II o' 3{ 0 0 o: II[ ot o' 132: too; 33: 30

NQ LQNGE!J/1. PRECINCT PreciOO__L_ f-- _02 __ 0 0 o' o' -l- o; ot . --- _0_,_ 01 o' 0:

Total 0, 0, 0, --t l 0 0, 0 0 0 0 o: RAVENNA TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 0 0 Hi ,. 0 o' " I 'I 111 - - _J731 10

Total 0 0, ni o' 0, 0 36, •I 0, '" 113 10: 35

SULLNAN TOWNSHIP Precin~U __ o: (It-- 14

:I o: 0 zs' o' o: 55 111j_ 'I ll

Total o' 0, 14: o' 0 2a; o' o' 56: m'l 3 2t WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP Pr~inct 1 I o, 1_~ 1' ,.

01 24' o' o' so' " ',j· '" .r ---+-- "' Tolal I 0, 10, 1; 0, 0, 0 " 93; " W_HJTEHALL TO'#NS~IP Precincll 0 o' ,. o' ' 'I " o' ,, 67j 84' 2 ! 11

Total 0, 01 'I 0, o; 0, " 0~ 2' 67: 84: 2 11

Townships Totals 11j 6; "'' 14 9' 5, 7671 " Ill 2437 3640: "' 753

uuut Official Results tuuu

Page 177: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PRES Names of Townships and Election Districts



~ Section 2 I I

i i

Pre<:inct 1 o' 1 1~\ o 1 ,'j :>5' o' 1: n 101 1 22 Total o: I 15; 0 1 36! 0, 1: 12: totl 221

MUSKEGON CITY PrecinctJ .. ____ o; o 3 o o~-- o1 12. o' o; n: 431 11 -~

MUSKEGON HEIGHTS CITY Precinct2 ~- o; -'/ o' o o 4' o' o: o 9 q 1- ____ J_ Precinct3 o o 1},__ o, o

1 _o

1__ ii o' o, 3 ______ 3~'"----~~ __ _

Precirm.~ _____ o


1,'==~·~· =j·r·==·~=~·-==j'~' =j'~'==·~-=-=~·==::';:::=~·11==~ Precinct~--- o~ _ _1L o' o __ _Q,_ o 1 o o z~ 4 o! .f'recinct6 o o~ l __ :-_p;_-_ o' o1 5' _o1 ____ o; 5: 22· 1 __ 3

Tola~r~inct? - --- --~t--- ~~ ~] :t·· -- -~~~- :! 1;! :I --1- 1;! 4~~ 01: 81

NORTH MUSKEGON CITY__ P:rocinct I o: o; 9j __ o; ~- .. o: 14' 1 o' 109' so' 5! 21


Total 2' 2: i&1 4, 0, tl 186; &! 2: 659 313; n: 176

7f-__ _jlj

31 16 10, 34

Wtl_fT_EH~L!,._ CITY Precinct 1 25 Total

0 0 19" o' 0 ---,'r·- ¢a' - -- - o. 0 o; G, 19: o o, 40~ o: o' s'

CiUes Totals ,, • 414 11 3, 1 soo; 13, 189: 591

Townships Totals

"' •' 14' ,, s' mi 1811 753

GtandTotals 1461

" 27i ms: 58961 370' 1344

****li** Official Results*******

Page 178: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28,2012


Names of Townships a lid 0 0 i 0 0 3 3 E!ectionDistf..::ts


"' c -< • 0 0 ;l' ! MUSKEGON 61 i3 0 "-"' <;! 0

" ~ 3

Section 1
















Townships Tolals

Precinct 1 Total

_ Precil)ct I Total

Precinct 1 Total

0 rr • 3 •

3 g a







i I,

6, jj -t +- .. --+ ---t- ... ; •• -I-- 1--

1 :

~:::::: -= ~!=,:: ~· +-__L_ '[· + I --t I!' ___ J'r~inct3 [------- _ --~---?31___ +----l__j _ +- 1---! -~

Total 2371 48; I I -- -- 1 - 28

~:::: : -- ::1 t- :-=t=-t= I i ! -t +-- H

Precinct I Total

Precinct J Total

Total Precinct I


Preci!}CI! Total

. Precinct 1 __ Total

Total Precinct 1 __

Total Pr!lcin«l



--;:~ ;I I I I I I 1 I ' :

•• -~ .. :

I 161

o' 0,

,. ,, ___ (

' 1421

•. 14 •' .

23 o' -+ I I i --+- ! -t---;- !, ---' o: :·-----+ ! I.. --+ +-j ! I --~


0, H I j :-- ---L

----~ i 4

H ' I 1-------t +-- -+-. t--I H I

230' ! 1651

uwu Official Results *******

Page 179: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

STATEMENT OF VOTES, February Election, Tuesday, February 28, 2012



I I I Nall'les oFTownships and '

Election Districts


I ~

~ z ~

0 m 0 I ~ MUSKEGON 61 ill "' I

0 " 0

" ' Section 1 I




BLUE LAKE TOWN,Stf_IP Precln_ct I --

Total CASNO\I!A_ T_OWNSHIP Precinct 1 ' -'I +-=± i-+ i I .t

Total •: 71 I I ' CEDAR CREEK_T_OWNSH!e_ Precinct I Total


Precinct 2 Pr~ -- - -- ------ ---- ------

Precinct 4 ---- -- -----··· -- -----

Total !;GELSTON TOWNSH!f'_ Precinct 1 -

Pre<:inct 2 f--· I --··· Predfl\<\3 .... - ~--- ----

Total FRUffl.M'JO TOWNSHIP Pr~l -

Precinct 2 Total

FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP Pr~ PrecirJct2 __ -- ------

_ _____E[[email protected]_ -- --- ----··

Precinct 4 ---- ---· ---- -

Total HOLTON J:QWNSH!_P Precinct 1 ..

Total lAKETON TOWN~H_IP __ Precinct 1 --


-- _Pr~in!<\_1____ -----

Total MONTA~_[;JQWNSHIP Precinct 1


MOOBJ..AND_ TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 72 !Of>: j j I I H ---- _1] Total 72: 105: I I I 17

MUSK_!;_(;_QrJ TOWNSHIP Precinct 1 .. ...... Precinl;lt --

pnx;inct 3 ---- .. --

Prednct4 __ -- ---- -

p~-- ---- -- --··· --- - ---- -

Pre~;:inc\6 -

-- Pr~c\7 - --- ---


Total NO LONGE_RA PRJOC!NCT Precinct l I - --

Total RAVENNA TOWNSHIP __ Precincll ~:~t- 1391

- -; I t-i __:)3 Total 191 139 I ! ! 33

SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP Precing 1 65: .. ; I L__J_ 14 Total " 84, I I I i

! 14 WHI)J. __ RIVER TOWNSHIP Precinl;t 1

Total WHITEHALL_TO',_\'NS_H!P Precinct 1


Townships Totals 334; l35 I I I I I I I 66

***U** Official Results *******

Page 180: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

' ' ' ' STATEMENT OF VOTES February Election Tuesday February 28 2012


Names of Tovtnships arK! I I I

Election Olstricts ! ?i.

~ z ~ m 0 I


MUSKEGON 61 "' "' i:f 0



SecOOn 2

' i








MONTAGUE CfTY Precinct 1 Total

MUSKEGON CITY Pr~ci ct I Precinct 10 _ ---- ---

Preci11ct II -- --Precind_\2 -------- ...... Precinct 13 ------ -

Pre~;inc!H +--Precinct 2 .. - -PracmL --- -Precinct 4 __ ---- ---

---- Precing~ _ ---- -----

Pre<:inct 6 -- ------ ........... P_rednct7 -

----- Precin~L$_ ------ ----

----- Precinct 9 __ - --- ..


PtecingJ Precinct4 - -

Precirn:_!5 PrecinctS

. ·····• Precinct 7 --

Total NORTH MUSKEG_ON_QJJY Pr~inc:t_l I····· -

--··· _____ _____E__re<;irwt2 + ----- ----- --- ------- --

Total NORTON SHORES CITY Preciru;U______ --

Pr~ --

Preo;inct 11 I -- --PI~ -

----- Pr~_i~3 ---- ---- ..... ---- Predflcl4 I ..... - ----

Precinct 5 -

P1e~ --

---- ---- __ ______E!_eciflct 7 -. --PrecinctS -- ------ -Precinct9


Total I . ·········

R,OOSEVEL T PARK CITY Precinct 1 Precinct 2 -- ------

Total Wt!ITEHAll CITY Precinct I


CIUn Totals

Townships Totals 334: 335!, I I I ' I ! ' " Grand Totals 334: m; ! I I i I T I I I 66

uwu Official Results uwu

Page 181: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Presidential Primary 2012 Official Results 2/29/2012 4:25 PM

·Presidential Primary 2012 I I

: 2/28/20121 President of the United States :


Order Precinct #of Poll %Voters Michele Henman Newt Jon Gary --Reg. Book (Per Bachmann Cain Gingrich Huntsman Johnson Voters Totals Precinct) Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican

1 Ashland 0200001 1759 341 19.39% 0 0 25 0 0 21Barton 10400001 529 104 19.66% 1 1 5 0 0 3iBeaver •0600001 356 57 16.01% 1 0 5 0 0 4: Big Prairie 0800001 1836 172 9.37% 0 0 16 0 0 --·-· 5 I Bridgeton '1000001 1538 228 14.82% 0 1 9 0 0 61Brooks #1 11200001 927 191 20.60% 0 3 18 0 0 7 1Brooks #2 1200002 1774 328 18.49% 1 2 23 0 0 8jCroton 1400001 2419 380 15.71% 0 0 20 0 0 9!Dayton 1600001 1595 415 26.02% 0 1 ! 36 0 1

10 Denver 1800001 1480 224 15.14% 1 1 I 11 1 1 --11 Ensley 2000001 18301 371 20.27% 0 2 i 20 0 1 12 Everett 2200001 13731 160 11.65% 3 1

' 9 0 0 ..

13 Garfield 2400001 1667 335 20.10% 1 0 15 1 0 --14 Goodwell 2600001 3621 54 14.92% 0 0 2 0 0 --15 Grant 2800001 21991 523 23.78% 1 2 29 1 0 16 Home 3000001 182 51 28.02% 0 0 6 0 0 17 Lilley 3200001 669 118 17.64% 0 0

• 8 0 0

18 Lincoln 3400001 948 159 16.77% 1 0 8 0 0 19 Merrill 3600001 495 71 14.34% 0 0 3 0 0 20 Monroe 3800001 251 53 21.12% 0 0 1 0 0 21 Norwich 4000001 449 97 21.60% 0 0 10 0 0 22 Sheridan 4200001 1937 390 20.13% 1 0 7 2 0 23 Sherman 4400001 I 1527 310 20.30%1 1 0 10 0 0 24 Troy 4600001 . 210 38 18.10% 1 0 0 0 0 25 Wilcox 4800001 832 100 12.02% 0 0 3 0 1 26 City of Fremont #1 5200001 1662 407 24.49% 1 0 : 30 1 0 27 City of Fremont #2 5200002 1533 354 23.09% 0 0 26 0 0 28 City of Grant 5400001 587 116 19.76% 1 0 6 0 0 29 City of Newaygo '5600001 1393 211 15.15% 0 0 12 1 0 30 City of White Cloud 5800001 7831 114 14.56% 0 0 13 0 0 --

Totals 35102 6472 15 14 386 7 ' 4 I

Registered Voters 35102 I ! ' I

% of Voter Turnout 18.44% I l -··

Page 1

Page 182: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Presidential Primary 2012 Official Results 2/29/2012 4:25 PM

Presidential Primary 2012 2/28/20121 President of the United States


i 1 position fl"l:Y~ Precinct ! #of Poll %Voters Fred Ron Rick Buddy Mitt Rick

Reg. Book (Per Karger Paul Perry Roemer Romney Santo rum Voters Totals Precinct) Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican

Ashland 10200001 1759 341 19.39% 0 30 1 1 81 184 Barton 0400001 5291 104 19.66% 0 13 1 1 31 46 Beaver 0600001 356 57 16.01% 0 2 1 0 18 22 ®:9 Prairie 10800001 1836 172 9.37% 0 14 0 0 50 78

~~eton 1000001 1538 228 14.82% 0 20 0 0 35 154 Brooks #1 1200001 927 191 20.60% 0 24 0 0 47 85 Brooks #2 1200002 1774 328 18.49% 0 32 1 0 96 141 Croton 1400001 2419 380 15.71% 0 47 1 0 135 161 ·----Dayton 1600001 1595 415 26.02% 0 54 I 2 1 111 178 Denver 1800001 1480 224 15.14% 0 14 1 0 34 124 Ensley 2000001 1830 371 20.27% 1 i 33 1 0 86 201 ~tt 2200001 1373 160 11.65%1 0 16 1 0 40 76 Garfield 2400001 1667 335 20.10%: 1 26 0 0 89 190

·-· Goodwell 2600001 I 362 54 14.92% 0 I 4 1 0 I 13 29 . --Grant 2800001 ' 2199 523 23.78% 0 ' 39 1 1 I 112 291 Home 3000001 i 182 51 28.02% 0 I 5 0 0 I 16 21 Lilley 3200001 ! 669 118 17.64% 0 18 0 1 I 27 53 Lincoln 3400001 ' 948 159 16.77% 2 21 0 0 I 31 77 Merrill 3600001 495 71 14.34% 0 9 0 0 11 23 Monroe 3800001 ' 251 53 21.12% 0 4 1 0 I 19 26 Norwich 4000001 449 97 21.60% 0 11 0 0 I 30 44 Sheridan 4200001 1937 390 20.13% 0 19 4 0 I 105 240 Sherman 4400001 1527 310 20.30% 0 39 0 0 I 91 144 Troy 4600001 210 38 18.10% 0 4 0 0 ' 15 11 Wilcox 4800001 832 100 12.02% 0 4 2 0 34 49 gty of Fremont #1 5200001 1662 407 24.49% 1 29 2 0 153 138 City-of Fremont #2 5200002 1533 354 23.09% 0 31 0 2 133 128 City of Grant 5400001 587 116 19.76% 0 7 1 0 29 67 City of Newaygo 5600001 1393 211 15.15% 0 20 2 0 70 79 gty of Wihite Cloud 5800001 783 114 14.56% 2 12 0 0 31 46

Totals 35102 6472 7 601 24 7 1773 3106

' ~gistered Voters I 35102

I %of Voter Turnout I 18.44% I ' I -------


Page 183: Statement ofVotes Cast Date:03/0 1/12 Mackinac County, MI ...€¦ · Moran Tovmship, Precinct I Newton Tm\'Tiship, Precinct I Portage Township, Precinct I Statement of Votes Cast

Presidential Primary 2012 Official Results 2/29/2012 4:25 PM

Presidential Primary 2012 i !, .

2/28/2012 President of the United States I I •


Precinct #of Poll %Voters Barack I Reg. I Book (Per Uncommitted Obama Uncommitted

Voters Totals Precinct) Republican TOTALS Democrat Democrat TOTALS '

Ashland 0200001 I 1759 341 19.39% 2 324 13 3 16 Barton 0400001 529 104 19.66% 1 100 2 2 4 Beaver 0600001 356 571 16.01% 1 50 5 I 0 5 ~g Prairie 0800001 1836 172 9.37% 0 158 12 2 14 ~geton 1000001 1538 228 14.82% 0 219 8 0 8 Brooks #1 1200001 9271 191 20.60% 4 181 8 0 8 Brooks #2 1200002 1774 328 18.49% 5 301 19 4 23 Croton 1400001 2419 380 15.71% 2 366 10 4 14 ~yton 1600001 1595 415 26.02% 7 391 20 3 23 Denver 1800001 1480 2241 15.14% 5 193 29 2 31

~r 2000001 1830 371 20.27% 5 350 13 ' 7 20 Everett 2200001 1373 160 11.65% 4 150 7 3 10 Garfield 2400001 1667 335 20.10% 0 323 9 3 12 Goodwell 2600001 362 54 14.92% 0 49 5 0 5 Grant 2800001 2199 523 23.78%. 10 487 31 5 36 Home 3000001 ' 182 51 28.02% 1 49 2 0 2 Lilley 3200001 669 118 17.64% 0 107 7 4 11 Lincoln 3400001 948 159 16.77% 2 142 14 3 17 Merrill 3600001 495 71 14.34% 1 47 24 0 24 Monroe 3800001 251 53 21.12% 0 51 2 0 2 Norwich 4000001 449 97 21.60% 1 96 1 0 1 Sheridan 4200001 1937 390 20.13% 4 382 8 0 8 Sherman 4400001 1527 310 20.30%1 5 290 17 2 19 Troy 4600001 210 38 18.10% 1 32 5 1 6 IMicox 4800001 832 1001 12.02% 3 96 2 2 4 City of Fremont #1 5200001 1662 407 24.49% 8 363 35 I 9 44 City of Fremont #2 '5200002 1533 354 23.09% 9 329 23 2 25 City of Grant 5400001 5871 116 19.76% 3 114 1 1 2 City of Newaygo 5600001 1393 211 15.15% 4 188 18 5 23 gty of IMhite Cloud 5800001 783 114 14.56%' 4 108 4 1 5

' I

Totals 35102 6472 92 6036 354 68 ! 422

~gistered Voters 35102 !

% of Voter Turnout 18.44%1

Page 3