State of jQuery '09

September 13, 2009 State of jQuery ’09 John Resig

Transcript of State of jQuery '09

September 13, 2009

State of jQuery ’09John Resig


✤ January

✤ jQuery 1.3

✤ jQuery 1.3.1

✤ February

✤ jQuery 1.3.2

jQuery 1.3.1 & 1.3.2

✤ jQuery 1.3

✤ Sizzle: New selector engine

✤ A number of performance improvements

✤ jQuery 1.3.1 & 1.3.2

✤ Successive bug fix releases.

✤ Minor features and speed improvements in 1.3.2.

✤ Downloaded 59 million times since release.


✤ Distributed testing for JavaScript test suites.

✤ Built so that we can easily run the jQuery test suite on more platforms.

✤ Works like seti@home.

Now Testing in...

...50 browsers on 11 platforms

New Big Sites...















Corporate Support

✤ Microsoft

✤ Shipping jQuery as part of Visual Studio

✤ Included as part of ASP.NET MVC

✤ Now shipping the Validation plugin, as well.

✤ Nokia

✤ Hired core dev Brandon Aaron, sponsored contributions back to core.

✤ 21.56% of all sites use jQuery. (1 out of 5 sites!)

✤ At least 33.78% of all sites that use JavaScript use jQuery.


✤ last month:

✤ 13.2mil page views

✤ 1.7mil uniques

✤ (not including



✤ Amazon CDN hosting - example from July 2009.


✤ Media Temple

✤ Over the past year have been transitioning our sites over to Media Temple.

✤ (mt) is donating all the resources to host the site.

✤ Will be providing a full cluster for us to use.

✤ Amazon Cloudfront -> (mt) CDN

✤ We’ll have our own, private CDN.

What’s Coming Up?

jQuery 1.3.3

✤ Lots of good tweaks, bug fixes. Big point: Huge performance overhaul all over (append/prepend, attr, css, remove, empty, html, bind).

3.5x Faster!

jQuery 1.4

✤ Provide a build of the jQuery source suited towards mobile devices.

✤ iPhone, Palm Pre, Android, and Fennec.

✤ jQuery.plugin()

✤ Adapt and take the best parts of the jQuery UI Widget library and bring it into core.


✤ Software Freedom Law Center

✤ Joining the Conservancy (Non-Profit host)

✤ Legal advice

✤ Tax-deductible donations

✤ Money is controlled by the Conservancy

✤ Eventually move towards the Conservancy owning the code, as well.

jQuery Project

✤ Organization has been rather loose up until this point.

✤ Shifting to a formalized structure with voting.

✤ Need to be voted on:

✤ Spending money.

✤ Adding/removing members.

✤ Changing the charter.

✤ A new project site will be launching to hold this.


✤ 100% of jQuery’s resources come through donations.

✤ We should be operating at ~$0/month starting in October.

✤ We can conserve costs and use for other purposes.

What will we spend money on?

✤ Infrastructure

✤ More conferences

✤ Travel (having more face-to-face team meetings)

✤ Schwag (t-shirts, etc.)

✤ Things that aren’t our core competency.

✤ Building web sites, for example.


✤ Next year: 4 conferences.

✤ Online conference early next year.

✤ Followed by conferences in London, San Francisco, and Boston.

jQuery Groups

✤ We’re launching a new groups site for managing local jQuery meetups.

✤ (groups/meetup/events)

✤ Great way to find events and organize with other jQuery users.

✤ Providing basic funding to local groups.

✤ (Food, shirts, books, etc.)

jQuery Forum

✤ The team has agreed that Google Groups simply doesn’t work for our needs (especially jquery-en and jquery-ui).

✤ Moving to a forum as soon as possible.

✤ Currently evaluating options, hoping to make a move within a couple months.

✤ Not Google Groups, Not PhpBB, likely not Stack Overflow.

✤ Vanilla is looking pretty good.

Core Moving to Git

✤ Git makes it much easier to collaborate, accept patches and forks.

✤ Work offline.

✤ Moving to Github!

✤ Been kicking old plugins/users out of the repository.

✤ Have already moved over plugins. Will be moving QUnit and Core together.

Revamped Plugins Site

✤ Planning complete, beginning implementation.

✤ In drastic need of an overhaul.

✤ Complete rewrite: More like a ‘dumb’ search engine.

✤ No user accounts (for submitting or commenting).

✤ Submit a SVN/Git/Google Code/Github URL.

✤ Auto-pull in information and populate the database.

Revamped Plugins Site

✤ Plugins categorized by:

✤ Official (‘officially maintained by the jQuery team’)

✤ Supported (‘actively tested against in jQuery core’)

✤ Themeable (‘can be themed using Themeroller’)

✤ Recommended (‘member of the jQuery team recommends the plugin’)

Revamped Plugins Site

✤ Features:

✤ All plugins are hosted on the new CDN.

✤ (Along with an auto-minified version of the plugin.)

✤ Dependency trees are auto-computed and made available for download.

✤ Documentation is mirrored, formatted, and made available as part of the API.

✤ Shooting to launch by the end of this year.

jQuery Core Plugins

✤ Some are already on the jQuery site, making an official list.

✤ Criteria: Depended upon by a number of other plugins, no dependencies of their own, minimal, stable, API, maintained by the jQuery team.

✤ Plugins:

✤ color, bgiframe, zIndex, cookie, metadata, mousewheel, history, easing, mouse, hotkeys, positionTo

✤ Will be in the official jQuery Github repo and have special listing on


✤ Thank all our speakers!

✤ Thank the coordinators!

✤ Thank the sponsors!

Don’t Forget

✤ Rate The Speakers:

✤ Get a free jQuery Cookbook from O’Reilly.

✤ Register at using your conference email address.

✤ Reception tonight, 6-8pm, right here!

✤ T-Shirts are on sale, $20/shirt (this year and last)

Q&AKarl Swedberg, Brandon Aaron, John Resig, Paul Bakaus, Richard Worth, Scott Jehl