Ssdd vinyl


Transcript of Ssdd vinyl

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2. Greg Hall and Tom Wilton are teaming up to present their latest white-hot feature films, side by side, on a very specialdouble-bill. The New York set Vinyl, and the London based SSDD,are award winningslice of life stories that are creating an international stir. 3. Together, Project Bootleg & Broke But Making Films are touring these films in late summer/earlyautumn of 2011, bringing their movies to the hippest screens around the UK, in advance of their public releases later this year. By sharing these films with UK audiences, we're anticipating a wealth of interest from a wide 4. range of film fans, including students, indie enthusiastsand other filmmakers,keen to get a flavour of what it takes tosuccessfully shoot lo-fi, quality cinema, that makes it to market. We are inviting prospective film theatres and unique venues to partner with us and host us for an evening of entertainment and insight 5. from two of the freshest voices in UK cinema. Alongside the screenings, there will be holding Q&A sessions, where both Tom & Greg will be in attendance to share their experiences of makingmovies. 6. Today, Lee ( Samuel Anoyke )decides to face his demons and a life he tried to put behind him. His only hope is Jermaine ( Isaac Ewulo ), who he once considered family, but they haven't spoken for two years, weighted tension between them. Also into the mix, is Phil ( Richard Oldham ) , a guy just trying to survive another day in recession hit London. 7. From squatting in empty estates, skag heads pinching his electricity, to meeting up with his mate Rick ( Paul Marlon ), a dedicated street fighting anti-fascist, he's just pushing to get through another day in the grind. Relief comes from an evening in the MagpiePub run by matriarch Lynn ( Clare Barry ) and barmaid Sophie ( Angela Hazeldine ). 8. Away from the tourists and the bankers, rooted in the back streets of the old East End, where Union Jacks fade on tired walls, and old tales dissipate with forgotten cigarette smoke. This slice of very British drama, held within the four walls of the Magpie Pub, plays out the relationships between Lee, Jermaine, Phil, Rick, Sophie and Lynn. 9. Love, hate, anger, laughter, tears, passion and insecurities all get an airing as they chew the fat of life on the sharp end. Until, that is, a terrorist attack strikes London... Written, Directed and Edited by Greg Hall, retaining both a social realist approach with a twist of comedy and marking a mature step forward for the award winning auteur. 10. SSDD (UK) Running Time:87 mins.Director: Greg Hall Producer:Becky Finlay-Hall 11. SSDD Director/WriterGreg Hallcame to critical acclaim at just 22 with his debut feature The Plague (2004), loosely based on tales of growing up. 12. Using untrained actors, the film was shot for just 3,500, and received theKatrin Cartlidge Foundation Scholarshipfrom feted film director, Mike Leigh. It continued picking up awards at festivals across the globe, and a UK theatrical release followed. The Plague has been screened by the BBC, and received much praise 13. from mainstream and industry press. Sophomore feature Kapital (2007) was a unique commission by the Manchester International Festival with acclaimed composer Steve Martland where the score was written without seeing the film and the story edited to the music as a structural guide. 14. Given complete creative freedom, it was based on four fairytales, re-imagined in modern day Manchester. The film turned out a dark, avant-garde piece, selling out its run at the festival. Third feature SSDD (2010) marks a mature step forward for the commended auteur, returning to his roots. 15. With a small team and working with a selection of actors from his previous two films, Hall has returned with confidence to his lo-fi roots. The story was developed from a seven-page outline, devised over a month and then scripted, which was the blueprint to improvise from during the shoot. SSDD went 16. on to open the Portobello Film Festival 2010, where it also won the 'Best Screenplay' category. Most recently, SSDD has been awarded 'Best Film (No Budget Feature)' at the London Independent Film Festival 2011. 17. Hall is currently working on his fourth feature, a comedy adapted from Ian Bone's notorious autobiographyBash The Rich: True Life Confessions of an Anarchist in the UK. 18. Luis ( Luis M. Echegaray ) left London a long time ago, seduced by the bright lights and big prospects of New York City. Meanwhile, his best friend, Tom ( Tom Sawyer ), fell into a personal oblivion, wrecked by lure of drugs and chaos. But now, as he wanders slowly along the road of his recovery, 19. Tom needs a friend and a place to stay. He goes in search of Luis. But life has changed, and Luis fiancee, Marta ( Gillian Leigh Visco ) is hostile to the stranger and the damage he might do. Tension hangs in the air over a few uneasy days in the city, as Marta tries to understand this 20. stranger and her own personal bullshit. Yet, when Luis has to leave town on business, Marta finds herself in need of a company for the weekend. Thrown together for a night, Tom and Marta spend a long evening exploring New York, shooting the breeze and trying not to fall in love. 21. Fractured hearts and confused intentions unravel in a city that forgotten how to sleep. Finding itself somewhere between Before Sunrise and Lost in Translation, this tender film also features a stunning soundtrack from the female lead, Brooklyn music scene favourite,Gillian Visco. 22. Vinyl (UK/USA) Running Time : 80 mins.Director : Tom Wilton Producer : Daz Spencer-Lovesey, Tom Whelan 23. Vinyl Director/WriterTom Wiltonhas enjoyed a varied career, both in front of and behind the 24. the camera.Starting out as an actor, Wilton quickly turned to writing and directing, shooting the critically lauded award winner, Icharus Broken (2006) - a time fractured drama, weaving through six interconnected lives. The film was released theatrically in the USA in late 25. 2007. Wilton followed this up with his first novel, Laundry, which he also adapted into the short film, Laundry: A Short Spin (2010), starring Rosamund Hanson (This is England). In March of 2010, Wilton and his old friend and go-to actor, Tom Sawyer flew to New York without 26. any money, crew or a place to stay. After meeting the rest of the cast, the team set about shooting the film on a Flip Ultra HD camera, and recording sound on an Ediroll field recorder. Stealing shots all over Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, the entire shoot lasted just 5 days. 27. Vinyl was spliced together by Wilton on his return, as he split his time between the edit and appearing in a run of the play, The Rise And Fall of Little Voice. When the film was completed, it was screened to selected US distributors, and was signed up for a release shortly before it won the 'Best Drama' prize at Portobello Film Festival 2010. 28. In 2008, Wilton established the Bootleg Film Festival, which has just closed it's doors to another successful year in London. Bootleg Film Festival will be returning next year in Toronto, as well as hosting a special one-off screening in New York for Vinyl in the summer of 2011. Wilton is also readying his first 29. play, Daisy Chain, and a return to the screen as an actor following successful appearances in a BBC TV series. Wilton continues to develop his own projects, including the upcoming Jackrabbit, Nina Nobody, and a return to filming in the USA for a feature adaptation of Laundry . 30.

  • We will be bringing our unique films to these cities in 2011:
    • Brighton
    • London
    • Derby
    • Nottingham
    • Manchester
    • Glasgow
  • If you would like to be a part of this indie film experience, get in touch:
  • [email_address]
  • [email_address]

31. Links: BBMF website Project Bootleg website