Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand

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  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Ded ica t ed t o eve ryone wh o h a s

    mad e E ngl ish Craz y Club wh a t it ist od a y, t h a n k s f or your ef f or t s t h a th a ve h elp ed us come so f a r. We h a ve

    learn ed a lot f rom you a l l

  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand



    This guideline booklet, Staff Guidelines: All You Need To Know About Organising English Crazy Camp , is especially made for the staff ofEnglish Crazy Camp who contribute theirweekend time to help organize English camps

    for rural children of Isaan.The booklet is carefully designed to help

    the staff prepare themselves for the successof their future English camps. The writer alsohopes that this guideline booklet will be usefulfor the future staff and interested persons.

    Love and peace,Jaruwan Supolrai


    Staffs Profile__________ 1Camp Records______________ 2The Story of English Crazy Camp______3

    What makes English Crazy Camp Staff____4Staff Positions___________________ 5

    Camp Detail___________________ 23Keys to Future Success_______ 25

    Q&A_________________ 26Contact Detail_______ 27

  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [1]


    NAME: _____________________________ SURNAME: _________________________ NICKNAME: _________________________ AGE: _______________________________ BD: _________________________________ HOMETOWN: _______________________ TEL: ________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________

    MEMBER SINCE: _____________________ 3 ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIPE YOURSELF: ____________________________________ ANYTHING ABOUT YOURSELF: ____________________________________

    ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

    Staff Guidelines for Organising E sh Crazy Camp. [2] ngli

    CAMP RECORDS Date/School/Location Position STAMPED











  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [5]


    1. Co-ordinator2. MC3. Recreation staff4. Rotation staff5. Farang staff6. Material staff7. Financial staff8. Audio staff9. Media staff10. Art & Design staff

    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [6]


    QUALIFICATIONS 1. Must have leadership and organizational skill and

    know how to deal with people2. Should have good spoken and written English3. Should be able to conduct a meeting in English4. Should be well-organised about timekeeping and

    ensure that the time is managed well during thecamp

    5. Must be able to make a decision on his/her ownwhen encountering problems

    6. Be brave enough to approach staff if they havedone something wrong and be a little bit brutal

    KEYRESPONSBILITIES Before the camp!

    1. Receive requests from schools or educationalcenters who want to host a camp2. Decide the nature of the camp and set thepossible dates to run the camp, redesigning theschedule when needed (download from the E-group)

    3. Look for staff members who are available forthe set dates and set the meetings

  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [13]


    QUALIFICATIONS1. Should understand and be well-prepared about

    the activities at his/her rotation2. Should have a sense of being teachers (this can

    be learned if you are new to this job) and be patient tothe campers with low motivation

    3. Should be able to design the rotation activitiesrelated to the theme of the rotation

    4. Should be flexible and ready to simplify and

    adjust the activities when the campers seem not to beresponsive or not paying attention to the activities

    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Teach at his/her own rotation2. Design the activities for your rotation

    according to the given theme when needed3. Prepare the teaching material for your own

    rotation4. Give out the nametags and booklets to

    students in your group at the registration5. Design the crazy team introduction and act at

    the opening ceremony

    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [14]

    6. Help demonstrate the games and songs, whilesome participate with the campers.

    7. Give out the stickers to the campers who areoutstanding in participating in the activities

    8. Help direct/prepare the role-play forstudents in your group or you can act in theplay when needed. As for high school students,

    you are expected to help out with the crazyTV show9. Give out the stickers to the students when

    the situation is allowed10. Participate the staff show and English

    Crazy Syndrome11. Take care of students from your group when

    they are joining the activities and make surethat they are having fun with the activities.At least one staff must be with students of

    your group, especially primary school students,

    they need your help!12. Be approachable in order to

    motivate/inspire students to speak English andgive them the stickers when they try tocommunicate in English

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  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [17]

    7. Help design the crazy team introduction and actat the opening ceremony

    8. Help demonstrate the games and songs, whilesome participate in with the campers

    9. giving out the stickers to the campers who areoutstanding in participating in the activities

    10. Help Thai staff prepare the role-play for

    students in your group or you can act in the playwhen needed. As for high school students, youare expected to help out with the crazy TV show

    11. Participate in the staff show and English CrazySyndrome

    12. Help take care of campers of your group whenthey are joining the activities and make sure thatthey are having fun with the activities. At leastone staff must be with students of your group,especially primary school students, they need

    your help!

    13. Be approachable in order to motivate/inspirestudents to speak English and give them thestickers when they try to communicate in English

    14. Help the MCs count stickers to find the Star Boys andthe Star Girl before the award ceremony

    NOTEFarang volunteer staff is also a rotation staff, you will betreated as the rotation staff.

    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [18]


    QUALIFICATIONS1. Should have a love for paperwork2. Should have good written English3. Should have good organizational skill when

    working on the camp booklet4. Should be able to design the worksheets/forms

    for the camp when necessary5. Should be able to travel to buy the materials and

    equipments for the camp

    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Work on the making of the camp booklet ormanage to edit booklet when needed and bringthe file to print out the UBU Printing House(thefile can be downloaded from the E-group)

    2. Manage to buy materials and equipments for thecamp after getting the budget from the schoolvia a financial staff(a to-buy list in the to-provide file can be downloaded from the E-group)

    3. Make nametag, paper medals and colour thestickers.

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  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [21]


    QUALIFICATIONS1. Be able to use the digital camera and a video

    camera having your own digital camera isdesirable

    2. Should have some photography skill

    3. Should be able to write a short report/featurestory about the camp (this can be learned if youare new to this job.)

    4. Should be able to operate MacromediaDreamweaver and upload the website

    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Take the shots of the camp, including tiring

    preparation of the staff, crazy dance on thesongtaew to the school, smiley faces of joys andfuns of campers, weary eyes of staff until theteary good-bye at the end of the camp

    2. Arrange the photo session at the last minutes ofthe camp

    3. Interview the campers, staff, teachers, farangvolunteers for the story of the camp about their

    opinions on the camp4. Write a short report or feature story

    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [22]

    5. Update the website, put together the text andthe photograph into the blog or the website

    6. Film the story of the camp and put it into theshort film when possible

    7. Promote the club to other students at theuniversity and promote to the camp to otherschools

    NOTE This position is optional.


    QUALIFICATIONS1. Should have artistic skill, especially drawing and

    graphic design and web design2. Be able to create graphic design using


    3. Create the graphic design for booklet covers, nametagand name cards for staff and paper medal

    4. Design the clubs website5. Draw the illustrations as teaching materials6. Design and make the poster sign of the camp

    NOTE This position is optional.

  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [25]


    English Level of the Campers:To know about the English level of the campersbefore is a great way to help staff prepare theactivity to fit for their English abilities. So it issuggested that there should be a survey to check thestudents English level or a visit to a group of studentswho are going to participate in the camp. It is alsorecommended that the rotation activities should bemade into two versions, one is for simple and other isfor advanced, so the staff can choose which versionwould most fit the campers.

    Staff Team for One Camp:At one camp there are too many staff and everymember wants to join the camp, it is a good idea tohave 15 staff is a good number with 10 regular Thaistaff and 5 non-Thai staff, the less staff the moreorganised the camp will be. So there should be 2groups of staff, one for primary school and the othergoes to high school. Each group of staff should always

    include both experienced staff and inexperiencedstaff.

    Staff Guidelines for Organising English Crazy Camp. [26]

    Q& A

    Q: How is English Crazy Camp funded? A: Our project is funded by the host schools. The schoolprovides everything for us from the bus from theuniversity to the school, materials for the camp and foodand accommodation.

    Q: If a school wants to host an English camp, whatshould the school have to do?A: They have to contact our co-ordinator a month or twobefore, then the arrangement is made for preparation tohave the English camp at the school.

    Q: How much of the budget one school need to have tobe able to host one English camp? A: Lets say BT 30,000 for 160 students, most of thebudget is spent on food for students.

    Q: Does the English Crazy Camp staff get paid?A: It is not sort of payment, what we get in return issome budget to support our non- profit project.

    Q: How does the team contact farang staff?A: We contact them through volunteer organization inIsaan area and also via the hospitality service websites.

  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand


    Staff Guidelines for organising English Crazy Camp. [27]




    Ubon Ratchathani University34190 NE Thailand

    [email protected] [email protected]

    Tel. 0810722714/0897913928/0852042915


    Jaruwan Supolrai (Netting)was born and raised in SiMuang Mai, a small district ofUbon Ratchathani in theNortheast of Thailand.She went to high school in herhometown. Currently she is inher final year at UbonRatchathani University,majoring in English and

    Communication with History minor. At university she

    and a group of her friends, founded a club called 'English Crazy Club', which run English camps for ruralschool students in Ubon Ratchathani and nearbyprovinces and a teaching project for volunteers fromaround the world. In 2004, Netting was selected toparticipate in the Ship for Southeast Asian YouthProgramme which she had an opportunity to experiencein Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia andSingapore. She also has a passion for writing, she nowworks as a contributing writer for and Nation Junior Magazine where she writes travelarticles and features for them.[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/14/2019 Staff Guideline Booklet for English Camp for Students in Northeast Thailand



    I'd like to say THANK YOU for what you've done for children.Without you, the camp couldn't be successful as it was. Thank you everybody for making this camp happen. You really inspire children to love learning English. Be crazy!! - Ajaan Yu, UBU

    As each camp passes, I feel a closeness growing between us all,like we are really becoming one big CRAZY family. Hopefully, we can continue to spread CRAZINESS and a love for English throughout Isaan for a long time. Thanks for having me in your CRAZY club. Peace and Love! - Aidan Curley, Crazy Staff member

    I spend most of my weekends with English Crazy Camp, heading off to rural schools on weekends, working with foreigners,teaching English to children and singing and dancing with them.Ive learned to how to teach children and how to work in a team.I have become confident when speaking English. I am very happy being part of this crazy club. - Nit, Crazy Staff member

    I had so much fun at the camp. I got lot of knowledge about English. I made lot of friends too. The staff taught me how to have fun when learning English - just be crazy! Ive been inspired

    to learn more about English. I can say that English Crazy Club is where my inspiration begins! -Tangmo, Si Muang Mai camper

    Thank you for helping me to have the experiences from your English camps. Your project has given me a different look at Thai culture. You are enthusiastic and inspiring people who are making differences in the world, in kids education, and in farangs lives

    too. - Maria Evola, Crazy volunteer