St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown...

St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484 Email: [email protected] The Parish website is: for all ministry updates as well as changes due to inclement weather. The Rectory Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Closed on Mondays. MARCH 18, 2018 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MASSES: Saturday Morning: 9:00 AM Sunday Vigil: Saturday evening at 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM Eve of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 12:00 noon and 7:00 PM Weekdays: 8:30 AM except Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & DELIVERANCE MINISTRY : Every First Friday evening in the Church from 6:00 to 9:00 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Sunday: 8:00 PM DEVOTIONS: Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after the 9:00 AM Saturday Mass. Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in Rel. Ed. Building every Friday at 3:00 PM During Lent - Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:00 PM. BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday at 1:00 PM Arrangements must be made in advance at the Rectory by the father or mother of the child. MARRIAGES: Arrangements are to be made at least one year in advance at the Rectory. SICK CALLS: Arrangements can be made at the Rectory to have a priest call on the patient. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome new members to St. Vincent de Paul Parish and request you register as soon as possible. Sincere membership is determined by registration, faithful participation at Mass and sharing of one’s time, talent and resources with this community of faith. The parish cannot issue certification of eligibility for sacramental sponsorship if a person is not an active parishioner. The celebration of Mass for funerals and weddings is also a privilege reserved for parishioners who participate at Mass faithfully. REV. STANLEY KRZYSTON, Pastor Rev. Rogatus Mpeka, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adam Midor, Priest in Residence Johanna Kraemer, CRE Alice Kaczorek, President, SVDP Society (571-0934) Patricia Peck, Parish Administrator Mariette Fernandes, Coordination Ministry Michele Cuiule, Parish Secretary Thank you to all our volunteer office staff for your sacrifice and service! “Let all things be done with charity.” ~ St. Vincent de Paul First Sunday of Advent Hope for sinners: THIS DAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE .”

Transcript of St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown...

Page 1: St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484

St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road

Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484

Email: [email protected] The Parish website is: for all ministry updates as well as changes due to inclement weather. The Rectory Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Closed on Mondays.


MASSES: Saturday Morning: 9:00 AM Sunday Vigil: Saturday evening at 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM Eve of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 12:00 noon and 7:00 PM Weekdays: 8:30 AM except Wednesdays at 4:00 PM

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & DELIVERANCE MINISTRY : Every First Friday evening in the Church from 6:00 to 9:00 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Sunday: 8:00 PM

DEVOTIONS: Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after the 9:00 AM Saturday Mass. Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in Rel. Ed. Building

every Friday at 3:00 PM During Lent - Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:00 PM.

BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday at 1:00 PM Arrangements must be made in advance at the Rectory by the father or mother of the child.

MARRIAGES: Arrangements are to be made at least one year in advance at the Rectory.

SICK CALLS: Arrangements can be made at the Rectory to have a priest call on the patient.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome new members to St. Vincent de Paul Parish and request you register as soon as possible. Sincere membership is determined by registration, faithful participation at Mass and sharing of one’s time, talent and resources with this community of faith. The parish cannot issue certification of eligibility for sacramental sponsorship if a person is not an active parishioner. The celebration of Mass for funerals and weddings is also a privilege reserved for parishioners who participate at Mass faithfully.

REV. STANLEY KRZYSTON, Pastor Rev. Rogatus Mpeka, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adam Midor, Priest in Residence

Johanna Kraemer, CRE Alice Kaczorek, President, SVDP Society (571-0934)

Patricia Peck, Parish Administrator Mariette Fernandes, Coordination Ministry

Michele Cuiule, Parish Secretary Thank you to all our volunteer office staff

for your sacrifice and service!

“Let all things be done with charity.” ~ St. Vincent de Paul

First Sunday of Advent


Page 2: St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484

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MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2018 8:30 AM FRANCIS DOYLE Req. Mary Doyle TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2018 8:30 AM DOLORES NALBONE Req. Friends WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 2018 4:00 PM JEFFREY JONES Req. Friends THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 8:30 AM BERNADETTE CORRIGAN Req. Friends FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018 8:30 AM ARMANDO CAPRIO Req. loving wife SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2018 9:00 AM JENNIE AMICO Req. Family 4:00 PM MYRTLE PECK Req. Son, Daughter & Granddaughter SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018 7:30 AM CLAUD YARDBOROUGH Req. Helen & Nick Piseatus 9:00 AM FRANCIS DOYLE Req. Dan Doyle & Lisa Wuerch Families 11:00 AM ANTONETTE SESINI Req. Daughter, Barbara Procell 7:00 PM MARIA RITA VANNOZZI Req. Gene & Connie Leo

The Sanctuary Candle burns in loving memory for Anthony Coluccio. Requested by wife & children.

A NOTE FROM FATHER STAN Dear Parishioners, The world and the devil can mock the externals of the faith, but cannot touch the message or the man. The message is God so loved the world, that He sent innocence and truth to die for us. The man is Jesus Christ who is innocence and truth sacrificed in love to save us from the meaningless world of sin and evil. The externals of the faith are the clergy (we are weak and very vulnerable to being mocked) and the people who are equally weak. But innocence and truth lie beyond this world’s understanding and the devil’s power. Here is a story to illustrate innocence, truth and heavenly love. There was a second grade boy asked to give a blood transfusion to his very sick older sister. When the nurse gently asked for his permission he went into a couple of days of silence and seriousness. Finally he said he would give his blood. The blood transfusion was a complete success. Yet afterwards he remained silent and serious, and eventually asked the nurse if he would die today or in a couple of days from his loss of blood shared with his sister. This is innocence, love and sacrifice the world will never understand.

God promises us eternal glory, but not an easy life on earth:

“If you find that the world hates you, know it has hated me before you.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own;

the reason it hates you is that you do not belong to the world.

But I chose you out of the world. Remember what I told you:

no slave is greater than his master. They will harry you as they harried me. They will respect your words as much

as they respected mine. All this they will do to you because of my name,

for they know nothing of him who sent me. If I had not come to them and spoken to them,

they would not be guilty of sin; now, however, their sin cannot be excused.

To hate me is to hate my Father. Had I not performed such works among them

as no one has ever done before, they would not be guilty of sin;

but as it is, they have seen, and they go on hating me and my Father.”

John 15: 18-24

The Way of the Cross The executioners expected Him to cry, for every one pinned on the gibbet of the Cross had done it before Him. Seneca tells us that those who were crucified cursed the day of their birth, their executioners, their mothers, and even spat on those who looked upon them. Cicero tells us that at times it was necessary

to cut out the tongues of those who were crucified to stop their terrible blasphemies. Hence the executioners expected a cry, but not the kind of cry that they heard. The Scribes and Pharisees expected a cry, too, and they were quite sure that He who had preached “Love your enemies,” and “Do good to them that hate you,” would now forget that Gospel with the piercing of feet and hands. They felt that the excruciating and agonizing pains would scatter to the winds any resolution He might have taken to keep up appearances. Every one expected a cry, but no one expected the cry they did hear. Like some fragrant trees which bathe in perfume the very axe which gnashes them, the great Heart on the Tree of Love poured out from its depths something less a cry than a prayer, the soft, sweet, low prayer of pardon and forgiveness: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Page 3: St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484

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business and commerce closed down on Sunday because it was “the Lord’s day,“ the name of Jesus was spoken in public gatherings, all men and women living together on television were married, pornography was something relegated to seedy places, and not easily accessible, living together was considered a sin, the killing of the unborn was universally seen as immoral, divorce was uncommon, the idea that marriage could be redefined was unthinkable, the idea that images of God and Jesus could be used in comedy and mockery was unthinkable, America was the number one creditor nation in the world, and there was little thought of a day when its global preeminence could come to an end. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

A dark age brings brighter angels

If the activities of the devil and his demons seem to be intensifying in these days, as I believe they are, should not the incredibly greater supernatural powers of God’s holy angels be even more indelibly impressed

on the minds of people of faith? Certainly the eye of faith sees many evidences of the supernatural display of God’s power and glory. God is still in business! Christians must never fail to sense the operation of angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does the candle’s light. If you are a believer, expect powerful angels to accompany you in your life experiences. And let those events dramatically illustrate the friendly presence of “the holy ones,” as Daniel calls them. Rev. Billy Graham

Pray the Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings at 7:00 P.M. in Lent:

When we pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors,” we are reminded of the infinite price that was paid so that we might be forgiven . We must be ever mindful that it was God himself who hung on the cross so that we could be reconciled to him for time and for eternity. Hank Hanegraff

Do the right thing !

Courage, brother! do not stumble Though thy path be dark as night; There’s a star to guide the humble;

Trust in God and do the Right. Norman Macleod

God promises us eternal glory, but not an easy life on earth:

My son, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials.

Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity.

Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you,

in crushing misfortune be patient; For in fire gold is tested, and worthy men

in the crucible of humiliation. Trust God and he will help you;

make straight your ways and hope in him. Sirach 2: 1-6

Some questions for today? ∗ Why so many evil massacres with guns, bombs,

trucks, cars? ∗ Why so many rapes and so much sexual abuse and

perversity? ∗ Why such a massive opioid addiction epidemic? ∗ Why so many divorces and disturbed families? ∗ Why so many suicides? . . . .

The answer and solution to these questions and tragedies is God; but He has been rejected by our ugly elites and

corrupt government: Do you remember when God was accepted in America: there was prayer in public schools, sermons on television closed virtually every station and broadcast day, there were Christmas songs or plays in school and Christmas and Easter recesses,

Page 4: St. Vincent de Paul Parish · 2019-09-18 · St. Vincent de Paul Parish 555 Yardville Allentown Road Yardville, NJ 08620 Rectory: 609-585-6470 Fax: 609-585-0137 Rel. Ed. Bldg.: 609-585-5484

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You Gotta Laugh: Noah was a brave man to sail in a wooden boat with two termites, and I wish Noah had swatted those two mosquitos.

Evil birth certificates???? “Were the medical people who assisted your beautiful Mom on the day of your birth guilty of bigotry or pathetic ignorance when they “assigned” your gender and noted either male or female? To be politically correct they should have recorded: “whatever” or “who knows” or “too early to tell” on your birth certificate.” Laura Tolson

Legion of Mary To honor our Blessed Mother you are invited to attend the annual Acies this Sunday, March 18 at 2:00PM. This year it will be celebrated at St. Anthony’s Church in Hamilton. The address is 620 S. Olden Av. There will be a Mass and dinner will be served, all are invited.

WFJS Catholic Radio will be having the 2018 Radiothon. Please tune in on March 21st, 22nd, & 23rd. Our own Patty Staley from “Catholic Matters”, George Rose and Bill Marr from the “Brothers in Arms” and other local guests will be speaking about the importance of supporting this Catholic Radio station in our Trenton area on 1260 AM. Tune in and join in the fun.

God promises us eternal glory, but not an easy life on earth:

“I tell you truly: you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices; you will grieve for a time,

but your grief will be turned into joy. When a woman is in labor

she is sad that her time has come. But when she has borne her child, she no longer remembers her pain

for joy that a man has been born into the world. In the same way, you are sad for a time,

but I shall see you again; then your hearts will rejoice

with a joy no one can take from you.” John 17: 20-22

Dale Apel, Daniel Applegate, Robert Carmigiani, Joseph Caruso, Nenita Covey, Jessica Davis, Dana Deidloff, Luke Deidloff, Patrick Dillon, Kathy Drew, Frank Enderlein, Doris Ferriolo, Sue Fleming. Marge Geeders, Amelia Joyce, William Kleppe, Jennifer Koren, Nancy Milacki, Theresa Minock, Lois Watlinjtou, Marc Zona, Sharon Zona