State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No....

Name: _ State: _ Di strict/ Division:- ---------- Unit:. _ Address:- ------------ - Contact No. : - ---- - ----- -

Transcript of State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No....

Page 1: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

Name: _ State: _

District/Division:----------- Unit:. _


Contact No. : ------------

Page 2: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge


+ Photo in Uniform


Name: -------------------------------------- Father's Name: -------------------------------­

Mother's Name: ------------------------------­

Home Address:- -------------------------------

-------------------------------------------- Contact No.: --------------------------------­

E-mail Id.: ----------------------------------­

Aadhar No.----------------------------------­

Date of Birth:- (DD/MM/YYYY) -----------------­

Date of Joining the Unit:- -----------------------­

Date of Investiture:- ---------------------------­

Date of Leaving the Unit: -----------------------­

Name of the Troop/Company :- ------------------­

Unit Address:------------------------------ ------------

---------- - -------- ------------------------ - -- PIN ---------

Signature of Scout/Guide:------------------------

Page 3: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner


1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding.

(ii) Holistic knowledge of the Movement.

2. (i) Promise

(ii) Law.

3. (i) Motto (ii) Sign

(iii) Salute (iv) Left Hand Shake.

4. Daily good turn.

5. Uniform

6. Flags: (i) National Flag,

(ii) BSG Flag,

(iii) World Scout Flag/ World Guide Flag.

(iv) Flag Etiquettes


SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

7. (i) National Anthem (ii) Prayer

(iii) Flag Song.

8. Attend four Troop/ Company meeting Troop/Company meeting - I

Troop/Company meeting - II

Troop/Company meeting - Ill Troop/Company meeting - IV

9. Completion of outing with his/her Patrol

Date of Completion of Pravesh Test

Date of Investiture


Page 4: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

PRATHAM SOPAN 1. Looking after yourself

a) Duties at Home

b) Make your Bed

c) Personal Cleanliness

d) B.P.Six & Yoga/ Asana/Surya Namaskar

e) Stitch a button

f) Clean/ Polish Shoes.

g) Make a personal First-Aid Kit.

2. Discipline

a) Learn about your Patrol

b) Hand Signal c) Whistle Signal

d) Drill


SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

e) Participate in Patrol game

f) Participate in Troop / Company Game

3. Rope Work a) Whip the End of a

rope. b) Tie & demonstrate

the use of knots: (i) Reef Knot (ii) Sheet Bend (iii) Clove Hitch (iv) Bowline

(v) Sheep Shank

(vi) Fisherman's Knot (vii) Round Turn & Two

Half Hitches c) Lashing: (i) Sheer Lashing

Mark I


Page 5: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

(ii) Sheer Lashing Mark II

d) Make a Gadget/ Handicraft

4. Service

a) Troop/Company Service Project

b) Definition & Golden rules of First Aid.

c) Deal With: (i) Simple Cut

(ii) Burns

(iii) Bleeding from the Nose.

d. Undertake household responsibilities:

(i) Cooking

(ii) Water storage

(iii) Hospitality

(iv) Cleanliness


SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

e. For Guides only - Report of Daily

Good Turn . f. Participate in the

Activities: (i) Report of Service

involving any one of the points of Scout/Guide Law

(ii) Report of Nature Study Project / Visit report Village Panchayat etc.

5. Communication

6. Out of Doors:

a) Wood crafts signs

b) Road safety rules

c) Nature study trail.

Date of Completion of Pratham Sopan

Badge Awarded on


Page 6: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

DWITIYA SOPAN 1. Pioneering: A. (i) Timber Hitch

(ii) Rolling Hitch

(iii) Marline Spike/ Liver Hitch

(iv) Figure of Eight Knot

B. Lashings:

(i) Square Lashing (ii) Figure of Eight

C. Use of Hand Axe or Chopper

D. Use and safety of Sharpening dagger/ pen knife

2. Fire: (i) Types of Fire (ii) Lay and Light a



SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

3. Cooking

4.A). Compass: (i) 16 Points (ii) Find North

(iii) Bearings

(iv) Follow a trail B). (i) Map Reading -

(Scale, Direction, Conventional Sign etc.)

(ii) Use a Tourist Map. 5. First-Aid:

(i) Deal with Bleeding, Burns and Scalds etc.

(ii) Use of Roller Bandage.

(iii) Use of Triangular Bandage.

(iv) Improvise a stretcher


Page 7: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

6. Estimation:

(i) Estimate two distances/ widths.

(ii) Length of Stride / Pace.

7. Out of Doors: a) Troop/Company

Wide Game

b) Troop/Company Camp Fire

c) Road Safety Rule

d) Ride a Bicycle

e) Visit a factory

8. Service (any one) 9. Sense Training 10. ProficiencyBadge


II). 11. Discipline 12 Communication:


I SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

(i) Computer, Phone and Internet Knowledge

(ii) Use of Internet etc.

13. Patriotism

Date of completion of Dwitiya Sopan __

Badge Awarded on }


Page 8: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner


1. Pioneering

i) Fireman's chair knot

ii) Man harness knot

iii) Bowline on a bight

iv) Draw Hitch

v) Diagonal Lashing

vi) Whipping other than used in Pratham Sopan


SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

vii) Flag Mast

viii)Shelter making

ix) Splicing 2. Swimming

Or Proficiency Badge-


3. Estimation i) Height

ii) Depth

iii) Widths iv) Numbers

& Weights

4. First-Aid i) Deal with

emergency situations such as drowning etc.

ii) Treat for choking


Page 9: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

iii) Deal with Fracture

iv) Stroke

v) CPR

vi) Treatment on Unconscious persons

vii) Transportation

5. Map Making (Any one)

6. Talk (Any one)

7. Out of doors i) Over Night Patrol


ii) Hike

iii) Night Game

8. Cooking

9. Signalling

10. Qualify any Two Proficiency Badges Group-A



SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

11. Knowledge i) Scouting / Guiding

in India, WOSM/ WAGGGS

ii) Safety Measures using ATM, Mobile Phone etc.

12. Fire (Any Three) i) ii)


13. Service

District Level Testing held at from to Date of Completion of Tritiya Sopan Badge Awarded on Certificate No. Date


Page 10: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

RAJYA PURASKAR 1. Earn Ambulance Man/

Ambulance Badge

2. Overnight Hike or Cycle Hike

3. Submit a Report of the Work undertaken for six months(any one)

4. Map Making (any one not done earlier)

5. Camp craft: A. Pitch, Strike and

Pack a Tent.

B. Splicing (any one not done earlier)

C. Pioneering Project

6. Qualify Proficiency Badges (any three not earned earlier)- A)


SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner



7. Qualify Proficiency Badges (any two not earned earlier) - A)


8. Knowledge of BSG Website & RHO

State Level Testing held at_

from to

Date of Completion of Rajya Puraskar

Badge Awarded on

Certificate No. Date


Page 11: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

SI. Subject Date of Signature of

No. Passing Examiner


1. Camping: (i) Three Nights


(ii) Improvised Shelter

2. Disaster Management Badge

3. Re-Pass Ambulance Man / Ambulance Badge.

4. Qualify Proficiency Badges (any two not earned earlier) i)


5. CD Project (Any two) i)



SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

6. Badge Instructor/ Teaching games Or

Interior Decoration & Fancy Cooking (for Guides)

7. Submit Log Book about Kanderstag Adventure Centre ofWOSM (for Scouts)

8. Knowledge about WOSM Website and AsiaPacific Region(for Scouts).

Or Submit Log Book about 05 World Centres of WAGGGS (for Guides)

Rashtrapati Award Testing Camp held at from to


Page 12: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

Sr. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner

Date of Completion of Rashtrapati Award

Badge Awarded on CertificateNo. Date

Optional 1. Other Proficiency

Badges earned : I. II. II I. IV V

2. Efficiency Cords earned I. II. 111.

3. Jungle Goph earned (for Scouts)

Note: Refer APRO Part II/ Ill for details syllabus to complete the advancement Badge Test. This Card is to be produced during all the advancement Badge Test.



Right Sleeve of Scout Shirt

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Left Sleeve of Scout Shirt

Page 13: State: District/Division:----------- Unit:. Address ... · SI. Subject Date of Signature of No. Passing Examiner PRAVESH 1. (i) Origin of Scouting/ Guiding. (ii) Holistic knowledge

Published by Director The Bharat Scouta and Guldea N11Jon11 He1dqu1rte11, Lll<lllml Muum<11r Bhlwan 18 M1h1bn1 Gandhi Marg, lndrapra1111h1 E11111, New Delhl-110002 Website: E-maJJ- Follow ua: 8SGindl1