State of the Art - Precautionary Maintenace

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  • 7/30/2019 State of the Art - Precautionary Maintenace


    Precautionary maintenance

    Stat e of th e Ar t

    Javier Snchez Qu iros and Gerald Frank M ercieca

    09 /11 /2012

  • 7/30/2019 State of the Art - Precautionary Maintenace


    2 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    1 Index

    1 Ind ex ............................................................................................................................. 22 Figure s and Tables ......................................................................................................... 2

    3 Abst ract ........................................................................................................................ 3

    4 Intr od uctio n: an Overv iew of M aint enance ................................................................... 3

    5 Stat e of t he Art on M aint enance ................................................................................... 4

    5.1 Pred ict ive .............................................................................................................. 4

    5.2 Proact ive ............................................................................................................... 6

    5.3 Self -m aint enan ce ................................................................................................... 8

    6 Com par ison s ............................................................................................................... 10

    7 Conclu sion ................................................................................................................... 11

    8 Refer en ce .................................................................................................................... 12

    2 Figure s an d Tab les

    Figure 1 - The developm ent of m aintenance t echnologies (M urt hy, et a l . , 2007) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 4

    Figure 2 - Integrat ed system em ploying thr ee categories of techniq ues for p redict ive

    m aintenance o f in dustr ia l sensors and equ ipm ent (Hashem ian & Bean, 2011) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 5

    Figure 3 - Integrated system of pro act ive m aintenance (M uller, Suhner et a l . , 2008) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 7

    Figur e 4 - Str uct ure of self-m aint enance system s (Wan g, Zhou et al., 201 0)................................. 9

    Figur e 5 - The pr ocess of deve lop ing self-m aint enance (W ang, Zhou et al., 2010) ........................ 9

    Figure 6 - Failur e Cur ves (Hashem ian & Bean, 201 1) .................................................................. 10

    Table 1 - Act ion / Pol icy m aintenace types (personal com pilat ion based on the d ocum ent) .. . .. . . 11

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    3 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    3 AbstractDuring the last decades maintenance has evolved from a simple part of product ion process

    to an essent ia l strategic element with in a business. Organizat ions try to survive in a more

    compet i t ive environment, in th is way processes and systems have became highly complex,

    consequent ly new approaches for maintenances has been carr ied out in order to fu l f i l th is

    need. The essay wi l l go th rough f rom a qu ick rev iew o f the more bas ic / t rad i t iona l

    m ain tenance to a w ider exp lanat ion o f the s ta te o f t he ar t system s, the la test r esearch on th is

    f ie ld and i ts conclusion. Final ly a comparison between the dif ferent types avai lable wi l l be

    carr ied out in order to jus t i fy the n eed to keep invest iga t ing wi t h in th is area.

    4 In t roduct ion: an O verview of M aintenanceTaking into account the importance of maintenance on business i t is assumed that the

    cho ice o f the type o f main tenance is based not on techn ica l bu t techno-economic

    considerat ion. Depending on the condit io n of the system dif f erent pol ic ies are appl ied. A

    correct ive m ain tenance (CM ) is de f ined as the repara t ion or restor ing t ha t is done a f te r a

    breakdown or fa i lure, that is, the act ion on th is pol icy is react ive. I t is stated to be a good

    cho ice fo r system s wi th a constant f a i lu re ra te and a low breakdow n cost (M urthy, Kobbacy, &

    Dawsonera , 2007), in v iew o f the fact tha t any o ther main tenance po l icy does not he lp toreduce the fa i lu re pr obab i l i ty . However, o ther p o l icies are app l ied to o ther system s, wh ere a

    m easurable condit ion is avai lable to signal the p rob abi l i ty of a fa i lure and used to redu ce i t . It

    is a lso imp ort ant to consider system s w here the fa i lure can lead to a dangerous situat ion or

    disaster (H. W ang, 2002), wh ere in these cases a corr ect ive m aintenance is not a choice.

    As i t is stated in th e previo us paragraph ot her kind s of m aintenance are essent ia l , these are

    a l l embraced w i th t he nam e o f p recaut ionary m ain tenance (PM ) (M urthy, e t a l ., 2007), also

    named prevent ive maintenance (Patton Joseph, 1983) depending on the author. PM act ions

    are fa i r ly mo re com plex than the fo rm er. These cou ld be pr event ive , p red ic t ive , p roact ive or

    passive and have one goal com m on, tha t o f reduc ing the fa i lu re probab i l i ty and/ or an t ic ipa t ingth e consequences of a fa i lure.

    Prevent ive main tenance is based on act ions carr ied out in equ ipment a t p redetermined

    in terva ls o f t im e, no t cons ider ing i ts cond i t ion or equ ipm ent s ta tus a t tha t t im e, in o ther w ay,

    th e m aintenance act ions take place either in a certa in age T or in fa i lure w hichever occurs f i rst .

    Accord ing to Hashemian & Bean (2011) i t is the m ost comm on m ain tenance po l icy , how ever

    this technique is ineff ic ient and unrel iable: In 2007, Emerson/Rosemount Company publ ished

    data on the per formance h is tory o f the i r p ressure , leve l , and f low t ransmit te rs in var ious

    industr ies . The data showed that during periodic maintenance act ions, technicians found

    t ransmit t e rs to be exper iencing no prob lems 70% of the t im e. By cont rast , in nuc lear pow er

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    7 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    malfunct ioning of a system. This would result in a robust system that is consistent

    (Chal i foux Alan, 1999; M arm ier, 2009).

    Figure 3 Inte grated system of proactive maintena nce (M uller , Suhner et al . , 2008)

    Case Stu dy: Qu ay cranes

    Quay cranes are a good example where proact ive maintenance was brought into pract ice.

    This is m ainly because in th is industry, i t is not only t im e that is very valuable, but th e parts to

    replace or repair the cranes are very expensive. Up t i l l a couple of years ago, t radit ional

    m aintenance m etho ds w ere used such as correct ive, scheduled and pr edict ive but as the w orld

    became more indust r ia l ized and t ime even more va luab le , the need for be t te r mach ine

    ef f ic iency was fe l t . A lso , wi th the use o f p roact ive main tenance, more l i fe t ime cou ld be

    obta ined f rom the par ts and there fore i t wou ld be cheaper because the par ts wou ld be

    changed just be fore fa i lu re and not a t a random t im e when they w ou ld s t i ll be qu i te good (as

    the case in scheduled maintenance). This proact ive maintenance helps ident i fy ing the best

    m aintenance procedur e as seen in th e graph below .(Lung, M orel, & Leger, 2003)

    Figure 4 - Decreasing of fai lure rate (and coast) by m eans of proactive mainte nance (Lung, et al . , 200 3)

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    8 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    5 .3 Sel f -maintenanceSelf maintenance systems are inspired by nature, how the b io logical immune

    system works. The fact that the human body as a system can self mainta in when i t is

    having problem s ( i llness) w ithou t t he need of m edic inal produ ct has led to an in t erest

    in creat in g sm art system s that can self m ainta in. Due to t he ever increasing comp lexityof manufactur ing systems and processes i t is important to have a system that can

    predict f a i lures and pr events such fa i lures so as to save t im e, mo ney and on t he ot her

    hand, increasing safety and re l iab i l i ty . The tr adit ion al manuf actu r ing industry w orks on

    a fa il and f ix system but w i th t he he lp o f these sta te o f the a r t system s, the t rend is

    sh i f t ing to a p red ict and prevent system thanks to m odern t echno logy such as sm ar t

    a lgor i th m s ( fuzzy logic, mat ch m atr ix , e tc) and ot her instrum ent s (sensors, cont ro l lers,

    etc). This 4 t h genera t ion o f m a in tenance techno logy is a im ed in zero ing dow nt im e o f a

    system , o r be t t e r , the a im is no t to avo id the fa i lu re o f a system but to avo id t he cost

    o f b reakdow n, avo id t he t im e loss.

    W hat self m aintenance does as a system integrated in a machine is th at i t m onit ors

    i tse l f regular ly and when needed, repairs i tse l f by us ing spare parts that had been

    already p laced in t he m achine as a sto ck. A s im ple example o f t h is could be a m i l l ing

    m ach ine tha t changes i ts too l au tom at ica l ly w hen t he o lder too l is w orn ou t and hence

    is tak ing longer for the same funct ion and g iv ing a worse surface f in ish. In th is way,

    there is a drast ic decrease in down t ime of the machine and therefore the machine

    would work even more eff ic ient. In general, se l f maintenance is a funct ional

    maintenance type. This means that i t does maintenance by a l ter ing the or ig inalfunc t ion w i th o t her func t ions the m ach ine cou ld do bu t st i l l end ing up wi t h the sam e

    f ina l p roduc t and a l lowing fo r the mach ine to keep work ing wi th what is func t ion ing

    whi le at the same t ime f ix ing the fault . For th is to take p lace, the machine must be

    smart, and therefore th is means that a sel f-mainta ined machine needs to have an

    inbui l t reasoning system. This is d i f ferent to t radit ional maintenance because in

    tradit ional, the machine is s topped and repairs or replacement of the faulty parts are

    done w hi le the m achine is dow n (Lee, Ghaffar i , & Elmel igy, 2011 ).

    In general, a sel f maintenance machine should be able to get the data from them achine ( ie observe how i t is wor k ing w ith t he use of h igh tec. sensors), th en i t should

    be c lever enough t o spot t he faults in the system and c lassi fy them depend ing on w hat

    type o f fau l t i t is . By th is , the mach ine wou ld know the cur ren t l i fe t ime le f t un t i l a

    part icu lar fa i lure occurs and therefore i t can start p lanning the repair so as to avoid

    downtime, and then, the execut ion of the repair procedure fo l lows (Lee, et a l . ) . Also,

    th ese machines need to be self- learn ing so th at w hen faced wit h a problem t hat i t h ad

    a lready encountered , it cou ld improve on th e m ethod i t had used to repa ir tha t fau l t

    and be even mo re eff ic ient b y tak ing a short er t im e and obta in ing a bet ter f ina l result

    (Labib, 2006).

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    9 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    A dif ferent w ay that se lf m aintenance could be in t rodu ced in a m achine is by having

    a m ach ine tha t w ou ld m on i to r i tse l f fo r any possib le fa ilu res tha t cou ld occur and then

    imm ediate ly g ives a de ta iled repor t o f w hat is requ ired t o be don e or o f w hat is go ing

    to fa i l or has a lready fa i led. In th is way, there would st i l l be the need of human

    intervent ions but the cost would be decreased because there would be less t imeneeded to iden t i fy the p rob lem due t o i t be ing addressed be fore i t actua l ly crops ou t

    (M .-H. W ang, Zhou, Chuan, & Zhao, 2010).

    Figure 4 Structure of self -maintena nce system s (W ang, Zhou et al . , 2010 )

    As seen in t he f igure abo ve, self m aintenance system s is sub divid ed int o th ree subsystem s.

    This new technology of self maintenance could detect d if ferent kinds of fa i lures, (not only

    mechanical faults as ment ioned previously) but a lso health management, data processing,

    art i f ic ia l inte l l igence and network technology (both wireless and non-wireless). The most

    im port ant part in self maint enance is the d etect io n system , th is needs to be as fast as possible

    in gather ing in format ion about t he ent i re system at rea l t im e so th a t the ana lysis system cou ld

    evaluate th e situat ion second by second (M .-H. Wang, et a l . , 2010). To do th is, advanced

    integrated systems are used; these general ly are a number of sensors together with complex

    a lgor i thms.

    Figure 5 The process of developing self -maintena nce (W ang, Zhou e t al . , 201 0)

    In the f igure above, the work f low of a self maintenance system is i l lustrated. A system is

    rel iable i f each of i ts sub systems are rel iable, and therefore i t is of v i ta l importance that thesystem s that m ake up self m aintenance are consistent .

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    10 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    Case Stu dy: Self-M ainta ined Robot ic System s

    Due to self -maintenance being such a new technology, a concept of self -maintenance is

    being presented. In th is case, a proposal of self maintained robot ic system is done. Currentrob ot ic system s w ork good as long as w hen th ere is a fault in t he system , hum an pow er is used

    to repa i r /main ta in the system, but creat ing se l f main ta ined robots wou ld resu l t in a longer

    l i fet ime for these systems. This could be done by creat ing a robot that adapts to the ever-

    chang ing envi ronm ent surround ing i t and t he changes the happen w i th in th e same r obot due

    to ag ing. Now a lo t o f R& D have al ready taken p lace on the adaptab i l i ty o f t he rob ot s change

    in env i ronm ent , bu t l i t t le have been done on the changes w i th in the ro bot i tse l f .

    Th is cou ld be done by teach ing the se l f m ain ta in ing robot to adapt i ts so f tw are depend ing

    on w hat changes i t have in i ts hardw are (robot str uctu re in general). This is done by gatherin g

    informat ion using highly advanced sensor systems and then behaving accordingly using i t sactuators. This could be do ne using com plex algori t hm s. (Sekiguchi, 2005)

    6 ComparisonsAlthough Correct ive maintenance and Time-Based maintenance have been showed to not

    be th e best opt ion they are st i l l th e norm in t radit ional industry. I llustrat ion 3 show s six fa ilure

    models for any industr ia l equipment. According to Hashemian & Bean (2011) only 11% of

    fa i lu res are determ ined by a cer ta in amount o f t im e, so a t im e based m ain tenance approach is

    val id.

    Figure 6 Failure Curves (Hashem ian & Bean, 2011)

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    11 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    However, near ly 90% of fa i lu res are not re la ted wi th a per iod o f t ime work ing, bu t the

    per iod o f a dev ice work ing is never f ixed and w i l l vary f rom one to another , depend ing on the

    circum stances of using. In consequence, predict ive m aintenance or self -maint enance might be

    th e best approach. W hiles predict ive m aintenance uses technolo gy to for ecast an imm inent

    f law the decision and knowledge st i l l remains on the maintenance crew; in comparison in self -

    m aintenance approach, the system takes the responsibi l i ty of decision w heth er carrying out an

    act ion or no t .

    Group Action Policy Description Focus on Degree ofdeve lopment


    Correct ive Correct ive



    based (FBM )

    Carr ied out only

    af ter a breakdown

    Fai lure old pract ice High

    breakdownt i m e

    Precaut ionary Prevent ive(PM)



    Carr ied out af ter aspeci f ied amount of

    t i m e

    Time wel l developed,mo st appl ied

    Inef f icient



    Predict ive


    Condit ion-

    based (CBM)

    Car r ied out when a

    given systemparameter exceedsa value

    Mon i t o r i ng /



    increasingimplementat ionon market

    High ini t ial


    Proact ive(PaM)

    Design-out( DOM)

    Improving of design M anagement/ De sign

    develop ed Affect ing toall the aspecto f a

    organizat ion


    M aintenance

    --- The m achine

    decides when the



    Intel l igence



    I mmat ur e


    Table 1 Action / Policy maintenace types (personal compilat ion based on the d ocument)

    Nonetheless, further research must be done to achieve the self -maintenance technology

    and im plem ent i t in t he industry. On the ot her hand, m any case of studies and researches have

    been found related to predict ive maintenance, since th is technology has became affordable

    and the benef i ts just i fy th e cost and com plex i ty o f im p lement ing i t (M obley, 2002).

    7 ConclusionAs one can conclude, m aintenance is an ever ending pro cess in industry and t herefo re a lot

    must be done in th is sector so tha t th is area wou ld become more e f f ic ien t and hence more

    pro f i tab le to a comp any. Impr ovem ents have been done in th is sector b u t m ore needs to be

    done so as to a lways t ry to m axim ize the up t im e o f a system and hence decreasing the dow n

    t im e of m achines. Latest techno logies (such as self m aintenance) m ight st i l l be to o r isky for a

    company to imp lement them because they are very complex, expensive , and new, but as

    fur ther research on opt imiz ing th is system is done, the main tenance sector wi l l soon be

    sh i f t ing tow ards th is new techno logy.

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    12 Precaut ionary maintenance - Design M ethods

    8 ReferenceChalifoux Alan, B. J. (1999). Rel iabi l i t y Centered M aintenan ce Guide: Operat ing a M ore

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    Labib, A. W. (2006). Next Generat io n M aintenance System s: Toward s the Design of a Self-

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