St. Francis de Sales Church...2020/02/16  · Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle...

St. Francis de Sales Church Established in 1894 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 Communion Service Saturday 8:30 AM (September through May) Holy Day Vigil 5:00 PM Holy Days 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM Confessions are Saturday at 4:30 PM and anytime by request. Proclaiming the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ and celebrating 125 Years , from the little church on the hillside of Lenni.

Transcript of St. Francis de Sales Church...2020/02/16  · Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle...

Page 1: St. Francis de Sales Church...2020/02/16  · Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle Collec-tion—Ends. Please place in bin at rear of church Feb.25th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6:00 pm,

St. Francis de Sales Church

Established in 1894


Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 Communion Service Saturday 8:30 AM (September through May) Holy Day Vigil 5:00 PM Holy Days 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM Confessions are Saturday at 4:30 PM and anytime by request.

Proclaiming the Good News of our Savior

Jesus Christ and celebrating 125 Years ,

from the little church on the hillside of Lenni.

Page 2: St. Francis de Sales Church...2020/02/16  · Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle Collec-tion—Ends. Please place in bin at rear of church Feb.25th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6:00 pm,

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Scripture readings for: February 23rd, 2020

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 1Corinthians 3:16-23

Matthew 5:38-48

Adult Choir Nancy Brown 610.358.3112 Adult Education/RCIA Sr. Anne Marie 610.500.4088 Altar Society Phil D'Orazio 610.459.0635 PREP Sr. Anne Marie 610.500.4088 Cancer Care Ministry Lydia Lill 610.358.2627 Church Environment Barbara Jones 610.566.4149 CYO Paula Bonsall 610.517.6136 Eucharistic Ministers Tracy Boyle 610.566.8453 Finance Committee Fr. Okon 610.459.2203 Ladies' Club Belle Miller 610.513.2920 Lectors Joanne Sunick 610.459.1996 Liturgy Committee Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554 Pastoral Council Steve DeLozier 484.574.4425 Prayer Shawl Ministry Ann Fernandez 215.203.6697 Web Master Arlene Petragnani 610.558.0588 Welcome Committee R. DiFebo 610.459.8971 Women's Prayer Group Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554 Social/Fellowship Gretchen DeLozier 484.362.3898

Refer and Reflect

Directory of Parish Organizations

RECTORY 610.459.2203 35 New Road, Box 97, Lenni, PA 19052 Website— [email protected]

Reverend Alan J. Okon, Pastor Deacon Paul A. Quinn

Sr. Betty Kirk O.S.F. 610.459.0554 Parish Services Director Sr. Anne Marie Stegmaier I.H.M. Director Religious Education 610.500.4088 Mrs. Marie McGonigal 610.459.2203 Administrative Assistant Tammy McDonald 610.459.2203 Communications Secretary E-mail– [email protected] Art Kahn, Business Manager 610.459.2203 CONVENT 610.459.2501 28 New Road, Aston, PA 19014 Education Center 39 New Road, Aston, PA 19014


January 19th, 2020

Sunday Collection = $4445.00

Giving = $1928.00

Total Sunday =$6373.00

Parish Improvement = $460.00

Thank You for your generosity!

Questions for the Week - February 16th ,2020

Life: Why do we laws and rules? Why do laws sometimes change?

Gospel : Why does Jesus add to the Ten Commandments?

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February 16th, 2020 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY February 15 8:30 AM Communion Service 5:00 PM James Gallagher, Jr. SUNDAY February 16 7:30 AM Frances Nelling 9:30 AM Bill Lennon 11:30 AM Kathryn Marshall MONDAY February 17 8:30 AM Judy Bordon TUESDAY February 18 8:30 AM Jack Scott WEDNESDAY February 19 8:30 AM Communion Service THURSDAY February 20 8:30 AM Gregory Cahill (19th Anniversary) FRIDAY February 21 8:30 AM Kathryn Marshall SATURDAY February 22 8:30 AM Special Intention 5:00 PM Mae McLaughlin SUNDAY February 23 7:30 AM Arthur & Eleanor Ambrosine 9:30 AM John T. Manuel (49th Anniversary) 11:30 AM Aaron Keenan

FEBRUARY 16th, 2020 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Perhaps, like me, you are already weary of our overly long presidential campaign season. Here we are, a full nine months before the election of 2020, and already we have been dunned with polling results, discussion, debates, and debacles. Our democratic freedoms seem to come these days with a high price of patience. In an analogous way, we could say that Our Lord Jesus Christ was a campaigner during His time on earth. Not for any earthly high office, for sure, but for the hearts and minds of all the people He would reach among His contemporaries and all who would learn of Him in the future. That includes our hearts and minds. However, there is much that distinguishes Him from any earthbound seekers of political office. For one thing, Our Lord was totally transparent (to use a present day description of honesty); He made no promises He would not keep; and He assured His early followers of His upcoming victory over the competing evil forces against Him. Even more marvelous to ponder, He held out the promise to all mankind of a shared victory over all the obstacles that would lead to a future so beautifully described by St. Paul in First Corinthi-ans. Of course, we know Jesus had to pay a high price for all His declarations. It was cross-shaped. It was also apt for all those among the Jewish elite and their Roman overlords who found Him at (dare I say it?) cross-purposes with all that they held dear. To them, freedom was thought a restricted right in a world so replete with slavery. For the Jews, their ancient Law was held to be the Word of God, inviolable and sacro-sanct. For the Romans, riches and power were every-thing. Politics was the tool most likely to help one get them both. If there was any truth to the myths surrounding their gods, they could be placated with hollow prayers and weird ceremony. So they wondered about Jesus. “Just who was this upstart from Nazareth? And why give Him any credence? Yet how explain the mysterious magnetism He projected and the crowds He drew? Somehow or other He must be stopped, or eliminated from the scene.” We know that’s just what they did. After that, they wrongly thought they could relax until the news came on the Third Day. What they had thought was the end was just the beginning. Of course, that’s not our outlook thanks to our gift of faith. Yet, we all have to be careful that while we honor Him at Mass we often forget Him by the time we get to the park-ing lot. From time to time we devise clever but fast fading slogans like “WWJD?” We even call Him “Superstar.” But if we’re going to be honest, we must acknowledge that believ-ing in Him is far easier than obeying His teaching. You see, doctrine and doing are like the two chemical ingredients of salt, which is composed of two poisons: sodi-um and chlorine. If we ingested either of the two poisons, we would die. But if we combine them properly, we have sodium chloride, which is common table salt that gives flavor to our food and indeed life and health to our bodies. So, too, are faith and good works inseparable. Knowing that, may I ask, Does “Candidate Jesus” have your vote to be “King of Hearts?” More importantly, does he have your heart? “Reflection by, Rev. Leonard N. Peterson”

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Belle Miller, Chrissy Ferris

Bruce McManus, Greg Miller

Kevin Duckett, Dorothy Tait,

Joel Rivera,

Mary Ann Gilbert, Marilyn Kane

Hear Our Prayer If you wish to have a family member added to our list to be remem-

bered in prayers, for sickness or health concerns, please e-mail the

rectory at, [email protected]


An All– Class Reunion is

scheduled to be held on Saturday, March

28th, 2020~2:00 PM—10:00 PM

A Mass, School Tour and Celebration Dinner

are scheduled to take place.

General Admission for the Reunion Dinner

are $75.00– Appetizers, dinner, soft drinks,

coffee, beer and wine incl. in price.

Come One, Come All!!

Mass starts at 2pm, a walk down memory

lane in the school and gym follows mass, a

wonderful dinner social begins at 5:00pm at

Neumann University! Tickets—



Saint Francis de Sales

Super Bowl Block Pool Winners

1st Quarter— *Terry Marsdan


2nd Quarter- * Jim W. Ryan

* ML Mawby

3rd Quarter- *Jim W. Ryan

* ML Mawby

4th Quarter—* Jeffrey Mills & SFDS

The Sisters of Saint Francis welcome you to

become a member of Red Hill Farm, located

across from Our Lady of Angels convent in

Aston, PA. The farm is an organic CSA

(Community Supported Agriculture) that

distributes produce by way of membership

from June through November. Farm shares of

organic produce are picked up weekly at the

farm for 24 weeks. Enjoy fresh, local, organic

food at an affordable price. The farm is now

accepting members for the 2020 CSA season.

For more information go to our website or email us at

[email protected]




MENS, WOMENS & CHILDRENS This year we will combine the JOY OF SOX Drive with a

HATS / SCARVES / MITTENS Drive. Please place donations in

the boxes in the FWC or outside FWC door. Thank you in

advance for your support of these two events.

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Page 5 - 105 St. Francis de Sales

125th Anniversary GALA AD BOOK sponsors

are now starting to be contacted….if you would

like to place an Ad in our Gala Ad Book please con-

tact Tammy McDonald at the Church Rectory on

Monday, Wed. or Friday. [email protected]

FEBRUARY 2020 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Choir and Prayer Group are held weekly . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winter Outreach—JOY OF SOX Collection Socks, Hats, Mittens Feb.17th– Joy of Sox Outreach Ends! Feb..20th– Parish Council Mtg. 7:00pm Feb.22nd– Mini Lenten Retreat 9am-noon Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle Collec-tion—Ends. Please place in bin at rear of church Feb.25th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6:00 pm, FWC Feb.26th- ASH WEDNESDAY Feb.27h– The Men’s Group Mtg. 7:00pm FWC Feb.27th– Stations of the Cross/Exposition . For more information visit our Parish website at We also have a Facebook Page! Saint Francis de Sales Church-Aston *Reminder Kindly contact us at [email protected] with any changes in your family information, such as a new address (physical or e-mail), phone number, change (s) in house-hold members, Sacramental updates for any family member, etc. We depend on you to help keep our data base current. Many thanks!

Please note that we also have an updated e-mail address for the bulletin. Correspond-ence for the bulletin may be e-mailed to: [email protected] Happy Valentines Day

Mother’s Home Baby Bottle Collection

Empty Baby Bottles will be left at the exits of the

church. We are invited to take a bottle home and fill

it with coins or bills. This has been an annual out-

reach for our parish for many years. Your donations

are deeply appreciated and are a true blessings. Re-

turn your baby bottle on the weekend of February

22nd, & 23rd Any checks can be made

payable to Mother’s Home

Thank You and God Bless you for your support.

Ashes mark us with the sign of our crucified Lord so

that we can recommit ourselves to the way of the

cross, that is to the path of life.


Distribution of Ashes

February 26th, 2020

Masses: 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 7:00 PM

Prayer Service—4:30 PM

SFDS Lenten Schedule ~~~

Stations of the Cross

followed by Benedictions

7:00 pm. Thursdays

Feb. 27th

March 5, 12, 19, 26

And FRIDAY, April 3, 2020

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Crisis Pregnancy Hotline


Pro-Life Union of Dela-

ware County


A Baby’s Breath


24hr hotline


Mother’s Home


Delaware County

Pregnancy Center

Rachel’s Vineyard



(Post-abortion healing)



A Prayer Shawl Ministry

Please contact Ann Fernandez at

215-203-6697 or

[email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry here at SFDS.

If you knit, crochet, beginner or experienced, or

would like to learn please consider joining the group.

Stitching together! The 2nd & 4th, Tuesday evenings

at 6 pm. We meet in the FWC.

All Welcome!

Attention All SFDS Alumni David Woods is looking for you!!! David is the

Chairperson for our 125th Alumni Committee and

needs your contact info; contact David at

215-872-4053 [email protected]

JOIN FATHER MICHAEL CONNOLLY: LETTERS, we get letters, we get lots and

lots of letters…. Between 48 AD and 62 AD, St. Paul wrote letters to the infant Christian Church. From these writings we get a picture of how the early Church operated, wor-shipped, and governed itself. What insights can we take away for the challenges we face in our times? Join Father Michael Connolly, OSFS to find out Sunday, March 8 (Epistle to the Romans) and 22 (First Epistle of St. Pe-ter) at 12:45 in the Father Walsh Center. All are welcome to either/both sessions.

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Parish Office Hours

The Parish Office is open for business Mon-

day through Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM, sum-

mer hours, Friday’s 8:30AM to 1:00PM.

Weeknights and Saturdays are by appoint-

ment only. Please refer elsewhere in the

bulletin for holiday hours.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

and Holy Communion

Please call the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to

schedule an appointment for the Anointing of

the Sick. Every effort will be made to celebrate

the Sacrament of the Sick within 48 hours of it

being requested. Please call the Parish Office

to request a visit from an Extra Ordinary

Minister of Holy Communion to receive the Holy

Eucharist on Sunday mornings.

Funeral Arrangements

We are very sorry for the loss of your loved one.

To make funeral arrangements, please first

meet with your Funeral Director to discuss your

wishes and their availability. The Funeral

Director will contact our Parish Office to

coordinate the date and time of the funeral.

Once the funeral has been scheduled, Fr. Okon

will call you to schedule a time to meet and plan

the Liturgy.

Parish Registration Welcome to our family of St. Francis de Sales. We are

happy to welcome new members in to our community.

We invite you to be a vital part of our family and hope

you will support your parish with your prayers, your

presence and your talents. Please contact the Parish

Office at 610.459.2203 to make arrangements for

registration. If you move out of our parish, or have

changed your phone number, please contact the

Parish Office so we can update our data base.

Sacrament of Baptism Congratulations on the birth of your child. The

Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered after

the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday. Pre-Jordan class for

the parents is required prior to the scheduling of the

Baptism. Parents can attend the class before the

baby is born. Pre-Jordan class is held on the second

Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Please contact

the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to register for the

Pre-Jordan class. To schedule a Baptism, please

have already obtained the certificates of eligibility

and then contact the Parish Office at least two weeks

in advance.

Certificates of Eligibility Congratulations on being asked to be a sponsor at

either a Baptism or a Confirmation. You have been

asked to be a witness to, and role model of, your

Catholic faith. A sponsor is a Roman Catholic who

has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist

and Confirmation, is an active registered member of

his or her parish, at least 16 years of age, and if

married is in a Sacramental Marriage. Please contact

the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to request a


Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is

celebrated each Saturday afternoon from

4:30 to 5:00, or by appointment.

Elementary Catholic School Education

SFDS Parish supports our parishioners who

have chosen an Elementary Catholic School

for their children. SFDS Parish has open

enrollment; enabling parents to select a

regional or parish school that is of their

choice. For parishioners who are present,

active and contributing members, for a

minimum of one year, SFDS Parish will pay a

subsidy of $1000.00 per student.

Page 8: St. Francis de Sales Church...2020/02/16  · Feb.23rd– Mother’s Home Baby Bottle Collec-tion—Ends. Please place in bin at rear of church Feb.25th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6:00 pm,

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