ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 January 24, 2021 MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA) JAN. 23, 2021 – JAN. 31 , 2021 SATURDAY JANUARY 23 5:00p.m. For the People of St. Matthews 7:00 pm Por las Benditas Animas del Purgatorio Dionicio Puente SUNDAY JANUARY 24 8:00a.m. Minnie Ramirez & Gilbert Garcia Orlando Mata 10:00a.m. Eduardo (Ed) Garcia Jeremy Hernandez 12:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving for Angel Reyes Eddie Cruz MONDAY JANUARY 25 No Mass TUESDAY JANUARY 26 8:45a.m. Luciana Roman In Thanksgiving for Rogelio Edar & My Nguyen WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 8:45a.m. In Thanksgiving for Andrea Cantu Della Chmelik THURSDAY JANUARY 28 8:45 a.m. Luciana Roman Richard Ions FRIDAY JANUARY 29 8:45 a.m. In Thanksgiving for Raymond & Victoria Garcia in their 55th anniversary SATURDAY JANUARY 30 5:00p.m. Flor Arias Orlando Mata 7:00 pm Heribertha Mendoza En Agradecimiento por Patima Bedolla SUNDAY JANUARY 31 8:00a.m. Minnie Ramirez Johnnie Zbranek 10:00a.m. Eduardo (Ed) Garcia Enrique Deleon 12:00 p.m. Por la Comunidad de San Mateo UPDATES TO OUR PRAYER LISTDela Garza - Margarita Dominguez -Gina Rivera - Reyes Dominguez Roger Dominguez -Minerva Aguilar - Hope Martinez - Rian la Fleur - Julian Aleman - Jessica Aguilera - Charlotte Maxelle - Jerry Davis - Donna Davis - Niki Pena - Jared Pena - Josh DavisWalker- Chris Johnson - Charles Jennings - Robert Trusty - Abelardo Gody Victoria Garcia - Cecilia Diaz - Robert Alcala - Maria Hutchings, Elena Barrera and for all those that are sick affected by the Covid-19. Thank you to Rene & Gloria Hernandez for donating the Bread and Wine this weekend In Loving Memory of Jeremy Hernandez Readings for the Week of January 24, 2021 Sunday Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25; 1 Cor 7:29; Mk 1:14-20 Monday Acts 22:3-16 ; Ps 117; Mk 16:15-18 Tuesday 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24; Mk 4:21-25 Friday Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday Heb 11:1-2; Lk 1:69-70; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95; 1 Cor 7:32; Mk 1:21-28 Stop by the parish office to sign up for the 2021 MASS Intentions Around the parish... Starting January , 2021, for those wishing to commemorate a special time (birthday, anniversary, etc) or in memory of the a loved one, we will change to the family now sponsoring the bread and wine for $65.00 for a weekend. Your name will be listed in the bulletin with the reason for the spon- sorship (anniversary, birthday, in memory of…, etc) as is cur- rently done. Example: Bread and Wine this week sponsored by ________ in honor of _______________ or in memory of ______________. Greenery and live plants will be on the altar with seasonal plants also at various times of the year. Thank you for all you do for St. Matthews. We hope that you embrace this decision and will continue your sponsorship. Sponsoring Information for 2021


Page 1: ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. … · 2021. 1. 24. · ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 January 24, 2021 Primera

ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 January 24, 2021

MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA) JAN. 23, 2021 – JAN. 31 , 2021 SATURDAY JANUARY 23 5:00p.m. For the People of St. Matthew’s 7:00 pm Por las Benditas Animas del Purgatorio † Dionicio Puente SUNDAY JANUARY 24

8:00a.m. †Minnie Ramirez & †Gilbert Garcia † Orlando Mata 10:00a.m. †Eduardo (Ed) Garcia †Jeremy Hernandez 12:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving for Angel Reyes †Eddie Cruz MONDAY JANUARY 25 No Mass TUESDAY JANUARY 26

8:45a.m. Luciana Roman In Thanksgiving for Rogelio Edar & My Nguyen WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 8:45a.m. In Thanksgiving for Andrea Cantu †Della Chmelik THURSDAY JANUARY 28

8:45 a.m. Luciana Roman †Richard Ions FRIDAY JANUARY 29

8:45 a.m. In Thanksgiving for Raymond & Victoria Garcia in their 55th anniversary SATURDAY JANUARY 30 5:00p.m. †Flor Arias †Orlando Mata 7:00 pm †Heribertha Mendoza En Agradecimiento por Patima Bedolla SUNDAY JANUARY 31

8:00a.m. †Minnie Ramirez † Johnnie Zbranek 10:00a.m. †Eduardo (Ed) Garcia †Enrique Deleon 12:00 p.m. Por la Comunidad de San Mateo

UPDATES TO OUR PRAYER LIST… Dela Garza - Margarita Dominguez -Gina Rivera - Reyes Dominguez Roger Dominguez -Minerva Aguilar - Hope Martinez - Rian la Fleur - Julian Aleman - Jessica Aguilera - Charlotte Maxelle - Jerry Davis - Donna Davis - Niki Pena - Jared Pena - Josh DavisWalker- Chris Johnson - Charles Jennings - Robert Trusty - Abelardo Gody Victoria Garcia - Cecilia Diaz - Robert Alcala - Maria Hutchings, Elena Barrera and for all those that are sick affected by the Covid-19.

Thank you to Rene & Gloria Hernandez for donating the Bread and Wine this weekend

In Loving Memory of †Jeremy Hernandez

Readings for the Week of January 24, 2021 Sunday Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25; 1 Cor 7:29; Mk 1:14-20 Monday Acts 22:3-16 ; Ps 117; Mk 16:15-18 Tuesday 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24; Mk 4:21-25 Friday Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday Heb 11:1-2; Lk 1:69-70; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95; 1 Cor 7:32; Mk 1:21-28

Stop by the parish office to sign up for the 2021 MASS Intentions

Around the parish... Starting January , 2021, for those wishing to commemorate a special time (birthday, anniversary, etc) or in memory of the a loved one, we will change to the family now sponsoring the bread and wine for $65.00 for a weekend. Your name will be listed in the bulletin with the reason for the spon-sorship (anniversary, birthday, in memory of…, etc) as is cur-rently done. Example: Bread and Wine this week sponsored by ________ in honor of _______________ or in memory of ______________. Greenery and live plants will be on the altar with seasonal plants also at various times of the year. Thank you for all you do for St. Matthew’s. We hope that you embrace this decision and will continue your sponsorship.

Sponsoring Information for 2021

Page 2: ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. … · 2021. 1. 24. · ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 January 24, 2021 Primera


First Reading Jon 3:1-5, 10 A reading from the first Book of the Prophet Jonah The word of the LORD came to Jonah, saying: “Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you.” So Jonah made ready and went to Nineveh, according to the LORD’S bidding. Now Nineveh was an enormously large city; it took three days to go through it. Jonah began his journey through the city, and had gone but a single day’s walk announcing, “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed, “ when the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth. When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them; he did not carry it out.

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


R/. Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Second Reading 1 Cor 7:29-31

A reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians

I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away.

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Gospel Mk 1:14-20

The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark Glory to you, O Lord. After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they abandoned their nets and followed him. He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him. The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily-Profession of Faith—Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suf-fered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Gospel Acclamation R. Alleluia, alleluia. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel. R. Alleluia, alleluia.

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ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 January 24, 2021

Primera Lectura Jon 3, 1-5. 10

Lectura del libro del profeta Jonás En aquellos días, el Señor volvió a hablar a Jonás y le dijo: “Levántate y vete a Nínive, la gran capital, para anunciar ahí el mensaje que te voy a indicar”. Se levantó Jonás y se fue a Nínive, como le había mandado el Señor. Nínive era una ciudad enorme: hacían falta tres días para recorrerla. Jonás caminó por la ciudad durante un día, pregonando: “Dentro de cuarenta días Nínive será destruida”. Los ninivitas creyeron en Dios, ordenaron un ayuno y se vistieron de sayal, grandes y pequeños. Cuando Dios vio sus obras y cómo se convertían de su mala vida, cambió de parecer y no les mandó el castigo que había determinado imponerles.

Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor.

Salmo Responsorial 25

R. / Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos.

Segunda Lectura 1 Cor 7,29-31 Lectura de la primera carta del apóstol san Pablo a los corintios

Hermanos: Les quiero decir una cosa: la vida es corta. Por tanto, conviene que los casados vivan como si no lo estuvieran; los que sufren, como si no sufrieran; los que están alegres, como si no se alegraran; los que compran, como si no compraran; los que disfrutan del mundo, como si no disfrutaran de él; porque este mundo que vemos es pasajero.

Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor.

Aclamación del Evangelio R. Aleluya, aleluya.

El Reino de Dios ya está cerca, dice el Señor. arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio. R. Aleluya.

Homilía– Profesión de Fe– Credo Niceno Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engen-drado no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, _________ Y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; _________ Y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato, padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; Y de nuevo vendrá con Gloria para juzgar a vivos y Muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo el la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo Bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los Muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén.

EVANGELIO Mc 1, 14 - 20 El Señor esté con ustedes. Y con tu espíritu. Lectura del santo Evangelio según san Marcos Gloria a ti Señor.

Después de que arrestaron a Juan el Bautista, Jesús se fue a Galilea para predicar el Evangelio de Dios y decía: “Se ha cumplido el tiempo y el Reino de Dios ya está cerca. Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio”. Caminaba Jesús por la orilla del lago de Galilea, cuando vio a Simón y a su hermano, Andrés, echando las redes en el lago, pues eran pescadores. Jesús les dijo: “Síganme y haré de ustedes pescadores de hombres”. Inmediatamente deja-ron las redes y lo siguieron. Un poco más adelante, vio a Santiago y a Juan, hijos de Zebedeo, que estaban en una barca, remendando sus redes. Los llamó, y ellos, dejando en la barca a su padre con los trabajadores, se fueron con Jesús. Palabra del Señor Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús.

Declaraciones Financieras De Fin De Año Las Declaraciones Financieras De Fin De Ano, 2020 estarán Disponibles a finales Enero 2021. Si usted desea una declara-cion, por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Janie Guerrero en la oficina parroquial al 713-466-4030

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DSF Summary Report– 2020 Parish 7579

Parish Goal $56,000.00

Paid $51,383.00

Difference (goal vs paid) $4,617.00

Total Number of Participant


Reminder: Many organizations and clubs use rooms in the administra-tion building and church. When you hold a meeting/event please clean up as much as possible, turn off lights and shut the door to the room. Turn off air conditioner/heater. By following these simple rules we will save on electricity bills and it will make it more con-venient for the lock-up person in charge.

A Stewardship Parish Parroquia Administradora de los Bienes de Dios

January 17 , 2021

Collection Goal: $9,000.00

Sunday Offering/Ofrenda del Domingo & Candle: $5,759.90 On-Line Giving/Donaciones hechas por Internet: $2,191.50 Total Collection/Colecta en Total: $7,951.40

We are short $1048.60

Bank Direct and Credit Card Donations available on our website by clicking on ‘‘Online Giving” button

Goal : $479,122.00 Paid : $224,612.78

Difference (Goal vs Paid ) : $251.296.35

Tonga Fund $5,809.75

End Of The Year Statements Contribution statements for 2020 will soon be available. If you would like to request a statement, please call Janie in the Parish Office at (713)466-4030 extension 322.

Las clases de Preparacion al Matrimonio comenzaran en Enero 2021. Estas clases son para parejas que desean casarse en la Iglesia Catolica. Se reunen los jueves a las 7pm via zoom. Pase a la oficina parroquial para registrarse. Para mas informacion favor de comunicarse con Rosie. A (713)466-4030

Preparacion al Matrimonio

Our Knights of Columbus will be having a Chicken Fried Steak Fundraiser Dinner($8.00 a plate) on January 30 & 31st in the Morton building after all masses. Come by and purchase a dinner plate while supporting the Knights of Columbus in their fundraiser.

KOC Chicken Fried Steak Fundraiser

Grupo Guadalupano will be having a fundraiser selling Mexican street corn ($3.00 each) in the Morton Building on January 23rd ( Sat.) from 5:00p.m - 8:30p.m. and January 24th(Sun.) from 7:00a.m - 3:00 p.m. Come by and Support Grupo Guadalupano with their fundraiser sale.

Grupo Guadalupano tendrá una recaudación de fondos vendiendo elotes ( $3.00 cada uno) en el Edificio Morton el 23 de Enero (sábado) de 5:00p.m. a 8:30 p.m. y 24 de Enero (Domingo) de 7:00a.m.– 3:00p.m.Ven y apoya al Grupo Guadalupano con su venta de recaudación de fondos.

Guadalupano fundraiser

Nuestros Caballeros de Colón tendrán una cena de recaudación De fondos de filete de pollo frito($8.00 por plato) el 30 y 31 de Enero en el edificio Morton después de todas las misas. Venga y compre un plato mientras apoya a Caballeros de Colón en su recaudación de fondos.