St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-30

q lfliatnrian =================== Volume X LVI Friday, Nove mb er, 30, 1928 No.6 lk - MRS. J. LEGRIS, MOTHER OF MSGR. Pep Meeting, Nov . 22 D rew La r ge C rowd :-tbo u t th e hug (' bonfir e HOMECOMING PARTY TERMED SUCCESSFUL LEGRIS, IS DEAD at the "ou th end of the c 'mpu s a C 11 d One of the Finest in Re- : .owd of t.hrce or lour hundr ed li s t- a e encd to the speeches and f'.ss is ted in Long- and Serviceable Life th e cheers that tradit ional ly precede Comes to a Peaceful C lose . the 1-JonH'co minr: g ume a t St. Viator. Mrs. Jose ph Legri s, 88, died at the hom e of her so n, '1' . A. Leg r is of Bour bo nnais at 12:12 o'c lock, Mon- da y, Novem ber 19. Mr s. Legris had been in ill hea.It h for the past year a nd fo r the p ast two weeks she had been co nfined to her bed ft mo ng- lh e R pe ak ers of t he e venin g were: Fath c l' J·. \ .Y. R. Ma g ui r e, Pres i- dent of St. Viator College; Father T. J. Lynch, Dean of Eng li s h; Rev. E. McL:1 in, former s ta.r half-ba ck and £hor l-sto p ot S t. Vit- .tor; S: 11n McA ll - isc L·, Coach; J ohn Her be rt , capta in of t h is year's f oo tbal l t ea m and llor n in Ca n ada Lea nhardt, Don McCarthy, cent Year s. Th e Homecoming· Dance, sponsored by the Co llege Club , wa s one of the mo st successful ever held at th e Col- leg e. Th r alTai r drew rno s t of its larg e crowd from the a lumni who h ad returned fo r th e inaugur al ceremonies in th e nwrning and for the Milli kin- Viat o r footba. ll game in the aft ernoo n. Mu s ic for the eve ning was furn ish- ed by Ja ck Hi ggin s and his Royal Pur- ple O•·c hes tra of Chicago. Th e deco ration s were beaut iful and Mrs. Legris was born 'in Canada Tom Han ahan, "Mike11 Del an ey, "Red" at th e Cap e St. Ignace in 18-JO. At O'Mall ey , and Linu s Meis ; al l s eniors the age of twelve years she rn oved and members of th e football squad. form ed the main topi c of convers ation to Bourbonna is with her p l -re n ts As the c mters faded and t he heat for tho se who had the habit of "pass- . and has s pent pra ct ica lly all of her of the f ir e l ess ened the students and ing t lw tin1e of day" wit h the ir ne igh- lon g and usef ul life in this vi llage . "grads" dr ew closer together. As t he bo is. Ml'. Mat hews and Mr. Laen- Shc wa s ma rri ed to Joseph Leg1·is fir e died down th e in tere st and en- hardt ar e to be co mm ended for the in 1857. Thr ee of h er eig ht chil d- th u::.i asm of the gat he rinincreas ed very splendid res ul ts of t hir efforts in re n are living. Rev . Msgr. G. M. Ch eer aft er cheer di s turbed the us ua l dr ess ing· the interior of th e gym for Legris is a highl y respected and re- quiet of th e old campu s. Each s peak- th e occasion. nowned instructor at St . Viator Co l- er add ed s omething th a t hi s prcde- Mr. Wat so n announc ed t ha t the Col- leg e. Fred E. and Thom as A. Legris ce Ol' h ad overlooked, some thing tha t 1:.- gz Club ha s fortunatel y realized a are pr es ident and vice-pres id ent res- ca ll ed for a re newed outbur st fr om n ea t s um aft er all e xpenses had been peetively of the Leg ris Tru st and Sav- the t hrong-. se ttl ed. This mon ey will be add ed to ings Bank of Kank akee. Alphonse As a fitting cli ma x to the the r ather dep let ed tr e as ur y of the Legris was a st ud ent at St. Via t or ing·, burning "VII in th e c lub to be used at a lat er dat e as the and was pursu ing an advanced l aw distance, s uspend ed bet wee n two office rs see fi t. course a.t Washington when his dea th trees. By the light of the flaming occured at the age of twe n ty -one. "V" th crowd respo nded to a few mor e On e ot her son, Har vey, died five che ers and the n dis banded to form years ago in the Legri s horne on Col- int o li tt le gro up s for · of lege Ave., Bourbonnai s, now known tho morrow's prospects Catholic Convert Is Nobel Pr ize Winner as St. Bernard Hal l. Mme . S igrid Undset, a. Catholic Bes ides her t hr ee sons, Mrs. Leg- convert, has been award ed the Nobel ,-is is s ur vived by man y grandc hild- Former Viator Man prize in li terature for 1928, the sec- ren and several gr ea t great ond wo r nan e ver to receive the honor childr en. Wedded to Kank . Gir l and th e third Norwegian aut hor to be Mr s. Leg ris ha s long been known dist ingui shed. for gen erous contributions to the A nr ounc e: mcnt wa s made Hom e- Th e monetary va lue of th e prize Church of which society s he wa.s such comil1g Day of th e marriage of Miss this year is about $42,060. Thi s rep- :- . devoted me mber . 1 d res ents a new record due, part ly to i\'!fHI P Mar.cotte, daught er of Mr. an I the remission of s ome of th e Swedi sh I Nar cisse of_ I tax es and pa r tly to im proved bus iness Hobo Parade Thru 1 'la JS, to l>lr. '' h ll •am NevJ ll e 2 '. of I condit ions, making th e fun ded invest- s ! Bl oOnlln gton, Illmois. Th e we ddmg t ment s yield more. Kankakee a uccess l was an e vent of lo. 3t July 10 and wa o M u d t b I t the ! me n se ecame mown o . . I solemnized at Clin ton, Il l., the very. Eng li s l; -s peakin g world t hr o ugh h er The student parade to t he Clty of I E. of the Peo- 1 novel, "Kri st in Lavra. nsdatter ,'' pub- Katlkakee on the eve ning before r w. dtocese offtc tat m g·. li shcd in 1920. The book dea ls w ith Homeco ming was enj oyed by Both M1 ·. and Mrs. Neville are we ll I condit ion s in th e Fourte ent h Ce ntury part icipa nt s and onlookers. Th e hn e! known to_ pr esent st ud ent body. ?.nd is typical of her ab ili ty to portray of some t\vo hun dred hobos at 1 Mr s. Nevi ll e IS a graduate of th e mind of the Middle Ages. Many theN. Y. Centr al tr ac ks a nd advanced · Dame Acad e my, a tt end ed St .. Vtator of her out s tand in g wor ks deal with on the city proper. I one ye2:r, and sp ent one 111 stud.y ; t he Th irt eenth an d Fourteenth Ce o- Escorted by a city motor co p, at t he U ni vers 1ty of 11\:n oi s . IS ' t ude s. the band of merry mak ers 1 the daughter of one of our s. aunc h, Born in 1882, she ha s sp ent most of way- .t he bus iness al umn i. "Bi ll" a. thr ee .s port her life in Oslo, which is the scene of tr1ct, cheer mg, s mgmg, and endeav- man , and forme1 p1 es tden t of the 1 most of her novels. F'or ten years she ol'ng to the utmost to make ear- 1 St. Viator Co llege Club . . wa s emp loyed as a muni cipal cle rk, drums of the audien ce ache wtth the The and stud ent . body JO m r es igning about two ye ar s after the di scor dant rack et. 1 in wishmg newly co uple ap p earance of her first nove l. The parade to a ha lt at the · eve ry conveivab le bless mg. Mme. Undset ha s publi sh ed h ere co rner of Court St. and Schuyl er i ------ uTh e Brida l Wr eath," " Th e Mistr ess Ave. and traffic was held up for fif- B dl L" I of Hu saby ," and "The Cros s." teen minutes wh il e the cheer le ader I ra ey Ins Itt e led the s tudents in a gr eat number ! "19" Cross Country of loud and enthu swsttc cheers . The "Kazzoo Band," rid ing in sta te upon ! an a.ncient hayr ack accompa ni ed th e rac,keteers in the Viator loyal ty song. The parade broke up at the ins tr uct ion of the ch eer leader and the s tude nts s tarted the return trip . By "hoo king " rides with the towns - people all wer e back to school on ti me for the bonfire and pep meeting. Thank You We take th is opportunity to - Peoria, !11.-(Special) - Bradley Co llege took first place in the fir st annual 11 L ittl e 19" cros s country run held at th e Peor ia Coll ege l ast Sat- urday by placing th e ir s ix runners among the fi rst 13 for 30 po int s. Illin ois Co ll ege f inished oecond with S!l poi nts while Monmouth Col- lege grabbed off t hird place wit h 93. exp r ess o ur sincere apprecia- tion of th e assi s tance given us on the occasion of oHome- co rni ng, by the variou s individ- ual s and or ganizat ion s in the ' city of Kan k akee, am ong- whom we can na me: Th e Kan kak ee ChamQer of Commerce, Ka n- kak ee Hotel, Police Depart- ment, Da il y Republican, Daily News, Stat e Hos pital Green- hous e, Kankankee Aviatio n School, Maj e stic Theater, num- ero us downt own st ore s that so gen e rou s ly contribut ed inflam- mable ma t erial for om· bonfire of Nov. 22. The first meet was award ed to Brad ley because it was the first sea- Homecoming Game ' son for man y of th e co ll eges. Several _ __ fai led to send te ams to the meet but Bombs Add Much To St. Vi ator copied the cus tom of ot h- indicated that they would be repre- cr co ll eges of explodin g bo mbs at cr u- sen ted next fal l. Some t hi rt een dif - cial moments in their big games . It fer e nt schools wer e rcp ::-e: en t ed in was extremely unfortunate that all th e run wit h over 880 runn ers fac- t he fireworks had to follow touch- ir. g- the starter. Th e !929 meet will downs made by the oppos ing team in be awar ded at the annual mee tin g of Th e Co ll ege Club. t he Homecoming battl e. th e co ac hes in Chicago in Dece rn ber. 1 L-- · ------------' Fresh men Ente r tain At Carne Be twee n Halve s Loci by one of t he di s tingu shcd mc·mbcrs of th e ir or ga nizati on, Mr. .Jo hn Nola n, th e fr es hman cla ss s tag- I NSTALLATION OF NEW PRESIDENT IS CELEBRATED ed a ve ry entertai ning feature be- D egree s Co n fe tlred On S everal tween hal ve s at the Homecom in g fo ot· ba ll gam e. Alt houg h a large part of N ot ed Me n. th e crowd s ought she lter from the chill y winds that swe pt t he fie ld dur- Amid impress ive ceremoni es th e in g l he int e rm ission, a good portion Very Rev . J. W. R. Maguir e, c.s.v. of th e onlooker s re mained in their A. M. wa s formally installed as se ats to watch th e Fro sh man euvers. p:(siden t of St. Vi a tor College on The "wearers of the gree n" form - H omecoming Da y, November 23. eel a doubl e li ne at th e nort h end of Th e Hon orable A. L. Gr ange r, L. L. th e Ii e ld , and six of the ir number act- B. '8£, th e la y board of ing as pallbearers, cani ed an ancient tru st ees, read the speech of introduc- catafalqu e upon which was inscribed tion. Thr> In vocat ion wa.s offered by the wo rd " Mill ikin" , down th e field th e Rt. Rev . Bernard, J. Sheil , D. D. a nd t osse d the ir burd en over th e fe nce. '08, Auxiliary Bi s hop of Chicago. Much weeping and dis cordant 11 no se In hi s inaugural addr ess the new blowing" on th e part of the mourn- y: re- id ent. outlin ed the aims, hopes ers proved to be extremely amu sing des ires of St. Viator College and to the aud ience. pledged himself to th e ir f ul fi llm ent . On th e trip back up the fie ld the Rev. E. V. Car dinal , CSV. A. M., boys produ ced " Yayoos" , the favorit e pr est:nt ed t he Rt. Re v. mus ical in st ruments of the fr es hmen, A. J . McGa vick, D. D. , Bishop of and pr oceeded to de monstrate th eir L-:tC rosse, \Vi sconsin, th e Rt. Rev. united ab ili t y as concert artists. B. J. Sh e il , D. D., Auxiliary Bishop In th e center of th e fie ld the ba nd :. f Chi cago , e. nd t he Rt. Rev. Mons ig- halt ed, faced t he Viator side and nor E. A. Pa ce, S. T . D., Ph. D., p la yed the Viator Loyalty song. As vice -rect or of th e Catho li c Univer - th e spectator s cheered and cl apped cf Ameri ca, as candida t es for the ir appro val, the ent e rtainer s the degr ee of Doctor of Laws, hen- wheeled to the right and ma. rched off c·ris causa. Following the citations th e fie ld, continuing- th e s train s of t he d r>gr ees were conferr ed by th e th e Loyalt y S ong . Very Reverend Preside nt. - - - --- Bi s hop McGavick re sponded for John "Ducky" O'Malley the recipients of th e degre es in a I t peech of gratitud e to hi s former AU-Conference Center teac hers, lauding the ir work in the --- I fi e ld of Chis tian education. Sain t Viator College is the proud . At th e of th e ce remo - po ssessor of an All Confe rence center mes the Vu::o. tor anth em wa s s ung by in th e person of J. O' Malley. John the College Glee Club while the aca, O'Malley 1 bett er known to hi s tea m- I dem ic procession r et urn ed to' the ma tes as "Ducky" has play ed four ! A.lumn i Ha ll. ye ar s on Via tor's footba ll teams. In 1 - - --- hi s fr es hman year h'e played an end Homecomin g Banquet pos ition, but at th e s tart of h1s s oph omor e ye ar he wa s sh ifted to the Held In Refectory cent er position which he has pl ayed ever s in ce with the exceptio n of two gamf's in which he play ed tack le. It wa s during th e pa st two years and the earl y p:n t of the pr ese nt seas on t hat he made the great record of playing ni netee n con secutive games wit hout miss ing a play or call ing time out . "Ducky" put a fit ting climax to his career with a stellar perfonnance 1ga in st Millik in last Saturday. Visiting Delegatf>'s At Inauguration Univers ity of Illinoi s- Lawrence W. Murphy, Rev. W. J. Be rgin, C. S. V. Ro sa ry Co ll e ge-Si ster Mary Ruth, Sister Vincent Ferrer. Th e annua l Homecoming Alu m ni B,_n qc: et he ld in the coll ege din i ng hall was attended by nearl fo ur hun- dr ed me mbers of th e Alumn i Associa- L!on, t he St. Viat or College Exten - sion Club, an d friend s of th e College. Gra ce wa s offered by the Rt. Rev. AiexandeJ. McGavick, D. D. Bishop of LaCro sse, Wisconsin. Th ere were no speec hes at t he ban - quet th is Homecoming on account of inaug ra tion ce re monies. Th e \' ery Rev. Pr es id e nt made a few an- nou nce. ments relativ e to th gra mme of the day. During the co:n sc of' th e banqu et Fath er Mag uir e was presented with a hu gh boquet of ch1ys anthemums by th e Honorabl e E. Beckman,Mayor of Kank a- k e, :ts ?, token of the esteem which Loyola Unive rs ity- Rev. Ke ll ey, S. J. R. M. the people of Kankakee hold for ne wl y appointed pr es id ent. Lombard College-Charl es 1 \'1 . Poor, Geor g·e G. Davis. Nor th Ce ntral Co ll eg-e - Thomas Finkbe in er, E. E. Rai l. De Pau l Uni versity- Re v. Dani el J. McHugh, C. M. S t. Mary' s College (W in ona)- 1 Rev. Julius iN. Hau n. 1 St . Ambro se Coll ege- W. A. Haub- ' er. I Mar quette Un ive rsity- H. e v. VV. J. 1 Gra ce , S. J. An interes ting addition to Knox college's growing co ll ection of Lin- colnia na is a rect: nt gift from the Fr ederick H. Meserve coll ect ion, a copy of a Civil war photograph of Abrah am Lin coln. El ectric Scoreboard Makes Debut at Viator Mr. ny members of the College Club a nd several of th e fa c ulty ha ve cx- pl cssed t heir apprec iation of the ef- fort s of Adrian Richard and Broth er Roger Drolet in installing the large elec tric scoreboa rd at the south end of the football playing fi eld. At the the Millikin- Viator game th e s pecta- Lors were ke pt inf ormed play by play as to the pr ogre..() s of the gam e. The two engenuous inventor s ar e ind e bted to Mt·. A. L. Taylo,- of th e Bell Tele- phone Company for the use of t he wir e, trans mitt e rs a nd rec eivers.


The Viatorian, Vol. XLVI, No. 6

Transcript of St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-30


lfliatnrian ===================

Volume X LVI Friday, November, 30, 1928 No.6





Pep Meeting, Nov. 22 Drew Large Crowd

Ga ~h cred :-tbout the hug (' bonfire


LEGRIS, IS DEAD at t he "ou th end of t he c'mpus a C 11 d One of the Finest in Re-: .owd of t.hrce or l our hundred list- a e encd to t he speeches a nd f'.ss is ted in

Long- and Serviceable Life th e cheers that tradit ional ly precede Comes to a Peaceful C lose. the 1-JonH'co minr: g ume a t St. Viator.

Mrs. J oseph Legris, 88, d ied at t he home of her son, '1' . A. Legr is of Bour bonna is at 12:12 o'clock, Mon­day, Novem ber 19. Mrs. Legris had been in ill hea.It h for t he past year a nd fo r the past two weeks she had been confined to her bed

ft m ong- lhe Rpea kers of t he e vening were : Fathcl' J·. \.Y. R. Mag ui re, Pres i­dent of St. Viator College ; Father T. J. Lynch, Dean of E ngli sh; Rev. E. McL:1 in, former s ta.r half-back and £hor l-sto p ot S t. V it-.tor; S :11n McA ll ­iscL·, Coach ; J ohn Herbert, capta in of t h is year's f ootbal l tea m and

llor n in Canada <~Lefty" Lea nhardt, Don McCar t hy,

cent Years.

Th e Homecoming· Dance , sponsored by t he College Club, wa s one of the most s uccessful e ve r held at the Col­leg e. Th r alTai r drew rnos t of its large crowd from t he a lumni who had returned fo r th e inaugura l ceremonies in th e nwrning and for t he Milli kin­Viator footba. ll game in the after noon.

Mus ic for the evening was furn ish­ed by Jack Higgin s and his Royal Pur­ple O•·chestra of Chicago.

The decorations were beautiful and Mrs. Legris was born 'in Canada Tom Hana ha n, "Mike11 Delaney, " Red"

at the Cape St. Ignace in 18-JO. At O'Ma ll ey, and Linus Meis ; al l seniors the age of twelve years she rn oved and members of the football squad. form ed the main topic of conversation to Bourbonna is with her p l -ren ts As t he cmters faded and t he heat for those who had t he habit of "pas s-

. and has spent pract ically all of her of t he f ire lessen ed t he students and ing t lw tin1e of day" with the ir ne igh­lon g and useful life in t his village. "grads" drew closer together. As t he bo i s. Ml'. Mat hews and Mr. L a en­Shc was ma rried to Joseph Leg1·is fire died down the in terest and en- hardt are to be comm ended for the in 1857. Three of her eight child- thu::.iasm of the gathering· increased very splendid resul ts of t hir efforts in ren are living. Rev. Msgr. G. M. Cheer after cheer di sturbed the usual dress ing· t he inte rior of the gym for Legris is a highly respected and re- quiet of the old campus. Each speak- the occas ion. nowned instructor at St. Viator Col- er added something tha t hi s prcde- Mr . Watson announced tha t the Col­lege. Fred E . and Thom as A. Legris ceS£Ol' had ove rl ooked, something that 1:.-g z Club has fortunatel y realized a are president a nd vice-pres id ent res- ca ll ed for a renewed outburst from neat sum after all expenses ha d been peetively of t he Legris Trust and Sav- the t hrong-. se ttl ed. This money will be added to ings Bank of Kankakee. Alphonse As a fitting cli max to the p ep-meet~ the rather depleted treasury of the Legri s was a student at St. Via tor ing·, ~. burning "VII appea re ~l in the club to be used at a late r date as the and was pursu ing an advanced law dis t a nce, suspended between two office rs see fi t. course a.t Washington when his deat h t r ees. By the light of t he flaming occured at the age of twenty-one. "V" th crowd responded to a f ew more One other son, Harvey, died f ive cheers and then disbanded to form years ago in the Legris horne on Col- into li ttle group s for · d i sc u~s ions of lege Ave. , Bourbonnai s , now known t ho morrow's prospects

Catholic Convert Is Nobel Prize Winner

as St. Bernard Hal l. Mme . S igrid Undset, a. Catholic Besides her t hree sons, Mrs. Leg- conve rt, has been awarded the Nobel

,-is is survived by man y grandchild- Former Viator Man prize in li terature f or 1928, the sec-ren and several great great grand~ ond wo rnan ever to rece ive the honor children. Wedded to Kank. Girl a nd the third Norwegian author to be

Mrs. Legris ha s long been known d ist ingui shed. for gen erous contributions to t he A nr ounce: mcnt wa s made Hom e- The monetary value of the prize Church of which society s he wa.s such comil1g Day of the marriage of Miss t hi s year is about $42,060. This rep-:-. devoted member. 1 • • • d resents a new record due , partly to

i\'!fHI P Mar.cotte, daughter of Mr. an I t he remi ss ion of some of the Swedish I M~s. Narcisse -~a.rcotte of_ Bo~n:.on- I taxes and par tly to im proved bus iness

Hobo Parade Thru 1 'laJS, to l>lr. ''h ll •am NevJ ll e 2 '. of I conditions, making the fun ded invest -

s ! Bl oOnlln gton, Illmois . The weddmg t m ents yie ld more. Kankakee a uccess l was a n event of lo.3t July 10 and wao M u d t b I t the ! me n se ecame mown o

. . I solemnized at Clinton, Il l., the very . E ng li sl;-speaking world through her The student parade to t he Clty of I ~e v. !· E. S he~ , . ch~nce llor of the Peo- 1 novel, "Krist in Lavra.nsdatter ,'' p ub­

Katlkakee on the evening before r w. dtocese offtctatmg·. lishcd in 1920. The book deals w ith Homecoming was enj oyed by ~th. l Bot h M1 ·. and Mrs. Nevill e are well I condition s in the Fourteenth Century participants and onlookers. The hne ! known to_ th~ present student body. ?.nd is typical of her abili ty to portray of some t\vo hundred hobos f~rmed at

1 Mrs. Nevi lle IS a graduate of .~otre the mind of t he Middle Ages. Many

theN. Y. Central tracks and advanced · Dame Academy, a ttended St .. Vtator of her outstand in g works deal with on the city proper. I one ye2:r, and sp ent one .ye~r 111 stud.y ; t he Th irteenth an d Fourteenth Ceo-

Escorted by a city motor cop, th~ at t he Uni vers1ty of 11\:nois . ~he IS ' t udes. the band of merrymakers wend~d 1 t he daughter of one of our s. aunc h , Born in 1882, she has spent most of t~e ir way- :hrou~h .the business d1s- ~ a lumn i. "Bi ll" ~a s. a. three .spor t her life in Oslo, which is t he scene of tr1ct, cheermg, smgmg, and endeav- man , a nd forme1 p1 es tden t of the 1 most of her novels. F'or ten years she ol'ng to t he utmost to make t~e ear- 1 St. Viator Co lleg e Club . . wa s employed as a municipal clerk, drums of t he audience ache wtth t he The ~ac~lty and student . body JO m resigning about two years after the discordant racket.

1 in wishmg ~he newly 1~arned couple appearance of her first novel.

The parade c:;~.m e to a ha lt at the · every conveivable bless mg. Mme. Undset has published here corner of Court St. and Schuyler i ------ uThe Bridal Wreath," " The Mist ress Ave. and traffic was held up for fif- B dl w· L" I of Husaby," a nd "The Cross." teen minutes wh ile t he cheerleader I ra ey Ins Itt e led the students in a g reat number ! "19" Cross Country of loud a nd enthuswsttc cheers. The " Kazzoo Band," rid ing in stat e upon ! a n a.ncient hayr ack accom pa nied the rac,keteers in the Viator loyalty song. The parade broke up at th e instruction of the cheerleader and the students started t he return trip . By "hooking" rides with the towns­people all were back to school on time for the bonfire and pep meeting.

Thank You

We take th is opportunity to


Peor ia, !11.-(Special) - Bradl ey College took f irst place in t he first annua l 11L ittle 19" cross country run held at the Peoria Coll ege last Sat­urday by placi ng the ir s ix runne rs among t he fi rst 13 for 30 points. Illinois Co ll ege f inished oecond w ith S!l points while Monmouth Col­lege grabbed off t hird place with 93.

express our sincere apprecia ­tion of the assi stance given us on t he occas ion of om· Home­corni ng, by t he variou s individ­uals a nd or ganization s in the

'city of Kankakee, am ong- whom we can name: The Kan kakee ChamQer of Commerce, Ka n­kak ee Hotel, Police Depart­ment, Dail y Republican, Da ily News, State Hospital Green­house, Kankankee Aviation School , Majestic Theater, num­ero us downtown s tores that so generously contributed inflam­mable material for om· bonfire of Nov. 22 .

The f irst meet w as awarded to Bradley beca use it was the first sea­

Homecoming Game ' son for man y of the co ll eges. Se veral _ __ fai led to send teams to t he meet but

Bombs Add Much To

St. Viator copied t he custom of oth- indicated t hat they would be repre­cr colleges of exploding bombs at cru- sen ted next fal l. Some t hi rteen dif­cial moments in t heir big games . It ferent schools were rcp::-e: ented in was extremely unfortunate that all the run with over 880 runners fac­t he fireworks had to follow touch- ir. g- the starter. The !929 meet will downs made by t he oppos ing team in be awarded at the annual meetin g of The College Club.

t he Homecoming battl e. the coaches in Chicago in Decern ber. 1 L--·------------'

Freshmen Entertain At Carne Between Halves

Loci by one of t he di s tingushcd mc·mbcrs of their organization, Mr. .John Nola n, th e freshman cla ss s tag-


IS CELEBRATED ed a very entertai ning f eature be- D egrees Con fe tlred On S everal tween ha lves at the H om ecom in g fo ot· ba ll gam e. Althoug h a large part of N ote d Me n . the crowd sought shelter from the chill y wind s that swe pt t he fie ld dur- Amid impress ive ceremoni es th e in g l he interm ission, a good portion Very Rev. J. W. R. Maguire, c.s .v. of the onlookers remained in their A. M. wa s formally insta lled as seats to watch th e Frosh man euvers . p: ( s iden t of St . Vi a tor College on

The "wearers of the green" form - H omecoming Day, November 23. eel a doubl e li ne at the north en d of The Hon orable A. L. Granger, L. L. th e Ii eld , and six of their number act- B. '8£, rcpres~ n t i ng the lay board of ing a s pallbearers, canied an ancient trus t ees, r ead the speech of introduc­catafalque upon which was inscribed t ion. T hr> Invocation wa.s offered by the word " Mill ikin", down the field the Rt. Rev. Bernard, J. Sheil, D. D. a nd tossed t heir burden over th e fence. '08, Auxiliary Bi shop of Chicago. Much weeping and discordant 11 nose In hi s inaugural address the new blowing" on th e part of the mourn- y: re- id ent. outlined the aims , hopes ers proved to be extremely amusing an~ des ires of St. Viator College and to the audience. pledged himself to th eir f ulfi llment.

On the trip back up the fie ld the Rev. E. V. Ca rdinal , CSV. A. M., boys produced " Yayoos", the favorite \· i ce - pr~s i dent, prest:nted t he Rt. Rev. mus ical in struments of the f reshmen, A. J . McGavick, D. D., Bishop of a nd proceed ed to de monstrate th eir L-:tC rosse, \Vi scons in, th e Rt. Rev. united abili ty as concert artists. B. J. She il , D. D., Auxiliary Bishop

I n the center of the field the band :. f Chi cago, e.nd the R t. Re v. Mons ig­halted, faced the Viator side and nor E. A. Pace, S. T . D., Ph. D., played the Viator Loyalty song. As vice-rector of the Catholic Univer­the spectators cheered and clapped ~ity c f America , a s candidates for the ir approva l, the entertainers the degree of Doctor of Laws, hen­wheeled to t he right and ma.rched off c·r is ca usa. Following the citations the field, continuing- th e strain s of t he dr>g rees were conferred by the the Loyalty Song. Very Reverend President.

- - - --- Bi shop McGavick respond ed for John "Ducky" O'Malley th e r ec ipients of the degrees in a

I t peech of gratitude t o his former AU-Conference Center teachers, lauding their work in the --- I fie ld of Chistian education.

Sain t Viator College is the proud . At the ~onclus ion of th e ceremo­possessor of a n All Conference center mes t he Vu::o. tor anthem was sung by in the person of J. O'Malley. John the College Glee Club while the aca, O'Mall ey

1 better known to his team- I dem ic procession returned to' t he

mates a s "Ducky" has played four ! A.lumn i Ha ll. years on Via tor's footba ll teams. In

1 - - ---

his freshman year h'e played an end Homecoming Banquet pos ition, but at the start of h1s sophomore year he was shifted to the Held In Refectory center position whi ch he has played ever s in ce with t he exception of two gamf's in which he played tack le. It was during the past two years and the earl y p:nt of t he present seas on that he ma de the great record of playing ni netee n consecutive games without mi ssing a play or cal ling time out. "Ducky" put a fit ting climax to hi s ca reer with a stellar perfonnance 1ga in s t Millik in last Saturday.

Visiting Delegatf>'s At Inauguration

University of Illinois-Lawrence W. Murphy, Rev. W. J. Bergin, C. S. V.

Rosa ry Co llege-Sis ter Mary Ruth, Si st er Vincent Ferrer.

The annua l Hom ecoming Alum ni B,•_n qc:et held in t he college dining ha ll was attended by nearl fo ur hun­dred members of th e Alumn i Associa ­L!on, t he St. Viator Col lege Exten­s ion Club, an d friend s of the College. Gra ce wa s offered by the Rt. Rev. Aiexande1· J. McGavick, D. D. ~'8 8,

Bishop of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. There were no speeches at the ban­

quet th is Homecoming on account of ·~ h e inaugra tion ce remon ies . The \' ery Rev. Pres ident made a few an­nou nce.ments relative to th pro ~

gra mme of the day. During t he co:n sc of' the banquet Father Maguire was presented with a hugh boquet of ch1ysanthemums by the Honorabl e L')u i ~ E. Beckman,Mayor of Kanka­k e, :ts ?, to ken of the es teem which

Loyol a University- Rev. Ke ll ey, S. J.

R. M. the people of Kankakee hold for th~ newl y appointed president.

Lombard College-Cha rles 1\'1 . Poor, Georg·e G. Davis.

North Central Coll eg-e - Thomas Finkbe in er, E. E. Rai l.

De Pau l Uni versity- Rev. Daniel J. McHugh, C. M.

S t. Mary's Colleg e (W inona)-1 Rev. Julius iN. Hau n. 1 St. Ambrose Coll ege-W. A. Haub­' er. I Marquette Un iversity- H.ev. VV. J. 1 Grace , S. J.

An inte res t ing addition to Knox coll ege 's growing collection of Lin­colni a na is a r ect:nt gift from the Frederick H. Meserve collection, a copy of a Civil war photograph of Abrah a m Lincoln .

Electric Scoreboard Makes Debut at Viator

Mr.ny members of the College Club a nd severa l of the faculty have cx­pl cssed t heir apprec iation of the ef­fort s of Adrian Richard and Brother Roger Drolet in installing the large elec tric scoreboard at the south end of t he foo t ball playing fi eld. At t he t he Millikin-Viator g am e the specta­Lors were kept informed play by play as to t he progre..()s of t he gam e. The two enge nuous inventors are indebted t o Mt·. A. L . Taylo,- of the Bell Tel e­phone Company for the use of t he wire, transmitters a nd rece ivers .

• z



.Jarlath . I. Wa m B .. I ~·£.. .JA. 'A(;Eft

.J. Allen , 'Qian A .'

C: . f{~ ymrmd Sprai(U" f. ranci. .1. HnK'kman ltob1·rt 'l ucker

()( lA n, f,DJT()f:. .John \\ •• tafforrl J{;,ymonrl E. , 'nlan I lrr ·ri Warne

.J<Jhn Mc .\11lh'•Tl

.) Alli-n. 'ol:cn M•·ryl ('11. ,.~

.f, ph l,r•l(an l'lur• nc•• D mp \' M n• t " :\furphy

1-.rlw:ord r. ()',···Ill

( flt('I"J ,ATTO.' DEPAI<T:\IE,'T lr vm M:ot h1 ·w Thom·, Jfaych·n ( ' l:.n·rH·c· l>r·mp 'I'Y Edward()', ·,·i ll

uh8<.npr1on ltllf. $~JHJ 1 ~ r annum. nil t·f,rrf l}(,ntlr-n• c n·f•·rrinll t:ithf'r t'• B(l\.{)rtJ 1nJC ur

'I h«• \-'w, ,, ri ft'l. l ~uurhnn nai , fll. uh ... <" ripti on to

f·rflnd , Ill matlt·r nt lht· Pt. t nffic·,. ur Bnurhon na i!', lllino1,., unrln lh<• A<t "f Murch :J rrl, 1 ~70.

Announce m ent ' . : The Viutorion Staff found it nece~sary lo delay this is ue of

lhc pa.p •r until l•'1·iday, No v . :30, in orde r to obse r ve lhe holiday

'fh(lnk~giving Day. The Staff nl •o announces that th ' re will be on ly two more

iM~u H o f Vialorian printed this s m ete r . On iswe will be publi ~hcd a ·cording lo the 1·egu lar sch edule on Thursday, Dec, 13. u we >k b fore the C hri~tma~ holidays . Th second issue will ap­

Jrl.'n r on J anuar·y 17 , a ~hort two we k• after lh hristmas vaca­

ti on.

Th Rr .lohn J f' rr ll, . ~. \'., a 1 tar' a' \·1atur r.hurrh, ( hjca-~. Is al o 1ck H ,. In th b""pi al th1 we k unrlf nr 1ng a minor op~ra­t•o

The R<·v. Trmothy Rowan. Ph. D., who w1u1 scraduntt"d from ~ t. \'iator Co lit it' with the Cia. • of 191~ . and who i .... now on the editorial tafT of t he ~f-W \\'orld, i~ pn·aching a f' rl ~~

of "'rmon at .'t. Bernard's Church. Chicago, of which th•· Rt. Rev. M si(r.

.John F . Rynn i~ Pastor, 1n pr(>para­tion for the fea.'t of the Immaculate ron('l•ption.

At th< la•t nwetrnit of the Cath­olic \Voman'!t LeeJZ"Ue, Joliet. the Re\·. Thoma • .). Lynch, D<' an of the Depart­nt• nl of F.n!<li .- h at the College, op· 1 ned n :;e ri t>s o f l<'c turPs on Modern Catholi<' \YritN . with a discu~~ion of

' •·The Life and Poet ry of Franc i ~ Th omp..,on."

T! c I ·l'owi n ~ visito ~m bscrbed I th ~ i 1 n·, me; in thf' 1egistcr in i\lars il e

Hall , Homeconi nl< day. We regret that a great numbt·r negl ·•cte.J to register and that we are thus forced to omit th<'ir nam ·s in this column. :ohn 1'. Il ickey , Kankuk e. 111. R. G .... we., St. Vi a tor's, Kl' nk~ ket· . Ill. Rc'. F .. ). ('ese) .. treator, 111. l{ .,, J. I. Park01, treato1. 111. 1 w. 11 Unh• >;troutor, 111. " Re:l" Bla~d. Strcato1, 111. ~l.. nn·l Mr~. J. E. Evan ;-. , Hammond,

Ind. P . .J. Gallu ~hcl , 1\' hitinl<, Ind. Milss Af:rnus Daug-herty, H a mmond,

Ind. Thanksgiving L. Dnu l'(herl). lla mon d, Ind.

' . . I J ohn Ud Ihofen, Chicago III. Every ne hns ~ometh111g to be thankful for at all t1mes Mrs. John Udelhofen, Chi,cago, III.

Thank~giving DRy is merely R date on the annual ca lendar; a day Mrs. E. L. Udelhofen. Chicago, 111. st't u~idc to rt•mind p pie that th re iH Someone to Whom thanks 1 ~! ~>-. H. Josle.<. Chicago, III.

nrc due. Whether or not the majority of u s do offer thanks on that "ncs Coen, K3nkal<ec, III . dtw iH 11 quc•tion. The business man rna\' be thankful that he ha Thoma> Hughes, hicago, III.

· . ·. . H. T. R"el, Kank akee, II' . a busmc~~ . no matt ' I' how great the stram occas1on d by the con- Fe'ix 1~, lisle, Bourbonnais. III. ~lanl exer cise of his duti s. The student. although he bel eves Chas. H. Metcalf, Culhorn, III.

himself to be imposed upon and O\'en,·orked, has hi s unny mo- L. J . ll'ard , Ott !rbcin, Ind. m c'nts lo look forward to. If \'OU attempt a prh·ate interv iew, Ir. E. Bluchnll). Kankakee, III.

"E\· rrman " will inform \'OU .most emphaticalh· that his burdens '· ~- Do··l!'ery, Chicago, Il l.

nrc l • great And his m~ments of pleasure sc.altered and hort- 1. f·. ~::·/·~~~~":·in~~n. Ill.

lh·ed . Y e t, lherl' is one great thi.~g that we all O\'erlook; some- JE .. \. Donn .. ll ; , Bloomrngton, 111. l hin g that we all invariably forget to be thankful for; namely, the Owen Me Donald. Bloomrngton, Ill. fRet of our ~x i st nee: th fact that toda\' we are all alil'e. Fr. Co ffey, Gibson City, 111.

· IRe' . John Barrett, Ottawr, 111. Rev. T . S. Brunnick, Peoria, 111.

t The Majestic t TJ..e Luna Re\. E. A. ' weeney, Peoria, 111. R. F. Hickey, Chicago, 111. Dt. \ :-1. Lnmar1, Chicai(O Hei1<hts,

l1t..c . :2, "Tht.• ,:loll' ("rn~h€'r."' with Dec.:! ... Danger ~tree-t.'' '-Yith \Yar- ~ Ill. Glen 11-ylll\. ~lO• . H t.~r'\,·~ o_\ f(sl nt'r"r u~d )larths _. . ..Je~pe_r. 900(.. :\i ae G. )l Jrphy, Chicago. 111. tn·~t ( (l l" n pl'\\l!f:\1\\ pit'tU~. Th(' ir- [)Qn t ntiSS hl~ treat whtc~ IS tn _store ~\':1 :\hy Roch. Chicago, nL \"'\'S\!'hl\1~ littlt.• Gl(•n Tht..' u~U~tl thr• e for you. .\ "~onderluJ ptcture ts all .-\. ndrew J. Burns, terling, 111. ad.:- '-''f K~ith-Orpht.·um \\)(_h-il. that can be- sntd . Jam ~ T. Burns, Kankakee. Ill.

ll< '. 3, 1. !>, "Th,• 1'. riot." Emil<> fl<'<' . 3. I. 5, "Oh Kny," "ith Col- Frank J. Burns. Kankake<. II'. .lnnnil\Jo.""S, t,,.,,;~ ~h'"'-'· ~ t.·il lhunil- h."E!'n :\loor ·, Law"N..nce Gray, Ford Re\'. )l. J. ~lan.oile, C. S . V. ton .. od Fll\f'\.•tu,,,~ \ .ld~.\r. Th\' PntTiot Sh•rling. oo• . :M i Moore slap- John B. Dougherty. i~ u ~tory \_\{ Ru~--h\ in thl tlyiPg d Y$ stick~ a peeress who becomes o ( thl.' l~th l,~ntuQ .lAnniturs play~ s stow-awRy on a rum runner·~ craft. th \m~r\. 1 m~\dnmn Cz.. r P. ul 1. "'-'n Bt.n' \Yhat a picture.


[\ •. tl. i. ~. "~h\"'"- l' 'l.'~pl· ·· \\'m.

lL in s anlt \hl ri.\"1 l'.\\ i :-.; a.nd

~- b. 7. 8. ··Power," ";th 'William Boyd •ml Jo.: •lyn L l!"n. 9()• . Wm.

:.. &"1~-tr~ 1~ t~~t and hL' be~. He's a Thi:::. ri.:turt' whit n thb pkture. LittJe YL--s Lo­

t .. ti'S. u~ bt.--hm\1 t~ ~ :-t.·n~ .. "\( th Ho'- c-sn ::-upp(\rt~ him in thi~ ~tory .

b"' ~.l ~t$.. ~) ~\:• ~.-\Yatch iot" the \'itaphone-.

m~ h) ~'Ad.

' bnu-i. n:

\\'ill ~ •>oibly t>i' in by lb ;;,.,., we-ek t'-f'-.\UI!h: th_i.:. : [ ~nl t i~ ii t f r

is 't.

As a pe·cial e n ;ce of the Brad­ley T ch, a four-page weekly rote>­~~a,- 1 e -ction '¥rill soon be added to thi< eil!ht-pago f'dition and if it meets ' 'th th• appro,·al of be students will be c-ontinued throughout the yea.r. Tr.i' tr(\'\\"n 5eetion will ~ntai.n pic-~rrs !rom ('t)Ue~e C"&mptL.~ all over

the t:ni ed tata. With the po ibil­ity oi ba\in Bradley in this paper. -:h Te<h editor is endeavori:ng to ~

.. ure u "-ual pic-tu:r"eS of Bradley

. mp"" life and Bradley bttildinl:"­_.\.n~-or.e havir:g suitablE piccu:res. ~hou!d Et!bmi: them a: onee.-Bradle; Teet.

on i t onl) 1n tho~e of !ltUrtreon~. arE'" in arutbly H'· hi-. bt>m$r. 11ft• 10 reparable. though unrecoJI','n;ze-d hy the ahundllnt;t' 1 .1n bt· ft'Untl ,,n tha world \wcau"t> hidden in tht> ~n'"~ · of the- jrfRVt• .-nd t ~yond 1t unly 111 th~ As Ru!!;kin has pointed out, thr ~rrenl- knowh.•fhl't'. tht• lm·t' nnd th(' eH trag ·dy in lh<• world i• a great of God. mmd gone wron~ and n great will be- The pritmuy purpo, t' o( .. ~t. \'int r come pl•rver .. e-, flO tho~r who prr~urnt Colle~r iq thcr,\Cun• th(> dt~vt•ltlJHm~n

to educnte th young mny well lw- of r harRctt·r ond ttw tr mmtt nC th filled with humility and fear. ~luch "'ll throu~rh th• !(n>Rt Corn• of ro\lg. more ont' who has hetn ra iled to di- u.n. In fiotng tht.. Sl \ 1 tor ('ollf'a' teet th£' policie!l. and the work of a i~ only l'Rrry1ng on thl' p:rent tradi· <:ollege-. It i ~ thefi'fore with humility tion of ('ntholil: t•ducntion throughout and fear, and with " di~conce rtmtz"IY thr ct•nturw and im.•idrn tnlly i " in vivid sensr that "fools ru~h in where rt'cord w1th th(' ~.-onvktion~t or mo8 t of angels !ear to tread," thu I accept the J(renl f'durntnr~ Rntl tnte"m~n uC the offire of Prrl"ident of ~ t. Viator th(' wot ld who art.· now t•m phn.s i.&in College. which religious obedience ha the nt\t.•, J nr (_·hu rnct(·r tormutio n nnrl imposed upon mt·, and into which Mr. reli~iou~ truin10g in Nlu<.'lltion, Granger on behalf o f the Lay Boarrl Ht. \'itttnr Cnlh~iCt' i!" n !'mull coll ejlt.' (l r Trus tees ha~ ~o grnciou~ l y induct· of liberol urt !4 whkh mt•nn~ thht !'h(• ed me . is prim ily t.•onccrnt•d wi~h imj'Ulrtinr

Hay l trcspn~s upon your pntienre 1 1 lov(' for true intt!llec unl culturll nn for a few minutes thi~ morning to set devdopment rntht•r than technkal or before you in brief outline what St. prof~~~ionnl knowled((t• and effici(1ncy Viator College is and what s he hopes through clo!-le contact or profrs l}r to be. In the first place SL Viator and >ludenl. Of late yeuro the col Colle!<e is u Catholic college of liber- l e~re of libernl urt~ ha •ulfe red much al urt~ . S he has s prung !rom the pro· fiOm the technil·U. I r('quirementl' or lifi c womb of Mother church and univt-nitit>. in preparatory cour. llS for shares the same t raditions which cen- the variou!ll prort>a~ion8. With Prt>· turies ago made Oxford and Cam- medical, Pre- l('gal , Pre--engin~ering, bridge , Lerins a nd Aries, Paris and Pre-com merre und Pre-w hat-not tOU T'"'

Sa lamanea , Tubigen and Louvain, Sf'S the collf'~e of li~ral art~ or T('

great in the fie ld of learning. ln the cent yea r• had lilli e opportunity to hall s and classrooms or St. Viator stt-er true to it ~ r our!'!C town rdg Co llege as in those of every other broa d, liberal and c- ultura l prcpuu·

Catholic coll ege in the world, ca n still lion for life . A• a Pre• idcnt of a di• be heard the eloquent voices and the tingui•hcd college o( lr be ral art• who irrcfctatle doctrines or St. Basil, St. recently wa' the object or bitter pui>­John Chrysostom, of St. Augusti ne, lie controversy oncr "aidJ uTh · fui\('A of St. Anselm, of Albertu• Magnus, of 1 lion of the libfral coll• g•· i• to oav Bonaventure and of St. 'Thomas Ac- boys from ,.tupidity, to giv(• them an quinas. Her primary miss ion is there- appetite for the plt~Urf•S or thinkinJC fore to teach the eternal truths of re- to make them Al·m~itive to the joy" of ligion to the you ng, to inspire them appr~('iation and und1·r ·tanding, to with a love of virtue, to train their show thr·m how ~'WI·d and cllptivat~ wills to excell in conduct. C"nturies ing and whole orne are the garnet of ago Chris t summarized the purpose the mind." St. Viat1Jr College d(·& ire of hi s mission in the word~, " I have to impart to the tt tudent a knowh:dg~> come that they may ha ve life and may and undf·rstanding of th e rr·al mean~ have it more abundantly,'' and St. Via· ing of life . She therefore t1·ache tor College ha. identically the •a rne him Ph1lo•ophy, the history and the mi sion. to JZ"ive the young life in its dr·vf>lopment of human thought, arvt fulnes and abundance. She teaches, in particular that most unified closely therefore, that the recept• of the nat.- coordinat•d and rig1dly logical eyotr· nl ural and moral law arc not just a col- rA philo~ophy known a 1 Scholutic-iAm. lection or prohibition~ of a great It is far mor,. important to teach th many thin!< that perfeetly normal d>-velopin g mind to think than it i• to human beings often have impluse to teach i an accunJUiatirJn of factJII, and do but that they are neces-!tary con- It i51 an error of murh modPm educ-a.­ditions for the po se '10n of life in its tion to be:Hevf" that pouring !aet. into fulness and abundance. She desi res callow mind aA on~ throw• grain inti> to inspir-e young men with a love of a hopper i.t' the way to d~>v,..Jop a tul~ emperance through a clear under- tored mind. Teach a man o think tanding tbat intemperance i• de•true- cloar ly and eorr~etly and that rn&l1

tive of life. he "'·ould fill their hearts can b.! tru ted to •<iucate hiJ11$1f. ..,.,-ith love of the white virtue of pu.r­iry by teaehing them hat hat and cardinal indolg .-nce are the foe of t-rue and noble lo\"t, the di\in~t act bat man can perfonn. She would ....,nd them forth into the wo-rld preferring honor to UC(."e:- , tru h to wealth and virro.e to ~ prt.~minence. ..he would ·"-e yo ng me.n t e penetratp ir.g rision that o. ly faith can ~,.e, the vu1on fiat -~ tnro n materia! roperii ialit' U> tl:e undeTI, · g ptr· hual realirie-~. Sne would teaeh th.em a :aint n;&liz.ation o! be glory o! G?d in th~ radiant be-a c ~ the dawn and

Fa a• facu are ~I . and n:le>Tf'

lrnow l•dge fJf fact without a unmtd comprehf:ruHm r,f thti r me-aning II'

J'I(J C'Ult r~; or a valuable pn:paratioo for IH~. ThP H; t-nc:e of culturtc il: tD

appr~ciat.e thin~ a th~ir- rtal val-at-~ and th ref.,re in 1>4> tt>UT r1f pbD O$Oph)·, ocial · ent~, rf'Ji~n, ha­tor:r and nee, . t. ViaV..r Coller aim co ~tabh ll a qundly t ritieaf attltwk of mind, a <Tineal attit de of m'ntl nc.t ,..,.~i!y ,...aytrl a.nd carried away by : • pe oman of a ' ·gr.< and ttacl:ling phra..., des ~

(Con inued on page 41

Friday, November 30, 1928



Bishop Dunne of Peoria ! Dedicates New Chapel

At State University

An elaborate program unique in the educationa l hi.:;to ry of the uni versity city marked the dedication of the new St. John church at the University of Illinios on Wedn esday1 November 21. The day's exercises were prepared to f ittingly communorate the comple­tion of the church which has been erect ed under t he direction of th (!

1 Rev. John A .. O'Brien, '13 Ph. D. , Catholic Chaplian at the University

I of Illinois. · The fes tivi t ies began on Thursda \

evening, when a committee heade: by Rev. Father O'Brien, held a r c ception fo r t he members of th hierarchy as they arrived at 8 a . m Wednesday morning the Rig ht Re\' Henry Alt hoff, D. D., Bishop Belle­ville consecrated t he main al ta r c St. J ohn's church. The dedica.tic cer ernony of the TI C'\V ch urch propc began at 10:30 a. m. at the dedica-

1 t ion the Right Rev. D. D., Bishop c' Ponif ical High Mass which fo llowc:' Peoria, of ficiated . H e also sang tl-:. the dedication cere mony.

The dedication sermon was preach ­ed by the Right Rev. James A. Grif- J

Page 3


New Officers of I vice rector of the Catholic univer sity; fin, D. D., Bishop of Springfield. , ============================== • • I th e Rt. Rev. Msgr. George A Dough- A banquet wa s held immediatel y i RAPHA E L'S '' MADONNA I painting. It is signed by the great

University Named I erty, procurator, and Pr ofessor Au- after the church services . I WITH A SHAWL" artist and dated 1509. I brey Edward Landry, Ph . D., general F a ther Bergt:o, C. S. V., fo r mer St . IN MOSCOW MUS·EUiVI


The discovery of t he p icture created The Most Rev. Edward D. Howard, secretary. The Ft. Rev. William Tur- Viator Colleg e presi dent, professor



Archbishop of Or eg on City a nd the ner, Bishop of Buffalo, and Monsig- · of Apoegtics at the University, Raphael 's almost priceless painting ·a sensation in E uropean ar t circles in Rt. Rev. Msgr. James H. Ryan the nor Ryan were named t o t he execu- . figured prom inently in the building uMadonna with a shawl," found three 1925. It had been missing for more new rector of the Catholic Univ:rsity J tive committee, )\'Ionsignor Ryan suc- l of the chapel and in furthering the I years ago in a heap of rubbi sh out in than e. century, and its his tory reads of America, were elect ed to the Board

1 ceed ing t he Rt. Rev. Bishop Thomas 1 ca use of the Catholic st udents there.


t he Ural Mountain distr ict, has been like a nove l. P opes, Cardinals, Kings of Trust ees of the university at t he l J. S~ahan , rector emeri tus of the uni- In t he .absence ?f Very Rev. J : V.f. co mp letely re~tored a~d hung in the and Emperors bargained a nd fought board's annual m eeting. All of the ] vers1ty. , R. Maqmre, Prestdent of St. VIator_! Mus~um of F1~1e Arts m Moscow, ac- for the treasure, it passed through a officers of t he corpora tion were r e- I ------ College, Rev. Father E. V. Ca r dinal, I cor~mg to a dtspatch fro m the Soviet score of hands in a dozen countries . elected. They are: the Most Rev. Vincent Pfeffer, who was gTaduated Vice-presi dent of the institution , at- \ capitol. The restorat ion proves be- Earl y in the last century it myster i-Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Bal- : ii:om the Coll:ge in 1926, is ext~nding i tended the dedication ceremonies. I yond doubt the aut hentici ty of the

1 ously disappea red .

. t imore president · the Most Rev. J ohn Ins busuless mterests to t he ctty of 1 .---------------

' ' . . Bloomington, Illinois , where he is 1

"G G G" E I J. Glennon, Archbishop of St . Louis, . . Holy Trinity Parish , Bloomington , I. • • • n ro , v'ce president· t he Rt. Rev. Joseph t now engaged ll1 the Impl ement busi- 1 · I Clothes Shir t s THE CITY BANKS

1 ' ness 1 Ill., whose pastor IS the Rev. Stephen I Schrembs, Bishop of Cleveland, secre- ~ · · ~ N tary·; and John J oseph Nelligan of ' 1l s t his a. f r ee tra nslation ?" asked Moore, held a very successful bazaar \ J?-IF FE~ 5(} s I Baltimore, trea surer. The Rt. R ev . 1 a ;,u~ton~et~, m a b?okshop .

1' , f rom Novem.ber 14th to the 17th for i / - -MENS -----.. -..


Msgr. Edward A. Pace "/Vas appoin ted 1 . No Sir, replied the clet·k. It the benefi t of the New Trin ity High ~ OUTFITTERS ~-.:::::,_ t

· Will cost you two dollars ." School. ~ ~I Hot~;an~~ k::-;:;;-dm; 11

Welcome Y our Banking


Edwin Pratt Sons Co. Groce ries Confectionery 1 .The Roll-it H ole proof 1: C Cor. Court St. and Sch uyler Ave.

"Inc." N. L. MARCOTTE ' a p Hos iery r Manu'f..acturellS of everything 1' I'--------------

in Wi re . and iron Work Fire Es - BARBER SHOP '.llt l Amedee J. Lamarre capes, \\' i re and Iron Fences , Agent for down-town cleaning, H OTEL KANKAKEE Store Fronts , Star Ra ilings, Steel Bo b · Ill S 'd ur on na1s, · pressi ng and repairing establish- I n ey Her bst, Pres., and Gen eral M a nager Stairways Vent Guards , Structural ment .

!._S'_t_e_el_w_o..crKA:;k::.. ::.N:..:..::KA=:.:K.:.E= E=----' '-C-ig_a_r_s ________ N_' o- t-io_n_s_ ~----B_o_u_r_b_o_n_n_a_is_,_I_l_L ___ !


A h earty welcome awa its t h e stud en t a nd

f r ien ds of St. Viator College




NEW MERCHAN T'S CAFE I i MAKE THE HOME OF Nicest a nd Mos t Up to D a t e ' L-________________________ __j

C a f e in Kanka kee LEGRIS TRU ST AND SAV-

"Its Quality S a tis fi es"

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Bourbonnais , Illi nois


BARBER SHOP Only shop in t own that uses

soft wat er


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1 2~) E. Court S t ., Kankakee

Reservati on f or Spe cial Parties

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Phone 4954 J. Bereo los, Mgr.



J. LAMB, Prop.

It Pays T o Look W ell

We Solici t the College M en's


Everybody Likes

CANDY We Supply St. V iator Colle g e

F. 0 . Savo ie Compa n y

Dis tri butor


Your Banking Home

105 Court Slreet




N o charg e for ex tras .

Yellow Cab Co.


The Purple Peak :322 E asl Cour l Slreet


Good S a ndwiches

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Students Are Especially Welcome


W e have c lo t hes for young men, mature men, U ni v ersity

men- in s hort we're now showin g


Plant-Kerqer Co. The House of Kuppenheimer Good Clo th es

Page 4 THE VIA TORIAN Friday, No,·ember 30. 1928

II Viator Alumnus Rises I Dame-Carnegie Tech game a couple performance in the Dartmouth game

of weeks ago. showed him to be the buck-hone of In Political World "Bill" Hamilton-'32. t he Nort hwestern team.

'-------------------------------'1 --- I think that Strong of New York "AI" Furlong-'31.

BISHOP MeGA VICK'S ADDRESS In behalf of the recipients of the tearing down the churches. And that Has Been Recipient of Many University is one of t he most out- I think that Ken trong of New

honorary degrees just conferred, I is as tru e here and now as it was in Offices. standing college players in the York University was one of the most wou ld say that the honors are accept- hi .3 day a nd place. country, because of his scoring ability t outstand ing players during the pu t ed with a deep sense of appreciation But the good resulting from our and gratitude. They bes-peak a large Ca tholic school syst em is not wholly Thirty years ago the campus of and because he led his tea~ to victory ~eason. He wa.s . the _main "c~g" m eas ure of good will a nd cordial ity l'eligious. lt reaches out to the civil St. Viator.s coll ege was lighl~d Ly over th~ powerful Ca:neg-~e Tech. H e m ~he New Y~rk Umverstty's


d th rt ! th p . a nd socia l ord er by its diffu sion of kerosene lamps. Each night a s dark- , truly h ved up to hls name, and I whiCh has ansen from practiCal ob-towar s us on e pa o e r csJ- Christia n principles of gove rnment ness crept over t he li ttle viilage of predict that he will be picked as an scurity to near National Champion.

~~~do~i~~e h~~ll~~~ :ned a~~os~Y ass:~ and of social r elations. Our liberties Bourbonnais, a s tudent , working his I All-American half-back. ship.

rn ·ans inse nsible to that. Rath er are were born of Christian truth and they way thrvugh college, lit t he lamps. "Bill " Todd-'31. " Kenny' ' lothier-'31.

we deeply movr>d by it. wi ll peri sh without it. This fact so Thi s was the mos t plea sant occupa- , I t hink that Holm er of Northwest-Naturall y we are somewhat em bar- pate nt . in history is littl e t ic :-1 t he lad had. The ha rd part of enr was an outstanding player dur­

rassed by thP e ncomiums which have apprectated by those outs1_d e ~he th~ ~ask was filli ng th e lamps and ing the past season. He is a good accompani ed the presentation but we ~hurch. Also, those two tw m prm- ke_e~mg tl_lern clean. I3ut he didn't passer, punter and open-fiel d runner, take that a s a necessary adjunct of c1ples that should control all human mm d. Thi s was the means toward a n 1 also, he is a n excell ent captain and such a ce remony . [f, however, we go relations,. ju~~ice and c~a~· ity, ,both end, and <IC?al Oil Bill', a s he was 1 lead er on the f ield. During hi s last behind t he e ncomiums and consid er draw t hc u·. IJ fe from re hg-10n. fh ey ca lled by hi s fellow students , was year of football he ha s proven that lhe spirit which pTompts t hem, we are t he f rUi t of the tree of the Cross. just qlucky eno ug h to get through he is All-American materia l. Hi s

'1 f · yo ..j r s t .> r c completely modern.

izcd ?" asked the efficiency expe-rt. "Yes," replied hardware man

Sprinke. "Now t hat my school girl cashier has taken up smokin g and my old maid bookkeeper has had her hnir bobbed- it is!"

find th ere a genuin e affect ion whi ch is They g row nowhere else. college and to secure an education. not of today or yes terday but has en· Many and precious are t he bless- Hi s .pluck _ambition 1~ever faltered. · INAUGURAL ADDRESS dured .for ycal s an d wlll endure we mgs that have come ftom our schools He left St. V1ator ?ack m .the '90s and hope in time to come, an d in the pres- and d llr ing· more than ha lf a century : went t.~ rS t. ~O "Jl~ .. ~edi~al S_chool. l (Ji, rorn Second Page) c ncc of that fin e huma n f eeling well- St. Viator College w ith st eady pur- Today Coa l Oil Bill IS l1sted m the I . . . . . . . f· h h t ( th " . t pose and unwearying labor, has help- I M1ch1gan Red Book as f ollows : I t1ve of ex 1stmg mst1tutwns, on t he I at·ts. He shall liste n to Homer and ~ng. up. 1om t e ear 0 IS g i te.a eel to dispense these bl essings to t he "\Villiam A. Lemire." other hand, not accepting unqu estion- Virgil as t hey s ing t he epic of Trov mst1tutJOn, l assure you we are s 1r- Of E b 1· 1 · t " · t" t t " d b 1· . ·'

I . h .

1 th . throngs of yo uth who have soug ht in- scana a, senato r from t he mg Y ex ls mg ms ' u w ns an e 1ef s and h1s soul shall be thrilled by Dan-

t·ec w 1L emot1 on a nc · ere IS a re- · t h. t" tt d' · b . N" nerel b th h t b All · · spon s ivc t hrill in our own hea rts lik e , stru ction a nd training at her hand. · tr 1e 1 t st ~· 1 c t , was orn m Jcolet, l 1 . Y ecause ey. appen o e. t es d1vme voice weaving in mystic

the echo of a voice coming back from She has bee n tru ly in that respect as C~ na?a, Apt.·tl 23: 1877, and to thmgs_ shou ld be subJected t? t he cool, numbers the mysteries of Hell , Pur-the hills . · ja fo unta in from which during a ll these

1 M1ch1 gan wtth hts parents when he cah.n hght of reaso n,_ the evtdence ex-, and Heaven. All the great

. years t he Ji ving waters of truth a nd was three months old. He was edu- ammed a nd concluswns based upon classtcs shall be open ed to the stu-. · . v1rt ue flowed un ceasmgly. ca ec 111 e oug on coun y pu tc ac s an soun ogtca p1o- ent anc g1ven to hun as hts posses-I ndeed the current of compliment ! . . . t 1 · th H ht t bl" proven f t d d I · I · d. 1 · · ·

mtght eas lly be . to How th e oth- And our admira tion for her is in- schools, St. Viator Coll ege at Kanka- cesses. sion, and thereby he will lean1 that ~ r way. If praise IS to be spoke n, let te nsifi ed when it is recalled that few kee, Ill., a nd the College of Phys i- St. Viator Coll ege having taught the re are f ew joys in life greater thnn It a lso be spoke n of you, the. Pr~s l- i of our Catholi c schools co uld possi bly cian s a nd Surgeons a.t St. Lou is, Mo. the student to think would especially t he mighty joy that is to be found h dent a nd Fac ulty o~ th is. I_n stttu t JOn exi st, were it not for the endowm ent After r eceiving his degree of M. D. fire him with such a love and devotion tween the covers of a great book. In a!~d yo u_r C~nfre r~s Ill re lig iOn, those ,of service which they e njoy from the he located at Ga.rden, Delta county, to Truth that it would encourage him this way he will learn now to attain stil l actJvc 111 the a· labors and_ t~ose I numerou s relig ious communiti es en- Michigan, to practice medicin e and to seek Truth wherever it may be life in its fuln ess and abund ance. Fin­who ~ave go ne to ~·est. If cre~lt JS ~o gaged in edu cational work . That is ~urgery, but removed to E scanaba found, in lazy meadows, or crowded ally, St. Vis.tor Colleg e a ims to in­be g iven for _se ~·~. ' ce a nd sacnfice. In well known and und erstood by other s I t hree years later, where he has s ince streets, in the g utters or in the stars, spire a f ew choice souls that may the .ca use of J c l ~ g iOn and the Chutch, but we of t he Iiousehold often fai l to resided. He was county phys ician for in test tubes or retorts, in ancient come under her influ ence, with a fi ery let It a lso b given. ~o you fo~· wha~ g ive it the recognition it deserves. I E. cven years, and is at present sur- dog-eared folio s or in the lat~st v~l - and insatiable love for t he things of you h~ve :tone a nd ate now (~omg fOI The materia l suppOI·t f rom our Cath- g·eon r~t St. Fra ncis Hospital at E s- um e off the press and would gtve hun the mind and the soul so that they the dlffusJOn of t ru t h a nd n~~teou s- olic peop le is admi rable, but even I canaba . He has served t hree years as courage to fo llow Truth, even though I will them above all price and will sac­ness and the sprea d of God's h.mgdom , more admirabl e are the personal sac- secretar y, a nd two years as presi- it should lead him into deserted lone- ! r ifice a ll other th ings to attain them. on eartl~. . rifices of t he g reat body of relig ious dent of th e board of education. He liness. I Today, as Bishop Spaulding pointed

St. Vtator Coll ege IS part of the teachers . The on e gives ma t eria l was elected mayor in 1912 and serv- The student of today w ho is prop- ' out som e yea.r s ago, " have a thou-genera l syst em of Catholic education means, the other g ives time and en- ed one tern1 but refu sed the nomi- erly equipped for life in a democracy

1 sa nd poets and no poetry, a thoq,sand

in this country. The foundation of ergy, hea lth and stre ngth, spirit and nation for a second t erm. Mr. Lemire must a clear knowledge and un- orators a nd no eloquence, a thousand that system is la id deep in our his- soul and life. We can measure the i~ married a nd has three sons and five ders tanding of t he ins titutions which philosopher s and no philosophy be­tory, its schools being the first within form er , we ca nnot meas ure the latter, daughters . He is a Republican and express and our lives, and ' cause there are so few who rea ll y the prese nt confines of t he Un ited being too g reat for t he application of was electeJ to the leg is lature in 1916, therefore must study property, gov- l love the highest excell ence., -The poet State_s . It "is spread a ll . over the land any human standards. and e1ected to the se nate November ernment, the family, industry, labor J must write verses -that will sell , not and ts constantly g rowmg and ex- 1 would say therefo re to a ll those 5, 1913, and r e-elected November 2, and capital, the farm and the mill. ' the beauty that his sou l conceives. The pa neling not on ly in the territory cov- , who have labored to mak e this insti- 1920 without opposition." Th erefore history, political science, l orator must rnouth t he gli tterinp­ercd by it a nd in its stud ent body but ' tution what it is, who have bee n and Mr. Lemire is at present one of the economics , and sociology must form l phrases and generalities that accord in the brea dth and scope of its work. are its ver y soul, that we who have ten members on the Michigan State a n important part of the curriculum. j with th e prejudices of the masses. Practi cally no department of study is rece ived these honorary degr ees are Board of Registration in Medicine. With considerable "justice Lucien ! not the justice he knows. The phil­outside the sphere of its interest and not without gratitude for them, but He is but one of the many sons of Price wrote three or four years ago, l osopher must support popular be­activity. that a deeper g rat itud e goes out to Viator who has risen to fam e in the "It is no reproach to the citi- l li ef s and not the thruth his soul

A recent estimate of the schools in- ' you for the g r eat work you have ac- la-st fifteen years. zen t hat he does not know how to 1

has seen. Surely though it is not too elud ed in that imm ense system places complished in the cause of Christian handle a surgeon's scalpel. It is a much to hope that occasiona lly from t he number at more tha n 10

1000 , the ed ucation . From a very small begin- I I matter of grave concern that the av- a college such as thi s, may go forth

teachers or instructors at a bout 83,- ning you have struggled on through ! Q'uestion Box erage citizen does not know how to some rare souls who, careless of this 000 a nd t he attend a nce at two and

1man y diffi culties, hardships and dis- handle an industrial dispute." AJI 1 world's rew~rds, shall sp_eak of the

one-half millions. I t is a system 1courageme nts, never weary and never I democratic institutions of government wonders the1r souls conce1ved and of therefor e of no mea n propo1tio ns. It without hope , trusting always to the Who was the most outstanding are founded upon the belief and sup- I the truths the ir minds have grasped, looms large as a purely private and providence of Him who suffers not a I college football player in the country position t hat the majority of citizens fearle ss and unafraid, because they voluntary effort to place the oppor- sparrow to fall w ithout his knowledge. ! during the past year? will vote honestly a nd intelligently, love th e excellence of truth and the t unity for a Christian edu cation with- I Onwa rd yo u have moved like soldiers l 1 think that Dazzling "Mike" a.nd wh ile it may be granted even by beauty of goodness . in the reach of our Catholic youth. in battle, some falling while others Strong of New York University was cynics t hat the great majority vote 1 St. Viator College is not forgetfu l I t is t he outstanding achievement of take t he ir places, until today your t he most outstanding college footba ll honestly, it may well be questioned that man is more than intellect and the Catholic Church in this counb·y 1 college , our coll ege, stands high player in the country during the past whether t hey vote intelligently. At will , that he al so possesses a body and has justly chall enged the ad mira· 1a m ong- our g reat educational institu- year. He captained his team to vic- least coll ege graduates may be ex - t hat needs to be tra ined and devel­tion of our brethren the world over. tion s, a monument t o faith as it is : tory over the fdrmid,able Carnegie pected to do this. It shall be our aim oped by proper athletic exercises an d

Any attempt to estimate the good a lso a monument to the zeal and en- I Tech machine last week. Carnegie to send forth citizens from t his col- therefore she encourages athletic con­accomplished by it must of necessity erg-y of t hose who have given a ll that Tech is noted as one of the strongest leg e imbued with courageous and en- t ests of all kinds, firm in the belief fall far short of the rea lity. It is suff i- !life holds dear that it mig ht live and 1 teams in the country, and any man lightened patrJOttsm, not the blatant, 1 that lessons of cha racter and moral cient to say that it has contribu~ed im- ~row. For that 1 say, our g ratitude : that can run rough shod through them, Ignorant, chauv_misllc patriotism that forti t ude can be learned upon the mensely to the spread of the fatth and 1s greatest , so great, that it is beyond as did Strong, is deserving of much shouts nonsenstcal slogans such as football fi eld, basketball flo or or base­the progress of the C!mrch. The ! expression by any words of mine. I credit. He is ma king a powerful bid 1 "~y Country,. r.ight or wrong," but 1 ball diamond as well a s in the class measure of our adva nce m the num- lVIay the good Lord continu e to l for All-American honors . I wtth the patr10t1 sm that makes them room. be l·, the t horoughness and effective- bless this co lleg-e and t hose devoted to Rosensteel-'32. love their country so much that they A ma n of clear and well informed ness of ou r schools is to a very large ! its care. May t he worn out lives of 1 Ha.rpster of Carnegie Tech is, in shall always desire ~er to be right, mind, enlightened by both faith and ext~ n.t ~he measure of our progress as

1 those who are s l ~eping now .in_ their my estimation, one of the outstand- \ an~. endows them w1_th the courag~, r~ason, ~f sterling and unswe~ving

a 1 eilgiOus body. Close our schools I graves, after theu· day of tot! m be- ! ing college football players in the ab1lity, and self sacnfice to do theu· i vtrtue, wtth a s trong, healthy, vtgorp a nd we would soon find it neces~ary half ~f _th is institution continue to win country. His ability to run and pass, I shar: to ensure that she shall always [ o~s body is t he r~sult of t.he educa­to close our Churches. As Card mal the chvtn e f a vor t hat the work to ; together with his excellent judg- be right. · ttonal precess whtch St . V1ator Col­Manning once dec lared, if you de- which they set the ir hands so bravely 1 ment as quarterback, has made him A knowledge of this uni verse in ' lege desi res to produce. In other prive a s ing le gener ation of Christian in time pas t may go on in t he years the choice of many sport critics for which we live is also necessary, so words, a Christian gentleman, his education, the next genera tion will be to com e triumphantly as now. the mythichal All-American team. l

1 geology, phys ics, chem istry, _bio logy, brow s~r crowned, but his feet firm

CATHOLIC POP U LATION IN U. S. : ed by t he Federal Census Bureau. A Catholic population of 25,000,000 Al t hough issued by the Census Bu-

in the United States in not an overes- re~m the figures which make up the t imate, according to the Rev. Gerald report were no t gathered by officials

haughnessy. S. 1., S. T. D., profes f t he Burea u but were furn ished by or at the Marist Seminary, Brookland, 15,000 Catholic pastors f or the Catho­D. C. Fathe r Shaughnessy comes to lie grou p ~1nd by the representatives t his conclusion after a study of a re- of other denomina tions, for their res­port on religious denominations issu- pecth·e bodies.

His work in the N . D. game was and astronom y must be stud ted, and upon thts earth. especially noticeabl e. I the conclus ions of these scie nces made Such are the aims, hopes,~ and de-

" Marty" Toohill-'32. the basis of philosophy. s ires of St. Viator College. Towards I t hink that Harpster of Carnegie Then lest the st udent should be- their f ulfilment I pledge all the

Tech was one of the most outstand - come just a logic chopping machine strength of my body, t he thought of ing college footba ll players during and a depos itory of scientific facts his my mind, the love of my heart, toil the past season, because of his a ll emotions must be developed through filled days , and if necessary sleepless around ability to punt, pass and 1 an understanding and apprec iation of nights. I can do no more. Consider­run. He is also a "brainy" field the burgeonings of the artistic mind ing it is a ll for God and human souls general, as proved in the Notre j in poetry, literature, music and t he I dar e not do less.

Friday, November 30, 1928 THE VIATORIAN Page 5



I ACADEMY HOLDS ST the Viator 30 yard l ine where they ' Bede's 31 yar d marker. Bedc's pen-' • were halted a nd forced to kick. Punt a li zed 5 yards fo r offsid e. Three

I BEDE',S TO TIE SCORE blocked. Bosquette caugh t_ it and ran

1 l.ine s mas hes. Little. g ained . Punt

4 yards . Ke ll s th rough r1 g ht guard to Bede's H yard !me. Bosquettc for 5 more. Forced to punt . Kells gained 6 yards. Kells punt was good

Mud B th was good fo r 30 yards. F ehr for 23 yards. Hodg e intercepl'Nl a Retards Playing of 0 . ret urned ball 25 yards. Peru took Bede pass. Kell s made a first down

State Champions too Much for Teams. J t ime out with the ball on her own with an eleven ya rd n m. Hodge

"Green" Eleven 42 yard line. Three plunges through passed to Ke lls who r eeled off 27

Playing their las t game of the sea- right guard netted a nother first yards before he was brought down son Coach Barrett 's Academy men down. on Bede's 14 yard line. Viator at-

The St. Viator homecom ing did not fought St. Bede's footba ll outfit to Second Qua rter tempted two passes. Incompl ete . pan out so well f rom a football stand- l a scorless tie in a mud slin ging co n- F ehr started off the period with Via tor offs id e on t hird down. Kell s point. Viator could not stop the on- I test. Both t ea ms were considerably , a 27 ya rd r un around left end. Fail- attempted to drop kick from the 19 rushing Millikin backs who ran over hampered by th e nmddy condit ion of ed to make fir st down. Ball o\·er to yard line but the ball dropped in the the former to win 19-0 and also en- the p laying f ield, and t he good old- Viator. Ke ll s punted t o Bede's 36 mud . Bede's ball. Snyder made a throne t hemselves as Little N ineteen fas hioned lin e bucking was voted yard lin e. Bede's fumbled. Viator's 5 yard ga in through rig ht tackle as champions. the order of the day. 1 ball. Bosque tte made 6 yards around t he game ended.

Desp ite the cold abou t 1,500 loyal St . Bede's with a sl ightly heavier · right end . Boy le made it f irst down. Score 0-0. alumni shivered and shook t hrough team , and an impressive lis t of vic - ~ Three atte mpts no gai n. Kells kick- Lineup:

~::the;our~iato~~s li~~tt",;as ~~:te: ! ~~~=si:e~~:~ tl~I~:\~~~;:sd :~t a~!::~~ : ;~m~~:2 :a~a~~ ~i;1:~ 's ~gya~~d ~~:: St. Bede sieve and t he Mi llikin backs, behind eel t o lack the aggressiveness necess- Viator fail ed to mal<e goal. Ball O'Keef e .................. L.E .. . perfect interference s ifted through ary for long and continued g ains. I over to Bedes. Nei ll kicked to Via- J enkinson for big gain s. The open fie ld work JOHN A. O' MALLEY


Tim e after time. the ~eru g rid-men ! tor's 43 yard rnarker. Bosquette at-

St Viator

MeG loon Legr is

Echterling Li zzadro of the visiting backs was always a Viator's All-Conference Cente r. punctured the Vwtor !me for three, ; t empted a pess that was inte rcepted. Zass ............. .............. C .. .

threat. They started wide end runs fo ur, and five Y~.rd ga in s on ly to ! Hal f ended \Vit h the ball on Viator 's Kle in ··········--·············R.G ... ············· Cinquina

and t hen cut. back t hrough the tackle , Corbett: Millikin's left. half, was I ~~~ndown in their fi nal try for firs t 143 yard lin e. ~:~;~~s ····· ··· · .·.··.~~ .. ··· ······· G;~lt:fi~~: or guard fol subs tanti al gams. The I then· mcliVJdua l sta r . Hl s twisting . . . I Score 0-0. Snyder L H ) Irish fought stubbornly a ll t he while I d d . fft kl The VIator men, stagmg thei r las t Third Qua r te r .. . .... Kells ( C

. . anc _o gmg on o ac.' e smashes show of t he season before a home . F ehr .. R. H. .. Hodge but were outweighed and outga med and hiS footwork on Wide end Tun s ! l

1 .

1 St. Bede's kicked off to Vwtor to Neill _ ....... F... Bosquettc

all the way. 1 caught Viator flat footed several ' crowc he cl hi g h Y touted opponents 1 her 45 yard line. Three line p lunges M'll'k' t h · t d th v· tor . a t eve r y tum , out-smart mg- them., at ! Lipowski (C) ........ Q. Doyl e

goal I l~n ~n earl;e~ne~~e firs~ qu~~ter tim es .. He is a clever back and it tim es o.ut-pla y ing them. little ga i~. Kell s punted to Bede's Substitu tions: Bede:s-:-Leydorf for when on a series of plunges t hrough was hts work t hat defea ted Bra?Iey The ga me was clean (if we over- , 3 Yi:;rd lm e. A pun t return ed t o O'Keefe, Rupslauky for Kl ein, O'Nei l

Poly and beat t hem out of the L1ttle look the mu ddy part ) hardfought, I Becle s 46 ya rd mark. Bosquette for Rupsl a uky.

with off t ackle smash es and end m e een .c ampiOns tp eca. ur1

::mel interesting. St Bede's managed g~mec yar s . _e s a e mo~·e. St. VIator-Heff ernan for Bos-the center of the line, interspersed N' t h · h ' A D t ' 1 I · 1 4 d K ll dd d 3

runs they carried t he ba ll to the home sports wnte r satd he wa s not gomg ~ 1 x f irst downs to Viator's three but Faded to make fir st c:o~n. ~e~ '5 quette Bosquette for Hoffernan, a t lns best m the Vtator game due 1 t hey a lso evcelled m t he number of 1 kicked to Bede's 14 yare !me e r fo r· Le' ri· s

team's six-yard line- where the loca ls d h H h 1 d 6 1 th h t S d g · t o an InJure 1p owever, e was L 1nblcs , losmg t he ball vra the s li p- ~ rna e yare s roug cen er. ny er . i • •

bra.eed and took the ba.JI on downs. domg th ngs up In the ap piOved s tyl e ' t t l t h I B tt' went off tackle foi 4 Fn st down Refei ee Le F leut ' T m1ckeepe1. Toward the close of t he first quarter l pel v rou e lree un es w l e arre s f I Brown

and gettmg away With 1t 1 me ~ c:lung tenaciOusly to the pigskin for Bede 's After two .unsuccess u 1

Millikin o roke through a nd blocked D 1 ' d 1 1 tt t t B d k k d t . e aney s runmn~ an m~ p ung- j every time it was within their grasp. a. em~ s o ga11~, e e s I C ·e o

1 Delaney 's punt on a bout the Viator mg featured fo r Vtator . Ht s punts : .• Bede's were penalized for offside V1ator s 47 yard lme. End of qua.rter. " Excuse me, madam, but do you 23-yard line. Plunges then took it h' h d h 1 1 t f d' 1 I to the Viator five-yard line where were . tg_ an ac p en y o I stance. i twice ; Via tor once . Fourth Quarter mind coughing more quiet y so that the E rnerald held for two downs. On This_ I S the last game. for seven . For t he visitors, Fehr, Neill and Bad pass from Viator's center, , may be better able to hear your the th ird down Vise took . the ball S~. Vtato_r men and then· absence f SnyJe gave very creditable account& They lost 14 yards. Kell s ki cked t 'J ~ friend read out the sub-titles? "

b . h Th t fOr point, a wil l be Im ssed greatly next year. of themselves ; F ehr, at one t im e, over Y mc es. de ry Following is t he lineup: I breaking· away for an end run of 27 place kick, was w i e: ~ ,

There was no scoring in the sec- I S1. VIA1 OR MILLIKIN ' yards. Kell s and Bosquette played ond quarter and the game see-sawed Toohill .. ._ ...... R.E. __ ...... ....... Va nDyne

1 t he leading roll in the Academy of-

between both teams' 30-yard lines . McCarthy . -- ... R .G.. ·--·------ ···--Chizevski fen sive work. Doyle's excellent DOBBS DOBBS ~~ce~ HATS CAPS

but no damage resulted. J. O'Ma lley ... C ........... ........... ....... Col lin s I ser ve coirnnedation . Cinquina and KANKAKEE, ILL. Millikin blocked another Viator punt, Furlong ............ R.T. .... ... ...... Richey ! g·cneralsh ip and Hodge's passing de - ~

MUllikin scored almost as soon as H erbert ...... L.G ................ Gildcomb G~ llagher in th e line lead t he for-

the third quart er opened . They re- Meis .............. L .. E .. ....................... Doty w ords in th eir def ensive play. I r:ocl'ef, I (Dn-n n-:;. c-,- Thes ceived the kickoff and began a march , Roma.ry .... . R.H.. ·· ----··--···-- .. ... , ...... . Vi se First Quar ter J ( f.:!J JJ t-Ut--U lJJLj down t he field, var ying t heir usual Gorman ................ L.H .. ........ .. .......... CoTbett Viator kicked off to Bede's 30 yard ~------------·------------------running ga.m e wit h a pass. Viator Deh ney ....... F.B . ............. .............. Davis l ine. By succe~sive li ne plung~s in I again put up a stubborn defen se on Refree-Young, Illinois Wesleyan; which Fehr, Ne1ll and Snyder f 1gur- ,-------------------------------1 their goal line, but f inally Corbett Umpire-Brannon, Otawa; head lines- ed, the P eru-m en carried the ball to NOTRE DAM£ CONVENT who had starred all af ternoon, man- Pierce, Illinois Wesleyan. plunged across for the second touch- Substitution s : Viator-Clot hier for down. The try for point was a corn- Gorman, McNary for Meis, Loga n for pleted pass , Corbet t to Bla.nk. Herbert, Gorman f or Romary, Hart

Their t hird and fin al t ouchd own for Furlong . Mill ikin-Shelby for came in the clos ing min utes of p1a.y Collins, Ad a.nson for Davis, Fi ndley when after Millikin had carr ied t he for Gidcomb, Hankins for Scokler, Ar­ball to the Viator 10-yard line on a nett fo r Doty, Blank fo r Vi se. series of line plays, a nd Van Dyke Touchdowns-Vise, Corbett, V3.n went wide around end for the third Dyne. and fina l touchdown. Goal after touchdown- Blank-

Uni.ted Cigar Store Co r. Court and Sc hu yler

Complete L ine of Smokers' Art icles

Fou ntain & Luncheon Ser vice

The Iri sh fought ha rd, but poor (pass over goal line) . L----------------' tac kling was one of the reasons for ;----------------;"---------------, their defeat. The Viator linesmen and backs a llowed the Mi ll ikin backs to twist t hemselves loose f rom the tackl ers ' arms t ime and agai n.

E. A. Aarron & Bros. Established 1885

Telephones­Roosevelt 3220-1-2-3-4

46-48 South Water Market, Chicago, Ill .

\Vh'oles ale rs of. Pou ltry , Butter, Eggs, Cheese, F ru it g and Vege­tables.

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, Il l.

Clean ing. Pressi ng, Re pa irin g. Prompt and Efficient Service throug h our agcnt:- Mr. Scnninger.

Room 319 Roy Hall

The locals had their best chance to scol'e in the third quarter w hen Hanahan broke through the recov­ered a Milliki n fumbl e on the latter's 37 -yard line. A f irst down gave Via­tor a wonderful cha nce to score but Millikin braced and t he Viator passes 1------------------' L---------------'1 were incomplete. In fact the I ri sh 1 ~------------------------------; showed nothing of the ir stellar pass-ing attack wh ich was one of their n\ain wea.pons of offense. Had thi s department of t heir game been work­ing at the proper pitch they would undoubtedly ha ve given Mi llik in a tun f Ol' their money .


A. C. C.

IDEAL SWEETS CO. Manufacturers of

I-D-E-A-L "That Good lee Cream"

Wholesale Confect ionery and

Fountain Supplies

Accredi ted to Illinois Uni versity

A Select Boa rdin g Slchool for Girls and Young Lad.ies This instituti on is conducted by t he Sis ters of Notre Dame, and

off ers eve ry oppor tuni ty to yo ung ladies fo r a t horoug h Chri stia n and secul ar edu cation. PricPs reasonable. For ca talogu e address


WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attend ing S urgeon to Students and Fac ul t y of

Office Hours : St. Viator College Phone 2 to 4 p. m.

7 to 8 11. m. Phone

Office, Ma in :l37

Horn e, Ma in 3073 302-303 Cobb Bldg.


Leading Purveyors To The Institutional Table

Forty:.two years ' exper ience in supply ing Quali ty F ood Products fo r institutiona l an d restaurant requi re-

ments has perfected ou r serv ice and ou r values beyond ordi nary comparison.

Our Edelweiss t rade mark has become the symbol of fin e quality foods economicall y packed. Wherever , close and intelligent buying preva il s ou r Catalog is of interes t.

John Sexton & Company Manu facturing Wholesale Grocers


Page 6 ,.---- 11'H~ VIA TORIAN

VIATO-R s. uc·c-UMBS TO' kicketi to hi;-~wn 25-yard line. De- : Aeroplane Drops Ball I , laney made a f1rst down. Evard add- T 0 M"ll"k • G I

USH ed 7 and Delaney made a firs t down ' 0 pen 1 1 In arne

JOHN CARROLL R on Carroll's 2. Evard rushing center : --.- fl ' for touchdown. Delaney's kick was A .somewhat umque manner o I

--- blocked . St. Viator kick<>d off to ' startmg a football gamewas attempt-1'ou ~hdown on F irs t Play Pre- Carroll's 30-yard line as the half ed at the V1ator-MIIhkm Homecom-

f aces the Rout ended . I ing game. The Kankakee Ch~mber --- T hird Quarter of ?ommerce w_as mstrumen~al m se-

Friday, ovember 30, 1928

Phon e 4222 Phone H22


One, Two or Three Passengers

Evening Rate: 50c D ay Rate: 75c Phone a ppointment s as earl y as possib le.

BOURBONNAIS, ILL. T he St. Viator football crew jour- St v· t k. ked off to Gaul who em mg the serv1ces of Mr. S1ms, head

· 13

or 1 ~ ' . 1 of t he Kankakee Aviation School, who neyed to Cleveland where they met d t h 35 Gaul ·md Mulh '----------------- -------------'

the conquerors of Davis Elkins and ran own ·o 15

S ~· t , 35- agreed to hover over the fi eld shortly gan rushed tackle to t . . Ia or s . · , before time for t he game to start and submitted to a seve re lacing to the ht h ld g d t l Romary was caug

0 1 ~ a~ 1 [ to drop streamers confetti, etc., on the .--------------------------------;

tu ne of 42 to 0. was Carroll's ball on St. V1ator s 15. fi eld At a given signal the plane In an effort to break up t he score- Lewis, Gaul and Mulligan ~arned to I ~hot. down close to the fi eld and re·

less jinx with S t. Viator last year, th e !-yard Iin_e. Lewis sk 1rted left , -~as od t he shiny new football that was Coach Ral ph Vince s tarted hi s "Blue end fo r hi S thn-d touchdown. . to be used in t he contes t. Streaks" that put up such a great Carro ll kicked off to St. V1ator to

Bradley T oOpen Basket Practice

baltic the wook before with Lombard. 31. Delaney punted to Carroll's 22 Idea l football weather brought out Gaul, Mu ll igan and L<Owis put t he u large crowd to cheer for th e husky ball in midfield. St. Via.tor got the Carro ll men. ball on downs. Gaul intercepted De-

Jack Mull igan made the firs t laney's pass. Carroll 's ba ll on their Peoria, 111.,- (Special)-Basketball touchdown on a sprint around right 47. Mulligan, Gaul an d Lewis slash- pra ctice at Bradley College will open end from t he ten yard line. Archi e ed t hru St. Viator's line to t he 1-yard imm ediately afte r Thanksgiving re-Lewi s added one more a few mi nu tes line. Gaul knifing left tackle for a cess. Coach Robertson's basketteer s later f ro m the 30 yard line. touchdown. Lewis' kick was wide. open their E:eason on Dec. 10 at Charn-

Firs t Quarter Trading- punts gave Carroll the ball paign against t he University of Ill-MeverR kicked off to Viator's 30- on t heir 20-yard line as the quarter inios . Ca pt. Mason, Duke, McQueen, yar.d line. Dela ney returning to Car- ended. and Ha rms arc lettermen returning roll 's 40. On the first plo,y Lewi s The trio, Dillon, Le·w is and Gaul, £ro m last year, while several l ikely skhted left end fo r 50 yards to Via- see med unstoppabb. Straight foot- recurits from the fro sh squad of a tor's 10. Mulliga n went around right ball carri ed the ball fro m their own year ago are expected to make· strong end for a touchd own. Lewis' drop- 20 to St. Viator's 4-yn rd lin e, Gaul bids for regular berths. k ick was wide. Trading pun ts gave~ ·ush ing left tackle for hi s se ::ond ~---------------"j Carro ll the ball on Viato:'s 45 ·. G.aul ~ouchdown. Lewis fail ed to conv€rt. maCe a first down. Lew1s t hen sktrt- ' ed Viator's left end for a second The line- up: touchdown. His try fo r extra point Carrol l Pos ition St. Vir. tor go ing wide. Quity I e ..... I\'Ie is

Score: Ca rroll 18, St. Viator 0. Lang .... 1 t ..... ... .. . J. O'Malley Second Quar te r My ers I g . . ......... Logan I

Swapping punts gave St. Viator Yo.ssanye . .. ...... . c .......... . P. O'Mdley I the ball on their 35. Hunter rep laced Mieyal r g McCarthy GauL Delaney made fir st down. St. Kenn erk . . ........ r t . ................ ... Hart

People's Credit Clothing Co.

We Clothe the whole family

Generous Credit to all

259 E . Court St.

F. A. BRIER, Prop. Viator punted to Carroll 's 25. Blaha Lasby r e ... Furlong L--------------' replaced Quilty. Ca.rroll drew 15 ' Gibbons q . . .. Evard yards. Hunter punted to h i ~ 45 ya rd I Lewi.s ......... .. ..... ........ r h ..... ..... .. ...... Gorman line Dh,l aney returned beh111d Car- Mul11gan I f ............. ... .. Romary roll 's goal. Ball out on the 20. Gaul . . . ... f . Delaney

Dillon skirted ri ght end 25 ym·ds. Referee-Caldwell , F londa . Urn-Carroll pena lized to their 5 for hold- pire-Meyer, Ohio Weslyan . Head ing. Erdics made 20 yards a round lin esman- Col lins, \Vooster. left end, but a 15-yard penalty forced ' HuntJ2 l' to kick. De laney returned 1 Vl/ c hea r that Louis Sp inelli , who punt to Ca.n·oll 's 20, Black replaced l.::.ft St. Vi:lto..-.s in 1920, is now em­

LeBoeuf & Granger PHARMACY

217 Court Street

Kankakee, III. Bio.ha . Erdics made first down. Co ployed by the Fred F. French Invest- : J roll pena li zed 15 yards. Hunter me nt Company, New York City. ·L--------------

~------------------,,------------------, t ,-------------------- 1 See the Newest Fall Suits and Overcoats


For good things to eat

Stop and Shop at



Eobbitt' s Cafeteria

360 E. Court St.

"Always G lad to See You" ~,t;;. __ ~~ lf~r.d ~ -1 Kankakee's Busiest I b~~t. 1,,~.1"!(~~.; n~l 364 E. Court St.

t--=::::::===::::~===:.::::_1 !.._ _______ ---' IL-----------'

r------------------, ~,-------------------, ' r-------------------1 COMPLIMENTS OF 1

Amedee T. Betourne PHARMACY

Agent for Eas tm a n Kodaks Prompt Developi ng and Printing

119 Co ur t St., Kankakee, Ill.


T Mortician I

Eiqbeck' s Studio

! Our photographs are inexpensiv(' yet treas ured for t hei r wo rth as li ving portraits .

143 No rth Sc huyler Ave. I

Phone 4071 Kankakee, Ill. I I

I Lea ve Your Lau n dry & Dry Cleanin g With Luna Barber Shop I

NOLAN BROS. AGENCY Dom est ic Laundry Co.

Dry Clean ers Rug Clean ers

Ka nka k ee


~Vho knows? W e know what yo ung men wan t in

Clothing a nd Furnishings

H art, Schaffner & Marx Clothing VIC BOUDREAU

A rca de Bldg. Arrow & Eagle S hi r ts i\'1 uns ingwear

' '



First Class Shop T wo Clean Tow els on E ver y

Custom er



Sanitary Market

346 E . Court St.

I Teleph one 137




264 East Merchant Street

Telephone 406 KANK AKEE, IL L.



Electricians for St. Viator Coll eg·e


Printing, E ngraving, Office S upplies, Loose Leaf Form s, Binders' etc.

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to


Bell Telephone 253

602 City Nat'! Ba nk Bldg. KA NKAKEE, ILLINOIS


Insurance, Loans and Bonds

311 City National flank Building


Bulg arious Butter Milk

:l 06 South Schu yler A venue

Always drink pasteurized milk. Our wagons pas s your door every morning before yo u have breakfast

Both Phones 45



Drink Milk

Meals, Short Orders, S pecials, Confections Pri va te Dining Room for Banquets a nd Parties


Oberlin Furniture Co. 129 N . Schuyler Ave.