St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1886-04-25 [p 8]€¦ · Invest a Few Hundred Dollars in...

8 ns±> ST. PATJIj DAILY GLOBE. StTNtVAT MORNING, APRIL 20, 188a— TW.Bu.iTT jtsloidd. local. mention. Remember, Nicolay fells at auction Wednesday afternoon next, April 28, at 3 o'clock sharp, on the premises, that fine house and large lot. No. 99 Western avenue, corner Ashland avenue: most beau- tiful an* best residence location on St. An- thony hill, and only block from streetcars and two blocks of Summit avenue and the look-out. This sale otters a rare opportunity to secure a flrst-cJass residence built in the \u25a0best manner a little over throe years . ago. Also house and lot No. 394 Ashland avenue, •near Western. Sales positive and terms very liberal, ouly ono-third cash, required. ; For full particulars we refer to tho advertisement In Nieolay's auction column. Easter Wreath* given with tea and coffee at the New York Tea company, 383 Wabasha street. »'.-. If Yon Want A good cigar call on C. Tuohelt, 345 Waba- eha, and ask for the City of St. Paul or the Minnesota Eagle. \u25a0 At Frey'K Cigar Store, 197 East Seventh street. Just reoelved, fresh Importation of Havana cigars of finest quality. . Wright's Garden L,ots Will be plaood on the market this week, and we predict that they will meet , a ready sale. J. Faircnild & Co., of 353 Jackson street, are sole agents. ._ , / Korthfleld Lima Works, Now in operation, best brown lime in the market; try a sample; come and be con- vinced. Send order to Ramaley & Tramm, Northtield, or J. D. Kamaley, 860 Jackson street, St. Paul. One minute coffee pots and pulverized coffee at the New York Tea company, 382 Wabasha street. Are You Speculating? Ifso, have you abstracts, contracts, etc., copied by us. The nicest work of the kind, guaranteed. Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9, Hale block, opposite Merchants. Invest a Few Hundred Dollars in Clifton Park, and you will never regret it. J. Fairchild & Co. of 358 Jackson street are sole agents. C. Tuchelt, 345 Wabasha street, keeps the best 5 cent cigar in the city. Give him a call. See Ranialcy's Advertisement of Ramaley park, White Bear lake, In real estate column. Bur Your Cigars At Froy's Cigar store, 197 East Seventh street, sign of the gold pipe. Domestic Furnished s On short notice, at Kent's package delivery and employment office, 209 West Seventh street. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Set in any stylo at Bullard Brothers', 143 East Third street. Borrow ."Money On personal property. See financial col- umn, page 7. it. Doming &Co,, 302 Jackson, corner Fifth street. For Sale. A No. 3 Writing machine in perfect order; but little used; cost $85, will sell for $50. Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9, Halo block op- posite Merchants. \u25a0 Dr. J. 11. Vincent, Under the auspices of the Chautauqua union of St. Paul, will lecture in the First M. E. church Thursday evening, April 29. Subject, That Boy. Tickets, 50 cents. Judging by the Number of times we saw J. Fairchild drivingout with customers during the last week to show prop- erty, we should say that real estate was on a boom. For Sale. A fleet of sail and row boats. Apply to S. Applelon, room 44, Oilflllanblock, St. Paul. Something New, A Stenographers' bureau, that furnishes business men first-class help without charge. Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9, Halo block, op- posite Merchants. . : .:-\u25a0 ;v To the Front Ranks. >;Xt£is'£an little over three years since many energetic business men from all parts of this country were looking towards St. Paul as the most desirable point to start in business. Of the many newcomers to our city at that time none possessed more energy, experience and practical knowledge in his particular line than Mr. Edward Scott, who pitched bis tent among us and opened a carpet store, which has been known ever since as the St. Paul Carpet company. Mr. Scott, though possessed of abundant means, started in a modest way, and knowing no such word as fail, has kept pace with the wonderful growth and prosperity of St. Paul. Endowed alike with skill and knowledge of this . particular branch of business, gained by a practical ex- perience of twenty years' connection with prominent Eastern carpet houses, he entered the field bore, determined to lead in the car- pet trade in the Northwest, and that he has succeeded goes without saying. The St. Paul Carpet company, of which Mr. Scott is the head and front, has perfected arrangements whereby they get, for a long term of years, the spacious room known as Sherman hall over 386 to IN Wabasha street, that has until recently been used by Prof. Evans as a dano- inir academy. This will give the St. Paul Carpet company, for an exhibition room, 120 feet square, ad- mirably adapted and lighted for displaying carpets. This room will be the largest in use in the Western country for this purpose easily accessible, as a splendid passenger ele- vator has been provided to tuKO those in quest of carpets from the store of the St. Paul Carpet company, 390 Wabasha street, to the elegant salesroom above. It is the only carpet house in the North- west that possesses a first-class passenger elevator, and no display-room in this country offers better advantages as to room, lightand conveniences than this salesroom does. No carpet house west of New York has a buyer who possesses such exquisite taste and Judg- ment in the selection of carpets and draper- ies as does Mr. Scott, and to this fact alone is due the wonderful success of this house. Send Your Furs For storage and insurance, and have all neces- sary repairing done for less charges than in fall. Charles E. Danneborg. Young man Buy a ten-acre lot in Wright's garden lots, and by the time you are middle-aged it will make you a rich man. At Frey's Cigar Store You will always find the finest brands of smok- ing tobacco. A specialty made of fine mix- tures and Turkish tobacco. The 300 Ladies Wanting Competent help for all kinds of housework will please call at Kent's package delivery and employment office, 209 West Seventh Street. H. H. Kent. \u25a0r /TrOYAL PSt'ct? Jh Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel ofpa rlry, strength and wholcsoincness. More eco- nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be 6old in competition with the multitudes of ow test, short weight, alum or phosphate 1 powders. Sold only in cans. . Royal Baking Powdeu Co., 196 Wall street, New York. AMU3EMOTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only, Monday, April £8. LAST OF THE POPULAR CONCERTS! With the following Eminent Artists: LILLILEHMANN, The world-renowned Prlma-Donna from th© Imperial opera house, Berlin; Court Singer to his inanity the Emperor of Germany and from tho Metropolitan opera house, N. Y. FRANZ RTJMMEL, The Celebrated Pianist. OVIDE MTJSIN, Tbo Distinguished Violinist. EMANUKL MOOR, - Musical Director. Salt* of seats now open to subscribers and general public. Popular prices; $1.00, 7i>c, 60c and 25c. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Thrco Nights and Wednesday Matinee, com- . mencing Tuosday, April 87. TONY DENIER'S COMEDY, "GAS FIXTURES!" BILL NYE AND SCOTT MARBLE. The Western Humorist*. An Elegant Company ! A Laughing Success ! A Comic Blizzard! GAS! GASI GAS! GAS! Don't Blow it Out ! Prices as usuaL Scats now on sale. TiNERHALL! Sunday Evening, April 25. LAST CONCERT! VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL, ... BY Seibert'sOrchestra Admission 25 Cents. fW The Grand Finale of the Seventh Sea- son. '\u25a0\u25a0•?' | OLYMPIC THEATER ! Seventh street, near Jackson. Pat Conley, Proprietor and Manager. For One Week Only, Commencing *\u25a0 Monday, April 26, and Saturday Matinee. Return of the Peerless Queen of Burlesque, ALICE OATES! "With a Strong and Re-organized Company, presenting Burlesques and Specialties entire- ly new. Admission 10, 25, 35 and 50 cents. I. O. O. F. Anniversary Celebration, April 26, 1886. The members of the various lodges of St. Paul are requested to meet, in full regalia, at ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK, On Monday, April 26, at 9 o'clock a. m. sharp, for the purpose of proceeding to Minneapolis and joiningin the parade there. Members will nave to procure their railroad tickets (via Milwaukee road) in advance. By order of the General Committee of Arrangements. WM. ERDMAN, J. F. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Secretary. ANXOD^CEMEXT. : * "\u25a0"'. O. O. F.-MEJIBKBS OF KXCELSIOB Lodge No. 60 are requested to meet at lodge room Monday, April 26. at 9a. m., to attend the anniversary celebration at Minneapolis. O. M. Orr, secretary. 115-16 TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIFTH Ward— l hereby announce myself as an In- dependent candidate for Alderman in the First Aldermanio district of the Fifth ward of St. Paul, and shall be glad to receive the support of all my friends irrespective of party. If elected I pledge myself to act solely for the best interest of the city, uninfluenced by any ring or clique. 114-24 WILUAM A. VAN SLYKB. DIED. BUSSE— Mr. James B. Busse, at his late home Friday morning the 23d inst. Funeral will take place at 540 Park avenue, Sunday, the 25th, at 3 p. in. NEID—On Thursday, April 22, George Neid, at his residence corner St. Peter and Ex- change, aged 33 years 9 months. Funeral service from his late residence at 2 o'c.o-'k Sunday. fSmre I offer one of the handsomest engraved best quality gold filled case Watches, In huntins or open face, with a fine full-Jeweled stem-wind and Set Elgin movement, with, patent Screw-Regu- lator, Jewels In settings, cut expan- sion balance, quick train and patent pinion. The cases are warranted by special certificate for 20 years' wear. The movement is guaranteed to keep correct time. This Is, without doubt, the finest and best Watch ever offered for the money. Sent C. O. D. to any address with privilege of examination. Send for our new Catalogue of unre- deemed Pledges. SIMOPPffIBROKER 314 Jackson Street, ST. PAUL. CITY NOTICE. •'\u25a0"-*• - -\u2666 Office or the Citt Treasurer, I St. Paul, Minn., April 13, 1880. S All persons interested In the assessments for . ; :^-..^.:_';l Opening 1 , widening and extension of Ifflehart street, between liackubin street and Lexington Avenue; Grading, surfacing and curbing Olm- sted street, from Pine street to John street, WILL TAKE NOTICE That on the 12th day of April, 1888, I did receive JiiTeren t warrants from the City Comp- troller of the City of St. Paul for the col- lection of the above named assessment. The nature of this warrant is, that if you fail to pay the assessment within THIRTY DAYS after the first publication of this notice, I shall report you and your real estate so as- sessed as delinquent, and apply to the District Court of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, for judgment against your lands, lots, blocks, or parcels thereof so assessed, including in- terest, costs and expenses, and for an order of he Court to sell the same for the pay- ment thereof. \u25a0 GEORGE KRIS. City Treasurer. •' 104-114 ___^ The partnership heretofore existing by and between Archie McPhail and Duncan Oonn«l as McPhail & Connel, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and . the said Archie Me- Phall is authorized to collect all accounts due said firm, and agrees to pay all debts owed by said firm. Archie McPhail, Duncan Connil. St. Paul, Minn., April 19, 1888. PROMISES MORE THAN FULFILLED ! BOOM. « Sib c BOOM. BOOM. OL^^ki . BOOM. BOOM. -BOOM, BOOMING BUSINESS ! WE PROPOSE AM) ALSO DISPOSE ! We Guarantee Goods I Allow No Misrepresentations ! Carry an Immense Stock! ,I,'. Sell at Low Prices! AND ABOVE ALL, GIVE OUR PATRONS WHAT WE ADVERTISE ! There are stores and stores. Some are dingy, uninviting, lifeless; the goods are old, unsightly, feeble; the prices high— can't be otherwise where everything is so dead. The r everse of this is the case at the #• - •• \u25a0 i MANHATTAN We have the stores, the location, the f stock, and we have already got the trade. All that we know about Clothing and Furnishing Goods is in our present stock. The variety is elegant, the quantity unlimited, the styles matchless— and well may many of them be called matchless, for they can't be found elsewhere herein St Paul this season. An- other year and the graveyard sort of retailers may have some of them, but WE'LL HAVE SOMETHING ELSE, for the , ,-< \ \u25a0 MANHATTAN Is bound to lead in the Clothing Trade of the Great Northwest 'working- j\£E23>t Who earn their money by the sweat of their brow, who VALUE THE DOLLARS, who appreciate how uTU^l 1 " |l?^ a jned cash, and who are striving: to live a little below their daily salary, in order to MAKE A HOME for themselves by and by, know what they are doing when they buy tlieir Cloth- ing, Furnishing Goods and Hats at tne J J MANHATTAN RICH MEN Who believe in justice to all men alike, WHO DO NOT BELIEVE in throwing their money away just because they have got it, and who at the same time always want neat, comfortable Clothing, that wont be everlastingly ripping and COMING TO PIECES know exactly what they are doing when -they patronize the i * THE STYLISH YOUNG MAN w Who appreciates a good fitting garment and latest cut,' who works for small salary, and who likes to appear as trim and tidy as any of his fellow companions, knows what he is doing when he comes to the \< \u25a0\u25a0: <$* MANHATTAN FOE HIS CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. IN FACT, ANY HONEST MAN, p| I I Whoever he may be, who believes that a "Penny Saved is a Penny Earned," can always do well to deal with the GREAT ... . . " gff;^ I VI S\ INI nr\ I I f\ iNI WE MADE OUR FIRST STRIKE YEARS AGO. STRUCK BOTTOM IN PRICES OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. Almost a quarter of a century has passed sinoe the still existing Jewelry Establishment of E. LITTLE was founded, and each succeeding year brings new patronage to attest the solidity of their method of doing business and the perfection of their goods. The advice has been handed down from one generation to the other, Ifyou wish to purchase A DIAMOND OR A WATCH or a piece of Jewelry or a handsome Clock, Music Box or anything appertaining to their line, take the advice of those that have had the experience, and go to Pawnbroker, Wholesale and Retail Jeweler, 45 Jackson street, St. Paul. We will give you Description and Prices of a few Articles Below: A GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCU. QUARTER | C-OA-COST S1&0-THM WATfTT l* THW watch can excel this m beauty or construction or i OK * 18 WE WILL SELL YOU A HANDSOMB accuracy. ! \u25a0*• lady's watch, filled mansard case, stem- C? •!/\u25a0"* COST 4ljO— hpavv mil m rm 11 Hnvr- * inder > lull-jeweled American movement; watch somely engraved; the movement is first-class El- , °°* thlnk }t eTer has been c »™ ed - . gin. quick train chronometer balance, full-jew- | X, OK $12 WE WILL SELL YOU A BEAUTIFUL eled stem-winder: this watch has been carried i- - little Chatelaine watch, ruby-jeweled, open about a year, is in splendid condition and war- ! * ace « back opens with a spriug, case 18-k.fine, ranted a first-class timekeeper. ' neatly and modestly engraved, and will be war- GSTOOn PROBABLY $22&-THI3 GENTLE- j ranted as a perfect little timepiece. VW man's gold watch is a genuine John- j "DOR $45 WE WILL SELL TOU AN ELEGANT ston English watch; B. D. Johnston and Frodsheim : - 1 - watch; cost (SO or £35: this beautiful lady's are the two finest watchmakers in England; this watch is almost entirely new, the cases are 13- --is one of the higher grade of the Johnston move- karat fine, and weight 35 dwt, beautifully and ar- ments; watch is adjusted to temperature and po- 1 tlstically finished in every manner; a locket in sition, with set jewels, diamond pallet, section ! the inside cap for a picture; the movement is chronometer balance, with real screws. The case n high grade, three-fourth* T>late, full-jeweled, weighs 60 dwt. 18 k. gold and plain engine turned, : stem-winding American movement. The watch is not over three or four years old, ! -pOX mWK wirT SVI r ,.,„, , T ATW ,~ rTi c COST » °--*- EXTRA HANDSOME ' style, extra heavy and solid 14-karat; the move- S/fS "^ » n °--*- N EXTRA HANDSOME style, extra heavy and solid 14-karat; the mov* \p^tHj- gentleman's watch; solid gold hunting ' ment is the best Waltham, set-jeweled stem- case, 18 sue, Louis XIV style, artistically and \u25a0 winder, fullplate. handsomely engraved, with a full jeweled Elgin itt K Ha.vk k rf\t'ttvt~t Tnmi»nr.^g 'Z&tiiXoSl&SpiXr moTement - H VV B^i^.t ß^S^S?£3 A S2 wwn_w_ajnaosi_entireiy_Bew. | ovaL stem-winder, lull-jeweled, nickel move- CO/\COST $65—THIS IS A SOLID GOLD \ ment: a little beauty and alniest new: warranted »#ajKJ hunting mansard case watch. Bemem- a good timepiece. ber that when we say solid gold we don't mean "TT~r~~— ' \u25a0 plated or filled, we mean tha.t the cases are all | O UR STOCK °? DIAMONDS NEVER WAS A3 solid gold, cap and everything else. The watch | " large as it is at tne present time; conse* has been carried four or five years, but looks as •• quently in order to turn them into money we are good as new; has been put in first-class order and , offering them at lower prices than we ever have be* is warranted a good time piece, containing a good re - For an example, we will sell you a pair of sol« medium Waltham movement. itaire diamond ear drops for $350 that you cannot T*Olt tsa WE WILT,spit vnrr a nivn<:nvn bnyany wnere olbq in the United States forless than watch is almost entirely new. i duplicates of the above that we will sell for «250, T?OR $240 WE WILL SELL YOU ONE OF THE that weigh 3V, carats. JL finest chronographs made; the regular price I T TO Ta T .-„., „.,„ _„ __ ...-.— is $375. This watch is one of the finest move- i IV 0 fl ' rl £* LOVELY PAIR OF DIAMOITD ments.set with rubies, adjasted to heat, cold and iL?:W r lt that would cost * ou *"** position, independent, quarter-split, and fly-back, I where in the world »18a. The cases weighs To dwt. U k.. plain, engine- ; fOR $126 WE CAN SELL YOU A PAIR OF turned; watch was only used last season, in per- i \u25a0*- solitaire diamond eardrops that will weigh feet order. i twe carats and are perfect gems in color and bril- T?ORS3SWE WILL SELL YOU A WATCH \u25a0 "h^H.^m^n! wa . rran^ d 5* £.* "f" W * haT « X 1 that cost at retail at the very lowest it can f^JIT, a s a sortment ° f «»ui%iond e P m » °* be bought anywhere «45; best Boss filled open- the latest st>leg, crescents, crosses and brooches. face, with high grade Waltham 16-size movement; T7 OR * > WE WILL SELL YOU A HANDSOME we could sell this watch for a new watch, as it •*\u25a0 solitaire diamond ring; the stone weighs a looks as though it had never been carried. fraction less than one and one-half . carat; a per- m * /\— COST »IQO— THIS IS A HANDSOMB feet gem: dee P- nic^r cut and very brillidnt. *?^tyJ hunting oval perfectly smoth solid gold "TVIAMONDKINGS OF ALL STYLES FUOM $1 case, medium small sizo, but the cases are com- ' \u25a0*-* to $150. pact and solid, with high grade Hampden quick- TJ»OR $6 WE WILL SELL YOU A LADY'S DlA- train movement; watch has been carried a year J? monl collar button with bright little dia- or two. but is in perfect order and looks as g«.od mond and solid 14 karat mounting. •••:>" * aneW ' . : __ i inOLLAK BfTTON" FOR SOLID GOLD OriA— COST $115—EXTRA HEAVY SOLID ! v-/ mounting and set with a real genuine little >3*J*J gold hunting plain engine-turned, with diamond. I Ht l ii in i. Mnt 2 r 'i jOUi9 J AiV / n 716 Of C :P e ' 1 1- karat : TTNSET DIAMONDS-DIAMONDS MOUNTED with high-grade Hampden full-jeweled quick train \J to order in any style ° » «- lik " stem-winding movement; watch probably carried i-= _^_.__- I \u0084,.'\u25a0.. . six or eight months. ! A NUMBER OF DIAMOND BRACELETS— -pOR $35 WK WILLTSELiTYOinrWATCHAt ALatestyle_oi moantings. r most entirely uew that cost f 140; the case ! F INK DIAMOXI > COLLAR BUTTON WElGH- weighs 82 dwt, 18-karat gold, Louis XIV., en- | -*\u25a0 lng « karat ' skeleton mounting, for $35. graved border and edges, open face, with the best j "CINE SELECTION OF OPERA GLASSES D? and highest grade Elgin movement, named B. W. ! \u25a0*- Bardon and Lamaire for about one-half their Raymond, adjusted to heat and cold; watch was | value. probablycarried only three or four months and i ~A~NUMBEROF FIELD GLASSES, IMPORTED cannot be told from a new watch; will be war- ! J\ an( i \ mer ican T^Z^r^il^lVTv^yATCU ! T^^OUT^U-LAMAIRECASE AND STRAP wo^th UN; s'olidioltojen^^rat A S i Aco^^nearly new, cost about^j^torjn. engine-tiirned case, with Howard movement- the i A MOTHER LAMAIRE, LARGER SIZE. VERY movement is adjusted, quick-trained; the move- ; Jr *- powerful chromatic glasses, complete with, ment alone is worth at wholesale just what we ask : case ,, a ! l . d 1 Btra ? in flrsi-« si condition, for $17; for the watch, a perfect timepiece; warranted in Trortn '**"• ' first-claja condition. ! "Tlor 120 WE WILLSELL YOU ACOMBINATION WK HAVE GOT TWO OTHER WATCHES \u25a0*- improved field and opera glass that cost $38. that we consider great bargains; they are ' This is a magic glass double draw, one of the most both Howards, both plain engine-turned solid ; powerful and finest glasses made by Lamaire; the gold hunting cases, heavy, solid and compact; the ' trimming is gold and black and finest sole leather, movements are the highest grade Howards, ad- also sole leather case and strap, finely and corn- justed to heat and cold, patent regulator, set j pletely finished. If yon want anything finer and jewels and all the modern improvements; the IS- ! more powerful than this you will have to get a siie. Use heaviest, we sell for $15v, and the 16-size j large telescope. for $100; both are as good as new and clippers for rVNK AMIHICAN GLASS FOR »7 AND ONE FOB time. : . KJ $9; the finest made in this country. A. sum* PRICE AND DE3CRIITION OF A FEW ber of Bardon telescopes. ladies watches. f~\NE LARGE TELESCOPE. 4-INCH OBJECT COO COST $50— THIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE }-* R lass » tripod and everything complete for tJP^<v lady's watch is a hunting, oval case, handling, all perfect and nearly new. This glass prettily engraved. Japanese style cases and solid cost $300; we will sell it for «90. A number of gold 14-k; watch is medium size, nearly new, with smaller-site Bardon telescopes. full-jeweled, real nickel movement, chronometer A LARGE NUMBER OF MUSIC Potter," balance; warranted a good timepiece. A Prices range from $1 up to $33. ! eOf, COST $05-ONE OF THE FINEST CHAT- A NUMBER OF CLOCKS, GOLD-HEADED Vw elaine watches made; cases are solid T. canes, solid silver and novelties of all gold. 14-k oval shape, open face, with a very j kinds. We carry a full line of compressed Ivor* superior movement, sot with real rubies; real i poker and faro chips, fancy and plain- IW-inch chronometer balance, stem-winder, diamonds set in chip, plain, »i ; l^ inch, plain $150- fancy dao. hands, artistically engraved; watch is nearly new. ' orated, $2 and $2.50 per hundred. Send for a copy of our new illustrated catalogue with fall description of goods and prices. Catalogue sent free on application. Goods Sent C. 0. D. with Privilege of Examination. Old jewelry remodeled into the latest style at a very 4 V reasonable price. Watch Repairing,, Diamond Setting and Engraving, *|E. LYTLE, PAWNBROKER, Wholesale and Retail Jeweler, 45 Jackson Street. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL GOODS OF VALUE. v£jl * I The Ice Palace Refrigerator IflTr?l>¥*2 fyjc Manufactured at the St. Paul Box Fac- c^ E, - \u25a0 -javj^ Oi tory and Planlns Mill, also Fisner'« V bB 0 »^1 Grocery and Butcher Soxes and Cold ** pßMy^a :a&t 5 StoruKt* Houses, Coun tor, Store, Offlc© nl'Ct^~-- \u25a0Sii f"^ and Drug Fixtures. Custom Planing;, Hi eiYi f ea-uaa, [^- c?^n^giHt.ta Moulding, Turning, Scroll and Re- I^WtWTp*ft i * ! ra'''l : S-^^ II '\u25a0"PI sawing, Wainscotting, Casings an* ilflrS { H)ip;-^^i!vl^^ Hardwood Flooring. Railroad track. rJwSS^^^^- || J^**^ BLODGETT & OSGOOD, I fiswwsPgofrAitfLW ** _J Cor. E. Fourth and Locust. A. H. LOHLKER, | 221 East Seventh Street, Carpets, Wall Paper, Draperies AND ALL KINDS OP HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Wholesale and Retail at the Very Lowest Prices. FINE TAILORING DUNCAN & BARRY, £0 East Third Street, - - SLPauL 2H

Transcript of St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1886-04-25 [p 8]€¦ · Invest a Few Hundred Dollars in...

Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1886-04-25 [p 8]€¦ · Invest a Few Hundred Dollars in CliftonPark, and you will never regret it. J. Fairchild &Co. of 358 Jackson street

8 ns±> ST. PATJIj DAILYGLOBE. StTNtVAT MORNING, APRIL 20, 188a— TW.Bu.iTT jtsloidd.

local. mention.

Remember, Nicolay

fells at auction Wednesday afternoon next,April28, at 3 o'clock sharp, on the premises,that fine house and large lot. No. 99 Westernavenue, corner Ashland avenue: most beau-tiful an* best residence location on St. An-thony hill, and only block from streetcarsand two blocks of Summit avenue and thelook-out. This sale otters a rare opportunityto secure a flrst-cJass residence built in the

\u25a0best manner a little over throe years . ago.

Also house and lot No. 394 Ashland avenue,•near Western. Sales positive and terms veryliberal, ouly ono-third cash, required. ; Forfullparticulars we refer to tho advertisementIn Nieolay's auction column.

Easter Wreath*given with tea and coffee at the New YorkTea company, 383 Wabasha street.

»'.-. IfYon Want

A good cigar call on C. Tuohelt, 345 Waba-eha, and ask for the City of St. Paul or theMinnesota Eagle. \u25a0

At Frey'K Cigar Store,

197 East Seventh street. Just reoelved, freshImportation of Havana cigars of finestquality. . •

Wright's Garden L,ots

Willbe plaood on the market this week, andwe predict that they will meet , a ready sale.J. Faircnild & Co., of 353 Jackson street, aresole agents. ._ , /

Korthfleld Lima Works,

Now in operation, best brown lime in themarket; try a sample; come and be con-vinced. Send order to Ramaley & Tramm,Northtield, or J. D. Kamaley, 860 Jacksonstreet, St. Paul.

One minute

coffee pots and pulverized coffee at the NewYork Tea company, 382 Wabasha street.

Are You Speculating?Ifso, have you abstracts, contracts, etc.,

copied by us. The nicest work of the kind,guaranteed. Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9,Hale block, opposite Merchants.

Invest a Few HundredDollars in Clifton Park, and you will neverregret it. J. Fairchild & Co. of 358 Jacksonstreet are sole agents.

C. Tuchelt,

345 Wabasha street, keeps the best 5 centcigar in the city. Give him a call.

See Ranialcy's Advertisementof Ramaley park, White Bear lake, In realestate column.

Bur Your Cigars

At Froy's Cigar store, 197 East Seventh street,sign of the gold pipe.

Domestic Furnished sOn short notice, at Kent's package deliveryand employment office, 209 West Seventhstreet.

Diamonds.Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds.Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds.Diamonds. Diamonds. Diamonds. Set in

any stylo at Bullard Brothers', 143 East Thirdstreet.

Borrow ."Money

On personal property. See financial col-umn, page 7. it. Doming &Co,, 302 Jackson,corner Fifth street.

For Sale.A No. 3 Writing machine in perfect order;

but little used; cost $85, will sell for $50.Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9, Halo block op-posite Merchants. \u25a0

Dr. J. 11. Vincent,Under the auspices of the Chautauqua unionof St. Paul, will lecture in the First M. Thursday evening, April29. Subject,That Boy. Tickets, 50 cents.

Judging by the Numberof times we saw J. Fairchild drivingout withcustomers during the last week to show prop-erty, we should say that real estate was on aboom.

For Sale.Afleet of sail and row boats. Apply to S.

Applelon, room 44, Oilflllanblock, St. Paul.Something New,

A Stenographers' bureau, that furnishesbusiness men first-class help without charge.Anna C. Drew & Co., room 9, Halo block, op-posite Merchants.

. : .:-\u25a0 ;v To the Front Ranks.>;Xt£is'£an little over three years since

many energetic business men from all parts ofthis country were looking towards St. Paul asthe most desirable point to start in business.Of the many newcomers to our city at thattime none possessed more energy, experienceand practical knowledge in his particularline than Mr. Edward Scott, who pitched bistent among us and opened a carpet store,which has been known ever since as the St.Paul Carpet company. Mr. Scott, thoughpossessed of abundant means, started in amodest way, and knowing no such word asfail, has kept pace with the wonderful growthand prosperity of St. Paul. Endowed alikewith skill and knowledge of this . particularbranch of business, gained by a practical ex-perience of twenty years' connection withprominent Eastern carpet houses, he enteredthe field bore, determined to lead in the car-pet trade in the Northwest, and that he hassucceeded goes without saying. • The St. PaulCarpet company, of which Mr. Scott is thehead and front, has perfected arrangementswhereby they get, for a long term of years,the spacious room known as Sherman hallover 386 to IN Wabasha street, that has untilrecently been used by Prof. Evans as a dano-inir academy.

This will give the St. Paul Carpet company,for an exhibition room, 120 feet square, ad-mirably adapted and lighted for displayingcarpets. This room will be the largest in usein the Western country for this purposeeasily accessible, as a splendid passenger ele-vator has been provided to tuKO those inquest of carpets from the store of the St.Paul Carpet company, 390 Wabasha street, tothe elegant salesroom above.

It is the only carpet house in the North-west that possesses a first-class passengerelevator, and no display-room in this countryoffers better advantages as to room, lightandconveniences than this salesroom does. Nocarpet house west ofNew York has a buyerwho possesses such exquisite taste and Judg-ment in the selection of carpets and draper-ies as does Mr. Scott, and to this fact alone isdue the wonderful success ofthis house.

Send Your FursFor storage and insurance, and have all neces-sary repairing done for less charges than infall. Charles E. Danneborg.

Young manBuy a ten-acre lot in Wright's garden lots,and by the time you are middle-aged it willmake you a rich man.

At Frey's Cigar StoreYou willalways find the finest brands of smok-ingtobacco. A specialty made of fine mix-tures and Turkish tobacco.

The 300 Ladies WantingCompetent help for all kinds of houseworkwillplease call at Kent's package deliveryand employment office, 209 West SeventhStreet. H. H. Kent.

\u25a0r /TrOYAL PSt'ct? Jh

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies A marvel ofpa

rlry, strength and wholcsoincness. More eco-nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannotbe 6old in competition with the multitudes ofow test, short weight, alum or phosphate

1 powders. Sold onlyin cans. . Royal BakingPowdeu Co., 196 Wall street, New York.


One NightOnly, Monday, April £8.LAST OF THE POPULAR CONCERTS!

With the following Eminent Artists:LILLILEHMANN,

The world-renowned Prlma-Donna from th©Imperial opera house, Berlin; Court Singerto his inanity the Emperor of Germany andfrom tho Metropolitan opera house, N. Y.

FRANZ RTJMMEL,The Celebrated Pianist.

OVIDE MTJSIN,Tbo Distinguished Violinist.

EMANUKLMOOR, - Musical Director.Salt* of seats now open to subscribers and

general public. Popular prices; $1.00, 7i>c,60c and 25c.

GRAND OPERA HOUSE.Thrco Nights and Wednesday Matinee, com-.mencing Tuosday, April87.



The Western Humorist*.

An Elegant Company ! A Laughing Success !A Comic Blizzard!

GAS! GASI GAS! GAS! Don't Blow it Out !Prices as usuaL Scats now on sale.

TiNERHALL!Sunday Evening, April 25.


... BY

Seibert'sOrchestraAdmission 25 Cents.

fW The Grand Finale of the Seventh Sea-son. '\u25a0\u25a0•?' |

OLYMPIC THEATER !Seventh street, near Jackson.

Pat Conley, Proprietor and Manager.

For One Week Only, Commencing *\u25a0

Monday, April26, and Saturday Matinee.Return of the Peerless Queen ofBurlesque,

ALICE OATES!"With a Strong and Re-organized Company,

presenting Burlesques and Specialties entire-ly new.

Admission 10, 25, 35 and 50 cents.

I. O. O. F.Anniversary Celebration, April 26, 1886.

The members of the various lodges ofSt.Paul are requested to meet, in full regalia, at

ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK,On Monday, April26, at 9 o'clock a. m. sharp,

for the purpose of proceeding to Minneapolisand joiningin the parade there. Memberswill nave to procure their railroad tickets (viaMilwaukee road) in advance. By order oftheGeneral Committee ofArrangements.WM. ERDMAN, J. F. WILLIAMS,

Chairman. Secretary.


• Lodge No. 60 are requested to meet at lodgeroom Monday, April26. at 9a. m., to attend theanniversary celebration at Minneapolis. O. M.Orr, secretary. 115-16

TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIFTHWard— l hereby announce myself as an In-

dependent candidate for Alderman in the FirstAldermanio district of the Fifth ward of St. Paul,and shall be glad to receive the support of allmy friends irrespective of party. If electedI pledge myself to act solely for the best interestof the city, uninfluenced by any ring or clique.114-24 WILUAM A. VAN SLYKB.

DIED.BUSSE— Mr.James B. Busse, at his late home

Friday morning the 23d inst. Funeral willtake place at 540 Park avenue, Sunday, the25th, at 3 p. in.

NEID—On Thursday, April22, George Neid,at his residence corner St. Peter and Ex-change, aged 33 years 9 months. Funeralservice from his late residence at 2 o'c.o-'kSunday.

fSmreIoffer one ofthe handsomest engravedbest quality goldfilled case Watches,In huntins or open face, with a finefull-Jeweled stem-wind and Set Elginmovement, with, patent Screw-Regu-

lator, Jewels In settings, cut expan-sion balance, quick train and patentpinion. The cases are warranted byspecial certificate for 20 years' wear.The movement is guaranteed to keepcorrect time. This Is, without doubt,the finest and best Watch ever offeredfor the money.

Sent C. O. D. to any address withprivilege of examination.

Send forour new Catalogue of unre-deemed Pledges.

SIMOPPffIBROKER314 Jackson Street,


CITY NOTICE.•'\u25a0"-*• - -\u2666

Office or the Citt Treasurer, ISt. Paul, Minn., April13, 1880. S

Allpersons interested In the assessmentsfor . • ; :^-..^.:_';l

Opening 1, widening and extension ofIfflehart street, between liackubin

street and Lexington Avenue;Grading, surfacing and curbing Olm-

sted street, from Pine street to Johnstreet,

WILLTAKE NOTICEThat on the 12th day of April, 1888, I didreceive JiiTeren t warrants from the City Comp-troller of the City of St. Paul for the col-lection of the above named assessment.

The nature of this warrant is, that if youfail to pay the assessment within

THIRTY DAYSafter the first publication of this notice, Ishall report you and your real estate so as-sessed as delinquent, and apply to the DistrictCourt of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota,for judgment against your lands, lots, blocks,or parcels thereof so assessed, including in-terest, costs and expenses, and for an orderof he Court to sell the same for the pay-ment thereof. \u25a0

GEORGE KRIS. City Treasurer.•' 104-114


The partnership heretofore existing by andbetween Archie McPhail and Duncan Oonn«las McPhail & Connel, is hereby dissolved bymutual consent, and . the said Archie Me-Phall is authorized to collect all accounts duesaid firm, and agrees to pay all debts owed bysaid firm. Archie McPhail,

Duncan Connil.St. Paul, Minn., April19, 1888.




Allow No Misrepresentations !Carry an Immense Stock!


There are stores and stores. Some are dingy, uninviting, lifeless; the goods are old,unsightly, feeble; the prices high—can't be otherwise where everything is so dead. Thereverse of this is the case at the #• - •• \u25a0


MANHATTANWe have the stores, the location, the fstock, and we have already got the trade. All

that we know about Clothing and Furnishing Goods is in our present stock. The varietyis elegant, the quantity unlimited, the styles matchless— and well may many of them becalled matchless, for they can't be found elsewhere herein St Paul this season. An-other year and the graveyard sort ofretailers may have some of them, but WE'LLHAVE SOMETHING ELSE, for the , ,-< \ \u25a0

MANHATTANIs bound to lead in the Clothing Trade of the Great Northwest

'working- j\£E23>tWho earn their money by the sweat oftheir brow, who VALUE THE DOLLARS, who appreciate how\° uTU^l 1" |l?^a jned cash, and who are striving: to live a little below their daily salary, in orderto MAKE A HOME for themselves by and by, know what they are doing when they buy tlieir Cloth-ing, Furnishing Goods and Hats at tne J J


Who believe in justice to all men alike, WHO DO NOT BELIEVE in throwing theirmoney away just because they have got it, and who at the same time always want neat,comfortable Clothing, that wont be everlastingly ripping and COMING TO PIECESknow exactly what they are doing when -they patronize the i *

THE STYLISH YOUNG MAN wWho appreciates a good fittinggarment and latest cut,' who works for small salary, andwho likes to appear as trim and tidy as any of his fellow companions, knows whathe is doing when he comes to the \< \u25a0\u25a0: <$*


IN FACT, ANY HONEST MAN, p| IIWhoever he may be, who believes that a "Penny Saved is a Penny Earned," can alwaysdo well to deal with the GREAT ... O£ . .

" gff;^

IVI S\ INI nr\ I I f\ iNI



Almost a quarter of a century has passed sinoe thestill existing Jewelry Establishment of E. LITTLEwas founded, and each succeeding year brings newpatronage to attest the solidity of their method ofdoing business and the perfection of their goods. Theadvice has been handed down from one generation tothe other, Ifyou wish to purchase

A DIAMOND OR A WATCHor a piece of Jewelry or a handsome Clock, Music Boxor anything appertaining to their line, take the adviceofthose that have had the experience, and go to

Pawnbroker, Wholesale and Retail Jeweler,45 Jackson street, St. Paul.

We willgive you Description and Prices of a few Articles Below:A GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCU. QUARTER | C-OA-COST S1&0-THM WATfTT l* THW

watch can excel this m beauty or construction or i OK *18 WE WILL SELL YOU A HANDSOMBaccuracy. ! \u25a0*• lady's watch, filled mansard case, stem-C? •!/\u25a0"* COST 4ljO—hpavv mil m rm 11 Hnvr- *inder > lull-jeweledAmerican movement; watch

somely engraved; the movement is first-class El- , °°* thlnk }teTer has been c»™ ed - .gin. quick train chronometer balance, full-jew- | X, OK $12 WE WILLSELL YOU A BEAUTIFULeled stem-winder: this watch has been carried i- - little Chatelaine watch, ruby-jeweled, openabout a year, is in splendid condition and war- ! *ace « back opens with a spriug, case 18-k.fine,ranted a first-class timekeeper. ' neatly and modestly engraved, and will be war-GSTOOn PROBABLY $22&-THI3 GENTLE- j

ranted as a perfect little timepiece.

VW man's gold watch is a genuine John- j"DOR $45 WE WILL SELL TOU AN ELEGANTston English watch; B. D. Johnston and Frodsheim : -1- watch; cost (SO or £35: this beautiful lady'sare the two finest watchmakers in England; this watch is almost entirely new, the cases are 13---is one of the higher grade of the Johnston move- karat fine, and weight 35 dwt, beautifully and ar-ments; watch is adjusted to temperature and po- 1 tlstically finished in every manner; a locket insition, with set jewels, diamond pallet, section ! the inside cap for a picture; the movement ischronometer balance, with real screws. The case n high grade, three-fourth* T>late, full-jeweled,weighs 60 dwt. 18 k. gold and plain engine turned, : stem-winding American movement.The watch is not over three or four years old, ! -pOX mWK wirT SVI r—,.,„, , T ATW,~

rTicCOST » °--*- EXTRA HANDSOME ' style, extra heavy and solid 14-karat; the move-S/fS "^» n°--*-N EXTRA HANDSOME style, extra heavy and solid 14-karat; the mov*\p^tHj- gentleman's watch; solid gold hunting ' ment is the best Waltham, set-jeweled stem-case, 18 sue, Louis XIV style, artistically and \u25a0 winder, fullplate.

handsomely engraved, with a full jeweled Elgin ittK Ha.vk k rf\t'ttvt~t Tnmi»nr.^g

'Z&tiiXoSl&SpiXrmoTement - H VVB^i^.tß^S^S?£3 AS2wwn_w_ajnaosi_entireiy_Bew. | ovaL stem-winder, lull-jeweled, nickel move-CO/\COST $65— THIS IS A SOLID GOLD \ ment: a little beauty and alniest new: warranted»#ajKJ hunting mansard case watch. Bemem- a good timepiece.ber that when we say solid gold we don't mean "TT~r~~— ——' \u25a0 —plated or filled, we mean tha.t the cases are all | OUR STOCK °? DIAMONDS NEVER WAS A3solid gold, cap and everything else. The watch | " large as it is at tne present time; conse*has been carried four or five years, but looks as •• quently in order to turn them into money we aregood as new; has been put in first-class order and , offering them at lower prices than we ever have be*is warranted a good time piece, containing a good re - For an example, we will sell you a pair of sol«medium Waltham movement. itaire diamond ear drops for $350 that you cannotT*Olt tsa WE WILT,spit vnrr a nivn<:nvn

bnyany wnere olbq in the United States forless than

watch is almost entirely new. i duplicates of the above that we will sell for «250,T?OR $240 WE WILL SELL YOU ONE OF THE that weigh 3V, carats.JL finest chronographs made; the regular price I -» Tr» TO Ta—T—.-„., „.,„—_„ __

...-.—is $375. This watch is one of the finest move- i IV0

fl'rl£* LOVELY PAIR OF DIAMOITDments.set with rubies, adjasted to heat, cold and iL?:Wrltthat would cost *ou *"**position, independent, quarter-split, and fly-back, I where in the world »18a.The cases weighs To dwt. U k.. plain, engine- ; fOR $126 WE CAN SELL YOU A PAIR OFturned; watch was only used last season, inper- i \u25a0*- solitaire diamond eardrops that will weighfeet order. i twe carats and are perfect gems in color and bril-

T?ORS3SWE WILL SELL YOU A WATCH \u25a0 "h^H.^m^n! wa.rran^ d *°5*£.* "f" W*haT«X 1 that cost at retail at the very lowest it can f^JIT, as

asortment °f «»ui%iond ePm » °*be bought anywhere «45; best Boss filled open- the latest st>leg, crescents, crosses and brooches.

face, with high grade Waltham 16-size movement; T7OR * > WE WILL SELL YOU A HANDSOMEwe could sell this watch for a new watch, as it •*\u25a0 solitaire diamond ring; the stone weighs alooks as though it had never been carried. fraction less than one and one-half . carat; a per-m * /\—COST »IQO— THIS IS A HANDSOMB

feet gem: dee P- nic^r cut and very brillidnt.*?^tyJ hunting oval perfectly smoth solid gold "TVIAMONDKINGS OF ALL STYLES FUOM $1case, medium small sizo, but the cases are com- ' \u25a0*-* to $150.pact and solid, with high grade Hampden quick- TJ»OR $6 WE WILLSELL YOU A LADY'S DlA-train movement; watch has been carried a year J? monl collar button with bright little dia-or two. but is in perfect order and looks as g«.od mond and solid 14 karat mounting. •••:>"*aneW

'—.— : __ i inOLLAK BfTTON" FOR SOLID GOLDOriA—COST $115—EXTRA HEAVY SOLID ! v-/ mounting and set with a real genuine little>3*J*J gold hunting plain engine-turned, with diamond.IHtliiini.Mnt2r'ijOUi9

JAiV/ n716 Of C:Pe' 1 1-karat : TTNSET DIAMONDS-DIAMONDS MOUNTEDwith high-grade Hampden full-jeweled quick train \J to order in any style ° » «-lik"stem-winding movement; watch probably carried i-= _^_.__- I \u0084,.'\u25a0.. .

six or eight months. ! A NUMBER OF DIAMOND BRACELETS—

-pOR $35 WK WILLTSELiTYOinrWATCHAt ALatestyle_oi moantings.r most entirely uew that cost f140; the case ! F INK DIAMOXI> COLLAR BUTTON WElGH-weighs 82 dwt, 18-karat gold, Louis XIV., en- | -*\u25a0 lng « karat ' skeleton mounting, for $35.graved border and edges, open face, with the best j "CINE SELECTION OF OPERA GLASSES D?and highest grade Elgin movement, named B. W. ! \u25a0*- Bardon and Lamaire for about one-half theirRaymond, adjusted to heat and cold; watch was | value.probablycarried only three or four months and i ~A~NUMBEROF FIELD GLASSES, IMPORTEDcannot be told from a new watch; will be war- ! J\ an(i \mer ican

T^Z^r^il^lVTv^yATCU! T^^OUT^U-LAMAIRECASE AND STRAPF° wo^th UN;s'olidioltojen^^rat AS i Aco^^nearly new, cost about^j^torjn.engine-tiirned case, with Howard movement- the i A MOTHER LAMAIRE,LARGER SIZE. VERYmovement is adjusted, quick-trained; the move- ; Jr

*- powerful chromatic glasses, complete with,ment alone is worth at wholesale justwhat we ask : case ,,a!l.d1

Btra? in flrsi-« si condition, for $17;for the watch, a perfect timepiece; warranted in Trortn '**"• '

first-claja condition. ! "Tlor 120 WE WILLSELL YOUACOMBINATION

WK HAVE GOT TWO OTHER WATCHES \u25a0*- improved field and opera glass that cost $38.that we consider great bargains; they are '

This is a magic glass double draw, one of the mostboth Howards, both plain engine-turned solid ; powerful and finest glasses made byLamaire; thegold hunting cases, heavy, solid and compact; the ' trimmingis gold and black and finest sole leather,movements are the highest grade Howards, ad- also sole leather case and strap, finely and corn-justed to heat and cold, patent regulator, set j pletely finished. Ifyon want anything finer andjewels and all the modern improvements; the IS- ! more powerful than this you will have to get asiie. Use heaviest, we sell for $15v, and the 16-size j large telescope.for $100; both are as good as new and clippers for rVNK AMIHICANGLASS FOR »7 AND ONE FOBtime. :. KJ $9; the finest made in this country. A. sum*

PRICE AND DE3CRIITION OF A FEW ber of Bardon telescopes.ladies watches. f~\NE LARGE TELESCOPE. 4-INCH OBJECT

COO COST $50— THIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE }-* Rlass » tripod and everything complete fortJP^<v lady's watch is a hunting, oval case, handling, all perfect and nearly new. This glassprettily engraved. Japanese style cases and solid cost $300; we willsell it for «90. A number ofgold 14-k; watch is medium size, nearly new, with smaller-site Bardon telescopes.full-jeweled, real nickel movement, chronometer A LARGE NUMBER OF MUSIC Potter,"balance; warranted a good timepiece. A Prices range from $1 up to $33.

!eOf, COST $05-ONE OF THE FINEST CHAT- A NUMBER OF CLOCKS, GOLD-HEADEDVw elaine watches made; cases are solid T. canes, solid silver and novelties of allgold. 14-k oval shape, open face, with a very j kinds. We carry a full line of compressed Ivor*superior movement, sot with real rubies; real i poker and faro chips, fancy and plain- IW-inchchronometer balance, stem-winder, diamonds set in chip, plain,»i ; l^ inch, plain $150- fancy dao.hands, artistically engraved; watch is nearly new. ' orated, $2 and $2.50 per hundred.

Send for a copy of our new illustrated cataloguewithfall description of goods and prices. Cataloguesent free on application.

Goods Sent C. 0. D. with Privilege of Examination.Old jewelry remodeled into the latest style at a very4 V reasonable price.Watch Repairing,, Diamond Setting and Engraving,*|E. LYTLE, PAWNBROKER,

Wholesale and Retail Jeweler,45 Jackson Street.


v£jl * I The Ice Palace RefrigeratorIflTr?l>¥*2 fyjc Manufactured at the St. Paul BoxFac-

c^ E, - \u25a0 -javj^ Oi tory and Planlns Mill, also Fisner'«

V bB 0 »^1 Grocery and Butcher Soxes and Cold

** pßMy^a :a&t 5 StoruKt* Houses, Coun tor, Store, Offlc©nl'Ct^~-- \u25a0Sii f"^ and Drug Fixtures. Custom Planing;,

Hi eiYifea-uaa, [^-c?^n^giHt.ta Moulding, Turning, Scroll and Re-I^WtWTp*fti*!ra'''l : —S-^^ II'\u25a0"PI sawing, Wainscotting, Casings an*

ilflrS {H)ip;-^^i!vl^^ Hardwood Flooring. Railroad track.

rJwSS^^^^- || J^**^ BLODGETT & OSGOOD,I fiswwsPgofrAitfLW ** _J Cor. E. Fourth and Locust.

A. H. LOHLKER,| 221 East Seventh Street,

Carpets, Wall Paper, DraperiesAND ALL KINDS OP

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS,Wholesale and Retail at the VeryLowest Prices.


£0 East Third Street, - - SLPauL2H