St. John s Mission Statement is To know Christ better and ...€˜To know Christ better and make...

St. Johns Mission Statement is To know Christ better and make Christ better known

Transcript of St. John s Mission Statement is To know Christ better and ...€˜To know Christ better and make...

St. John’s Mission Statement is ‘To know Christ better and make Christ better known’


Services this month 5th November 4th before Advent 8.30am Holy Communion BCP 11.00am Holy Communion 12th November Remembrance 8.30am Holy Communion BCP 10.45am Remembrance Service beginning in Warley 19th November 2nd before Advent 8.30am Holy Communion BCP 11.00am Holy Communion 27th November Christ the King 8.30am Holy Communion BCP 11.00am Worship Service


November Letter Dear Friends, The other day children from Parkinson Lane Primary School came to St. Hilda’s to learn what happens in a Christian church. First Martin impressed them with all the fancy robes a vicar wears for the different seasons of the church’s year. Then in six groups the different parts of the church were explained and what happens there: The font, the high altar, the Lady chapel, the pulpit, the organ and the choir. It was amazing to see the eagerness in the faces of the six year old children to learn about the Christian church and to show what they knew already. To build bridges of understanding between faiths is absolutely vital in today’s world, and Parkinson Lane school is a shining example. A Christian doctor in India said to a visitor from England that Britain had a vital role to play to show the world how people of different faiths can live together in a constructive way. In recent months this has been tested with terrorist attacks and incidents of racial hatred. However, this makes the task even more urgent, to work for mutual understanding. It is on the one hand a call for an understanding of different cultures; this is probably the first step. Yet as people of faith we are called to learn about the other faiths and to come into dialogue with each other. Like ecumenism in the 20

th century, interfaith dialogue

has grown enormously during the last seventy years. As true followers of Jesus we cannot live in an insulated capsule of piety. Jesus has died for the whole world, and he was killed because he wanted to put all barriers down, and this was too threatening for the rulers of his time. Whenever we exclude, we are not living out Christ. True dialogue which can grow and ripen and bear fruit, always starts best with friendship. When we accept each other as friends despite our differences, true understanding follows. And it will spread into our surroundings.


In interfaith dialogue we do not water down our own faith. In the contrary, the more we learn about other faiths, our own faith becomes strengthened. We also learn from each other; there are different ways of prayer, especially in the Eastern religions, which can help Christians to deepen their own prayer life.

We do not try to convert each other. That is not the aim. One Muslim Imam wrote: ‘I would like my Christian friend to become a Muslim, and I am clear that he would like me to become a Christian. Both such changes are highly unlikely. Acknowledging this we engage happily in dialogue together.’

This month we keep Interfaith Week from 13-19 November. On Tuesday clergy and imams are meeting. And on Thursday from 6pm everybody is invited to Holy Trinity Primary School, first for a meal and then for various inputs. Last year I led a circle dance, the African Masithi (‘Praise the Lord’), and everybody was invited to join. The Mayor took up the challenge! It became a highlight of the evening as it brought different people together in one big circle.

The Women’s Interfaith Group meets each month with different topics. It is a group where friendships have been formed. However, we still miss Muslim women at many of the meetings. This is something we need to work at.

We live in a world which is increasingly polarised by religion. We need to show in interfaith work that this division is not inevitable.

A helpful book I have found is ‘Celebrating Difference, Staying Faithful’, by Andrew Wingate. May God bless you all, Madeleine

Circle Dance Our next dates are: 11 November and 2 December 2017. 10am-12.30pm followed by soup lunch. Christ Church, Pellon, Church Lane Halifax HX20EF Madeleine


Words of Wisdom

A solid foundation gives a building strength; the right materials

give it lasting value.

Listen with the ears of faith if you would hear the voice of God.

The resurrection is a fact of history that demands a response of


Faith is taking God at his word.

God's resources are always equal to his requirements.

Remembrance Sunday

12th November - Remembrance Service Beginning outside the Maypole Warley starting at 10.45am and then processing to St. John’s Church for the conclusion of the service. Tea & Coffee will be served after the service.

Led by Rev Stephen Bradberry

Interfaith: Interfaith Week: Thursday 16 November, 6 - 8pm Holy Trinity Primary School, Savile Park Road, starting with a meal, followed by various inputs.



We Give thanks to God for three resent events at St. John ’s which raised money for: First. Harvest Festival Appeal which was to help with the drought in Mara, Tanzania. That raised £327.15 Second. Was for the work of The Leprosy Mission for their ongo-ing work to help people with this terrible disease. That raised £703 which is trebled by the EU making it worth £2812.00. This was a Churches together in West Halifax event. Third. Afternoon Tea & Flower Demonstration. That raised £501.00. This is for church funds. All funds raised at St. John’s are tithed and the 10% is donated the different charities agreed by the PCC each year. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported these events in anyway.

Our next Prayer Breakfast will be on 11th November at 8.30am in the Church Hall. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures for ever. Psalm 106: 1

27th November 2017

10.30am Mrs Maggie Poppa

A year in Italy - Life as a Nanny


At our October afternoon meeting Jean told us all about her Canadian Adventure holiday and showed us some beautiful pictures of the scenery.

Our evening meeting was on October 19th when 17 MU members

and friends went to the Playhouse to see the Stage Door Studio presentation of Me and My Girl. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a lovely evening.

Midday prayers will be on Monday November 6th at Halifax Minster

so please come along if you can.

November 21st is our evening meeting and this will be at 7.30p.m

in the Church Hall. We will be making window displays and decora-tions for Church for Christmas.

Advance notice:- MU CHRISTMAS PARTY

Thursday December 7th

5p.m to 8p.m in the Church Hall Tea served at 5.30p.m

PLEASED DO JOIN US - All members of the congregation and friends will be made very welcome. Many thanks. SUSAN


Find us at:- Short URL:

The deadline for contributions to the December Newsletter is 23rd November to: David 330693 [email protected]

November Diary

Wednesday 1st 2.00pm Coffee and Company at St. Hilda’s Thursday 2nd 6.45pm Song Group practice Tuesday 7th 8.30am Morning Prayer, Saying ’The Office’ Wednesday 8th 2.00pm Coffee and Company at St. Hilda’s Saturday 11th 8.30am Prayer Breakfast Tuesday 14th 8.30am Morning Prayer, Saying ’The Office’ Wednesday 15th 2.00pm Coffee and Company at St. Hilda’s Thursday 16th 7.30pm Special PCC Tuesday 21st 8.30am Morning Prayer, Saying ’The Office’ Wednesday 22nd 2.00pm Coffee and Company at St. Hilda’s Thursday 23rd 6.45pm Song Group practice Monday 27th 10.30am Warley Coffee Club Tuesday 28th 8.30am Morning Prayer, Saying ’The Office’ Wednesday 29th 2.00pm Coffee and Company at St. Hilda’s 7.30pm PCC meeting Thursday 30th 6.45pm Song Group practice

December Thursday 7

th 5pm to 8pm Mothers’ Union Christmas Party in the Church

Hall Tea served at 5.30pm

Uniform Organizations Meet weekly through term time. Rainbows Tuesday evening Beavers Wednesday evening Brownies Tuesday evening Cubs Friday evening Guides Tuesday evening Scouts Friday evening Explorer Scouts Friday evening

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