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FCS is a member of ADEC Innovations,

a privately-held business with over 5,000

employees, and operations in North

America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

FirstCarbon Solutions is a leading provider of environmental, sustainability and compliance solutions, delivering fully-integrated consulting, software and data management services.

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Introduction 4

Environmental Services 6

CEQA/NEPA Compliance 7

Natural Resources Management 8

Cultural Resources Management 9

Entitlements and Permitting 9

Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management 10

Noise Management 11

Prominent Projects 12

Energy and Carbon Management 14

Sustainability and Supply Chain Management 14

Software and Data Management 15

Firm Leadership 16

Certifications, Licenses and Registrations 18

Highly Satisfied Clients 19




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North America





With more than 30 years of experience, FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) is a leading provider of environmental, sustainability and compliance solutions, delivering fully-integrated consulting, software and data management services.

We assist our clients in achieving the delicate, and sometimes elusive, balance between environmental protection and development. Known for being highly responsive to client needs, FCS is dedicated to providing excellent service, accurate research, thoughtful recommendations, and innovative solutions for the mutual success of our clients and our practice. We believe our associates and their expertise are fundamental to this success.


Over 30 years’experience on 8,000 projects


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Recognized as an industry leader in energy and carbon management solutions, supply chain and life cycle assessments, and sustainability, environmental, software and data processing services, FCS applies practical and proven solutions to specific environmental challenges.

Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental documentation, planning and entitlements services, biological and cultural resources assessments, air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG) and noise analyses, regulatory permitting, and restoration planning and monitoring.

With a full complement of environmental and sustainability services, FCS works with you to:

• Identify and resolve your environmental challenges and solutions

• Streamline the environmental review process

• Develop cost-effective mitigation solutions

• Reduce costs and improve your overall operational efficiency with cost-effective sustainability solutions

With a wide range of service areas, our global company reach and a network of teaming partners, FCS provides the innovative and comprehensive solutions that best address your unique challenges.

Whether you are looking to streamline the environmental review process or improve your sustainability practices, we work with you to improve your performance organization-wide.


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Environmental Services:• Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analyses• Biological Resources Surveys and Assessments • CEQA Documentation (CatEx, ISs, NDs, MNDs, EIRs)• Climate Action Plans (CAPs)• Community Outreach/Involvement • Construction Monitoring and Reporting • Cultural Resources Management• Due Diligence Assessments• Entitlements Processing• Expert Witness Testimony• Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Analyses • Health Risk Assessments • Historic Resources Evaluations• Legislative and Policy Analyses • Materials Risk Analyses• Mitigation Monitoring Programs

PUBLIC AGENCYCommunity PlanningCorrectional FacilitiesLand Use PlanningParks and RecreationPublic HealthPublic WorksSchoolsRegional PlanningTransportation FacilitiesUtilities and Infrastructure


PRIVATE INDUSTRYCommercialCommunication FacilitiesDue DiligenceEnergy / RenewablesHealthcare FacilitiesIndustrialLandfillsMixed-UseResidential

COMMUNITYCitizen Advisory Committees (CACs)Expert Witness TestimonyPublic HearingsPublic Involvement ProgramsScoping Notices and MeetingsStakeholder OutreachTechnical Advisory Groups (TAGs)Websites and Social Media

Land use development is becoming more challenging due to the ever-increasing complexity of regulations and the legal —and often political—nature of today’s planning environment. FCS’ team of experts will efficiently guide you through the environmental compliance process and expedite project approvals.

FCS helps our clients identify and manage environmental impacts so that proposed and planned development will proceed in full legal compliance. Since 1982, we have prepared environmental documentation for more than 8,000 Private Industry, Public Agency and Community Projects.


• Natural Resources Management• NEPA Documentation (CatEx, EAs, FONSIs, EISs)• Noise and Vibration Analyses• Opportunities and Constraints Analyses• Permit Processing (CWA 401/404, FGC 1600, ESA Sec. 7/10)• Phase I Environmental Site Assessments• Project Review and Processing Services• Public Involvement Programs• Regulatory Compliance• Renewable Energy Site Assessments• Restoration Planning and Monitoring• Special-status Species Surveys• Sustainable Community Analyses• Sustainability Plans and Programs• Websites and Social Media Engagement


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FCS will help you navigate the review process swiftly and cost-effectively.

Our clients are looking for efficient, practical and cost-effective ways to assess and manage the environmental impacts of new or modified projects.

Our history in environmental compliance spans more than 30 years, and includes the preparation of more than 30,000 environmental documents that complied with all regulatory requirements and received agency approvals. FCS has prepared CEQA and NEPA compliance documents for more than 8,000 projects. With our broad regulatory experience, we easily identify the requirements and mandated procedures for your projects.


Our background in environmental compliance covers more than 8,000 projects that are subject to the Requirements of CEQA and/or NEPA.

CEQA/NEPA Compliance Documentation:• Categorical Exclusions/Exemptions• Environmental Assessments• Environmental Impact Reports• Environmental Impact Statements• Findings of No Significant Impact• Initial Studies• Joint CEQA/NEPA Documents• Mitigated Negative Declarations• Negative Declarations• Preliminary Environmental Assessments• Proponent Environmental Assessments


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Whether surveying for protected species, monitoring construction, or restoring habitat, FCS has a diverse and experienced group of natural resources specialists to complete each task. Our in-house biologists can tailor a work plan to meet your needs, from the simplest habitat assessments and endangered species surveys, to the most complex regulatory permits.

Natural Resources Management Services:

• Biological Surveys and Assessments

• Clean Water Act Compliance (Section 401/404)

• Construction Monitoring and Reporting

• Endangered Species Act Compliance (ESA Section 7/10)

• Endangered Species Surveys

• Habitat Characterizations, Mapping, and Impact Analyses

• Habitat Conservation Plans (ESA Section 10)

• Mitigation and Restoration Plans

• Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting

• Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plans (MSHCPs)

• Pre-construction Surveys

• Regulatory Permitting

• Resource Management Plans

• Sensitive Species Investigations

• Special-Status Species Surveys

• Wetlands Delineations and Permitting

Rae Packard, Joshua Tree Tortoise Rescue

“We are very impressed with the Home Depot EIR. Our organization will be monitoring the promises made in the document, specifically the use of tortoise-proof fencing during construction. We expect that the Town of Yucca Valley will use this document as the standard to which all incoming business will have to adhere.”


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FCS helps clients navigate cultural resource laws and comply with the requirements of regulatory agencies at the local, state, federal, and tribal levels.

Whether you are a real estate firm developing on a potential historical site, a retailer expanding to an area that may contain unearthed fossils and artifacts, or an organization that recently acquired a property of cultural value, FCS helps you preserve the prehistoric and cultural heritages of regions undergoing development.

Cultural Resources Management Services:• Archaeological Surveys, Testing, and Salvage • Architectural Historic Resources • Area of Potential Effects (APE) Mapping • Construction Monitoring and Reporting • Cultural Resources Evaluations • Curation and Documentation • Field Surveys

As property development and ongoing license management grows increasingly complex, FCS facilitates the project entitlement and permitting processes as either an extension of your staff on individual aspects of the process or as a completely outsourced full-service provider.

Our Entitlements and Permitting Specialists work diligently on your behalf to document applicable zoning codes and planning regulations/designations and identify special overlay issues, special districts or interim controls that may affect project entitlement or permitting. FCS helps you secure project approvals — not only from cities and counties — but also from the regulatory agencies and organizations that govern water and sewer service, manage water and stormwater quality and quantity, and oversee gas, electric, phone and cable service connections. FCS works diligently on your behalf to ensure that everything you need to build and operate your business is accurate and complies with all local, state and federal regulations.

Entitlements and Permitting Services:• Code and Ordinance Reviews• Density Build-out Analysis• Due Diligence Investigations• Entitlements Processing• Historic Property Evaluations• License Management• Parking and Code Evaluations

• Permit Management• Project Management• Site Constraints Review• Site Development Application Plans• Site Investigation Reports• Title Research• Zoning Designation Determinations


• Historic Property Survey Reports • Historic Resources Compliance Reports • Literature and Record Searches • Native American Consultation • Paleontological Surveys and Salvage• Pre-construction Surveys • Salvage of Fossils, Artifacts and Ecofacts Determinations


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Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Services:• Air Compliance and Management Programs • Air Quality Mitigation Monitoring and Strategies • Climate Action Plans (CAPs) • Conformity Analysis • Dispersion Modeling • Emission Quantification / Inventories • Fugitive Dust Control and Construction Mitigation Plans • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plans• Health Risk Assessments (HRA)• Indirect Source Review (ISR) Applications • Stationary Source Compliance Audits • Voluntary Emission Reduction Agreements

FCS is a leader in preparing air quality and greenhouse gas assessments to support your environmental documents, general plans, sustainability plans and development projects.

FCS Air Quality Team brings more than 30 years’ experience providing leading-edge air quality solutions and a proven track record in land use and air quality planning, air emissions analysis, GHG emissions inventory development, dispersion modeling, health risk assessment and more. We offer a complete range of legally-defensible solutions for public agencies and the private sector. Our air quality analyses meet CEQA and NEPA requirements, regional air authority regulations, and the transportation conformity requirements and general conformity requirements of the Clean Air Act. In addition to assessing the air quality impact of your operations and development activities, you may want to promote air quality as part of your long-term sustainability goals. FCS applies proven energy, environmental, emission inventory, and regulatory expertise to Air Compliance and Management Programs, Climate Action Plans, Indirect Source Review Applications, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management.


FCS’ Air Quality Team brings more than 30 years’ experience


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From commercial and industrial, to residential or infrastructure development, FCS offers a wide range of noise planning and control services to assist our clients with land use planning and environmental compliance.

Our Noise Management Specialists offer their expertise in utilizing traffic noise prediction models and noise modeling tools for various types of projects, including recycling facilities, industrial parks, and railroads.


Noise Management Services:• Construction Noise and Vibration Measurement, Analysis, and Control• Environmental Noise Surveys and Title 24 Compliance • Expert Testimony• Ground Vibration Prediction and Control• Highway Noise Modeling and Control • Legislative Support • Noise and Vibration Measurement and Analysis • Noise Modeling (FHWA RD-77-108, SOUND32 Noise Model, FHWA Traffic Noise Model 2.5, SoundPLAN 7.4) • Point Source Noise Impact Modeling and Mitigation Planning (e.g., heating, ventilation, HVAC systems)• Traffic and Transportation Noise and Vibration Prediction and Control


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Hollywood Central Park Project CEQA/NEPA Documentation and SupportingStudies, City of Los Angeles, CA

• Environmental Planning• CEQA/NEPA Compliance• Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management• Noise Management

The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, in conjunction with Friends of the Hollywood Central Park (FHCP), is evaluating the development of Hollywood Central Park (HCP). HCP is a proposed 38-acre urban deck park that would cap and enclose a one-mile segment of the US 101 (Hollywood Freeway), extending from the Santa Monica Boulevard overpass to a point just north of the Hollywood Boulevard overpass, along North Bronson Avenue. The Project will recreate community connectivity by developing an open space resource that serves as a focal point for recreation and civic life in the community. By constructing a cap over a portion of the existing Hollywood Freeway trench, the Project would create a street-level urban park that reunites communities separated by the Hollywood Freeway more than sixty years ago. The grade-level land uses may include landscaped open space, multi-purpose fields, active and passive pedestrian meadows, small retail facilities and kiosks (e.g., bike shops, seasonal markets, art galleries, etc.), restaurants, an amphitheater, a community center, plazas and terraces, water features, playgrounds, dog parks, and interactive community areas. The Park would be open 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, without restriction to pedestrian movement through the Park.

FCS is conducting a broad range of studies and analyses to support the preparation of CEQA and NEPA documentation for the HCP. The FCS team is preparing community impact assessments, traffic/circulation studies, noise and vibration assessments, air quality studies, and geotechnical and hazardous materials investigations, in addition to the Draft EIR and Draft EA that are required under CEQA and NEPA, respectively. More than 170 people from around the community attended the public scoping meeting to provide the FCS team with feedback on the scope of the CEQA analysis. The FCS team is working with the City and FHCP to resolve the public comments and incorporate this feedback into the Draft EIR for the project, as appropriate.

Fresno General Plan and Development Code Update Master EnvironmentalImpact Report, City of Fresno, CA

• CEQA/NEPA Compliance• Master EIR

FCS recently completed the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and Master EIR for the City of Fresno's General Plan and Development Code Update 2035, which covered an approximately 180 square-mile Planning Area. The General Plan and Development Code Update included comprehensive revisions to address the City's vision for the future through the year 2035. The Plan recommended strategies to address prevalent existing conditions and trends that impede achieving and maintaining greater human, community, environmental, and economic health and prosperity. The overall Plan goal is to create a balanced city with an appropriate portion of its growth and reinvestment focused in the central core, Downtown, established neighborhoods, and along Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors. The creation of a successful and vibrant Downtown is necessary to attract investment needed for infill development and the rehabilitation of established neighborhoods, which are key Plan priorities. The Master EIR addressed the potential environmental effects of implementing the General Plan and Development Code Update and specifically evaluated a list of identified subsequent projects. The City certified the EIR (SCH No. 2012111015) and adopted the new Fresno General Plan.



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Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.


Solano 360 Specific Plan/Solano 360 Fairgrounds Development Project Environmental Impact Report, City of Vallejo, CA

• Environmental Planning• CEQA/NEPA Compliance

The City of Vallejo and the County of Solano jointly conducted a comprehensive visioning process to plan for the redevelopment of the 152-acre County-owned Solano County Fairgrounds in the City of Vallejo. Through the visioning process, the County and City determined that the project, named Solano 360, would be "super-regional". As such, it would be unique to Solano County and the outlying areas, and would be a regional destination for entertainment, as well as an employment and retail center. At the same time, the proposed land uses were intended to be compatible with, and complement, the surrounding land uses, such as the adjacent Six Flags Discovery Kingdom amusement park.

FCS was selected to work with the land planning consultant and multi-disciplinary project team to prepare a Specific Plan based on the results of the visioning process and the various environmental and infrastructure studies that were prepared to guide the Plan. Specifically, FCS' role was to identify potential environmental constraints as the Specific Plan was being prepared and to then prepare an EIR for the Specific Plan. FCS identified and communicated potential environmental issues, incorporating as design features what would have otherwise become mitigation measures in the EIR. Since certain areas of the project, including the Fair of the Future area, entertainment/retail area, mixed-use area, creek restoration area, transit facilities, streets and parking, and all required infrastructure, were planned and analyzed at a Project level while the remainder of the plan was analyzed at a Program level, FCS prepared a combined Project/Program EIR to mirror the two levels of specificity.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIAKaiser Permanente Dublin Medical Center EIR, City of Dublin

Warm Springs / South Fremont Community Plan EIR, City of Fremont

East Pleasanton Specific Plan EIR, City of Pleasanton

Fouts Springs Decomissioning/Restoration Project EA/FONSI, Mendocino National Forest

Napa Logistics Center EIR, City of American Canyon

Tassajara Parks EIR, Contra Costa County

Shadelands Gateway Specific Plan EIR, City of Walnut Creek

CENTRAL CALIFORNIAProgram EIR for the Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan, Fulton Corridor Specific Plan, and Downtown Development Code, City of Fresno

Tulare Motor Sports Complex (Raceway) EIR, City of Tulare

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIALos Osos Wastewater Treatment Plant EIR, San Luis Obispo County

Fontana North Walmart and Fontana South Walmart Project EIRs, City of Fontana

NEPA Documentation for the LA Metro LTE Upgrade Project, Los Angeles Metropolitan Area

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Expansion and Surgery and Emergency Facility Replacement IS/MND, City of Los Angeles

Las Montanas Marketplace Mixed-use Development Program EIR, City of Indio

Renaissance Specific Plan EIR, City of Rialto

Corona Downtown Revitalization Specific Plan Amendment IS/MND, City of Corona

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.


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Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

FCS proactively addresses your carbon management, energy efficiency, and climate risk challenges by providing a full range of services that reduce energy consumption and costs while improving your GHG footprint. In addition, our sustainability, energy, and carbon management services will help you determine project impacts and identify feasible, cost-effective mitigation measures.

Whether you need a Climate Action Plan, energy reduction recommendations or a GHG inventory, FCS applies proven technical science and sound policy development frameworks to help you meet your environmental goals.

• GHG/Carbon Inventories, Benchmarks and Reduction Plans

• Energy Management Plans• Stationary Source Compliance Audits• Utility Invoice Aggregation, Processing and Analysis• Utility Rebate Program Management and Incentive Administration

“Environmental planning and improvement is an overwhelming task, especially if you don’t have all the information you need in order to make the best decisions. FCS has helped make our (GHG, energy and water usage) goals for Southern California a reality.”

FCS provides sustainability solutions that help improve operational efficiency, enhance your brand reputation, and drive significant reductions in resource costs and use.

Whether you are looking to differentiate yourself, or you are a business requested to provide your stakeholders with accurate, comprehensive information across your entire supply chain, we’ll help you understand and improve your environmental performance internally and across your supply chain so it directly benefits your bottom line.

CDP is the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information. As the exclusive CDP scoring and sustainability outsourcing partner since 2011, FCS has advised hundreds of organizations around the world on how to improve and better communicate their climate change mitigation strategies. In addition, we have worked with a number of leading companies around the world to gather accurate environmental and social sustainability metrics from their global suppliers in order to provide them with unprecedented information transparency and ensure they are operating sustainably throughout their expansive supply chain.

• Disclosure Reporting (CDP, DJSI, etc.)

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting• Supply Chain Social and Environmental Metrics• Supplier Assessments and Scorecards

Greg Asher, AICP, GHG/Sustainability Manager, Southern California Association of Governments

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.


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Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

Only FCS fully integrates consulting expertise with software and unmatched expertise in back office data processing to provide you with end-to-end data management services that drive bottom line results.

We offer a web-based platform that allows you to easily and cost-effectively collect and integrate data from multiple sources into a single database, set and track baselines over time, set goals, and manage initiatives to reduce resource use and impacts while improving business performance.

Data Management Services:• Daily Document Collection and Transportation• Data Conversion and

Standardization• Data Entry via Secure Network• High Speed Scanning and Indexing• Phone Call Reminders to Report Data• Quality Assurance and Exception Management• Secure Shredding and Record

Storage Facilities

Software Services: • Automated Tasks and Workflows• Customizable Dashboards• Detailed Project Insights• Integration with Other Information Systems• Multiple Hosting Solutions• Multilingual and Regional Preferences• Personalized Content Management• Pre-formatted Reports

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.



Page 16: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS - … · Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality



Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

FCS is comprised of experts in environmental, sustainability and energy management who collaborate with clients to develop the solutions that drive the highest return on investment.

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.


Page 17: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS - … · Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality


Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.


Page 18: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS - … · Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality


Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

FCS’ highly qualified and experienced technical staff holds the following certificates, licenses, and registrations to meet your project needs.


• 24-Hour Lead-Related Constructor Course, 2015-2016• Adult First Aid / CPR / AED Certification• American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)• Asbestos Worker 32-Hour Training / Certification• California Real Estate License #01453065 • California Registered Landscape Architect, License No. 1687• California State Bar• CDP Climate Change Scoring• CDP Water Scoring• CELTA Certificate in Small Group Facilitation• Certificate in Electronic Printing and Publishing• Certificate in Geographic Information Systems• Certified Environmental Educator• Certified Financial Consultant• Certified in USACE Wetland Delineation Techniques• Certified Production Artist• Certified Project Manager• Collections Research Certification, Society of

Professional Archaeologists• Desert Tortoise Surveying, Monitoring, and Handling Techniques / Tortoise Egg Handling and Burrow Construction Certificate• Engineer in Training (EIT) Certificate• Field Research Certification, Society of Professional Archaeologists

Experienced Technical Staff to meet Your needs

Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.

FCS' Natural Resources Specialists regularly conduct surveys for a host of rare, threatened, endangered and other special-status mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, fish and plant species, including desert tortoise, vernal pool branchiopods, burrowing owl, giant garter snake, Least Bell's Vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander and valley elderberry longhorn beetle. Our specialists also possess the following U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits:

• Federal 10(a)(1)(A) Permit #TE-018909-04 El Segundo Blue Butterfly, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat• Federal 10(a)(1)(A) Permit #TE-71221B-0 for Quino Checkerspot Butterfly• Flat-tailed Horned Lizard, BLM MOU• State of California (California Department of Fish and Wildlife) Scientific Collecting Permit: 801056-05


• Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting• GRI G4 Certified Sustainability Reporting• GRU G4 Certified Sustainability Reporting• Identifying Clovis Lithics in the Desert West Certificate, 2016• Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Associate Member• ISO 9000 Internal Quality Auditor Certificate• ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor• Juris Doctorate• NAUI Open Water Diver Certification• Oregon Registered Landscape Architect, License No. 740• Planting Leader and Certified Citizen Forester, San

Francisco Friends of the Urban Forest• Raptor Identification Training and Hawk Watch

Surveying Techniques• Registered Environmental Assessor • Registered Professional Archaeologist• Scientific Diving Marine Invertebrate Collection, USFWS• Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)

Card, 2015-2020• United States Green Building Council (USGBC),

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED-AP)

• Vernal Pool Branchiopod Identification Certification

Page 19: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS - … · Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality

With over 8,000 projects and more than 30,000 documents completed since 1982, our list of satisfied, repeat clients continues to grow year after year. Below is a partial list of our clients with whom we continue to work.


Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.

HIGHLY SATISFIED CLIENTSMary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.

Abbott & Kindermann, LLPAmstar/Kaliber, LLCAT&TBechtelBonadelle CommunitiesBrown Reynolds Watford ArchitectsCalistoga Hills Resort Inc.Capital Partners Development Co.Cargill Meat Solutions CorporationCatholic Diocese of Orange CountyCavium, Inc.CDPCEI Engineering Associates, Inc.Central Metal Inc. (CMI)Chick-fil-A, Inc.City of American CanyonCity of AnaheimCity of AtascaderoCity of BarstowCity of BrentwoodCity of BurlingameCity of ChicoCity of ChinoCity of ClovisCity of ConcordCity of CoronaCity of Costa MesaCity of DublinCity of EastvaleCity of El CentroCity of FairfieldCity of FontanaCity of FremontCity of FresnoCity of HealdsburgCity of HighlandCity of Huntington BeachCity of IrvineCity of Loma LindaCity of MaderaCity of MercedCity of MurrietaCity of NapaCity of OntarioCity of PleasantonCity of RedlandsCity of Rohnert ParkCity of SacramentoCity of Santa AnaCity of Santa RosaCity of Simi ValleyCity of TemeculaCity of Tracy

City of Walnut CreekCity of WildomarCity of YucaipaCity of Yorba LindaCompass GroupCounty of CalaverasCounty of ColusaCounty of El DoradoCounty of MaderaCounty of OrangeCounty of RiversideCounty of San BernardinoCounty of San JoaquinCounty of SolanoCounty of TulareDCI Pacific, Inc.DCP MidstreamDNV Climate Change Services ASD.R. Horton, Inc.Eden HousingElliott HomesEssential Properties Group, Inc.Forestar Corona, LLCFirmenichFirst American TitleFresno USDFriends of Hollywood Central Park BoardG.H. Palmer and AssociatesGates & AssociatesGeneral Dynamics InformationGinder DevelopmentGresham, Savage, Nolan & Tilden, LLPGW PlasticsHayward Area Recreation and Park DistrictHighland FairviewHong Kong Jockey ClubInvestment Building GroupK. Hovnanian CompaniesKabbara EngineeringKB HomeKWC EngineersThe Lawrence Ellison FoundationLend LeaseLennar HomesLevi Strauss & CompanyLewis Operating CorporationLiving Stream Ministry (LSM)Los Angeles DWPM-TO Management, LLCMacerichMajestic RealtyThe Mangano CompanyMCRT California Construction LP

Mesa Water DistrictMontrio Capital PartnersNavistarThe New Home CompanyNew Urban Communities Partners, LLCNIKE, Inc.Oakmont Senior LivingOrange County Water DistrictPacific Summit Foothill, LLCProperty Development Centers (Safeway)Peninsula Humane SocietyPerkins+WillThe Picerne GroupPixley Biogas, LLCPouchet du CorvalPrologisPsomasPulte Homes, Inc.Reese-Chambers Systems ConsultantsRiverside County Regional Park DistrictRobert Sakai, Attorney at LawRRM Design GroupSA Recycling HeadquartersSalem Lutheran ChurchSan Gorgonio Pass Water AgencySan Joaquin Valley Land CompanySanger and OlsonSeefried Industrial Properties, Inc.Shea HomesThe Shopoff Group, L.P.Shopoff Realty InvestmentSierra Business Park, LLCSolano Community College DistrictSouthern California DesignSun EdisonT-MobileTexas RoadhouseThienes Engineering, IncTRI-Pointe HomesUnderground Energy, Inc.Venture Retail GroupVerizonVirgin AtlanticWalmartWare MalcombWaste Connections, Inc.Watson Land CompanyWatt CompaniesWellhead Electric Company Inc.West Coast Housing PartnersWickland Pipelines, LLCWP/CP Cajon LLCXebec Realty Partners


Page 20: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS - … · Our team’s expertise includes legally-defensible California Environmental Quality


United StatesTel: 888.826.5814 | 714.508.4100

Fax: 714.508.4110

Irvine (Headquarters)250 Commerce, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92602

Los Angeles11755 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Bay Area1350 Treat Boulevard, Suite 380

Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Central Valley7265 North First Street, Suite 101

Fresno, CA 93720

Inland Empire650 East Hospitality Lane, Suite 125

San Bernardino, CA 92408


Connecticut1175 Post Road E

Westport, CT 06880

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 845.165.6245

Fax: +44 (0) 20.3070.0890

Future Business Centre

Kings Hedges Road

Cambridge CB4 2HY

KenyaTel: +254.737.433.621

ADEC Kenya Services EPZ Ltd.


AustraliaTel: +61 (02) 9418.7822

Fax: +61 (02) 9418.7833

Unit 1, 1 Skyline Place

Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

PhilippinesTel: +63 (2) 775.0632

Fax: +63 (2) 775.0632 local 8050

26th Floor, Philippine AXA Life Centre

Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue

Makati City, Metro Manila

MalaysiaTel: +603 74902112

Fax: +603 79606977

15-7, Block A, Jaya ONE

72A Jalan Universiti

46200 Petaling Jaya


Robert FranciscoPresidentRobert oversees and leads the North American businesses of FCS, and the American and European companies of ADEC Innovations and affiliated ADEC Group business interests. He partners with the ADEC Group CEO, country leaders, business line leaders and other team members to help ensure overall group success while having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance topics as they relate to the core mission of the group, to make a difference in the world we live in. Robert works closely with other business leaders in the Public, Private and Non-governmental sector on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet and its inhabitants, including the 17 key topics and sub-topics identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After serving his country as a Sergeant in the First Battalion, Fifth Division of the United States Marine Corps, Robert spent much of his early career focusing on technical issues related to wildlife and habitat issues. He has worked on some of the most complicated and controversial wetland issues in the western U.S.

Patrick Schultz Chief Operating Officer, DirectorPatrick works collaboratively across all FCS operations and business units to deliver outstanding services and products to our clients worldwide. With more than 25 years’ experience in management, process improvement and project management, Patrick most recently joined FCS from First American Corporation, where he was the Vice President of Strategy, responsible for management and oversight of over $40 million in capital projects. Prior to that, Pat held positions including Divisional Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Business Development at First American.

Michele CarchmanVice President, Marketing and Communications Michele brings over 20 years of marketing experience to the role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications, and leads the collective, global marketing efforts for FCS. Michele is a seasoned marketing executive with unique breadth and depth in all disciplines of marketing. As such, she is able to cultivate high performance marketing teams. Michele adeptly balances creative with analytical, and strategic with tactical, and has a proven track record of helping companies increase brand recognition and grow revenue. She has led diverse teams across the public relations, market research, product marketing, graphic design, digital marketing, inside sales, customer service and account management disciplines. Michele brings extensive experience in environmental sustainability, business-to-business e-commerce and telecommunications services across areas including consumer marketing, enterprise software and software as a service, and has served in a variety of executive and marketing positions at AT&T, Lucent, ChemConnect, Enviance and NTN Buzztime.


Mary Bean, AICPEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Northern CaliforniaResponsible for ensuring high quality, cost-effective project delivery, Mary oversees FCS' North American professional services team. As a former County planner from Santa Barbara, Mary has more than 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sectors and specializes in streamlining the environmental process through careful scrutiny and tailored analyses to produce concise and defensible documents. Mary is particularly effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to CEQA and/or NEPA clearance at the local, state and national levels. Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including the American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Women's Transportation Seminar, and the Urban Land Institute.

Jason BrandmanEnvironmental Planning Sales Director Jason is responsible for providing our North American clients with solutions that meet their needs. With more than 30 years of experience, Jason provides his knowledge and expertise in planning, environmental impact assessment, and public policy analysis to major corporations, attorneys, business entities, and state, regional and local jurisdictions throughout California and the western United States. As a recognized leader in his field, Jason has worked on a wide range of complex and controversial projects, including downtown revitalization plans, major mixed-use developments, large- to small-scale residential developments, regional transportation corridor and utility transmission line studies, and commercial and industrial developments. Jason is also a recognized expert in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Specific Plans; water/wastewater resources and hazardous material studies; transportation/circulation studies; public services and utilities analyses; noise analyses; and biological and cultural resources studies.

Frank Coyle, REAEnvironmental Planning Project Director, Southern CaliforniaFrank brings more than 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning to FCS, having worked in both the private and public sectors. He was the Deputy Planning Director for the County of Riverside from 2011 to 2014, managing both the Current Planning and Advanced Planning divisions, respectively. As such, he has reviewed and processed various specific plans and environmental impact reports, managed a wide variety of site-specific projects through the CEQA process, evaluated general plan amendments, zone changes and subdivision requests, prepared and presented reports, and made recommendations to various planning bodies. His thorough knowledge of CEQA and expertise in the principles and practices of urban and regional planning, zoning and subdivision concepts makes him a leader in the industry and a tremendous asset to the FCS team.

Jennifer M. Guenther, Esq.General Counsel/DirectorAs FCS' General Counsel, Jennifer ensures that the company maintains the highest level of quality and standards while assisting clients in developing sustainable business practices that allow organizations to grow and operate, improve environmental compliance, and boost their bottom line. Jennifer is experienced in all aspects of commercial and residential real estate development, including land use applications, zone changes, General and Specific Plan requirements, and environmental compliance and review. Jennifer has extensive litigation experience defending clients in actions related to CEQA, NEPA, real property and environmental matters. She has also represented clients on compliance matters in administrative hearings and negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Jennifer is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Lawyers.







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to aligning our operations and strategies with its principles on human rights, labor,

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915 Highland Pointe Drive, Suite 250

Roseville, CA 95678