St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church June 27, 2021 - 10:30 AM Service Fifth Sunday after Pentecost We welcome you, trusting that this time of worship will open our hearts to experience the Spirit’s movement among us. Together, we seek peace, health, and wholeness as we gather in God’s presence. Please let us know you’re here by signing in on our Virtual Friendship Pad at or make a comment on the Facebook Live video! Visit our Giving page at to learn about how you can continue to support the ministries of St. Paul’s from home. Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-728210. Movie and video permission with CVLI License #504298777. * Indicates a standing portion of the service. Please stand as you are able. Do Your Best! We’ve Got Mail! We Gather Gathering Music Caleb Bates Welcome & Announcements Paul Jennette Please sign in using the Virtual Friendship Pad on the streaming page of our website! For our Prayers of the People after the sermon, we are doing a very different kind of prayer. You are invited to have a blank piece of paper and some crayons, colored pencils, or markers ready. *Share the Peace of Christ Centering Music Caleb Bates Prayer of Opening *Singing/Moving Together “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me#2153

Transcript of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

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St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church June 27, 2021 - 10:30 AM Service

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

We welcome you, trusting that this time of worship will open our hearts to experience the Spirit’s movement among us.

Together, we seek peace, health, and wholeness as we gather in God’s presence.

Please let us know you’re here by signing in on our Virtual Friendship Pad at or make

a comment on the Facebook Live video!

Visit our Giving page at to learn about how you can continue to support the ministries of

St. Paul’s from home.

Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-728210.

Movie and video permission with CVLI License #504298777.

* Indicates a standing portion of the service. Please stand as you are able.

Do Your Best!

We’ve Got Mail!

We Gather Gathering Music Caleb Bates Welcome & Announcements Paul Jennette

Please sign in using the Virtual Friendship Pad on the streaming page of our website! For our Prayers of the People after the sermon, we are doing a very different kind of prayer. You are invited to

have a blank piece of paper and some crayons, colored pencils, or markers ready.

*Share the Peace of Christ

Centering Music Caleb Bates Prayer of Opening *Singing/Moving Together “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” #2153

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We Proclaim Scripture Reading 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 (The Message Paraphrase) AJ Bachman

Dear Church… You do so well in so many things—you trust God, you’re articulate, you’re insightful, you’re passionate, you love us—now, do your best in this, too. I’m not trying to order you around against your will. But by bringing in the Macedonians’ enthusiasm as a stimulus to your love, I am hoping to bring the best out of you. You are familiar with the generosity of our Master, Jesus Christ. Rich as he was, he gave it all away for us—in one stroke he became poor and we became rich. So here’s what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart’s been in the right place all along. You’ve got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can’t. The heart regulates the hands. This isn’t so others can take it easy while you sweat it out. No, you’re shoulder to shoulder with them all the way, your surplus matching their deficit, their surplus matching your deficit. In the end you come out even. As it is written, Nothing left over to the one with the most, Nothing lacking to the one with the least. The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. With love, the Apostle Paul.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God.

A Story from Pastor Teressa “It Will Be Okay” by Lysa TerKeurst, Illustrated by Natalia Moore


Sermon Rev. Elizabeth “Beth” Quick

We Respond

*Hymn of Response “Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life” #427

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Prayers of the People Karen Kaufmann The Lord’s Prayer Karen Kaufmann

We Go Forth *Closing Hymn “Make Me a Servant” #2176

*Benediction Postlude Caleb Bates


For Prayer Chain Requests, confidential concerns seen only by those who participate in the Prayer Chain, please contact Anne Horst at [email protected].

Prayer Requests: A.J. Sapp; Ann Shumate (friend of Nancy Potter); Bob McCune; Cindy Garver (Bob and Alice McCune's daughter); Danny Scott; Eliesha Lovell (Nancy and Jeff Lovell's daughter); Gina Bakota (Teresa Yatsko's sister); Jackie Warren; Kathleen Jacklin; LaVerne Snyder; Margaret, Kate and John Malarney (friends of Anne Horst); Mary Boardman; Matthew Boardman (Mary Boardman's son); Marilynn Peterson (Lynn Martin’s mother); Rachel Kaufmann, Randy Hausner; Raymond Snyder (LaVerne’s uncle); Robert Deming (Melissa Gould's nephew); and Shirley Snyder (LaVerne's mother); pray for healing within the United Methodist Church, especially for those who are excluded because of sexual orientation and gender identification. Our prayers are with Anne Horst, Andy Turner and Madeline with the loss of Anne’s father, Ken Horst, on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. Andy also lost his father about one month ago. Our prayers are with Jennifer Colvin and her family for the loss of Meg Alexander, Jennifer Colvin’s grandmother, in March.

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Congratulations to Tara (Schanbacher) & AJ (Sapp) Bachman, on their marriage June 12, 2021.

New Mask Protocols

1. Masks are still required indoors, covering both nose and mouth. The CDC and DOH do still require churches, movie theaters and similar venues to mask indoors. Thank you for wearing your mask.

2. No reservations needed! Just come! 3. Two seating options: Socially Distanced, for those needing space such as unvaccinated and

family, and Sit Where You Like, for those no longer requiring social distancing such as fully vaccinated.

4. Singing softly! We can sing our hymns again, but softly behind our masks. Loud singing projects aerosols and droplets readily, but soft singing is relatively safe.

5. Fellowship Time on the Playground! Before and after the service, enjoy our lovely playground, newly beautified, for visiting with members and visitors. Vaccinated are permitted to remove their masks but unvaccinated need to wear masks a bit longer, unless drinking.

Thank you for keeping one another safe, for loving your neighbor!

Parsonage TLC Thank You!

Thank you to all who helped paint and repair the parsonage for Pastor Rebeka Sweet and her mother. Your preparations will make them feel truly welcome. A special thank you to Cynthia Lunine

for coordinating the effort!

St. Paul's United Methodist Church is in the midst of a pastoral change. Pastor Teressa’s last day of ministry with St. Paul's was June 20th. The new pastor, Rev. Rebekah Sweet, starts on July 1st. If

you need to reach someone at St. Paul's, here are a few of our staff: Maude Rith, Church Administrative Assistant, [email protected]

Michelle Eells, Business & Finance Coordinator, [email protected] Anne Horst, Hospitality & Connections Coordinator, [email protected]

If you have an emergency, please contact the on-call clergyperson: Rev. Rebecca Dolch of Forest Home UMC at (607) 351-7416 or [email protected]

In July, you may reach Rev. Rebekah Sweet (Pastor Beckie) through the church office or via her email at [email protected].

Mindful Yoga at St. Paul's with Erica Shockley

Join our St. Paul's yoga community to connect with our spiritual gifts of strength, power and

flexibility. Erica Shockley will be leading us in a one-hour class 4:00-5:00 pm on Wednesdays June

30th, July 21st and July 28th.

During this calm-to-moderate energy-level class we will practice a breath-centered, mindful flow.

We will use Bible-inspired contemplation to facilitate a connection to the Divine flowing in each of

us, making a welcoming place within our hearts to be led and transformed by the Spirit. Receive

more information, registration link and answers for questions by emailing: Anne

Horst, [email protected], or Erica Shockley, [email protected] or by clicking HERE.

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Helping Our Neighbors

As the pandemic continues, many in our community also continue to struggle. Visit our Missions

webpage for some ways you can help!

Check our Upcoming Events webpage for more!

Summer Church Office Hours

The office hours are 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Sunday-Thursday. If you need to visit the church in

person during the week, we ask that you call ahead: 607-273-5971.

For Reflection:

After so long in isolation and quarantine, as we come back together as a community, what will bring out the best in us? What new ways, rooted in the past, will deepen our connection with one another

and with God? What are you being called to do to love and support your church home?

Our Staff Rev. Rebekah (Pastor Beckie) Sweet / Senior Pastor / [email protected]

Maude Rith / Church Administrative Assistant / [email protected]

Michelle Eells / Business & Building Coordinator / [email protected]

Anne Horst / Hospitality & Connections Ministries Coordinator / [email protected]

Alexa Allmann / Youth Ministry & Communications Support Coordinator / [email protected]

Kayla Eells / Children’s Ministry Coordinator / [email protected]

Emily Preston / Choral and Ensembles Director / [email protected]

Caleb Bates / Organist/Pianist / [email protected]

David Kingsley / Technical Director / [email protected]

Jessa Dauria & Emily Plummer / Children’s Music Group Directors / [email protected]

Dorothy Preston / Festival Chimes Director / [email protected]

Sue Orzel / Custodian

Rev. Dr. Robert J. McCune / Pastor Emeritus

“St. Paul’s is a compassionate community led and transformed by the Spirit.”