'Sr6 * . 1 !|W jinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1931-12-31/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · fo.iiini....

A I HI ' HC congregation cnjoy-l tin- presentation i-l ' the p lay, "Wh y t ' m I 'lliliu- ^ Rang ", "I 'lie W,• .,.,,ii,,,.- toii MethaiKlis; chumh <m ' MHI lay evening. The . program ita -milo . ': Organ prelude , Hvmu i -, " i , inav; - , Kev. Allen W . .ludil; H ymn ii:;- . play, "Wh y Tile Chimes ijane " . li;, Raymond Mui'll .nialil Allien; cha r - acters - llolger la peasant h n > Warren Culver; Steen (his \ onmim- In other), Clark Uaynor: liertei. their Uncle , Linvivnce VA' rioh:; UP. old woman , Mrs . George Young: Vilest , Charles Rogers; rich man. Harold Wiight ; a beautiful woman , Mi^s Muriel Argue: musician. Miss Francis llaynor; laborer . William Gordon; young girl, Miss Roberta Goodman: king, Chester Yonker; angel . Miss Anna Ilolh; organise. Robert llaynor; chimes , Louis Green; o ffering; Hymn 122: bene- diction and ohornl i espouse. The flowers on the pulpit of this church on Sunday were in loving memory of the late Arthur .1. .Hal- loc k , presented bv his child) en. WESTHAMPTON HAS XMAS EXERCISES Holiday Sp irit Blankets Suffolk Cb. istiiia- »' a- ::>: ¦ > ' " " ¦ ' . , :,nil olmm,- . - ' m -i- (",; , , ;,:, ' ' i " . 0. wi-h all :b. V> vm ' :""' ' " ;' : ' " " ' j V ,, ,,,-, v,,,- . L' srn ;' - - -f on . -erv. 'i ne i ' ..L mm -m,M 1 .. - , liStlC, c nav «a . - even »•' '" ¦ ' ' . . ./j, jur their :- i. " oil - ' ¦ " ¦ ,_, J , . . , :,. „,. ., ¦¦ i :. '". •;.: ¦ > - " : " rherc ! a , ,' , , ..... . :mm: . :, ' ' «™«»l , ,,, . ^.^, ,, 1 *1 . ^1 , ' , ]- ,,., , ,„ A - . . -Id , hel ped to ; /, , .. . ' -,- . - - ' •<" fortunate , ; I!,'!,;;,. "' | . .. ;, . . pirlt of Christ- ¦ '' "], , " , .. "'I of making some , , ' . ' .. ' ' ,-mm ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .'"Iversal. ' " ( . h ' i ' im .. . i- .. sines* at the River- , ' , , ' . ' ¦ . 'ie was nearly a ree- ' ¦'•' " ¦ I*SC 4 '"-• i-.i - .-i- '^¦ ' ;• ¦ .. :• ¦ ' ' .He, Assistant Postmas- . , ! v .; y C. 'Davall, the regular ;. ,;; : aiul temporary help were ;. "' , ' : iiusy, for ahout two weeks , iinjc Christmas, s ores dealing in- general mer- er, e iidlse suitable ior Christmas i: ifts report a larger holiday busi- ness than ever. This newspaper carried more Chrigttnas advertising in its issues of Uisc. 10th and 17th than in the corresp onding issues of last , year , iKhteh is saying; a great deal , as the iisues have always been well crowded with Christmas offerings <K the mei chants of Suffolk Cjjunly. XMAS EXERCISES I IN EAST MORICHES . x The following Christmas exer- cises were held at the Methodist dturch in East Moriches on Christ- inas eve: Organ prelude ; congre- gational siwging, "There 's A Song in the Air " ; responsi"e reading on Christ'st birth ; prayer by Superin- tendent Herbert Yarrington ; an- them by choir , "Sleep, Jesus , Sleep" ; song by primary depart- ment , "On Christmas Morn "; reci- tations, "Junior ' s Stocking" , Junior Fox; ; "Cur Christma s Wish", Don. aid Cordon; "If I Had My Way About It" , Curtis Chapman, and "God Cares For Me" ,.DoriR 'Deomer; exercise by five .primary boys , "Jesus" ; exercise by iTene Fox , •Fosdiek Smith and Henry Brown , "A Slight Error " ; recitations , 'Dif- ferent Customs " , Charlie Day ton ; "A Queer Child" , Tila -Hester; "Christmas Stocking " , Mary Hes- ter ; "Good-night", Mervin lane, and "Christmas -Prayer" , Martin Sharka; exercise by three girls of Mrs. Pric e ' s- class, " Christmas Quotations"; reading, " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" , Mrs. E ' . W. Raynor; recitations, "Telling Santa " , Henrietta Carlson ; "Santa Claus" , iUopald Chapman; "A Sur- prise" , Mildred Cosine; "A Christ- mas Wish" , Irene Pox , and "Mrs. Santa Complains" , ' Kathleen Mc- GuWliW!.; axerci'e , "B e d t in e Story" , Mrs. ^lFitrpatrick's class; song* "It Came Upon the Midnight Clea r" , Cvirs. Joutneay ' s class: ex- r-retee, "Give " , three boys of- Mrs. . ' . Hf... \J A " Price s class ; poem, im - ¦ •• ¦ Mrs. George Justice; anthem by choir , "Wondrous Story "; talk by pastor , Rev. Cann. Offering taken for pom babies in the Methodist llospital. . 7 , . .. (Pages' . "Adoration of tha Magi", iMa 'y, .Minnie Klein ; Joseph , Dan Kane: three angels , Irene Fox . Kathleen McCutcheon and Mildred Cozine; song, "0 Little Town of Bo'hlehetr. "; reading hy *Mr. Cann , Tjukc -2; soiig, . "While Shepherds Watched Their tFlocks" , SheDherds, Monroe. iDayton , Oliver, and Lle-vel- lvn Reeve ; reading by Mr. -oann , Fsalm '72; trio, "We Three Kings <if the Orien t Are" , !Rev. Cann , J. II. IMiller and Conrad Alden; three ¦ wise men , Elmer and Percy Mather nnd Vernon Benjamin; song, "Away " In a Manger "; song, "Joy To The World". Santa Claus arrived at this time and lei t a lot of gifts for the school. —. .* ¦ vnmtfAnirT MUKl^flCO inii i -ii\/ i'ie< 4 CHURCU SER VICES Very happy times were experi- enced over the Christmas time at the Moriches Methodist 'Protestant Sunday school , Rev. George W. "poms , pastor and superintendent. The annual Christmas entertain- ment was held at the social hall of the church , -which hail been decora- ted by the young men of Captain Charles T. Gordon ' s class , with the wiring necessary by Milton De- Lucia. The Mastic iFire Company helped out with chairs and P. K. Kerveld , with oranges. The hall was crowded for the occasion. •A short devotional program was given , in charge of the pastor, and this was followed by a Christmas play entitled, "From Discontent, to Contentment " ; ' written by the llov. George W. Toms. The story of the play is that of a rich family with a son and daugh- ter, both of whom haVe everything that they want and yot are neve r contented, hut , instead , quarrelsome ai'd always fighting each other. The fo.iiini. -nil mother are very much discouraged , especially as it is ChyiKl-niiis eve and they have not , as vet , decided on their presents . While talking the matter over the children come in . uuarreling as usual. The father finally decides to take them on a trip, to see if he can let them see some who do not hav e very much and yet are very happy and contented. As they , ' . r o out inlo the street ^ a hand of ' strolling carolers come along and stop and sing a Christ- mas carol. (This follows at. inter- vals during the play. ' i The father s-hows them the homo of a poor family wh" . in their deep novcrtv, tiro vei itcnted and willing to look fn" -ar.1 la a hanpv Christmas , even with very,siim prospects . Dur. in« this part ; Santa Clnu« and his helpers come out and on inquiry by one of th" helpers ' he brings ouC the fact that lie cannoi leave mud; ir, Unor hours, unless the children of |-* ). i i-i-h a-'- willing to . share. Here tho two -ict i childre n come fo rward and exn '" : 'i to Santa Claus how moa n . •iml / 'iseonlonted thevhad4»een and how little they realized what meant to others, and that Uiev vould be willing to give up their expen sive gifts if he would give What they would have to the poo>" family. Santa Claus is much pleased and commends them heartily, and he and his helpers- , go in to leave a lot of things in the home of the poor family. The father and children of the rich family g0 home and have a happy time exp laining to their mother of what had taken pliu-c, and fathe r and mother agreed thai their home had changed from one of discontent to a home of content- ment. The closing brings out Saul a Claus and his helpers again , who leave gilts lor the eniioien in eiif rich home , not quite so expensive as was origitially planned , but gifvs they would now be satisfied with. The entire cast with the singers close the play, with all on the stage singing the old Christmas carol , "Joy To the World" . The play was given under the personal direction of the 'Ro w Mr. Toms , assisted by Chester L. Mills , music director of the church , with (Milton Kurman at the piano and Arthur Allen assisting at the cur- tain. . The cast «f characters was as follows: The Rich Famil y, Robert Henley, Milton DeLucia; Mrs. Rob- ert Henley, (Miss Marian E. Pen- ney; Charies Henley, Richard Pen- ney, and Mabel Henley, Miss Ruth Maviasal . The Poor Family. Mr?. Ann Waters (a widow), Mis. ' Beatrice Marissal; Sarah Waters , Miss Eleanor Trywusch ; Sammie Waters , Arthur Penney; Dick Waters, Albert Kummert , and Mary Waters , Mary Allen. Santa Claus , Joseph A. Titmus; Winter Sprites, North wind , Barbara Hallock; Jack Frost , Helen Meyer; Snownuke, Catherine Kummert, and Icicle , Laura Kummert. Carol Singers , Warren Hendrickson , George Mey- er , Grace Allen , Gladys , Loraine and Vivian Marissal , Bertha Schlu- der and Virginia Troost. Mrs. 0. W. Kummert and Mrs. Charles H. Trywusch gave valuable assistance also. Those attending were very gen- erous jn their applause and in their commendation of the play and its author. Following the rendition of the play, books were distributed to those who had made an attendance record of fifty out of fifty-two Sun. days. These were donated by Jos- eph A. Titmus.. Candies and oranges were distributed and gifts exchang- ed between teachers and scholars. Wreaths and bars in the reward system were given as follows: Sec- ond year wreaths, Richard I' roost , Laura Kummert, and Jamts Hall; third year bars. Mary Allen , Alberl Kummert and Catherine Kummert; Kummert and Catherine Kummert; fourth year-oats , Arthur Penney, James Troost , Helen Meyer and Virginia Troost; fifth year bars , Richard Penney, .4rthur U. Allen , Grace E. Allen and Eleanor Try- wusch , and sixth year bar , Law- rence B. (Penney. Rev. and Mr;.. Toms were the recipients of a numbe r of gifts and were also presented with a purse of meney from " members and friends. Mr. Mills , the music direc. tor, was i-Uo presented with a g ift of mone/. The Moriches church is uniting in the watch night service tonight (Thursday), ot. the Center Moriches M. E. church , and will also unite in the week of prayer services next week. The Christmas play was repeat- ed , by request, at the Christinas en- tertainment of the Center Moriches .Presby terian Sunday school on last .Saturday evening. ' . SHELTER ISLAND HAS FINE XMA S PARTY The annua! Xmas party given by 4-ii« r- .homhev of Commerce and the Community Club was held on Xmas night in the Community house , at Shelter Island , with some 250 peo- ple present. Vai i-colorcd lights and a glitterii' tK star welcome*! the crowd as they entered . The stage was decorated with two tinsel trim. med evergreen trees and a fireplace scene. Masses of laurel were also among the decorationc. The pro- gram w a.s announced by Mrs George Crook. Selection by the hand; welcome address , George ^ells; Xmas sketch , Anna Reeves and Eufcene Clark; vocal solo. "Do You Know the Song?" , Miss Gene- vieve Dickens; recitation, S y d n e y Beckwith; band selection, especial- ly arranged by Benjamin Conklin , son of the band leader , Captain "Russell Conkling: vocal solo , Mrs. Otis Dickerson; baritone solo , "Evening Breezes " , played by Syi- vain Tybacrt with the band nccom panimont; band selection , "Our Director " , Assistan t Bandmaster Walter S. Clark leading; commun- ity singing; "Star-Spangled Ban- ner " , band. Two contests helped put the audi- ence in dancing mood. ur,. ' . th: pillow case contest with Donald Clarl > and Edward W. Payne for captains, was won b y E* W. Payne 's side. The bean-bag game , whose teams were captained by C. T, Clark , George Wells and Stanley Thompson , was won by Thompson 's men. Dancing to the music of the Happy Days' orchestra finished the evening. MORICHES SCHOOL XMAS EXERCISES , The East Moriches school enter- tainment held at Firemen 's hall on Wednesday, Dec. 28 , was a most enjoyable event . The program fol- lows : . Song by all , "Joy To the World" ; Xmas greeting, . ' /cGraml Howell; "A Possibility " . Briiee Raynor: play, "A Visit To Santa Clans " j characters: Santa Claus , Wardj Squires; Mrs. Santo Claus , Jacque- 1 line Howell: iFairv , Nettie Deanor: Postman , Ronald Chapman, and children (first part), Sarah Dar- ! vow , Merwin Lane, l.ila llestor , George Cordon. Doioth y Lane , Kathryii Volenti , David McCutch- i' e>n , John Xckormnn , Curtis Chap- man , Robert Smith, Cnrnielia Sty- pulkowski , Bruce Kayinn , Molly Nekeiman , M i c h :i i- 1 Feranchuk , Lorraine Chapman and William Sknrkn. Children {sivond part), .Alary Itestor. KrantTs Wilson , J o . -> e p li Feranchuk , Cloiia Mohr , 11 a ?. e I Fn ' edel , Boy d Wilson , Kdwa d lianas , Nelson Reeve , Walter Chor- nomas , -lean N e k e r m a n , Jack Kanas , Ruth Frieiiel , Harry Math- owson. John Kanas and Martin Skaika. > "A Present 'For Mother ", Jef.u ,\t IVI- I ui.eii , 'uineiviil t «.:t;.;- . - ..; . Charies -Day ton; "The Longest Day " , Kenneth Howell; "Christmas Guesses " . Robert Gaff ga , Thomas Smith , -Bemn ' e Stypulkowslti, Her- bert 'Reeve , Stella Cornomas and Vincent Lava ; "Expecting Santa " , Frances Lava ; "Writing To Santa " , Stella Kanas; song, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear " , Barbara Tut- tle, Shirley Chichester , Lorraine Valenti , Mildred Cozine , Elizabeth Cozine, Ceraldine Howell, Kathleen McCutcheon and Victoria Kanr.s; "(How I Caught Santa Claus " , Harry Kijowski; play, "Last Year ' s Letter "—Characters: Mrs. Wins Letter —Characters: Mrs. Wins low , Elizabeth Co::ir.c; her sons (James and Tim), William Stone and Donald Tuttle ; her daughters (Shirley, Irene and Sheila), Shirley Chichester , Irene Fox and Sheila Darnell; Uncle John , Howell Reeve, and Aunt Mary, Barba ra Tuttle. "Christmas v Bells". Julia Kijow- ski ; play, "Entertaining Sail y " —- Characters: Ginidpa Morrow, Walter Kanas; Grandma Morrow , Lorraine Valenti; Sally (their granddaughter), Geraldine Howell; Lou and Elva (Sall y ' s friends), Kathleen McCutcheon and Victoria Kanas; Tom , Dick and Harry (neighbors of the iNorrows), Wil- liam Tuttle , "William Boynton and Bailey Stone. Scen e, living room of the Morrow home. Scene 1 , Christmas pians; scene 2, more plans , and scene 3, Grandpa changes hjs mind. "Instead of a Stocking " , Agnes Gordon , "iFarewoll", John Feran- chuk; son g by all , "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" , and distribution of presents. LAKE RONKONKOMA XMAS SERVICES The Christmas entertainment of the 'Methodist Episcopal church at Lake Ronkonkoma was held Christ- mas eve, when '"The Highway of Life" was presented. Among those who took part were—Virgin Mary, Virginia Bowen; Joseph, Raymond .Robins; Angcin , Frances Noivtsn. Elizabeth Agnew , Marion Court and Harriet Moore : narrator , Mrs. Frank L. Newton; Prophets , Jamesr Agnew, Jr., Stanley Girardet , Jr.. 'Newton Girardet, James Huday, Clinton Overto n and Raymond Rob- ins; Wise Men , Rev. E. (' . iloag, L. Raynor and Morris Hawkins; Shepherds. S. C. Girardet , Sr., Axel Hodges , C. W. Hawkins and W. Watts; Christianity, Margaret Watson; Nations , Rose Buday, Vir- ginia Hart , Jane Rottinger , Harry Holmes , Fra n ces Foley, Olive Watts , Vera Holmes and W. Court. Jr.; soloists , Mrs. Foley and Mr. Read. Candy and oranges were distri- buted , which we re so kindly dona- ted by Mrs. A d o 1 p h Gehweiler (candy) and Mr. Emery (oranges), Mr. Foley was feiven n present of $50 in gold and a basket of fruit I was presented to 'Mrs. 'E. Hollis Newton by the Ladies' Aid. YULETIDE SERVICE IN CUTCHOGUE CHURCH The Christmas entertainment given in the M. E. church at Cut- l ehoirue on Christmas eve was veiy I pleasing and all was well done, xne pageant , VThe Holy Grail", was given by the Intermediate depart- ment and was very impressive. The little, ones also did well with their recitations. A collection was taken that is to go to the M. E. Hospital in Brooklyn. Gifts were presented to the Rev. E. C. Towler and Lin- naeus A'' en from the church and the Sunday school. The pupils and teachers also exchanged gifts. A beautiful lighted Christmas tree was one of the g reatest attractions. FINE XMAS PROGRAM AT EPISCOPA L CHURCH The Christmas party and dance sponsored by the Riverhead Epis- copal Social Club last Wednesday evening was one of the most suc- cessful affairs which they have yet held. There was an excellent crowd present and the music was exceptionally good and everyone there agreed that it was a very pleasant evening. The hall was ap- propriately decorated with red and green streamers running from the -. . ,, ,,:.. .. I -...„!., ..„ Sl ues VI Hie' eeriuiij; **i,e» veeu^Lv ..,- in the middle b y a chandelier of Christmas bells and in the centei was a large bunch of mistletoe- .. The Christmas tree , which was very artistically decorated, stood in one corner of the hall. The music far the danc e was furnished through the kindness of Arthu r De Madaler. of Hampton Bays. Ho also fur- nished entertainment in the form of talking motion pictures. , This mnchine was invented by Mr. Mad- aler and contains a radio , phono- graph and the picture apparatus, all of which is contained in a com- pact cabinet somewhat similar to a large sized radio. The records are , of course , synchronized with the picture exactly like those shown in the regular theatres. This affair was also somewhat in the nature of a birthday party ti- the club was formed just one vear ago this week. The officers whose term of office exnired Monda<- of Ibis week were G. Chester Webb. :iresident; Mrs. John Carlson , vice! •vrcsidont , and Randolph Adams , i secretary and treasurer. I casHcsscasawsHHc^^ Kl _ _„ ... mii _.. m H ' ' PfeilS : #.aa4i™ l a,l ^ ^ fiiSn 1 art NNV SS k **iS'WB9i ! AV \w- ' oA. - £52 H w\ S I MRS. AMERICAN J W\\ S I 'II HO USEWIFE | |r.j I 1 !|W '" Sr " 6 ji * . | I There ' s One SURE 1 I WAY of getting U H . V" ¦ ' nt H I I A nP HP ir ^ ^ T nin T ^ X IL T HI I Jrler-Ai IHINII . UIN ... ii g CJ USY she is. Not wishing to be disturbed. Tin* ' j ^t kj L £ g l m purchasing agent for . thousands o{ families, k^Mv^H^BL— urn S Mrs , American Housewife. Yet surely, inevitably , iJM^^I%, ' ^i S0^^P du H •' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ /«BL : ''i|iTiKp^ 5 ¦ K iier door onrns to ;el in itie County Review. -Am! sJ*Bm I i^,sp i&t~ ~lMn MM ^r / 'V. ' W I; - Y H ^ " 'f ^r} ' i -f l^^^m 9** ' W\ wilii lit*- I' evj i'w there ' enter a certain number of >-4Bs^iSSfee^- ^^HH - n %d .salesmen, salesmen who would otherwise htfve been V /q^BRj J^^Br ' s H turned away ; in short , salesmen who gain entrance ^"U^flv % g through ihe Review advertising columns. T n | SfcND YOU R SALESMAN ' . ' \ I . INTO 10 , 000 HOMES 4 , I g Is your salesman among them? Or do you keep hini in the shop, B^ Wj wailing Tor a chance visit fro m ., Mrs, : Housewife ? Remember. riiL K IfJ ^rs. Hlousewife is buy ing. She it? spending hundreds and bun- ffiBifH 2 & dreds of dollars a day. And unless, you are reaching into the IB K , H K private homes of the Review readers, yoli are not receiving a '^J Q & ri ghtfnl proportion of those dollars. f an .. ^ K g Your merchandise may he the choicest , your values may he the t §j best , hut unless you are sending the news to Mrs.. Housewife \ 5 ^ throug h Ihe medium of the Review,.you cannot expect to find \ f EJ . anytiiing bui ' "Busy. Do Noi Disinrb, " on.her uoor. 1 S p J^iiim \ M | ^^^^^mmMMmMm^s^m I THE G OU KTY R EVIEW B The Presbyterian Sunday schoo! in East Moriches gave, the * .oilow- injr prognam for Christmas on Tuesday evening: R OOK bv coiiR'-e- gation , "O Little Town of Ilethle- hem "; responsive readinp ; iirayer by superintenden t , E. S. Benjamin; song by choir and school , " .A Chi isl- i.^as Gift of Love "; r«-itutinn. - , "O.i the Air " , filom Mohr , "A Christian Engineer" , Bruce Raynor; "Welcome Wreath Girl" , Jane How- ell , and "Christma s Greetings ", Iris Downs; exercise. "Christina. " Bells " , Jean Nekerman and pri- mary; recitations , "Givinjr " , Harrv Alatterson; "God Bless Us AH", John iMohr; "Little Mrs. Clans ", Jean Bedson; "A Little Wish" , James Nekerman. and "Our Wish" , JeSn Downs; song by choir and school , "While Angels Sang"; reci- tations , "A :Funny Tale " , Edwa rd ¦ Downs; "The Wonderful T h i n Called CI- as " , Mollv Neker- man ; "F Donald Tattle: "Christ* ¦ " . W i n V i e 1 d Downs ; tmes Hilly " , Barbara A "A Christmas Light",. ! . ni . ,min; sniur by choir and . "The W T .ise Men 's Quest" ; recii.eeions. "A Great. Bin Star " , John Nekerman ; "The Wise Men " , Robert Watson, and "A "Christmas Stoekinr; " , Edward Downs. Offering taken to buy eye-glaswei for poor boy in Sweetwater, 'feiin. Son g bv con g regation , "W h i 1 <• Shepherds Watchctl Their Flocks ", and Santa Claus arrived with g ilts for the school. CENTEREACH CHURCH XMAS PROGRA M] In the Centereaeh Congregal ' iou- | al church the ¦ following children I took part: Kmiiy Mulh . - . ' , I" ).,iv.i!" .y Wortley, Albert Ta. -ket. Shirley Overton. 1'h'whe Hallock , 11 u I n , Campbell. Robert Duliieid , .lunio: . Kich , Carul Corey, riorenec 5!u!!;-/ .; Marion Smith , David Overton. ! Roger Teemley, Nellie X e w t o n. I Vera Smith , Xelson Newton. Thelma , ' Mills , Theodore Overton , Jean. .An-j dtrsen , Merle Burr. Alton J)ufTield , i George Emery and Hilda Burr. Two | vci-y beautiful piano solos wrrc- ; rendered by Frank Quattlander i and Viola Campbell. The Sunshine i class presented a play entitled , "A : Radio Xmas " , featuring Peggy An- ders en , Emma HslW'k . Gr.rtrude Blydenburgh . M e I b a Campbell violence Duffield. and Minnie Mol- ler , Charlotte Matyas and lle!;'n Norbeck as broadcasters. XMAS PROGRAM I OF SMITHTOWN \ CHURCH ES\ The Xmas programs in the ! Smithtown churches were well ai-1 tended this year. The program for j the Branch M. E. church was given | Tuesday evening, under the dirce- j tion of Mrs. -Ru th O'Berry, of St.: James. Sunftiy evening a most j pleasing program was presented in the Presbyterian church and tht>«e taking part were f.iizabet' n Land. [ Emily and Evel yn Intermen, Vir- : ginia and Alan Brown , Sara sj- ' ivi Long, Jtidith Lyon , Florence Nel- , son , Edith Burns , Harriet Arm- 1 brust , Kafherine Nelse.n, .Tosejih ! Land. Merritt Deutzman. Geo: ,re! Wakefield. George Arns. Hope Al- bee , Mary and Virginia Roge-s. Eli- nor LiJMort , Elinor Brentscn , Ruth Burns , Margaret Long, Muriel Deutzman, Henry Arns. George Jone= , David Arns , Lillian Ander- sen and Elizabeth Vasseur. Two selections, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem " and "Holy Night ", were .played by the trumpet quar- tette , which corsisted of B»atrice LeMort , Archie Kozlik, William Arns , and Albert Sanders . An- other very beautiful radio .j-ki-tcl was presented entitled , "The Firs Gift", featuring iDoroth y LeMort ai Rebecca , Harry Bergstein as Jacob William Arnst property manager w'inlhioi' Ai' nicisc- r, r.s Joe, cv.: Richard Zaverdel a-s the centuriai Marcus. Winthrop Andersen v/ai alhO the announcer. The progran was unde r the direction of Mrs Harry LeMort , and was- a tremen- dous success , as always. AQUEBOG UE SUNDA Y SCHOOL EXERCISES The Christmas entertainment ol the Aquebottiie Sunday school , held on Wednesday evening last , pj sxr-d off in a very pleasing manner. . Old Santa didn 't forget to visit the school to the delight of the young- sters, all of whom were remember- ed with.oranges and ' candy. Much credit is duo. the children who par- ticipated in the prof, ram. as well as the following committee ' . in charge of arrangements: Miss Annie M. Reeve. Mrs. Ellis D-i- .vn ; Miss Tviarv I. Kdwai -ds . Mi-:- . •!. V, ' . Warner , Covwin Tuthill nd j ' - .j ei- Young, not forgetting .. . ' Sanla himself and Sunt , fiporge II. Reeve , for Ihe valuable assistance which they rendered. Kulhiw ing is 1 h. . . | 'i. .; -ruin: .M;i re-n . M'ni; - Ii . v e -hnii " , s : i ;i ; i, i- .- .;n ' I'lavrv. Kev . I.. \ . ,\ -i ; -:l :. :. . . - , ta.'iiir. . . . Mj .li' . 'lni l.n, - . , II i ,- !• . ¦ : ¦ ' < ^' II u i. g, ai- ,,1 \l:uj,.ii- l':,i„ .|i , - ,| ; ' .ii . '-ee uir!. - : l- i- e -i: :ii " <>i:. - . .loni 'i - i ' n - . - win and l{al;>h II M I. M - ami I. - M - > ' l oiing; pi-iininy .- . 11114 ; - n- ' -l -: . , -:. llori.-- aiul Sall y ( ' u wii,: >n!n . i' n i-i: ; :i Xi'i-t " li! > > i >; rre-ii :¦ 1:..!:- . (,!,n;i llniiiaii , .lain- (' .¦: iviii , W'j , - .. i. ,., . Iilain-he Voung and Viiu::i:n > ' i:- .\- ; solo , .Muriel Go ulalo; ^ , .n- li. :• ¦ . ¦ , ¦ boys: recitation. , , l!i!, . :; Km: a;:- ' Louis Uulse; exi'ii- i . -c In- live i„,v 1, mi: .on- . I' .illi. . Uo- .v ii. -. L ug'-i 0 N,.i ;.i - , .11 and H.<i nbv Con,lab-; ¦ I- :' . ¦ " .'i- .: Nt-- - ::::o o 1' ''lo -- 1 10:1^ " ; . ' ¦ :;:: ¦ !- : I y tin- pimior .nil 1 ini ' ol il' .u I ' m Mim-m-rial Krlii-I ' . ami d; :n ' "'i ! ¦ :- . ..1 0¦' , : ' :- \,\ San: 1 aiul -- 1 "- SAi; H.IKHOR C. D. A. ANNUAL XMAS PARTY ! i ;; .M.rjilav miming tin Sao llai ¦ o - li . aiie -h ' •-[ Cathuli- Pao-rhti-rs : ' \:i. ..; - . : a in lii Ihei" a 11 n u ¦ ¦ : ' . ' o i .ma. . |>aity at the K. "I ' C ndl i.r. Maio mri-m. Sa;, liariinv , nim - - ., 1;,,.-,. n.nobi'i - i.f mi 'mlii'i- . - anil i ' , - ii mis wo;. |i: 'i" on ' .. The iYaiUie . - ¦ : i :1 . (.vi'iiiiuv »' j. the- MI . prim' paity ti-iidi 'i' i-il ! ¦i-iir giand reui'iit . . \l, .. Gmi-gi- Cary. in lioii.n - 1 I ' hei iie.e -i- . inaiiiitgi - ' ¦ a- , siagi-il ' . |>er- . tre -i: 1:.. wilh -^ '- o Miiiaat . ' « ' 111' 11 ¦ j,: .mi-mi of I'l'ienHHiif. -. ami was { ' " . ¦ o o- 'ioiilv -i'iijoyd by nil. (ianie - -- anil iii.iiie pi-ovii lml enlei-tiiiinni-ii l lii - mighout the evening. . Mrs. 1 ' arj \..a- - in- , seiited wiehgifts of llowers !, . , 1 -inei-rr wishes by her imuo 1 m inis. A visit from Santa Claus ami a delight I ' ul dii'ii er l ' ..l'.owed. ¦ Tile un.s - ' s ul ' hnii .n we 'll, ii ' - ' .. ' wor- ¦ Ihy I'll. -iplllill . tin- Hev . l- ' i- I' ' - V. ¦ iVa;t„ , ' , - ,! ¦ : |ioko and oxicmkil ¦ his gieel.ii 1 . 'dr. . I ' ary. w 110 iv- ¦ ^nomteil* ill ..11 ait ' . .' ' .v:t \\ Mis. H Edward Wagin-r was ciairlany 01 S the roinniitt Hc and .Mis. Corliand 1 lleniriciis made thi» wedding e -akc. 1 Couil St. Andrew has I M- .- II busy 1 this past year with i-liarUilhle anil i social aclie 'ities ami is s ti - a i l i l «j growing under the leiulm-ship ..I ' \h- ^F grand regent. Mi ' s. George Car; I whose efforts are untiring. I E. MORICHES SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM

Transcript of 'Sr6 * . 1 !|W jinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1931-12-31/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · fo.iiini....

A I H I 'HC congr ega t ion cnjoy- l t i n -p r e s e n t a t i o n i - l ' the p lay , " W h y t 'mI ' l l i l iu- ^ Rang ", "I ' l ie W , • . , . , , i i , , , . -t o i i M e t h a i K l i s ; c h u m h <m 'MHI l a yevening. The . program ita -milo . ' :Organ prelude , H v m u i -,"i , in a v ; - ,Kev. Allen W . .ludil ; H y m n i i : ; - .play, "Wh y Tile Chimes i j ane ". li;,Raymond Mui ' l l .n ia l i l A l l i e n ; cha r -acters - l lolger l a peasan t h n >Warren Culver ; Steen ( h i s \ o n m i m -In o ther) , Clark U a y n o r : l i e r t e i .t he i r Uncle , Linvivnce VA'r i oh : ; U P.old woman , Mrs . George Y o u n g :V i les t , Charles Rogers; rich man.Harold Wi ight ; a beau t i fu l woman ,Mi ^ s Muriel Argue : mus ic ian . MissFrancis l laynor; laborer . W i l l i a mGordon; young gir l , Miss Rober taGoodman: k ing , Chester Yonker ;angel . Miss Anna I lolh; organise .Robert l laynor; chimes , L o u i sGreen; offering; Hymn 122: bene-diction and ohornl i espouse.

The flowers on the pulpi t of t h i schurch on Sunday were in l ov in gmemory of the late Ar thur .1. .Hal-lock, presented bv his chi ld) en.

W E S T H A M P T O N H A SX M A S EXERCISESHoliday Spirit Blankets Suffolk

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;. ,;; : aiul temporary help were;. "',': iiusy, for ahout two weeks

, iinjc Christmas,s ores dealing in- general mer-

er, e iidlse suitable ior Christmasi: ifts report a larger holiday busi-ness than ever.

This newspaper carried moreChrigttnas advertising in its issuesof Uisc. 10th and 17th than in thecorresponding issues of last , year,iKhteh is saying; a great deal , as theiisues have always been wellcrowded with Christmas offerings<K the mei chants of SuffolkCjjunly.


. x The following Christmas exer-cises were held at the Methodistdturch in East Moriches on Christ-inas eve: Organ prelude ; congre-gational siwging, "There's A Songin the Air"; responsi"e reading onChrist'st birth ; prayer by Superin-tendent Herbert Yarrington; an-them by choir, "Sleep, J e s u s ,Sleep"; song by primary depart-ment, "On Christmas Morn"; reci-tations, "Junior's Stocking", JuniorFox; ;"Cur Christma s Wish", Don.aid Cordon; "If I Had My WayAbout It", Curtis Chapman, and"God Cares For Me",.DoriR 'Deomer;exercise by five . p r i m a r y boys,"Jesus"; exercise by iTene Fox,•Fosdiek Smith and Henry Brown,"A Slight Error"; recitations, 'Dif-ferent Customs", Charlie Day ton ;"A Q u e e r Child", Tila -Hester;"Christmas Stocking", Mary Hes-ter; "Good-night", Mervin l a n e,and "Christmas -Prayer", MartinSharka; exercise by three girls ofMrs. Pr i c e 's- class, "ChristmasQuotations"; reading, " 'Twas theNight Before Christmas", Mrs.E'. W. Raynor; recitations, "TellingSanta", Henrietta Carlson ; "SantaClaus", iUopald Chapman; "A Sur-prise", Mildred Cosine; "A Christ-mas Wish", Irene Pox, and "Mrs.Santa Complains", 'Kathleen Mc-GuWliW!.; axerci'e , "B e d t in eStory", Mrs. lFitrpatrick's class;song* "It Came Upon the MidnightClear", Cvirs. • Joutneay 's class: ex-r-retee, "Give", three boys of- Mrs.

.' . Hf... \JA"Price s class; poem, im -¦•• ¦Mrs. George Justice; anthem bychoir, "Wondrous Story"; talk bypastor, Rev. Cann. Offering takenfor pom babies in the Methodistllospital. . 7 , ...

(P a g e s ' . "Adoration of thaMagi", iMa 'y, .Minnie Klein ; Joseph ,Dan Kane: three angels, Irene Fox.Kathleen McCutcheon and MildredCozine; song, "0 Little Town ofBo'hlehetr."; reading hy *Mr. Cann,Tjukc -2; soiig, ."While ShepherdsWatched Their tFlocks", SheDherds,Monroe. iDayton, Oliver, and Lle-vel-lvn Reeve ; reading by Mr. -oann ,Fsalm '72; trio, "We Three Kings<if the Orien t Are", !Rev. Cann, J.II. IMiller and Conrad Alden; three¦wise men, Elmer and Percy Mathernnd Vernon Benjamin; song,"Away"In a Manger"; song, "Joy To TheWorld". Santa Claus arrived atthis time and lei t a lot of gifts forthe school. •

—..* ¦vnmtfAnirTM U K l f l C O inii i-ii\/i'ie< 4CHURCU SER VICES

Very happy times were experi-enced over the Christmas time atthe Moriches Methodist 'ProtestantSunday school , Rev. George W."poms, pastor and superintendent.The annual Christmas entertain-ment was held at the social hall ofthe church , -which hail been decora-ted by the young men of CaptainCharles T. Gordon 's class, with thewiring necessary by Milton De-Lucia. The Mastic iFire Companyhelped out with chairs and P. K.Kerveld , with oranges. The hallwas crowded for the occasion.•A short devotional program was

given , in charge of the pastor, andthis was followed by a Christmasplay entitled, "From Discontent, toContentment";' written by the llov.George W. Toms.

The story of the play is that ofa rich family with a son and daugh-ter, both of whom haVe everythingthat they want and yot are nevercontented, hut , instead , quarrelsomeai'd always fighting each other. Thefo.iiini . -nil mother are very muchdiscouraged , especially as it isChyiKl-niiis eve and they have not ,as vet , decided on their presents.While talking the matter over thechildren come in . uuarreling asusual . The father finally decidesto take them on a trip, to see if hecan let them see some who do nothav e very much and yet are veryhappy and contented.

As they ,'.ro out inlo the street ^ahand of ' strolling carolers comealong and stop and sing a Christ-mas carol. (This follows at. inter-vals during the play. 'i The fathers-hows them the homo of a poorfamily wh" . in their deep novcrtv,tiro vei itcnted and willing tolook fn" -ar.1 la a hanpv Christmas,even with very,siim prospects. Dur.in« this part ; Santa Clnu« and hishelpers come out and on inquiry byone of th" helpers' he brings ouC thefact tha t lie cannoi leave mud; ir,Unor hours, unless the children of|-*).i i-i-h a-'- willing to. share. Heretho two -icti childre n come fo rwardand exn '":'i to Santa Claus howmoa n .•iml / 'iseonlonted thevhad4»eenand how little they realized what

meant to others, and that Uievvould be willing to give up their

expensive gifts if he would giveWhat they would have to the poo> "family.

Santa Claus is much pleased andcommends them heartily, and heand his helpers-, go in to leave a lotof things in the home of the poorfamily. The father and ch i ld ren ofthe rich family g0 home and havea happy time explaining to the i rmother of what had taken pliu-c,and father and mother agreed tha itheir home had changed f rom oneof discontent to a home of c o n t e n t -ment.

The closing brings out S a u l aClaus and his helpers again , wholeave gilts lor the eniioien in eiifrich home, not quite so expensiveas was origitially planned , but gifvsthey would now be satisfied wi th .The entire cast with the singersclose the play, with all on the stagesinging the old Chr is tmas carol ,"Joy To the World".

The play was given under thepersonal direction of the 'Row Mr.Toms, assisted by Chester L. Mills ,music director of the church , with(Milton Kurman at the piano andArthur Allen assisting at the cur-tain.

. The cast «f characters was asfollows: The Rich Family, RobertHenley, Milton DeLucia; Mrs. Rob-ert Henley, (Miss Marian E. Pen-ney; Charies Henley, Richard Pen-ney, and Mabel Henley, Miss RuthMaviasal. The Poor Family. Mr?.Ann W a t e r s (a widow), Mis.'Beatrice Marissal; Sarah Waters ,Miss Eleanor Trywusch ; SammieWaters, A r t h u r Penney; DickWaters, Albert Kummert, and MaryWaters, Mary Allen. Santa Claus,Joseph A. Titmus; Winter Sprites,North wind, Barbara Hallock; JackFrost, Helen Meyer; Snownuke,Catherine Kummert, and I c i c l e ,Laura Kummert. Carol Singers,Warren Hendrickson , George Mey-er, Grace Allen, Gladys, Loraineand Vivian Marissal , Bertha Schlu-der and Virginia Troost. Mrs. 0.W. Kummert and Mrs. Charles H.Trywusch gave valuable assistancealso.

Those attending were very gen-erous jn their applause and in theircommendation of the play and itsauthor.

Following the rendition of theplay, books were distributed tothose who had made an attendancerecord of fifty out of fifty-two Sun.days. These were donated by Jos-eph A. Titmus.. Candies and orangeswere distributed and gifts exchang-ed between teachers and scholars.Wreaths and bars in the rewardsystem were given as follows: Sec-ond year wreaths, Richard I'roost ,Laura Kummert, and Jamts Hall;third year bars. Mary Allen , AlberlKummert and Catherine Kummert;Kummert and Catherine Kummert;fourth year-oats, Arthur Penney,James Troost, Helen Meyer andVirginia Troost; fifth year bars ,Richard Penney, .4rthur U. Allen ,Grace E. Allen and Eleanor Try-wusch, and sixth year bar , Law-rence B. (Penney.

Rev. and Mr;.. Toms were therecipients of a numbe r of gif ts andwere also presented with a purseof meney from " m e m b e r s andfriends. Mr. Mills, the music direc.tor, was i-Uo presented with a giftof mone/.

The Moriches church is unitingin the watch night service tonight(Thursday), ot. the Center MorichesM. E. church , and will also unite inthe week of prayer services nextweek.

The Christmas play was repeat-ed, by request, at the Christinas en-tertainment of the Center Moriches.Presbyterian Sunday school on last.Saturday evening. ' .


The annua! Xmas party given by4-ii« r-.homhev of Commerce and theCommunity Club was held on Xmasnight in the Community house , atShelter Island , with some 250 peo-ple present. Vai i-colorcd lights anda glitterii'tK star welcome*! thecrowd as they entered . The stagewas decorated with two tinsel tr im.med evergreen trees and a fireplacescene. Masses of laurel were alsoamong the decorationc. The pro-gram w a.s announced by MrsGeorge Crook. Selection by thehand; welcome address, G e o r g e^ells; Xmas sketch , Anna Reevesand Eufcene Clark; vocal solo. "DoYou Know the Song?", Miss Gene-vieve Dickens; recitation, S y d n e yBeckwith; band selection, especial-ly arranged by Benjamin Conklin ,son of the band leader , Captain"Russell Conkling: vocal solo , Mrs.Otis Dickerson; b a r i t o n e solo,"Evening Breezes", played by Syi-vain Tybacrt with the band nccom •panimont; b a n d selection , "OurDirector", Assistant BandmasterWalter S. Clark leading; commun-ity singing; "Star-Spangled Ban-ner", band.

Two contests helped put the audi-ence in dancing mood. ur,.'. th:pillow case contest with DonaldClarl> and Edward W. Payne forcaptains, was won by E* W. Payne'sside. The bean-bag game, whoseteams were captained by C. T,Clark, George Wells and StanleyThompson , was won by Thompson 'smen.

Dancing to the music of theHappy Days' orchestra finished theevening.


, The East Moriches school enter-tainment held at Firemen's hall onWednesday, Dec. 28, was a mostenjoyable event . The program fol-lows : .

Song by all, "Joy To the World" ;Xmas greeting, .'/cGraml Howell;"A Possibility ". B r i i e e Raynor:play, "A Visit To Santa Clans"— jcharacters: Santa Claus, W a r d jSquires; Mrs. Santo Claus , Jacque- 1line Howell: iFairv , Nettie Deanor:Postman , Ronald Chapman, andchildren (first part), Sarah Dar- !

vow , Merwin Lane, l .ila l les tor ,George Cordon. Doio th y L a n e ,Ka th ry i i Volent i , David McCutch-i' e>n , John Xckormnn , Cur t i s Chap-man , Rober t Smi th , Cnrnielia Sty-pu lkowski , Bruce K a y i n n , M o l l yNekeiman , M i c h :i i- 1 Fe ranchuk ,Lorraine C h a p m a n and W i l l i a mSknrkn .

Children {sivond p a r t ) , . A l a r yItestor. Kran tTs Wilson , J o .-> e p liFeranchuk , Cloi ia Mohr , 11 a ?. e IFn'edel , Boy d Wilson , K d w a dlianas , Nelson Reeve , Walter Chor-nomas , -lean N e k e r m a n , JackKanas , R u t h Frieiiel , Har ry Math -owson. John Kanas and M a r t i nSkaika. >

"A Present 'For Mother ", Jef.u,\ t IVI- I ui.eii , 'u i n e i v i i l t «.:t;.;-.-..; .Charies -Day ton; "The L o n g e s tDay", Kenneth Howell; "ChristmasGuesses". Robert Gaff ga, ThomasSmith , -Bemn'e Stypulkowslti, Her-bert 'Reeve , Stella Cornomas andVincent Lava ; "Expecting Santa",Frances Lava; "Writing To Santa ",Stella Kanas; song, "It Came Uponthe Midnight Clear", Barbara Tut-tle, Shirley Chichester, LorraineValenti , Mildred Cozine, ElizabethCozine, Ceraldine Howell, KathleenMcCutcheon and Victoria Kanr.s;"(How I C a u g h t Santa Claus",Harry Kijowski; play, "Last Year'sLetter"—Characters: Mrs. WinsLetter —Characters: Mrs. Winslow , Elizabeth Co::ir.c; her sons(James and Tim), William Stoneand Donald Tuttle; her daughters(Shirley, Irene and Sheila), ShirleyChichester , Irene Fox and SheilaDarnell; Uncle John , Howell Reeve,and Aunt Mary, Barba ra Tuttle.

"Christmas vBells". Julia Kijow-ski ; play, "Entertaining S a i l y"—-Characters: G i n i d p a Morrow,Walter Kanas; Grandma Morrow,Lorraine Valenti; Sally ( t h e i rgranddaughter), Geraldine Howell;Lou and E l v a (Sally 's friends),Kathleen McCutcheon and VictoriaKanas; Tom , Dick and H a r r y(neighbors of the iNorrows), Wil-liam Tuttle, "William Boynton andBailey Stone. Scene, living roomof the Morrow home. S c e n e 1,Christmas pians; scene 2, m o r eplans, and scene 3, Grandpa changeshjs mind.

"Instead of a Stocking", AgnesGordon , "iFarewoll", John Feran-chuk; song by all , "Oh Little Townof Bethlehem", and distribution ofpresents.


The Christmas entertainment ofthe 'Methodist Episcopal church atLake Ronkonkoma was held Christ-mas eve, when '"The Highway ofLife" was presented. Among thosewho took part were—Virgin Mary,Virginia Bowen; Joseph, Raymond.Robins; Angcin , Frances Noivtsn.Elizabeth Agnew, Marion Courtand Harriet Moore: narrator, Mrs.Frank L. Newton; Prophets, JamesrAgnew, Jr., Stanley Girardet , Jr..'Newton Girardet, James Huday,Clinton Overton and Raymond Rob-ins; Wise Men , Rev. E. ('. iloag,L. Raynor and Morris Hawkins;Shepherds. S. C. Girardet, Sr., AxelHodges, C. W. Hawkins and W.Watts; Christianity, M a r g a r e tWatson; Nations , Rose Buday, Vir-ginia Hart, Jane Rottinger, HarryHolmes, Fra nces Foley, O l i v eWatts, Vera Holmes and W. Court.Jr.; soloists , Mrs. Foley and Mr.Read.

Candy and oranges were distri-buted , which were so kindly dona-ted by Mrs. A d o 1 p h Gehweiler(candy) and Mr. Emery (oranges),

Mr. Foley was feiven n presentof $50 in gold and a basket of fruit Iwas presented to 'Mrs. 'E. HollisNewton by the Ladies' Aid.


given in the M. E. church at Cut-l ehoirue on Christmas eve was veiyI pleasing and all was well done, xnepageant, VThe Holy Grail", wasgiven by the Intermediate depart-ment and was very impressive. Thelittle, ones also did well with theirrecitations. A collection was takenthat is to go to the M. E. Hospitalin Brooklyn. Gifts were presentedto the Rev. E. C. Towler and Lin-naeus A' ' en from the church andthe Sunday school. The pupils andteachers also exchanged gifts. Abeautiful lighted Christmas treewas one of the greatest attractions.


The Christmas party and dancesponsored by the Riverhead Epis-copal Social Club last Wednesdayevening was one of the most suc-cessful affairs which they have yetheld. T h e r e was an excellentcrowd present and the music wasexceptionally good and everyonethere agreed that it was a verypleasant evening. The hall was ap-propriately decorated with red andgreen streamers running from the

- . . ,, ,,:.. .. I -...„!., ..„Sl ues VI Hie' eeriuiij; **i,e» veeu ^Lv ..,-in the middle by a chandelier ofChristmas bells and in the centeiwas a large bunch of mistletoe-.. TheChristmas tree , which was veryartistically decorated, stood in onecorner of the hall. The music farthe dance was furnished throughthe kindness of Arthu r De Madaler.of Hampton Bays. Ho also fur-nished entertainment in the formof talking motion pictures. , Thismnchine was invented by Mr. Mad-aler and contains a radio , phono-graph and the picture apparatus,all of which is contained in a com-pact cabinet somewhat similar to alarge sized radio. The records are ,of course , synchronized with thepicture exactly like those shown inthe regular theatres.

This affair was also somewhat inthe nature of a birthday party ti-the club was formed just one vearago this week. The officers whoseterm of office exnired Monda<- ofIbis week were G. Chester Webb.:iresident; Mrs. John Carlson , vice!•vrcsidont , and Randolph Adams, isecretary and treasurer. I

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I There's One SURE 1I WAY of g e t t i n g UH . V " ¦ ' ntH II A nP HPir ^T nin T X IL T HII J r le r -Ai I H I N I I .UIN ... iig CJ USY she is. Not wishing to be disturbed. Tin* ' j ^ t kj L £ g lm purchasing agent for . thousands o{ families, k^Mv^H^BL— u r nS Mrs, American Housewife. Yet surely, inevitably , iJM^^I%,' iS0^^P d uH • • '

¦¦¦'¦¦ /«BL:''i|iTiKp 5 ¦K iier door onrns to ;el in itie County Review. -Am! sJ *Bm I i ,spi&t~~lMn M Mr / 'V. ' W I; - Y H^ " 'f ^r} 'i-f l ^^m 9** '

W\ wilii lit*- I'evj i'w there 'enter a certain number of >-4Bs^iSSfee^-^^HH - n%d .salesmen, salesmen who would otherwise htfve been V /q^BRj J^^Br' sH turned away ; in short , salesmen who gain entrance ^"U^flv %g through ihe Review advertising columns. T n

| SfcND YOU R SALESMAN '. ' \I . INTO 10,000 HOMES 4 , Ig Is your salesman among them? Or do you keep hini in the shop, B^ J§Wj wailing Tor a chance visit from .,Mrs, :Housewife? Remember. riiL KIfJ ^rs. Hlousewife is buy ing. She it? spending hundreds and bun- ffiBifH 2& dreds of dollars a day. And unless, you are reaching into the IBK , HK private homes of the Review readers, yoli are not receiving a ' J Q& right fn l proportion of those dollars. fan .. ^ K

g Your merchandise may he the choicest, your values may he the t§j best , hut unless you are sending the news to Mrs. . Housewife \ 5

throug h Ihe medium of the Review,.you cannot expect to find \ f

EJ . anytiiing bui ' "Busy. Do Noi Disinrb," on.her uoor. 1 S

p J iiim \ M


The Presbyterian Sunday schoo!in East Moriches gave, the* .oilow-injr prognam for Chris tmas onTuesday evening: R OOK bv coiiR' -e-gation , "O Little Town of Ilethle-hem"; responsive readinp ; iirayerby superintendent , E. S. Benjamin ;song by choir and school , ".A Chi is l -i.^ as Gift of Love"; r«- i tu t inn . - ,"O.i the Air ", filom Mohr , "AChristian Engineer", Bruce Raynor ;"Welcome Wreath Girl", Jane How-ell , and "Christmas Greetings",Iris Downs; exercise. "Christ ina."Bells", Jean Nekerman and pri-mary; recitations, "Givinjr ", HarrvAlatterson; "God Bless Us AH",John iMohr; "Little Mrs. Clans ",Jean Bedson; "A L i t t l e Wish",James Nekerman. and "Our Wish" ,JeSn Downs; song by choir andschool , "While Angels Sang"; reci-tations, "A :Funny Tale", Edwa rd¦Downs; "The Wonderful T h i n j»Called CI- as", Mollv Neker-man ; "F Donald Tattle:"Christ* ¦". W i n V i e 1 dDowns; • tmes Hilly",Barbara A "A ChristmasLight", . !. ni . ,m in ; sniur bychoir and . "The WT.ise Men 'sQuest"; recii.eeions. "A Great. BinStar", John Nekerman ; "The WiseMen ", R o b e r t Watson, and "A"Christmas Stoekinr;", E d w a r dDowns.

Offering taken to buy eye-glasweifor poor boy in Sweetwater, 'feiin.Song bv congregation , "W h i 1 <•Shepherds Watchctl Their Flocks ",and Santa Claus arrived wi th gi l tsfor the school.


P R O G R A M ]In the Centereaeh Congregal 'iou- |

al church the ¦ following children Itook part: Kmiiy Mulh .-.' , I").,iv.i!".yWortley, Albert Ta.-ket. ShirleyOverton. 1'h'whe Hallock , 11 u I n ,Campbell. Robert Duliieid , . lunio: .Kich , Carul Corey, r iorenec 5!u!!;-/. ;Marion Smith , David O v e r t on . !Roger Teemley, Nellie X e w t o n. IVera Smith ,Xelson Newton. Thelma ,'Mills, Theodore Overton , Jean. . A n -jdtrsen, Merle Burr. Alton J)ufTield , iGeorge Emery and Hilda Burr. Two |vci-y beautiful piano solos wrrc- ;rendered by F r a n k Quattlander iand Viola Campbell. The Sunshine iclass presented a play entitled , "A :Radio Xmas", featuring Peggy An-dersen , Emma HslW'k . Gr.rtrudeBlydenburgh . M e I b a Campbellviolence Duffield. and Minnie Mol-ler, Charlotte Matyas and lle!;'nNorbeck as broadcasters.


C H U R C H E S \The X m a s programs in the !

Smithtown churches were well ai-1tended this year. The program for jthe Branch M. E. church was given |Tuesday evening, under the dirce- jtion of Mrs. -Ru th O'Berry, of St . :James. Sunftiy evening a most jpleasing program was presented inthe Presbyterian church and tht> «etaking part were f.iizabet'n Land. [Emily and Evelyn Intermen, Vir- :ginia and Alan Brown , Sara sj-'i v iLong, Jtidith Lyon , Florence Nel- ,son, Edith Burns , Harriet Arm- 1brust , Kafherine Nelse.n, .Tosejih !Land. Merritt Deutzman. Geo: ,re!Wakefield. George Arns. Hope Al-bee, Mary and Virginia Roge-s. Eli-nor LiJMort , Elinor Brentscn , RuthBurns, Margaret Long, M u r i e lDeutzman, Henry Arns. G e o rg eJone= , David Arns, Lillian Ander-sen and Elizabeth Vasseur.

Two selections, "0 Little Townof Bethlehem" and "Holy Night ",were .played by the t rumpet quar-tette, which corsisted of B»atriceLeMort, A r c h i e Kozlik, Will iamArns, and Albert Sanders. An-other very beautiful radio .j-ki-tclwas presented entitled , "The FirsGift", featuring iDoroth y LeMort aiRebecca , Harry Bergstein as JacobWilliam Arnst property managerw'inlhioi' Ai'nicisc-r, r.s Joe, cv.:Richard Zaverdel a-s the cen tu r i a iMarcus. Winthrop Andersen v/aialhO the announcer. The progranwas under the direction of MrsHarry LeMort , and was- a tremen-dous success, as always.


The Christmas en te r t a inment olthe Aquebottiie Sunday school , heldon Wednesday evening last , pj sxr-doff in a very pleasing manner. . OldSanta didn 't forget to vis i t theschool to the delight of the young-sters, all of whom were remember-ed with.oranges and 'candy. Muchcredit is duo. the children who par-ticipated in the prof, ram. as wellas the following commit tee ' .inc h a r g e of arrangements: MissAnnie M. Reeve. Mrs. Ell is D-i-.vn ;Miss Tviarv I. Kdwa i -ds . Mi-:- . •!. V,'.Warner , Covwin T u t h i l l nd j '-.j ei-Young, not forget t ing .. . ' Sanlahimself and Sunt , fiporge II. Reeve ,for Ihe valuable assistance whichthey rendered.

K u l h i w ing is 1 h ... |' i . .; - r u i n : .M;i re -n .M 'n i ; - I i .v e - h n i i ", s : i ; i ; i, i- .- . ;n 'I ' l a v r v . K e v . I . . \ . ,\ - i ; - : l :. :. . . - ,t a .' i i i r . . . .Mj . l i ' . ' l n i l . n , - . , II i ,- !• . ¦ : ¦ '<^' I I u i. g, a i - ,, 1 \ l : u j , . i i - l ' : , i „ .|i , - ,| ;

'. i i .'-ee u i r ! .- : l- i- e - i : : i i " < > i : . -. . l o n i ' i - i ' n -. -w i n and l{a l ;>h I I M I. M - ami I . - M - >'l o i i n g ; p i - i i n i n y .- . 111 14 ; - n- '-l - : . ,-:.l l o r i .-- a iul Sa ll y ( ' u w i i , : > n ! n . i ' ni - i : ; :i X i ' i - t "li! > > i > ; r r e - i i :¦ 1 : . . ! : - . ( , ! , n ; il l n i i i a i i , . l a in- ( ' .¦: i v i i i , W 'j , - .. i., . , .I i l a i n - h e V o u n g and V i i u : : i : n >' i : - . \ - ;solo, .Mur ie l Go u l a l o ; ^ , .n- li . :• ¦.¦, ¦boys: r e c i t a t i o n .,, l ! i ! , . :; K m : a ; : - 'Louis Uul se ; e x i ' i i - i .-c In- l i v e i „ , v

1, mi : . o n - . I ' . i l l i . . U o - .v i i . - . L u g ' - i 0N , . i ; . i - , .11 a nd H . < i n b v C o n , l a b - ;¦ I - :' . • ¦ ".' i - .: N t - - - ::::o o 1' ' ' l o -- 1 10:1^ ";

. ' ¦:;:: ¦!- : I y t i n - p i m i o r .nil 1 i n i 'ol i l ' .uI 'm M i m - m - r i a l K r l i i - I ' . a m i d ; :n '"'i! ¦ : - . . .1 0¦', :' :- \,\ San : 1 a i u l - - 1 "-

SAi; H . I K H O R C. D. A.A N N U A L X M A S PAR TY! i ;; . M . r j i l a v m i m i n g t i n Sao l l a i¦ o- li . a i i e -h '• - [ C a t h u l i - P a o - r h t i - r s:' \ : i . ..; - .: a in li i I h e i " a 11 n u ¦¦: '

. ' o i .ma . . | > a i t y a t the K. "I ' C ndli . r . M a i o m r i - m . Sa;, l i a r i i n v , n i m - -

., 1 ; , , . - , . n . n o b i ' i - i . f mi 'ml i i ' i - .- a n i l

i' , - i i mis w o ; . |i: 'i" on '.. T h e i Y a i U i e. -¦ : i : 1 . ( . v i ' i i i i u v »'j. t h e - MI . p r i m '

p a i t y t i - i i d i 'i' i - i l !¦• i - i i r g i a n d r e u i ' i i t .

.\ l , . . Gmi- g i - Ca ry . in l io i i .n - 1 I ' hei

i i e . e -i- . i n a i i i i t g i - '¦ a-, s i ag i - i l ' . |>er- .t r e - i : 1 : . . w ilh - '- o M i i i a a t .'«' 111' 11 ¦••j , : .m i - m i of I ' l ' i enHHi i f . -. a m i was{ '". ¦o o- ' i o i i l v - i' i i joyd by n i l . ( i a n i e - --an i l i i i . i i i e p i -ovi i lml e n l e i - t i i i i n n i - i i ll i i - m ighou t the evening. .Mrs. 1 'a r j\..a- - in-, seiited w i e h g i f t s of l lowers!, ., 1 - i n e i - r r wishes by her imuo1 m inis . A v i s i t f rom San ta Claus

ami a de l i gh t I'ul d i i ' i i e r l' ..l'.owed. ¦

Tile un . s- ' s ul ' h n i i . n we ' l l , ii '- '.. ' w o r - ¦

I h y I ' l l . - ip l l l i l l . t i n - Hev . l-' i - I' '- V. ¦

iVa;t„ , ',-, !¦ : | ioko and o x i c m k i l ¦

his gieel . i i 1 .' d r . . I 'a ry . w 110 i v - ¦^n o m t e i l * ill ..11 ai t '. .' '.v:t \\ M i s . HEdward Wagin-r was c i a i r l a n y 01 Sthe r o i n n i i t t H c and .Mis. Corl iand 1llen i r ic i i s made thi » wedding e-akc. 1Couil St. Andrew has I M - .- II busy 1th i s past year w i t h i-liarUilhle anil isocial a c l i e ' i t ies ami is sti-ailil«jg r o w i n g under the leiulm-ship ..I ' \h- ^Fgrand regent . Mi 's. George Car; Iwhose ef for ts are u n t i r i n g . I