Starting With What the Learners Have: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Philippine Education...

Starting With What the Learners Have: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Philippine Education International Conference for Teacher Education 2014 8/21-23/2014 ; Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pasig City, Philippines Maria Mercedes “Ched” Arzadon College of Education, University of the Philippines [email protected]

Transcript of Starting With What the Learners Have: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Philippine Education...

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Starting With What the Learners

Have: Recognition of Prior Learning

(RPL) in Philippine Education

International Conference for Teacher Education 2014

8/21-23/2014 ; Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pasig City, Philippines

Maria Mercedes “Ched” ArzadonCollege of Education, University of the Philippines

[email protected]

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Schools of the future

Learners go to school not for instruction

but to have their prior knowledge

recognized and certified

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“The beginning of instruction shall

be made with the experience

learners already have . . . this

experience and the capacities

that have been developed during

its course provide the starting

point for all further learning”

John Dewey


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Notion of informal learning

Distinct from formal and nonformal learning (Coombs and Ahmed 1973)

Literacy practice – (Street, 1993)

Indigenous learning system - (Benagen, 1985; Francisco, 2005)

Funds of knowledge - Gonzales, Moll & Amanti (2005)

Situated learning (Lave and Wenger 1991)

Tacit knowledge, workplace learning, associational life, self-education –

(Smith, 199/2008)

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Informal learning as untapped


vast untapped resource of invisible knowledge and skills -- significant

economic and social benefits for individuals, communities and countries

Technology and the internet provide other sources of learning

Ex: Khan Academy; Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) like Coursera

Udacity, EdX, etc

Trend worldwide to recognize and certify this untapped resource (Europe

and North America) due to lack of manpower and influx of migrants who

were educated in their own countries

Equivalency programs for basic education as 2nd chance opportunity –

EFA program; GED Test (USA)

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is a broad “umbrella” concept that values all learning that people have gained

in their lives (at home, at school, at work and in the community)




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Core Principles

1. Adult learners should not have to devote additional time, energy and

money learning over again what they already know and can do.

2. What adults know and can do matters more than where or how they

acquired that learning.

3. Services and programs should be available to evaluate and recognize

their learning

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Discouraged/excluded learners

Oft prescription to school dropouts – go back to school or formal

training but they don’t see themselves as school-based “learners.”

Intimidated by the prospect of going back to school because of previous

negative school experience

Street smart and know a lot but tend to underestimate what they

actually know and can do

-> RPL shifts from deficit-based to asset based

orientation; promotes motivation and confidence

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Local policies supporting

Recognition of Prior Learning

1987 Constitution - encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous

systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study


RA 9155 Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 -Alternative

Learning System is a parallel learning system…. It encompasses both

the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills

Executive Order 330 1986/ CMO 8 s2009 - for higher education;

assessment and accreditation of prior formal, nonformal and informal

learning of individuals toward the granting of certificates and awards in

higher education

Executive Order 83 s2012 – Phil Qualification Framework supports the

development and maintenance of pathways and equivalencies

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RPL mechanisms - from K to PhD

Basic Education

Accreditation and Equivalency Exam (A&E) –paper and pencil test, held once a year. Either

be pass or fail. elementary or high school diploma

PEPT – Phil Education Placement Test – paper and pencil test to determine one’s level of


PVT – Phil Validation Test (for learners who used a non-accredited curriculum)

Technical Vocational Education- TESDA Assessment and Certification Program –

oral and written test; simulation, skills demonstration

Higher Education– Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation

Program (ETEEAP)

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ETEEAP Assessment Procedures


Applicant submits papers and

documents certified by

employers and recognized

authorities and organizations to

an HEI deputized by CHED to

implement ETEEAP

Applicant qualifies?



Applicant is advised accordingly

Applicant proceeds to

undertake assessment in the

deputized HEI

HEI pre-assesses applicant’s

qualifications through :

documents submitted, interview,

and/or written test

Written Test / Validating

Oral Exams

Laboratory Demonstration



Worksite Visitation

Panel of experts assesses and

determines extent and level

of candidate’s competencies

Applicant satisfies

competencies for degree?



Applicant avails of

Competency Enhancement

Services/ Program

Formal Education

Additional time and

experience on the job

Short-term courses/training

HEI awards degree to

successful candidates

HEI informs ETEEAP

Secretariat and HERO

HEI submits evaluation results of

successful candidates and copy of

documents to ETEEAP Secretariat

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Example: NCR

Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)

Graduate and Professional Programs

De La Salle University (DLSU)

BS Engineering

De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde

BS in Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Management

Miriam College

BS Social Work; MA in Childhood Education; MA in

Environmental Education; MA in Family Psychology &

Education; MA in Human Resource & Values Dev’t.; MA

in Environmental Studies; Ph. D. in Child & Family


Philippine Normal University (PNU)

BEEd; BSEd; BS Math Teaching; BS Chem Teaching; BS

Physics Teaching; AB Psych; AB English; BSE in English;

Bachelor in Early Childhood Education; Master of Arts;

Ph.D. in Linguistics; Ed.D.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)

Bachelor of Applied Psych; Bachelor in Bus Ad; AB Public Ad; AB Pol Sci; AB Mass Com; Bachelor in Cooperatives; BS Office Admin; MA in Mass Communication

Saint Joseph's College - Quezon City

AB in Community Dev’t; BS Office Admin; BS Business Admin

Technological University of the Philippines (TUP)

Bachelor of Technology; BS in Industrial Ed; Bachelor of Technician Teacher Ed; BS Com Sci; BS Engineering; Master in Technology

University of Santo Tomas (UST)

Bachelor of Arts; BS Engineering; BS Nursing; BS Music; Graduate Programs

Philippine Women's University (PWU)

BS Hotel & Restaurant Management

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Philippine Qualifications Framework


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RPL and diverse learners

Through the ALS Accreditation & Equivalency certificate, an industry-

based worker, or a member of a cultural minority, or the differently-

abled, or an out-of-school youth or adult may pursue further formal

education or career growth. (Sec Armin Luistro, 2014)

Philippine Validation Test - Independent homeschoolers

ETEEAP/TESDA Certification – workplace, community-based learners

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ALS Accreditation and Equivalency

(A&E) Exam results

2000 – 2009

• Test takers 373,000

• Passers 80,000 (21%)


• Elementary level - 24,998 takers 6,135 passers


• HS level - 221,598 takers and 72,076 passers (32.5%)

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1999 – 2000 13

2002 – 2003 720

2005 – 2006656

2008 – 2009 1,814

2011 – 2012 1,351

ETEEAP Passers

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Education is not only schooling

From a terminal view of education towards lifelong learning

RPL makes education less costly

DIY education -greater involvement and control on the learners/parents

Different role of schools/educators - affirmers; certifiers

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State agenda

EO 330 - WHEREAS, there is a need to provide individuals with proven

competence, access to opportunities that will prepare them for higher

value jobs required for achieving global competitiveness, advancing

strategic concerns of the State and promoting sustainable development

EO 83 2012. the adoption of a qualifications framework will benefit

various sectors and stakeholders of education and training, particularly

in: 1) encouraging lifelong learning of individuals; 2-3 providing

employers and the governing specific training standards and

qualifications ...To align the PQF with international qualifications

framework to support the national and international mobility of workers

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Other concerns

Limited reach; unable to reduce significantly OSY/OSA population

Lack of authentic tools in basic education – paper and pencil exam

Shifts the burden of education provision from the state to the individual

A poor type of RPL – credentialized model, standards-oriented,

behaviorist (diploma disease)

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From credentialist to

transformative model of RPL

Appropriating RPL towards transformative means

The credentialist model of RPL (standards/competencies-centered)

functions as the socialization process into the elite academic system of

formal knowledge structures instead of challenging it

The transformative model recognizes/certifies knowledge that is

produced naturally by the learner in his context (Ex: community leaders,

traditional healers, recyclers, advocacy work, participation in a social

movement etc); It valorizes transformative element of a particular

knowledge and skill

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Dios iti agngina!

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Asian Development Outlook 2012

Conrad, D (2008). Myth, Romance, and Reality: Recognizing Experiential Learning In A Canadian University Context. Centre for Learning Accreditation. Athabasca University

Harris, J (1997). The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in South Africa?:Drifts and Shifts in International Practices: Understanding the changing discursive terrain. Department of Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies. University of Cape Town. Retrieved:


Reyes, A & Raralio E. EXPANDED TERTIARY EDUCATION EQUIVALENCY AND ACCREDITATION PROGRAM AS WIL. 15th World Conference on Cooperative Education June 26-29, 2007. SuntecInternational

Stenlund, T (2011). As valid as it can be? Assessment of prior learning in higher education. Doctoral thesis 2011. Department of Applied Educational Science Educational Measurement. UmeåUniversity. Sweden

Wheelahan, L (2006). 'Vocations, "Graduateness" and Recognition of Prior Learning in J Harris & P Anderson (eds.). Re-theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning, NIACE, Leicest

Workman, B (2007). Assessment and Facilitation in Accreditation: Experiential Learning in the Undergraduate Work Based Learning Programme. Doctoral Dissertation. Professional Studies Institute for Work Based Learning Middlesex University, September 2007

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• .

1987 Constitution

Benagen, P (1985) Indigenous Learning System. SEAMEO

CHED/TESDA/DepEd Website

CMO 08 2009

P. H. Coombs and M. Ahmed (1974) Attacking Rural Poverty. How non-formal education can help, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

DepEd BALS ReportExecutive Order 330 s1986; EO 84 s2012

Francisco, J(2005). Indigenous Learning Systems: The Philippines. MINDAyawan Journal of Culture and Society Vol.2(1) 2005 94-110.

Gonzalez, N, Moll, L & Amanti, C (2005). Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group

Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991) Situated Learning. Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

Reyes, A & Raralio E (2007). Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program. 15th World Conference on Cooperative Education June 26-29, 2007, Suntec International

Smith, Mark K. (1999, 2008). ‘Informal learning’, the encyclopaedia of informal education. [

Street, B. (1993). Introduction: The new literacy studies. In B. Street (Ed.), Cross-cultural approaches to literacy (pp. 1-21). New York: Cambridge University Press