Spurting innovation vision & profile

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee Ikigai Innovation Ikigai (Something important one lives for and the reason for being.)

Transcript of Spurting innovation vision & profile

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Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

Ikigai InnovationIkigai (Something important one lives for and the reason for being.)

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Spurting Innovation

Better ideas. Better future.Spurting is defined as sudden short bursts of energy, activity or growth. It is a gushing out of a liquid or in our case ideas and innovations in sudden and forceful streams.

Vision: Ikigai Innovation Ikigai (Something important one lives for and the reason for being.)

Mission: To support the spurting of grass-root innovation and help translate it into self-sustaining enterprise adding benefit to humanity.

Who are we?

We are a hub of creative innovators, who have joined together to explore how collectively we can face the future, with far greater productivity and efficiency. Spurting Innovation is a powerful platform for exploring and developing ideas and innovations. Any Innovator or deep thinker can express themselves here in a way that they can't anywhere else. We see Innovation as being vitally important and we believe it is our very reason for being. We exist to innovate, to transform our life and the lives of the people around us. We aim together create a better future for India, developing countries, ourselves and ultimately the whole world, through utilizing members’ skills, to get the most productive and efficient results we can.

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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“The Future of Innovation is based on Enlightenment”

Objectives. The primary objectives of Spurting Innovation are:

1. To help India become an innovative and creative society and a global leader in sustainable technologies by scouting, spawning and sustaining grassroots innovations.

2. To ensure evolution and diffusion of green grassroots innovation in a selective, time-bound and mission oriented basis so as to meet the socio-economic and environmental needs of our society.

3. To provide institutional support in scouting, spawning, sustaining and scaling up grassroots green innovations as well as outstanding traditional knowledge and helping their transition to self supporting activities.

4. It seeks self reliance through competitive advantage of innovation based enterprises and/or application of people generated sustainable technologies at grassroots level.

5. To build linkages between excellence in formal scientific systems and informal knowledge systems and create a knowledge network to link various stakeholders through application of information technology and other means.

6. To promote wider social awareness, and possible applications, of the know-how generated as a result of these initiatives in commercial or social spheres and encourage its incorporation in educational curriculum, developmental policies and programs

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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What do we do?

We ask the tough questions and challenge pre-existing ideas so as to discover the best solution(s) to any problem. We work together to ensure that we have all the tools, resources and talent at our finger tips. We work in teams to research, to innovate and to overcome any problem that block our paths. As an individual we may be weak; but together we are unstoppable.

What we are doing will transform the lives of our members and the wider global community as we stand together equipped with the knowledge and tools to face the future. We expand our solution and knowledge base in all areas of life through the Solution Portal. Our mission is to cause a sudden gushing/spurting out of Ikigai Innovation starting right from the grass-roots. We will then help translate and transform this spurting/gushing out of ideas and innovation into self-sustaining enterprises that bring a great number of benefits to the world.

What are we trying to achieve?

Our main aims are to bring together and utilize available potential. To be the one place where people can become both inspired and enlightened, to bring out the best and brightest in those who are seeking opportunities to unleash their hidden creative powers… so that we can all benefit from this great pool of hidden resource and talent which everyone has some of, and to set their spark of creativity alight. Thereby, allowing people to realize that once propelled into the air, they have wings that can take them above and beyond any obstacle that would keep them stuck. We aim to be the place where ideas and innovations can be easily transformed into useful products, tools and resources.

Our vision is to transform as many lives as we can through both providing the tools and knowledge necessary (Ikigai)

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Please join us on: Linkedin Facebook Follow us on: Twitter our website http://www.spurtinginnovation.com is currently under development

Join Us Take action now!!! Spurting Innovation is about transformation and action.

Together we can create spurting innovation. Spurting Innovation is not just about Ideas, it is about bringing them to fruition; it is about turning them into action.

Our members work in three main areas/departments. The first work to promote Spurting Innovations, to connect Talent to departments and Teams, to ensure adequate Finance, and to make sure everyone knows what is happening. The second work to help provide the research, knowledge and skills necessary to bring products or services to market. The third works to provide tools, Information and Technology services to support Product development and work in project teams to turn ideas into reality.

How do you think you can contribute to this great cause? When you look at one of the areas/departments can you see one you would fit well in? Do you have an idea or innovation that you would like to see developed and brought to market? Do you love working in teams to make things happen? Whoever you are Spurting Innovation is the place for you Email [email protected] now. Include what department or area you would like to contribute in, List any skills or talents you have

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Goals: 2012-2015

2012-15 Find 500 Ideas that translate into 50 workable projects that result in 1 flagship success.

1-2nd Year (2012-13) * Start idea gatheringSetup Organization and network (develop PowerMatrix - Database) Develop tools (A COMPLETE INNOVATION MANAGEMENT APPLICATION/TOOL -A PRIZE BASED GAMIFICATION SYSTEM TO REVOLUTIONISE R&D, Semantic Web 3.0)We are expected to evolve as the third way for SMEs to synergistically combine closed and open innovation. Trust is supposed to be the enabling parameter in balancing necessary multiple relationships with communities. “Semantic Technologies” Web 3.0 (the “Semantic Web”) is based on the attempt to capture the meaning (semantics) of information and to cross-link knowledge by using so called meta-data (context-data) making it possible for the Web to "understand" and satisfy the requests of people and machines to use its content. Semantic Technologies are the most prominent enablers for the transition from data and information to knowledge.

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

3-4th Year (2013-14)

Ramp-up the idea gathering.Start evaluating ideas for potential to become projects.

5th year (2015)

TBA (Normal Operations: Idea>Project>Testing>Industrialization)Prepare next year Plan and strategy based on previous progress.

Geographical Scope:

Developing Countries (Global) (initial India-focus, unless prospective project is geo-specific and workable)

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Project Categorization

Here are the categories in which we'll be considering ideas:

Community: How can we help connect people, build communities and protect unique cultures?

Opportunity: How can we help people better provide for themselves and their families?

Energy: How can we help move the world toward safe, clean, inexpensive energy?

Environment: How can we help promote a cleaner and more sustainable global ecosystem?

Health: How can we help individuals lead longer, healthier lives?

Education: How can we help more people get more access to better education?

Shelter: How can we help ensure that everyone has a safe place to live?

Everything else: Sometimes the best ideas don't fit into any category at all.

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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CTO – Spurting Innovation

Michael is an expert in making scientific research results applicable to today’s environments, to connect research to business and vice versa. He is an ICT Advisor and Strategic ICT Consultant, his company is a member of a number of multi-national technology working groups.http://de.linkedin.com/in/michaelfehse

CEO – Spurting Innovation.Alleš is enthusiastic individual dedicated to innovation; he currently also serves as assistant CEO at a top European lighting manufacturer and volunteers as project management support at Mars Desert Research Station.http://sk.linkedin.com/in/alesnohel

Evangelist – Spurting Innovation Sanjay Rathee : By visualizing the impossible, we begin to see it as possible. There are dominant ideas in every field. Lets purposefully challenge these dominant ideas in order to conceive new possibilities. We have to dig for treasure in our own backyard. IF U CAN DREAM U CAN BRING http://in.linkedin.com/in/sanjayrathee

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Corporate Governance

Nucleus Board Structure and Selection:

Nucleus should comprise of minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 members based on the scope of activities, needs of the organization as well as the availability of volunteer members. The board should be elected based on criteria determined after year-one evaluation of the organizational needs.

Tenure:Director tenure is not limited but members need to be reelected each year.

Note: We need to evaluate who would vote for the board, who would nominate and what the criteria for nomination would be. We should also discuss whether we could have 2 external board members (to bring us to ideal 5 members) but this is prerequisite by year one success.

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Duties of Nucleus:

To Oversee Management and Evaluate Strategy. The fundamental responsibility of the directors is to exercise their business judgment to act in what they reasonably believe to be the best interests of SI and its stakeholders. The Board also evaluates SI‘s overall strategy and monitors performance against its operating plan and against the performance of its peers.

The Nucleus must meet on regular basis (minimum weekly frequency) to discuss operational and strategic matters.

The Nucleus must drive the success of the organization and live the vision of SI: Ikigai innovation and respect the law and culture of all of SI’s stakeholders. The Nucleus must conduct themselves according to the Ethical Code of Conduct and present SI in the best possible manner to ensure synergistic relationships with each other, clients and partners.

Whenever needed the Nucleus should seek the advice of expert volunteers and should quote these resources.

The Nucleus needs to maintain relevant ongoing education to provide SI with competitive edge.

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee

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Ethical Code of Conduct:

1.Respect the law2.Seek to understand and respect the culture of SI and its stakeholders.3.Do not seek personal benefit at the expense of SI or its stakeholders.4.Ensure financial integrity, responsibility and transparency.5.Respect others and do not discriminate.6.Respect confidentiality of SI and its stakeholders.7.Protect SI interests and assets.


Sanjay Rathee+91 [email protected]@spurtinginnovation.com

B-31, PALAM KUNJ, SECTOR-7, DWARKANEW DELHI-110075 http://www.spurtinginnovation.com

Confidential and © Sanjay Rathee