STAFF R E PO RT - AC Transit · 2018-06-19 · ,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018...

,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018 Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District STAFF R E PO RT TO: FROM: SUBJECT ACTransit Board of Directors Michael A. Hursh,General Manager East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project, Third Party Utility Agreements Telecoms ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDED ACTION(S) Considerauthorizing the GeneraIManager to sign the third party utility agreements associated with the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (BRT) with Comcast, Verizon and TPx (formerly Trans Pacifica). BUDGETARY/FISCAL IMPACT The budget for the BRTproject includes the cost of design and construction of all the private utility relocations. The table below shows the utility owners estimate and the budgeted amount with contingency.The budgeted amounts are included in the overall funding plan for the BRT project and willbe paid out of BRT funding sources as the costs occur. Cost estimates and funding sources for each utility owner BACKGROUND/RATIONALE A utility agreement defines the scope of relocation, including reimbursement and liability to complete the work. Unlike Caltrans (Segment A), the City of Oakland did not transfer their franchise rights to the District in Segment B. This means the District must pay 100% of the cost for the utility owners to design and construct the necessary relocations in Segment B. The utility agreements herein specify the design and construction functions to be performed by the utility owners in the City of Oakland jurisdiction(Segment B). Each of the respective utility owners has acceptedthe request for relocation of their facilities (pipes, conduits, manholes, etc.) and will perform the design and construction at District expense. The utility owners have already completed their design and provided their cost estimate based on the District's plans and specifications. Allutility owners have agreed in writing to comply with FederaITransit Administration BuyAmerica requirements. Utility Owner Costestimate per utility agreements Budgeted Amount Comcast $539,551 $674,439 Verizon $100,000 $125,000 TPx $185,651 $232,064 TOTAL $825,203 $1,031,503 1 of 15

Transcript of STAFF R E PO RT - AC Transit · 2018-06-19 · ,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018...

Page 1: STAFF R E PO RT - AC Transit · 2018-06-19 · ,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018 Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District STAFF R E PO RT TO: FROM: SUBJECT AC Transit

,.#il /

Report No:Meeting Date:


June 27,2018

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District



AC Transit Board of Directors

Michael A. Hursh, General Manager

East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project, Third Party Utility Agreements Telecoms



Consider authorizing the GeneraIManager to sign the third party utility agreements associatedwith the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (BRT) with Comcast, Verizon and TPx (formerly TransPacifica).


The budget for the BRT project includes the cost of design and construction of all the privateutility relocations. The table below shows the utility owners estimate and the budgeted amountwith contingency. The budgeted amounts are included in the overall funding plan for the BRTproject and willbe paid out of BRT funding sources as the costs occur.

Cost estimates and funding sources for each utility owner


A utility agreement defines the scope of relocation, including reimbursement and liability tocomplete the work. Unlike Caltrans (Segment A), the City of Oakland did not transfer theirfranchise rights to the District in Segment B. This means the District must pay 100% of the costfor the utility owners to design and construct the necessary relocations in Segment B. The utilityagreements herein specify the design and construction functions to be performed by the utilityowners in the City of Oakland jurisdiction(Segment B). Each of the respective utility owners hasaccepted the request for relocation of their facilities (pipes, conduits, manholes, etc.) and willperform the design and construction at District expense.

The utility owners have already completed their design and provided their cost estimate basedon the District's plans and specifications. Allutility owners have agreed in writing to comply withFederaITransit Administration Buy America requirements.

Utility OwnerCost estimate perutility agreements Budgeted Amount

Comcast $539,551 $674,439Verizon $100,000 $125,000TPx $185,651 $232,064TOTAL $825,203 $1,031,503

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Page 2: STAFF R E PO RT - AC Transit · 2018-06-19 · ,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018 Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District STAFF R E PO RT TO: FROM: SUBJECT AC Transit

Report No. 18-179Page 2 of2


Advantages: Establishes and defines the scope of work, costs, roles and responsibilities of theinvolved utilities for the relocation of their facilities to accommodate the BRT project. Allows theDistrict to construct the BRT infrastructure in a timely manner.

Disadvantages: The utility companies own, design, construct, operate and maintain theirfacilities. The primary disadvantage to this agreement is that in Segment B(City of Oakland) theDistrict does not have Franchise Rights - the authority to direct the utilities to perform work attheir own expense -- and must therefore pay 100% of the costs for utility relocations andadjustments.


The utility companies own, design, construct, operate and maintain their facilities. Therefore,there are no practicalalternatives to having an agreement with them.




1. Comcast Utility Agreement2. Verizon Utility Agreement3. TPx Utility Agreement

Approved by:

Reviewed by:

Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering

Claudia Allen, Chief FinancialOfficerDenise Standridge, GeneralCounselBeverly Greene, Executive DirectorCommunications

Chris Andrichak, Director, Management and BudgetDavid Wilkins, Director -- EBBRT Program

of External Affa irs, Marketing,

Prepared by:

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SR 18-179

Attachment I

Gjomqas!''' )(finityProject Resouttes Group, Inc

5340 South Quebec StQet , Suite 250SGKanwood Village. C0 80111.Phone:303-8S8-1741

llfTtNM ESnMA'nD iN\©lCE:Paymtttt {a tt)en aauitits h&

wl h gtlntt (iS} d4{ frt-h theFrom ttK dau of tln htedm


Eefced Relocation / Relocation Proles Estimated Invalce Agreement

Please complete the information below:Company Name:

authorin the cast amount(s} nodded by Project Resources Coup care al


Address, aty & zip Code:

ComcastProjectNumberH 1227898PRCFRELoID#: [ 51670 I +'eAllmaierlab/[abl+plantnnownedaridroalntahedbyCarncaaF+'

{Reloate Type /Sub OMsian)

Internal Labor-Estimate




COST fai PHI PUe Prior toCafutcuCtbn

Total Estimated ;Sum:


Estimated Costs: $179,es0.46

PRG Project Coordinator: Seth Unthank Monday, April 09, 2018

Company Name:

Billing Address:

Phone #:


Print Name & Hue:



AP Contact Name :

Accounts Payable Email :


IAlamenda Contra Costa Transit District


[email protected]

IOavid Wilkins, BRT Program Director


AC Transit

iklartd CA 946i2

Claudia White

[email protected]

By signing Iftis pgrzancnC yau ocl7:arledge acknowledge that the Companytoslgttontheagrees to theaasattabletteu i#PRG's estlmetedemounts Indfutedabove aa ar after th Indlcoted date. This k on agreement tarefmbursePRGf thetstlmated DmQultlts abode on thpstatedpmofed only, end dou not prwlde authorlzoUonfaraiW addltlonnlnst(s} unretotedto theslotedprolcct.The is an tntedm Estimatedlnvofcc. The document detellt tbe atlmated East as :sfuedby awdient On tb pmlea has been completed.

ojnal /nvolce wl/f be owed f<lecdng the ettupl constrpcflan costs, /eu the amount paid above

I'Bynlant hr tbe&o abound h gW IH! !jp :EIUnn {!D) &lJ Oom t$tt date of the interim iamim.u++

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Page 4: STAFF R E PO RT - AC Transit · 2018-06-19 · ,.#il / Report No: Meeting Date: 18-179 June 27,2018 Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District STAFF R E PO RT TO: FROM: SUBJECT AC Transit

41aEast Bay Bus Rapid TransitAlameda-Contra Costa Transit District


The terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and theirrespective successors and assigns. All obligations of AC TRANSIT under the terms of this Agreement arecontingent upon the acceptance of this Agreement by AC TRANSIT'S Board of Directors, and Comcastshall have no obligation to perform any work or acquire any materials contemplated under thisAgreement until such approval from the AC Transit Board of Directors has been given. Each Partywarrants that it has thefullright and authority to enterinto this Agreement. Allnecessary approvalsand authorityta enter into thisAgreement have been obtained and the person executingthisAgreementon behalf ofeach Partyhas the express authority to do sa and. in so doing, to bind suchParty hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the day andyear first above written.

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit DistrictAC-Transit East Bay BRT Project

Project Resources Group, Inc


Name: Mike A. HurstHtle: General Manager

Name: Don Anthony Jelniker'Htle: Manager of Business Partner RelationsCOM(nST

Date Date:TaxID#:84-1576547

) lara!-CI kt:iDq.iRCtS G,B0'UP

Approved As to Form and Content


Name: Denise C. StandridgeRtle: Geneml Counsel Gk'maas!''' )(finltyDate



Alameda County,Downtown Oakland CAInternational Blvd


3.2 / 10.5CTPROJECTID No.0400000819



Comcast Project Cumber # - 227898PRG FRELO ID #: 51670


Onthe projectXYESE] NO Onthe UtilitiesXYESE] NO

UTILITY AGREEMENT NO. ACT-Comcast 001 DATE: July 11, 2018

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SR 18-179

Attachment 2

Alameda-Contra Costa TMnsit DistrictUnLI'N ACKEEM£iKnAC TRANSIT Agfeemdnt No.

The Aji.meds CqntrB Costa transit D.istfict. hereinafter refs.rred ta as (!£AC ThANSITI ') has Proposed [he.EastBay Bus -RapidTransit ihprdvement".prdlect thraagh: the cities of Oakland bnd Sqn t.eandro(" Project"}. Prbposqd construction.wilt i n cl ude;dedicate.d tra n sit la ncs a nd I ight-rai.i .like .static ns toirhPrcjve bus Service thu"ugh Oakland and Sah L4andfo. Th.e a1lgnhdnt begins Ih downtown Oakland at20th Street; IUptown sta!-la.n) bet.when Telegraph Avenue and Broadway; follows Broadway.tithe.pith/ Street.chul)let; .cdntinuei on East 12th Street .atolind Lake Merritt. to..the East12th/I nterna tiara I bcJdjevard.CS) up I et t.o 14th Aden.ue;..the n follows Idle gnat.idndl B6.ulbva rd ta theOakland/San:Leandro border: in.San Leandl'b. the align.Ment follows East toth Street to Davis Street.then David Street to Sap Leandro Bclulevard. terminating at the..San Leandro BART S.tation.


MCI.metre AccessTfansMissian Services Corpd/b/a. Vqriz.on -Access Tra nsmissian Ser.vices400 IntdFnatiohal ParkwayRich.ardsan, Texas 75081

He.rdioafter jefqrredto .as ('iMCEmdtro!'j, owns .and maintain.s communication facilities:within thelimits of ACTRANSITProjdct which fequifes relocation of .c.ommuRiebtjoh facilities to .accommodate theProjedtlthe "Relqcatibn'l).

M.Clme.trg? terms hereinafter.stated. lswilring ta undertake the Rely.cation coumunitati6n facilities boldly in orddrto accpmM6date AC TRANSIT, proxjd.edAC TRANSIT heim.purses MCtm.afro fdr allofits costs, direct-aRd ihdirec.t, associated with tha.Reiocdtion.

it is.herebymutually .ag reed. that





On;the project ]] YES ]] N(i. On..the Uti]ities.]] YES. [] biO


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Ih accordance with tile agro.event of tb.e pii:ties! Exhibit A, attached here.ta and. made part hereof.represents.the scopeofwork for th.e .Relocation. Allwork shill be performed substantially ihaccordance With Exh.obit A.

Deviitjons from th.e -scope of work conj=ained in Exhibit.A initiated by either AC tRaNSIT or Mcjmetro,shall be.agreed upon by bath partieshereto. f:bch agreed ievlsiont$)approved byAC.TRANSIT andacknowledged by MClmqtro, bill an approved revision .of:Exhibit.A-and are he.rely made apartthereof. No work under.said deviation.shill.commence priarto .receipt .by the MClmetr6 df theRevised.Eihibi.t A. Changes iA the b.cope of the work will require an amendment ta this Agreemen11 inaddition to.the revised Exhibit. A.


Eiisttng .commuHicatla.n.facilities a [e lacatddllh their presdrit poslt16n pursuant td rights superb(it tathose of AC TRANSIT dhd willbe relocatedQt-AC TRANSIT'S exp.ence


MGlrnetro agrees to perform the herein described work with its Qwn..forces.or to.causethe

described work:to be perferme.d .by the .MClmetro's contractor(s), and to.prdvlde arid fyrhish allneue.isary label:,; and equipment required therefore, and.ta prosecute saidworkdiligently ta co

.AC TRANsITmay, at its owR dxperTse; insfiect coh:struclclo:n MCIMetro performs. in connectionwith the Relocqtlk)n.

Pufsuiht to Pubjlc Works Case No. 2001-0Sg determihalio:n b.y the Ca.liTotnia Department.of .lndustt:lalRplatidns dated October 251 2002,.wot'k performed by MCIAQ.tro's contfact6ris a public ivotk under thedefine.tioh. af Libor Code5ectian 172D(a) and is therefore subject to prevailing wage requirements..MClmetro shall verlfV c;omplianc4 withthis :rkqtiiiement in the ddtninistrition of its contracts:referencedheFdin. !vlClmCtro shall i.ndemn.ify dnd de.feqdIAC TttANSIT for or liability arising aut of

MClmetro.'s. failore to:cam.ply with the p revallihgWag.e reqUirdmehts.

Use of personae.I reqolring.lodging.and Meal per diem expehseswill not be allowed without pali)rv?ritter authbriz8tldn by AC TR4NSlr. which authorizationshal.I .nQt bq unre.asonably wittiheldQrdelayed..Requestsfor:such n must bd contained in MClmQtfo'febtimate af actual andnecessary Utility RelocatiQh costs. MClmetro-shall include an explanattQniD writing the need fof Pe.r d.idm .exp.eases shqllnot exceed the pef diem ;expense amouht$allowed under the federalGSA traVeleRpehse guidblin9s.

MClmetro agrees tb .8nd ta req.uire its contractors to comply wight.he "B.uyAm.erica"r.equirgments.-set forth in:the Intermodal.Surface.Transportation Efficiency Aet bf1991€1STEA):Sections

t04i(al ahd 1048(a), 2.3 U.S.C.3i3 ind C.F.Rt Part 635-410,.which are in.corporated into: this Agreem.entby refe.Fence. IWClmetrQ hereby.-certil:ies thanh the perfa I'ha nce 6f this farbrbd uctswhere B.uyAMerica fdquirements.apply,.it shpllu$eonlysuch products.forwhiFh it has.received acertificptl.onfrom ltssupplier, arprav.iderof construction se rvtQes'that.procured the product


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certifying.Buy America cdmpliahce. This dadi not include products for Which waiver.s .have beengrantedynder 23;C.F.R.635.410or ot.her applicable proyisl.ons o r mite rials cited. irltheDepartment's guidelines foi the irbplementatiu6 Of Buy America requirements. for utili'ty rejQcationsissue.d..on I)elem ber 3, 20-13.. .indemnify and defend AC TRANSITf orally claimsorliabiliV-arislngjout ofMCldetfa's h il.tire to complywith "BilVAMerica" requirements.

AC;TRANSIT sh511g.ive. written notice to MctmbtFa at least forty-eight l4g.jbour$., exclu.ding Saturday,Sunday ap.d fegalholidays, in .advance of:commencement of an.y Work in the iMhediatipermittedarea. The notice shall be"given to those individual.s.listed .onthe Coniact$hQet of Exh.obit A. Intheevent at:a n emergency, ACTRAN51T shallprovlde te.I.e pho hic n.once to M.Clmbtr6.a.t 1-800-M Cl;-WORK upon AC T.RANSIT's discoveryofthe b mergers cy.


The revised totdlcost of the Relot:a.thon :.s esb.mat:ed tp be One Hu ndred Thousa.nd Cents {$.100;06.0:96.), as-detalledl in.Exhibit B, attached hereto and .made a bart hereof. ACTRANSIT acknowledges:ahd ag.reest.ha.t this amodht if an estimate apd shallnat bp:construed aslimiting the a m.aunt MClm euro i$ to be.reilhb UFsed byAC TRA+lSIT under this Agreement.MClmetro shallpfovide notice to A.C TRANSITx&hpn IMClm .becomes actualcosts willexgeed the estimate by.morethan ten p.ercent(.10%). MCtmetrowill. usbCommerclallV i'dasonable efforts tocompldte the req.uir.ed. work under 'this agreement byAngus.t'31,2018;

AC.TRANSIT agreesto alldiFect and indirect.costs incurred by. MClmetro relating to aQyconstFuctidh byr connection with the Relocation. Incl.uding, but not limited to, labor,materials,.coRstrugtion,.da mages; a d.Ministrdti\r.6 0vefh ead, taxes; travelexpehse.s,. legal fees,ahd.other feasahable dut.of pocket expenses. ACTRAN.SIT waived.a nya nd a.lldelay damageclaims,. except if cavs.e.d solely by th.e gr.o$s neglig.ence; o r wlllfulmisbanduct ofMClmetro.

It ib understood and agreed-that the AC TRANSITwill .n6t payforany betterment af MClhetro'scommunicitidn fici[it[esih the ridw ]ocatiari. fqqmetro fhaE] give credit to.AC TRANSITfor the sa]vagevalue jif.any) of material or part.s salvaged qnd fetained orsold .byMC}Metio.

Not morefrequentlythBn once a [nooth, but at le.ast quarterly; MClhetrb Will prepare and submitlirogfeSs bills for costs inctiifdd not to. exceed.MClmetrols reed.rded costs as .of the billing date lessegtlmpted credits qppjicable :ta completed work: Payment of progress bills not to exce6dthe anlouht dfthis Agreement may be Made .under the terMsof ;49reement.. Payment of progress: bills whichexceedthe amount of this.Agreement may be.made after receipt and approval byAC TRANSIT ofddcumehtatiansuppo;fung the Cost.intreaseand after'.an this Agreement hash.eenexecuted by the parties to this Agreed'meIR.

AC 'IRANSfT shall pay }tssbareof the actual .cost df thd herein described wol:k .within 45 days afterreceipt of MClfnetro 's itemized electronic:invoice .an.d hard copy.invoice with;original si.gnatyre. by a.respohstblq official of MClroetro 's organization .and :prepare.d.on MUmetro 'i IQtterh6ad, cDfnpiledonEhebasis 6f the-actual cost and .exfiensd incurredahd charged or allocated tosaid work in uniform system of bcfounts prescribed foil\4Clmetro by the Callfomia Public UtilitiesCommission or F.ederil CoMmunidatidns Cotnrhissionu whichever is applicable.


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MCiMetrd .shall submit a final bill ta AC TRANSITwlthin180 da'gs -after the combletio.n ofthe workd:esa:ibid in Section 1. above. If AC \rRAN$iT has not received a final bill 180 days .after notificationof Completion ofMClrhetra'.s work described in Section [of this Agreement,.and AC 'rRANStT hasdelivered-to MClmetro fully executed easement Deeds, Consents to Common Use orJoint UseAgreements as required for MCIMetFo's communication facilities; AC TRANSIT quill provide writtennotification to MClmet£a of its intent to cios.e. its file within 30 days.ando/lclmetro herebyacknowle.dees; tithe extent .allowed by law that all rerialnlng Casts will be dpe.mailto have-beenabandoned. If AC TRANSIT processes .a final bill for p.ayrnent.more than. 180 days after ootificdtioh ofcompletion of MClmetro'b work. payment 6f the late bill fray besdUect to allocation and/or aplirovatby the Callfarni.a'Transportation co.emission.

elie final billing.shallbe in.the film of an itemized statemeritof the total.costs charged to the project,less the cr.edits pfovidedfor {n this Agreement; and less ahy amclunts covered by progress billings.Howeva, ACTRANSIT sh81.1 not pay final .bills, whffh exceed the. estimated ct)st of this Agreement, unlesspreviously dh approved revision ar amdnddeht to thlsJQgreeh.ent by Aq TRANSITbndMClmetro o.r withou! documentatio.n df thg rqqson fof the Increase of.said Cost from MClmetfo.

In pny.event if the final bill .exceeds J:10% of the estimated cost af this Agreeme.nt, ah amendedAgreement shall 'be executed by the parties to:this Agreement prior to the payment of the MCluetro'sfjnalbijl. Any and altingreases in costs that are th.e direct fesdlt of devjatiohs from the work described. ihSection- I of this Agreetnent shall have thQ prior cbncu(renee df ac.TRANsit.

Detailed recordsfFor6 which thd billing is comlbi.led 4hajl be i:he MClmetro.for aperiod ofthree y.ears from the date uf the flnpl palm.ent and will :be avail3blb far audit by AC lIRANSIT and/orFederal auditors. MClmetro.. agrees td comply with Cohtr:act Cast .Pd.ndipEes.aQd..Procedures .?s set forthIh 48CFR, Chapter.11, Part 31,.et seq, 23CFR. Chapter 1, 645 and/oi ' 18 CFR, ChaPtdrl, Parts 10, 2QIet al. If a subsequent AC TRANSIT and/or Federal audit determines payments to be unallowable,

MClm$tro reimbu.rseACTRANSIT upon receipt ofAC 'l;RANSIT billing:


All costs accrued by MCIMetf6 as a fesultaf AC TRANSIT's Liabijily Claim Letter request of March 19.2013 to review, study and/or prepare relocatiQnlplaos and estimates fQrtthe project associated with thisAgreement May be.billed .pursuantlto the.terms-and canditlans .af this Agreement, and such amou.ntbilled.shall ndt deenrled. included in the.amount set forth in EXhIbit B.

If AC TRANS.iT'S brojeQt which precipita.ted.this Agreement is.canceled.or modify.ed so is t6 eliminate thbnecessity afwork byMClmetro, AC TRANSIT Gill notify MClrhettQ, in writing, and AC.-TRANSIT re.sewed,the :terminate this:.Agreement by Amendment.. The Amendment .shallprovida mutuallyacciptab[e terms.aHd donditiong for terminat]ngthe Agredhentj: cangistpnt withtapp]i$ab]e. laws andregblationsl

MClm.euro shall subnllt a Na.tice ofCom pletion to AC TRAN5ITwithin 30.days of the .completion of thework described hdrdlH. It is understood thatsbid P.ROIECr is a federally funded. project: a nd accordingl.y,:23 C.FR; Ghapterl,:Part 645 is hereby inca.rporated into this Agreement.


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The obligationsof MClmetro are su bject ta force majeure and MClmetro shallnotbe in default of thisAgreement if any failure ordelay in performance is caused by strike or other labor problems;accidents; acts ofGod; fire; flood; adverse weatherconditions; materialorfacilityshortages orunavailability; lackof transportation;theimposition of anygovernmentalcodes, ordinances, laws,rules, regulations or restrictions, including, without limitation, the necessity of obtaining permits orenviranmentalassessments orenvironmenta lapprovals; condemnation orthe exercise ofrights ofeminentdomain; war, civildisorder or acts of terrorism; or any other cause beyond the reasonablecontrol of MClmetro.

This Agreement supersedes every antecedent or concurrent oraland/orwritte n decca ratio n and/o runderstanding by and between MClmetra and AC TRANSIT pertaining to the Project.

The terms of this Agreement shallbe binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and theirrespective successors and assigns.

Allobligations of AC TRANSIT under the terms of this Agreement are contingent upon the acceptance ofthis Agreement by AC TRANSIT'S Board of Directors, and MClmetro shall have no obligation to performany work or acquire any materials contemplated under this Agreement untilsuch appravalfrom the ACTransit Board of Directors has been given.

Each Party warrants that it has the fullrightand authority toenterinto this Agreement. Allnecessaryapprovals and authoritytoenterinto this Agreement have beenobtained and the person executingthisAgreementon behalf ofeach Party has the express authority to do so and. in so doing, to bindsuch Party hereto.


the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above

Alameda-Cantu Costa Transit District

AC-Transit East Bay BRT Project


Name: Mike A. HurstTitle: General Manager 'Htle: Dir. Ntwk. Eng. & Ops


Tax ID#: 94-].492636

Approved As to Form and Content

Nana: Denise C. StandridgeTitle: General Counsel


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SR 18-179Attachment 3.''\

UTiLi'iVXCKEEmxNVRW i3-S ®BV'9720i4)


NATE s/is/20.18.UTILI'lV .AGREED\LENT NO. 1908.].6

'Me .Alameda Contra Costa Transit. District, hereinafter referred to as ('AC 'TRANSIT) proposes the EastBay Bus Rapid Transit ('BRT"). improvement ('Project") through. the cities ofOaklalld. aOd San LeandrolProposed cal)struction Wi.ll. Include dedicated transit lanes and light-rail like stall.ons to. Improve bus gewjcethrough Oakland .an.d Sbn Leahdra. The alignhdntbegins in downtown Oakland. on Broadway just south of2.0th {Uptown station);. follows Broadway to the 'l.I.t1]/:1 2th Street couplet; continues on East 12th.Street -araurid .Lake Merritt to the.- East 1.2th/International Boulevard coupt6t t6 14th Avenues then followsInternatianat Boulevard to th6 oakland/San Leandro border. In San Leandro, the dig.foment .follows East14th Street to David Street,. then Davis Street"to San Leandro Boulevard. t&rminatirlg at the .Sad LeandroBART Station.

U.S: telePacific Corp. dba TPx Communicallions515.S. Flower. 49h FloorL6s Angeles.. CA 9007'1

HerbjRaftet referred to as "OWNER", owns.and m.a]Dtai6si. TB]QcounMunicatian Facilities

Within .the limits of Project. which requires:the.AC TRANSIT BRT East Bay Project

relocation of telecahmuniCatian ;ciliti- to accommodate

It.jsherQby mutually agreed that


Irl -accordance with- Notice to OWNER N6. 1908.16 dated April 1. 2016, OWNER shallRQlocite tdldcomriluriicati6n borifjidts 'Within .prolGdt area. All work shall be perfofrnedsubstahtiajly ih aceotdRhce. with. AC TRANSI'r$.. Plan . NO. Telejlacific. Relocdtiori Exhibitdated 2/8/2016 consisting of 4 sheets, q .of which. ib on 1600 .Franklin :Street;Oakland, 6A 94e12. OWNER hereby TRANSIT'$ plans 'for workand agrees. to the construction in the Manner proposed. Deviations from AC TRANSIT'splan. describdd above. ihittated by 6itherAC TRANSIT or:the OWNER. shall be adreed uponby both parties hereto under a R6VisQd Native to OWNER.. much Revls6d notices tdOWNER... approved b.V AC TF{ANSIT ahd agreed to/acknowledged by tha OWNER, willlcohstitute an .approved raves.ion of the OWNER's plan described above .and are. herebymade a part hereof. .No work under said.deviatjQn shall prior tO written executionby th.e OWNER.of the Reviled Notice to .OWNER.. Changes in the scope of the. amendment to this addition to the revised.Notice to OWNER.


The City 6f .oakland did riot delegate.its 6apchiso rights to.AC TRANSIT .for .utiliV wo.rkwithin the City limits. Therefore, AC TRANgll ' shall be responsible for 1 0Q% of the cost of

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Project ID



TalePac16c RQloc.avon Exhibit (Prepared :byACTmnslt)

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relocating all impacted OWNER facilities located along the BRT route from Broadway/20ih Stto International BIVd/42nd Ave.


OWNER agrees to perfomi the herein described work with its own forces or to cause theherein described work to be performed by the OWNER's contractor, employed by writtencontract on a continuing bases to perform work of this type. and to provide and furnish allnecessary labor. materials, tools. and equipment required therefore, and to prosecute saidwork diligently to completion.

Use of out.of-state personnel (or personnel requiring lodging and meal 'per diem 'expenses) will not be allowed without prior vwitten authorization by AC TRANSITrepresentative. Requests for such authorization must be contained in OWNER's estimate ofactual and necessary relocation costs. Accounting Form FA 1301 Non-State or AttendantExpense Invoice ( ) is to be completedand submitted for all non-State personnel travel per diem. OWNER shall include anexplanation why local employee or contract labor is not considered adequate for therelocation work proposed. Per Diem expenses shall not exceed the per diem expenseamounts allowed under the Califomia Department of Transportation's Department ofPersonnel Administration travel expense guidelines.

Work performed directly by OWNER's employees falls within the exception of Labor CodeSection 1720(a)(1) and does not constitute a public work under Section 1720(a)(2) and isnot subject ta prevailing wages. OWNER shall venn compliance with this requirement in theadministration of its contracts referenced above. OVvNER shall indemnify and defend ACTF{ANSIT for any claims or liability arising out of OWNER's failure to comply with theprevailing wage requirements.


AC TRANSIT shall pay its share of the actual and necessary cost of the herein describedwork within 45 days after receipt of five (5) copies of OWNER's itemized bill. signed by aresponsible official of OWNER's organization and prepared on OWNER's letterhead.compiled on tha basis of the actual and necessary cost and expense incurred and chargedor allocated to said work in accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed forOWNER by the California Public Utilities Commission, Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission or Federal Communications Commission. whichever is applicable.

It is understood and agreed that AC TRANSIT will not pay for any betterment g! increase incapacity of OWNER's facilities in the new location and that OWNER shall give credit to ACTRANSIT for the accrued depreciation of the replaced facilities and for the salvage value ofany material or parts salvaged and retained or sold by OWNER.

Not more frequently than once a month. but at least quarterly. OWNER will prepare andsubmit progress bills for costs incurred. not to exceed OWNER's recorded costs as of thebilling date less estimated credits applicable to completed work. Payment of progress bills.not to exceed the amount of this Agreement may be made under the terms of thisAgreement. Payment of progress bills which exceed the amount of this Agreement may bemade after receipt and approval by AC TRANSIT of documentation supporting the costincrease and after an Amendment to this Agreement has been executed by the parties tothis Agreement.

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jp'x. .''x

He. OWNER. shall submit a final bill to..AC I'RAN.SIT Withirl 120 da)is after the c6Qpleti6fl ofthe work described in S.action [ above. .]f AC.TRANS]l ' has not received a. Hihal bill within 1 20days after notification df completion of OWNER'$ work descHbQd. in Section. I of thisAgreement. and AC TRANSIT has delivered to OvVNER fully executed. Dlrectorls. Deeds,CoDseMs to.Cbnimon Usd.Qr Joint Uso Agreements for OWNER'$ facilities (ifinquired). ACmANsIT win pravlde )bitten flotjficatl.oh .tb OWNER. af lts.!nteht ta close lts file within 3Qclays. OWNER hereby-acknowledges. !o:the. .event..allowed by law, that all. rehalning costs®lH be have been abandoned. It AC TRANSIT .processes. -a. final bill f6r.paymenthbrQ than '1 20 days after Ratification of comp16tian ofOWbIERls work,. payment of tho be subject to allocation b.ndlor approval by.AC TRANSITS General Manager.

The final billing.shal.I bo in- th.eforni. of an itemized..statement i)f the total costs chaigdd to.thepmleqt. less the credits provided for in this Agreement and less .any afnoUnts covered byprogfesg billings.. However AC TRANSIT s.hail not pay final bills which exceed !h.eestimated cost of this Agreement without:docunnehtation of the. r anon for the increase. pfsaid.-cost from the OWN.ER and approval of documentation by AC TRANSIT. Except, ifthafinal bill. exceeds the OWNER's estimated obits solely as the result of p revised Notice toOWNER. as. provided for in Section I. .a copy of gala revised Notice to C)WNER shall sufRceai documehtati.on. In aithev case, payment of the amount .over .the estimated. cost. pf thisAgfedmbnt May be SUHect to allocation arid/or approval by the AC 'TRANSIT Board .ofDitect6rsirec

In. Rny event if the .final bill exceeds .125% of .the .estimate.d cost of .this Agreement, an.Amended ,Agreement- sh81i bo execded by the parties to. this.. .Agree.merit. pRoF to thepayment of the OWNER'S -finait bill. Any and all increasesin costs that. an.the dlred resultof deviations from the- work described ih :Section 1 6f- this Agreeme.nt. require the priorcdndu rr6ncB.of AC TRANSIT.

Detailed..records .from- wfilch the .billing is compiled ietdined by OWNER f6r a.periodof cree yeah from the. date -of the fiflal payment and will be available for audi: by ..Stateahd/or Federal. auditors. In .p.erforniing work under this Agreement. owner agrees to complywith the Uniform System of Accounts for: PUblIc.Utilities found at 1.8.CFR Part 10:f. 201 . etal.. .ana. to the extent they :are qbplicable to owner doin.g work an the- project that l$ thesubject .of this agreement,. tha C.ODtfact cost prihciple$ aRd I)rocedures ds set . forth in 48CFR, Chapter I .. Part 31.. et seq., 23CFR, Chapter 'i, Part 641. and 2.CFR Part 200et:ab ifa subsequent State and/or Fedqal audit d4termlnes payments ta be unallbwable. OWNERagrees to HimbursC.AC. TRANSIT Within 90 days uf receipt ofAC TRANSIT bllllng= if ownerIs subject to fepdynlent due: to failure by .AC TRANSIT to. comply -With applicable laws.regulations, and".ordinances than-AC TRANSITvbil1 insure that OWNER is e6Mpensated fdractuBI.cost in.peHorming work under this agreemerft.


A "Default '' tor of this Agreement. is a failure byeith6r baRF to:co.nippy With orperform any.of'the terms... Conditions:, CQvertants.. and pr6ajses under Mis Agreement, inaddition to a failure bya partyto comply with or perform.Qny of the te.rms, :conditlon$tcovenants. and promises Udder this Agreement. any of.the following specific acts will beconsldbted a Default hereunder.

B Thefallure .ofACTRANgIT tomake. when due. any payment re.quilted to be mgdebyAC TRANSIT hereunder where .such failure coAtiRues foF a period of five business daysfojlowln.g wrHbii notice to.ACTRANSIT.

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+ .Failure by either partyio .provide any documentation or inforuatibnwhich the ether partymay reasonably require.un.der the terms.of this.AgrdemetR, where.any such failurecontinues for a period of 1 0 busiri6ss days following written notice df.such requirement. either party to- remedy any Default within.30 days deer written notice.H6Qvdvei '. ifthe the Default is such thdtMore than 30 days afe reasbhdblyreqyifedfor its Cure then itshall notbedeerhed to bd a [Jdfault.ifthe defau]ting partycommences. such curewtthin said 30::day period .andthereaRet dill.geh.tly prosecutessuch compjetlon.


+ The occurrence of any of th.e. following eve.nts inv.Diving dither party: .(1) the making Qf:anygeneral arrangement or assignment fot the benefit of.cre.ditors; (ii} becoming .a "debtor 'under federal bankruptcy lawn (iii) theappolntmeAt of a truste.c or receiverto takepossession of substantially all of hoparty'sassets, where possession is not restored tosuch bally wit.hln 30 days; or (lv) the attachment, dxe.cu6bn. ordther.ju:dibjal.seizure-.ofgybstantially;all pf tele. para's.assets where slich seizure is nat.discharged.within ,30days

Either par:!y may t6ruiriata this Agree.ment.for Default upon 10 days! wfitteh notice tQ !heether party if the other party lslti Default andhas%il.ed to cure s.uch Default in a timelymanner: in the: event..of a Default. tho non-defaulting party may pursue any other remedyna.w or hGrgafter available..under the .laws orjudiolal decisions of the state. afGallforhia. Noremedy or election hereurid6r shall be deemed exclusive but.shall.Wherever possiblo* becumulative with.dll other law or in .equity.

If;OWNER perform any of it affirmative duties ot obligations hereunder and/orabandons the Re[ocption..AC TRANSIT may, within ]O days.after Written notice (orin Caseof an emergency, without notice). at itsoptidh. pbrfbrm such duty or obligation on b6.half ofOWNER. in which case OWNER shall payta AC TRANSIT an dmoufit equal to 1 15% of thecosts. and expense.s incurred by AC TFIANSIT in stlch b6rfarmance upon r.edeipt Qf anInvoice:the.i.efor.


All casts -accrued bSI OWNER as a result of AC TF{ANSIT Liability Claim Letter bequests: afFebruary 2, 2016 to reVIew $tildy ahd/ar p.rePare relocate(in: plans .and estimate.s .for thep.roHedt. f$Soclhtdd With this. Agrediidnt mdy be billed pursuant to tha terms .an.d .conditionsof this Agreement.

If A(:. TRANSITS Project, which precipitated this Agreement, is canceled or modified sa asto. eliminate the he6essitSf of work by .OWNER,..AC TFiANSJT will notify OWN.ER, in writing.}aDd AG TRAN$11' re.genes the right ta terminate this AgroeMeht .by AmepdMdnt.. TheAmendment shall pfo\ijd6 mutually acc.eptabje tbmls and: conditions- for terminating theAgreement.

O\AVNER shall .submit a Roti.ce 6f Coma)letion to AC TF{ANSLT within .30 days df tilecomptiti6h ofthe .work .described herein.

It is uhdbrstood that .said h.ighway. i$. a .Federal aid. tiighwayChap.tplil . Part645 is hereby incorporated into this Agreement

and 23 CFR.

In. addition,tho.. proviso.ans of 23 .CFR 635.41a. Buy America. .are also incorporated into trigagreement. The. Buy America requirerneFits 8re further specified in Mdvihg Ahead liarProgress in thd 21'r Century (MAP-21).. section 1518;. 23 CFR 635.410 requires. that. all

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.manufacturing: processes have occurred. irt the United States. far steel an.d iron. products:(including the application Qf coatlng$> Installed on a probe.ct t.ec6lvin.g funding. from th6FHvU\

OWNER understands and. acldo@ledges that this prRect is the .requirements ofthe Buy lqw (23 UI.S.C., Sectlo.n .3'1 3) ond applicable regulations. .including 23 CFR635.4jO and FHWA guidance. OWNER hereby certifies that In: the pdrfomiance 6f thi$=

Agre6m4nt, for products where .Buy America requirements ap.ply,. it: shall .uge only ' suchproducts fbrwhich it has received a certjfibdt.ioh from it$ supplldr of provide" of constructionservld6s that prOct4te$ the product dertTfying .Buy ArDerica. compliance; This does notInclude produ(its fo{ ®hi:dh waivers have .been granted under 23 CFR 635;410 or otherappllcgble. prayisio.ns or .excluded mater'ial cited i;n the .Caltran$! guidelines for "theImplementation of Buy AMerIca reqyirembnts for utility relocations issued .on December 3.2013. OWNER shall indemnify arid. ddfehd AC TRANSIT fol ' any claims or jiabiliVarisind outof OWNER's fallurd to comply with. "Buy America" requirements,

AC Transit further acknowledges that OWNER, in complying with the Buy America .Ru16. isexpressly relying upoR the instructions and guldancd .(collectively.. "Guidance ') isiu6d byCaltrdns aHd it$ representatiVd$ concdrningt the BuV AMerIca Rule fequjrQDerits fof utilityrelocations within the .State of California. Notwithstanding ;any provision herein to thecontrary, O\P\fNER -shall not .be .deemed in b.reach of this Agreement for any xiiolations:Qf theBuy America. rule ifOWNERjs.actions arkin compl.lance with the Guidance,

THE ES'nMATED COST TO AC. TRANSIT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED WORK (reviewand approval of sanitary sewer facilities ret6cationl plans and .specifications, and performinspeetioA during co$$trtiction). IS. ESTIMA:l'ED $1 85,651.21


.the above parties have executed this Agreement the day and year above




By:.Michael A. lJurshgeneral Meager.

Craig MaloofVice PrcSidedq Network .Pinning

.Date: sn e/?g18



ByDense"-Stan.dfidgeGeneral Counsel


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