St. Tammany Farmer - Library of Congress€¦ · F vThe St. Tammany Farmer $2g. D. H. MASON, Editor...

On Sale Every Saturday at F vThe St. Tammany Farmer $2g. D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. VOL. 47 No. 4 MARSHAL JONES SERIOUSLY SHOT MAY DIE FROM WOUNDS Shooting Result of Special Delivery Sent By Trenchard. JONES THEN HUNTS HIM UP Fight Occurs Near Warren's Place, Not Far From N. O. G. N. Depot. At 11:30 a. m., Thursday, Ed Jones, night niarsahl of Couington was shot four times by F. B. Trench- ard, following a fist fight between the two men. Four shots wer'e fire.i grOg a common .38 calibre revo.ver, dll tering the body above the waist os, Three of the wounds were not pgridas, but the fourth, which was aid to have entered the bacK, pene- bated the lungs and was not found in the probing. , Marshal Jones was taken to Bul- loch's Drug Store and was attended byDr. Bulloch, who had him ;onv.,'- ed to the depot in an a:z;oulance in time to catch the hamhlmond & "<.ton o uge train at 12:30. He was trans- forred at Hammond and Dr. Bul- lock accompanied him to the hospital $a New Orleans, where he was given the best of medical and surgical at- 4ntion. Dr. Bulloch says he be- biv* Mr. Jones has the constituticn to pull him through:" Physicians at the hospital say he is in a critical -dondition. Should pneumonia set in it willi take a hard light ot save his T•lrenchard was arrested by Mrr- 2i al Herman Schultz and turned ever to Sherifi Galatas, who locked •,ja up, pending the result of the shooting. Trenchard at first said he 14i not do the shooting, it is sa:d, bat that Jones shot himself, but sub- Ssquently admitted it. He refused W, talk regarding the matter, on the adv.. ice of his attorney. It is said that he has retained Judge Burns tfor his defense. The revolver taken f.rom him had all five chambers mCpty. It is stated that only four kot. wehreFred. The reported origin of the quarrel is said to have been suspicion by .'rencharoI that Jones was too fami- Sliar with his wife. Trenctiard sent a special delivery letter to Mrs, Jones lising her, it is said, that her hus- tlad should be kept away from his SWlfe. That in the morning Jones 'vent out to find Trenchard and learn •bat he meant by writing the lette," " 1 left his pistol in the Warren bil- Ml rd room, saying that if he had .triable with Trenchard he did not Want to be armed. He found Trench- AlS In Dr. Warren's office and called l•al out. When he came out it is alid that he asked Jones if he was nAmed, or that Jones told him he one unarmed. In either eevent, chard examined Jones' clothing S• Utisfy himself that Jones was not ed. But a few words were spok- when the fist fight began. That s knocked Trenchard down and tlat Trenchard got up and then (Continuea on page 4) 'THE SCHFPP CIRCUS. The 8ohepp Circus now perform- 1r at Parkview Theatre should be SInteresting. Trained dogs and - akeys, and monkeys with their es held in arms just as you Wiald epect to see a nurse handle I-bby, are not in town every day. reputation of the Schepp Circu' tntees a good show. We had pleasure of visiting these in- " t animals, and they apppear- .to ts real smart and up-to-date. at•ing like those fellows you see the movies. MAPS OUT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS L , " . . . . . .. : .: . .. . . A. L. Westgurd, w no has worn out eighteen automobiles in the seveuteen he has been "pathflnding" for the American Automobile asguation, is W here ready to leave W ashington on a trip which will map oft a system ":4 highways connecting the country's national parks. In the ,hotograph, A left to right are S. T Mathers director national park sefVM-e; Mr. W'et•Rad, field representative of the A. A. A.; Judge John Barton Payne, '1U Of the interior, and A. G. Batchelder of the A. A. A. ROLL CALL FAILS TO RAISE FUND TO CONTINUE WORK Decided :.t Meeting of Ex- ecutive Board to Discon- tinue Home Service. PUBLIC NURSE WILL CONTINL1T" ' Many `Vho Have Been De- pendent On Home Ser- vice Will Suffer. At a meeting of the Executi-,. Boal d of t'ie Red Cross Chapter o; "t. T;snimoany Parish at the Southera .Iote:, Tuesday, December 7, it wa decided to discontinue the Home Ser- vice work and simply retain the Pub- lic Nurse. This action wa'; take: because not enough funds were raia- ed during the Ro:l Call to finance both. There were some $3000 ava:: able, but tile board considered it would not be advisable to continue both for a part of the year only. It :s to be regretted that the peo- )le of bt. Taummany parish did ntot ,rovijle suithc.ent fund , but it seem that very few parishes raised their allotment. Ev;en New Orlerans a. not raise it, Exce,.enL work has beeen done Goth in Home Service Department and that of the Public Nurse. Both lave rendered very valuable service Thre discontinuance of the Home Service will be severely felt by manv unfortunates who were beneficiaries of it: work. The work is such as should be provided for in somne man- ner. Perhaps new laws may be en- acted that will take care of suffer- ing humanity that is unable to pro- vide for self because of illness or nlisforttune. In the meantime, there must be much suffering, especia:i>( with the long winter months ahead of as15, All of the 1919 officers of the Ex- ecutive Board were re-e:ected. They , are as follows: A. (G. Maylie, M. D., chairman; F Fi. Wigginton, vice- chairman; R. A. M.cormack, treas- urer; W. J. Kelleher, gie4jrman of Finance Committee; Mrs. N. II-. 'Fs'z Simons, chairman Civilian Relief and Women's Work; D. H. Mason, chair- t man of publicity; Mrs. C. H. Shef- field, chairman Junior Development (.School committee); H. E. Gau- treaux, M. D., chairman First Aid Instructiolp; Miss Janella Lansing, Public Health Nurse. The following were added to the Executive Committee: Rev. E. O. Luecke, Jos. Bordes, H, A, Mackie. L XIHE OZONE POULTRY ASSOCIA- TION. It is said there will be a reorgani- zation of the Ozone Poultry Associa- tion, some of the officers having re- moved from the parish and no meet- ings having been held recently. In i the reorganization it is expected to liven up interest in poultry raising. Some of the members have exceed- ingly fine birds and have been fre- quent prize winners. There is plenty of work for an or- ganization of this kind to do in St. Tammany parish. Few parishes are batter situated or have a better cli- nate for the breeding of poultry. Notice will be given next week of the date of ~Bhe meeting. THE EIPIS(gPA. l J3AZA~AR. The Episcopal Church did finaely with their bazaar, this week. It is r'eported that something over $30) was raised. The ladies fed the hungry to a - inish and the dinners were much enjoyed. Dopsters Think Harding Looks to West For His Secretary of Agriculture Political dopsters have been very busy ever since the morning of Nov. selecting possible eabinets that will be named by Pre dent-elect Harding. Th' one pcsition which interests the Ani'|- can tarmers most is the secretary of agriculture The f, ir men shown here seem to be leadors 8 logieal men for the place. Every one of them Is from t .e Missouri Valley district-two of them trom Iowa, one from Kansas and one from-Oklahoma Three.of them are farm paper publishere-- ithe other a "dirt" tarmer. They are: Henry Wallace, publisber Wallace Farmer, Des Mo nes. Ia.. James R. Howard, farmer, president National Farm Bureau Federation. Q:emons. Is.; Senator Arthur Capper, of Kansas, publisher Capper's Weekly. and John Plelds publisher Oklahoma Farmer Okla- homa City. known as kafir corn man of the west. CHRISTMAS FOR SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY The usual custom of the schools in cerebrating Chr.stmLs will have the novelty this year or united with the Community House, making one ce.eoration of both. It is ue- lieved that this will give douule in- terest to the cocas:on and that it wi;i oe very enjoyable for both 3ouni and 91. Community House l4s wom a warm place in the hearts of the young folks and the elder people who ha-e conducted receptions found tle even- ings very pleasant and profitable. Putting the celebration of Christ- mae in cqojinction with the schools, popular with the young folks, should ma4e one of the most pleas- ant Christmas Eves enjoyed by Cov- ingtooians, more especially as tie program calls for outdoor exercises. songs by trained voices of hundreds, and a Christmas tree that will have a pree ent snuggling in its branche,; for every child that attends. The arrangements for the tree this Christmas are made to avoid the plossibility of some children receiv- ing two presents and depletion of the tree before some have been serv- ed. To avoid this, cards will e- issued to the children entit:ing them to a numbered present, and whenl this card is taken up it will not be possible to get another one. The grounds selected for the cele- bration are opposite the Episcopal Church, and there will be Chr:stmas carrols sung. It is understood that St. Scholastica's Academy will have a hundred voices trained for this snging, and the public school will also hav ag large chorus of singers who are parcticing for the occasion. We understand the churches will also be invited to take part in the celebration, which will awaken still further interest. MR GRANT RESIGNS AND TELLS REASON. Slide!l, La., Dec. 7, 1920. Editor St. Tammany Farmer: Dear Sir:-Herewith I enclose copy of letter I have to-day written the St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Commission tendering my resigna- tion as a member of that body. 1 will be glad to have you publish same if you have no objection to doing so. Yours very truly., J. D. GRANT. Mr. Grant's Resignation. S]idell, La., Dec. 7, 1920. St. Tammany Parish Good RQads Commission, Covington LIa. Gentlemen:-Referring to action taken Dy the Police Jury November 19th in authorizing acceptance of bids for roads A, C and D-in ord;er to meet the requirements and de- mands of the State Highway De- partment. I understand that contracts for these roads have since been awarded. That status of the matter appearing to be now an accomplished fact, and the action necessary to the accom- plishment of the fact having been taken in direct contravention to the written recommendations of the St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Comn- Tammany Parish Good Roads Com- mission, it seems to me that the members of the Commission are now in a position where they are assulm ing responsibi:ity, in the eyes of the tax-payers, for the expenditure of a trust fund, and at the same time, are not permitted any voice 'n the administration of that trust. That is a situation of affairs that I cannot approve or further condone by longer remaining a member o: the .Commission. Therefore, much to my regret, 1 feel it qec.gsary to tender this, my resignation, as a member of St. Tam- many Parish Good Roads Comnils- sion, effective at once. I understand the check of accounts and records which the Commission recently arranged for Mr. Comfort to make has been completed, and the report submitted by that gentleman shows everything O. K. Assuring you of my best wishes for the success of the Commission': work as well as for the personal wel- fare of each and all of those con- nected therewith, I am, Yours very truly, J. D. GRANT. ST. TAMMANY GOOD SCHOOLS GIVEN CREDIT Supt. T. H. Harris, Baton Rouge, La My Dear Sir:-Reporting on tli. condition of high schools in St. Tam- many parish, I beg to cubnmit th.; ic - lowing: Covington. Larger than it has ever been, th'• school now has an enro.lment of 35 pupils distributed as follows: 2z. boys and 288 girls, or, 37 boys and 73 girls in the high schoui uepyni- ment, and 190 boys and 21b gir!, in the elementary department. There. are five teachers in charge of the high school work, and 11 teacAers doing tle work in the grades. \We iound the discipline, organization and progranu of recitajuons ve.: good; the ciass-room instruction, ex- cept where the grades are too large, quire good, but with some room to_ improvement. The building, equip- ment and grounds are practicaliy t1.h same as reported last session. Ther;e should be provided two additional rooms and one teacher for the sec- ond and third grades, one additional teacher and more room for the hign sdhool grades, more play ground ap- paratus and good shades for the win- dows. There should also be provid- ed another room for the domestic science department. The faculty is composed of capable and conscien- tious teachers, all qualified under the law. Great interest is manifested in physical culture, the principal him- •eff be:ng . gn poodd ader in this line of work. SliUelt. The repprt of the Covington high school in many respects is a report on the Slidell high school. The fol- lowing facts and figures, however, ap- ply ,particularly to Slidell: The en- rollment in the high school depart- ment is 77; in the grades below high school, 424. Five teachers are in cahrge of the high school work and 13 in the work in the grades below high school. In the matter of tha number of children to one teachers, the situation is better at Slidell than at Covington. At Slidell no teacher is in charge of more than 35 pupils. except one teacher who teaches 40 chidlren. All teachers are legally qualified. Books costing $125 were this year added to the school library, and an appropriation of $100 has beeri made to be spent in improving the laboratory apparatus. The yard has been considerably improved since our visit here last session, cin- ders being used to till in the low places, and shells being used to sur- face the walks. This school is too limited in play ground. Another building is badly needed for the pri- mary grades. Mandeville and Madisonville Junior High Schools. These are two of the best junior high schools that we have seen in the state recently.- Both are presid ed over by well-educated, capable and conscientious lady principals. In the matter of cleanliness and order, these schools rank very high; in discipline, organization and pro- gram of recitations they give entire satisfaction; in management of the schools in all of their various phases, these principals are doing exceeding- ly well. Except in one case observ- ed at the Madisonville high school (Continued on page 8) ---- 4,---- LYCEULM COURSE FOR COVING. TON HIGH SCHOOL. The management of the Coving- ton High School hs contracted with the Continental Lyceum Bureau for a course of six numbers, the first on December 22, with D. F. Stewart, cartoonist, humorist aid entertainer. The course is composed of a ladies' quartet, mixed quartet, ladies' trio, lecturer, magician and cartooni t. Last year this course was present- ed in the Southern States and gave satisfaction wherever employel We feel that it will be satisfactory here. Pupils of the public schools will canvass the town for sale of tickets. We hope the citizens of thi3 com- munity will give this course hearty support. A. J. PARK. OREGON. BOY'S VOICE HIGHEST IN WORL A tar western boy, Robert Mur- ray, 12, of Tacoma, Wash., has atartled the music world through his ability to reach higher notes than ever before sung by the hu- man votee. The great operatle stars, Gaill-Curei and Tetrassinl are the only performeAb,who can sing some of the notes this youth attains without any apparent esf fort. 'Mme. Frances AMda discowv ered him while touriag the west, POLICE JURY, Tuesday, Deo, 14, being a legal holiday the regular meeting of the Police Jury has been postponed un- til Wednesday, Dec. 15th, F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. MEETING OF PARISH MEDICAL SOCIETY. The St. Tan many Parish Medical t Society held its annual meeting on Thursday, December 9, at the South- t ern Hotel. All of the 1919 officers were re-eelcted. They are as fol- lows: President, A. G. Maylie, M. D. Vice-president, N. M. Hebert, M. D. Secretary-Treasurer, H. D. Bul- loch, M. D. Delegate to Louisiana State M4li- cal Society, J. F. Bouquoi, M. D. Alternate ,H. D. Bqtloch, X. D, The annual luncheon will take place January 13, 1941, when officers will be installed, - -- I THREATENED TO SHOOT DEPUTY t SHERIFF. I Deputy Quatreveaux bad a new ex- r perience in the performance of his duty as deputy sheriff, a few days 7 ago. In the course of a suit for a share in crops raised on a farm not t far from Covington, papers in ex- ecution of seizure were placed in his t hands to be served. The crops were a cultivated on shares by a man nam- I ed Wilson, but there was some cause t for dispute. It is said that the crops t did not come up to expectations. During the trial of the suit for share 1 of crops it is said Wilson did not f appear. But when Deputy Quatre- veaux went to serve writ of seizure, t Wilson held him off the place with a a gun. Deputy Quatreveaux return- t ed to Covington, got a. warrant for f Wilson's arrest. A neighbor of Wil- r son's got him to come out and he p was arrested and locked up. n -0--o---- COTTON GINNED IN ST. TAM. C MANY PARISH. There were ginned in St. Tam- many parish, prior to November 14, 1920, 396 bales of cotton, as com- pared with 541 bales to the same date in 119. C J. N. VINNING, h Special Agent. r Tuesday, December 14th, being an legal holiday tno banks will close. i CLASSIFIED .AD)VERTI~EMENTS Hemstitching and picoting attach- ment, works on any and all ma- chines; simple and easy to work. ' You can now make the nice things in your own home that you had to lire made or go without. Sure to e please. Price $2.50. Gem Novelty ii so., Box 1031, Corpus Christi, Texas. e HEINTZ TELLS OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE IN STATE LAWS Believes Constitution of the State Should be Brief and Simple. LEGISLATIVE ACTS STAND ON MERITS Would Exempt New Lands Put In Cultivation For Period of Years. The men who will sit in the con- vention that will write a new consti- tution for the State of Louisiana are at this time persons of considerable public interest. Their ideas, their attitude in politics and the strength of their convictions must all be wov- en into the fabric that, is to clothe the state with the power to govern tne people, to educate the children, to punish crime and to give equal justice to every citizen and equal opportunity lor happiness and pros- perity. St. Tammany parish will be repre- sented uy lion. F. J. Heintz. Mr. . ii.J a.s had considerawoe experi- c•uc ii the making of laws and in tnie ways in which some of them C,. 'e been made inoperative by oare- Ac s drafting, while he was a member of the legislature. As a practicing ,i.orney he has also become ac- ,ut•.inted with defects in laws and Sint.acical laws. Believing that the paolic wouldbe ilterested in Mr. SIieintz's views, a representative of Tile Farmer called upon him at his otlice in Covington and asked him mor an interview. Air. Heintz, what do you think ,Continuer on pagz 4) A COMPLIMENT TO ENGINEER H UCKABY. The road specifications drawn by iugineer Huckaby, in charge of the construction of roads in St. Tam- many parish, and sent to Washing- ton for the approval of the Federal department, have endorsed on the face by Federal Enginieer Rhodes, that they are the best specificatiorns hat have gone out of Louisiana. This is but another testimony of the ediiciency of Mr. Huckaby as an en- gineer. It is rumored that Mr. Huckaby will be a member of the committee that will have charge of the drafting of the road laws to be incorporated in the Constitution. We believe a better man could not be found for this work, and that his appointment would be to the interest of the state. FAIR COMMITTEE REPORT•. Report of chairman of building and grounds committee to the presi- detn and board of directors of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Associa- tion: At a meeting of the Fair Associa- tion it was decided to clear and im- prove the additional ground bought, to put it in condition for an aviation field and to enlarge the quarter mile track to a half mile track, also to provide a 'building for the colored people and make such alterations and additions to present buildings to accommodate the fair to be held on October 21, 22, 23 and 24. The president of the Fair Association was authorized to borrow the necessary money to carry on this work. The work was started about the middle of August and it was found that about 400 stumps had to be re- moved and the holes filled, which t proved to be a big undertaking, as it r.equired an average of about three dcuble loads of mud to fill each hole. The weather continued bad and the work had to proceed in the rain, as there was no time to lose. About 5000 feet of ditching had to , be done to drain the land, which was a mere bog. After filling the stump holes, the filling had to be packed to make a solid field. 'Ihe entire field was rolled. All the stump wood and tree tops were cut up and sold to help pay for the coat of clearing. It was found impossible to get O the half mile track in shape for the approaching fair and it was decided to put the old track in shape for the fair and to build the half mile track right after the fair, so as to have plenty of time to pack before the fair a next year. The ground is in excel- a lent shape to put in the track and can be done at little cost, with the a (Continued on page 8) DECEMBER TERM OF OOURT a POSTPONED. On account of the illness of Judge t Carter the December term of court a has been postponed, and the next c regular term will be held on the sec- f ond Monday of January, 1921. All a members of the new Grand Jury and s; witnesses and other interested par- il ties are hereby notified that they are f not to appear until the January term. t W. E. BLOSSMAN, Clerk of Court. ci THE FOIBOM ENTERTAINMENT. News comes from Folsom that the l entertainment last week for school d improvement was a wonderful suc- ti cess. Quite a sum was raised. ' 1 MADISONVILLE WILL VOTE A SPECIAL 4 MILLS Purpose Is To Equip School and To provide for Pay of More Teachers. FOUR MILLS ARE NEEDED FOR THIS School Is Ranked as One of Best In the State by School Inspector. At a meeting last week of the citi- zens. of Madisonville the question of proficiency in the schools was dis- cussed and it was decided that Madi- sonville wanted the best that could be bought in the matter of education for its children. It was decided that the present equipment could be greatly improved and that it would be to the advantage of the school iL more teachers could be provided. This could not be done with the pres- ent funds, and after the matter had been thoroughly discussed it was de- cided that it would take four mills to make the desired improvements and pay the extra teachers needed. When it was put to a vote there was not a single dissenting voice. When this remarkable co-opera- tion and unity of school feeling ex- ists it is not to be wondered at that the report of Prof. Trudeau, state school inspector, shows Madisonville to have one of the best high schools in the state. Much of the credit for the standing of this school is due to the very excellent work of Miss Ellen Rayne and Miss Cecile Smiley, at its head. While opposites in many respects, their accomplish- ments run to the same end-fine educational results and perfect dis- cipline. We publish the report of In- spector Trudeau on the schools of St. Tammany -parish, and the com- pliment that comes to us through the Madisonville record will be aqp- preciated by every parent. All the schools have made excellent records, but it seems that Madisonville htis carried off the palm. X. C. MAKING bIG PLAS., The Knights of Columbus are dis- posing of two automobiles for the benefit of their club rooms. It Is expected to At the rooms with pool and billiard tables, so that young men may gratify ,their inclination for these games without being ex- posed to the temptations that occur in public places. See Mir. Oliver Hebert at Schon- bergt Pharmacy and let him ex- plain how you may become the pos- sessor of two automobiles without spending more than one dollar. This is a fine chance to help the Knights to carry out their club plans and at the same time have an automobile made a present to you. Everybody should have a little confidence in his good luck. REDPATH CHAUTAUQUA. Mr. Owen W. Thomas, circuit man- ager of the Redpath Chautauqua, met a number of the members of the Association of Commerce .in the par- lor of the Southern Hotel, Wednee- day evening, and discussed Chau- tauqua matters. In view of improving the Chau- tauqua service, iMr. Thomas said ar- rangements had been made that would give Covington a program far superior to anything we had yet had. Just what these arrangements are will be announced at a later date. But it may be said with perfect safe- ty that the people will be entertained at our next Chautauqua in a man- ner that will be highly pleasing. It is probable that we will have features that could only 'be expected in cities ten times larger than Cov- ington. At all events, there will be no difficulty in. selling the tickets. Everybody will want one. **-0 --- MEAT'S THE MATTER. What is the matter with the Wo- men's Progressive Union? This question is being put to many of the old members ot this organizs- tion, and with some reasson, too, not because the officers a.e not 'doing their part, or can. We admit to some of the work done in the past year has not been just as efficxeut as in past years, but the members are not attending meetings, there- fore interest in civic matters is not as lively as it should be. F.or the last three months our president, Mrs. E. R. Moses, always an intelligent, energetic worker, has not been able to hold a meeting for lack of a quorum. She has come prepared with work to put before the members, and only a very few of us present. Now, this is a dis- courtesy to her, and the other of- cBeers. Are we going to allow one splendid organization that has done io much, and taken such an Interest In our town, in every way, die out tor want of interest? At one time ihe Women's Progressive Union had such a large attendance that we were :omplelled to move out of the M. C. B. Library to the Southern Hotel. Let us get together agalin and Tome out in large numbers to the last meeting of the year, next Mon- lay, December 13th, at 4 o'clock, at he Southern Hotel. A MEMBER.

Transcript of St. Tammany Farmer - Library of Congress€¦ · F vThe St. Tammany Farmer $2g. D. H. MASON, Editor...

Page 1: St. Tammany Farmer - Library of Congress€¦ · F vThe St. Tammany Farmer $2g. D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. VOL. 47 No. 4 MARSHAL JONES SERIOUSLY

On Sale Every Saturday at

F vThe St. Tammany Farmer $2g.D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. VOL. 47 No. 4


WOUNDSShooting Result of Special

Delivery Sent ByTrenchard.


Fight Occurs Near Warren'sPlace, Not Far From

N. O. G. N. Depot.

At 11:30 a. m., Thursday, Ed

Jones, night niarsahl of Couington

was shot four times by F. B. Trench-

ard, following a fist fight between

the two men. Four shots wer'e fire.i

grOg a common .38 calibre revo.ver,

dll tering the body above the waist

os, Three of the wounds were not

pgridas, but the fourth, which was

aid to have entered the bacK, pene-

bated the lungs and was not found

in the probing., Marshal Jones was taken to Bul-

loch's Drug Store and was attended

byDr. Bulloch, who had him ;onv.,'-

ed to the depot in an a:z;oulance in

time to catch the hamhlmond & "<.tono uge train at 12:30. He was trans-

forred at Hammond and Dr. Bul-

lock accompanied him to the hospital

$a New Orleans, where he was giventhe best of medical and surgical at-

4ntion. Dr. Bulloch says he be-

biv* Mr. Jones has the constituticn

to pull him through:" Physicians at

the hospital say he is in a critical

-dondition. Should pneumonia set in

it willi take a hard light ot save his

T•lrenchard was arrested by Mrr-2i al Herman Schultz and turned

ever to Sherifi Galatas, who locked

•,ja up, pending the result of the

shooting. Trenchard at first said he

14i not do the shooting, it is sa:d,bat that Jones shot himself, but sub-

Ssquently admitted it. He refusedW, talk regarding the matter, on theadv.. ice of his attorney. It is said

that he has retained Judge Burnstfor his defense. The revolver takenf.rom him had all five chambersmCpty. It is stated that only fourkot. wehreFred.

The reported origin of the quarrelis said to have been suspicion by

.'rencharoI that Jones was too fami-Sliar with his wife. Trenctiard senta special delivery letter to Mrs, Jones• lising her, it is said, that her hus-tlad should be kept away from his

SWlfe. That in the morning Jones'vent out to find Trenchard and learn•bat he meant by writing the lette,"

" 1 left his pistol in the Warren bil-Ml rd room, saying that if he had.triable with Trenchard he did notWant to be armed. He found Trench-AlS In Dr. Warren's office and calledl•al out. When he came out it is

alid that he asked Jones if he wasnAmed, or that Jones told him he

one unarmed. In either eevent,chard examined Jones' clothing

S• Utisfy himself that Jones was noted. But a few words were spok-

when the fist fight began. Thats knocked Trenchard down and

tlat Trenchard got up and then(Continuea on page 4)


The 8ohepp Circus now perform-1r at Parkview Theatre should be

SInteresting. Trained dogs and- akeys, and monkeys with their• es held in arms just as you

Wiald epect to see a nurse handleI-bby, are not in town every day.

reputation of the Schepp Circu'tntees a good show. We hadpleasure of visiting these in-" t animals, and they apppear-

.to ts real smart and•ing like those fellows you see

the movies.

MAPS OUT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYSL , " . . . . . .. : .: . .. . .

A. L. Westgurd, w no has worn out eighteen automobiles in the seveuteen

he has been "pathflnding" for the American Automobile asguation, is

W here ready to leave W ashington on a trip which will map oft a system":4 highways connecting the country's national parks. In the ,hotograph,

A left to right are S. T Mathers director national park sefVM-e; Mr.

W'et•Rad, field representative of the A. A. A.; Judge John Barton Payne,

'1U Of the interior, and A. G. Batchelder of the A. A. A.


WORKDecided :.t Meeting of Ex-

ecutive Board to Discon-tinue Home Service.


Many `Vho Have Been De-pendent On Home Ser-

vice Will Suffer.

At a meeting of the Executi-,.Boal d of t'ie Red Cross Chapter o;"t. T;snimoany Parish at the Southera.Iote:, Tuesday, December 7, it wadecided to discontinue the Home Ser-vice work and simply retain the Pub-

lic Nurse. This action wa'; take:because not enough funds were raia-

ed during the Ro:l Call to financeboth. There were some $3000 ava::able, but tile board considered it

would not be advisable to continueboth for a part of the year only.

It :s to be regretted that the peo-)le of bt. Taummany parish did ntot,rovijle suithc.ent fund , but it seemthat very few parishes raised theirallotment. Ev;en New Orlerans a.not raise it,

Exce,.enL work has beeen doneGoth in Home Service Departmentand that of the Public Nurse. Bothlave rendered very valuable service

Thre discontinuance of the HomeService will be severely felt by manvunfortunates who were beneficiariesof it: work. The work is such asshould be provided for in somne man-ner. Perhaps new laws may be en-acted that will take care of suffer-ing humanity that is unable to pro-vide for self because of illness ornlisforttune. In the meantime, there

must be much suffering, especia:i>(with the long winter months aheadof as15,

All of the 1919 officers of the Ex-ecutive Board were re-e:ected. They ,are as follows: A. (G. Maylie, M. D.,chairman; F Fi. Wigginton, vice-chairman; R. A. M.cormack, treas-urer; W. J. Kelleher, gie4jrman ofFinance Committee; Mrs. N. II-. 'Fs'zSimons, chairman Civilian Relief andWomen's Work; D. H. Mason, chair- tman of publicity; Mrs. C. H. Shef-field, chairman Junior Development(.School committee); H. E. Gau-treaux, M. D., chairman First AidInstructiolp; Miss Janella Lansing,Public Health Nurse.

The following were added to theExecutive Committee: Rev. E. O.Luecke, Jos. Bordes, H, A, Mackie. L


It is said there will be a reorgani-zation of the Ozone Poultry Associa-tion, some of the officers having re-moved from the parish and no meet-ings having been held recently. In ithe reorganization it is expected toliven up interest in poultry raising.Some of the members have exceed-ingly fine birds and have been fre-quent prize winners.

There is plenty of work for an or-ganization of this kind to do in St.Tammany parish. Few parishes arebatter situated or have a better cli-nate for the breeding of poultry.

Notice will be given next week ofthe date of ~Bhe meeting.


The Episcopal Church did finaelywith their bazaar, this week. It isr'eported that something over $30)was raised.The ladies fed the hungry to a -

inish and the dinners were muchenjoyed.

Dopsters Think Harding Looks to WestFor His Secretary of Agriculture

Political dopsters have been very busy ever since the morning of Nov. selecting possibleeabinets that will be named by Pre dent-elect Harding. Th' one pcsition which interests the Ani'|-

can tarmers most is the secretary of agriculture The f, ir men shown here seem to be leadors8 logieal men for the place. Every one of them Is from t .e Missouri Valley district-two of them

trom Iowa, one from Kansas and one from-Oklahoma Three.of them are farm paper publishere--ithe other a "dirt" tarmer. They are: Henry Wallace, publisber Wallace Farmer, Des Mo nes. Ia..James R. Howard, farmer, president National Farm Bureau Federation. Q:emons. Is.; Senator ArthurCapper, of Kansas, publisher Capper's Weekly. and John Plelds publisher Oklahoma Farmer Okla-homa City. known as kafir corn man of the west.


COMMUNITYThe usual custom of the schools

in cerebrating Chr.stmLs will havethe novelty this year or unitedwith the Community House, makingone ce.eoration of both. It is ue-lieved that this will give douule in-terest to the cocas:on and that it wi;ioe very enjoyable for both 3ouniand 91.

Community House l4s wom a warmplace in the hearts of the youngfolks and the elder people who ha-econducted receptions found tle even-ings very pleasant and profitable.Putting the celebration of Christ-mae in cqojinction with the schools, popular with the young folks,should ma4e one of the most pleas-ant Christmas Eves enjoyed by Cov-ingtooians, more especially as tieprogram calls for outdoor exercises.songs by trained voices of hundreds,and a Christmas tree that will havea pree ent snuggling in its branche,;for every child that attends.

The arrangements for the tree thisChristmas are made to avoid theplossibility of some children receiv-ing two presents and depletion ofthe tree before some have been serv-ed. To avoid this, cards will e-issued to the children entit:ing themto a numbered present, and whenlthis card is taken up it will not bepossible to get another one.

The grounds selected for the cele-bration are opposite the EpiscopalChurch, and there will be Chr:stmascarrols sung. It is understood thatSt. Scholastica's Academy will havea hundred voices trained for thissnging, and the public school willalso hav ag large chorus of singerswho are parcticing for the occasion.

We understand the churches willalso be invited to take part in thecelebration, which will awaken stillfurther interest.


Slide!l, La., Dec. 7, 1920.

Editor St. Tammany Farmer:Dear Sir:-Herewith I enclose

copy of letter I have to-day writtenthe St. Tammany Parish Good RoadsCommission tendering my resigna-tion as a member of that body. 1will be glad to have you publishsame if you have no objection todoing so.

Yours very truly.,J. D. GRANT.

Mr. Grant's Resignation.

S]idell, La., Dec. 7, 1920.St. Tammany Parish Good RQads

Commission, Covington LIa.Gentlemen:-Referring to action

taken Dy the Police Jury November19th in authorizing acceptance ofbids for roads A, C and D-in ord;erto meet the requirements and de-mands of the State Highway De-partment.I understand that contracts for

these roads have since been awarded.That status of the matter appearingto be now an accomplished fact, andthe action necessary to the accom-plishment of the fact having beentaken in direct contravention to thewritten recommendations of the St.Tammany Parish Good Roads Comn-Tammany Parish Good Roads Com-mission, it seems to me that themembers of the Commission are nowin a position where they are assulming responsibi:ity, in the eyes ofthe tax-payers, for the expenditureof a trust fund, and at the sametime, are not permitted any voice'n the administration of that trust.

That is a situation of affairs thatI cannot approve or further condoneby longer remaining a member o:the .Commission.

Therefore, much to my regret, 1feel it qec.gsary to tender this, myresignation, as a member of St. Tam-many Parish Good Roads Comnils-sion, effective at once.

I understand the check of accountsand records which the Commissionrecently arranged for Mr. Comfortto make has been completed, and thereport submitted by that gentlemanshows everything O. K.

Assuring you of my best wishesfor the success of the Commission':work as well as for the personal wel-fare of each and all of those con-nected therewith, I am,

Yours very truly,J. D. GRANT.


GIVEN CREDITSupt. T. H. Harris, Baton Rouge, La

My Dear Sir:-Reporting on tli.condition of high schools in St. Tam-many parish, I beg to cubnmit th.; ic -lowing:

Covington.Larger than it has ever been, th'•

school now has an enro.lment of 35pupils distributed as follows: 2z.boys and 288 girls, or, 37 boys and73 girls in the high schoui uepyni-ment, and 190 boys and 21b gir!, inthe elementary department. There.are five teachers in charge of thehigh school work, and 11 teacAersdoing tle work in the grades. \Weiound the discipline, organizationand progranu of recitajuons ve.:good; the ciass-room instruction, ex-cept where the grades are too large,quire good, but with some room to_improvement. The building, equip-ment and grounds are practicaliy t1.hsame as reported last session. Ther;eshould be provided two additionalrooms and one teacher for the sec-ond and third grades, one additionalteacher and more room for the hignsdhool grades, more play ground ap-paratus and good shades for the win-dows. There should also be provid-ed another room for the domesticscience department. The faculty iscomposed of capable and conscien-tious teachers, all qualified under thelaw. Great interest is manifested inphysical culture, the principal him-•eff be:ng . gn poodd ader in this lineof work.

SliUelt.The repprt of the Covington high

school in many respects is a reporton the Slidell high school. The fol-lowing facts and figures, however, ap-ply ,particularly to Slidell: The en-rollment in the high school depart-ment is 77; in the grades below highschool, 424. Five teachers are incahrge of the high school work and13 in the work in the grades belowhigh school. In the matter of thanumber of children to one teachers,the situation is better at Slidell thanat Covington. At Slidell no teacheris in charge of more than 35 pupils.except one teacher who teaches 40chidlren. All teachers are legallyqualified. Books costing $125 werethis year added to the school library,and an appropriation of $100 hasbeeri made to be spent in improvingthe laboratory apparatus. The yardhas been considerably improvedsince our visit here last session, cin-ders being used to till in the lowplaces, and shells being used to sur-face the walks. This school is toolimited in play ground. Anotherbuilding is badly needed for the pri-mary grades.

Mandeville and MadisonvilleJunior High Schools.

These are two of the best juniorhigh schools that we have seen inthe state recently.- Both are presided over by well-educated, capableand conscientious lady principals.In the matter of cleanliness andorder, these schools rank very high;in discipline, organization and pro-gram of recitations they give entiresatisfaction; in management of theschools in all of their various phases,these principals are doing exceeding-ly well. Except in one case observ-ed at the Madisonville high school

(Continued on page 8)---- 4,----


The management of the Coving-ton High School hs contracted withthe Continental Lyceum Bureau fora course of six numbers, the firston December 22, with D. F. Stewart,cartoonist, humorist aid entertainer.

The course is composed of a ladies'quartet, mixed quartet, ladies' trio,lecturer, magician and cartooni t.

Last year this course was present-ed in the Southern States and gavesatisfaction wherever employel Wefeel that it will be satisfactory here.

Pupils of the public schools willcanvass the town for sale of tickets.

We hope the citizens of thi3 com-munity will give this course heartysupport.



A tar western boy, Robert Mur-ray, 12, of Tacoma, Wash., hasatartled the music world throughhis ability to reach higher notesthan ever before sung by the hu-man votee. The great operatlestars, Gaill-Curei and Tetrassinlare the only performeAb,who cansing some of the notes this youthattains without any apparent esffort. 'Mme. Frances AMda discowvered him while touriag the west,


Tuesday, Deo, 14, being a legalholiday the regular meeting of thePolice Jury has been postponed un-til Wednesday, Dec. 15th,

F. J. MARTINDALE,Secretary.


The St. Tan many Parish Medical tSociety held its annual meeting onThursday, December 9, at the South- tern Hotel. All of the 1919 officerswere re-eelcted. They are as fol-lows:

President, A. G. Maylie, M. D.Vice-president, N. M. Hebert, M. D.Secretary-Treasurer, H. D. Bul-

loch, M. D.Delegate to Louisiana State M4li-

cal Society, J. F. Bouquoi, M. D.Alternate ,H. D. Bqtloch, X. D,The annual luncheon will take

place January 13, 1941, when officerswill be installed,



Deputy Quatreveaux bad a new ex- rperience in the performance of hisduty as deputy sheriff, a few days 7ago. In the course of a suit for ashare in crops raised on a farm not t

far from Covington, papers in ex-ecution of seizure were placed in his thands to be served. The crops were acultivated on shares by a man nam- Ied Wilson, but there was some cause tfor dispute. It is said that the crops tdid not come up to expectations.During the trial of the suit for share 1of crops it is said Wilson did not fappear. But when Deputy Quatre-

veaux went to serve writ of seizure, tWilson held him off the place with aa gun. Deputy Quatreveaux return- ted to Covington, got a. warrant for fWilson's arrest. A neighbor of Wil- rson's got him to come out and he pwas arrested and locked up. n



There were ginned in St. Tam-many parish, prior to November 14,1920, 396 bales of cotton, as com-pared with 541 bales to the samedate in 119. C

J. N. VINNING, hSpecial Agent. r

Tuesday, December 14th, being anlegal holiday tno banks will close. i


Hemstitching and picoting attach-ment, works on any and all ma-chines; simple and easy to work. 'You can now make the nice thingsin your own home that you had tolire made or go without. Sure to eplease. Price $2.50. Gem Novelty iiso., Box 1031, Corpus Christi, Texas. e


Believes Constitution of theState Should be Brief

and Simple.


Would Exempt New LandsPut In Cultivation For

Period of Years.

The men who will sit in the con-vention that will write a new consti-tution for the State of Louisiana areat this time persons of considerablepublic interest. Their ideas, theirattitude in politics and the strengthof their convictions must all be wov-en into the fabric that, is to clothethe state with the power to governtne people, to educate the children,to punish crime and to give equaljustice to every citizen and equalopportunity lor happiness and pros-perity.

St. Tammany parish will be repre-sented uy lion. F. J. Heintz. Mr.

. ii.J a.s had considerawoe experi-c•uc ii the making of laws and in

tnie ways in which some of themC,. 'e been made inoperative by oare-Ac s drafting, while he was a memberof the legislature. As a practicing,i.orney he has also become ac-,ut•.inted with defects in laws andSint.acical laws. Believing that thepaolic wouldbe ilterested in Mr.SIieintz's views, a representative of

Tile Farmer called upon him at hisotlice in Covington and asked himmor an interview.

Air. Heintz, what do you think,Continuer on pagz 4)


The road specifications drawn byiugineer Huckaby, in charge of the

construction of roads in St. Tam-many parish, and sent to Washing-ton for the approval of the Federaldepartment, have endorsed on theface by Federal Enginieer Rhodes,that they are the best specificatiornshat have gone out of Louisiana.This is but another testimony of theediiciency of Mr. Huckaby as an en-gineer.

It is rumored that Mr. Huckabywill be a member of the committeethat will have charge of the draftingof the road laws to be incorporatedin the Constitution. We believe abetter man could not be found forthis work, and that his appointmentwould be to the interest of the state.


Report of chairman of buildingand grounds committee to the presi-detn and board of directors of theSt. Tammany Parish Fair Associa-tion:

At a meeting of the Fair Associa-tion it was decided to clear and im-prove the additional ground bought,to put it in condition for an aviationfield and to enlarge the quarter miletrack to a half mile track, also toprovide a 'building for the coloredpeople and make such alterationsand additions to present buildings toaccommodate the fair to be held onOctober 21, 22, 23 and 24. Thepresident of the Fair Association wasauthorized to borrow the necessarymoney to carry on this work.

The work was started about themiddle of August and it was foundthat about 400 stumps had to be re-moved and the holes filled, which tproved to be a big undertaking, as itr.equired an average of about threedcuble loads of mud to fill each hole.The weather continued bad and thework had to proceed in the rain, asthere was no time to lose.

About 5000 feet of ditching had to ,be done to drain the land, which wasa mere bog. After filling the stumpholes, the filling had to be packedto make a solid field. 'Ihe entirefield was rolled.

All the stump wood and tree topswere cut up and sold to help payfor the coat of clearing.

It was found impossible to get Othe half mile track in shape for theapproaching fair and it was decidedto put the old track in shape for thefair and to build the half mile trackright after the fair, so as to haveplenty of time to pack before the fair anext year. The ground is in excel- alent shape to put in the track andcan be done at little cost, with the a

(Continued on page 8)


On account of the illness of Judge tCarter the December term of court ahas been postponed, and the next cregular term will be held on the sec- fond Monday of January, 1921. All amembers of the new Grand Jury and s;witnesses and other interested par- ilties are hereby notified that they are fnot to appear until the January term. t

W. E. BLOSSMAN,Clerk of Court. ci


News comes from Folsom that the lentertainment last week for school dimprovement was a wonderful suc- ticess. Quite a sum was raised.



Purpose Is To Equip Schooland To provide for Pay

of More Teachers.


School Is Ranked as One ofBest In the State by

School Inspector.

At a meeting last week of the citi-zens. of Madisonville the question ofproficiency in the schools was dis-cussed and it was decided that Madi-sonville wanted the best that couldbe bought in the matter of educationfor its children. It was decided thatthe present equipment could begreatly improved and that it wouldbe to the advantage of the school iLmore teachers could be provided.This could not be done with the pres-ent funds, and after the matter hadbeen thoroughly discussed it was de-cided that it would take four millsto make the desired improvementsand pay the extra teachers needed.When it was put to a vote there wasnot a single dissenting voice.

When this remarkable co-opera-tion and unity of school feeling ex-ists it is not to be wondered at thatthe report of Prof. Trudeau, stateschool inspector, shows Madisonvilleto have one of the best high schoolsin the state. Much of the credit forthe standing of this school is dueto the very excellent work of MissEllen Rayne and Miss Cecile Smiley,at its head. While opposites inmany respects, their accomplish-ments run to the same end-fineeducational results and perfect dis-cipline.

We publish the report of In-spector Trudeau on the schools ofSt. Tammany -parish, and the com-pliment that comes to us throughthe Madisonville record will be aqp-preciated by every parent. All theschools have made excellent records,but it seems that Madisonville htiscarried off the palm.


The Knights of Columbus are dis-posing of two automobiles for thebenefit of their club rooms. It Isexpected to At the rooms with pooland billiard tables, so that youngmen may gratify ,their inclinationfor these games without being ex-posed to the temptations that occurin public places.

See Mir. Oliver Hebert at Schon-bergt Pharmacy and let him ex-plain how you may become the pos-sessor of two automobiles withoutspending more than one dollar. Thisis a fine chance to help the Knightsto carry out their club plans and atthe same time have an automobilemade a present to you. Everybodyshould have a little confidence in hisgood luck.


Mr. Owen W. Thomas, circuit man-ager of the Redpath Chautauqua,met a number of the members of theAssociation of Commerce .in the par-lor of the Southern Hotel, Wednee-day evening, and discussed Chau-tauqua matters.

In view of improving the Chau-tauqua service, iMr. Thomas said ar-rangements had been made thatwould give Covington a program farsuperior to anything we had yet had.Just what these arrangements arewill be announced at a later date.But it may be said with perfect safe-ty that the people will be entertainedat our next Chautauqua in a man-ner that will be highly pleasing.

It is probable that we will havefeatures that could only 'be expectedin cities ten times larger than Cov-ington. At all events, there will beno difficulty in. selling the tickets.Everybody will want one.


What is the matter with the Wo-men's Progressive Union?

This question is being put to manyof the old members ot this organizs-tion, and with some reasson, too, notbecause the officers a.e not 'doingtheir part, or can. We admit tosome of the work done in the pastyear has not been just as efficxeutas in past years, but the membersare not attending meetings, there-fore interest in civic matters is notas lively as it should be.

F.or the last three months ourpresident, Mrs. E. R. Moses, alwaysan intelligent, energetic worker, has

not been able to hold a meeting forlack of a quorum. She has comeprepared with work to put beforethe members, and only a very few ofus present. Now, this is a dis-courtesy to her, and the other of-cBeers. Are we going to allow one

splendid organization that has doneio much, and taken such an InterestIn our town, in every way, die outtor want of interest? At one timeihe Women's Progressive Union hadsuch a large attendance that we were:omplelled to move out of the M. C.B. Library to the Southern Hotel.

Let us get together agalin andTome out in large numbers to thelast meeting of the year, next Mon-lay, December 13th, at 4 o'clock, athe Southern Hotel.