Standard Form

Presen ts


Glasgow Mathematics. Presents. Standard Form. Very large numbers!. BOOM!. How far?. 92 000 000 miles. Happy 70 th Birthday!. How many seconds in 70 years?. Very large numbers!. SPLAT!. 70 years = 2 200 000 000 seconds!. Very large numbers!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Standard Form

Page 1: Standard Form


Page 2: Standard Form

Very large numbers!


How far?92 000 000 miles

Page 3: Standard Form

How many seconds in 70 years?

70 years = 2 200 000 000 seconds!

Very large numbers!

Happy 70th Birthday!


Page 4: Standard Form

Dinosaurs roamed the earth 228 million years


Very large numbers!

Page 5: Standard Form

Short hand!

100 = 10 x 10

1 000 = 10 x 10 x 10

100 000 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

10 000 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

1 000 000 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10






Page 6: Standard Form

Standard Form

200 = 2 x 100

4 000 = 4 x 1000

500 000 = 5 x 100 000

70 000 = 7 x 10 000

3 000 000 = 3 x 1 000 000




This is also known as

Scientific Notation.

Page 7: Standard Form

Exercise 1

(1)2 000

(2) 20 000

(3) 500

(4) 800 000

(5) 9 000 000

= 5 x 100 2105

= 8 x 100 000 5108

= 2 x 10 000 4102

= 9 x 1 000 000 6109

= 2 x 1000 3102

Page 8: Standard Form

Add the decimal point

A short cut

8 000 000 6108..

Between 1 and 10

The point moved 6 places

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

Page 9: Standard Form

A short cut

92 000 000 71029 ...

Add the decimal point

Between 1 and 10

The point moved 7 places

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

miles1029 7.

Page 10: Standard Form

A short cut

2 200 000 000 91022 ...

Add the decimal point

Between 1 and 10

The point moved 9 places

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

Happy Birthday: Seconds old! 91022 .


Page 11: Standard Form

A short cut

228 000 000 8102.28..

Add the decimal point

Between 1 and 10

The point moved 8 places

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

ago! years10282 8.

Page 12: Standard Form

Exercise 2(1) 30 000(2) 700 000(3) 5 300(4) 470 000(5) 9 500 000(6) 18 300 000(7) 329 000(8) 2 560 000(9) 12 000 000 000(10) 9 990 000

31035 .51074 .


61059 .


710831 .510293 .

610562 .101021 .

610999 .

Page 13: Standard Form

Changing back

=86 000 000 7108.6

Zeros after the point aren’t needed.

The point moves 7 places


Add 7 zeros, although you probably won’t need

them all.

Page 14: Standard Form

=346 000 5103.46

Zeros after the point aren’t needed.

The point moves 5 places


Add 5 zeros, although you probably won’t need

them all.

Changing back

Page 15: Standard Form

Exercise 3(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)

51056 .81021 .


610713 .


41033 .610917 .710555 .410051 .

9100333 .

= 600 000= 8 000= 650 000= 120 000 000= 3 710 000= 33 000= 7 910 000= 55 500 000= 10 500= 3 033 000 000

Page 16: Standard Form

What’s this called?

What’s this called?

and this one?

What’s this called?

Name that number!

10 000 000 000 000 000 000

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

000 000 000 000 000 000


1 0001 000 000

1 000 000 000



one thousand

one million

one billion

one googal !!!

Page 17: Standard Form

Very small numbers!

How wide is an atom?

0.000 000 000 1 metres wide!

Page 18: Standard Form

Standard Form for small numbers

0.000 000 000 1 10101 .

The point moved 10 places. Negative sign for small numbers.

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

wide metres101 10

Page 19: Standard Form

Standard Form for small numbers

0.000 000 76 71067 ..

The point moved 7 places. Negative sign for small numbers.

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

Page 20: Standard Form

Standard Form for small numbers

0.000 001 93 610931 ..

The point moved 6 places. Negative sign for small numbers.

Move the point to get a number between 1 and 10

Page 21: Standard Form

Exercise 4(1) 0. 000 3(2) 0.000 07(3) 0.000 45(4) 0.003 4(5) 0. 000 724(6) 0.000 000 494(7) 0.000 095(8) 0.000 000 098(9) 0.000 1 03(10) 0.000 000 000 66

41054 .31043 .


410247 .


710944 .51059 .

81089 .410031 .

101066 .

Page 22: Standard Form

Changing back small numbers

= 0.002

-3102 2000.

Hint:Add 3 zeros to the left of

the number.

-3 so remember to move point left for small numbers.


Page 23: Standard Form

Changing back small numbers

= 0.000 086

-5108.6 8.600000.

Hint:Add 5 zeros to the left of

the number.

-3 so remember to move point left for small numbers.

Page 24: Standard Form

Changing back small numbers

= 0.000 00516

-6105.16 5.16000000.

Hint:Add 6 zeros to the left of

the number.

-3 so remember to move point left for small numbers.

Page 25: Standard Form

Exercise 5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)

31085 .71026 .


610456 .


71035 .610179 .310122 .510032 .

9100326 .

= 0.000 5= 0.000 09= 0.005 8= 0.000 000 62= 0.000 006 45= 0.000 000 53= 0.000 009 17= 0.002 12= 0.000 020 3= 0.000 000 006 032

Page 26: Standard Form

K Hughes 2003