Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen


blueblackred yellow green Europe AfricaAmerica Asia Australia

Transcript of Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

Page 1: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

Starter Unit 3

Period twoWhat color is it?

Miss Chen & Karen

Page 2: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

4 Color the picture. 给下面的图画上色。

Page 3: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

blue black red

yellow green

Europe Africa America

Asia Australia

Page 4: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

5 Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make your own conversations. 练习图中对话,然后编新对话。

Page 5: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

What’s this in English? It’s a pear.

Spell it, please.

What color is it?


It’s green.

Page 6: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

What’s this in English? It’s a banana.

Spell it, please.

What color is it?


It’s yellow.

Page 7: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

What’s this in English? It’s an apple.

Spell it, please.

What color is it?


It’s red.

Page 8: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

What’s this in English? It’s an orange.

Spell it, please.

What color is it?


It’s orange.

Page 9: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

Pair work

•Using the things in your pencil-case, working in pairs, practise the above sentences.

Page 10: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

1a Listen to the conversation and color the things in the picture. 听对话,给图中的物品涂色。

Page 11: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

1.The key is _____ .

2.The ruler is ______.

3.The pen is _______.

1b Listen again. Complete the sentences.




a yellow key

a blue ruler

a red pen


Page 12: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.


A: What’s this in English?B: It’s a key.A: What color is it?B: It’s yellow. A: What’s this? B: It’s a ruler. A: What color is it? B: It’s blue.A: What’s this?B: It’s a pen.A: What color is it?B: It’s red.

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Page 14: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

colorsblack white redgreen blue greyyellow orangepurple brownpink

Page 15: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.


Page 16: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.



Dale GraceFrank thanks


B C D E G evening F Helen

字母 i 在开音节中的发音 i 在闭音节中的发音字母 o 在开音节中的发音 o 在闭音节中的发音

j K


I hi fine quilt

O O OK orange

jacket map


Listen and repeat. 听一听,读一读。2

U Q U ruler blue


Page 17: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

4 Listen and read the chant. 听录音,读儿歌。A-E-I-O-U, A-E-I-O-U.A-E-I-O-U. A in Grace;A in Dale; E in green;E in evening; I in white;I in hi; O in no;O in OK; U in blue.U in ruler. A-E-I-O-U,A-E-I-O-U, A-E-I-O-U.

Page 18: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

A: ________this?B: It’s ______apple.A: What _______ is it?B: Green.A: Can you ______ it?B: Yes, G-R-E-E-N.

Exercise One




Page 19: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

M: Good morning, HelenW: Good _________, Alex.M: Look! What ______ this in English?W: It’s a _________.M: Spell it please.W:_____________ .M: What color is it?W: It’s ________________ .



Exercise Two


yellow and orange

Complete the following dialogue.看图,完成下列对话。

Page 20: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

( )1. What color is it? ( )2. Hi, Tom! How are you? ( )3. What’s this in English? ( )4. Good morning! ( )5. Spell it please.


A. I’m fine thanks.B. It’s black and white.C. Good morning!D. K-E-Y.E. It’s a map.

Exercise Three

Page 21: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

1. This is my schoolbag. ( 同上 ) ______________________2. What’s this for English? ( 改错 ) ______________________3. My name is Bruce. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ______________________4. This is my sisters. ( 改错 ) ______________________

What’s this?

What’s this in English?

What’s your name?

This is my sister.

按要求完成下列句子。Exercise Four

Page 22: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

5. The flag is red. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______________________6. The pen is black. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ________________________7. What is this? ( 用 a ruler 做出回答 ) ________________________

What color is the flag?

Is the pen black?

It’s a ruler.

按要求完成下列句子。Exercise Five

Page 23: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.
Page 24: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

•/ b/ boat / p/map •/ f/ five / v/ view •/ d/ date / t/ today •/ g/ go /k/ cake

Page 25: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

• / s / spell thanks six• / z / zoo zero•/ / thank three•/ / this that they

Page 26: Starter Unit 3 Period two What color is it? Miss Chen & Karen.

1. Revise the conversations in 1a.

2.Read and write the big letters and small letters (Ss - Zz).


Thank You!