SSC3001 Planning, Teaching and Assessment in Science  · Web viewPGCE Computer Science and...

SIT4010 DEVELOPING SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE [5 th December 2013] Portfolio of Evidence PGCE Computer Science and Information

Transcript of SSC3001 Planning, Teaching and Assessment in Science  · Web viewPGCE Computer Science and...


[5th December 2013] Portfolio of Evidence

PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology.

SIT3010/4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Science and IT

SIT4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer SciencePORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE


Key Target Area 2+

Concept Map 4

Lesson Plans 4+

Lesson Evaluation and Critical Reflection 5+

Bibliography 6

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SIT3010/4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Science and IT


The change in curriculum has affected the balance of ICT and Computing. This change has brought about a bit of disruption in the world of teaching and imbalance.

I have steady background knowledge of Computer Science due to completing a computing Undergraduate Degree and a BTEC Course in college. However, there are areas of the curriculum that I feel more confident teaching, due to the knowledge gained prior to the PGCE.

I think that I am less confident teaching the Systems Development. I am not as confident in teaching Post-16 Databases; this is due to the level of depth previously explored in my degree and college education.

This particular area has been focused on due to my lack of knowledge. I believe that to be able to teach something to a level that a pupil would understand that they themselves would have to follow the same steps. I picked Python as the topic for the mini lesson as I have no prior knowledge of python as a programming language and it was a good way to educate myself whilst learning how to teach the chosen subject.

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SIT3010/4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Science and IT


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3.2 Programming2.1.1


3.1.1 Computational Thinking

3.2.4 Test Programs

3.2.3 Find errors in Programs and Debug

3.2.2 Understand and explain Programs

3.2.5 Use Extraction mechanisms

3.2.1 Designing and write Programs

3.2.6 Run Programs Correctio Compile programs Syntax Errors

2.1.3 Syntax

2.1.2 User Centered Design of use End User Syntax common features of a language

Explore Solutions .1

Debug VB Java Python HTML Algorithms

SIT3010/4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Science and IT

Concept Mapping Computer Science Curriculum

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Computer Science in School

Key Concept


Key Process


2.1 Languages, Machines andComputation

2.2 Data and Representation

2.3 Communication and Coordination

2.4 Abstraction and Design

2.5 Computers/Computing. Wider contexts

3.1 Abstraction, Modelling, decomposing and generalising

3.2 Programming

2.1.1 Languages

2.1.2 Algorithms

2.1.3 Machines

2.1.4 Computational Models

2.2.2 Storage and transmissi

2.2.4 Digital and Analogue

2.2.3 Data Structure

2.2.1 Data Representation

2.3.1 Reactive processes

2.3.4 Networks

2.3.2 Protocols

2.3.3 Switching and Routing

2.4.1 Computer Hardware

2.4.2 Computer Software

2.4.3 Computer Simulation

2.4.4 Computer Interfac

2.4.6 Systems Analysis or Representation

2.4.5 Visualisation of data

2.5.1 Computer Intelligen

2.5.2 The Natural World

2.5.3 Creativity and Intellectual Property

2.5.4 Moral and Ethical Implications

3.1.3 Deconstructing Systems

3.1.1 Computational Thinking

3.1.2 Computational Representati

3.1.4 Classification

3.2.4 Test Programs Programs

3.2.3 Find errors in Programs and Debug

3.2.2 Understand and explain Programs

3.2.5 Use Extraction mechanisms

3.2.1 Designing and write Programs

3.2.6 Run Programs

Computing Year 8

Topic Title: Python programming.

Learning Aim(s):

1. Demonstrate understanding of how to navigate the operating system

2. Demonstrate understanding of Python and how it works3. Produce an interactive storybook that is personalised depending on

the input from the user.

Context and opportunities for cross-curricular links:

This set of lessons will allow for students to use a piece of software that they may not have seen before. The students will create an interactive story that alters depending on the input for the user. This will introduce students to inputs, strings and dictionaries.

There are opportunities for cross-curricular links to: English Maths

Where the unit fits in:

This unit is being taught as an extra curricular activity for a selection of year 8 girls during lunchtime. This unit is being taught to fit in with my university schedule and the schools term timetable. Due to the availability of the computers the lesson will be taught on a Thursday and will last approximately 40 minutes.

Prior Learning:

Pupils will have little to no prior knowledge, as it is the first time the software has been introduced.

National Curriculum References:

Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems

Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of


devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users

Understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system

Expected Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit…

Some pupils will be able to:

With guidance, be able to identify the key elements of the programme

Know where to locate the Python Software on the computer but not be able to use it appropriately.

Most pupils will be able to:

Work together in groups to solve any problems that may be encountered whilst using python

Be able to locate the python software independently and start working from where they left off

All pupils will be able to:

Produce a storybook using Python with no help from the teacher only the worksheets that are given out as an example, separate from the initial example book that will be made.

Language for learning:Through the activities in this unit, pupils will be able to understand, use and spell correctly:

System, Internet, Resources, Storybook


1. Computers2. Lesson Plans3. Internet Access4. Help sheets5. Python6. Word Bank7. Interactive Whiteboard



Mr. Scicluna

Activity 1 of 3- (40 Minutes)Activity 1 of 3 (40 Minutes)

1. Students will familiarise themselves with the Python interface

2. Students will follow guidance from the teacher to create simple programmes

3. Students will be introduced to the idea of a story using python

[Starter Activity:]

Main Tasks:

1. Load up python on the computers and save the programme to an area accessible to them each week as this will be used to save and re-open the programme

2. Students will create a few quick short examples that cover the programming skills needed to create the storybook

[Plenary:] Chose a topic for the story that they will be creating next lesson

LO1: Students will open the python interface and familiarize themselves with it

LO2: Students will demonstrate programming knowledge by following instructions and building on examples created together

LO3: Students will formulate an idea for a story program to be made next lesson


Pupils will be able to work in pairs during this lesson.

Working as a pair will help pupils learn good social skills and teach them how to work together.

Cross Curricular links:


Activity 2 of 3 (40 Minutes)

1. Students will finalise ideas for the story topic

2. Students will comment the code window to help complete the steps for the programme

3. Students should start to code the story in python

[Starter Activity: ] Discuss ideas for chosen storys in class

Main Tasks:

1. Discuss ideas with a partner for a couple of minutes to see if they can come up with an idea

2. Students should analyse the steps needed to complete the story from the help sheets last lesson and use comments in the code to plan what is needed

3. Students should use the comments to help to start to code the story

• LO1: Identify a topic for the chosen story.

• LO2: Show• understanding of the steps

required to complete the story

• LO3: Use comments in code to start the story

• LO4: Complete at least 3 input commands from the user


Pupils can contribute to group discussions

Cross Curricular links:

English (literacy)

Activity 3 of 3 (40 [Starter Activity:] Recap what LO1: Observe the code from last SEAL:



1. Students will carry on from where they left off with the story

2. Students will test the story they have created

3. Students will explore other classmates’ story’s

was done last lesson and answer any questions the students have.

Main Tasks:

1. Open up the programme made last lesson and carry on where they left off

2. Run the programme and troubleshoot any problems found by checking the troubleshooting comments in red

3. Students will have a chance to use other classmates stories and compare it to their own

4. Complete feedback quiz using socrative


lesson and carry on where you left off

LO2: Complete story and show to classmates

LO3: Understand how the story could be expanded

LO4: Discuss how the methods used could be used for other projects

Cross Curricular links:


Lesson outlines;

1 Introduction to Python

2 Comment Python with steps and start making the story

3 Complete Python Story from where they left off and complete feedback Quiz





















TA - Danny

*Indicates SEN

**Indicates G&T



Lesson Evaluation


This practical task was split into 3 sections, the pre-organization aspect; focusing on the planning and

development of resources, during phase, which will be referred to as the actual taught lesson. In this

section the delivery of the topic and the classroom management will be discussed in relation to Bruner

and Vygotsky’s theories. And finally the post phase, this is including the reflection on the lesson and

the reflection on the feedback received from the observer.


Firstly it was important to identify the curriculum and see how the change in curriculum affects how

the subject is taught. Initially I conducted research around the current ICT curriculum that is active in

schools until 2014, this curriculum did not seem to engage students and allow them to go above and

beyond. According to the official document by the Department for Education, the Qualifications and

Curriculum Authority state that the current curriculum aims to allow young people to become;

• Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

• Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives

• Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

(QCA, 2007)

However, in 2014 the Computing at schools working group are scheduled to introduce the new

computing curriculum. This new change is set to include programming and creative aspects of

computing, not just information systems. This new curriculum is currently being endorsed by the

British computing society, Microsoft, Google and Intellect. (CAS, 2012) this change in curriculum has

been developed in reflection to the ‘shut down and restart’ report, compiled by the Royal Society in


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

2012. Shutdown and restart (2012) The computing curriculum allows for cross-curricular links to be

made, whereas these may not have been possible in the past. The CAS Curriculum report states that

‘Computer Science is a quintessential STEM discipline, sharing attributes with Engineering,

Mathematics, Science, and Technology: ‘ CAS (2012 p.4)

With this in mind I felt it was important to recognise these changes and the focus of the changes and

ensure that my lesson fell under the guidelines of the CAS guidance. For that reason I chose Python, a

high level programming language that incorporated math’s, English and Computing.

Rose Report

As well as the Elton report (Discussed later in this assignment) The rose report was an essential

document that helped to shape the planning of the lesson. Firstly this Report outlines the difficulties

with Dyslexia and methods to tackle reading difficulties, for this reason it was a good idea that I had a

firm understanding before planning any literacy based tasks. There are three waves of provision for

addressing the range of educational needs in mainstream schools, these are; Quality first teaching,

small group and one to one interventions and intensive support. Cited in: Rose, J. (2009) When

considering the support that could be offered to the students during this lesson I was conscious of the

time constraints affecting my ‘usability’ for one to one support but also the help, in the form of a TA,

that was available to me. I considered the use of Quality first teaching, this would be taken in by most

of the pupils in the room, and this however left out a few students. I then realised there would have to

be a strategy to approach the learning of the rest of the students. This is where wave two would be

applied; ‘Small group and one to one interventions’. This would allow for peer support and guidance. I

planned for the lesser able students to be sitting directly next to one of the more able students; this

would free me to help other students in the class whilst all pupils complete the work to a high



PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology


As mentioned earlier in this reflection the change of curriculum is the result of a project initiated by the

Royal Society in August 2010, this study has been included in the Shut down and Restart report. This

report outlines the flaws in the delivery of computing education in many UK schools and states that it is

‘highly unsatisfactory’ Shutdown and Restart (2012). The report also points out that children are no

longer inspired by what they are taught, therefore I realized I need to have an inspiring and interesting

topic for my lesson.

Learning Theories

Firstly, this reflection will focus on the pre-planning phase of the lesson. The planning of the lesson was

crucial to manage the overall behaviour of the pupils and structure of the lesson. When planning the

lesson it was essential to understand key-learning theories that can incorporated into lessons in order

to enhance the learner’s productivity.


Vygotsky focuses on social development theories; he suggests that social interaction plays a

fundamental role in the development of Childs cognition. Vygotsky (1978) This was a major aspect to

think about when conducting the initial planning of the project. The children needed an opportunity

for social interactions during the lesson to ensure that they could develop their knowledge and also

interpersonal skills. Both Bruner and Vygotsky agree that adults play an important role in assisting the

child’s learning.


Bruner carried out research in cognitive development. Bruner suggests that there are three different

types of representation. Enactive, Iconic and Symbolic. These modes of representation form the basis

of how children store information in memory. Bruner (1964) this lesson will encase the Symbolic mode

of representation, due to not only the age of the students, but the topic under instruction.


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

Programming can be seen as a symbolic mode of representation as ‘This is where information is stored

in the form of a code or symbol, such as language.’ Mcleod.S (2008)

When planning for the given task for the lesson it was important to take into account the attainment

levels of the students. I planned for a fun lesson for the children, allowing for them to experiment with

the program they would create and make it their own delivering a sense of realism to the task.

Kennewell et al (2006) is a major contributor to this theory, believed that ‘play’ in a lesson was key to

the successes of the children.


The final theory considered whilst planning this lesson was Jean Piaget’s theory of play. Piaget did not

base his theory around education however, later researchers have synthesised a link towards the two

phenomenon. Researchers have since identified a link to both teaching and learning, the link suggests

that learning within the classroom should be student centred and accomplished through active

discovery learning. McLeod.S (2009)


It was not only important to plan the teaching aspect of the lesson but equally to plan for the

independent learning of the pupils. The VAK learning styles is a highly recognized theory based around

a person’s three main senses; Visual, Audio and Kinaesthetic. It is suggested that if you fall into one of

these categories this is how you will learn best, however research has been unable to prove that a

person learns best using this method, this is merely a preference University of Pennsylvania (2009).

When planning the lesson I realised that, as I was unaware of the learners preferred learning styles I

should include materials that cater for the different learning styles. Firstly I realised that visual were

paramount for the students, these visuals needed to be high quality, bright and inclusive for girls as

this was the target for the lesson. I quickly realised that during the planning for the lesson I wasn’t


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

incorporating enough visuals into the presentation and hand-outs. This is where I realised that the

visuals needed to be appealing to meet the needs of the students.

Secondly, I wanted to include audio to the lessons, as this is a key aspect of learning, from an early age

children are taught to listen to guidance and instructions. This helped me to plan my lesson as I had

aspects of descriptive speaking and analysis that would be conducted as a class in the form of a

question and answer sessions, involving the whole class. From past experiences I was aware that I was

able to project my voice and I had presence in a class so this was not something I felt I had to focus on.

A mixture of audio visuals are useful when conducting a lesson, these are useful for most students,

regardless of their learning style. Natoli. C (2011)

Finally, kinaesthetic learning styles learn from doing, for this reason I wanted to include a task they

could complete by doing. To me it was important that the students weren’t just copying off the board

or a piece of paper, they needed some cognitive involvement whilst being guided by scaffolding.

Scaffolding and Differentiation planning

Bruner (1978), outlines scaffolding as the steps taken to guide the students down a linear path to

complete a task in order to concentrate on the task in hand.

For my practical I was aware that I would have one person in my class that had SEN, for that reason I

included scaffolding in the form of a help sheet. This help sheet was put together in such a way that

the students could understand where they needed to add the code therefore this would act similar to a

writing frame.

The final aspect of my planning was understanding and implementing Differentiation. Differentiation is

important when planning lessons as each child should have an opportunity to learn.

‘Differentiation is widely understood to be an aspect of a teacher’s professional, pedagogical

competence, a shorthand for all the methods which teachers try to use within the classroom to

enable each pupil to achieve intended learning targets.’ Weston (1996:2)


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

With this in mind I thought it was important to use the scaffolding methods mentioned previously and

offer support with the use of a Teaching Assistant to enable each pupil to reach their own learning


Literacy and numeracy

When planning for the lesson it was essential that I included ample opportunity to have cross-

curricular links, to both literacy and numeracy. The department for education suggests that this is

essential in any lesson.

DfE(2005:1) strives to;‘Ensure that every young person has a sound grounding in the basics of English

and math’s and the skills they need for employment’.

Literacy was incorporated into the lesson, as the main task of the lesson was to create a story using

python, this required literacy skills in the form of creative writing. Literacy will be a target throughout

the lesson, both written and spoken.

Lesson planningWhen planning for the lesson I adopted Blooms Taxonomy of learning Domains. Blooms taxonomy was

created in 1956 in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education. When synthesizing the

outcomes and objectives for my lesson I followed the cognitive domain, Bloom (1956) suggests that the

cognitive domain involves knowledge and development of intellectual skills. This domain and the

guidance promoted by Blooms Taxonomy helped me to create my objectives and outcomes using

keywords for both knowledge and comprehension. However whilst researching Blooms Taxonomy I

discovered another taxonomy that had been introduced more recently. This taxonomy was the SOLO

Taxonomy, this suggests levels of increasing complexity in a learners understanding of subjects. Biggs

et al (1982)

Behaviour management


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

I was aware that there was one particular student that had behavioural issues, therefore this was one

of my main focuses, to reduce any disruption to enable each student to learn and participate in the

lesson. This is important as misbehaviour in class impacts negatively on student learning time and

academic achievements. Lewis et al.(2005) For me my classroom management was a major concern

and it is evident that this is the same for many student teachers (Veenman 1984; Ghaith and Shaaban

1999; Liston, Whitcomb, and Borko 2006)

It was important to pay attention to the Elton report, this document was synthesized to outline

Discipline in schools and to take a deeper look at the feelings of teachers to help understand the

behavioural issues faced in a school setting. When reading the report prior to my lesson I was surprised

to read one of the conclusions the researchers synthesized. The report concluded that ‘the central

problem of disruption could be significantly reduced by helping teachers to become more effective

classroom managers.’ Elton Report (1989) My interpretation of this was that the students are not

always to blame for the disruptions; alternatively it is the teacher’s duty to manage the class. This

triggered a thought, I had to manage the class in such a way that there would be no opportunity for

any disruption to occur, this way eradicating any negative or small scale disruptions.

When reading the Elton report further, I was also made aware that children should be placed in a calm

and purposeful classroom atmosphere. Elton Report (1989) This was quite an important aspect of the

Elton report, throughout my planning I was trying to link in what I was creating to the Teaching

Standards that are compulsory as an ITT. ‘Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe

environment’ is standard 7. DfE (2012:7). It was important to me that the lesson remained positive

and focus was based around positive feedback to pupils when necessary.

Finally I felt that respect was my main concern, I found myself asking, “Will the students respect me as

a person or just a teacher?” I felt that respect should be given to the students in order to receive

respect in return. It is believed that a teacher with good group management skills can establish mutual

respect with the students based on positive relationships, therefore restricting the need for the

students to misbehave in a lesson. Elton Report (1989)


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology


The next phase of the assignment is the delivery phase. This phase outlines the management and

delivery of the lesson during the allotted time.

When delivering the lesson I quickly realized that one of the biggest hurdles may be behaviour


The delivery of the lesson went well and I feel like the students were able to progress within a 20-

minute time slot. The first section of the lesson was the meet and greet at the door, this allowed me to

impose the initial ‘I am the boss’ standard that the children should work by.


The delivery of the topic was the next hurdle in the lesson; I started the lesson off with the pre-planned

starter/settler. When the children entered the room the starter task was on the desk in front of them. I

quickly advised the students to sit in the places specified on the board. This seating plan was devised in

no particular way, as I did not previously know the children; this was developed previously to the

lesson being taught. I feel that having a seating plan could break up friendship groups and eradicate

any bad behaviour.


The pace of the lesson is an important factor to consider when delivering a lesson to mixed ability

children within a set time. I realized that according to Piaget’s theory, the children in this lesson fell

under the ‘Formal Operation Stage’ this meant that the children should be able to logically use symbols

related to abstract concepts. Piaget also mentions that children in this phase can think about multiple

variables in systematic ways, formulate hypotheses, and consider possibilities. Benaroch. R (2012). I

realised that although this may be true, each child would not be at the same learning level or may not


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

be able to keep up to the same pace as the other children. This is where I differentiated my questions

and lesson to the needs of each child.


During the lesson I used multiple methods to deliver the lesson, I also had a teaching assistant

available. Firstly I used a kinesthetically focused task for the children to complete as soon as they

entered the room. This task was to simply settle the students down and for me to gain an

understanding of where the children were at in regards to subject knowledge.


I think the lesson went well and the students achieved an increase in knowledge within 20 minutes,

this was important to me as Ofsted guidelines say that the children should be able to do something

they couldn’t do before the lesson within 20 minutes of the lesson starting.

I feel like my classroom management was good as I quickly stopped any distractions from disrupting

the class. As mentioned earlier the behavioural aspect of the lesson was a big worry for me, as I have

had no previous experience managing behaviour at the targeted age levels. I feel with the Elton Report

at my disposal I was able to control the behaviour in the room without any problems



PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

This section of the report is centered specifically around the reflection of the lesson, this is where I will

cross reference the learning theories explored earlier on and see how they affected the delivery of the


Shut Down and Restart Report

The shut down and restart report has clearly helped me to deliver the lesson effectively and tailored to

the new requirements of the curriculum. I was able to use the guidance in this report to create a

thrilling and exciting lesson for the children to be fully engaged with and challenged.

With regards to learning theories, I felt the advice and the findings discovered before the lesson was

conducted were important and played a key role in the success of the lesson. I found myself using the

theories in my lesson. I feel like the lesson incorporated the theories positively and the objectives and

tasks were within reach of the students. I then used differentiation strategies to allow for the lesser

able students to complete the work effectively allowing for the SEN students to co-operate in the

discussions during the lesson.

When reflecting on the lesson I feel the teaching strategies matched the learner’s styles of cognitive

learning. This lesson incorporated individual tasks and whole class tasks, I do feel like this helped the

students to engage in the lesson fully and co-operate necessarily when needed. Being allowed to work

with peers in the class also helped to improve the understanding of the main task of the lesson, If as

student was slightly unsure of the aims, the peer could help when necessary. This also helped the

literacy/cross curricular aspect of the lesson. The students used social skills along with literacy to not

only communicate but also complete the work and cross-examine a peer’s work.

I was able to use the TA effectively during my lesson to help the lesser able students to complete the

work, and also manage the slight behaviour aspects of the lesson. I felt that the pre-instruction of the

TA before the lesson helped the TA to ascertain what his role was and to ensure that they were briefed

on the task so they could help fully and effectively.

Upon reflection of my behaviour management during the lesson, I feel my confidence in controlling a

class and projecting my voice did show and helped to control the class effectively, resulting in few

behavioural problems. This was one of the areas I felt most confident in and feel that I could not have

improved this.


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

Both the curriculum and the CAS curriculum, mentioned earlier in this report helped to produce a

lesson that in my opinion was both satisfying and entertaining for the children that met the

expectations of the Department for Education.

Class Feedback

After the lesson was completed the students that took part were required to complete a feedback

sheet, looking at certain aspects of the lesson such as; Knowledge, Resources, Lesson Objectives,

Behaviour Management, Risk Assessment, Differentiation, Feedback to pupils, Assessment, Variety &

Pace, Level Appropriate, Visuals- High Quality. The students were required to grade on Very good,

Good, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory. I am pleased with the feedback received from the students

however; this feedback could be seen as unreliable or biased.

If treated as true feedback the outcome from the lesson was very positive, achieving mostly ‘Very

Good’ ratings. I was given one satisfactory grade for the ‘Differentiation’, this was from the SEN child

and I believe due to the comments left that the worksheet was not explained well enough. I think this

is a fair comment and will take this feedback and learn from this experience.

There is a general consensus that the students enjoyed the lesson and the resources and tasks were

enjoyable. One student that participated in the lesson is quoted saying ‘All resources were outstanding

and use of the website was great.” (See Appendix 1) I feel this feedback has helped me to extend my

confidence whilst on placement 1a and I feel confident teaching lessons that are out of my comfort

zone, as long as there is enough prior planning as there was this time.

Observation Feedback

Upon reflection, this lesson did not go as well as planned, although I received both positive and

developmental feedback I feel I could have done better. The pressure of the lesson and teaching my

peers had clearly affected my delivery. I feel the developmental feedback was necessary for the lesson

as there were parts I planned to conduct but failed to when the lesson was underway. Firstly I planned

to greet students at the door to set the standard of behaviour and dress but I was more concerned

with the students finding their correct seats.


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

As discussed earlier my voice projection and behavioral management skills were not a concern for this

and me was proven in the feedback received from the observer.

As this was a topic area that I had never explored before as mentioned in the planning section of this

report I was nervous to anticipate the feedback regarding subject knowledge. My resources were

reviewed positively and the option for students to work in a number of ways was praised, I will

continue to carry out this practice, as I believe students should be allowed to work in whatever way

they feel necessary. I have also been praised on my pupil feedback forum at the end of the lesson, the

questions and answers helped me to relay my knowledge to the class and gain an understanding of

where the class was at in regards to subject knowledge after the first lesson.

My main developmental feedback from the observation was to improve my planning documents with

regards to outcomes and objectives. I am now aware that both the outcomes, and the objectives

should link in. Since the lesson was conducted I have attended a training evening based around Lesson

planning and objectives and outcomes following blooms taxonomy within the Sefton Borough. The

initial lesson plan has been amended to portray the correct Objectives and Outcomes and I now feel

that they planning is sufficient and would help to deliver another successful lesson.

Action Plan for future Delivery.

Future deliveries will be a reflection of the positive aspects of this lesson and also the developmental

points of the lesson. I will consider the initial greet at the door as an important section of the lesson.

This task has also taught me a valuable lesson regarding differentiation, I will use the advice given to

explain any differentiated work to the students allowing them to understand fully what is required, this

is not only important so that they can finish the work but so these children have an equal opportunity

without making them feel uncomfortable.


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology


Biggs, J. B. and Collis, K. (1982). Evaluating the Quality of Learning: the SOLO taxonomy. New York, Academic Press

Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.

Bruner, J. (1964) ‘The Course of Cognitive growth’ American Psychologist.19 pp. 1-15.

Bruner, J. (1978). The role of dialogue in language acquisition. In A. Sinclair, R., J. Jarvelle, and W. J. M. Levelt (eds.) The Child's Concept of Language. New York: Springer-Verlag.

CAS (2012) Computer Science: A Curriculum for Schools. Computing at School Workgroup

Department for Education (2005:1) 14-19 Education and Skills white paper: Government White Paper 2005. [accessed 29th November 2013].

DfE(2012) ‘Teaching Standards’. [accessed 3rd December 2013].

Elton (1989) ‘Discipline in schools’ Report of the Committee of Enquiry chaired by Lord Elton

London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1989 pp.67

Kennewell, S., Morgan, A. (2006).Factors influencing learning through play in ICT settings. Journal of Computers & Education 46 (2006) 265–279.

Lewis, R., S. Romi, X. Qui, and Y. J. Katz. (2005). “Teachers’ Classroom Discipline and

Student Misbehaviour in Australia, China and Israel.” Teaching and Teacher Education

21: 729–741.

Natoli. C (2011) ‘Learning Styles Characteristis Audio Visual Kinesthetic Learners Research Scholars Education‘ Education Space : Every Topic, Every angle.


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technologycharacteristis-audio-visual-kinesthetic-learners-research-scholars-education-5470/ [accessed 22nd November 2013]

Rose, J. (2009) ‘Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties’. UK: Independent Report

Shutdown and restart (2012) ‘Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools.’ The Royal Society, Education section.

University of Pennsylvania (2009). Visual Learners Convert Words To Pictures In The Brain And Vice Versa, Says Psychology Study. ScienceDaily. [accessed 8th December 2013]

Roy Benaroch, MD (2012) ‘Piaget Stages of Development’ Children’s Health [accessed 19th November 2013]

QCA (2007) ‘Programme of study for key stage 3 and attainment target’ [Accessed 26th November 2013]

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). ‘Mind in Society’. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press




PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

FeedbackAppendix 1


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

PGCE Secondary Computer Science Risk Assessment Sheet (School based Form)

Title of Practical Activity……………………………………………………….

Teachers and pupils involved…………………………………………………

Safety Considerations in an Computing classroom

1. Wires on the floor 6.

2.Food and drinks not allowed 7.

3.Chairs out 8.

4.Tripping hazards 9

5.Lose wires 10.

Hazardous procedure or item of equipment.







Risk estimator ( >10 then risk is unacceptable; rethink control measures)

Likelihood of occurrence

L Score Severity of Outcome

O Score

Highly unlikely 1 Slight inconvenience 1

May happen but rare 2 Minor injury 2

Does happen but rare 3 Medical attention required


Occurs time to time 4 Major injury leading to hospitalization


Likely to occur often 5 Fatality or serious injury 5

Appendix 2


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

Section 2 Risk Assessment

Hazard L Score O Score

Total (LxO)

Control Measures (Existing)


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology


Name of Trainee: _Andrew Scicluna School/Setting: Mini Lesson_ Lesson Focus/Subject:Python

Class/Year group: Group 2______ Mentor/Tutor _Dawn Hewitson _ Date: 4 th November


Programme__PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology Practice: Assignment work_

Trainee targets for lesson

Observe Professional Routines

Provide correct documentation

Share outcomes with the class

Professional Responsibilities and Professional Conduct [S8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities, Part Two demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct]

Ideally I would like to see the pupils greeted at the door to the classroom. This gives you an opportunity to re affirm your behaviour expectations, eg Tuck Shirt in, Tie Up etc . Seating plan available on the board for the pupils as they enter the class. Register has been taken, and pupils have been directed to their seats.

You did prior to the lesson brief the TA, and clear that you spent some time briefly with them TA discussing the activities in the lesson and the requirements of the tasks you have set. This is really good practise and should continue. Well done!

You are good at projecting your voice and could be clearly heard in the far corner of the classroom, you have a very good classroom presence. Try to reduce the talk time by asking a few more questions.

Subject Knowledge [S3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge]

You have devised a range original resources and used a variety of teaching techniques to support the pupils in the class, I really like the way in which you have provided pupils with the opportunity to work in a variety of ways.

You have clearly demonstrated your subject knowledge from the range of questions you have asked at the end of

Appendix 3


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

the lesson and this has provided opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their subject knowledge. Well done!

Planning and Teaching [S4 Plan and teach well-structured lessons, S5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils ]

The class was well organised with an activity ready for the pupils as they arrived in the classroom. Well done! You have also moved around the room well and discussed with each pupil their progress as they completed the task.

Your scheme of work is appropriate to the age range and ability you have selected for your chosen lesson, you have also provided opportunities to cater for the differing needs of the pupils in your group. Ideally I would have identified the levels of the pupils on your Scheme of Work by suggesting the Some, Most and Few levels to the pupils.

SEN pupils should be clearly identified on your Scheme of Work.

Lesson Plan

On your lesson plan there are a few points which should be addressed. Firstly you should not use the terminology “Understand” on a lesson plan because it is not measurable.

You have produced a really good aim for your lesson plan, but your objectives do not match this aim.

1. Create a computer programme using python to allow pupils to create a customised children’s story2. Describe the methods used to create the programme in python.

On your lesson plan, the tasks should be clearly differentiated in the Learning outcomes section

Learning outcome and AFL column should have each outcome clearly outlined and not just a reference eg LO1. Each outcome should be differentiated with the expectation for that particular learning outcome.

For example

LO1: Produce a customised childrens story using python

Some: Pupils with help from both a worksheet and an able pupil will be able to produce a customised story, but 35

PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

may not create the correct syntax in python

Most: Pupils with help from a worksheet will be able to set up a customised story using python

Few: Pupils will be independently able to set up a customised story book and annotate the code using python.


Learning outcomes you have developed are good and appropriate to the tasks you have set, well done! It is clear that you have considered the implications of these in your planning as they are relevant to the levels for the group of pupils you have selected.

I thought the last activity would be better as an individual activity, then you can gauge as a class what they have understood the benefits to be of using Python.

You should clearly identify which activities you are undertaking on your lesson plan in bold eg





Expectations and Behaviour [S1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils, S7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe

learning environment]

Teaching assistant used to good effect to organise the pupils and ensure pupils are in the correct seating plan. Well done.

You should have made the pupils aware of the expectations from the start of the lesson, you did produce a seating plan and you did ensure pupils sat in the correct place, but you missed an opportunity by not greeting the class at the door.

Your support assistant was well briefed with the expectations of the class, and both of you have been seen throughout the lesson to be reminding pupils of behaviour expectations and to stay on task. Well done!

You could have made good use of praise as you moved around the room examining the work the pupils have produced, and it would be good if you could include some questions in this dialogue with the pupils on an


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology

individual basis during observation.

Really good movement around the class to ensure that pupils are on task and making progress. If you are talking to the group as a whole, ask them to stop what they are doing and look at you.

You did a really good job of reminding the pupils of the requirements of the task whilst moving around the room well done!

Try to avoid having a conversation or an example being demonstrated during the time when pupils are on task as they are not watching the board they are too busy working on the machines.

Assessment and Progression [S6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment , S2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils,]

You need to make use of questioning to ascertain the pupils understanding of the work they have produced. You did ask if they are ok, but it needs to be more specific, such as “why have you chosen that

Story/character” or “what do you think will happen if”.

You need to make sure that you use differentiation in both planning and when sharing with the class. Good Better and Best is the most effective way of sharing with the class, this should be shared enthusiastically at the start of the lesson. But you also need to make sure that you are aware of the outcomes for each lesson activity.

You need to make sure that you use differentiation in both planning and when sharing with the class. Good Better and Best is for sharing with the class, but you also need to make sure that you are aware of the outcomes for each lesson activity and how they would also be differentiated.

Really good questioning at the end, but you will have no record of the answers the pupils provided to the assessment once the board has been cleaned, which is why this would have been better as a paper based activity. But well done for using a variety of techniques.

Main strengths of lesson

Very well presented lesson. Excellent starter and main. . Pupils are engaged with the activity and have made progress during the lesson.

Well done for trying to make use of Python for the lesson activity. It is a difficult one, but I thought you made an excellent attempt at an original resource.

You make good use of the timer and this helped the pace of the lesson. Well done.


PGCE Computer Science and Information TechnologyTrainee Targets for future practice

Greet the class at the door always and use this as an opportunity to set the tone of the lesson.

Communicate with the class the timescales for each activity.

Make pupils follow expectations and communicate them to the pupils during the lesson.

Lesson Grade: 1 - Outstanding 2 - Good 3 – Requires Improvement 4 – Inadequate

Joint Observation Grade agreed after discussion Observer sign/print: _D S Hewitson___

Trainee sign/print: _______________________________ Joint observer sign/print: _____________________________


PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology


Name: Andrew Scicluna Group: Computer Science

Module Number: SIT4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Computer Science

Assignment Title: Portfolio of Subject Knowledge Development

Date submitted: 5.12.13 Personal Tutor: Dawn Hewitson

Learning Outcomes: You will be able to -

1. Demonstrate a deep critical knowledge and understanding of your subject and related pedagogy to enable you to teach effectively across the age and ability range for which you are trained

2. Review and reflect upon your subject knowledge with critical awareness and identify implications for your own teaching and learning and professional development

3. Demonstrate compliance with and the ability to critically reflect on the relevant statutory and non-statutory curricular frameworks including those provided through national policies and priorities relating to and for your subject and other relevant initiatives applicable to the age and ability range for which you are trained

4. Demonstrate a deep knowledge and critical understanding of a selection of theories of learning which underpin excellent teaching and learning

Comments related to Learning Outcomes

Additional comments following moderation:

Trainee Targets

Trainee/ student to complete (your work cannot be accepted for marking unless thedeclaration is signed):

Tutors to complete

Word Count: ______________

Appendices: Yes/No


I confirm that I have read EdgeHillUniversity’s policy on plagiarism and collusion, as contained in the Regulations (please see your Student Handbook), and that the work submitted here is my own.

Signature: ……………………………………….

Date: ………………

Mark awarded after internal moderation

(subject to University and External Assessment )

First Marker signature:…………………………………..

Date: ………………..

Second Marker signature: ……………………………

Date: ………………..