Star Wars X-wing Official Missions

rBTHTTUn IIifciiiibiiJiiiiiiii missions Missions are a special way of playing the game which changes the victory conditions and offers some unique rules and objectives for the game session. After learning the basics of X-Wing, players can play missions to add variety and unique objectives to the game. Before followin g the standar d steps for setup, players resolve the following steps: 1. Choose Mission: Players must both agree on which mission to play. There are three missions included in this rulebook (see pages 22-24). 2. Choose Ships: Both players must agree to either use the ships and upgrades listed in the Mission Setup section of the mission or choose their own ships using the squad building rules (see Squad Bui lding in Missions ). The se ships are used during the Gather Forces step of setup. Then players perform the setup steps listed on page 4 with the followin exception: instead of performin g the Place Force s step, p layers follow the rules in the Mission Setup section of the mission overview . After setting up the game, review the mission's special rules and objectives. Then players are ready to begin the game. [omponBiTLimiTTions Asteroid obstacle tokens, all cards, plastic ships, bases, and pegs are limited by the quantities included in this game box. If players run out of any other tokens, they may use a suitable replacement (such as a coin or bead) as a substitute. If players would roll more dice than the mawmum number they have available, keep track of the results showing and reroll t^e dice necessary to equal the total number of dice the player would have rolled all at once. Note that these dice are not considered rerolled for the purposes modifying dice (see  Modifying Di ce Resu lts on pag e 12]. In the unlikely event that there are no Damage cards remaining in the deck or discard pile, change all ^ results rolled to # results. Use a suitable replacement to track additional PLAYIIMG A MISSION When playing a mission, players follow all standard rules found in this rulebook in addition to any special rules that apply to that specic mission. Players resol ve game rounds as norma l until one playe r has fullled his objective (see 'Mission Over views below). MISSION PLAY AREA SIZE When playing a mission, the size of the playing surface is crucial to the overall balance of the game. These missions play best with a play area of 3' x 3'. MISSION OVERVIEWS The rules for each mission are described in three major sections: Mission Setup, Special Rules, and Objectiv es. Each section's purpose is explain ed below: Mission Setup: This section explains the Ship and Upgrade cards used by both players (unless using squad building rules - s ee Squad Building in Missions below). During the Gather Forces step o f setup , each player takes the indicated Ship cards as well as the Upgrade cards, indicated in parentheses after the pilot's name. This section also provides detailed instructions for how to place ships and special tokens during setup. These instructions are followed even when using the squad building rules below. Special Rules; This section describes the unique rules that players must follow during this mission. These rules override all other rules and abilities. Objectives: This section describes what each player needs to do in order to win the game. A player can only win by fullling his faction's objective. Players cannot win by destroying all enemy ships unless stated in th e Objectives section. SQUAD BUILDING IN MISSIONS Instead of using the pre-determined ships listed under the Mission Setup, players may agree to instead choose their own ships and upgrades. In order to do this, players agree on a squad point total. Then they choose Ship and Upgrade cards with total squad points equal to or lower than this number (see Squad Building on pages 18-19). The scenarios included in this rulebook play best with 10G-poin t squads. If player s own only the three ships found in this game box, it is recommended that they each build 31-point squads. The Imperial player chooses rst from the available Upgrade cards. At the start of the game (before performing Mission Setup ), the player whose squa d point total is the lowest has initiative. If both players' squad point totals are equal, or if using the pre-determined ships



Transcript of Star Wars X-wing Official Missions

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r B T H T T U n I I i f c i i i i b i i J i i i i i i i i

missionsMissions are a special way of playing the game which

changes the victory conditions and offers some

unique rules and objectives for the game session.After learning the basics of X-Wing, players can

play missions to add variety and unique objectives to

the game.

Before following the standard steps for setup, players

resolve the following steps:

1. Choose Mission: Players must both agree on

which mission to play. There are three missions

included in this rulebook (see pages 22-24).

2. Choose Ships: Both players must agree

to either use the ships and upgrades listed in

the Mission Setup section of the mission or

choose their own ships using the squad building

rules (see Squad Building in Missions ). These

ships are used during the Gather Forces stepof setup.

Then players perform the setup steps listed on page

4 with the following exception: instead of performing

the Place Forces step, players follow the rules in

the Mission Setup section of the mission overview.

After setting up the game, review the mission'sspecial rules and objectives. Then players are ready

to begin the game.


Asteroid obstacle tokens, all cards,

plastic ships, bases, and pegs arelimited by the quantities included in this

game box.If players run out of any other tokens,

they may use a suitable replacement(such as a coin or bead) as a substitute.

If players would roll more dice than the

mawmum number they have available,

keep track of the results showing andreroll t^e dice necessary to equal thetotal number of dice the player would

have rolled all at once. Note that

these dice are not considered rerolled

for the purposes modifying dice (see

 Modifying Dice Results on page 12].

In the unlikely event that there are no

Damage cards remaining in the deckor discard pile, change all ^ results

rolled to # results. Use a suitable

replacement to track additional

damage until the deck is replenished.


When playing a mission, players follow all standard

rules found in this rulebook in addition to any

special rules that apply to that specific mission. Players

resolve game rounds as normal until one player has

fulfilled his objective (see 'Mission Overviews below).


When playing a mission, the size of the playing

surface is crucial to the overall balance of the game.

These missions play best with a play area of 3' x 3'.


The rules for each mission are described in three

major sections: Mission Setup, Special Rules, and

Objectives. Each section's purpose is explained below:

Mission Setup: This section explains the Ship and

Upgrade cards used by both players (unless using

squad building rules - see Squad Building in Missions

below). During the Gather Forces step of setup,

each player takes the indicated Ship cards as well as

the Upgrade cards, indicated in parentheses after

the pilot's name. This section also provides detailed

instructions for how to place ships and special tokens

during setup. These instructions are followed evenwhen using the squad building rules below.

Special Rules; This section describes the uniquerules that players must follow during this mission.

These rules override all other rules and abilities.

Objectives: This section describes what each

player needs to do in order to win the game. A

player can only win by fulfilling his faction's

objective. Players cannot win by destroying all

enemy ships unless stated in the Objectives section.


Instead of using the pre-determined ships listedunder the Mission Setup, players may agree to

instead choose their own ships and upgrades.

In order to do this, players agree on a squad point

total. Then they choose Ship and Upgrade cards with

total squad points equal to or lower than this number

(see Squad Building on pages 18-19).

The scenarios included in this rulebook play best

with 10G-point squads. If players own only the three

ships found in this game box, it is recommended thatthey each build 31-point squads. The Imperial playerchooses first from the available Upgrade cards.

At the start of the game (before performing Mission

Setup ), the player whose squad point total is thelowest has initiative. If both players' squad point

totals are equal, or if using the pre-determined ships

listed under mission setup, the Imperial player has

initiative (see Initiative on page 16). ^

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  ,Imperials won't make it easy for them...

M i s s i o n S e t u p

Rebel: Red Squadron Pilot

Imperial: Academy Pilot, Academy Pilot (use IDtokens to identify the two ships; see page 18)

The Rebel player places the senator's shuttle token

within Range 1 of his edge of the play area. The

shuttle must be placed in the exact center of hisedge, with its artwork pointing directly toward theImperial player's edge of the play area.

Place one unused Rebel Ship card facedown near

the Rebel player's other Ship cards outside the playarea (see Shuttle Damage below). Then he places his

ship(s) within Range 2 of his edge of the play area.

Then the Imperial player places his ships within

Range 2 of his edge of the play area.

Special Rules

• Shuttle Stats; Treat the senator's shuttle as

a Rebel ship, which means that Rebel abilities

that affect friendly ships may target the shuttle.It has an agility value of 2 and a hull value of shown on the token. (If playing with 100-point

squads, it has a shield value of 6. Use trackingtokens to represent the shuttle's shields.)

• Shuttle Movement: At the start of each

Activation phase, the Rebel player may move thesenator's shuttle by choosing to execute one ofthree possible maneuvers; It 21, (Ml, or [f 11. The

senator's shuttle cannot perform actions or attack.

• Shuttle Damage: For each damage the

shuttle suffers, place one Damage card facedownon top of the facedown Rebel Ship card (placed

during setup). Change all ̂results against thesenator's shuttle to * results (i.e., do not deal

Damage cards faceup to the senator's shuttle).


i s ^

0. . 0I-1. Imperial Setup Area

2. Imperial Edge 4. Shuttle

3. Rebel Setup Area 5. Rebel

Protect Action: Rebel ships maa PROTECT action when within Ran

senator's shuttle. When performiaction, the Rebel player places one

on the senator's shuttle. When att

senator's shuttle may spend its ev

add one additional •? result to its d

 Spending an Evade Token on pag

There is no limit to the number of e

that may be on the senator's shuttl

The Rebel player may spend only o

during each attack. During the End

all evade tokens from the senator's

• Imperial Reinforcements: Duri

End phase, the Imperial player may

REINFORCEMENT for each Imperial

was destroyed during that round. For

reinforcement, he takes one Acadecard and places it outside the play ar

places one Academy Pilot ship withihis edge of the play area. The Imp

assign maneuvers to this ship and u

O b j e c t i v e s

Rebel Victory: The senator's shuttle

off the Imperial player's edge of the play

Fleeing the Battlefield on page 17).

Imperial Victory: Destroy the senat

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r L i T f n fi i i / ^ i i " ' " ' I 1 1 I I

M I S S I O N 2 : A S T E R O I D R U I M

While scouting the Outer Rim, Rebel ships came

across a hidden Imperial outpost Unfortunately,

before they could contact the Rebellion, the

Imperial ^cility's ion cannons fired a barrage,disabling the communications relay and hyperdrive

engine on one of the Rebel ships. In desperation,the Rebels have fled to a nearby asteroid field

while their astromechs attempt to repair the

damaged systems. Hopelessly outnumbered, thedisabled ship must survive until its systems are

back online, and then must flee the battlefield in

order to notify Rebel high command

M i s s i o n S e t u p

Rebel: Luke Skywalker (Determination)

Imperial: "Night Beast," "Mauler Mtthel" (Marksmanship)

The Imperial player places his ships within Range 1 ofeither player's edge of the play area. He is not

required to place all of his ships on the same side ofthe play area.

Then the Rebel player places his ship(s) anywhere

in the play area that is not within Range 1-3 of

either the Imperial edge or the Rebel edge of the play

area. He chooses one of his ships to be the Disabled

Ship and inserts a tracking token into its base.

Then the Imperial player places the six asteroidtokens anywhere in the play area that is not within

Range 1 of any Rebel ships or other asteroid tokens(see setup diagram for an example of a valid setup).

S p e c i a l R u l e s

• Tracking Rounds: At the start of

each Planning phase (including the first

one), the Rebel player takes one trackingtoken from the supply and places it near

his Ship cards outside the play area. The

number of tracking tokens indicates thecurrent round number (see "Objectives").

mission 2 SETUP

Disabled Ship: Until the disabled ship's

systems are repaired, it may be assigned only1 - or 2-speed maneuvers. At the start of Round 5,

the disabled ship is repaired. The Rebel player may

now assign this ship any maneuver available on its

dial and may attempt to f ee (see "Objectives"),

Imperial Reinforcements: During the

End phase, the Imperial player may call for oneREINFORCEMENT for each Imperial ship that

was destroyed during that round. For each

reinforcement, he takes one "Academy Pilot" Ship

card and places it outside the piay area. Then he

places one "Academy Pilot" ship within Range 1of either player's edge of the play area. The

Imperial player can assign maneuvers to this shipand use it as normal.

' B

® a® 0  p . o

®. S


1. Imperial Setup Area 3. Rebel Setup Area

2. Imperial Edge 4, Rebel Edge

Note; For details on how ships interact with

asteroid tokens, see "Obstacles" on page 20.

O b j e c t i v e s

Rebel Victory: The disabled ship must flee off

either player's edge of the play area during

Round 5 or later. If it flees in this way, it is not

considered destroyed.

Any ships that flee before Round 5, or flee from a

non-lmperial/non-Rebel edge of the play area, aredestroyed as normal (see "Fleeing the Battlefield"

on page 17),

Imperial Victory: Destroy the disabled ship.

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mission 4: DEn of thievesBecause of Itieir fundamental rale in the Imperial

Navy, Sienar engineers are vital to the Empire's holdon ̂ e galaxy. Their ceaseless toil is responsible forthe most recent starship prototype, currently in

transit to rendezvous with the Imperial Fleet. Alliance

Intelligence discovered it only days ago and offereda substantial reward for the prototype's capture.

Rebel-aligned smugglers are prepared to ambushthe vulnerable shipment, and the modest Imperial

escort must safely deliver its precious cargo.


Rebel: 100 Squad Points

Imperial: 100 Squad Points

The Imperial player places his ships within

Range 1-3 of Che Imperial edge of the playarea and not within Range 1 of the neutral

edges of the play area. Then the Imperial

player chooses two of his ships and assignsone escort token to each (insert the tokens

into the tower of each ship's base).



Then the Imperial player places three

container tokens within Range 1-3 of the

Imperial edge of the play area. Acontainer token cannot be placed within

Range 1 of thR neutral edges of the play.

area, and it must be at Range 3 or

farther away from each other container token. The

container tokens must be oriented to face directly

toward the Rebel edge of the play area as depicted in

the setup diagram.

Then the Rebel player places his ships within

Range 1 of the Rebel edge or the neutral

edges of the play area. A Rebel ship cannot

be placed within Range 1-2 of a containertoken. Then the Rebel player assigns the

smuggler token to one of his ships, inserting

the token into the tower of that ship's base.


* Steal Action: The Rebel ship with the

smuggler token may perform the steal actionon a container token within Range 1. To perform

the steal action, the Rebel player simultaneously

rolls three attack dice and three defense dice.

If he rolls more ^ results than results,

he removes the container token from the play

area and places it next to his Ship cards. If the

number of ^ results is equal to or less than

the number of results, he places one tracking

token on the smuggler's Ship card. Each trackingtoken automatically adds one ̂ result to each

future steal action roll. The steal action may be

performed even if the ship has stress tokens.

• Containers: Container tokens do not count as

ships or obstacles, and they cannot be attackedor destroyed. At the start of the End phase,

each container token executes a It 2] maneuver

toward the Rebel edge. If a container token is

within Range 1 of one ship with an escort token,

it executes a [f 3] maneuver instead. If a container

token is within Range 1 of two ships with escort

tokens, it executes a (t 4] maneuver instead.

• Escort Tokens: When a ship with an escort

token is destroyed, the Imperial player may place

that token on one of his other ships at the end

of the End phase. He cannot place it on a

ship that already has an escort token.

• Smuggler Token: At the end of the Planning

phase, the Rebel player may assign the smugglertoken to another one of his ships. When the

smuggler token is assigned to a new ship, discard

all tracking tokens from the previous ship.


Rebel Victory: Collect two container tokens next

to your Ship cards.

Imperial Victory: Two containers must flee offthe Rebel edge of the play area. You may win even if

all of your ships are destroyed.

mission 4 SETUP

'0 . B ^  • B B .


O ', Imperial Setup Area 4. Rebel Edge

2, Imperial Edge 5. Container Token

3, Rebel Setup Area

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mission 5: PREYSTflLKEROn Tataoine, the cantinas are empty thanks Co tJie

latest Hotanet transmission—a high price has been

set on the leader of the Rebel forces desperately

fleeing the area. Scum and villainy across the planetscramble to claim the bounty. But the best hunters

have already found their prey, assailing the Rebel

squadron as it turns to fece the relentless pursuit


Rebel: 150 Squad Points (see rules below)

When the Rebel player builds his squad, he must

choose one of his ships to have a

BOUNTY. The squad point cost of this

ship is doubled. Regardless of thenumber of S icons in its upgrade bar,

treat this ship as having two S upgrade Bountyicons. Reduce the combined cost of all Token

Upgrade cards equipped to the ship by 10

(to a minimum of 0).

Imperial: 90 Squad Points

The Rebel player places his ships anywhere in the

play area that is not within Range 1-3 of the Rebelor Imperial edges of the play area. Each Rebel ship

must directly face the Rebel edge of the play area as

depicted in the setup diagram. Each ship placed bythe Rebel player receivesjDna stress token.

Then the Rebel player inserts the bounty token into

the tower of the Rebel ship's base that he chose

during squad building.

Then the Imperial player places his ships within

Range 1-3 of the Imperial edge of the play area.


There are no special rules for this mission.


Rebel Victory: Destroy all Imperial ships.

Imperial Victory: Destroy the ship with the bounty.

1. Imperial Setup Area 3. Rebel Setup Area

2. Imperial Edge 4. Rebel Edge

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I i i I IHImJIiUii i i ImL.M

mission 6- unoEniflBLE assetsImperial Intelligence deployed a team of undercover

agents on a convoy contracted to >Ozor Transport

Systems, hoping to uncover the Alliance's infrastructure.Rebel sympathizers in the convoy discovered the

plot and disabled die convoy before it could returnto Imperial space. The Empire's forces must cover

ttie agents as they escape; any agents forced to fleewithout escort will surety fe// into Rebel hands.

M I S S i O l M S E T U P

Rebel: 100 Squad Points

Imperiai: 120 Squad Points

llie Rebel player places one disabled ship

token into the ptay area. Then he places two

more disabled ship tokens into the play area,

each at Range 3 of the first disabled ship andnot at Range 1 of each other Disabled ships

cannot be placed within Range 1 of any edge of

the play area. Then he places four passengers

(tracking tokens) on each disabled ship.

D i s a b l e d

Ship Tol<en



Then the Rebel player places his ships anywhere within

Range 1-2 of the upper-left and/or lower-righc cornersof the play area as depicted in the setup example.

Then the Imperial player places his ships anywhere

within Range 1-3 of the lower-left corner of the playarea and/or within Range 1 of the upper-iiglil uori>er

of the play area as depicted in the setup example.


• Disabled Ships: Treat each disabled ship

as an Imperial ship with an agility value of 3.

Disabled ships cannot execute maneuvers,

perform actions, or attack. They do not receive

Damage cards and cannot be destroyed.

• Rescue Action: Imperial ships may perform aRESCUE action when within Range 1 of a disabled

ship. To perform a rescue action, the Imperial

player takes as many passengers as desired fromone disabled ship at Range 1 and assigns them to

the ship performing the action. Then, for each

passenger rescued during this action, the shipsuffers damage equal to the speed of the maneuver

it executed. For example, if a Lambda-class shuttle

executes a 3-speed maneuver and rescues two

passengers, it suffers six damage. The rescueaction cannot be performed as a free action.

• Capturing Passengers: When a disabled ship

suffers one or more critical damage from an attack,

the Rebel player captures one passenger on that

ship. Alternatively, if an Imperial ship is destroyed,the Rebel player captures all rescued passengers

assigned to that ship. Captured passengers are

placed next to the Rebel player's Ship cards.

> Securing Passengers: If an Imperial ship

with one or more passengers flees the play area

off an Imperial edge, it is not destroyed. Instead,

the Imperial player secures all passengers on

that ship, placing them next to his Ship cards.

At the start of the End phase, that ship may be

placed within Range 1 of either Imperial edge of

the play area with all of the Upgrade cards, shieldtokens, and Damage cards it had when it fled.

* R ebe l R e i n f o r c em en t s : A t t he end o f

the End phase, the Rebel player may call for

one reinforcement for each Rebel ship that

was destroyed during that round. For each

reinforcement, he takes the Ship card with the

lowest squad point cost matching the destroyed

ship's type and places it outside the play area.

Then he places the matching ship within Range

1-2 of any corner chosen by the Imperial player.The Rebel player can use this ship as normal.


Rebel Victory: Capture six passengers or destroy

all Imperial ships (excluding disabled ships).

Imperial Victory: Secure five passengers.

mission E SETUP


1. Rebel Edges

2. Rebel Setup Areas

3. Imperial Setup Areas

4, Imperial Edges

5, Disabled Ship
