St a r Chart

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St a r Chart. Course 11EDLD 5352 Memorial High School Port Arthur ISD By: Pandora A. Walker L20041256. Texas STaR Chart. S chool. T echnology. a nd. R eadiness. http:// What is the STaR Chart ?. Online survey For Texas teachers To collect data for reporting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of St a r Chart

PowerPoint Presentation

Course 11EDLD 5352Memorial High School Port Arthur ISDBy: Pandora A. Walker L20041256Star Chart

1Texas STaR ChartSchoolTechnologyandReadiness 2What is the STaR Chart?Online surveyFor Texas teachersTo collect data for reportingTo determine needs for funding, training, etc Data is reported to state and federal policymakers.

3Why does it exist?To determine the need forProfessional development FundingGrants or other resourcesVision of technology

4Who does it benefit?All StakeholdersCampus AdministrationDistrict AdministrationTeachersStudentsParents

Dr. Johnny Brown, Superintendent and Formal Principal Ramona Lee5Key Area I Teaching & LearningPatterns of Classroom UseFrequency/Design of Instructional SettingContent Area ConnectionsTechnology Applications ImplementationStudent Mastery of Technology ApplicationsOnline LearningSTaR Chart6Key Area I Teaching & Technology1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012TL1Patterns223TL2Frequency/D313TL3Content Area332TL4Tech/App233TL5Student Mastery322TL6Online Learning121Total T&L1413147Key Area I Teaching & Technology1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012TL1Patterns223TL2Frequency/D313TL3Content Area332TL4Tech/App233TL5Student Mastery322TL6Online Learning121Total T&L141314Increase hereIncrease hereIncrease Here 8Key Area I Teaching & TechnologyDiscrepanciesStaff turnover due to restructuring of campusesRecommendationsContinued staff development and incentives to implement technology into lessons daily9Key Area I Teaching & LearningPatterns of Classroom UseFrequency/Design of Instructional SettingContent Area ConnectionsTechnology Applications ImplementationStudent Mastery of Technology ApplicationsOnline LearningKey Area III Leadership, Administration, & Instructional SupportLeadership & VisionPlanningInstructional SupportCommunication & CollaborationBudgetLeadership & Support for Online LearningSTaR Chart10Key Area II Educator Preparation & Development1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012EP1Profess.Devel323EP2M.Prof.Devel.223EP3Capabilties E223EP4Access to Profr222EP5Levels of Unde.232EP6Prof. Dev. Online211Total Ed.Prep13131411Key Area II Educator Preparation & Development1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012EP1Profess.Devel323EP2M.Prof.Devel.223EP3Capabilties E223EP4Access to Profr222EP5Levels of Unde.232EP6Prof. Dev. Online211Total Ed.Prep131314Increase hereIncrease here12Key Area II Educator Preparation & DevelopmentDiscrepanciesIncreases then decreases were due to change in staff and attitudes as well as normal fluctuations found in a survey. Perhaps a small increase of staff development then a slight increase the following year.

RecommendationsIncreased support and incentives for teachers to attend technology staff development.Teachers required to meet 6 credits of technology staff development per semester.13Key Area I Teaching & LearningPatterns of Classroom UseFrequency/Design of Instructional SettingContent Area ConnectionsTechnology Applications ImplementationStudent Mastery of Technology ApplicationsOnline LearningKey Area II Educator Preparation & DevelopmentProfessional Development ExperiencesModels of Professional Development Capabilities of EducatorsAccess to Professional DevelopmentLevels of Understanding and Patterns of UseProfessional Development for Online Learning Key Area III Leadership, Administration, & Instructional SupportLeadership & VisionPlanningInstructional SupportCommunication & CollaborationBudgetLeadership & Support for Online LearningSTaR Chart14Key Area III Leadership, Administration & Infrastructural Support1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012L1Leadership/V343L2Planning342L3Instructional223L43344L5Budget.242L6Leadership Support O-Learning212Total Leadership15191615Key Area III Leadership, Administration & Infrastructural Support1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012L1Leadership/V343L2Planning342L3Instructional223L43344L5Budget.242L6Leadership Support O-Learning212Total Leadership151916Decrease here followed by an increaseDecrease hereIncrease here16Key Area III Leadership, Administration and Instructional SupportDiscrepanciesDecreases due to staff moral and attitudes shifting with administration implementation of technology push, etc.Increases due to more support of technology hardware and trainings

RecommendationsContinue and increase incentives by district for administration to keep staff moral up and positive of reasons to use technology integration17Key Area I Teaching & LearningPatterns of Classroom UseFrequency/Design of Instructional SettingContent Area ConnectionsTechnology Applications ImplementationStudent Mastery of Technology ApplicationsOnline LearningKey Area II Educator Preparation & DevelopmentProfessional Development ExperiencesModels of Professional Development Capabilities of EducatorsAccess to Professional DevelopmentLevels of Understanding and Patterns of UseProfessional Development for Online Learning Key Area III Leadership, Administration, & Instructional SupportLeadership & VisionPlanningInstructional SupportCommunication & CollaborationBudgetLeadership & Support for Online LearningKey Area IV Infrastructure for TechnologyStudents per ComputersInternet Access Connectivity SpeedOther Classroom TechnologyTechnical SupportLocal Area Network Wide Area NetworkDistance LearningSTaR Chart18Key Area IV Infrastructure for Technology1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012INF1Students per C141INF2Internet Access Connectivity434INF3O/ClassrmTech212INF4Technical Sup424INF5Local Area NW422INF6Distance Learning Capacity321Total Infra18141419Key Area IV Infrastructure for Technology1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012INF1Students per C141INF2Internet Access Connectivity434INF3O/ClassrmTech212INF4Technical Sup424INF5Local Area NW422INF6Distance Learning Capacity321Total Infra181414Increase hereIncrease here followed by a decreaseDecreases here followed by increases20Key Area Iv Infrastructure for TechnologyDiscrepanciesIncreases and decreases can be cuased by continued restructuringDecreases could be due to moral of teachers and attitude at the time.RecommendationsPersistent increase of student to computer ratio.Increase teachers knowledge of how to effectively use the technology hardware and software available in classroom lessons to engage students most.214 Key areas over 3 years Summary1= Early2=Developing3=Advanced4=Target TechKey AreaDescription2009-20102010-20112011-2012ITeaching & Learning 141314IIEducator Preparation & Development131314IIILeadership, Adminstration Instructional Support151916IVInfrastucture for Technology 18141422Overall SummaryStage 2 Developing Technology No major changes in the last 3 yearsSmall Variances noticed as expectedImprovement Needed

23CreditsImagesAll images retrieved from Google ImagesClip Art Microsoft PowerPower 2010version

DataStarChart Data for Memorial High School Port Arthur ISD, Port Arthur Texas Retrieved online at the Star Chart website