SRINAGAR | July 25, 2016, Monday

02 Greater Kashmir SRINAGAR | July 25, 2016, Monday J&K ELECTRICAL EMPLOYEES UNION CONDOLENCE We the J&K Electrical Employees Union condole the demise of wife of Syed Ali R/o Kargil and mother of Asgar Ali Majaz Technical Secretary Power Development Department. A delegation lead by Manzoor Ahmad Bhat General Secretary JKEEU visited Kargil to express condolence to Mr Asgar Ali Majaz. We pray to Allah to grant departed soul place in Janat-ul-Firdous and give strength to the bereaved family to bear this loss with courage and fortitude. REMEMBRANCE Today is the day of remembrance as on this day five years back my father Late Haji Ghulam Shah of Shergadi Srinagar left for heavenly abode. My father who used to be by my side left me alone for me to cherish moments & spend with him. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Till memories fade and life lasts, you will continue to live in our hearts. You were so loving and caring that you did everything for me. You were there to make me shine like a beacon and counseled me when I needed if most. Today I am lonely gazing high and remembering those golden days. On this day we pay glorious tribute to you with moist eyes and pledge to turn your dreams into reality May Almighty Allah bless your soul and grant you Jannat-ul-Firdous (Aameen). Prof B.A Shah Shergadi Jehangir Chowk A/S FATEHA KHAWANI TODAY With profound grief, we inform the demise of Ab Rashid Mir S/o Ab Salaam Mir R/o Sofi Mohalla Upper Vecharnag. He passed away on 22 nd of July 2016 (Friday). The congregational Fateha Khawani will be held Today 25 th of July 2016 (Monday) at their graveyard Sofi Mohalla Upper Vecharnag at 9:00 AM. BEREAVED FAMILY A/S KASHMIR ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (AFFILIATED TO FEDERATION CHAMBER OF INDUSTRIES KASHMIR) FCIK BUILDING, SANAT NAGAR, SRINAGAR CONDOLENCE MEETING The Kashmir Electrical Manufactures Association (KEMA) held a special condolence meeting on 24 th July 2016 under the president ship of Mr. Raja Nayeem Khan to condole the demise of mother of Asgar Ali Majaj Technical Secretary P.D.D. (J&K Govt.) and also to condole the demise of mother-in-law of Bashir Ahmad Khan Chief Engineer P.D.D. (Electric Maintenance & RE Wing).The members prayed to Almighty to grant Jannat-ul-Firdous to the departed souls and courage to the families to bear this irreplaceable loss. Bashir Ahmad Bhat General Secretary (KEMA) FCIK BUILDING, Sanat Nagar A/S REMEMBRANCE Late Bashir Ahmad Parray R/o Bismillah Colony Azadbasti Natipora (24/07/2015) Death changes everything Time changes nothing We still miss the sound of your voice We still miss the wisdom in your advice We still miss the stories of your Life and just being in your presence We miss you “ABU” There is not a single day when we haven’t thought about you. There is not a single night when we haven’t dreamed about you. There is not a single moment ever goanna come in our life when we stop missing you “ABU” We deeply miss your affection, sacrifices nobility devotion, generosity & sincerity. Last one year has not been easy one for us but your pioneering sprit continues to inspire us to up hold all that you stood for. May Allah Subhana-wa-Tala grant you piece & place in Janat-ul-Firdous (Aameen). Fondly Remembered By: Masooda Akhtar, Gowher Bashir, Mohsin Bashir, Mehraj-Din-Parray A/S DEMISE With profound grief, we inform the demise of Azmi Begum W/o Late Ab Gaffar Shah of Nawakadal presently residing at Sector 4 Hamdania Colony Bemina Srinagar. The deceased was mother-in-Law of Bashir Ahmad Khan Chief Engineer PDD. Condolence will be for three days upto 25th July Monday. BEREAVED FAMILY Mohammad Yaseen Shah (Son) Mohammad Shafi Shah (Ex. PRO at Airport Authority Srinagar) Bashir Ahmad Khan (Chief Engineer PDD ) A/S DEMISE With profound grief and sorrow we inform the sad demise of PADSHAH BEGUM, w/o:- Khawaja M. Shamas-uddin Ganie (IAS Retired) former chairman of J&KPSC, R/o Mattan Anantnag at presently residing at Sidra Jammu. passed away on 23/07/2016 (Saturday). Her Congressional Fateh Khawani will be held on 26/07/2016 (Tuesday) at 10:00 am at Sidra Graveyard. Bereaved Family DEMISE With Profound grief and sorrow we inform the sad demise of Khawaja Ghulam Mohammad Malik, S/o Khawaja Ab Rahim Malik, R/o Shamasabad Sec 5 Bemina. who passed away on 24/07/2016 Sunday. His Congressional Fateh Khawani will be held on 27/07/2016 Wednesday at 10:30 am at their ancestral graveyard near Masjid Shahabudin Tujgari Mohalla Malkah. Note:- In case of restrictions or Curfew the Fateh Khawani will be held at their residence with utmost simplicity. From: Bereaved family 9419016048, 9419016052 Kashmir is disputed: Geelani to Sushma Swaraj GK NEWS NETWORK Srinagar, July 24: While terming the statement “entire Jammu & Kashmir is ours” issued by the Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj as the arrogance of power of this country, Chair- man of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani has said that it is a very old rhetoric of India about the Jammu & Kashmir and which is just based on the military power. Terming the Kashmir related statement of Sushma Swaraj as her political bank- ruptcy, Geelani said, “If she is true in her claims then why is India afraid of holding ref- erendum in Jammu and Kashmir and why are their paid local agents hiding behind the more than 10 lakh armed forces. Kashmir is a disputed territory and Kashmiri people are strug- gling against India’s control since 1947 this fact is known to everybody but the Indian rulers are scared to face this truth and they have become habitual of ignoring the ground realities.” Referring to the visit of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti to Kupwara, Geelani said, “Fami- lies of the martyred youths were forced to meet the chief minister. It’s deplor- able. These customary tours are carried out to protect the chair of power and these power hungry people have nothing to do with the miseries of the common people.” “Hurriyat congratulates those Kupwara people who refused to meet the murder- ers of their beloved kins. Kashmiris has now become a sensitive nation and they are fully aware of these kinds of traps.” While commenting over the statement of Mehbooba Mufti that “Kashmiris are being pushed towards eco- nomic and educational depri- vation”, Geelani said, “Real culprits of our miserable economic condition are these pro-Indian politicians who for their petty and meager ben- efits have sold every asset and resources of the state at the hands of the New Delhi. Our water resources are not only enough to make us self-reliant but if these are returned to us back we can also assist India to address its poverty and backwardness.” Kashmiris don’t trust Indian leaders: Yasin Malik Kashmir unrest indigenous : Mirwaiz Srinagar, July 24: Chairman of Hurriyat Confer- ence (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Sunday said India's bid to blame Pakistan for the "current revolt" in the Kash- mir Valley warranted no response. Mirwaiz told IANS here that the two-day visit by the Home Minister that ended on Sunday and "his com- ments are insignificant". He said New Delhi's "propagan- da" on the Kashmir issue that the "current revolt" was sponsored by Pakistan "is so worn out and half- witted that it does not even warrant a response". He said the separatist leadership - including Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Yasin Malik - believed that the "Kashmiri struggle for freedom like all freedom struggles in the world is both indigenous and sacred". The Mirwaiz said the separatist leadership "condemns the killing spree" by forces, injuring thousands and blinding more than 150. He said it was a blot on the face of humanity that a country "which executes such barbarism prides itself as the world's largest democracy". GK NEWS NETWORK Srinagar, July 24: The incar- cerated Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yasin Malik on Sunday said that visit of Indian leaders to Kashmir and other acts won’t make any dif- ference as Kashmiris “don’t trust” them. In a statement Malik said, “ Indian home minister’s Kashmir visit and chief minister shedding crocodile tears that too after killing more than 50 inno- cents, injuring more than 4000, among whom more than 200 are feared to have lost their eye sight, and after placing millions of humans under strict curfew for 17 days and crippling their lives by snapping mobile phones, internet and cable TV, is nothing but an eye wash to hoodwink Indian people and interna- tional community.” “Indian leaders and their Kashmi- ri agents can deceive some people by these hypocritical tactics but cannot betray Kashmiri people and defeat their resolve to get freedom. Killing Kash- miris and putting blame on others and continues state of denial of Indian leadership, their Kashmiri stooges and biased media will never succeed in defeating our freedom struggle,” Malik said. Malik, who is languishing in police custody from last 18 days, said, “ Kashmir visit of Rajnath Singhwas a s useless effort.” Malik said, “ Rajnath Singh and other Indian leaders have time and again issued statements congratu- lating their forces, encouraging them and putting blame on the oppressed instead of oppressors.” He said, “Before taking flight to Sri- nagar Indian home minister provided a clean chit to killer forces by stating that they are exercising maxim restraint against growing Kashmiri attacks and therefore his visit can deliver nothing but encouragements to mass killers in uniform.” He said, “India and its leaders and media know fully that everyone in Kashmir is a staunch supporter of freedom and resistance and ongoing protest movements are aimed at rais- ing voice for freedom only ,but India, its Kashmiri agents and biased media are is in a continuous state of denial and are trying to deny reality by shutting their eyes.” Hold unconditional dialogue with all stakeholders: Tarigami tells Rajnath Singh GK NEWS NETWORK Srinagar, July 24: The CPI-M leader and MLA Kulgam M Y Tarigami on Sunday urged the central government to open an "unconditional dialogue" with all the stakeholders in Jammu and Kashmir, "par- ticularly the voices of dis- sent", to bring peace in the violence-ravaged state. The lone Communist law- maker in the state assembly and some of his party leaders met Home Minister Rajnath Singh here. The Home Minister was on a 2-day visit to the Kash- mir Valley in the wake of the violent unrest that has left more than 48 people dead in clashes between protesters and forces. Tarigami blamed the authorities in Jammu and Kash- mir for the "unfortunate deaths of dozens of unarmed civilians" and called for an "immediate end to this use of brutal force". He said he urged Rajnath Singh "to initiate a process of unconditional dialogue with all the stakeholders, particularly the voices of dissent" in the state, refer- ring to separatist leaders in Kashmir. Tarigami said he told Rajnath Singh that the "people of Kashmir believe that they have been ignored time and again and whatever promises have been made have not been fulfilled". He said "those who are at the helm must draw lessons and understand the serious implications of the situation" that the new unrest has unfolded in the valley. "We are afraid if appropriate response is not evolved, the situation may worsen in the coming future." He urged the central gov- ernment to take immediate measures "which can treat the wounds and address the injured psyche of Kashmiris. It brooks no delay". Join Kashmir movement: Aasiya to bureaucrats Srinagar, July 24: Dukhtarani Millat Chief Aasiya Andrabi has appreciated the people for showing luke warm response to Rajnath Singh’s visit. In a statement here Aasiya said, “No oppressed Kashmiri accepted to meet him despite pressure tactics of the oppressor, which in itself is an eye opener for India to understand the writing on the wall.” She said that Rajnath’s forced meeting with the families of the deceased is nothing more than “adding salt to the wounds” She said, “India is continuing the genocide of our people irrespective of the age and gender under a well planned strategy. On one hand our young buds are being blinded and on the other hand they are talking of their education, which is the highest hypocrisy on their part.” She lauded the resilience of people and asked them to continue the same in future. She appealed bureaucrats to join the resis- tance movement without any delay which has taken the shape of the mass movement after the death of Burhan Wani. GKNN Resolve Kashmir issue: GH Mir to Rajnath Singh Srinagar, July 24: Dem- ocratic Party National- ist (DPN) president and former Agriculture min- ister, Ghulam Hassan Mir on Sunday met with the Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh to discuss the ongoing situation in Kashmir. In a 20 minute long meeting with Rajnath, Mir told him that the former Prime Minister and senior BJP leader, Atal Bihari Vajpayee wanted to resolve the Kashmir issue but he didn’t. “BJP is currently having a good mandate and they can do very well for India. But at the same time if BJP will solve the prob- lem of Kashmir then it will be a big achievement for them especially for Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he said. GKNN Ban pellet guns: Hashim Qureshi Srinagar, July 22: Jammu Kashmir Democratic Party (DLP) chairman Hashim Qureshi today expressed grief and pain over the killing and wounding of innocent people, demanding immediate ban on the use of pellet guns. “It is highly regrettable that the forces are using pellet guns to disperse the mobs which have snatched their eyesight and inflicted other eye ailments. Whether it is a punishment to Kash- mirs to blind them because Mahatma Gandhi had seen a ray of light in Kashmir at a time when entire India was dragged to the violence and destruction. I express surprise whether the vast Indian establishment has no means other than firing straight at the mobs to disperse them Under rec- ognized norms the forces, whenever permitted to fire, have to shoot at legs only but in the case of present and past experience, forces have been throwing these norms to winds and firing straight above the waist which means instant fatal- ity. This has always been happening whenever there are demonstrations in Kash- mir,” Hashim Qureshi, said in a statement. He demanded immedi- ate ban on use of pellet and that all the victims of pellet guns be provided specialized treatment. He demanded compensation for the vic- tims to the tune of Rs five lakhs. GKNN Kashmir needs political solution: Hakim Yasin to Rajnath Singh GK NEWS NETWORK Srinagar, July 24: The Chair- man of the Peoples Democratic Front Hakim Muhammad Yasin, who met the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh here, told him that Kashmir needs a political solution. “The unfortunate incidents which have been happening in Kashmir for the last more than two weeks is a grim reminder to all of us that Kashmir issue can't be brushed aside for long time. Nearly 50 people, mostly educated youth, have lost their lives in the last 15-days of vio- lence and hundreds of seri- ously injured are battling for their lives in hospitals. Dozens of youth have lost their eye sight in the vicious circle of violence,” Hakim Yasin told Singh. “The slogan of Insanyat, Jamhoiyrat and Kashmirayat which Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi has often repeated while in J&K needs to be imple- mented in letter and spirit on ground. Kashmir is a political issue and needs political solu- tion,” Yasin said. Don’t blame Pakistan for Kashmir unrest: Rashid New Delhi, July 24: The MLA Langate Er Rashid, who is presently in New Delhi, on Sunday said that India should stop blaming Pakistan for Kashmir unrest. “Govt of India to stop blaming and abusing Pakistan for its worst failures and atrocities in Kashmir and under- stand that whatsoever Kashmiris are seeking is indigenous,” Rashid said while speaking at a Round Table Conference organized in Delhi to discuss Kashmir situation. PDP delegation calls on HM Srinagar, July 24: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh met a delegation of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party here today. The del- egation headed by senior PDP leader Sartaj Madni sought addressing of the political prob- lem in Kashmir. “ We told the Home Minister that you have the last opportunity to resolve Kashmir issue,” PDP Chief spokesman Meh- boob Beg told Greater Kashmir. He said the delegation raised all other issues relating to current unrest during the meeting. GKNN NEWS CMYK

Transcript of SRINAGAR | July 25, 2016, Monday

Page 1: SRINAGAR | July 25, 2016, Monday … · back my father Late Haji Ghulam Shah of Shergadi Srinagar

02 Greater KashmirSRINAGAR | July 25, 2016, Monday


C O N D O L E N C E We the J&K Electrical Employees Union condole the demise of wife of Syed Ali R/o Kargil and mother of Asgar Ali Majaz Technical Secretary Power Development Department. A delegation lead by Manzoor Ahmad Bhat General Secretary JKEEU visited Kargil to express condolence to Mr Asgar Ali Majaz. We pray to Allah to grant departed soul place in Janat-ul-Firdous and give strength to the bereaved family to bear this loss with courage and fortitude.


Today is the day of remembrance as on this day five years back my father Late Haji Ghulam Shah of Shergadi Srinagar left for heavenly abode. My father who used to be by my side left me alone for me to cherish moments & spend with him. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Till memories fade and life lasts, you will continue to live in our hearts. You were so loving and caring that you did everything for me. You were there to make me shine like a beacon and counseled me when I needed if most. Today I am lonely gazing high and remembering those golden days. On this day we pay glorious tribute to you with moist eyes and pledge to turn your dreams into reality May Almighty Allah bless your soul and grant you Jannat-ul-Firdous (Aameen).

Prof B.A Shah Shergadi Jehangir Chowk


FATEHA KHAWANI TODAYWith profound grief, we inform the demise of Ab Rashid Mir S/o Ab Salaam Mir R/o Sofi Mohalla Upper Vecharnag. He passed away on 22nd of July 2016 (Friday). The congregational Fateha Khawani will be held Today 25th of July 2016 (Monday) at their graveyard Sofi Mohalla Upper Vecharnag at 9:00 AM.





CONDOLENCE MEETINGThe Kashmir Electrical Manufactures Association (KEMA) held a special condolence meeting on 24th July 2016 under the president ship of Mr. Raja Nayeem Khan to condole the demise of mother of Asgar Ali Majaj Technical Secretary P.D.D. (J&K Govt.) and also to condole the demise of mother-in-law of Bashir Ahmad Khan Chief Engineer P.D.D. (Electric Maintenance & RE Wing).The members prayed to Almighty to grant Jannat-ul-Firdous to the departed souls and courage to the families to bear this irreplaceable loss.

Bashir Ahmad BhatGeneral Secretary (KEMA)




Late Bashir Ahmad ParrayR/o Bismillah Colony Azadbasti Natipora (24/07/2015)

Death changes everything Time changes nothing We still miss the sound of your voice We still miss the wisdom in your advice

We still miss the stories of your Life and just being in your presence

We miss you “ABU”There is not a single day when we haven’t thought about you.

There is not a single night when we haven’t dreamed about you. There is not a single moment ever goanna come in our life when we stop missing you

“ABU”We deeply miss your affection, sacrifices nobility devotion, generosity & sincerity. Last one year has not been easy one for us but your pioneering sprit continues to inspire us to up hold all that you stood for. May Allah Subhana-wa-Tala grant you piece & place in Janat-ul-Firdous (Aameen).

Fondly Remembered By:Masooda Akhtar, Gowher Bashir,

Mohsin Bashir, Mehraj-Din-Parray


DEMISEWith profound grief, we inform the demise of Azmi Begum W/o Late Ab Gaffar Shah of Nawakadal presently residing at Sector 4 Hamdania Colony Bemina Srinagar. The deceased was mother-in-Law of Bashir Ahmad Khan Chief Engineer PDD. Condolence will be for three days upto 25th July Monday.

BEREAVED FAMILYMohammad Yaseen Shah (Son)

Mohammad Shafi Shah(Ex. PRO at Airport Authority Srinagar)

Bashir Ahmad Khan (Chief Engineer PDD )


DEMISEWith profound grief and sorrow we inform the sad demise of PADSHAH BEGUM, w/o:- Khawaja M. Shamas-uddin Ganie (IAS Retired) former chairman of J&KPSC, R/o Mattan Anantnag at presently residing at Sidra Jammu. passed away on 23/07/2016 (Saturday). Her Congressional Fateh Khawani will be held on 26/07/2016 (Tuesday) at 10:00 am at Sidra Graveyard.

Bereaved Family

DEMISEWith Profound grief and sorrow we inform the sad demise of Khawaja Ghulam Mohammad Malik, S/o Khawaja Ab Rahim Malik, R/o Shamasabad Sec 5 Bemina. who passed away on 24/07/2016 Sunday. His Congressional Fateh Khawani will be held on 27/07/2016 Wednesday at 10:30 am at their ancestral graveyard near Masjid Shahabudin Tujgari Mohalla Malkah.Note:- In case of restrictions or Curfew the Fateh Khawani will be held at their residence with utmost simplicity.

From: Bereaved family9419016048, 9419016052

Kashmir is disputed: Geelani to Sushma Swaraj


Srinagar, July 24: While terming the statement “entire Jammu & Kashmir is ours” issued by the Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj as the arrogance of power of this country, Chair-man of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani has said that it is a very old rhetoric of India about the Jammu & Kashmir and which is just based on the military power.

Terming the Kashmir related statement of Sushma Swaraj as her political bank-ruptcy, Geelani said, “If she

is true in her claims then why is India afraid of holding ref-erendum in Jammu and Kashmir and why are their paid local agents hiding behind the more than 10 lakh armed forces. Kashmir is a disputed territory and Kashmiri people are strug-gling against India’s control since 1947 this fact is known to everybody but the Indian rulers are scared to face this truth and they have become habitual of ignoring the ground realities.”

Referring to the visit of Chief Minister Mehbooba

Mufti to Kupwara, Geelani said, “Fami-lies of the martyred youths were forced to meet the chief

minister. It’s deplor-able. These customary

tours are carried out to protect the chair of power and these power hungry people have nothing to do with the miseries of the common people.”

“Hurriyat congratulates those Kupwara people who refused to meet the murder-ers of their beloved kins. Kashmiris has now become a sensitive nation and they are fully aware of these

kinds of traps.”While commenting over

the statement of Mehbooba Mufti that “Kashmiris are being pushed towards eco-nomic and educational depri-vation”, Geelani said, “Real culprits of our miserable economic condition are these pro-Indian politicians who for their petty and meager ben-efits have sold every asset and resources of the state at the hands of the New Delhi. Our water resources are not only enough to make us self-reliant but if these are returned to us back we can also assist India to address its poverty and backwardness.”

Kashmiris don’t trust Indian leaders: Yasin Malik

Kashmir unrest indigenous : MirwaizSrinagar, July 24: Chairman of

Hurriyat Confer-ence (M) Mirwaiz

Umar Farooq on Sunday said India's bid to blame Pakistan

for the "current revolt" in the Kash-

mir Valley warranted no response.Mirwaiz told IANS here that the

two-day visit by the Home Minister that ended on Sunday and "his com-ments are insignificant".

He said New Delhi's "propagan-da" on the Kashmir issue that the "current revolt" was sponsored by Pakistan "is so worn out and half-witted that it does not even warrant a response".

He said the separatist leadership - including Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Yasin Malik - believed that the "Kashmiri struggle for freedom like all freedom struggles in the world is both indigenous and sacred".

The Mirwaiz said the separatist leadership "condemns the killing spree" by forces, injuring thousands and blinding more than 150.

He said it was a blot on the face of humanity that a country "which executes such barbarism prides itself as the world's largest democracy".


Srinagar, July 24: The incar-cerated Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yasin Malik on Sunday said that visit of Indian leaders to Kashmir and other acts won’t make any dif-ference as Kashmiris “don’t trust” them.

In a statement Malik said, “ Indian home minister’s Kashmir visit and chief minister shedding crocodile tears that too after killing more than 50 inno-cents, injuring more than 4000, among whom more than 200 are feared to have lost their eye sight, and after placing millions of humans under strict curfew for 17 days and crippling their lives by snapping mobile phones, internet and cable TV, is nothing but an eye wash to hoodwink Indian people and interna-tional community.”

“Indian leaders and their Kashmi-ri agents can deceive some people by these hypocritical tactics but cannot betray Kashmiri people and defeat their resolve to get freedom. Killing Kash-miris and putting blame on others and continues state of denial of Indian leadership, their Kashmiri stooges

and biased media will never succeed in defeating our freedom struggle,”

Malik said.Malik, who is languishing

in police custody from last 18 days, said, “ Kashmir visit of Rajnath Singhwas a s useless

effort.”Malik said, “ Rajnath Singh

and other Indian leaders have time and again issued statements congratu-lating their forces, encouraging them and putting blame on the oppressed instead of oppressors.”

He said, “Before taking flight to Sri-nagar Indian home minister provided a clean chit to killer forces by stating that they are exercising maxim restraint against growing Kashmiri attacks and therefore his visit can deliver nothing but encouragements to mass killers in uniform.”

He said, “India and its leaders and media know fully that everyone in Kashmir is a staunch supporter of freedom and resistance and ongoing protest movements are aimed at rais-ing voice for freedom only ,but India, its Kashmiri agents and biased media are is in a continuous state of denial and are trying to deny reality by shutting their eyes.”

Hold unconditional dialogue with all stakeholders: Tarigami tells Rajnath Singh


Srinagar, July 24: The CPI-M leader and MLA Kulgam M Y Tarigami on Sunday urged the central government to open an "unconditional dialogue" with all the stakeholders in Jammu and Kashmir, "par-ticularly the voices of dis-sent", to bring peace in the violence-ravaged state.

The lone Communist law-maker in the state assembly and some of his party leaders met Home Minister Rajnath Singh here.

The Home Minister was on a 2-day visit to the Kash-mir Valley in the wake of the violent unrest that has left

more than 48 people dead in clashes between protesters and forces.

Tarigami blamed the authorities in Jammu and Kash-mir for the "unfortunate deaths of dozens of unarmed civilians" and called for an "immediate end to this use of brutal force".

He said he urged Rajnath Singh "to initiate a process of unconditional dialogue with all the stakeholders, particularly the voices of dissent" in the state, refer-ring to separatist leaders in Kashmir.

Tarigami said he told Rajnath Singh that the "people

of Kashmir believe that they have been ignored time and again and whatever promises have been made have not been fulfilled".

He said "those who are at the helm must

draw lessons and understand the serious implications of the situation" that the new unrest has unfolded in the valley. "We are afraid if appropriate response is not evolved, the situation may worsen in the coming future."

He urged the central gov-ernment to take immediate measures "which can treat the wounds and address the injured psyche of Kashmiris. It brooks no delay".

Join Kashmir movement: Aasiya to bureaucrats Srinagar, July 24: Dukhtarani Millat Chief Aasiya Andrabi has appreciated the people for showing luke warm response to Rajnath Singh’s visit.

In a statement here Aasiya said, “No oppressed Kashmiri accepted to meet him despite pressure tactics of the oppressor, which in itself is an eye opener for India to understand the writing on the wall.”

She said that Rajnath’s forced meeting with the families of the deceased is nothing more than “adding salt to the wounds”

She said, “India is continuing the genocide of our people irrespective of the age and gender under a well planned strategy. On one hand our young buds are being blinded and on the other hand they are talking of their education, which is the highest hypocrisy on their part.”

She lauded the resilience of people and asked them to continue the same in future.

She appealed bureaucrats to join the resis-tance movement without any delay which has taken the shape of the mass movement after the death of Burhan Wani. GKNN

Resolve Kashmir issue: GH Mir to Rajnath SinghSrinagar, July 24: Dem-ocratic Party National-ist (DPN) president and former Agriculture min-ister, Ghulam Hassan Mir on Sunday met with the Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh to discuss the ongoing situation in Kashmir.

In a 20 minute long meeting with Rajnath, Mir told him that the former Prime Minister and senior BJP leader, Atal Bihari Vajpayee wanted to resolve the Kashmir issue but he didn’t. “BJP is currently having a good mandate and they can do very well for India. But at the same time if BJP will solve the prob-lem of Kashmir then it will be a big achievement for them especially for Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he said. GKNN

Ban pellet guns: Hashim Qureshi Srinagar, July 22: Jammu Kashmir Democratic Party (DLP) chairman Hashim Qureshi today expressed grief and pain over the killing and wounding of innocent people, demanding immediate ban on the use of pellet guns.

“It is highly regrettable that the forces are using pellet guns to disperse the mobs which have snatched their eyesight and inflicted other eye ailments. Whether it is a punishment to Kash-mirs to blind them because Mahatma Gandhi had seen a ray of light in Kashmir at a time when entire India was dragged to the violence and destruction. I express surprise whether the vast Indian establishment has no means other than firing

straight at the mobs to disperse them Under rec-ognized norms the forces, whenever permitted to fire, have to shoot at legs only but in the case of present and past experience, forces have been throwing these norms to winds and firing straight above the waist which means instant fatal-ity. This has always been happening whenever there are demonstrations in Kash-mir,” Hashim Qureshi, said in a statement.

He demanded immedi-ate ban on use of pellet and that all the victims of pellet guns be provided specialized treatment. He demanded compensation for the vic-tims to the tune of Rs five lakhs. GKNN

Kashmir needs political solution: Hakim Yasin to Rajnath Singh


Srinagar, July 24: The Chair-man of the Peoples Democratic Front Hakim Muhammad Yasin, who met the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh here, told him that Kashmir needs a political solution.

“The unfortunate incidents which have been happening in Kashmir for the last more than two weeks is a grim reminder to all of us that Kashmir issue can't be brushed aside for long time. Nearly 50 people, mostly educated youth, have lost their

lives in the last 15-days of vio-lence and hundreds of seri-ously injured are battling for their lives in hospitals. Dozens of youth have lost their eye sight in the vicious circle of violence,” Hakim Yasin told Singh.

“The slogan of Insanyat, Jamhoiyrat and Kashmirayat which Prime Minister Naren-dra Modi has often repeated while in J&K needs to be imple-mented in letter and spirit on ground. Kashmir is a political issue and needs political solu-tion,” Yasin said.Don’t blame Pakistan for

Kashmir unrest: Rashid New Delhi, July 24: The MLA Langate Er Rashid, who is presently in New Delhi, on Sunday said that India should stop blaming Pakistan for Kashmir unrest. “Govt of India to stop blaming and abusing Pakistan for its worst failures and atrocities in Kashmir and under-stand that whatsoever Kashmiris are seeking is indigenous,” Rashid said while speaking at a Round Table Conference organized in Delhi to discuss Kashmir situation.

PDP delegation calls on HMSrinagar, July 24: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh met a delegation of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party here today. The del-egation headed by senior PDP leader Sartaj Madni sought addressing of the political prob-lem in Kashmir. “ We told the Home Minister that you have the last opportunity to resolve Kashmir issue,” PDP Chief spokesman Meh-boob Beg told Greater Kashmir. He said the delegation raised all other issues relating to current unrest during the meeting. GKNN