Staff Presentation Network upgrade

E - Learning Update Shepparton High School

Transcript of Staff Presentation Network upgrade

Page 1: Staff Presentation Network upgrade

E - Learning Update!Shepparton High School!

Page 2: Staff Presentation Network upgrade

Network Upgrade!

Page 3: Staff Presentation Network upgrade

!   Phase  One:  Network  Security  &  Reliability  (Completed  no  later  than  24  January  2014)  InstallaEon  of  new  network  switches  that  secure  and  stabilise  the  network  into  ‘staff’,  ‘student’  and  ‘visitor’  restricted  area’s  which  provides  the  foundaEon  for  phases  2  and  3.    InstallaEon  and  configuraEon  of  addiEonal  Xirrus  wireless  arrays  to  ensure  high  density  wireless  reliability  and  access  across  the  school  in  key  learning  areas.      

!   Phase  Two:  School  connecEon  to  private  ISP  (Completed  no  later  than  end  of  term  1  2014,  earlier  if  possible)  

!   Phase  Three:  Renewal  of  school  servers  and  systems  (Completed  no  later  than  December  2014)    

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Phase 1- Printer Review!

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Phase 1 - Xirrus Upgrade!

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M - Wing!Wireless  2.4GHz  Coverage  Heatmap    

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M - Wing!Wireless  5GHz  Coverage  Heatmap    


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T - Wing!Wireless  2.4GHz  Coverage  Heatmap    

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T - Wing!Wireless  5GHz  Coverage  Heatmap    

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BYOD!Year 7, Year 12 & New Students!

Item Operating System Device Type/Make

Tablet Apple - (iOS 6.x or later)

Apple Ipad 2, 3 or 4, Apple iPad Mini, iPad Air

Microsoft - (Windows RT, or Windows 8 or later)

Microsoft Surface RT, Microsoft Surface, Surface 2, Surface Pro 2


Apple - (Mac OSX 10.7 or later) ���

Apple Macbook, Apple Macbook Pro, Apple MacBook Air

Microsoft - (Windows 7** or later) ���**either Home Premium,

Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate only

Any suitable laptop that meets hardware and software


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Learning Platform!!   Want a LMS that can be managed externally. !

!   Has a capacity to be adjusted to our needs as we grow & change. Quick turnaround.!

!   Capacity to provide formative and summative feedback to students and parents. Ausvels.!

!   Capacity to integrate with BYOD devices - mobile app etc.!

!   Capacity for whole school cloud storage & collaboration.!

!   In discussions with Gen Ed with our list of requirements as well as data gathered from staff.!