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    Be your own Superhero !

    Monday, October 31st, 2011

    Making the world (yes, even the world outside your classroom) a better place is completely

    realistic and doableand doesnt require a cape or tights.

    Hero is such a big word. Often, it conjures images of muscled men in masks and

    costumes who can effortlessly lift trucks and cars with one hand, or swoop in to catch

    damsels falling from tall buildings. Other times, it makes you think of valiant, selfless,

    incredibly passionate historical figures who died fighting for our countrys honor and

    freedom: Dr. J ose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Ninoy Aquino. Hero is such a big wordtoo

    big, in fact, that it is a word we rarely associate with ourselves.

    But if you start with the simple, seemingly ordinary things in your everyday life, heroism

    shouldnt be alien or intimidating at all. Everyone can be a hero, and heroic acts are all

    around us, happening all the timebecause being a hero usually just means standing up

    for the things you believe in and taking care of the people you love. Better by far to simplytry and be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference, author David Nicholls

    says in his bestselling novel, One Day. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around

    you. Go out there with your passion and work hard at something. Change lives through

    art maybe. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and

    well. Experience new things. Love and be loved, if you ever get the chance. Everyone can

    truly be a herobecause being a hero usually just means being the best version of

    yourself that you can possibly be.

    Your Superpower: Saving Precious Time

    At some point, youve probably felt like 24 hours in a day is simply not enough to

    accomplish everything, and youve probably wished you can freeze time so that you can

    catch up with the things on your dauntingly lengthy to-do list. Yet what most people often

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    publication of Sa Aklat Sisikat Foundation and Summit Media

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    fail to realize is that it isnt a matter of doing everything, but a matter of knowing what to do

    first. Prioritize the things that are both important AND urgent; for example, at seven in the

    morning, while your kids are busy getting ready for school, your dinner menu and the

    growing pile of laundry are important but not urgent, while the coffee stain on your blouse

    is urgent but probably not as important as helping your son find his missing homework. At

    the end of the day, this twin-pack of superpowers will come in handy: forgiving yourself for

    the things you didnt quite get to finish in the past 24 hours, and believing that tomorrow is

    always a brand new start.

    Being a hero just means being the best version ofyourself that you can possibly be.

    Your Superpower: Battling Teen Drama

    One minute, your daughter is a sweet, polite, little girl who adores you, and the next thing you

    know, shes moody, sulky, and doesnt seem to want to talk to you about anything. Your kid is

    growing up too fast, and you often feel like you are being shut out. How do you deal? When

    communicating with teenagers, its essential to balance giving them space with letting them know

    that you will be there for them no matter what. Its also a good thing to remember that

    disagreements are inevitableyou wont always see eye to eye, and yes, there will be a few

    shouting matches and slammed doors here and there. Its easy to lose your temper or turn into a

    hovering, overbearing parent, but a Super Mom will rise above her emotions and keep in mind that

    teen drama can often be subdued with honest conversation and firm but fair rules. As long as a

    teenager feels loved, appreciated, and understood, chances are shell grow up to be a wonderful,

    responsible, secure person, just like you.

    Your Superpower: Zapping Gossip

    The temptation to partake in office gossip is a strong one. Its entertaining to talk about the juicy

    details of your co-workers lives (like whos dating who, and who got pregnant out of wedlock, or

    whos cheating on whom), and admittedly, there is a certain twisted pleasure that can be derived

    from dissecting and judging other peoples personal choices and private activities. Think about it,

    thoughin the long run, does office gossip ever really do anyone any good? It hurts feelings,

    damages reputations, destroys relationships, and in the worst scenarios, causes even the most

    competent people to lose their jobs. So every time you feel the urge to dish out some harmful

    gossip or spread a hot piece of news you just overheard at the faculty room, ask yourself if its

    worth all the trouble it will eventually amount to. Take the noble route and choose to keep the

    information to yourself, whether or not you have confirmed its veracity. Youll discover that staying

    away from gossip will not only make other people respect you more, but make YOU respect

    yourself more as well.

    Your Superpower: X-Ray Vision

    Heroes are selfless, seeing beyond their own needs and conveniences. They are also open-minded

    and generous with their trust, seeing beyond the surface and always giving people the benefit of

    the doubt. In a world that has made a habit out of being cynical and highly suspicious, it can be

    quite difficult to give someone a chance to prove himself. But as a teacher, you have an advantage

    over everyone else because youve had enough practice in seeing the good in someone within the

    four walls of your classroom; every day, you strive to bring out only the best in your students,

    looking beyond their mistakes and digging deeper to reveal the great potential within them. Every

    day, you look at them through the eyes of someone who believes in them unconditionally. The

    other people in your lifefamily members, colleagues, and friendsdefinitely deserve to be

    empowered by your unwavering faith too.

    Your Superpower: A Megawatt Smile

    Although heroism does require a great deal of sacrifice, it doesnt mean being a doormat or

    completely giving up the things you love. It doesnt mean being unhappy, or depriving

    yourself, or downplaying your value as a person. If anything, it means the exact opposite

    celebrating yourself, your life, and your big and small achievements in the hopes that you

    can serve as an inspiration to others. Its the little things that truly count: quiet words of

    encouragement, a pat on the back for a job well done, and a bright, cheerful smile willingly

    given to a friend or a stranger. The bottom line is that heroic acts dont have to be grand or

    complicatedsometimes, all you really need to do to light up the world is spread a little bit

    of sunshine to the people around you.

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    New BeginningsMonday, October 31st, 2011

    Maricel Feliciano Servo has much to look forward to as a new mom with a

    young career in teaching. What better way to start than with a makeover?

    I am 26 years old but I look 40, says Maricel. She laughs it off but admits that she doesnt have

    time to fix herself each day. Like most teachers, she is busy with the demands of school and a 10-

    month-old son named J homar who she proudly breastfeeds.

    After Maricel completed her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, she went on to teach

    grade five Aeta students. Two years later, she decided to try it out in Manila. Now she teaches grade

    two students at CP. Sta. Teresa Elementary School.

    A fairly new teacher, Maricel teaches the last section of 33 boys and 12 girls. Though it is not an

    easy section to teach, Maricel copes by giving them several activities. At the same time, if she feels

    she is beginning to lose her temper, she just steps out of the classroom and counts to ten. When

    she returns, her students are quiet and ready to behave. Even if they are a challenge to teach, she

    says, Mababait sila at magaling maglinis. Maalahanin sa teacher. They always greet her whenever

    they see her and are very sweet.

    Currently beginning work on her masters degree in Educational Management, Maricel believes that

    as a new teacher, it is important to do everything to improve my talents and my skills and to grow

    professionally. At the same time, dapat lagi kang friendly at lagi ka humble. Always keep your feet

    on the ground. And listen to what the older and more experienced teachers have to say.

    Maricel looks forward to the day when it will be her turn to help out new teachers and give them

    advice the way her more experienced co-teachers have done for her.

    Before: Maricel is always trying to find ways to get her students attention. Can the makeover team

    give her a transformation to make them stop in their tracks with awe?

    The Outfit: Maricel doesnt really bother to fix herself up. So we dressed her in clothes that werent

    only stylish but youthful as well, to celebrate her bubbly and sweet personality.

    The Hair: Because Maricel had her hair rebonded last year, she couldnt really do much with it in

    terms of style. So Miss Letty gave her hair layers for more body and a fresh, young look.
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    The Face: Miss Letty suggests taking good care of your skin even if youre still young. Maricel has

    good skin, but it is important to begin putting sun block every morning to protect it from the sun. Then

    a dusting of powder will keep your face fresh and oil-free.

    Tip 1: A wrap dress is flattering on almost every body type. Pick a printed one (it helps camouflage

    bulges!) in a pretty pastel color and accessorize with a simple, classic string of pearls.

    Dress from The Flower Collection. Necklace, stylists own.

    Tip 2: Choose a pencil skirt in a neutral shade to keep your look professional, but feel free to have

    fun with a cheerful floral top in a sheer material. A braided belt is the ultimate outfit-saverwear it

    with dresses, jeans, or a top-and-skirt combo.

    Top and skirt from The Flower Collection. Belt, stylists own.

    Tip 3:The butterfly print on this blouse is young, feminine, and definitely on-trend! Pair it with slacks

    or dark jeans, then amp up your outfits playful vibe with a bright aqua necklace.

    Top and slacks from The Flower Collection. Necklace, Anagon Collection.

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    31 Ways to Get MotivatedMonday, February 28th, 2011

    Stuck in a rut? Break out of the dullness with these fresh ideas!

    As teachers, you always tell your

    students to dream big and do what
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    they love to do. You urge their

    young minds to try new things,

    explore the world around them, and

    get creative. But there are times

    when even you have a hard time

    following suitespecially when

    youre buried under papers to grade,

    finances to balance, tests to make,

    and family issues to resolve. Simply

    put, you feel you dont have the

    time or energy to do more.

    Despite all the challenges you may

    face each day, you can still push

    yourself to get into something new.

    All it takes is a little shove in a different direction and youll see the world through a fresh pair of

    eyes. Try these suggestions, and pretty soon, youll be revitalized and motivated to do anything!

    1. Create an inspiration board. Cut out quotes, pictures, and illustrations from magazines or

    newspapers that encourage you to do better. You can even draw specific images with you in the

    middle of the action!

    2. Go back to your roots and talk to your oldest living family member to learn about your clans

    history. The trials and triumphs of your ancestors will inspire you to see life in a new way.

    3. Read your favorite book when you were a child . Seek inspiration from its simple words and

    colorful illustrations, and try to remember what you loved about it back then. Compare that with

    how you feel about it today.

    4. Visit the National Museum and soak up our countrys masterpieces. Juan Lunas Spoliarium

    might stir you the way it did Jose Rizal!

    5. Get into a new hobby with the whole family. Who says youre too old to learn how to swim

    or ride a bicycle? Being cheered on by your loved ones will compel you to do your very best.

    6. Try on an outfit thats the complete opposite of what youd normally wear. If you always go

    for classic cuts, pick something trendy! If youre the type to wear animal prints, why not go

    monochromatic for a change?

    7. Dont speak for one whole day. Discover how creative you can get as you communicate

    through other means.

    8. Get a new haircut. Its never too late to reinvent yourself! Snagging a new do just might be the

    thing you need to gain more confidence in the classroom. (Just make sure you think things

    through before doing anything drastic. The cut and length should match your face shape and hair


    9. Learn a new language. If your family members are all fans of Koreanovelas and K-Pop music,

    you could all learn how to speak Korean together! Just imagine all the time youll save not glancing

    down at the subtitles.

    10. Post sticky notes with positive words such as Yes! or I can!on your desk where you

    can clearly see them. When something pulls you down, draw energy from these encouraging lines.

    11. Wear two different socks at the same time . It might feel silly, but youll get a lot of laughs

    and surprised reactions.

    12. Hide chocolate kisses for you and your family to find . Small amounts of this sweet treat will

    trigger the release of endorphins and make everyone instantly happy!

    13. Have a gratitude list. Think of three to five random things you are thankful for at the end of

    each day. It doesnt have to be something life changing. Doing this continuously will make you

    appreciate the finer things in life and will help you become a more optimistic, confident person.

    14. Read about something youve always been curious about but never had the time to delve

    into. Pick a topic totally unrelated to the subject you teach in school.

    15. Stop comparing yourself to others and just focus on honing your skills.16. Spend 15 minutes each day in complete silence. This will help clear your mind and bring to

    light things that truly matter.

    17. Keep a journal. Start by jotting down your biggest failures. Transform this into a positive exercise

    by writing down three good things that came out of each experience.

    18. Make it a point to have a good laugh at least once a day . Search for hilarious videos on such as The Sneezing Panda, Charley Bit Me, or Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious

    Ticking Noise.

    19. Reward yourself for every accomplishment. Just like a child who is rewarded for doing well

    on a test, you deserve prizes for your little victories!

    20. Be involved in theaterbe it a small school play or a grand production of a Shakespearean

    classic. Nothing beats the thrill of creating sets, finding props, acting onstage, and getting

    instantaneous reactions from the audience.

    21. Cook a meal from scratch without the help of a recipe . Who knows, you just might whip up

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    a dish thatll become your familys new favorite!

    22. Be more vocal about your feelings. Being unafraid to express yourself brings you one step

    closer to controlling your emotions, claiming what you want, and turning your dreams to reality.

    23. Listen to music your students like and discover why these songs speak to the youth of today.

    You can also crank up the volume and dance!

    24. Have a change of scenery. Its as simple as going to a park to grade papers instead of staying

    cooped up in your room.

    25. Use your imagination and change the rules of your favorite sport. Alter the equipment,

    add or lessen players, and transform it into an even more fun game. When youve turned it into

    the best game ever, play it with your friends and family!

    26. Find a cause. It may be something as small as segregating the trash in your neighborhood or

    something as major as spearheading a fundraiser for the homeless kids in your city. Whatever you

    decide to do, make sure its something you really care about so you dont lose momentum.

    27. Start the day with a peppy song that will perk up your mood . Try Walking on Sunshine

    by Katrina and the Waves or Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. Its guaranteed to

    work better than a steaming cup of coffee!

    28. Emulate your idol by learning about her backstory and discovering the steps she took to

    become successful. Before Oprah Winfrey became a billionaire host and producer, she was born

    into poverty and repeatedly molested as a child. By making a difference in the lives of others and

    helping them overcome their adversities, she eventually made a name for herself.

    29. Use your favorite scents to inspire you! A whiff of citrus cologne or that yummy slice of

    cinnamon apple pie can instantly lift your spirit. The key is to find the aroma that triggers your

    happy mood.

    30. Start small. You cant climb a mountain if you dont take the first step up. If you have dreams of

    becoming the school principal, draw up a five or 10-year plan mapping out what youll do to make

    this dream come true. Feel free to include seemingly impossible dreams (such as winning the Nobel

    Prize in Literature) and come up with concrete ways on how to achieve them (like writing a

    compelling story about the state of Philippine education).

    31. Challenge yourself to see the good in everyone and every situation . Do it for a day, a

    week, a month, then an entire year.

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    For the Love of FamilyMonday, February 28th, 2011

    A dedicated teacher, daughter, and sister, Norlyn Gregorio gets the ultimate pampering


    Photos byArturo Nepomuceno

    Styling by Martina Bautista

    Hair and Makeup by Letty Lacambra and Fe Cuanan of

    Salon Paradisus

    Outfits from Ensembles, Freeway, Rare Finds, and

    LINC (L In Style Necklace Collection)

    Family played a crucial role in shaping the life of Teacher

    Norlyn Gregorio. Though she wanted to become a nurse,

    her mother persuaded her to follow in the footsteps of her

    cousins who were educators. Norlyn graduated from

    Bulacan State University in 2001 with a degree in

    Secondary Education, major in PE, Health, and Music.

    After graduation, Norlyn volunteered as a Special

    Education teacher for Akapin Foundation in Malolos.

    Special children are close to her heart because her brother

    was born with cerebral palsy and mental retardation.

    Norlyn then taught at a regular school but her heart pulled

    her back to Special Education. She joined Norfil Foundation, where she became a dedicated

    community-based SPED teacher for three years.

    We catered to children with physical and mental disabilities, she says. Aside from teaching the

    students, wed give trainings to parents, teachers, and the community.

    To teach her blind and deaf students, Norlyn learned Braille and sign language. She admits it could

    be frustrating as some of her students would have very slow progress. But the biggest reward was

    the fact that her work allowed her to help her family understand her brother better.

    Today, Norlyn is a full-time staff of Sa Aklat Sisikat Foundation, where she works as the Principals

    Lead Program coordinator. Being in SAS made her realize that teachers really need to help

    students make a habit of reading, as this will allow them to widen their knowledge and learn about
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    different cultures.

    In all her years of teaching and working at SAS, Norlyn has learned that patience, endurance, and

    flexibility are the keys to a successful career. This year, she plans to finish her MA in Education,

    major in Curriculum and Instruction at Bulacan State University. After that, she looks forward to

    teaching again. But for now, perhaps you will meet her at the next PLP Conference as she helps

    SAS build a nation of better readers and excellent educators.

    The Outfit: Norlyn came to the shoot in a pair of jeans,

    a collared shirt, and sneakers. Her outfit was very basic,

    so we decided to put her in bright colors and prints to

    liven up her look.

    The Hair: Norlyn had her naturally curly hair relaxed,

    which caused it to become dry and coarse. Miss Letty

    snipped off the treated ends and gave her a shorter do to

    make her hair feel light and healthy again.

    The Look: Norlyn has acidic skin, which means makeup

    has a tendency to melt quite easily on her face, so Miss

    Letty applied yellow-based powder to help the makeup

    stay on. She applied glossy eye shadow to make her pretty

    eyes stand out, and lipstick with a glossy, pinkish hue to

    brighten her smile.

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    Build Your ResilienceSunday, February 27th, 2011

    We all have our share of challenges and difficulties, but each of us also has the ability

    to overcome them. Read on for some tips on how to deal with adversity.

    We do so many things to keep our bodies strong and our resistance

    to diseases high. We drink vitamins, go to the gym, watch what we
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    eat, avoid smoking and alcohol, and try to get enough sleep. More

    than that though, we should be focusing on our inner strength, and

    the best way to do that is to work on building our resilience.

    What is resilience?

    Simply put, its the ability to bounce back after stressful, difficult,

    or even traumatic events. However, it should not be seen as a

    superpower as people commonly demonstrate the ability to be

    resilient. In fact, Filipinos seem to be a very resilient people. Think

    of all the typhoons, earthquakes, and other calamities that Filipinos

    have gone through. Im sure that while you were watching those

    unfold in the news, you would have glimpsed more than a dozen

    people still smiling or even waving for the cameras. But we also

    shouldnt see resilience as a trait that some people have and others

    dont. Its actually a combination of behaviors, thoughts, and

    actions that anyone can learn and develop. Different strategies may

    work for different people because ultimately, it is a personal

    journey. You may try any or all of the following:

    1. Cultivate relationships Having caring, supportive relationships

    within your family as well as your other families (work, school,

    church, etc.) will definitely bolster your resilience as it constantly makes you feel loved, reassured,

    and encouraged. So go ahead and set that date with your old high school or college friends. Reach

    out to your family and co-workers. You will not only be boosting your own resilience, you will be

    helping them as well.

    2. See Crises As Challenges Stress and problems are a given in everyday life. They may be small

    or not so small but the key is not to think of them as make or break or insurmountable

    problems. In the same way, you shouldnt run away from them either, thinking that they will

    diminish whatever resilience youve already built. Try and fine-tune your mind into thinking of them

    as challenges or little puzzles that you have to figure out to exercise your resilience muscles,

    because in the end, arent they just that anyway?

    3. Sort Through Your Goals And Challenges We are just so immersed in the challenges we face

    or the goals we want to attain that we can no longer differentiate between those that can still be

    and those that can never be. Once you feel like youve hit that brick wall a couple of times, step

    back and reassess the situation. Sometimes having the courage to accept that certain

    circumstances cannot be changed is all you need to grow, to finally be able to move on, and to

    work on those you can still alter.

    4. Look At Loss As An Opportunity For Self-discovery When you lose something as a result

    of a problem, stressful event, or tragedy, may it be a thing, a loved one, or your confidence,

    focusing on what you gained or learned about yourself from such an event will actually make you

    more resilient in the end. Im sure you have experienced it at least oncealthough still feeling

    shaky and vulnerable, you feel stronger, with a stronger connection to God, and a renewed

    appreciation for all things.

    5. Know That You Can Do It Believing that you can handle anything that may be thrown at you is

    more than half the battle. You can do this by keeping things in perspective and always, always,

    always expecting that good things will happen to you. Its really not about erasing all your fears

    but more about focusing on what fantastic things you want to materialize.

    6. Continue Taking Care Of YourselfNever take yourself for granted. Relax and enjoy yourself.

    Some people also find it helpful to work on their faith, i.e., believing that we have a God that looks

    after us all the time and will never let us down. Take care of your mind by keeping it sharp, take

    care of your body by keeping it healthy, and take care of your spirit by keeping it strong. It is only

    with a mind-body-spirit that is ready that one can best deal with events that require resilience.

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    The Chic TeacherSunday, February 27th, 2011

    A full time teacher-librarian, Lyneve de Guzman knows the value of a break and a

    well-deserved treat!

    PHOTOS BYMonica Barretto

    STYLING BYMarla Miniano

    HAIR AND MAKEUP BYLetty Lacambra and Fe Cuanan of

    Salon Paradisus

    OUTFITS FROM Freeway and Anagon Collection
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    Yyneve de Guzman is a product of public schools in Bicol.

    When she was a child, she loved pretending to be a teacher.

    Her grandmothers, who were also teachers, inspired her to get

    into the profession.

    Having a passion for travel and adventure, Lyneve went to

    Manila after graduating from the Bicol University College of

    Education. She landed a job in Kalawaan Elementary School in

    Pasig, where she became a grantee of Sa Aklat Sisikat

    Foundation and the HSBC READiscovery Center.

    Once she completed her training, Lyneve became a full time

    teacher-librariana job she has enjoyed for the past seven years. Currently, she teaches English

    and science to grade five students. She says, Im strict inside the classroom, but outside Im like

    their ka-barkada.

    As a teacher-librarian, Lyneve takes care of the SAS-HSBC READiscovery Center. She assists

    students when they want to borrow books, conducts storytelling sessions, and trains some students

    to be storytellers who compete with other schools in their division. At the end of the year, she

    gives recognition to the Storyteller of the Year.

    Aside from her duties as a teacher, Lyneve is also president of the school faculty. She is the

    youngest teacher to ever hold such a distinguished position! As faculty president, she takes care of

    her fellow teachers and makes sure their needs are met. She is also business manager of the

    Federation of Pasig Public School Teachers, and a group facilitator of Sa Aklat Sisikat.

    Lyneve manages to juggle all her activities with proper scheduling and time management. During

    her free time, Lyneve loves to read and surf the Net. She is also into fashion. She says, I am

    known as the chic or kikay teacher. I love accessorizing and wearing makeup. Its not about

    pleasing other people, but about pleasing myself.

    This confident and well-rounded teacher certainly knows how to take care of herself and the

    people around her.

    The Outfit: Teacher Lyneve arrived at the shoot wearing

    a light blue collared shirt, dark jeans, black pumps, and

    lots of colorful accessories. With her slim frame and

    effortless style, she can easily pull off young, trendy items

    paired with more classic pieces.

    The Hair: The last time she had short hair was in 2003,

    but she allowed Miss Letty to chop off her locks because

    she wanted something that was easy to manage. I gave

    her a bob with soft bangs, Miss Letty says. Its a low-

    maintenance cut, so its perfect for her busy schedule.

    The Look: Miss Letty applied facial moisturizer and liquid

    foundation to give Lyneves face a dewy finish. She used a

    smoky eyeliner to highlight her eyes, then finished with

    shimmery pink blush and pink glossy lips to keep the look

    fresh and pretty.

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    Lets Get PhysicalSunday, February 27th, 2011

    As you go through your day, try these simple exercises to make your body fitter,

    stronger, and more energized!

    Being a teacher means you put others

    before yourself most of the time. When

    your health suffers, so will your

    students and lessons. If you feel run

    down by mid-afternoon, its definitely

    time to shake up your schedule. Regular

    exercise improves blood circulation,

    which means youll have more energy

    throughout the day. It not only gives

    you more pep, it also strengthens your

    overall immunity and resistance to acute

    sickness such as a cold and the flu. No

    matter how busy you are, making time for exercise is great for you in the long haul.

    1. Brisk walking

    You may not have time to do this all in one go, but between walking to classes and climbing stairs,

    all you have to do is speed things up. Instead of walking leisurely, consciously try to add a little

    spring to your step and aim to reach your destination quickly. Instead of walking at a tired pandas

    pace, try picturing yourself as a little girl raring to get to the playground. The goal is to accelerate

    your heartbeat, which pumps more blood around your body, releases endorphins, and keeps you


    Step it up with: Running

    Go for a jog before heading to school. Early morning is the perfect time because there are few

    cars on the road, and it wont be too hot! Make sure to use the proper shoes (comfy, well-

    cushioned, and not too tight with firm soles) and go for a quick 15 to 30 minute run. Start with a

    brisk three-minute walk, run for 15 to 20 minutes, then walk again for five minutes to cool down.
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    2. Morning Stretches

    Just a few minutes of stretching will help establish calm and balance throughout your day. If done

    early in the morning, youll surely feel the difference after a while. You can get your students in on

    it, too!

    Three Simple Stretches:

    Head rotations Rotate your head a full circle clockwise for ten seconds, then counter clockwise

    for another ten seconds.

    Waist side swings Standing with your feet apart, parallel to your shoulders,swing your torso from

    side to side, facing left then right. Let your arms flap freely, and let your hips lead your body

    through the swings.

    Lunges Bend your right leg forward, and your left leg back. Your right leg should be between your

    two arms, with your chest touching your thigh. You can try bending your back leg or you can hold

    this position for five breaths, then switch sides. Do three to five repetitions.

    3. Strength Training

    Store-bought dumbbells are optional. You can choose to simply fill a mineral water bottle with

    water (the 2L Absolute bottles are perfect, because they have an ergonometric hand grip). Be sure

    to check if its too heavy for you, else you strain yourself. Do simple arm curls at 15 reps once a


    Step it up With: Crunches

    Crunches may hurt your back if not done properly. The trick is not to come all the way up. Keeplooking at the ceiling, and raise your upper body only until your chin is parallel to your chest. Do

    10 to 20 reps, and keep adding more every two months.

    4. Midday Stretches

    Finding time to work out can be tricky, but these quick fixes can be done anywhereeven the

    faculty room! These exercises are meant to get your blood circulating and your energy up, to keep

    you pumped for your next class.

    Toe touches Stand with your feet hip width apart, and reach your right hand to your left foot,

    making sure your legs are straight, then count 1-2-3. Stand straight up again and reach your left

    hand to your right foot then do three counts. Repeat five times.

    Step jumps Keep your feet together, then jump on a step (a staircase or a classroom platform

    will do). Jump back down, with your feet still together. Do this five times if you feel out of breath,

    if not, do this up to 15 times.

    Ski hops With your hands on your waist and your feet together, jump from side to side. Make

    sure you land with your knees bent. Try jumping wide distances side to side, about two to three

    feet, and squat lower as you go along. Do this 10 to 15 times.

    5. Walking Meetings

    Discussing lessons with fellow teachers, implementing new rules from the guidance counselor

    teachers all have meetings they have to attend. Next time, instead of sitting on a long desk to talk

    about matters, invite your colleague to take a stroll around the school campus while discussing

    your subject matter. Not only will the fresh air and constant environmental stimulation keep you

    alert, you get in a few minutes of cardio from what would have been a long dreary afternoon at

    the faculty room.

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    Mister EducationSunday, February 27th, 2011

    A first ever in the history of Star Teacher makeovers, we give a male teacher the VIP


    Photos by Monica Barretto

    Styling by Marla Miniano

    Grooming by Letty Lacambra and Fe Cuanan ofSalon


    Outfits from Solo andAnagon Collection
  • 7/28/2019 Star Teacher A Better You


    eacher A Better You

    Rodel Fabian Alfonso is a native of Pampanga. He studied

    Elementary Education at Holy Angel University in Angeles City and

    completed his MAED Educational Management in Pampanga

    Agricultural College. Bunso ako, kaya naging kahiligan ko ang mga

    bata, shares Rodel, who wanted to become a teacher ever since

    he was a child.

    After graduation, he taught for a while in a private school. Then, he

    tried working as a call center agent in Clark. I wanted to explore

    other options, he says. Working there was a good experience, but it became boring after a

    while. After a few months, Rodel realized that his heart was in teaching. I can express myself

    better through teaching. Its stressful, but enjoyable.

    Today, he teaches science to grade five and six students at Pampanga Elementary School, where

    he has been teaching for the past seven years. He is also the district coordinator for Physical

    Education. His task is to organize games, such as athletics, volleyball, badminton, chess, and table

    tennis, for the Palarong Pambansa in the elementary level.

    Apart from all his tasks in school, Rodel is also a loving husband and dad to four-year old Borris

    and one-year-old Rohan. His wife Rhoda is also a teacher and theyre expecting another baby


    Rodel says taking care of his students in school and kids at home are quite similar. The love I give

    to my kids is the same as the love I give my students, he shares. When I was a new teacher,

    the kids were afraid of me. Hindi kasi ako palangiti kaya tingin nila sa akin masungit na matapang.

    But now, he has learned to loosen up a little as he believes that student-teacher interaction is very

    important. There are times when I have to discipline the kids and other times when Im just like a

    kuya to them.

    The Outfit: Rodel arrived from Pampanga wearing a dark

    blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and gray sneakers. We wanted to

    give this hard-working dad a look that was younger and

    more fun.

    The Hair: Rodels hair was flat and limphe didnt know

    how to fix it because school policy prohibits teachers from

    putting too much styling product in their hair and looking

    punk. Miss Letty gave him a shorter, edgier cut that still

    looks neat and decent. I made his hair easier to

    manage, she says. After taking a shower, he just needs

    to apply wax and hes good to go.

  • 7/28/2019 Star Teacher A Better You


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    Love Your BodFriday, January 28th, 2011

    Flaunt your figure with these foolproof tips on how to dress for your body type!

    Body Type: PEAR SHAPED

    DESCRIPTION: If you possess the shape of this bottom-heavy

    fruit, you probably often complain about your heavy hips or big

    thighs, which have generous proportions compared to your slim

    upper body.YOUR GOAL: Create a balanced figure by choosing pieces that

    draw attention to your upper half, and minimize the width of your

    hips and thighs. You also want to create waist definition.

    HOW TO WORK IT: Go for tops with wider necklines, such as

    those with boat-neck and scoop-neck styles; they widen your

    shoulder area and help counterbalance the fullness of your hips and


    Putting on a jacket with a cinched waist and a longer style that

    ends past the widest point of your thighs, or wearing a shirt with a

    belt is another great way to create a proportioned figure and put

    the focus on your waist.

    Avoid full or shapeless skirts. Choose a f itted piece that tapers

    slightly at the hem, to make you look long and lean.Avoid pants that have a narrow hem, like skinny jeans. Instead,

    camouflage heavy hips and thighs with boot-cut styles or a style

    that falls straight from the hips. Additionally, create a lean look by going for bottoms with vertical

    lines and designs, such as pinstriped patterns, vertical seams or vertically arranged details, like

    buttons or zippers.

    WHY YOU SHOULD LOVE IT: Most pears have small waistsembrace that! Because you have a

    slim neck, slender shoulders, and a just-right bust size, youll be able to wear delicate and feminine

    tops easily without looking too revealing.


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    Up for a Challenge
  • 7/28/2019 Star Teacher A Better You


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    Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

    Overcoming obstacles is easy when you look good and think positive!

    Photos by Patrick Martires

    Text byAngel Constantino

    Styling by Katrina Dy

    Hair and makeup by Letty Lacambra and Fe Cuanan of

    Salon Paradisus

    Clothes from The Flower Collection, She, and SM

    Department Store

    Accessories from Benjie Angeles andAnagon Collection

    Before she became a teacher, Imelda Ebarle Galleon, or Mel

    as she likes to be called, studied Midwifery. Her first challenge

    was looking for work. When I got married, I wanted to be

    employed but the government wouldnt accept me if I didnt

    graduate from a four-year course, she says. So I decided to

    study Elementary Education. When I passed the board exam,

    I was hired.

    Teacher Mel is from the town of Tagoloan in Misamis Oriental. Her first job was in a private school,

    teaching nursery and grade two. After that, she was hired in a public school, Sta. Cruz Elementary

    School, where she handled grade five students.

    After several years, she switched to grade two because she wanted to experience teaching the

    primary levels. I wanted to focus on my own pupils, since Im teaching all subjects in grade two,

    she says.

    Mel believes teaching grade two students is challenging yet enjoyable as she encounters pupils

    with different behaviors and family backgrounds. I come from a barrio school and most of my

    grade two students did not experience nursery, kinder, and grade one. Those who go directly to

    grade two cant even read yet. I have pupils from ages nine to 13 years old. Some of their parents

    are very busy, while others are very poor.

    Despite the challenges, Mel gives one hundred percent when it comes to her students. What she

    loves most about her job is how she can influence and touch their lives. Im satisfied because they

    learn the way I teach them. She also knows that a good teacher cannot do everything alone.

    Thats why she enlists the help of their parents as well as her honor students.

    At the time of the makeover, it was Mels first time to visit Manila to attend a SAS workshop. She

    says, Its such a privilege to come to Manila and get a makeover. I never dreamt of coming here

    since I have four kids to take care of but God let it happen.

    With her strong faith and passion for work, Mel assures other teachers that they too can overcome

    any challenge. Though she may not be financially rich, she says, What makes me rich are the

    children whose lives I touch through teaching. They will take those lessons with them as they grow


    The Outfit: Mel came to the shoot dressed

    in a black top and dark jeans. Though her

    ensemble was safe, Mel needed something to

    spice up her look. We decided to introduce

    her to bright hues and flattering prints for a

    more feminine style.

    The Hair: Mels hair is thick and unruly. To

    make it more manageable, Letty Lacambra,

    senior stylist at Salon Paradisus, added face-

    framing layers that lessened the unwanted

    volume of her locks.

    The Look: For acidic skin like Mels, Letty

    recommends using a yellow-based

    foundation to even skin tone and conceal

    freckles and other blemishes.

  • 7/28/2019 Star Teacher A Better You


    eacher A Better You

    Copyright 2011 Sa Aklat Sisikat Foundation.

    All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from without written permission is prohibited.

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